Per-Test Caching?

2008-11-08 Thread Adam Seering

I have a Django app that relies heavily on caching.  I'd like
"./ test" to run on its own test cache instance (so it doesn't
see keys from previous runs / other development / etc).

I can write code to set up the cache appropriately, but, where can I 
put it s.t. it runs before (and, ideally, after, for cleanup purposes) 
all test cases?


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PostgreSQL Stored Procedure in ordinary Django query expression?

2009-07-23 Thread Adam Seering

Hey folks,
I have a PostgreSQL stored procedure that does some fairly complex 
logic to query/filter a particular table (though it ultimately does 
return rows straight from that table).  I'm trying to call this stored 
procedure from within Django, and execute additional filters/etc on the 

MyModel.do_my_stored_procedure('proc', args).filter(mymodelfk__foo=bar)

(or the like.)  Anyone have any pointers on how to best do this?  Is 
there, by any chance, native support for this in Django 1.1 that I just 
haven't found yet?

There's an existing implementation that worked decently with Django 1.0 
( #272).  However, it works by generating a normal 
query through an ordinary QuerySet and doing string 
matching/substitution to insert the function call.  I'd like to do 
something a bit cleaner, but I don't yet understand Django's internals 
well enough to hack them this much...  Any ideas?


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Aggregates with multiple (conflicting) conditions?

2009-04-08 Thread Adam Seering

I have a table setup that boils down to something like the following:

class MyUser(models.Model):
type = models.IntegerField()

class MyStuffs(models.Model):
stuffs = models.ForeignKey(MyUser)

I would like to be able to do something like:


ie., count the number of instances of type 1 and type 2.  However, this 
doesn't actually work, as the filters stack and I get zero records returned.

Is there a way around this without using custom SQL?


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Django and PostgreSQL/Slony for load-balancing?

2009-11-03 Thread Adam Seering

We're running a website that usually runs just fine on our server; but 
every now and then we get a big load burst (thousands of simultaneous 
users in an interactive Web 1.5-ish app), and our database server 
(PostgreSQL) just gets completely swamped.

We'd like to set up some form of load-balancing.  The workload is very 
SELECT-heavy, so this seems plausible.  It looks like Slony is the 
recommended package for doing this.  However, if we set up a Slony 
cluster and use pgpool to divide up queries among the nodes, the default 
isolation level requested by psycopg forces all the queries to go to the 
master database, which defeats the purpose of the cluster.  If we force 
the system to a lower isolation level, all kinds of things start 
breaking, because data doesn't appear quickly enough in the slave 
databases, and various chunks of Django code (and our code) seem to rely 
on writing data and immediately reading it back.

Does anyone else do this type of load-balancing?  Any tips?  In 
general, what (if anything) do folks here do for load-balancing?


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Prevent brute-force password attacks?

2009-11-09 Thread Adam Seering

Does there exist any code for Django to help defeat brute-force login 
attempts?  Something like blocking IP addresses from logging in if they 
try and fail too many times, etc.


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Re: Prevent brute-force password attacks?

2009-11-11 Thread Adam Seering

Jorge:  Thanks for the link; that's close to what we want.  It looks 
like it's not so good at blocking broadcasts:

f4nt:  Actually, convincing users to choose smarter usernames/passwords 
would not help us much:

We run online registrations for large (in-person) events.  Our contact 
time with each user is very short, our ability to field support requests 
is quite small, and a subset of our users are very much not technically 
savvy (so forcing them to create good passwords would create a 
significant support burden).  Also, the cost of an individual account 
compromise is relatively low; the only real cost would be exposure of 
that user's moderately-sensitive personal information 
(name/address/phone# at worst; no CC#/SSN/etc), and we're comfortable 
saying "hey, you chose a really bad password; we tried, but there's not 
much we can do if that's your choice"...

