Re: django auth for existing cgi

2010-12-07 Thread Brian Craft
Copying things from request.META to the env parameter of Popen allows
me to get the cgi off the ground. Now I have the problem that the cgi
is generating a cookie and content type, which django returns to the
browser as page content.

Is there a way to pass it back transparently? Or, failing that, can
someone point a newbie to an appropriate method to parse the header so
it can be used to create a HttpResponse?

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Wayne Smith  wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:42 PM, bc  wrote:
>> Is there any simple way to use django authentication/authorization to
>> control access to an existing (not django) cgi?
>> I could use subprocess.Popen to invoke the cgi after checking
>> authorization, but the environment needs to be set up to look like a
>> cgi call (setting QUERY_STRING, etc.). Is there a better way?
> I don't know if you could do some special trick with an HttpRequest or some
> kind of redirect from one view to hit the cgi script with the automatically
> created (HttpRequest) data.  I'm guessing the answer is no or more trouble
> than it would be worth, but that's just a guess.
> I would say you really have two options.
> 1.  Implement the script in Python, and bring it in under Django.
> 2.  Craft your own Http Request header with Python's libraries and point it
> to the cgi script.
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serialize field name instead of "pk"

2012-04-06 Thread Brian Craft
I have a model with a "name" field that is the primary key. When
serializing, this field gets serialized as "pk" instead of "name".

Is there an easy way to get django to serialize with the actual field
name instead of changing it to pk?

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"drop table if exists" aborts

2011-11-02 Thread Brian Craft
mysql generates an informational warning when running "drop table if
exists " if the table doesn't exist. Django then throws an
error and aborts.

Is there a good way to avoid this?


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double trailing slash in url

2011-12-01 Thread Brian Craft
I have a url spec like so:
(r'^foo/$', 'blah')

I just noted from our server logs that if someone mistakenly types two
slashes ('foo//'), the page
gets served, but all of the relative links are broken. It's really
confusing. I believe it should be redirecting or 404ing instead.

I note that foo/bar and foo/bar/ give 404.

I thought that ending in a $ would prevent this from matching.

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Re: double trailing slash in url

2011-12-01 Thread Brian Craft
I don't think so. It's not issuing a redirect. It's just serving the
view, even though the url spec doesn't match.

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:42 PM, creecode  wrote:
> Hello Brain,
> Could it be you are seeing the results of the APPEND_SLASH setting <
> >.
> Toodle-loo...
> creecode
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ModelChoiceField with multiple databases

2011-12-21 Thread Brian Craft
Is there an easy way to use a ModelChoiceField with multiple databases?

The only thing I've seen that looks promising is overriding the form
__init__ and setting the queryset for the field. Seems kinda clunky.

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logging sql queries during unit test

2012-01-03 Thread Brian Craft
Is overwriting settings.DEBUG the recommended way to get
connections[db].queries to work during a unit test?

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syncdb not creating join table

2012-01-04 Thread Brian Craft
I have two models. The second one has a ManyToMany to the first. Both
are managed. If I drop both tables and run syncdb, only the two model
tables are created. There's no join table. syncdb doesn't report any

"validate" shows 0 errors. Any ideas what the problem could be, or how
to debug it? I'm using multiple databases, and setting the table names
for the two models via the Meta class.

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Re: syncdb not creating join table

2012-01-04 Thread Brian Craft
I strongly suspect the problem I'm having has to do with database
routers. It looks like under the hood django creates a model to
represent the m2m relationship, and the router is blocking the syncdb
for the generated model.

I was using a class attribute on my models to control the routing, but
I don't have control of that on the generated model.

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Brian Craft  wrote:
> I have two models. The second one has a ManyToMany to the first. Both
> are managed. If I drop both tables and run syncdb, only the two model
> tables are created. There's no join table. syncdb doesn't report any
> errors.
> "validate" shows 0 errors. Any ideas what the problem could be, or how
> to debug it? I'm using multiple databases, and setting the table names
> for the two models via the Meta class.

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Re: syncdb not creating join table

2012-01-04 Thread Brian Craft
Looks like a m2m class can be identified by the ._meta.auto_created
attribute, which also holds the class with the m2m field. So the
router can check for attributes on that class.

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Brian Craft  wrote:
> I strongly suspect the problem I'm having has to do with database
> routers. It looks like under the hood django creates a model to
> represent the m2m relationship, and the router is blocking the syncdb
> for the generated model.
> I was using a class attribute on my models to control the routing, but
> I don't have control of that on the generated model.
> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Brian Craft  wrote:
>> I have two models. The second one has a ManyToMany to the first. Both
>> are managed. If I drop both tables and run syncdb, only the two model
>> tables are created. There's no join table. syncdb doesn't report any
>> errors.
>> "validate" shows 0 errors. Any ideas what the problem could be, or how
>> to debug it? I'm using multiple databases, and setting the table names
>> for the two models via the Meta class.

