Re: Error at OneToOneField in models while creating new models class

2018-09-23 Thread Adolfo Cueto
First you have to change your model name Class names starts with 

My friend.. you are not making migrations... look at you have to do this:

1. Delete your migration folder
2. Delete you app table manually (DROP table)
3. python makemigrations app_name
4. migrate

that's all

El sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2018, 4:10:45 (UTC-5), Srinivas Gadi 
> HI All,
> I am facing below error while creating a new model class.
> the error pop up only at this line "user = models.OneToOneField(User)"
> *"E1120:No value for argument 'on_delete' in constructor call"*
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> class userProfile(models.Model):
> user = models.OneToOneField(User)
> If I add "user = models.OneToOneField(User,*on_delete=models.CASCADE*)" 
> the error got subsided but the new class "userProfile" is not appearing 
> in admin page, under Users tab.
> Could some one please guide me how to fix this ?
> -- 
> Srinivas .G
>   9966559383

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Re: Django 1.9.8 with mysql 'Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now' exception

2018-09-23 Thread Adolfo Cueto
Hey man try to change you code line like this

latest_message = Message.objects.filter(example_field=1).order_by("-id").first()

El dom., 23 sept. 2018 a las 22:55,  escribió:

> I am a python developer and I am using Django 1.9.8 for my project.
> I am having a problem with MySQL like below:
> I have a model named 'Message' and sometimes when running this code, I got
> the exception 'Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now'
> latest_message = 
> Message.objects.order_by("-id").filter(example_field=1).first()
> can you point out to me why does it happen and how to fix it?
> thanks,
> Thanh Tran
> --
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Re: Django 1.9.8 with mysql 'Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now' exception

2018-09-23 Thread Adolfo Cueto
i know it, that problem ocurred when mysql is being used by other
process... so you can add  CONN_MAX_AGE: 0 in your conection string... and
also try to use a diferent database and avoid to use multi threading

El dom., 23 sept. 2018 a las 23:41,  escribió:

> Thank you so much Adolfo. I know your code is the best practice but are
> you sure your code will solve the problem?
> On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 11:13:14 AM UTC+7, Adolfo Cueto wrote:
>> Hey man try to change you code line like this
>> latest_message = 
>> Message.objects.filter(example_field=1).order_by("-id").first()
>> El dom., 23 sept. 2018 a las 22:55,  escribió:
>>> I am a python developer and I am using Django 1.9.8 for my project.
>>> I am having a problem with MySQL like below:
>>> I have a model named 'Message' and sometimes when running this code, I
>>> got the exception 'Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now'
>>> latest_message = 
>>> Message.objects.order_by("-id").filter(example_field=1).first()
>>> can you point out to me why does it happen and how to fix it?
>>> thanks,
>>> Thanh Tran
>>> --
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>> --
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