The use case we care most about is a mass account cracking where 
someone changes or resets enough event registrations to disrupt 
attendance estimates.  Given that this is entirely preventative (we 
haven't had this problem before, but we're evaluating our security to 
make sure we're doing as good a job as we can be), it'd seem reasonable 
to have a programmatic catch for someone logging into a bunch of 
accounts in succession after a bunch of failed tries with each.

Further thoughts are certainly welcome, though.


On 11/9/09 5:06 PM, f4nt wrote:
> Yes, teaching users to not choose stupid username/password
> combinations. That's the only correct/true fix. Are you worried about
> the traffic that it consumes? If so, you continue to play in dicey
> territory, since you're trying to deduce harmful bots from potentially
> stupid users that just can't remember their account information. Yes,
> it's easy to see in the aftermath with human eyes the difference,
> seeing it as it happens with code, and being right 100% (which is the
> only acceptable percentage in the case of usability) is difficult.
> I don't personally know if anything exists to do what you want to do,
> but it shouldn't be incredibly hard to write. You could log all the
> IPs to the database, compare the frequency, and then what you do with
> them from there is up to you. You could redirect the user elsewhere,
> or serve them 404s to make them think the content's gone (could have
> ill effects on SEO in rare cases). Then you could cron up a purge
> scenario, after so many days, or if you definitely don't like the IP
> you could write the IPs out to your firewall's blacklist (at least,
> easy to do in shorewall). Ironically, doing all that will create
> potentially more database calls and traffic than just weathering the
> storm. Your call.
> Btw, don't mean to be blunt/rude, as that's not my intention. Just
> dealt with a lot of these scenarios as a sys admin in a former life,
> and the answer is always to beat users over the head until they stop
> choosing "god/god" as their username/password combination.
> On Nov 9, 3:57 pm, Adam Seering  wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  Does there exist any code for Django to help defeat brute-force 
>> login
>> attempts?  Something like blocking IP addresses from logging in if they
>> try and fail too many times, etc.
>> Adam
> >

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Re: Should I set up Django locally or on a web server?

2008-05-01 Thread Adam Seering
If you really want everything, then either MacPorts or Fink work well.

If you just want to run through the tutorial, though, you can probably get
away with the built-in version of Python and SQLite as suggested.  Older
Macs have Python 2.3, which should work (though it is quite old); Leopard
(MacOS X 10.5) ships Python 2.5, which is the latest version.


On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 7:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Probably the most painless way to get everything you need for the
> production setup is via MacPorts - apache, python, postgres, etc.
> On May 1, 2:56 pm, Kevin Monceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Selmac?,
> >
> > I've never used a Mac, so take the following with a grain of salt.
> >
> > On Thu, 1 May 2008, selmac wrote:
> > > I know the makers of Django like postgress.  Does anyone have
> > > instructions for an installation of the whole package (apache,
> postgres,
> > > django, python, mod_python) on a mac?
> >
> > It sounds like at this point you just want to work through the tutorial.
> > All you really need for that is Python and Django.  Running Django
> behind
> > Apache is not recommended for testing.  That's mainly for production
> > environments.  You can use SQLite as your database.  It comes with the
> > latest version of Python and would probably be the "least painless" to
> use
> > for testing.
> >
> > A little Googling indicates that Python comes pre-installed on OS X, but
> > might be a bit out of date.  Up to date pre-build Python packages for OS
> X
> > can be found at:
> >
> >
> >
> > Once Python is squared away, you can follow the install instruction for
> > Django on the Django site and use it's built-in test web server for
> > testing.
> >
> > Kevinhttp://www.RawFedDogs.net
> > Bruceville, TX
> >
> > Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
> > Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!
> >

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Database introspection dies?

2007-02-28 Thread Adam Seering

Hi all,
I'm trying to introspect an old MySQL database (the old software  
that used the database was written in some nasty mix of Perl and C;  
it just bit the dust recently).  I try an inspectdb on it, and I get  
an ugly-looking stack trace.  Is 'inspectdb' expected to work?; has  
anyone recently used it on MySQL?

