What's your opinion about nested apps?

2013-01-11 Thread David Medina
I mean...

*[Dir structure]*


*[imports and app]*
from django.db.models import get_app

> module 'trouble_ticketer.incidences.models.py' ...

import incidences
> Import Error

from app1 import incidences

PD: I don't totally understand the process of Django app loading
PD2: Excuse my English level

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Re: What's your opinion about nested apps?

2013-01-12 Thread David Medina
It's only a email typo, never mind. I wanted to explain the "nested" 
concept with code.

The main question could be: *Has it any side effects?*, Third apps maybe?. 
I haven't found nothing about it in official doc and so on.

El viernes, 11 de enero de 2013 16:00:37 UTC+1, Sergiy Khohlov escribió:
> keep in mind comas 
> 'incidences', 
> 'problems', 
> ) 
> 2013/1/11 David Medina >: 
> > 'trouble_ticketer', 
> > 'trouble_ticketer.incidences' 
> > 'trouble_ticketer.problems' 
> > ) 
> Many thanks, 
> Serge 
> +380 636150445 
> skype: skhohlov 

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Re: What's your opinion about nested apps?

2013-01-14 Thread David Medina
I suspect that too, but I don't know how and when.

In fact, I prefer the simple approach of all apps in the same scope, but 
I'd to know how this "feature" works because it seems to work like usual 
top-apps, and why it isn't documented.

I open this discussion because I want to know if there are some real cases 
with side effects documented

Thanks for answers and support

Best regards

On Sunday, January 13, 2013 1:38:02 AM UTC+1, Lloyd Dube wrote:
> I also suspect that this sort of nesting will affect plugability of apps - 
> what is wrong with a simple approach?
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Sam Solomon 
> > wrote:
>> We've not had any trouble and we have a very nested structure:
>> project/main_app/sub_apps/
>> project has manage.py, main_app has main urls.py, etc.
>> sub_apps have models/views/urls, etc.
>> We also have:
>> project/main_app/utils/other_apps/ with no issues (and utils and 
>> other_apps both have models, even though utils/models.py may not have been 
>> the best decision).
>> Also note that many third party apps do stuff like this too 
>> (django-allauth is one that comes to mind).
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Regards,
> Sithu Lloyd Dube 

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