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integrity error with transaction middleware, django 1.3

2013-09-10 Thread Brian Craft
I'm getting duplicate entry integrity errors when saving an object, with
transaction middleware enabled in django 1.3.

I thought the point of the middleware was to rollback transaction errors
and retry the view. Why would I be getting this error?

The db is mysql. The save code looks like this:

gs = request.user.usergeneset_set.get(name=name)
gs.genelist = members
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
gs = UserGeneset(user=request.user, name=name, genelist=members)

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object with version

2011-04-21 Thread Brian Craft
I need to create objects with version tracking, a bit like wiki
content. Anyone done this in django?

I could create a model with a content field and a version field. But
I'm not sure how to query (for example) all the latest versions of a
set of objects. I'm sure there's a raw sql method via joins, but is
that the best way in django?

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form CharField null vs blank

2011-04-28 Thread Brian Craft
A form with a CharField seems to end up with a zero-length string in
the cleaned_data if the field is not in the form data. Is there any
good way to avoid this?

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unit testing and file location

2011-05-10 Thread Brian Craft
I would like unit tests that do file manipulations to run with a
different storage "location", so they're not manipulating real app
files. Is there a good way to do this? Is there a way to override
model field initializers, so I can instance a model, passing in the
'storage' parameter for an ImageField in the model?

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imagefield upload_to

2011-05-11 Thread Brian Craft
I have a model with an imagefield, and some fields that are computed
from the image. I'm trying to override the "save" method to fill in
the other fields.

When I test this in the admin, there are two problems: first, the path
(mymodel.image.path) doesn't honor the upload_to setting on the field.
It concats MEDIA_ROOT and the file name, w/o the upload_to. (This is
django 1.2.3). Second, I don't see the file in the filesystem when
.save() is called. Perhaps save() is the wrong place to do this?

If I don't try to generated the computed fields, the file is created
in the correct (upload_to) directory, and if I read the object from
the db, mymodel.image.path is also correct.

Looks like upload_to is only accessed during, where
the is updated, so the path is always wrong before that.

And apparently the file isn't committed to storage until the field is
saved. Is there some other way to access the file before it is saved?

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Re: imagefield upload_to

2011-05-11 Thread Brian Craft
solved this by moving it to the model clean() method, and using and to get the data for
computing the other fields.

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Brian Craft  wrote:
> I have a model with an imagefield, and some fields that are computed
> from the image. I'm trying to override the "save" method to fill in
> the other fields.
> When I test this in the admin, there are two problems: first, the path
> (mymodel.image.path) doesn't honor the upload_to setting on the field.
> It concats MEDIA_ROOT and the file name, w/o the upload_to. (This is
> django 1.2.3). Second, I don't see the file in the filesystem when
> .save() is called. Perhaps save() is the wrong place to do this?
> If I don't try to generated the computed fields, the file is created
> in the correct (upload_to) directory, and if I read the object from
> the db, mymodel.image.path is also correct.
> Looks like upload_to is only accessed during, where
> the is updated, so the path is always wrong before that.
> And apparently the file isn't committed to storage until the field is
> saved. Is there some other way to access the file before it is saved?

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default group for new users

2011-05-17 Thread Brian Craft
Is there a good way to add new users to a default group when they are
created (e.g. via django-registration)? I just tried binding the
post_save signal for User, and adding the group in the signal handler
(if "created" is true). However, I haven't found a good place (file)
to put the connect() call, so the signal will be caught: i.e. some
file that will consistently be loaded before a User is created.

I'm currently thinking I will override the django-registration
activate url, and add the code there, before calling
registration.views.activate. Obviously this isn't the most general

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Re: default group for new users

2011-05-17 Thread Brian Craft
After much googling, I created a new app called "core" and put the
connect() in the That seems to be working. The problem
with the "put it in" solution is that it isn't really
related to any of my existing apps. Previously I tried putting it in
the project, but that works inconsistently, apparently
because django isn't fully initialized when the project is

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Brian Craft  wrote:
> Is there a good way to add new users to a default group when they are
> created (e.g. via django-registration)? I just tried binding the
> post_save signal for User, and adding the group in the signal handler
> (if "created" is true). However, I haven't found a good place (file)
> to put the connect() call, so the signal will be caught: i.e. some
> file that will consistently be loaded before a User is created.
> I'm currently thinking I will override the django-registration
> activate url, and add the code there, before calling
> registration.views.activate. Obviously this isn't the most general
> solution.

