Need Help in Django DataFrames Graph Generation

2020-06-06 Thread Balaji Shetty

Can any body help me in this scenario. Please see the attached file.

X axis is Date and Y Axis are Attendance of Physics , chemistry,  math and
English Subject Students totals.  How can I pass Data from model into
dataframe object.

This  example is Static. I want to get data Dynamically from model and
display in Graph.

Model(Date, Subject,Students-Roll-No,Attended) Attended is 0 or 1 value and
Subject are Physics, chemistry, mathematics, english and Students-Roll-No
are from 1 to 20. Assumptions


*Mr. Shetty Balaji S.Asst. ProfessorDepartment of Information Technology,*
*SGGS Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vishnupuri, Nanded.MH.India*
*Official:  *
*  Mobile: +91-7276300495*

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Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread maninder singh Kumar
Dear all,

We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to if interested.


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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Appu Yadav
hii i am interested

On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, 20:39 maninder singh Kumar, 

> Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to
> if interested.
> regards
> Willy
> --
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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Nagaraju Singothu
Sir, I'm interested I have 2+ yrs experience python and django developer

On Sat 6 Jun, 2020, 8:39 PM maninder singh Kumar  Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to
> if interested.
> regards
> Willy
> --
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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread yashwanth .k
I have 4 years experience in Django and Python. I think I am best fit for the 
requirement. Thank you.

> On 06-Jun-2020, at 9:20 PM, Nagaraju Singothu  
> wrote:
> Sir, I'm interested I have 2+ yrs experience python and django developer
> On Sat 6 Jun, 2020, 8:39 PM maninder singh Kumar   wrote:
> Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to 
>  if interested.
> regards
> Willy
> -- 
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Error in to save data in DB using Django ORM

2020-06-06 Thread Ganesh Prajapat
I have a problem in my project. 
basically scenario is i have 3 classes in,Exam,Registration). 
Subject class have 2 field(subject_name,subject_code,id(pk)).
Exam class have 3 field(exam_name,exam_code(pk),subject_of_exam(Foreign key 
relation with Subject class)).
Registration class have also 3 field(email,password,data_of_exam_id(Foreign 
key relation with Exam class))

above is all about my code examination.
Problem is how can i save data in Registration table.I try of the things 
which i know but i can't save data in Registration table.
so if anybody know how save data in Registration table please suggest me.

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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Aditya Jawale

*Yes I am Interested*
On Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 8:39:37 PM UTC+5:30, maninder singh Kumar 
> Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to 
>  if interested.
> regards
> Willy

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CSRF failing only on Django admin app?

2020-06-06 Thread Dominique Cyprès
Has anyone seen this issue before? I can successfully use a POST form with CSRF 
validation on a simple hand-coded Django app, but when I attempt to login to 
the standard Django admin app on the same project it fails CSRF validation 
every time—but only if I'm accessing it remotely, that is, through my Nginx 
reverse proxy. More details about my configuration and the errors I'm seeing on 
Stack Overflow:

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Re: Deciding on Database

2020-06-06 Thread Alexander Alemayhu
I also think a static site generator might make more sense especially if
the content is only really being read and edited. i.e. no dynamic parts
(not including client side stuff like search). It’s also much easier to
maintain and deploy IMHO.

Don’t know all your requirements but it also sounds like you don’t really
need a database but rather a content management system for easily writing /
editing the documentation.

Useful links

On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 02:00, RLM  wrote:

> Hello
> I am a 25 year python dev working with Flask and Django experience and
> this is totally off topic but may I suggest you look at Hugo the static web
> site generator in the Go language.
> It is easy to use, easier than some pythonic web site generators.
> Easy to modify and update and is essentially ready to use and can be fully
> manipulated to do what you want. I used this system on AWS for a Australian
> national web site and find updating documents and comments is very simple,
> plus no one  can modify anything unless you grant express permissions. Plus
> you can decide whether it becomes public or private with the click of a
> checkbox.
> Used in conjunction with AWS S3 buckets  it provides, for us, a very
> workable system. With AWS security the site is entirely safe.
> My utmost apologies to the Python, Django community but sometimes other
> tools are worth looking at.
> Roger
> On 4/6/20 1:40 pm, Rushikesh Patil wrote:
> Hello everyone, Hope you are doing well.
> I am building a website with django which will be used to view different
> documentation related to the construction industry, in an easy to use and
> share format.
> The main viewer page will have a vertical nav bar with different chapters
> and sections. And the right side will be the content.
> What I am trying to figure out is instead of doing a hardcoded HTML css
> static file, use the database to create a html file . What do you think is
> the best way to go about ir. I thought about it a lot and the problems I
> see is where there are lists/tables/images in content. I am having a hard
> time deciding what models should I create.
> Please see attached for what I am trying to build.
> --
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Alexander Alemayhu

