Re: Finding a developer

2012-06-26 Thread Doug Snyder
How much you need to worry about differences in ROR or django infistructure
probably depends a lot on what your project entails. How much is it a job
that requires a framework? Django or ROR can be used for pretty common
generic web projects like a simple CMS system or it can be used for an
involved web app that's got a lot of specific functionality. I guess you
have to look at your specific functional needs and see how demanding or not
they are and get a basic idea of how they might work under either
framework. I've got a web app brewing in the back of my mind ( that I
haven't coded yet :-/ and it relies on functionality through a specific
mathematical python package. Python has a lot of packages written for it
that may or may not have anything to do with web development. I'm not a ROR
person, but I think ROR and Ruby itself have much less packages written for
it since its more of a web development and server scripting language, while
python is the language of choice for a lot of people that want to write
code in an easy language with quick development time. For 99% of web
projects this aspect of python may be completely irrelevant because you
won't be using any of its plethera of packages. But is you need some
specific, not so common functionality, see if there's some python code that
does what you want, and if Ruby has that also. I like python in general,
and so when I write websites its natural to use django.
If you're doing something more like a run of the mill website there's less
concern about which framework you choose.
But if you are going to scale or use large data stores and use
alternative's to your SQL DB and really push the limits there's a lot of
considerations that I'm not really up on . . . but you should either
understand these or find someone else that does ( not me :-0 )


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Kurtis Mullins wrote:

> If you are doing the work yourself, use whichever you prefer. If you are
> paying someone else to do the work, give them the freedom to choose what to
> use. Just find someone who can complete the task at hand within your budget
> and the toolset really shouldn't matter -- as long as they're not doing it
> in some manner that no other developer will ever touch the code base.
> --
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Re: Is their an easy way to implement an ordered list of, say, urls in Django

2012-12-26 Thread Doug Snyder
OK, cool, thanks.
I'll keep in mind the custom SQL solution for the future but for this
project I think I do the editing on the front end ( see below)
I have a strange background where I'm learning django but have never used
SQL outside of django's ORM.
I haven't played around with custom SQL since I don't know it.
Is it just a matter of basically copying the code you listed above and
putting that somewhere in my model?

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber

> > I could also load the whole list into memory while editing and then save
> it
> > to the db once all editing was
> > complete.
> And updating ALL records one at a time is better than updating a
> bunch of "order" fields in one query
> This proposal is equivalent to just dumping the database table and
> creating it new on every addition of a record. If the data is not being
> used in any join operations you might as well just save it as a CSV file
> and reload that each time.

Yea, sorry I wasn't very clear. I am thinking of doing the editing on the
front end using KnockOutJS which is a ModelView  ViewModel implementation
in javascript. So I would pass the list to KnockOutJS in a mirrored data
structure and edit it there. SO I guess it is like dumping the whole list,
but since I want the user to edit it on the front end the ineficiency is
acceptable. I guess Javascript lends itself better to editing and inserting
to an ordered list than SQL does and the data has to go the front end

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Re: What to Django people have to say about Javascript frameworks to complement Django's philosophy on the front end

2013-04-17 Thread Doug Snyder
Another framework I looked at is SproutCore. This seems to be more focused
around widgets like many javascript libraries have been before it. I'm not
sure how extensible these widgets are and how quickly I would run into
limitations of using them for things they weren't specifically designed for.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Doug S  wrote:

> I hope this is OK to talk Javascript in this Django group, I'm hoping its
> relevant to enough Django folks to not be distracting.
> I'm relatively new to Django, but my impression is that a few years ago
> most django people prescribed to the wisdom of keeping javascript to a
> minimum and just using simple JQuery to do simple tasks. Now I think heavy
> Javascript usage is more of reality especially with the shift to more
> mobile web apps, and that the Javascript community is stepping up and
> providing some nice frameworks that can make django people feel a little
> more at home using javascript, more high level frameworks that use MVC
> architecture. I'm starting a few projects where I'll want to essentially
> mirror my django models on the front end to allow editing with out page
> refreshes, front end form validation, and switching between views that are
> downloaded in one request but displayed only according to the state of the
> front end javascript view state. I want nice seemless AJAX communcation
> between the front and back end. I'm aware of a few Javascript libraries
> that are focused around these things and improving javascript web app
> development in general. KnockOutJS caught my eye at first and I did some
> work with that. I found some things worked really fast and really easy, but
> then once I tried more complex things I saw what I think where limitations
> in its extensibility. Since I'm pretty inexperienced with it, I'm not sure
> if this was my lack of experience or deficiencies in the framework. Then I
> found out about Ember,js and it seemed to me like a more complete framework
> ( it tagline is 'Ambitious Web Apps' ) that could probably handle almost
> any situation that I would use it for, although for simple views it
> required a tad more code to be written than KnockOutJS. My first experience
> with Ember last weekend was pretty frustrating, working off what looks like
> the only example in the docs and finding myself buried in errors that were
> entirely foreign to me. This may be beginners luck but I also heard someone
> more experienced express frustration with the learning curve and lack of
> examples in the docs. I've just become aware of a number of Javascript
> libraries that seem to do related things that will be useful for my needs
> above. AngularJS I think is gaining popularity quickly and seems to be
> selling itself as a simple solution that can be extended in any variety of
> ways ( much like django ). I tend to feel good about trusting Google but I
> wonder if what I think is a more structured approach in Ember js is a wiser
> choice for me. I've also read about Spine, which describes itself as a
> simple lightweight MVC framework. Backbone is apparently a library entirely
> concerned with front end data models but not databinding or routing. I
> found a library called Batman intended for Rails but since a Google search
> for django and batman is all about movies and not programming I'm guessing
> no one has adapted this JS lib for django. All of what I'm writing is not
> based on expertise or experience, what I'm really hoping for is some hints
> from django people about what they use or what the pros and cons of the
> different options for javascript frameworks are, and to encourage
> discussion about this that might be useful to a lot of django people
> looking to bridge the front end with backend. Feel free to stretch the
> boundaries of my questions if you even think I've given any clear
> boundaries, assume that you know more than I, and if you're wrong, no
> worries, this discussion is as much for your education as it is for mine.
>  --
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Re: What to Django people have to say about Javascript frameworks to complement Django's philosophy on the front end

2013-04-18 Thread Doug Snyder
Another interesting library just launched is Webbot ( ). This is actually a python lib intended for
django and app engine that lets you write generalized front end UI's using
python and has a GUI that helps you build them by generating python for the
UI without writing any code. It looks like an awesome idea, but I'm sure
its not super mature yet but it looks like an abstract frame work that can
be built off to build in support for what ever front end technologies you
choose. It would be cool to see this project grow and for people to
contribute code that adapts the abstract python UI representations to
different javascript and front end libraries and technologies. The author,
Timothy Crosley is on this Google Group and Webbot also has its own Google
Group here:!forum/webbot

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 2:12 AM, Doug Snyder  wrote:

> Another framework I looked at is SproutCore. This seems to be more focused
> around widgets like many javascript libraries have been before it. I'm not
> sure how extensible these widgets are and how quickly I would run into
> limitations of using them for things they weren't specifically designed for.
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Doug S  wrote:
>> I hope this is OK to talk Javascript in this Django group, I'm hoping its
>> relevant to enough Django folks to not be distracting.
>> I'm relatively new to Django, but my impression is that a few years ago
>> most django people prescribed to the wisdom of keeping javascript to a
>> minimum and just using simple JQuery to do simple tasks. Now I think heavy
>> Javascript usage is more of reality especially with the shift to more
>> mobile web apps, and that the Javascript community is stepping up and
>> providing some nice frameworks that can make django people feel a little
>> more at home using javascript, more high level frameworks that use MVC
>> architecture. I'm starting a few projects where I'll want to essentially
>> mirror my django models on the front end to allow editing with out page
>> refreshes, front end form validation, and switching between views that are
>> downloaded in one request but displayed only according to the state of the
>> front end javascript view state. I want nice seemless AJAX communcation
>> between the front and back end. I'm aware of a few Javascript libraries
>> that are focused around these things and improving javascript web app
>> development in general. KnockOutJS caught my eye at first and I did some
>> work with that. I found some things worked really fast and really easy, but
>> then once I tried more complex things I saw what I think where limitations
>> in its extensibility. Since I'm pretty inexperienced with it, I'm not sure
>> if this was my lack of experience or deficiencies in the framework. Then I
>> found out about Ember,js and it seemed to me like a more complete framework
>> ( it tagline is 'Ambitious Web Apps' ) that could probably handle almost
>> any situation that I would use it for, although for simple views it
>> required a tad more code to be written than KnockOutJS. My first experience
>> with Ember last weekend was pretty frustrating, working off what looks like
>> the only example in the docs and finding myself buried in errors that were
>> entirely foreign to me. This may be beginners luck but I also heard someone
>> more experienced express frustration with the learning curve and lack of
>> examples in the docs. I've just become aware of a number of Javascript
>> libraries that seem to do related things that will be useful for my needs
>> above. AngularJS I think is gaining popularity quickly and seems to be
>> selling itself as a simple solution that can be extended in any variety of
>> ways ( much like django ). I tend to feel good about trusting Google but I
>> wonder if what I think is a more structured approach in Ember js is a wiser
>> choice for me. I've also read about Spine, which describes itself as a
>> simple lightweight MVC framework. Backbone is apparently a library entirely
>> concerned with front end data models but not databinding or routing. I
>> found a library called Batman intended for Rails but since a Google search
>> for django and batman is all about movies and not programming I'm guessing
>> no one has adapted this JS lib for django. All of what I'm writing is not
>> based on expertise or experience, what I'm really hoping for is some hints
>> from django people about what they use or what the pros and cons of the
>> different options for javascript frameworks are, and to encourage

Re: What to Django people have to say about Javascript frameworks to complement Django's philosophy on the front end

2013-04-18 Thread Doug Snyder
Sorry, looks like I was wrong about batman. It can work with django, I just
forget sometimes that more people watch movies than write web apps.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Doug Snyder  wrote:

> Another interesting library just launched is Webbot (
> ). This is actually a python lib intended for
> django and app engine that lets you write generalized front end UI's using
> python and has a GUI that helps you build them by generating python for the
> UI without writing any code. It looks like an awesome idea, but I'm sure
> its not super mature yet but it looks like an abstract frame work that can
> be built off to build in support for what ever front end technologies you
> choose. It would be cool to see this project grow and for people to
> contribute code that adapts the abstract python UI representations to
> different javascript and front end libraries and technologies. The author,
> Timothy Crosley is on this Google Group and Webbot also has its own Google
> Group here:!forum/webbot
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 2:12 AM, Doug Snyder wrote:
>> Another framework I looked at is SproutCore. This seems to be more
>> focused around widgets like many javascript libraries have been before it.
>> I'm not sure how extensible these widgets are and how quickly I would run
>> into limitations of using them for things they weren't specifically
>> designed for.
>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:53 AM, Doug S  wrote:
>>> I hope this is OK to talk Javascript in this Django group, I'm hoping
>>> its relevant to enough Django folks to not be distracting.
>>> I'm relatively new to Django, but my impression is that a few years ago
>>> most django people prescribed to the wisdom of keeping javascript to a
>>> minimum and just using simple JQuery to do simple tasks. Now I think heavy
>>> Javascript usage is more of reality especially with the shift to more
>>> mobile web apps, and that the Javascript community is stepping up and
>>> providing some nice frameworks that can make django people feel a little
>>> more at home using javascript, more high level frameworks that use MVC
>>> architecture. I'm starting a few projects where I'll want to essentially
>>> mirror my django models on the front end to allow editing with out page
>>> refreshes, front end form validation, and switching between views that are
>>> downloaded in one request but displayed only according to the state of the
>>> front end javascript view state. I want nice seemless AJAX communcation
>>> between the front and back end. I'm aware of a few Javascript libraries
>>> that are focused around these things and improving javascript web app
>>> development in general. KnockOutJS caught my eye at first and I did some
>>> work with that. I found some things worked really fast and really easy, but
>>> then once I tried more complex things I saw what I think where limitations
>>> in its extensibility. Since I'm pretty inexperienced with it, I'm not sure
>>> if this was my lack of experience or deficiencies in the framework. Then I
>>> found out about Ember,js and it seemed to me like a more complete framework
>>> ( it tagline is 'Ambitious Web Apps' ) that could probably handle almost
>>> any situation that I would use it for, although for simple views it
>>> required a tad more code to be written than KnockOutJS. My first experience
>>> with Ember last weekend was pretty frustrating, working off what looks like
>>> the only example in the docs and finding myself buried in errors that were
>>> entirely foreign to me. This may be beginners luck but I also heard someone
>>> more experienced express frustration with the learning curve and lack of
>>> examples in the docs. I've just become aware of a number of Javascript
>>> libraries that seem to do related things that will be useful for my needs
>>> above. AngularJS I think is gaining popularity quickly and seems to be
>>> selling itself as a simple solution that can be extended in any variety of
>>> ways ( much like django ). I tend to feel good about trusting Google but I
>>> wonder if what I think is a more structured approach in Ember js is a wiser
>>> choice for me. I've also read about Spine, which describes itself as a
>>> simple lightweight MVC framework. Backbone is apparently a library entirely
>>> concerned with front end data models but not databinding or routing. I
>>> found a library called Batm

Re: django , python and ides

2013-06-01 Thread Doug Snyder
I use an IDE called Aptana Studio 3 and like it.
I can't say that I've tried a lot of IDEs and I tend to get more
opinionated about programming languages and technologies than editors
but when I got into Django I looked at some options and found Aptana to be
the most full featured free and platform independent option that I could
dig up. Its meant to be a web development IDE so it has some nice
HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery niceities like code coloring, code completion
and things ( which helps me get through the design and onto the important
stuff: Django ). Aptana is built on top of PyDev, the python plugin for
Eclipse ( which has been an opensource standard IDE for a good long time ),
so its got everything python from PyDev and then has a few Django
conveniences built in too, like some common command line django commands
available from the IDE's GUI, and a (i)python shell that loads up your
django environment and lets you do stuff like play with your models to get
them working before you add in extended admin functionality for them or
cook up a proper web interface.
One complaint I have with it is that its a little hard to work with Aptana
Django projects if you are developing them on multiple computers because
the project profile has hard coded paths. The work around is to ignore them
in your version control. One the first computer you start the project with,
Aptana and PyDev will create well formed project meta data file ( one for
each ). You manually copy the new computer and manually edit the hidden
files and change the file paths in the XML to fit the different file
system. It could be worse and I'll probably stop complaining once I write a
script to do it for me.
All around Aptana offers a lot.
I'm believe in simplicity when it comes to programming
When it comes to IDEs I believe in convenience.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Jacky Tedy  wrote:

> I just use Vim
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Re: django , python and ides

2013-06-01 Thread Doug Snyder
one free one on LInux I'd avoid is SPE IDE - Stani's Python Editor
It's just too old and in the dark ages
I had a lot of problems with encodings and white space/indentation
nightmares when taking my code from it to other editors

If you go with a simple text editor on Linux try Kate,
its got some minimal Python functionality built in like code coloring and
intelligent indentation

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Doug Snyder  wrote:

> I use an IDE called Aptana Studio 3 and like it.
> I can't say that I've tried a lot of IDEs and I tend to get more
> opinionated about programming languages and technologies than editors
> but when I got into Django I looked at some options and found Aptana to be
> the most full featured free and platform independent option that I could
> dig up. Its meant to be a web development IDE so it has some nice
> HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery niceities like code coloring, code completion
> and things ( which helps me get through the design and onto the important
> stuff: Django ). Aptana is built on top of PyDev, the python plugin for
> Eclipse ( which has been an opensource standard IDE for a good long time ),
> so its got everything python from PyDev and then has a few Django
> conveniences built in too, like some common command line django commands
> available from the IDE's GUI, and a (i)python shell that loads up your
> django environment and lets you do stuff like play with your models to get
> them working before you add in extended admin functionality for them or
> cook up a proper web interface.
> One complaint I have with it is that its a little hard to work with Aptana
> Django projects if you are developing them on multiple computers because
> the project profile has hard coded paths. The work around is to ignore them
> in your version control. One the first computer you start the project with,
> Aptana and PyDev will create well formed project meta data file ( one for
> each ). You manually copy the new computer and manually edit the hidden
> files and change the file paths in the XML to fit the different file
> system. It could be worse and I'll probably stop complaining once I write a
> script to do it for me.
> All around Aptana offers a lot.
> I'm believe in simplicity when it comes to programming
> When it comes to IDEs I believe in convenience.
> On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Jacky Tedy  wrote:
>> I just use Vim
>> --
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Re: django , python and ides

2013-06-01 Thread Doug Snyder
Hey I just ran into a new opensource Python IDE that looks interesting that
wasn't around when I commited to Aptana
review at:

Has anyone used this yet?

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Doug Snyder  wrote:

> one free one on LInux I'd avoid is SPE IDE - Stani's Python Editor
> It's just too old and in the dark ages
> I had a lot of problems with encodings and white space/indentation
> nightmares when taking my code from it to other editors
> If you go with a simple text editor on Linux try Kate,
> its got some minimal Python functionality built in like code coloring and
> intelligent indentation
> On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Doug Snyder  wrote:
>> I use an IDE called Aptana Studio 3 and like it.
>> I can't say that I've tried a lot of IDEs and I tend to get more
>> opinionated about programming languages and technologies than editors
>> but when I got into Django I looked at some options and found Aptana to
>> be the most full featured free and platform independent option that I could
>> dig up. Its meant to be a web development IDE so it has some nice
>> HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery niceities like code coloring, code completion
>> and things ( which helps me get through the design and onto the important
>> stuff: Django ). Aptana is built on top of PyDev, the python plugin for
>> Eclipse ( which has been an opensource standard IDE for a good long time ),
>> so its got everything python from PyDev and then has a few Django
>> conveniences built in too, like some common command line django commands
>> available from the IDE's GUI, and a (i)python shell that loads up your
>> django environment and lets you do stuff like play with your models to get
>> them working before you add in extended admin functionality for them or
>> cook up a proper web interface.
>> One complaint I have with it is that its a little hard to work with
>> Aptana Django projects if you are developing them on multiple computers
>> because the project profile has hard coded paths. The work around is to
>> ignore them in your version control. One the first computer you start the
>> project with, Aptana and PyDev will create well formed project meta data
>> file ( one for each ). You manually copy the new computer and manually edit
>> the hidden files and change the file paths in the XML to fit the different
>> file system. It could be worse and I'll probably stop complaining once I
>> write a script to do it for me.
>> All around Aptana offers a lot.
>> I'm believe in simplicity when it comes to programming
>> When it comes to IDEs I believe in convenience.
>> On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Jacky Tedy  wrote:
>>> I just use Vim
>>> --
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>>> Groups "Django users" group.
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Re: saving latitude and longitude values in django

2013-06-04 Thread Doug Snyder
I think you'd at least want to use either a DecimalField or FloatField for
the lat & long numbers.
There's a nice GIS package in django called GeoDjango, it has lots of built
in functionality for all kinds of geographical things.
This may be over kill for your application but I thought I'd let you know
it exists.
One thing it allows you to do is query the DB based on location, i.e.
distance between points with lat & long.
You could compute this using a standard norm calculation but its slow
compared to using a native DB query.

