Re: gettext vs ugettext_lazy

2021-12-03 Thread David Nugent
Don't use ugettext*, they are deprecated and no longer exist in 3.x. m They
were for Django 2.x support.

On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 5:54 PM  wrote:

> Hello
> Would like to know, what are the difference between gettext and
> ugettext_lazy?
> When to use each of them?
> --
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I need orientation on what to do and how to do it (procedure)

2021-12-03 Thread Amor Zamora
I comment that with the PyPDF2 library, I want to read 1 file (.pdf) that 
is in a folder, take the information from that file and send it to a scrpt, 
which is processed (I already have the scropt functions done, I put them 
here) and then I want to save the results in another pdf and that this be 
saved in the same folder, but with the name results. Suggestions on how I 
can do this. Escrip that will process the information in the pdf.
import pdfAWAM
import sys, os
import optparse
import time
import config
import requests
import io

USAGE="""%s [options] pdffile - Check PDF documents for accessibility"""

def checkAcc(pdffile_or_url, passwd='', verbose=True, report=False, 
developer=False, loglevel='info'):

config.pdfwamloglevel = loglevel

if pdffile_or_url.startswith('http://') or pdffile_or_url.startswith('
data = requests.get(pdffile_or_url).content
stream = io.BytesIO(data)
stream = open(pdffile_or_url, 'rb')
json_response = pdfAWAM.extractAWAMIndicators(stream, passwd, verbose, 
report, developer, json_value=True, console=True)

print("JSON Response",json_response)

def setupOptions():
if len(sys.argv)==1:
o = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE % sys.argv[0] )
dest='password',help='Optional password for encrypted PDF',default='')
dest='quiet',help="Be quiet, won't print debug/informational messages",
dest='developer',help="Print a dictionary of information for the developer 
(please note that this turns off reporting and debug messages 
dest='report',help="Print a report of test results at the end",action=
dest='loglevel',help="Set logging level (default: info)",
o.add_option('-j', '--json',
dest='json', help="Print JSON of result",action="store_true",

options, args = o.parse_args()
return (args[0], options.__dict__)

def main():
pdffile, options = setupOptions()

password = options.get('password','')
quiet = options.get('quiet')
report = options.get('report')
developer = options.get('developer')
loglevel = options.get('loglevel','info')
json_flag = options.get('json')

if developer:
print('Developer option turned on, reporting and messages will be disabled.'

verbose = (not quiet)
checkAcc(pdffile, password, verbose, report, developer, loglevel)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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Re: gettext vs ugettext_lazy

2021-12-03 Thread David Nugent
Correction, Python 2.x support

On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 8:12 PM David Nugent  wrote:

> Don't use ugettext*, they are deprecated and no longer exist in 3.x. m
> They were for Django 2.x support.
> On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 5:54 PM  wrote:
>> Hello
>> Would like to know, what are the difference between gettext and
>> ugettext_lazy?
>> When to use each of them?
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to
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Use previously requested data in another request

2021-12-03 Thread kayhan
I first send a request to Django and save its data with a session.
I will send another request to Django later. Here I want to use the data of 
the previous request.
But my code does not work properly. And the value "None" appears in the 
Does anyone know what I should do?

def planing(request): if request.is_ajax(): # Get user location from user 
location.js file: latitude = request.POST.get('latitude', None) longitude = 
request.POST.get('longitude', None) print("latitude, longitude = ", 
latitude,longitude) # To save data request.session['latitude'] = latitude 
request.session['longitude'] = longitude # To retrive data: latitude = 
request.session.get('latitude') longitude = request.session.get('longitude') 
print("latitude, longitude = ", latitude,longitude) elif request.method == 
"GET": return render(request, "tourist/planing.html") elif request.method 
== "POST": # To retrive data: latitude = request.session.get('latitude') 
longitude = request.session.get('longitude') print("latitude, longitude = ", 
latitude,longitude) Output: latitude, longitude = 34.801595 48.499574 
latitude, longitude = 34.801595 48.499574 latitude, longitude = None None

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Re: How to get a variable from an ajax request and use it in another application in Django?

2021-12-03 Thread kayhan
Sorry, as you said I used the session.
But my problem has not been solved yet.