The table that it appears to get stuck on, has fields of an  
autoincrement int pk, an enum, an int (used as a foreignkey to  
another table), a text field, and an auto timestamp field.  The final  
error is "1- isn't a valid int()" (see stack trace below); there are  
no "1-"'s in the table, unless the enum's feeding it one somehow  
(I've no idea how to check that?).  I'm assuming that means a code  
bug somewhere?; is this a known bug?; anyone know if it's in Django  
or MySQLdb (or should I go hunting)?

I'm running on MacOS X, with Django from svn head, and dependencies  
from Fink.


adam$ ./ inspectdb
# This is an auto-generated Django model module.
# You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up:
# * Rearrange models' order
# * Make sure each model has one field with primary_key=True
# Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or  
field names.
# Also note: You'll have to insert the output of '  
sqlinitialdata [appname]'
# into your database.

from django.db import models

class [aseering: Munged Table Name Here](models.Model):
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./", line 11, in ?
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/",  
line 1459, in execute_manager
 execute_from_command_line(action_mapping, argv)
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/",  
line 1370, in execute_from_command_line
 for line in action_mapping[action]():
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/",  
line 766, in inspectdb
 relations = introspection_module.get_relations(cursor, table_name)
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/", line 30, in get_relations
 my_field_dict = _name_to_index(cursor, table_name)
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/", line 23, in _name_to_index
 return dict([(d[0], i) for i, d in enumerate 
(get_table_description(cursor, table_name))])
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/", line 15, in get_table_description
 cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1" % quote_name(table_name))
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/",  
line 12, in execute
 return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/", line 42, in execute
 return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line  
95, in execute
 return self._execute(query, args)
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line  
114, in _execute
 self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
   File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/",  
line 33, in defaulterrorhandler
 raise errorclass, errorvalue
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 1-

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efficiently search for ManyToMany links?

2007-11-22 Thread Adam Seering

Hi all,
I have code that, greatly simplified, looks like the following:

class CheckBoxType(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()

class Course(models.Model):
name = models.TextField()
checkboxes = models.ManyToManyField(CheckBoxType)

Essentially, a Course has multiple properties (represented by a  
graphical Check Box image in a view); if there's a ManyToMany link  
between the two tables, that property for that class is Checked (so  
it gets the checkbox image).

I'm trying to populate a matrix (== HTML ) of Course vs.  
CheckBoxType; essentially, for a certain subset of Courses and a  
certain subset of CheckBoxTypes, display all links above.  I want to  
do this efficiently.  We had previous code that checked each cell in  
this , and so executed len(myCourses)*len(myCheckBoxTypes)  
queries.  This was really slow.

If I could query the ManyToMany table directly, I ought to be able to  
do this in a single query.  Is this possible in Django?  What would  
people recommend as a solution in this case?


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Get all *_set's from a model?

2006-12-11 Thread Adam Seering

I have a table (implementing a tree) that a whole lot of other  
tables have ForeignKeys pointing to.  I'm trying to write a "clone"  
method that takes an element in the table, duplicates it (with a new  
ID), and creates duplicates of all table elements from any other  
tables that ForeignKey to the original table entry and re-points them  
at the new table entry.

I know Django keeps track of connections like this somehow, for the  
*_set properties.  Is there a way to get at that information  
somehow?, or does anyone have a better idea on how to do this?


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Re: Get all *_set's from a model?

2006-12-18 Thread Adam Seering
 Thanks!; that's exactly what I was looking for,


On 12/13/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/12/06, Adam Seering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I know Django keeps track of connections like this somehow, for
> the
> > *_set properties.  Is there a way to get at that information
> > somehow?, or does anyone have a better idea on how to do this?
> The details you are after are all stored in the _meta member of any
> object/model. For example:
> article._meta.fields is the list of normal fields, including ForeignKeys
> article._meta.many_to_many is the list of m2m fields
> article._meta.get_all_related_objects() returns the list of all
> related objects - i.e., the objects that have a foreign key on Article
> article._meta.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects() returns the list
> of all related m2m objects - i.e., the objects that define an m2m
> field relating to Article.
> The implementaiton of lookup_inner() in gives a good idea of
> how to traverse relations using members of _meta.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> >

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Re: A basic problem with templates (I think)

2006-12-28 Thread Adam Seering

	The sample string below appears correctly (ie. no "?"'s) for me; are  
you saying that it does for you, or that it doesn't?