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:49 AM, Sivaram R  wrote:

> class Geolocation(models.Model):
> user = models.ForeignKey(User, null=False)
> location_latitude = models.CharField('Latitude', max_length=20, 
> null=True, blank=True)
> location_longitude = models.CharField('Longitude', max_length=20, 
> null=True, blank=True)
> In my application,i am using google map using Javascript.Latitude and
> longitude values are displayed in map using marker,i need to get both
> values from map and save to database using Python.
> 1.I want to know how to get the values from map and save.
> 2.How to right view function and form.
>  --
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Re: Psycopg2 on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard)

2013-10-27 Thread Doug Snyder
I don't have a very specific answer for your question. I just started doing
my django dev on OSX coming from Ubuntu
My understanding is that Home Brew is a better solution than Mac Ports, I
have heard some people being very critical of Mac Ports which I think was
once the best solution for python environments on OSX but I think has been
mostly replaced by Home Brew. Switching over may solve your problem
automatically and may make life easier down the road too. But maybe someone
else will have a more knowledgable, specific answer to your specific
Another solution that doesn't require and headaches is that Mavericks, the
new OSX release may still be free for download. They announced it was free
but the way they worded it made it sound like it may have only been free
for the day it came out. Not sure if that's a road you want to go down or
Good Luck,

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Skip Montanaro

> I'm working my way through my first non-tutorial Django project. I
> plan to deploy it (at least initially) on Heroku. I'm at the point
> where I have my basic structure laid out and am proceeding to model
> definition. Heroku's default database is PostgreSQL, which I'm
> comfortable with, and seems to be installed properly there. The
> locally built psycopg2 module (2.5.1) is missing libssl, however:
> (venv)topten% python shell
> ImportError:
> dlopen(/Users/skip/heroku/topten/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/,
> 2): Library not loaded: libssl.1.0.0.dylib
>   Referenced from:
> /Users/skip/heroku/topten/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/
>   Reason: image not found
> Looking on my Mac running Snow Leopard (10.6.8), I only see 0.9.x
> versions of libssl in /usr/lib. I have no libssl in my MacPorts
> directory (/opt/local/lib).
> Where did whatever built psycopg2 (pip?) get the idea that I had
> libssl 1.0? More importantly, how can I get past this bump in the
> road?
> Thanks,
> Skip Montanaro
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trouble going from django on Windows to Ubuntu using Eclipse & Aptana Studio

2011-07-17 Thread Doug Snyder
Hi I'm pretty new to Django but I had an app working OK so far in
WIdnows in Eclipse with the Aptana Studio plugin. I installed Eclipse
and Aptana on a Ubuntu 11 machine and copied the code into a new
project and when I try to run the (development) server I get some
errors in django itself that are incomprehensible to me:

Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/core/management/", line 379, in execute
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/core/management/", line 191, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/core/management/", line 220, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/core/management/commands/", line 67, in handle*args, **options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/core/management/commands/", line 76, in run
autoreload.main(self.inner_run, args, options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/utils/", line 131, in main
reloader(main_func, args, kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/utils/", line 104, in python_reloader
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/utils/", line 83, in reloader_thread
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.3-py2.7.egg/
django/utils/", line 77, in ensure_echo_on
attr_list = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
termios.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')
Finished "/home/dug/workspace/snyder_link/src/snyder_link/
runserver" execution.