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overriding widget for "group" in User model

2011-06-16 Thread Brian Craft
Is there an easy way to get checkboxes for groups in the User admin,
rather than a multiselect?

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wsgi.file_wrapper failing silently

2010-12-17 Thread Brian Craft
I'm testing the patch for ticket 2131
( on 1.2.3. I'm getting back
a 500 (internal server error) sometime after returning the
HttpResponseSendFile(), with nothing in the apache error log.

Any suggestions on how to debug this?

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calling django auth from apache RewriteMap

2011-01-12 Thread Brian Craft
I'm interested in using RewriteMap (from mod_rewrite) to check for a
django user session. That is, RewriteMap would invoke some script
which would return session info, which could be used by mod_rewrite to
allow or deny access. Basically, this would require writing a
standalone python script that returns session information about a
request. E.g. apache would write the session credentials (sessionid
cookie?) to the script stdin, and the script would return information
about the session (e.g. whether logged in, group membership, or etc.).

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I need to know what
information django requires to validate a request (look up a session),
and what methods I could use to invoke it standalone.

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Group methods

2011-01-13 Thread Brian Craft
Are there docs somewhere for the Group methods? E.g., I discovered
through extensive googling that I can call user.groups.all(), but I
can't find docs of an "all()" method, or any other method for Groups.
If there aren't docs, how does one discover the methods?

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standalone session checking

2011-01-28 Thread Brian Craft
I'm trying to implement a stand-alone python script to check a session
cookie for group authorization. I cribbed from the auth and session
middleware, so I could take the sessionid from the cookie, look up the
session, look up the user, and get the list of groups.

This all basically works, except for the very first time a session is
seen. The first lookup always fails. I know the session is good (a
call to a django view via @login_required, for example, works fine).

I'm expecting this is some problem with a cache, or evaluation order,
such that my script doesn't have the latest info from the db until
I've queried it once. Anyone have a clue? Here's what the auth
checking routine looks like:

def authorized(session_id, group):
ss = engine.SessionStore(session_id)
user_id = session[SESSION_KEY]
backend_path = session[BACKEND_SESSION_KEY]
backend = load_backend(backend_path)
user = backend.get_user(user_id) or AnonymousUser()
except KeyError:
user = AnonymousUser()
return user.groups.filter(name=group).count()

It's called from a "while 1" loop in a script that never exits. The
first time a session cookie goes through this routine, it always
fails. Second, and subsequent times work.

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caching of Models (not the cache middleware)

2011-01-28 Thread Brian Craft
Digging into the problem I'm having with a standalone django script,
the problem seems to be that django doesn't see updates to the
database unless it writes to the database.

In the following lines,
   ss = engine.SessionStore(session_id)

If session_id "abcd" has been added to the session table after the
script started, the load will not find it. Instead, it will create a
new session, say "wxyz" and write it to the table. After writing it to
the table, a subsequent load on "abcd" will succeed: it's now in sync
with the database, at least until another process writes to it.

Anyone know where this caching is happening? I have no caching
middleware enabled. Does django cache results of Model queries? Or
would the db layer be caching it? And how can I get django to sync
before looking up a session?

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Re: caching of Models (not the cache middleware)

2011-01-28 Thread Brian Craft
Thank you!

'set transaction isolation level read committed' had no effect, but
'set autocommit=1' appears to fix it.

I wondered if there was some more general way of doing this (I mean,
besides passing in raw sql). Perhaps the set_autocommit() method in

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Brian Craft 
> wrote:
>> Digging into the problem I'm having with a standalone django script,
>> the problem seems to be that django doesn't see updates to the
>> database unless it writes to the database.
> Sounds a lot like:
> Karen
> --
> --
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newbie question about paths

2011-01-29 Thread Brian Craft
Suppose the project is /var/www/django/project. Following the django
with wsgi docs, you would add /var/www/django to the path, and
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE would be project.settings.

However, in that case, the path scheme described in the tutorial
doesn't work, e.g. setting up for Polls as described will
throw an error because it can't find a module Polls. Instead you have
to "from project.Polls.models import Polls", which seems to break the
modularity of the Polls app (since it has the project name embedded in
it, now).

So, should the wsgi config instead add /var/www/django/project to the
path, and set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to "settings"?

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Re: caching of Models (not the cache middleware)

2011-01-31 Thread Brian Craft
The behavior seems to have reverted after a couple days. I suspect
that the connection to mysql is being renegotiated, during which it
loses the autocommit setting.

This seems like it should be a setting in django, so if it
renegotiates it will set autocommit again.

