Django security releases issued: 5.0.3, 4.2.11, and 3.2.25

2024-03-04 Thread Mariusz Felisiak

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Re: Django security releases issued: 5.0.3, 4.2.11, and 3.2.25

2024-03-04 Thread Ayoub ANSAIR
Thank you !

Le lun. 4 mars 2024 à 09:58, Mariusz Felisiak 
a écrit :

> Details are available on the Django project weblog:
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Re: Student Club Management Web App: Seeking Collaboration and Advice from Experts

2024-03-04 Thread phala mat
Interested, this will be a good learning opportunity for me

On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 10:00 AM Patient makanga 

> Interested, here is my WhatsApp: +27692415579.
> On Sun, Mar 3, 2024, 8:28 PM SOLTAN NOURELDIEN  wrote:
>> The number is incorrect, I Can't find you on the whatsapp.
>> On Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 7:06:57 PM UTC+3 kelvin Ace wrote:
>>> Interested… 09053116324
>>> On Sat, Mar 2, 2024 at 4:58 PM SOLTAN NOURELDIEN 
>>> wrote:

 Hello, I am currently working on my Django Project for a specific
 course at my university. I have already finished reading "Django for
 Beginners" by William S. Vincent. Now, I am eager to start this project,
 but I am still in the learning and research phase. Therefore, I will
 provide the requirements for the project and would appreciate feedback or
 any tips from anyone with experience in such projects.

 For example, this will be my first time implementing a multi-user
 system. After doing extensive research, I learned about Django's model
 group concept managing this approach. Additionally, I discovered Django
 Channels and signals, which I have never heard of before. I would
 appreciate any advice or guidance on how to approach such a project.

 Furthermore, if anyone is interested in joining me on this journey, it
 would be wonderful. We can learn a lot from this project together. The
 deadline is less than two months, so please provide your Discord or
 WhatsApp number, and we can create a group to collaborate on this project.

 *The requirements for the project are as follows:*

 An app for student clubs:
 *SKS Admin:*

   - Create Club Page
   - Delete Club Page
   - Assign Club Manager
   - Activity Form (Approve, Reject)
   - Receive notifications (Whenever a change occurs in the club
   page) (Approve Change, Reject Change)
   - Request for Publishing Activity Post (Approve, Reject)
   - Search Club Page
   - Announce All Activities (Will be displayed on the main page)

 *Club Manager:*

   - Fill out the activity form
   - Request for publishing Activity Post (Sending it to admin, and
   after approval, the activity will appear on the club main page)
   - Receive Notification (The response to the Activity Form &
   Activity Post publishing request)
   - Edit Activity Post (Admin manager will receive a notification)


   - Display weekly Activity Table
   - Display Clubs Main Page
   - Search (by category, by date)

 I will only focus on the backend development and integrate it into the
 template. I have other team members who will provide the Static HTML, CSS &
 JS files. I will incorporate them into the Django templates and work on
 making them interactive.

 Additionally, if time allows, I can implement additional features such

- Manager:
   - Submit an application to SKS to assign a club
   - Initiate a chat conversation between the manager and the SKS
- Student:
   - Become a member of a club
   - Follow Clubs
   - Follow the club pages
   - Like and comment on a post

 If you have any ideas or know of existing projects that could serve as
 inspiration, please feel free to comment. I would greatly appreciate it.

 Also, if you would like to collaborate with me for learning purposes
 and to work as a team, please don't hesitate to provide your contact
 information, and I will reach out to you. Thank you very much.

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How to send email from django without authenticate smtp server

2024-03-04 Thread Praveen Chaudhary
Hello everyone,

Basically, I want to send the email from django using smtp server. I have
my own smtp server domain host at port 25, but don't want to pass
EMAIL_HOST_USER & EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD. I am using EmailMultiAlernatives to
send the html and file, I am unable to send email without EMAIL_HOST_USER &

Thank you for your help.