Could someone explain where the problems might be?
Even a beginning of a solution would be appreciated as I don't know
where to begin


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Re: Angular and Django

2014-06-22 Thread Doug Snyder
be sure to check out:  django-angular

I'm just starting to use angular and django together.
I plan on using django's integration with Content Delivery Networks to
serve static files including the Angular app files
( AngularJS itself can already be served with content delivery just by
using  the URL google provides:
but also image files that require fast response time.
Django has nice tools to preprocess static files using the


Things like 3rd party logins are basically solved and modularized into
prepackaged apps:

I also use python libraries that aren't associated with django,
there's really not much that ISN'T written in python these days.
I am able to get nice packages to access Web API.

I'm using GIS data in one of my projects and django makes it really easy

which pulls together many ongoing GIS packages all into one simple,
extensible interface that fits right into django.
So I guess there's a lot of reasons to use django with Angular, but it
depends on what you are trying to do.
Moving stuff to the front end does make the back end less important, but
you still need a backend unless you can really
do what you need to with solutions that basically amount to having your
Angular app have all the functionality and having
storage in a cloud db.
I've also thought of using Flask, another python web dev platform. Its
supposed to be lighter weight than django,
but lighter on functionality and conveniences and an active developer
network. If I wasn't using any python awesomeness,
maybe a Flask backend would improve server performance, but everything I'm
working on can benefit from django so I
haven't taken the time to learn Flask.

Hope this helps.
Django and AngularJS are two scoops of webdev icecream with sparkles. Hope
you enjoy.


On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Glen Jungels  wrote:

> When I am finally able to get django to work, I plan on doing this.  I
> think the client side processing of Angular will be a nice complement to
> Django on the back end.
> On Jun 22, 2014 5:12 AM, "zweb"  wrote:
>> I was looking at Angular and looks like it does many of the thing Django
>> Templates does but on the client side.
>> Are you using Angular with Django? How is the experience? What are the
>> /pros/cons? What are using django for and what are you using angular for?
>> Is django pretty much a rest framework  with business logic and DB
>> access? (when used with Angular)
>>  --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Django users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> .
>> For more options, visit
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
> Visit this group at
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> .
> For more options, visit

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Django users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To post to this group, send email to
Visit this group at
To view this discussion on the web visit
For more options, visit

Re: Angular and Django

2014-06-22 Thread Doug Snyder
compared to other js webapp solutions like Ember or Knockout,
Angular is more powerful but maybe a steaper learning curve.
It lets you get really under the hood and has a unique feature called
directives where you're essentially creating html tags to use as widgets.
Its state of the art and Google folks aren't afraid of getting into the
As people write more and more reuseable directives to share around,
its going to become more and more powerful.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Doug Snyder  wrote:

> be sure to check out:  django-angular
> <>
> I'm just starting to use angular and django together.
> I plan on using django's integration with Content Delivery Networks to
> serve static files including the Angular app files
> ( AngularJS itself can already be served with content delivery just by
> using  the URL google provides:
> but also image files that require fast response time.
> Django has nice tools to preprocess static files using the
> django-compressor <>
> Things like 3rd party logins are basically solved and modularized into
> prepackaged apps:
> django-social-auth <>
> I also use python libraries that aren't associated with django,
> there's really not much that ISN'T written in python these days.
> I am able to get nice packages to access Web API.
> I'm using GIS data in one of my projects and django makes it really easy
> with:
> GeoDjango <>
> which pulls together many ongoing GIS packages all into one simple,
> extensible interface that fits right into django.
> So I guess there's a lot of reasons to use django with Angular, but it
> depends on what you are trying to do.
> Moving stuff to the front end does make the back end less important, but
> you still need a backend unless you can really
> do what you need to with solutions that basically amount to having your
> Angular app have all the functionality and having
> storage in a cloud db.
> I've also thought of using Flask, another python web dev platform. Its
> supposed to be lighter weight than django,
> but lighter on functionality and conveniences and an active developer
> network. If I wasn't using any python awesomeness,
> maybe a Flask backend would improve server performance, but everything I'm
> working on can benefit from django so I
> haven't taken the time to learn Flask.
> Hope this helps.
> Django and AngularJS are two scoops of webdev icecream with sparkles. Hope
> you enjoy.
> Doug
> On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Glen Jungels 
> wrote:
>> When I am finally able to get django to work, I plan on doing this.  I
>> think the client side processing of Angular will be a nice complement to
>> Django on the back end.
>>  On Jun 22, 2014 5:12 AM, "zweb"  wrote:
>>> I was looking at Angular and looks like it does many of the thing Django
>>> Templates does but on the client side.
>>> Are you using Angular with Django? How is the experience? What are the
>>> /pros/cons? What are using django for and what are you using angular for?
>>> Is django pretty much a rest framework  with business logic and DB
>>> access? (when used with Angular)
>>>  --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "Django users" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>> an email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> <>
>>> .
>>> For more options, visit
>>  --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Django users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send 