	If you're just having a problem with rendered HTML: I'm not sure how  
you're entering those characters, but I'm guessing that they're being  
stored as Unicode characters, or at least, something outside whatever  
the default charset used by HTML is.  If so: Are you putting the  
appropriate headers in your HTML document to tell your Web browser  
that you're using Unicode, as opposed to the more-traditional ASCII?   
Those escapes exist for a reason, namely, that the characters that  
they represent don't normally work in an HTML file.


On Dec 28, 2006, at 9:18 AM, dutche wrote:

I don't know why, but when I write or take from the Database a word
with some kind of accent, Django shows a "?" instead. Why?? I've
changed the language in and even the TimeZone. If I escape
the chars with something like "á" it works, so isn't a problem
with my browser, right?

Does anybody knows what can be it?? I've made a simple test to see  

the template returns, and it returns the "string" below:

t = Template("My special letters are : áéíóú")
c = Context({})

'My special letters are : \xe1\xe9\xed\xf3\xfa'

print t.render(c)

My special letters are : áéíóú

Any idea?



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Re: Django on REDHAT ES

2007-01-04 Thread Adam Seering

On Jan 5, 2007, at 12:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

InvalidCacheBackendError: Memcached cache backend requires the
'memcache' library

It sounds like you're trying to use memcached for caching.

what i have installed:


However, it looks like you've installed neither memcached, nor the  
python-memcached library.  Both are available online; does installing  
them help?


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Re: Good Web development practice

2007-01-06 Thread Adam Seering

On Jan 6, 2007, at 6:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do not really think that you need to Redirect after every post -  

when data is altered.

In general, I agree, but many Web browsers give an annoying warning  
message if you try to go back across a POST; it's nice to redirect so  
as to avoid that message, if you're going to a page that users may  
click "back" to get to.


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Re: Creating an empty queryset

2007-01-10 Thread Adam Seering

I would strongly second that.  This seems to have fallen somewhat  
dead, though.  Any thoughts?; anyone in favor of it?; anyone know of  
any reasons not to do it?


On Dec 27, 2006, at 1:42 PM, Adrian Holovaty wrote:

> On 12/27/06, medhat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is there a way to create an empty queryset?! Let's say I have a  
>> manager
>> to return all the items with the given tags, and I want to return "no
>> items" if one of the given tags does not exist. Right now I return an
>> empty list, but this causes an error in generic views. Is there a way
>> to create an empty QuerySet object without hitting the database?
> I just had to do this the other day, and I ended up doing a hack  
> like this:
> That still hits the database, though. I'm not aware of a way to get an
> empty QuerySet without hitting the database. Maybe we should add one?
> Adrian
> -- 
> Adrian Holovaty
> |
> >

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Query: Follow foreignkeys?

2007-01-10 Thread Adam Seering

I have two models, A and B.  A.anchor is a foreignkey to B.  I  
currently have the following code:

B.objects.filter(id__in=[ x.anchor for x in  
A.function_that_applies_filter_to_A(data) ])

function_that_applies_filter_to_A is defined elsewhere, and I'm  
really not eager to change it (it's generated by about a page of  
rather-hairy code; it checks against several other related tables,  
including some minor tree-traversal in one table).  It returns a  
QuerySet.  'data' is some processed form data from a Web POST.

Is there a way to do this entirely in a single query, instead of  
hitting the database once, applying a filter in Python, and then  
hitting it again?


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User Session leakage

2007-01-17 Thread Adam Seering

Hi all,
	I've been working on a reasonably large internal site using Django.   
I was hitting the problem that user logins seemed to be getting  
confused; ie., two users logged in at the same time would  
occasionally switch 'User' database entries in request.user; one  
user's request.user would point to the other's account.  This site  
tends to have 15-20 people on it at a time at peak usage, and page  
generation takes long enough that two users actually having active  
connections at once is quite probable.

