Re: Will Django run on z/linux?

2012-03-16 Thread Dan Poirier
On Fri. 2012-03-16 at 01:06 PM EDT, jc  wrote:

> We have a number of z/linux (z/vm s390) Linux servers and would like
> to consider porting this application to one of the instances.  Will it
> run on z?

It's Linux, so sure.  (Now z/OS would be another story...)

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Re: Massive import from CSV to Database

2011-11-12 Thread Dan Poirier
There are some ways to make large data imports much faster.  See e.g.


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Re: Django open source cashflow management app

2011-12-25 Thread Dan Poirier
On Thu. 2011-07-28 at 10:33 AM CDT, Derek  wrote:

> On Jul 28, 5:27 am, zodman  wrote:
>> the app is back :)
> Oops! Google Chrome could not find
> Looks like:
> is the correct URL!

I guess not anymore, it's just a "you've installed your web server
correctly" page now.  Maybe ?

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Re: Apache RewriteRule for django

2012-01-02 Thread Dan Poirier
On Mon. 2012-01-02 at 07:23 AM EST, Bob Kline  wrote:

> So, my .htaccess file looks just like that (with "mysite" replaced
> with the real name of the script). The part I don't understand is the
> slash between the script name and the placeholder $1. The way the
> filesystem syntax works, that slash tells Apache (and indirectly, the
> OS) that mysite.fcgi is a directory name, but it's a file, which
> Apache won't be able to find if it thinks mysite.fcgi is a directory
> in which it's supposed to find the requested resource (whatever's
> plugged in for the "$1" placeholder), hence the "not found" message.
> I'm sure there's a simple piece I'm missing here, but I just don't
> see it.

Apache doesn't quite work that way. If the part before a slash
corresponds to a file, it'll use that file and pass the rest to the
request processor.

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Re: Intro Tutorial-- Poll/Choice SQL writes

2011-08-04 Thread Dan Poirier
On Wed. 2011-08-03 at 08:36 PM EDT, Gall  wrote:

> I'm working through the introductory tutorial @ Why
> does the poll object require an explicit save() call, while choice
> objects are inserted into the db instantaneously?

There are different ways to create objects, and some implicitly save
while others don't. It does not depend on what kind of object it is.

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Re: mod_wsgi - two sites on apache

2011-03-25 Thread Dan Poirier
On Fri. 2011-03-25 at 02:54 PM EDT, CrabbyPete  wrote:

> I am trying to run two sites on one server with apache. I created
> virtual hosts for each in my hpttd.conf file
> When I hit the first site everthing is fine. When I hit the second one
> I get an error. If I reload and switch the order in which I access the
> sites. The first one is fine the second one dies. Here is the error
> from my error log
> Any advise appreciated.

Since many shared hosting sites do exactly this without a problem, we
know it works when configured correctly. So, check your configuration
again. Post the relevant part here if you still can't spot the problem.

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