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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread SHUBHAM .SINGH. RATHORE
I am interested

On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, 8:45 pm Appu Yadav,  wrote:

> hii i am interested
> On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, 20:39 maninder singh Kumar, <
>> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to
>> if interested.
>> regards
>> Willy
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to
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>> .
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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Somya Chawla
Hello Sir,

I am interested in the project I have 4 years of experience in python and
1.5 years of experience in Django.

Please mail me your requirements.

Somya Chaqla

On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, 21:20 Nagaraju Singothu, 

> Sir, I'm interested I have 2+ yrs experience python and django developer
> On Sat 6 Jun, 2020, 8:39 PM maninder singh Kumar <
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to
>> if interested.
>> regards
>> Willy
>> --
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>> "Django users" group.
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>> email to
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>> .
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list view of a model

2020-06-06 Thread sotiris moustogiannis
I have these 2 models

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models import CharField

# Create your models here.

class Courses(models.Model):
name = CharField(max_length=50)

def __str__(self):
return f'{}'

class CoursesContext(models.Model):
CoursesID = models.ForeignKey(Courses, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
index = CharField(max_length=80)

def __str__(self):
return f'{self.index}'

I have this view that prints a list of

class CourseListView(ListView):
model = Courses
template_name = 'home/home.html'
context_object_name= 'courses'

and this home.html

{% extends "home/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
 home screen
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
{% for course in courses %}

User table inside custom table

2020-06-06 Thread Soumen Khatua
Hi Folks,

Actually my problem is very simple, here I'm calling to those users I'm
following but whenever I'm sending the data inside the serializers.I'm not
getting any value. I don't know what is happening here?!


*class Follow(models.Model):follower = models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete
= models.CASCADE,related_name = 'following')followee =
models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete = models.CASCADE,related_name =
'followers') created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True,
null = True)updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now = True, null =
True)class Meta:   unique_together = ("follower", "followee")*

* FolloweeAPIViewList(APIView,
PaginationHandlerMixin):def get(self,request,*args,**kwargs):followee_qs =
Follow.objects.filter(follower = request.user).select_related('followee')
  serializer = UserFollowSerializer(followee_qs,many = True)return

*class UserDetailSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):class Meta:
model = Userfields =
UserFollowSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): user =
UserDetailSerializer(read_only=True) class Meta:  model =
Follow  fields = ('user','created_at')*

any help will be appreciated.

Thank you


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problem filtering queryset in Django Rest Framework

2020-06-06 Thread Agnese Camellini
Hello to everyone,
i have a viewset (ModelViewset) for a model in my, and i would
like the list endpoint to list me things matching some parameters (but the
are optional). So i have built this mixin:

class MultipleFieldLookupMixin(object):
Apply this mixin to any view or viewset to get multiple field filtering
based on a `lookup_fields` attribute, instead of the default single
field filtering.
def get_object(self):
queryset = self.get_queryset() # Get the base queryset
queryset = self.filter_queryset(queryset)  # Apply any filter
filter = {}
for field in self.lookup_fields:
if self.kwargs[field] is not None: # Ignore empty fields.
filter[field] = self.kwargs[field]
obj = get_object_or_404(queryset, **filter)  # Lookup the object
return obj

class UserView(MultipleFieldLookupMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = User.objects.all()
serializer_class = UserSerializer
lookup_fields = ['username', 'pwd', 'token_confirm', 'email',

This is what my looks like.
However the list view doesn't filter object at all, so i am missing
something important.

Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction?