	I assumed this was a bug in my code; it wouldn't be the first...,  
and this is a large project with too few test cases and such.   
However, I recently wrote another small program in Django, completely  
from scratch (ie. no shared codebase).  This separate program also  
exhibited the "shared user account" problem.  This other program was  
a small AJAX+Django chat widget, used over the course of a weekend by  
~150 people; there were definitely concurrent sessions.

	This is getting really annoying.  Anyone have any ideas on how to  
debug it?


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Re: User Session leakage

2007-01-17 Thread Adam Seering

Applying that patch does seem to have helped on the first server;  
it's a probabilistic problem, but at least we haven't seen it since  
trying this.

The first server was running Debian Etch; the second was running  
Gentoo.  Both were using Django as installed from their local repo's  
(based on 0.95), not directly from SVN.  Out of curiosity, is there a  
way to determine the version of Django that a package uses, if it  
doesn't contain .svn files?


On Jan 17, 2007, at 11:43 AM, James Bennett wrote:

> On 1/17/07, Jeremy Dunck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Assuming the server is sane, the session cookie is the only thing
>> determining the request.user, so I suspect either your server isn't
>> sane (as in, threading is killing you), or something is wrong with
>> downstream caches.
> Or he's using a version of Django prior to revision 3754, which fixed
> a subtle bug in the way request.user is set up. Applying this diff
> should clear up the problem:
> -- 
> "May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
>  -- George Carlin
> >

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Re: User Session leakage

2007-01-17 Thread Adam Seering

Ah, ok.

In [1]: from django import VERSION

Out[2]: (0, 95, None)

Out of curiosity, is there a log somewhere of major security holes  
that are fixed since a release?  And, how does one get security  
patches into the releases used in major distro's?; who dropped the  
ball on this one?

We're not eager to use the SVN HEAD version of source on our main  
servers.  The Django API-change docs are good, but not that good; we  
have had code break unexpectedly in the past after "svn up"'s, and  
that just makes us sad when it happens.  On the other hand, we really  
don't want security issues to bite us; we're imposing in code  
security restrictions that exist for legal reasons, and we _really_  
can't afford that kind of problem in our underlying Web framework.   
Some of the people on this project are having serious concerns about  
the choice to use Django for this particular project; do folks have  
any thoughts/answers for them?


On Jan 17, 2007, at 4:51 PM, Jeremy Dunck wrote:

On 1/17/07, Adam Seering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Out of curiosity, is there a
way to determine the version of Django that a package uses, if it
doesn't contain .svn files?

django.VERSION gives a rough idea, though it's not updated between
"official" releases.
If you don't have django.VERSION, you're using a version prior to
0.95, I believe.


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Re: User Session leakage

2007-01-18 Thread Adam Seering

On Jan 17, 2007, at 10:01 PM, James Bennett wrote:

Some of the people on this project are having serious concerns about
the choice to use Django for this particular project; do folks have
any thoughts/answers for them?

I'm not sure really what sort of answers there are to give; there
aren't any silver bullets which magically make web development "safe".

I agree, certainly.  I understand that this sort of bug will,  
unfortunately, come up occasionally.  Our concern is that it's been  
order of a thousand SVN revisions since its patch was submitted, and  
a version of the code with this bug is still being distributed as a  
major release, with no warning to new users that the code is unsafe.   
I've been using Django since before this security policy was posted,  
so I hadn't seen it; I always assumed that Django would have one  
additional item on the list: - Apply the patch to the downloadable  
distribution, at all locations where it's available, so naive new  
users don't get bitten by old bugs.

The question really was, Is Django's policy to do this?  If so, what  
went wrong, and are there mechanisms in place to keep it from  
happening again?  If not, we're not sure what we will do; in terms of  
evaluating frameworks as we go, Django has just dropped a rather  
large notch in our view of things.


