Do not render empty fields

2019-03-10 Thread Barkalez XX
Hello guys,

 I'm learning django and I have some doubts, I suppose that from now on 
you'll see me a lot here because my doubts are endless :).

I'm doing a simple recipe app, and some recipes have more ingredients than 
others and when I render them, empty fields take up space in the rendered 
HTML. I show you how the HTML is. I also include the repo in github.

[image: Duda1.png]

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Link does not work correctly

2019-03-10 Thread Barkalez XX

In the browser, when I'm in ""; and click in register 
it takes me to ""; and it works correctly, but 
if I'm in "http: // "and click on register takes me 
to" "instead of" " . My project :

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Re: Link does not work correctly

2019-03-12 Thread Barkalez XX


You can see my code in:

I have it like this:


El domingo, 10 de marzo de 2019, 18:22:29 (UTC+1), Gil Obradors escribió:
> Hi
> I can't give you the exactly response,
> But I know that you are playing with href=url direct, without using django 
> template code
> I suggest you to change de href of register from about, to a href with 
> django template code:
> Something like : href="{% static 'greenfapp/main.css' %}
> But I can't see at from user app, so I don't know if user apps 
> register view has any name associociated to
> You must write something like href="{ url :'recetas-home' % }  ( nor 
> direct url)
> Good luck
> Missatge de Barkalez XX > del dia dg., 10 
> de març 2019 a les 15:28:
>> In the browser, when I'm in ""; and click in 
>> register it takes me to ""; and it works 
>> correctly, but if I'm in "http: // "and click on 
>> register takes me to" "instead of" 
>> " . My project : 
>> -- 
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Doubt in the creation of fields in the FrontEnd

2019-03-23 Thread Barkalez XX

I would like to know if it is possible to create a new field in a table 
from the FrontEnd. For example, in a form to create recipes, not all 
recipes contain the same number of ingredients. At first I thought about 
putting a high number of ingredients to enter in the form to create a 
recipe, but that's not pretty. I think it would be better for the user to 
add fields in the form as needed. Although thinking well, if that were 
done, who would execute the command makemigrations and migrate ?, it 
occurred to me to create a high number of fields for the ingredients but 
that did not appear in the FrontEnd form and that they were appearing as 
needed by the user.

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Re: Doubt in the creation of fields in the FrontEnd

2019-03-23 Thread Barkalez XX
Thank for you answer.

I did not know that fields could be generated in the database from FrontEnd.

It occurs to me to put a "Add ingredient" button and produce a new field in 
the recipe table, but I do not know how to do that.

El sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019, 17:54:24 (UTC+1), Aldian Fazrihady escribió:
> Hi,
> I don't think that's a good idea to frequently add new field to a database 
> table.
> A field in form doesn't mean that it will also be a field of a table 
> database.
> You can make a new ingredient field in a form to become a new row of a 
> database table.
> You just need to properly design your database schema.
> Regards,
> Aldian Fazrihady
> On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 12:46 AM Barkalez XX  > wrote:
>> I would like to know if it is possible to create a new field in a table 
>> from the FrontEnd. For example, in a form to create recipes, not all 
>> recipes contain the same number of ingredients. At first I thought about 
>> putting a high number of ingredients to enter in the form to create a 
>> recipe, but that's not pretty. I think it would be better for the user to 
>> add fields in the form as needed. Although thinking well, if that were 
>> done, who would execute the command makemigrations and migrate ?, it 
>> occurred to me to create a high number of fields for the ingredients but 
>> that did not appear in the FrontEnd form and that they were appearing as 
>> needed by the user.
>> -- 
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Re: Doubt in the creation of fields in the FrontEnd

2019-03-23 Thread Barkalez XX
Then it occurs to me to create a table called List Ingredients and relate 
it to the recipe.

El sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019, 19:16:47 (UTC+1), Aldian Fazrihady escribió:
> Hi,
> Generating fields is possible,
> but for your recipe app, that's absolutely not a good thing to do.
> Regards,
> Aldian Fazrihady
> On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 1:54 AM Barkalez XX  > wrote:
>> Thank for you answer.
>> I did not know that fields could be generated in the database from 
>> FrontEnd.
>> It occurs to me to put a "Add ingredient" button and produce a new field 
>> in the recipe table, but I do not know how to do that.
>> El sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019, 17:54:24 (UTC+1), Aldian Fazrihady 
>> escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't think that's a good idea to frequently add new field to a 
>>> database table.
>>> A field in form doesn't mean that it will also be a field of a table 
>>> database.
>>> You can make a new ingredient field in a form to become a new row of a 
>>> database table.
>>> You just need to properly design your database schema.
>>> Regards,
>>> Aldian Fazrihady
>>> On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 12:46 AM Barkalez XX  wrote:
>>>> I would like to know if it is possible to create a new field in a table 
>>>> from the FrontEnd. For example, in a form to create recipes, not all 
>>>> recipes contain the same number of ingredients. At first I thought about 
>>>> putting a high number of ingredients to enter in the form to create a 
>>>> recipe, but that's not pretty. I think it would be better for the user to 
>>>> add fields in the form as needed. Although thinking well, if that were 
>>>> done, who would execute the command makemigrations and migrate ?, it 
>>>> occurred to me to create a high number of fields for the ingredients but 
>>>> that did not appear in the FrontEnd form and that they were appearing as 
>>>> needed by the user.
>>>> -- 
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In the browser it looks ugly, why?

2019-04-06 Thread Barkalez XX
Why does this happen to me?


I want to list all the ingredients in that recipe and make it look 

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