Re: Strange issue with django

2019-12-27 Thread 'Amitesh Sahay' via Django users
Also let us know the procedure that you adopted to upgrade to the new version?


On Thursday, 26 December, 2019, 10:19:31 pm IST, Jason 
 Also, you haven't stated where the bottlenecks are happening.  Is it app code, 
internal in django, your stack, database, networking?  There's alot of 
variables in play for diagnosing a major slowdown, and you've provided no 
information about profiling/monitoring

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Display Multiselect bootstrap drop-down value in div with checkbox options

2019-12-27 Thread Santhosh sridhar
I have a multiselect bootstrap drowdown. I want to display the selected 
values from a drop-down in a separate div as rows with multiple checkboxes 
to select. How I can proceed for this? Like I have selected 3 
items(I1,I2,I3) from dropdown then i should display all the three items as 
rows with 5 checkboxes to select in each row. The count of checkbox is 
fixed. This div should not be available on page load and clearing the 
values of dropdown. Any idea would help.Thanks.

JSFiddle Link :


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2019-12-27 Thread Yeswanth Kumar
social_django integration for my django web application (Authentication 
failed login  using github ).

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Outsourcing of django code for new startup

2019-12-27 Thread sandeep kumar
Hi All,

I am setting up a startup and looking for any django group who can develop 
some of our code and manage the existing code. We are looking for 
India-based budget option as we have very limited fund available.

Attached is a basic description of the project.

Feel free to write to me at if case you can manage 
these projects.


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Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: How to request data from an open source website such as Reddit or Github and display on the Local Django Website ?

2019-12-27 Thread lemme smash
you've really did the great, but in order to receive data from reddit 
you'll need to research on their api and it's not very related to django.

On Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 4:05:14 PM UTC+3, Shaurya Sharma wrote:
> Hey there ,  I am quite a newbie to Django and I am trying to understand 
> how API calls and requests work in Django. I have a simple Django website 
> that has User login and authentication system. I want a user to save the 
> top ten reddit posts and display them on their respective login system. I 
> have seen the request method in Python and some web-crawling methods. I am 
> unable to figure out a way to request data from Reddit . 
> Here is the code I have written so far : 

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Re: angular setup for django (routes not working)

2019-12-27 Thread lemme smash
you doing something strange.
usually, when you want to setup angluar with django, you just using `ng 
serve` to handle all the interface, and just use django for data and api. 
it's not a good idea to render angular app with django

On Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 4:05:14 PM UTC+3, nitish kumar wrote:
> Hi 
> I am trying to integrate angular8 with Django (2.2.4).
> *Django side*:
> URL and view will load angular 'index.html'
> *angular:*
> some router-links.
> based on URL pattern page is getting loaded.
> *problem statement:*
> *if host only angular code using 'ng serve' router-link only load's 
> particular component instead of loading all links in the index.html file*
> *but when I host in Django router-link is loading the entire page again (i 
> can see this in developers tools network tab)*
> *can some please help..*

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structured menu cannot be rendered in html template, why?

2019-12-27 Thread হজমুলা খান
i would like to make a structure database for a restaurant menu without 
using mptt or django-tree. here is my **

> from django.db import models
> class Menu(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=24, unique=True, verbose_name='menu 
>> name')
> #slug = models.SlugField(max_length=24, unique=True, help_text='The slug 
>> is the URL friendly version of the menu name, so that this can be accessed 
>> at a URL like')
> additional_text = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True, 
>> help_text='Any additional text that the menu might need, i.e. Served 
>> between 11:00am and 4:00pm.')
> order = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0, help_text='The order 
>> of the menu determines where this menu appears alongside other menus.')
> class Meta:
> ordering = ['name', 'order']
>> class MenuCategory(models.Model):
> menu = models.ForeignKey(Menu, on_delete=models.CASCADE,help_text='The 
>> menus that this category belongs to, i.e. \'Lunch\'.') 
> name = models.CharField(max_length=32, verbose_name='menu category name')
> additional_text = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True, 
>> help_text='The additional text is any bit of related information to go 
>> along with a menu category, i.e. the \'Pasta\' category might have details 
>> that say \'All entrees come with salad and bread\'.')
> order = models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text='The order is the order 
>> that this category should appear in when rendered on the templates.')
> class Meta:
> verbose_name='menu category'
> verbose_name_plural='menu categories'
> ordering = ['order', 'name']
> def __unicode__(self):
> return
>> class MenuItem(models.Model):
> ('neither', 'Neither'),
> ('vegan', 'Vegan'),
> ('vegetarian', 'Vegetarian'),
> )
> name = models.CharField(max_length=48, help_text='Name of the item on the 
>> menu.')
> description = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True, 
>> help_text='The description is a simple text description of the menu item.')
> category = models.ManyToManyField(MenuCategory, verbose_name='menu 
>> category', help_text='Category is the menu category that this menu item 
>> belongs to, i.e. \'Appetizers\'.')
> order = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name='order', 
>> help_text='The order is to specify the order in which items show up on the 
>> menu.')
> price = models.IntegerField(help_text='The price is the cost of the item.')
> image = models.ImageField(upload_to='menu', null=True, blank=True, 
>> verbose_name='image', help_text='The image is an optional field that is 
>> associated with each menu item.')
> classification = models.CharField(max_length=10, 
>> choices=CLASSIFICATION_CHOICES, default=0, verbose_name='classification', 
>> help_text='Select if this item classifies as Vegetarian, Vegan, or 
>> Neither.')
> spicy = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='spicy?', 
>> help_text='Is this item spicy?')
> contains_peanuts = models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name='contain 
>> peanuts?', help_text='Does this item contain peanuts?')
> gluten_free = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='gluten 
>> free?', help_text='Is this item Gluten Free?')
> class Meta:
> verbose_name='menu item'
> verbose_name_plural='menu items'
> ordering = ['classification', 'order', 'name']
>> def __unicode__(self):
> return
>> **