I first send a request to Django and save its data with a session.
I will send another request to Django later. Here I want to use the data of
the previous request.
But my code does not work properly. And the value "None" appears in the

def planing(request): if request.is_ajax(): # Get user location from user
location.js file: latitude = request.POST.get('latitude', None) longitude =
request.POST.get('longitude', None) print("latitude, longitude = ",
latitude,longitude) # To save data request.session['latitude'] = latitude
request.session['longitude'] = longitude # To retrieve data: latitude =
request.session.get('latitude') longitude = request.session.get('longitude')
print("latitude, longitude = ", latitude,longitude) elif request.method ==
"GET": return render(request, "tourist/planing.html") elif request.method
== "POST": # To retrieve data: latitude = request.session.get('latitude')
longitude = request.session.get('longitude') print("latitude, longitude = ",
latitude,longitude) Output: latitude, longitude = 34.801595 48.499574
latitude, longitude = 34.801595 48.499574 latitude, longitude = None None

On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 6:37 PM kayhan  wrote:

> Thank you David🙏🙏
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 3:56 AM David Nugent  wrote:
>> That is definitely much more clear.
>> The usual way of doing this is to handle it like a shopping cart (plenty
>> of examples only a google search away).
>> Typically you store this information in the user's session in the first
>> view, then retrieve it in the subsequent view(s).
>> Note that `request.is_ajax` is deprecated and does not even exist anymore
>> in Django 3.x. You can guess that from other info, but you should probably
>> use a
>> different view for handling the ajax request in any case, for clarity and
>> maintainability. The response data would usually use a different format
>> (json vs text/html).
>> Regards, David
>> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 6:04 AM kayhan  wrote:
>>> Sorry I did not ask the question well.
>>> Question:
>>> How to first send some data with an Ajax request to Django view and then
>>> with a post request, send the form information to the same view and use the
>>> data sent in the previous request (Ajax request) in the second request ?
>>> def planing(request):
>>> if request.is_ajax():
>>> # Get user location from user location.js file:
>>> latitude = request.POST.get('latitude', None)
>>> longitude = request.POST.get('longitude', None)
>>> elif request.method == "GET":
>>> return render(request, "tourist/planing.html")
>>> elif request.method == "POST":
>>> # Here I want to take the form data and have
>>> #the previous request data (latitude, longitude) here and do a series of
>>> processing.
>> --
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Re: Use previously requested data in another request

2021-12-03 Thread Lalit Suthar
We can save that in any django model in ajax() request if possible.

You can check if you have modified `SESSION_COOKIE_AGE` (
if it is too less that might be the reason.

On Fri, 3 Dec 2021 at 16:15, kayhan  wrote:

> Hi
> I first send a request to Django and save its data with a session.
> I will send another request to Django later. Here I want to use the data
> of the previous request.
> But my code does not work properly. And the value "None" appears in the
> output.
> Does anyone know what I should do?
> Thankful
> def planing(request): if request.is_ajax(): # Get user location from user
> location.js file: latitude = request.POST.get('latitude', None) longitude
> = request.POST.get('longitude', None) print("latitude, longitude = ",
> latitude,longitude) # To save data request.session['latitude'] = latitude
> request.session['longitude'] = longitude # To retrive data: latitude =
> request.session.get('latitude') longitude = request.session.get(
> 'longitude') print("latitude, longitude = ", latitude,longitude) elif
> request.method == "GET": return render(request, "tourist/planing.html")
> elif request.method == "POST": # To retrive data: latitude =
> request.session.get('latitude') longitude = request.session.get(
> 'longitude') print("latitude, longitude = ", latitude,longitude) Output:
> latitude, longitude = 34.801595 48.499574 latitude, longitude = 34.801595
> 48.499574 latitude, longitude = None None
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: Use previously requested data in another request

2021-12-03 Thread kayhan
Thanks but I did not change the settings.
And to test, SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 5 * 60,
  I added to the settings but there is still the same problem.

On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 8:55 PM Lalit Suthar 

> We can save that in any django model in ajax() request if possible.
> You can check if you have modified `SESSION_COOKIE_AGE` (
> )
> if it is too less that might be the reason.
> On Fri, 3 Dec 2021 at 16:15, kayhan  wrote:
>> Hi
>> I first send a request to Django and save its data with a session.
>> I will send another request to Django later. Here I want to use the data
>> of the previous request.
>> But my code does not work properly. And the value "None" appears in the
>> output.
>> Does anyone know what I should do?
>> Thankful
>> def planing(request): if request.is_ajax(): # Get user location from
>> user location.js file: latitude = request.POST.get('latitude', None)
>> longitude = request.POST.get('longitude', None) print("latitude,
>> longitude = ", latitude,longitude) # To save data request.session[
>> 'latitude'] = latitude request.session['longitude'] = longitude # To
>> retrive data: latitude = request.session.get('latitude') longitude =
>> request.session.get('longitude') print("latitude, longitude = ",
>> latitude,longitude) elif request.method == "GET": return render(request,
>> "tourist/planing.html") elif request.method == "POST": # To retrive data:
>> latitude = request.session.get('latitude') longitude =
>> request.session.get('longitude') print("latitude, longitude = ",
>> latitude,longitude) Output: latitude, longitude = 34.801595 48.499574
>> latitude, longitude = 34.801595 48.499574 latitude, longitude = None None
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Django users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> .
> --
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Re: Necesito orientacion de que debo hacer y como lo debo hacer(procedimiento)