Thanks a lot
Agnese Camellini

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RE: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Vishesh Mangla
Hi, I m interested but I started Django a few months ago only but know about models, forms, html, css, _javascript_. I don’t have any full projects but do know tensorflow and OpenCV too.I know GitHub.  Try considering me. I might not be an expert but am good enough. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: SHUBHAM .SINGH. RATHORESent: 06 June 2020 22:21To: django-users@googlegroups.comSubject: Re: Required Python Django developers I am interested  On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, 8:45 pm Appu Yadav,  wrote:hii i am interested On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, 20:39 maninder singh Kumar,  wrote:Dear all, We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to if interested. regardsWilly-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to view this discussion on the web visit You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to view this discussion on the web visit You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to view this discussion on the web visit 

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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Chuck Yu
Hi, I'm interested.

On Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 8:09:37 AM UTC-7, maninder singh Kumar wrote:
> Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to 
>  if interested.
> regards
> Willy

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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread 'Ade Enga' via Django users
Hi there. I am currently a student at The Code Institute studying full 
stack frameworks, which includes Python and Django. I'd be more than happy 
to learn and help where I can.

On Saturday, 6 June 2020 16:09:37 UTC+1, maninder singh Kumar wrote:
> Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to 
>  if interested.
> regards
> Willy

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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread 'Ade Enga' via Django users
Hi there. I am currently a student at The Code Institute studying full 
stack frameworks, which includes Python and Django. I'd be more than happy 
to learn and help where I can.

Here's my GitHub page:

On Saturday, 6 June 2020 16:09:37 UTC+1, maninder singh Kumar wrote:
> Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to 
>  if interested.
> regards
> Willy

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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Hadisur Rahman

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 2:00 AM 'Ade Enga' via Django users <> wrote:

> Hi there. I am currently a student at The Code Institute studying full
> stack frameworks, which includes Python and Django. I'd be more than happy
> to learn and help where I can.
> Here's my GitHub page:
> On Saturday, 6 June 2020 16:09:37 UTC+1, maninder singh Kumar wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to
>> if interested.
>> regards
>> Willy
> --
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Migrar solo una tabla

2020-06-06 Thread Gabriel Araya Garcia
Se puede migrar solo una tabla, ya que las otras estan ok. Es decir, 
python makemigrations solo para una tabla recién definida en el 
modelo ?

Gracias desde ya

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Re: Migrar solo una tabla

2020-06-06 Thread cosmos multi
si se puede solo es poner el comando normal y el nombre de la aplicacion

El sáb., 6 jun. 2020 a las 19:32, Gabriel Araya Garcia (<>) escribió:

> Pregunta:
> Se puede migrar solo una tabla, ya que las otras estan ok. Es decir,
> ¿sepuede:
> python makemigrations solo para una tabla recién definida en el
> modelo ?
> Gracias desde ya
> --
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Re: Hosting para demostración

2020-06-06 Thread Gabriel Araya Garcia
Ok, gracias por el dato. 
Mi inquieud es, estando en Pythonanywhere, y una vez que he avanzado en mi 
proyecto y encuentro que la velocidad es adecuada, y la operatividad es 
buena en este hosting ¿podre contratar una cuenta pagada sin grandes 
modificaciones ni efectuar copias ?


El viernes, 9 de agosto de 2019, 15:46:47 (UTC-4), Gerardo Palazuelos 
> hola,
> Antes mencionaron, aca tienes una liga/tutorial:
> también puedes consultar el tutorial de DjangoGirls para más detalle.
> Saludos,
> --
> Gerardo Palazuelos Guerrero
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 11:57 AM Gabriel Araya Garcia <
> > wrote:
>> ¿Donde y como subir mi proyecto básico en calidad de demostracion?. Es 
>> muy basico, con apenas 60 registros, en Sqlite3. Necesito mostrar el estado 
>> de avance para un cliente. He intentado subir a Heroku, pero me ha sido 
>> imposible, pues me alega sobre la mi version de Python 3.7.4 cabe señalar 
>> que Heroku tolera solo 3 versiones de Python (la pagina así lo informa). El 
>> mensaje de error es:
>> "Push rejected, file to compile Python app"
>> Python 3.7.3, 3.6.8, y 2.7.16
>> Por supuesto he efectuado todas las modificaciones al, creando 
>> los archivos y carpetas necesarios (requierements.txt, profile, local,..etc)
>> Estoy trabajando con Django version 2.1.7
>> En consecuencia, necesito una alternativa para subir mi proyecto
>> Desde ya agradezco la ayuda que me puedes brindar.
>> Saludos
>> -- 
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Re: Migrar solo una tabla