Another solution might be to explicitly commit after every select.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Brian Craft 
> wrote:
>> Digging into the problem I'm having with a standalone django script,
>> the problem seems to be that django doesn't see updates to the
>> database unless it writes to the database.
> Sounds a lot like:
> Karen
> --
> --
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csrf cookie security

2011-02-09 Thread Brian Craft
I notice that the csrf token is not secure, i.e. the Set-Cookie is
constructed w/o the "secure" option, so the browser will send it
in-the-clear. It's trivial, then, for a 3rd party to discover the csrf

Am I missing something?

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Re: csrf cookie security

2011-02-09 Thread Brian Craft
I thought, rather, that the csrf token was a cookie that was put in a
hidden form field.

With firebug or webkit dev tools you can see the django csrf token in
the cookies. I would also refer you to middleware/, where you
can see it doing the set_cookie.

I thought the security of the csrf token relied on the fact that the
3rd party wouldn't know what value to put in the hidden form field.
The csrf middleware is, I believe, validating the value in the form
field, against the value in cookie. But when it creates the form, it
uses the value in the cookie.

If the token is stored in an insecure cookie, it can be sniffed. Then
I don't understand what prevents the attacker from constructing a
valid form.

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Ian Clelland  wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Brian Craft  wrote:
>> I notice that the csrf token is not secure, i.e. the Set-Cookie is
>> constructed w/o the "secure" option, so the browser will send it
>> in-the-clear. It's trivial, then, for a 3rd party to discover the csrf
>> token.
>> Am I missing something?
> The CSRF token isn't a cookie (or at least, it shouldn't be) -- it's a
> form field. The security principle behind the CSRF token isn't so much
> that it's not discoverable, as much as that an attacker can't
> construct a link that gets your browser to submit it to the server.
> If you site is under SSL (you're talking about secure-only cookies, so
> I presume that this is the case,) then the CSRF token should only
> appear in the HTML forms that the server sends to your browser, and
> the POST requests that your browser makes back, both of which should
> be protected.
> If the CSRF token was set in a cookie, then it would be sent with
> every single request that the browser made, and it really would be
> trivial for an attacker to get you to make a valid request of the web
> server, whether he could discover the contents of that cookie or not.
> (SSL wouldn't even help; he could construct an https:// link just as
> easily.) That's not how it's supposed to be set up, though.
> --
> Regards,
> Ian Clelland
> --
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Re: csrf cookie security

2011-02-10 Thread Brian Craft
I'll have to look at this in more detail, but two notes, off-the-top.

First, port 80 is kept open because the browser will try port 80 if
the user types in the url without the protocol. On port 80 all we do
is issue a redirect to https, but the client will have spilled the
cookies by then.

Second, the most like scenario for this to happen is with a wireless
MITM. E.g. an attacker sits in, or near a coffee shop, or office, with
a laptop setup as an AP, trolling for connections from unsuspecting
users. If anyone connects, the laptop can be used as a MITM. So, for
example, when the user types the url and hits port 80, the MITM can
create an https connection to the target site, and return it via http.

I'm not certain there's a csrf attack here, but I suspect there is.

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Ian Clelland  wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Brian Craft  wrote:
>> I thought, rather, that the csrf token was a cookie that was put in a
>> hidden form field.
> You're absolutely right; I wasn't thinking about that side of the token.
>> With firebug or webkit dev tools you can see the django csrf token in
>> the cookies. I would also refer you to middleware/, where you
>> can see it doing the set_cookie.
>> I thought the security of the csrf token relied on the fact that the
>> 3rd party wouldn't know what value to put in the hidden form field.
>> The csrf middleware is, I believe, validating the value in the form
>> field, against the value in cookie. But when it creates the form, it
>> uses the value in the cookie.
>> If the token is stored in an insecure cookie, it can be sniffed. Then
>> I don't understand what prevents the attacker from constructing a
>> valid form.
> If you want a secure cookie, that means that your entire site (or at
> least the form-handling bits) must already be protected by SSL (since
> a secure cookie will only be returned over an SSL connection).
> The threat model you are proposing, then, sounds like this: There is a
> website, running Django, using Django's CSRF protection, in which all
> of the form-handling views are only accessible over HTTPS, but there
> are other resources in the same domain (or its subdomains) which are
> accessible over HTTP.
> Further, there is an attacker, who can sniff the unencrypted HTTP
> traffic, and can construct an HTML page at a different site (this is
> Cross-Site Request Forgery, after all)
> A lot of the potential damage seems to be mitigated by another check
> in django/middleware/, for HTTPS requests only, that inpects
> the referer header of the incoming request, to ensure that the browser
> was not submitting the form from a different site. To get around that,
> the attacker would have to be able to construct a form on the
> SSL-protected site (a serious html-injection vulnerability would have
> to be present), or cause the request to be submitted over plain HTTP
> -- but the site is already HTTPS-only, so there shouldn't be any
> form-handling code listening on that port.
> Does this threat model correspond to what you're thinking? If so, I
> don't see away around the CSRF protection (at least, not one that
> involves the victim's browser)
> --
> Regards,
> Ian Clelland
> --
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current recommendations for using email as username

