Re: My first Django project

2023-08-31 Thread 'Kasper Laudrup' via Django users

On 29/08/2023 10.52, Noah Dara wrote:

hi I'm new in Django I need your help my project is retirning the 
following in theterminal PS C:\Users\user\projects> & 
& : File 
C:\Users\user\.virtualenvs\projects-O4ZjmZLG\Scripts\Activate.ps1 cannot 
be loaded
because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more 
information, see

about_Execution_Policies at https:/

This is not related to Django but related to Powershell on Windows. Have 
you tried reading the information in the link above where it says "for 
more information"? That would probably be a good start.

Also don't hijack other threads but start your own instead.

Thanks and kind regards,
Kasper Laudrup

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Request for Django for Professionals book.

2023-08-31 Thread ALINDA Fortunate
Hello Team 👋.

I am done with Django for beginners.

Any one to share with me Django for professionals 4.0 please 🙏🙏🙏.


 "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or

A graduate of Bachelors Degree of Science in Computer Science of Gulu

Passionate about Python Development
And Computer related Dynamics

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Re: Django Resolve Choices Class

2023-08-31 Thread Andréas Kühne
If you want the string instead of the value, you just use:

Django automatically adds these "magic methods" when you have fields that
have choices.

You can see this in the documentation:



Den ons 30 aug. 2023 kl 22:11 skrev <>:

> I have in my
> class GendersChoices(models.IntegerChoices):
> M = 0, _('Male')
> F = 1, _('Female')
> N = 2, _('Gender Neutral')
> class Address(models.Model):
> gender = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=GendersChoices.choices,
> blank=True, default=GendersChoices.F, null=True,verbose_name=_('Gender'))
> Now i have a entity from Address and when i make entity.gender i get a
> number from database. But i want when in entity are insert 2 then i want to
> get _('Gender Neutral') instead of 2
> How i can do that?
> --
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2023-08-31 Thread Andréas Kühne
First of all - notification - what do you mean by notification?

If you mean that the user should be notified in the instance when someone
creates / updates / deletes your models - you will need to have either
server side events or websockets to communicate with the frontend. You
could also poll the server (for example every 5 minutes) to check for new
messages. These solutions would require that you have some javascript on
the frontend.

To get this working on the backend - you would then need some sort of
changes in the save method to send the notifications to the frontend. This
could be as simple as creating a Notification model and then just creating
a notification every time you update a model.



Den tis 22 aug. 2023 kl 16:02 skrev Byansi Samuel :

> My views
> from django.shortcuts import render def auto_notification(request): return
> render (request, "user/dashboard.html")
> My models
> from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> #articles model
> class Articles(models.Model):
> title = models.CharField(max_length=300) date= models.DateField()
> author=models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
> body=models.TextField()
> def __str__(self) -> str:
> return self.title
> #games model
> GAME_TYPE=( ("action", "action"), ("adventure", "adventure"), ("racing",
> "racing"), ("puzzle", "puzzle"), )
> MOV_TYPE=( ("action", "action"), ("adventure", "adventure"), ("sci-fi",
> "sci-fi"), ("horror", "horror"), ("drama", "drama"), )
> GAME_OS=( ("Windows", "Windows"), ("Android", "Android"), )
> class Games(models.Model): name=models.CharField(max_length=50)
> type=models.CharField(max_length=40, choices=GAME_TYPE)
> os=models.CharField(max_length=15, choices=GAME_OS) img=models.ImageField()
> developer=models.CharField(max_length=50)
> version=models.CharField(max_length=10)
> ratings=models.CharField(max_length=10) description=models.TextField()
> def __str__(self) -> str:
> return class
> Movies(models.Model): name=models.CharField(max_length=50)
> type=models.CharField(max_length=40, choices=MOV_TYPE)
> description=models.TextField() released=models.DateField()
> def __str__(self) -> str:
> return
> I have three models below, but l like to create a Notification System to
> send a message to a User whenever ;
> 1. An object is created in all those models
> 2. An object is modified in all those models
> And l would like to add trick that it sends the Notification Message after
> 15 minutes of publiction or creation.
> And I would like to pass the following data if available in the object ;
> 1. the Name of the Object,
> 2. the Image of the Object, and
> 3. the type of the Object.
> Lastly I would like to add a :
> 1. Notification DELETE function, that gives User a way to delete that
> Message , not to appear in his or notification section again.
> 2. Mark as Read function, that changes the Massage Div Color
> 3. A notification Barge that displays the UNREAD Messages.
> Am requesting anyone to help me Because Am stuck , I have no where to
> Start from. I will be on waiting your guidelines.
> --
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Re: Django Resolve Choices Class