*Prabin Chaudhary*

Software Engineer

Mobile: +977-9840193890 |  

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Re: How to send email from django without authenticate smtp server

2024-03-04 Thread jose kj
Ask chatgpt or bard

On Mon, 4 Mar, 2024, 11:20 pm Praveen Chaudhary, 

> Hello everyone,
> Basically, I want to send the email from django using smtp server. I have
> my own smtp server domain host at port 25, but don't want to pass
> EMAIL_HOST_USER & EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD. I am using EmailMultiAlernatives to
> send the html and file, I am unable to send email without EMAIL_HOST_USER &
> Thank you for your help.
> *Prabin Chaudhary*
> Software Engineer
> Mobile: +977-9840193890 |
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Deploy multiple smart contracts on a single address and interact with them with

2024-03-04 Thread Yao Marius SODOKIN
Hello dear all,
I am developing a decentralized application;

It implements smart contracts with solidity. each object represents a smart
contract. So I wrote the Transaction, Project, User contracts. I want to
deploy these contracts to a single address; and interact with them from my
REST API developed in Django Rest Framework, using the library

The problem I have is:
1-I wrote the code of the three contracts in a single contract, this
contract is heavy and cannot be compiled
2- I finally wrote the contracts differently, deployed them to different
addresses, and from another contract I want to interact with these
contracts. This allows me to interact with a single contract from my API in
order to call on others. The size of this contract is also too much and
cannot be compiled.
here is the error message:

CompilerError: Stack too deep. Try compiling with `--via-ir` (cli) or the
equivalent `viaIR: true` (standard JSON) while enabling the optimizer.
Otherwise, try removing local variables. When compiling inline assembly:
Variable headStart is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack. Stack too deep.
Try compiling with `--via-ir` (cli) or the equivalent `viaIR: true`
(standard JSON) while enabling the optimizer. Otherwise, try removing local

How to do ? or what alternative or means used? The objective is to interact
with smart contracts deployed from my API in Django Rest Framework


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Re: Why would a deployed site shows up with distorted layout

2024-03-04 Thread
Thank you all for providing valuable answers. 

1. My case was actually related to the permission issue on 
~/www-data/ folder as mentioned by @Asamoah Emmanuel. 
2. Though I changed the ownership of the folder with 
siteUser:www-data ~/www-data/
the problem was not resolved, but resolved with the next step.
3. So I had to add siteUser in nginx.conf file and then restarted gunicorn 
and nginx

Here is the solution lead me fixing my 

Best Regards,

On Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 2:32:19 PM UTC-7 Mordecai Etukudo wrote:

> First install white noise and collect static you are good to go 
> On Thu, Feb 29, 2024, 7:38 PM ASAMOAH EMMANUEL  
> wrote:
>> I faced this issue before and I know how frustrating it can be. after 
>> sifting through several results, this worked. sudo usermod -aG username 
>> www-data
>> sudo chown -R :www-data /home/username/projects/personal
>> On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 6:37 PM ASAMOAH EMMANUEL  
>> wrote:
>>> Replace your username with this and run this code: sudo usermod -aG 
>>> username www-data
>>> sudo chown -R :www-data /home/username/projects/personal
>>> On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 2:15 PM Amitesh Tripathi  
>>> wrote:
 Your website is in debug mode??

 On Thu, 29 Feb 2024, 11:54 Ram,  wrote:

> Hi,
> We are able to deploy our pre-production site successfully using 
> jenkins deployment and as part of the deployment we do the following:
> 1. Django application with runserver
> 2. Gunicorn restart
> 3. Nginx restart
> But our web application loads with distorted layout and we have this 
> setting for staticfiles
> STATIC_URL = '/static/'
> STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
> We are wondering what is missing?
> Best Regards,
> ~Ram
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>>> -- 
>>> I don't stop when I'm tired, I only stop when the job is done.
>> -- 
>> I don't stop when I'm tired, I only stop when the job is done.
>> -- 
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