2011-03-04 Thread Brian Craft
I've found any number of threads on using email as username in django,
but none that are both current and conclusive. "Just do ", followed
by "But that breaks [the forms, the templates, the auth site, the
registration, the db schema]" etc., where  is something like "use
email in the User username column", "use a randomly generated
username", "use a hash for username", "write your own auth backend",
"use django-emailauth", etc.

What is the current state of this?

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Re: current recommendations for using email as username

2011-03-04 Thread Brian Craft
On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> What's wrong with writing your own auth backend? It's two piddly functions:

I think this has already been answered, in the comments here:

and in the "motivation" section, here:

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Re: current recommendations for using email as username

2011-03-08 Thread Brian Craft
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 12:53 PM, william ratcliff
> If you look through the code in the django admin, then the limit is set in
> the database schema.

I've read elsewhere that it's also in all the auth form validations,
so you have to subclass all of them. I haven't actually investigated
this myself.

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database connection from long lasting script

2011-03-09 Thread Brian Craft
I have a script that sits in a loop, doing occasional queries, something like

while 1:

The last line is required so the script will see updates to the
database from other processes. If there's no event for a long time,
the database wait timeout is exceeded, and the script aborts with a
"mysql sever has gone away" message. This is expected.

What is surprising to me is that the error consistently happens during
commit_unless_managed(). It's been waiting for an event for 8+ hours,
finally gets one, appears to do a db query, and then aborts during
commit because the connection is gone.

What's going on here? Is this a caching issue? Django satisfies the
query w/o touching the db, then aborts when updating with the db?

If this is the case, I suspect the commit should be just after the wait.

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mysql OperationalError

2011-03-10 Thread Brian Craft
When a long-running script loses the db connection, I get this exception:


Is there any way to trap this in a database-agnostic way? Or must I
hard-code it to mysql?

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how to get csrf cookie in ajax app

2011-03-18 Thread Brian Craft
In an ajax-based site, where the page is static, and makes ajax calls
after loading, how would one get a csrf cookie? There aren't any
templates associated with the views (they just return json strings).
Setting of the cookie seems to be a side effect of serving forms in
django, but the client doesn't need to fetch a form from the server
for ajax calls. render_to_response finds a reference to the csrf in
the template, calls some internal function to retrieve the csrf, which
sets some flag causing the csrf middleware to add the set-cookie to
the response. Or something?

So, for an ajax app, I could create a view with an empty form,
including just the csrf? Or create a view that calls get_token()?

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Re: how to get csrf cookie in ajax app

2011-03-19 Thread Brian Craft
Yeah, I'm using that technique. It works fine once you have the
cookie. My question was about how to get the cookie, which is not
described well in the documentation.

Manually calling get_token() in the view for the first ajax GET seems
to be working. After that I can POST to other views.

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Matt Robenolt
> This is actually something new coming in Django 1.3, and by default is
> requiring all AJAX request to define an X-CSRFToken header. Fortunately,
> they've written about how to do it here and provided a jQuery
> implementation:
> --
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Re: how to get csrf cookie in ajax app

2011-03-21 Thread Brian Craft
It's in a cookie once you coerce django into sending the cookie to the
browser. This is less automatic for ajax apps, because django isn't
serving the forms (which is when it usually sends the csrf cookie).

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Matt Robenolt
> To get the token? It's stored in a cookie. You can read that in Javascript
> with document.cookie, then parse the cookie string to retrieve the relevant
> part.
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Re: how to get csrf cookie in ajax app

2011-03-21 Thread Brian Craft
No, it's not. It's a static file.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Matt Robenolt
> Is your main view being rendered by Django or something else? If so, you'll 
> have access to the cookie.
> On Mar 21, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Brian Craft wrote:
>> It's in a cookie once you coerce django into sending the cookie to the
>> browser. This is less automatic for ajax apps, because django isn't
>> serving the forms (which is when it usually sends the csrf cookie).
>> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Matt Robenolt
>>  wrote:
>>> To get the token? It's stored in a cookie. You can read that in Javascript
>>> with document.cookie, then parse the cookie string to retrieve the relevant
>>> part.
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