2023-08-31 Thread Sebastian Jung
Thank you it is working. Wonderful

Andréas Kühne  schrieb am Do., 31. Aug. 2023,

> If you want the string instead of the value, you just use:
> entity.get_gender_display()
> Django automatically adds these "magic methods" when you have fields that
> have choices.
> You can see this in the documentation:
> Regards,
> Andréas
> Den ons 30 aug. 2023 kl 22:11 skrev <
>> I have in my
>> class GendersChoices(models.IntegerChoices):
>> M = 0, _('Male')
>> F = 1, _('Female')
>> N = 2, _('Gender Neutral')
>> class Address(models.Model):
>> gender = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=GendersChoices.choices,
>> blank=True, default=GendersChoices.F, null=True,verbose_name=_('Gender'))
>> Now i have a entity from Address and when i make entity.gender i get a
>> number from database. But i want when in entity are insert 2 then i want to
>> get _('Gender Neutral') instead of 2
>> How i can do that?
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> .
> --
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Cloud Builders: Python Conf

2023-08-31 Thread Ilona Vardanian

Hi Django team!

My name is Ilona, nice to meet you.
I am the community manager of Сloud Builders, a European cloud-agnostic 
community born in Ukraine.

I am contacting you to invite you as a media partner for our event.

Date: September 6, 2023

Format: online-conference

Check it out:

JJ Asghar, Developer Advocate at IBM will walk through an Open Source 
project called Caikit, how to access public Open Source models, provide a 
demo on deploying it to OpenShift and show off a Python-based Open Source 
project. Fireside chat with Dr. Patrick Kavanagh about Python’s role in 
astronomy, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and others.

Also, Cheuk Ting Ho from OpenSSF, and as a host, Dmytro Panin from Levi9 
Ukraine will join us

I would kindly ask you if you can support us and our event and make an 
announcement on your social networks?

We, in turn, will be happy to publish your clickable logo on the event 

Let me know if I can provide some additional info.

Thank you in advance for your reply. I will happily talk to you in Polish 
if you are more comfortable speaking in Polish. Have a nice day!

Best regards, Ilona[image: 😊]

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Re: Junior Python Developer Seeking Job Opportunities to Enhance Skills

2023-08-31 Thread Ngimbus emmanuel legrand
Good morning m'y Friend i Can have you WhatsApp number.

Le mar. 18 juil. 2023 à 19:41, sunday honesty  a
écrit :

> Dear Group Members,
> I hope this message finds you all well. I am a junior Python developer
> with experience in Django, Django Rest Framework, Fast API, machine
> learning, neural networks, HTML, and JavaScript. I hold a BSc in Computer
> Science/Statistics and have a strong passion for leveraging these skills to
> solve real-world problems.
> I am reaching out to this group to express my keen interest in securing a
> job opportunity where I can apply and further develop my existing
> knowledge. While salary is not my primary concern at this stage, my utmost
> priority is gaining practical experience to supplement the personal
> projects I have completed.
> If you know of any openings or can refer me to potential employers seeking
> motivated and dedicated Python developers, I would be extremely grateful
> for your assistance. I am open to both full-time positions and internships
> that allow me to immerse myself in challenging projects and work
> collaboratively with a talented team.
> Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any leads or
> suggestions. I am eager to explore opportunities and contribute my skills
> towards creating innovative solutions.
> Thank you all.
> Best regards,
> Sunday Honesty
> --
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2023-08-31 Thread KHUSH DESAI
hey guys , I am a new to doing all of this as i just started coding . Can 
you guys give me some advice about how to build a task manager 
website/chrome add-on that can help me manage my time . I have learned HTML 
CSS and in the mist of learning python and honestly i am lost on how to do 

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Re: Python

2023-08-31 Thread Andréas Kühne
You should start by understanding a web framework with Python. I would recommend starting with Django - - it’s a batteries included framework where you won’t need to handle all aspects by yourself.You can find a good tutorial at the following website:Introduction · HonKittutorial.djangogirls.orgTry to follow that and you will get the foundations for building a website with a python backend. After that you should be able to start building the project you mentioned.Regards,Andréas1 sep. 2023 kl. 05:34 skrev KHUSH DESAI :hey guys , I am a new to doing all of this as i just started coding . Can you guys give me some advice about how to build a task manager website/chrome add-on that can help me manage my time . I have learned HTML CSS and in the mist of learning python and honestly i am lost on how to do this 

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Re: Python

2023-08-31 Thread Brian Carey
It would be good to have a goal. What do you want to do? Website? Applications? 
Data Science? Machine Learning? The answer really depends on your purpose.

⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​

On Aug 31, 2023, 21:34, at 21:34, KHUSH DESAI  wrote:
>hey guys , I am a new to doing all of this as i just started coding .
>you guys give me some advice about how to build a task manager 
>website/chrome add-on that can help me manage my time . I have learned
>CSS and in the mist of learning python and honestly i am lost on how to
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