Re: Facing FileNotFound Error

2022-12-26 Thread 'Kasper Laudrup' via Django users

On 26/12/2022 09.11, MaheshKumar wrote:


I just facing an FileNotFound Error while runserver through the poetry 
shell with settings config.

Please help to resolve this

This will guide you in the right direction:

Kind regards,
Kasper Laudrup

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Re: How to allow user to delete their own profile after login with their default id.

2022-12-26 Thread Raj Mandaviya

Here is what you can do:
When User clicks the Delete profile button you use Javascript Confirm then 
if they press OK you go to the view.

def delete_account(request):
user = User.objects.get(
# You first logout the user then delete the account
# You can use either of these
# To Soft Delete = False
# To Hard Delete
messages.success("You account has been deleted Successfully!")
return redirect('home')

Let me know if this doesn't work.
-Raj Mandaviya

On Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 7:43:09 PM UTC+5:30 wrote:

> Hi, I have created authentication system in Django. Anyone just tell me 
> how to allow user to delete the created profile with default id of the 
> user.[image: 
> Screenshot 2022-12-24 193133.png]. I I am using built-in  User 
> authentication libraries for this purpose and haven't created database 
> model for the user. But the function (the commented function under 
> delete_account) that I have created it is not deleting the user.
> Now I am trying to delete user profile using generic editing views  of 
> Django.
> Anyone tell me how to allow user to delete the created profile with 
> default id of the user.

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can any one help

2022-12-26 Thread 'Gaurav Mishra' via Django users
i have a list of items .and user can generate pdf of that item but one 
condition is there when user genrate pdf after that when new item added in 
list and after adding if your generate pdf then he show only newly added 

i need help?

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Re: Need help Scraping a couple of websites

2022-12-26 Thread Raj Mandaviya
Thank you for the info. Does this mean I can make a repo for the Scrapper I 
created with Flask on GitHub and not be affected?

On Friday, December 23, 2022 at 11:41:27 PM UTC+5:30 wrote:

> > I can scrap for you. I just created an IMDB scrapper(which is illegal, 
> so not going to post the code anywhere but mailed IMDb about it) in the 
> flask.
> > Also, have experience in Django and web scrapping using bs4.
> illegal? Against Copyright, and maybe not permitted by End-User License. 
> But illegal? You’re not going to go to jail if you scrape IMDB, as an 
> individual user. If you do it as part of a company, that company will 
> probably be issued a cease and desist… And if they don’t comply they’ll get 
> IP blocked, and possibly sued. But once again, I suspect that would be 
> civil, and maybe not criminal? I’m not sure… 
> But IMDB can’t do anything to prevent someone from scraping the web site, 
> as a individual, as long as you don’t draw attention to yourself.
> - Benjamin

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Re: can any one help

2022-12-26 Thread 'Kasper Laudrup' via Django users

On 25/12/2022 21.18, 'Gaurav Mishra' via Django users wrote:
i have a list of items .and user can generate pdf of that item but one 
condition is there when user genrate pdf after that when new item added 
in list and after adding if your generate pdf then he show only newly 
added item.

i need help?

I think you need help in writing a question. It is impossible to 
understand what you are trying to do, so no one will be able to help you.

Maybe share the code you have so far and take some time to write a 
question in proper English?

Kind regards,
Kasper Laudrup

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Re: Need help Scraping a couple of websites

2022-12-26 Thread John McClain
I’m not needing to scrape anything illegal

I need product details and associated images from collections on furniture
mfg websites

I have permission to do so no issues with data being collected

I need data scraped to be cleansed and delivered in csv

I do not need the scraping routine designed fir future use, this one time
scrape. However, if data collected is not sufficient you may need to repeat
the process

On Mon 26 Dec 2022 at 14:39, Raj Mandaviya  wrote:

> Thank you for the info. Does this mean I can make a repo for the Scrapper
> I created with Flask on GitHub and not be affected?
> On Friday, December 23, 2022 at 11:41:27 PM UTC+5:30
> wrote:
>> > I can scrap for you. I just created an IMDB scrapper(which is illegal,
>> so not going to post the code anywhere but mailed IMDb about it) in the
>> flask.
>> > Also, have experience in Django and web scrapping using bs4.
>> illegal? Against Copyright, and maybe not permitted by End-User License.
>> But illegal? You’re not going to go to jail if you scrape IMDB, as an
>> individual user. If you do it as part of a company, that company will
>> probably be issued a cease and desist… And if they don’t comply they’ll get
>> IP blocked, and possibly sued. But once again, I suspect that would be
>> civil, and maybe not criminal? I’m not sure…
>> But IMDB can’t do anything to prevent someone from scraping the web site,
>> as a individual, as long as you don’t draw attention to yourself.
>> - Benjamin
>> --
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> .
John McClain

Cell: 085-1977-823
Skype: jmcclain0129

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Re: can any one help

2022-12-26 Thread Eng Thanoon
Don't understand questions perfect.
But if your question is
you have list and make pdf
Then try to generate new pdf from items
You want the new pdf have only new items ( not include old items in new pdf
) ?

You can add( is_add_to_pdf ) bool field to your items and make it true when
added to pdf
Then when generate other pdf exclude those items

في الاثنين، 26 ديسمبر 2022 5:47 م 'Kasper Laudrup' via Django users <> كتب:

> On 25/12/2022 21.18, 'Gaurav Mishra' via Django users wrote:
> > i have a list of items .and user can generate pdf of that item but one
> > condition is there when user genrate pdf after that when new item added
> > in list and after adding if your generate pdf then he show only newly
> > added item.
> >
> > i need help?
> >
> I think you need help in writing a question. It is impossible to
> understand what you are trying to do, so no one will be able to help you.
> Maybe share the code you have so far and take some time to write a
> question in proper English?
> Kind regards,
> Kasper Laudrup
> --
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> "Django users" group.
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> .

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Re: Permission for admin to add patient

2022-12-26 Thread Karel Curtis
Thank you for helping.

Le dim. 18 déc. 2022 à 00:58, sere kaba  a écrit :

> from .model import Patient
> or
> @admin.register(Patient)
> Le mardi 13 décembre 2022 à 13:02:28 UTC, a écrit :
>> Are you want to register your model on admin?
>> On Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 1:01:17 PM UTC+6
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, need to register the file in file and then make
>>> migrations as like mention in following documentation.
>>> On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 4:49:26 AM UTC+5:30
>>> wrote:
 Hello to all. Please, I would like to know in Django, how to allow an
 administrator to add a patient, but not a simple connected user? the
 following pics are my, and my

>>> --
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