from .models import Menu,MenuCategory
from django.views.generic import ListView

class MenuView(ListView):
> model= Menu
> conext_object_name='name'
> template_name = 'menu_list.html'
> queryset = Menu.objects.all()
> def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
> context = super(MenuView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
> context['Menucategory'] = MenuCategory.objects.all()
> context['Menus'] = self.queryset
> return context


> {%for item in Menu%}
> {{}}
> {{}}
> {{item.additiona_text}}
> {{item.order}}
> {%endfor%}
> {%for item in MenuCategory%}
> {{}}
> {{item.additiona_text}}
> {{item.order}}
> {%endfor%}

when i browse my localhost page after excuting runserver, it shows only 

Django blog

Breakfast 1

Lunch 2

Dinner 3

but my desired output should be:







Main Courses

how can i get this structured table using plain bootstrap table row column 
where in every row column i will query the items with for loop? is their 
any other way?

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Re: How to request data from an open source website such as Reddit or Github and display on the Local Django Website ?

2019-12-27 Thread Karan Mittal
hey Shaurya,
if you haven't worked with DRF  then check it out. It will give you a much
better idea of API calls.
Other than that, Reddit have its own API for you want to achieve.
check out its documentation here:
there is a difference between web crawling and requesting data from API.
change your approach for making your project.
also, your project is very interesting . All the best for the same.

Karan Mittal

On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 6:34 PM Shaurya Sharma  wrote:

> Hey there ,  I am quite a newbie to Django and I am trying to understand
> how API calls and requests work in Django. I have a simple Django website
> that has User login and authentication system. I want a user to save the
> top ten reddit posts and display them on their respective login system. I
> have seen the request method in Python and some web-crawling methods. I am
> unable to figure out a way to request data from Reddit .
> Here is the code I have written so far :
> --
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Re: Duplication of Query - reg

2019-12-27 Thread Raja Sekar Sambath

Thanks for your reply, I have included select_related in my view but no

On Fri, 27 Dec 2019 at 13:16, Sencer Hamarat 

> Hi,
> That could be a behavior of a template tag or a "for" block in the
> template.
> You may consider to use ".select_related" and ".prefetch_related" in view.
> Saygılarımla,
> Sencer HAMARAT
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 4:59 AM Raja Sekar Sambath 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a table of data with self relation , I am Querying all records and
>> displaying them in tabular format in a template
>> I find a strange behaviour that the query has been executed recursively
>> for each records of table, any better / suggestion solution for this issue.
>> [image: image.png]
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Raja Sekar Sampath
>> +91 9087434567.
>> --
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Thanks & Regards,

Raja Sekar Sampath
+91 9087434567.

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Re: Outsourcing of django code for new startup

2019-12-27 Thread 'Peter van der Does' via Django users
You get what you pay for:

On 12/27/19 9:08 AM, sandeep kumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am setting up a startup and looking for any django group who can
> develop some of our code and manage the existing code. We are looking
> for India-based budget option as we have very limited fund available.
> Attached is a basic description of the project.
> Feel free to write to me at if case you can
> manage these projects.
> Thanks,
> Sandeep
> -- 
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*Peter van der Does
o: ***410-584-2500
m: 732-425-3102
*ONeil Interactive, Inc * 

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How to get Latitude and Longitude of a user

2019-12-27 Thread Yash Garg
I want to get Latitude and Longitude of a user to store in my data model 
latitude= models.FloatField(default=0.0)
longitude   = models.FloatField(default=0.0)

How can i do this without using Google API.

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Re: Overriding Prefetched objects in Serialization

2019-12-27 Thread Integr@te System
Hi Barddes,

Bc of you alter model, so let try to command migration, makemigration.