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Re: User Session leakage

2007-01-18 Thread Adam Seering

On Jan 18, 2007, at 9:35 AM, Jeremy Dunck wrote:

On 1/17/07, Adam Seering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We're not eager to use the SVN HEAD version of source on our main
servers.  The Django API-change docs are good, but not that good; we
have had code break unexpectedly in the past after "svn up"'s, and
that just makes us sad when it happens.

While I understand that reasoning, you may want to take something
closer to trunk for now, and regularly have an update/test cycle in
dev.  0.95 was 6 months ago, nearly 900 revs.

Perhaps we should have an 0.95 bugfix branch, and backport this  
issue to it.

This does seem to be the common practice in such frameworks; this is,  
after all, the purpose of a release: It's a fairly stable codebase  
that will be maintained for an extended period of time, with bug  
fixes / security patches / etc.  Otherwise, you could just tell  
people to check out a particular SVN version, or have nightly  
tarballs or something.

If you don't do that, I really think that Django should add a section  
to its download page: "This release version has a list of known  
security bugs.Please download patches  
for them."  This, of course, is highly awkward.  Then again, isn't  
distributing "release" code with known and fixed security holes, also  


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recursive FilePathField - list file paths

2006-07-19 Thread Adam Seering

I'm trying to use Django to manage a pre-existing documents directory.  
I'm using FilePathFields to point to files in the directory.  However, 
the directory contains many subdirectories, and files with repeat 
names.  The Admin interface, by default, just recursively scans 
directories and makes a list of all file names, not name + path.  Is 
there a way to make the Admin interface display name + path for each 
file, without modifying the Django source code?

If there isn't one, what are the chances that the Django maintainers 
would accept a patch that enabled this, if one was written?  It's a 
feature that I need; I'd guess that others might need it, too?


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Work with FileField directly

2006-08-06 Thread Adam Seering

I'm trying to make a form that, among other things, allows a user to 
upload one or more files (the number of files will vary; it's a form to 
upload images that are missing on a vaguely-Wiki-like page).  Each 
uploaded file creates a new table entry; the non-FileFields in the 
table are determined by other code that I've written.  I expect 
filename conflicts to come up occasionally; I'd like for them to be 
dealt with automatically, like they are in the Admin interface.  The 
web form that allows for file upload also asks for additional data; I 
have to handle that separately.

It seems like manipulators are usually the way to handle file-upload, 
but how can I use manipulators to do something this complex?

If I can't use manipulators, how do I deal with FileFields by hand?; 
just save the file myself and set "MyFileField = SavedFileName"?  Is 
the Django function that makes a unique filename (currently by adding 
"_", I believe) available, or do I have to write that myself as well?


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Loading initial data with a post_syncdb hook?

2011-05-08 Thread Adam Seering
I have some Python code that generates initial data for some of my 
tables; I currently call that code from a post_syncdb hook.  In Django 1.3, it 
looks like Django now calls TRUNCATE (or an equivalent non-PostgreSQL-ism) on 
all tables after running syncdb and all of its post- hooks.  I know I could use 
fixtures, but it's much more readable for us to use Python code for this 
initial data.  (The data being generated is somewhat complex and denormalized 
for various reasons that probably won't be changed just for the sake of this 
issue..., but there are nice clean simple Python functions to create each 
entry.)  Is there a good way to do so in the brave new Django 1.3 world?


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Re: Loading initial data with a post_syncdb hook?