2021-12-03 Thread Rafael Matos Borges
Eu também aprendendo agora django

Em qua., 1 de dez. de 2021 20:22, Amor Zamora 

> Les comento que con la libreria PyPDF2, quiero leer 1 archivo (.pdf) que
> esta en una carpeta, tomar la informacion de ese archivo y enviarla a un
> scrpt, que se procese(ya tengo hechas las funciones del scropt, las pongoa
> aocntinuacion) y luego los resultados los queiro guardar en otro pdf y que
> este se guarde en la misma carpeta, pero con el nombre resultados.
> Sugerencias de como puedo hacer esto.
> Escrip que va a procesar la informaciond el pdf.
> import pdfAWAM
> import sys, os
> import optparse
> import time
> import config
> import requests
> import io
> USAGE="""%s [options] pdffile - Check PDF documents for accessibility"""
> def checkAcc(pdffile_or_url, passwd='', verbose=True, report=False,
> developer=False, loglevel='info'):
> config.pdfwamloglevel = loglevel
> if pdffile_or_url.startswith('http://') or pdffile_or_url.startswith(
> 'https://'):
> data = requests.get(pdffile_or_url).content
> stream = io.BytesIO(data)
> else:
> stream = open(pdffile_or_url, 'rb')
> json_response = pdfAWAM.extractAWAMIndicators(stream, passwd, verbose,
> report, developer, json_value=True, console=True)
> print("JSON Response",json_response)
> def setupOptions():
> if len(sys.argv)==1:
> sys.argv.append('-h')
> o = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE % sys.argv[0] )
> o.add_option('-p','--password',
> dest='password',help='Optional password for encrypted PDF',default='')
> o.add_option('-q','--quiet',
> dest='quiet',help="Be quiet, won't print debug/informational messages",
> action="store_true",
> default=False)
> o.add_option('-d','--developer',
> dest='developer',help="Print a dictionary of information for the
> developer (please note that this turns off reporting and debug messages
> automatically)",action="store_true",
> default=False)
> o.add_option('-r','--report',
> dest='report',help="Print a report of test results at the end",action=
> "store_true",
> default=False)
> o.add_option('-l','--loglevel',
> dest='loglevel',help="Set logging level (default: info)",
> default='info')
> o.add_option('-j', '--json',
> dest='json', help="Print JSON of result",action="store_true",
> default=False)
> options, args = o.parse_args()
> return (args[0], options.__dict__)
> def main():
> pdffile, options = setupOptions()
> password = options.get('password','')
> quiet = options.get('quiet')
> report = options.get('report')
> developer = options.get('developer')
> loglevel = options.get('loglevel','info')
> json_flag = options.get('json')
> if developer:
> print('Developer option turned on, reporting and messages will be
> disabled.')
> verbose = (not quiet)
> checkAcc(pdffile, password, verbose, report, developer, loglevel)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> main()
> --
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Re: for loop + transaction.on_commit + celery = Unexpected Behaviour

2021-12-03 Thread Martin Pätzold
This is an older topic, but for everyone who found this discusion and had 
the same issue: The problem is most likely using "lambda" inside a 
for-loop. If you switch out "lambda" for "functools.partial" it should work 
as expected.
Jani Tiainen schrieb am Donnerstag, 27. April 2017 um 08:27:11 UTC+2:

> Hi,
> I think your problem is to use POST['_models_changed']. Django uses 
> specialized version of dictionary there which return _last_ value from 
> list. You need to use special "get_list()" method to get whole list of 
> objects.
> Your code should start working if you do 
> data['_models_changed'].get_list()  in a for-loop.
> Also, why you modify request.POST instead of adding class attribute?
> On 24.04.2017 14:37, Emilio Jimenez Canalejo wrote:
> Hi, I've been looking for some time around the internet a problem I have, 
> maybe I'm just dull from all the searching and the answer is pretty 
> obvious, but I can't find it. 
> For example, I have code like this:
> @app.task
> def foo(idx):
> print("This is iteration {}".format(idx))
> def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
> data = request.POST
> result = super(Model, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
> for pk in data['_models_changed']:
> transaction.on_commit(lambda: foo(pk))
> To my astonishment, I thought I would get:
> "This is iteration 1"
> "This is iteration 2"
> "This is iteration 3"
> "This is iteration 4"
> But I got:
> "This is iteration 4"
> "This is iteration 4"
> "This is iteration 4"
> "This is iteration 4"
> I'm using python 2.7, Django 1.10.5 and Celery 4.0.2.
> 'models_changed' is a field in the post added by a custom clean method.
> Anyone knows a way to do this?
> Thanks for all!
> -- 
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> -- 
> Jani Tiainen

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