2020-06-06 Thread Gabriel Araya Garcia
Amigo Cosmos, he puesto el nombre de la aplicacion al final de la 
instruccion pero me dice lo mismo. "no migrations to apply".
lo ideal seria algo como:
python makemigrations mitabla

El sábado, 6 de junio de 2020, 20:37:50 (UTC-4), cosmos multi escribió:
> si se puede solo es poner el comando normal y el nombre de la aplicacion
> El sáb., 6 jun. 2020 a las 19:32, Gabriel Araya Garcia (<
> >) escribió:
>> Pregunta:
>> Se puede migrar solo una tabla, ya que las otras estan ok. Es decir, 
>> ¿sepuede:
>> python makemigrations solo para una tabla recién definida en el 
>> modelo ?
>> Gracias desde ya
>> -- 
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Re: Error in to save data in DB using Django ORM

2020-06-06 Thread Shamgar Musobero
I am a student who developed a web based system to track where corona virus
is in my country .It is intergrated with google maps.The link is

Open dont hesitate

On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 at 18:48, Ganesh Prajapat  wrote:

> hello,
> I have a problem in my project.
> basically scenario is i have 3 classes in
> Subject class have 2 field(subject_name,subject_code,id(pk)).
> Exam class have 3 field(exam_name,exam_code(pk),subject_of_exam(Foreign
> key relation with Subject class)).
> Registration class have also 3
> field(email,password,data_of_exam_id(Foreign key relation with Exam class))
> above is all about my code examination.
> Problem is how can i save data in Registration table.I try of the things
> which i know but i can't save data in Registration table.
> so if anybody know how save data in Registration table please suggest me.
> Thank-you.
> --
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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Shamgar Musobero
I am a student who developed a web based system to track where corona virus
is in my country .It is intergrated with google maps.The link is

Open dont hesitate

On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 00:33, Hadisur Rahman  wrote:

> interested.
> ᐧ
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 2:00 AM 'Ade Enga' via Django users <
>> wrote:
>> Hi there. I am currently a student at The Code Institute studying full
>> stack frameworks, which includes Python and Django. I'd be more than happy
>> to learn and help where I can.
>> Here's my GitHub page:
>> On Saturday, 6 June 2020 16:09:37 UTC+1, maninder singh Kumar wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to
>>> if interested.
>>> regards
>>> Willy
>> --
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Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Luciano Martins
Brazilian Developer is allowed to send?

Em sábado, 6 de junho de 2020 12:09:37 UTC-3, maninder singh Kumar escreveu:
> Dear all,
> We require python django developers for a HR project.  Please answer to 
>  if interested.
> regards
> Willy

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Confused...Django vs Django CMS/Wagtail and value of 'CMS' vs plain Django framework?

2020-06-06 Thread fire base
I have been learning and building a Django framework website and it is 
going nicely. The site will be used internationally but largely is a series 
of specialized forms collecting and manipulating and outputting data to be 
searched - not presenting changing  'content' per se. 

I had seen references to Wagtail and now Django CMS is there any reason 
why I should switch to Django CMS vs just continue building in Django 

If there are good reasons to refactor/switch, can I simply import 
models/views/urls/forms, or some such, into Django CMS or Wagtail?

Can I add middleware to turn Django into Django CMS?

What are the Use Cases for Django framework that put it over a 'CMS'?

 I have searched extensively but not found answers to these qs...

Many thanks.

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How to get Dependent Dropdown Feilds in Django ModelForms. Please answer : Important

2020-06-06 Thread Sai
Hi guys,
I am working on a* Django project,* which involves submission form and 
saving the data in the database using model form.  I am stuck with one of 
the functionalities of form which should work like for example "do you want 
benefit plan: *YES,* *next Field options should pop up*. if click* NO, 
nothing should happen* and move to the next question."  

I went through all over the internet and found the dependent drop-down 
select option but not like field pop up as we click through te form.

Please let me know how to achieve this in a clear way as I am new to Django 
and programming as well.

Thank You so much in advance.

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