2011-05-08 Thread Adam Seering

On May 8, 7:16 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss  wrote:
> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Adam Seering  wrote:
> > I have some Python code that generatesinitialdatafor some of my tables; I
> > currently call that code from a post_syncdb hook. In Django 1.3, it looks 
> > like
> > Django now calls TRUNCATE (or an equivalent non-PostgreSQL-ism) on all 
> > tables
> > after running syncdb and all of itspost- hooks.
> That... doesn't sound right. Here's all the SQL syncdb executes (for a
> simple app with one table); notice the distinct lack of any TRUNCATE
> statement.
> Are you perhaps talking about doing this during testing? If so, you're
> looking for unittest's setUp 
> method:

Oh, sorry, yeah; let me clarify:

Our code has initial database data that it needs in general to operate
as intended, during tests or otherwise.  Mostly (though not
exclusively) to do with a plugins system; scanning a subdirectory for
matching .py files and detecting the features that they export is a
little expensive, particularly in the critical path of page-rendering;
much faster to do it once in advance.  The TRUNCATE is during tests,

If we were to use TestCase.setUp, I would need to modify each of our
test classes to call each of our post_syncdb data-set-up hooks.  This
seems inelegant somehow; someone's going to forget one, and it's
redundant work (and so slower tests) because most of our tests aren't
TransactionTestCases and so don't need to re-create all of the data.

I could monkeypatch TestCase, and possibly even patch some hooks into or
django.db.backends.*.DatabaseOperations.sql_flush to know when data
has been flushed so that I don't have to restore it unnecessarily.
That feels complicated and fragile, though; I'm not a fan if I can
avoid it...

If the appropriate signals existed in the test framework, I could hook
them and do something mildly creative and achieve the same effect as
the above using public API's and no monkeypatching.  Unfortunately, it
looks like they don't exist just yet; I just gave Trac #14319 a gentle
poke along those lines.

All of these seem way too complicated, though.  Am I missing the
forest for the trees?; is there a simpler solution here?


(Incidentally, sorry if this is a duplicate; my original reply,
identical text, doesn't show up on

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Re: Loading initial data with a post_syncdb hook?

2011-05-08 Thread Adam Seering

On May 8, 10:53 pm, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Adam Seering  wrote:
> > (Incidentally, sorry if this is a duplicate; my original reply,
> > identical text, doesn't show up on
> I don't know why, but google groups decided your original message might be
> spam so held it. When it makes that decision for anyone other than a new
> user, it doesn't bother to send a note to moderators until a few days later.
> It's a great feechur of google groups. I have removed the copy that was held
> for moderation so as to avoid the duplication.

Ah, thanks!

> The change you have noticed is documented in the 1.3
> backwards-incompatibility 
> list:

Actually, that's a different issue:  I'm not using the custom-SQL
loader, I'm using Python code with the post_syncdb hook.  This one
isn't in the backwards-compatibility page as far as I can tell.

(Was that comment intended to cover this case as well?  Maybe a typo

> Of the alternatives you list, using setUp seems like the correct approach.
> I'm a little confused by your worry both that you're inevitably going to
> forget to put a call somewhere where it is needed and simultaneous statement
> that it's going to be causing duplicate work in a lot of places where it
> isn't really needed, though. It seems like you ought to be able to figure
> out where it is needed and put it there (possibly helped by tests that fail
> due to it not being there).

Hm; I'm not entirely sure why you're confused, it's certainly
something that'll be a bunch of work for us...  Perhaps you're
assuming that the set of tests are reasonably static, so that it's
possible to go through and do this once?  Let me take a shot at
clarifying; let me know if this helps:

Right now, we're working on adding tests, and on encouraging
developers to write tests for new parts of the code, new apps/code
that are being developed, etc.  Right now, as I understand it with
Django's current behavior and our post_syncdb hook setup, we want to
re-load the data in three cases:  (1) The current test is the first
test, (2) all prior tests are TestCase (as opposed to
TransactionTestCase) instances, or (3) we are a TransactionTestCase
instance.  So I can't look at any given test to tell you whether the
data has to be loaded or not; I need to know what test(s) have run
before it.  And this will change if we add new tests, and the result
may cause breakage not in the current code but in other pre-existing
tests, making it a pain to track down for anyone who doesn't know this
particular quirk.