On Fri, Dec 27, 2019, 00:46 Cesar Bueno  wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm having trouble overriding some prefetched data, I hope someone can
> help me here. I'll try to explain my issue with the examples provided from
> the Docs (
> The base models from the examples below were taken from there.
> So... Let's suppose I'm running a Pizzeria, and I have the following
> models:
> class Topping(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
> class Pizza(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
> toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
> My goal is to fetch my Pizzas, serialize them, and store it into an
> ElasticSearch cluster.
> If I want to fetch all my Pizzas from DB, I run the following:
> pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
> But also with the Pizza object, I want to (pre)fetch all toppings. In that
> case, I should run:
> Pizza.objects.all().prefetch_related('toppings')
> This works great, but I might want to add some filters to the toppings
> fetched for any reason (They are out of stock, for example). I can do this
> by adding the field in_stock to my model Topping:
> class Topping(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
> in_stock = models.BooleanField()
> With this Topping model, I can use the Prefetch object:
> pizzas = Pizza.objects.all().prefetch_related(
> Prefetch('toppings', queryset=Topping.objects.
> filter(in_stock=True)
> )
> Until now everything works as expected (even the serialization). But my
> problem begins when I try to do the same stock control with the Pizza
> object. Just like I did with Topping, I will also add the in_stock field to
> the Pizza Model. The new Pizza Model then is:
> class Pizza(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
> toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
> in_stock = models.BooleanField()
> If my Pizza is out of stock, I don't need to know which toppings are
> available and which are not. After the query execution I expected a list of
> all Pizzas and, if the pizza is available, the list of Toppings available
> for each pizza. I wasn't able to make this behavior using the Prefetch
> object. As a workaround, I tried the following:
> pizzas = Pizza.objects.all().prefetch_related(
> Prefetch('toppings', queryset=Topping.objects.
> filter(in_stock=True)
> )
> for pizza in pizzas:
>if not pizza.in_stock:
>   pizza.toppings = []
> Running the following, Python/Django raised an error saying that I should
> use this instead:
> pizza.toppings.set([])
> But even when I the code above (that runs without raising an error), every
> time I serialize my pizza object, the full toppings list gets serialized
> instead of the empty array previously setted.
> I am using an HyperlinkedModelSerializer to serialize my data.
> Can anyone help me? How can I serialize the empty array instead of the
> list retrieved from the db?
> Thanks in advance
> Cesar
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Re: How to get Latitude and Longitude of a user

2019-12-27 Thread carlos

On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 1:02 PM Yash Garg  wrote:

> I want to get Latitude and Longitude of a user to store in my data model
> fields-
> latitude= models.FloatField(default=0.0)
> longitude   = models.FloatField(default=0.0)
> How can i do this without using Google API.
> --
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Carlos Rocha

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Re: Strange issue with django

2019-12-27 Thread Andréas Kühne
Ok - let's take this one piece at a time.

1. As far as we have been able to tell is that we have nested serializers
for certain aspects of the application - those went from loading in 3-4 s
to over 40 s in different places. It's hard to exactly show, however the
number of database requests skyrocketed as well. But our theory is
currently that the related models (foreign keys) are loaded strangely.
2. We aren't exactly sure WHERE the bottlenecks are happening - that is
also why the question is wide and generic.
3. We don't have any profiling tools running in production, however the
figures we do have are on development.
4. We upgraded from the latest version of 2.2 to 3.0 in django and upgraded
one minor version of DRF at the same time.

The main issue is that we got performance issues - major performance issues
- while upgrading. This shouldn't be possible - not in the way that it
happened. What worries us is if this happens again and we don't see this
BEFORE a production release. That was the main problem we had.

We have now done a lot of workarounds in place where the code was slow -
but we would still like to understand where the problems occur so that we
don't get this surprise again.

My question was more generic - because we wanted to see if anyone else had
experienced the same problems when upgrading.

The strangest thing now is that even if we downgrade the database (reverse
migrations), downgrade the code and so on - the requests are still slow -
where they haven't been previously.



Den fre 27 dec. 2019 kl 10:33 skrev 'Amitesh Sahay' via Django users <>:

> Also let us know the procedure that you adopted to upgrade to the new
> version?
> Regards,
> Amitesh
> On Thursday, 26 December, 2019, 10:19:31 pm IST, Jason <
>> wrote:
> Also, you haven't stated where the bottlenecks are happening.  Is it app
> code, internal in django, your stack, database, networking?  There's alot
> of variables in play for diagnosing a major slowdown, and you've provided
> no information about profiling/monitoring
> --
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Password protection of url in gunicorn like .htaccess

2019-12-27 Thread Roshan Shah
Hi there,

I have a django site hosted on heroku. I want to restrict production site
and staging sites running gunicorn to outside general public.

Do we have anything like .htaccess password protection in gunicorn? or Do I
have to setup login / pass / admin area?


Roshan Shah

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Re: social_django

2019-12-27 Thread peng yu
 share your configurations  and errors

On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 19:03 Yeswanth Kumar 

> social_django integration for my django web application (Authentication
> failed login  using github ).
> --
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