Re: Angular and Django

2014-06-22 Thread Doug Snyder
Angular directives and binding are actually more powerful than Django's

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Doug Snyder  wrote:

> compared to other js webapp solutions like Ember or Knockout,
> Angular is more powerful but maybe a steaper learning curve.
> It lets you get really under the hood and has a unique feature called
> directives where you're essentially creating html tags to use as widgets.
> Its state of the art and Google folks aren't afraid of getting into the
> pudding.
> As people write more and more reuseable directives to share around,
> its going to become more and more powerful.
> On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Doug Snyder 
> wrote:
>> be sure to check out:  django-angular
>> <>
>> I'm just starting to use angular and django together.
>> I plan on using django's integration with Content Delivery Networks to
>> serve static files including the Angular app files
>> ( AngularJS itself can already be served with content delivery just by
>> using  the URL google provides:
>> but also image files that require fast response time.
>> Django has nice tools to preprocess static files using the
>> django-compressor <>
>> Things like 3rd party logins are basically solved and modularized into
>> prepackaged apps:
>> django-social-auth <>
>> I also use python libraries that aren't associated with django,
>> there's really not much that ISN'T written in python these days.
>> I am able to get nice packages to access Web API.
>> I'm using GIS data in one of my projects and django makes it really easy
>> with:
>> GeoDjango <>
>> which pulls together many ongoing GIS packages all into one simple,
>> extensible interface that fits right into django.
>> So I guess there's a lot of reasons to use django with Angular, but it
>> depends on what you are trying to do.
>> Moving stuff to the front end does make the back end less important, but
>> you still need a backend unless you can really
>> do what you need to with solutions that basically amount to having your
>> Angular app have all the functionality and having
>> storage in a cloud db.
>> I've also thought of using Flask, another python web dev platform. Its
>> supposed to be lighter weight than django,
>> but lighter on functionality and conveniences and an active developer
>> network. If I wasn't using any python awesomeness,
>> maybe a Flask backend would improve server performance, but everything
>> I'm working on can benefit from django so I
>> haven't taken the time to learn Flask.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Django and AngularJS are two scoops of webdev icecream with sparkles.
>> Hope you enjoy.
>> Doug
>> On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Glen Jungels 
>> wrote:
>>> When I am finally able to get django to work, I plan on doing this.  I
>>> think the client side processing of Angular will be a nice complement to
>>> Django on the back end.
>>>  On Jun 22, 2014 5:12 AM, "zweb"  wrote:
>>>> I was looking at Angular and looks like it does many of the thing
>>>> Django Templates does but on the client side.
>>>> Are you using Angular with Django? How is the experience? What are the
>>>> /pros/cons? What are using django for and what are you using angular for?
>>>> Is django pretty much a rest framework  with business logic and DB
>>>> access? (when used with Angular)
>>>>  --
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>> Groups "Django users" group.
>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>>> an email to
>>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>>> Visit this group at
>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>> <