We could just load it every time, but that would slow down our test
runs more than I'd like.  Also, it would involve adding the same one
line to every setUp() method, and remembering to add it to new tests,
etc.  Which I guess isn't the most onerous thing, but, I mean, it's
repeating the same line of code over and over again; is that not work

What I personally wish that Django did in this case would be to trust
the data that syncdb puts into the database; do the necessary
bookkeeping to restore it to its initial state at the end of each test
as needed.  If I thought it would be accepted, I'd submit a patch.
But if it were that simple, I assume someone would have done it that
way at the start; I don't know enough about this project to understand
the reasoning behind the TRUNCATE here in any case...  Hopefully
that'll do a better job framing of what I'd like to accomplish with
our code, though.


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Re: Loading initial data with a post_syncdb hook?

2011-05-09 Thread Adam Seering

On May 9, 12:24 pm, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 12:56 AM, Adam Seering  wrote:
> > On May 8, 10:53 pm, Karen Tracey  wrote:>
> > > The change you have noticed is documented in the 1.3
> > > backwards-incompatibility list:
> >
> > Actually, that's a different issue:  I'm not using the custom-SQL
> > loader, I'm using Python code with the post_syncdb hook.  This one
> > isn't in the backwards-compatibility page as far as I can tell.
> > (Was that comment intended to cover this case as well?  Maybe a typo
> > somewhere?)
> Hmm, you are right, this change is not supposed to affect data added via
> post_syncdb handlers. Specifically the change here 
> is: On an initial read it looks
> like it might cause post_syncdb-added data to get thrown away, since the
> post_syncdb signal is sent during the call_command('syncdb'). However, the
> call_command('flush', ...) that was added after the call_command('syncdb',
> ...) will also cause that signal to get sent.

Ah, I see what's going on.  Apologies; it sounds like this was a mess-
up / misunderstanding on my part:  Our syncdb hooks aren't safely
reentrant or re-runnable; they're not idempotent, and they depend for
correctness on having a clear django.core.cache to run queries against
and to push stuff into (or at least a cache that we haven't already
stuffed rows into that have since been deleted from the database but
not the cache; we have a fancy system that listens to post_delete to
keep the cache in sync with the database, but it looks like "flush"
doesn't fire post_delete?).  Most were written prior to Django's handy
"dispatch_uid" deduplication mechanism, so they have a simple one-off
global latch that only allows them to run once.  So they ran once for
the syncdb, then the "flush" cleared out all the database data and
they didn't run again the second time around.  My mistake was to look
at the queries being sent to the database, see the data being loaded
and the following TRUNCATE, and assume that things were supposed to
stop there.

(Out of curiosity, any idea why this was done this way?  It feels a
bit odd to me to generate data, throw it out, and generate it
again...  Could the SQL-loader just be turned off during "./
test" runs?)

This mostly leads to a nice clean obvious solution:  Make our loading
functions be safely reentrant and go start using dispatch_uid.  One
new problem, though:  We'll have to do something to flush the cache
whenever "flush" is called, so that stale data doesn't get left
behind.  Should be quite doable, if a little clunky.

> > Right now, we're working on adding tests, and on encouraging
> > developers to write tests for new parts of the code, new apps/code
> > that are being developed, etc.  Right now, as I understand it with
> > Django's current behavior and our post_syncdb hook setup, we want to
> > re-load the data in three cases:  (1) The current test is the first
> > test, (2) all prior tests are TestCase (as opposed to
> > TransactionTestCase) instances, or (3) we are a TransactionTestCase
> > instance.
> (...) In fact
> Django will run all TestCase tests before any TransactionTestCase tests (as
> noted in the 
> doc, precisely
> because the mechanism used to reset the database for these different kinds
> of tests can't ensure that a TestCase run after a TransactionTestCase will
> see a "clean" database on start.

Ah, ok:  Because that text listed "(e.g. doctests)" as the
counterexample, and since it seemed to be comparing both
django.test.TestCase and django.test.TransactionTestCase, I took the
first sentence of that paragraph to mean "A unittest.TestCase, on the other hand, ...".  If all the TransactionTestCases are at
the end as well, then that does in fact get rid of the weird edge
cases that I cited, modulo doctests as you noted (which we do use
occasionally but not very often).


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