Re: i need help

2018-08-11 Thread Aladin Masen
I want to use it in my admin 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 9, 2018, at 7:16 PM, Kasper Laudrup  wrote:
> Hi Aladin,
>> On 09/08/2018 15.07, Aladin Masen wrote:
>> Please how can i use the django_markdown  with django 2
> You probably can't, since the library seems to be unmaintained and not 
> updated for use with Django 2, unless you want to fork it and make the 
> changes needed for supporting Django 2.
> I have used django-markdownx:
> Which was just fine for my (very basic) requirements.
> A better option might be to use django-markup:
> I don't have any experience with that, but I plan to look into it.
> Hope that helps.
> Kind regards,
> Kasper Laudrup
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Re: Not able to connect to SQL Server 2012 from current version of DJango and Python

2018-08-11 Thread Jason
the dev for that library has specified that this is not compatible with 
django 2.1.  so your options are to either find another connector library 
compatible with 2.1 or downgrade to using 2.0.x


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Re: Unexpected behavior with icontains in query filter

2018-08-11 Thread Jason
Are you using sqlite for your db?  if so, there are some notes about case 
insensitive matching at

otherwise, I'd be interested in seeing what your SQL is like

in your django shell, do the following:

doctors = Doctors.objects.filter(name__icontains = 'joel')

It should have something like 

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE name ILIKE  '%joel%';

which should do the case insensitive search.

Otherwise, this is a database issue, and not a django issue.  Django just 
converts the filter call to the appropriate SQL and has the db execute it.

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Re: Unexpected behavior with icontains in query filter

2018-08-11 Thread ireoluwa fakeye
The only reasonable explanation is Django sees only upper case inputs as
being case sensitive .so inputting  a lower case and specifying icontains
wouldnt change anything .you could get your input from a form to confirm

On Fri., 10 Aug. 2018, 18:06 Joel,  wrote:

> I'm trying to do a case insensitive search for a substring within a field
> in my model.
> My model:
> class doctor(models.Model):
> docid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True) # Need
> autoincrement, unique and primary
> name = models.CharField(max_length=35)
> username = models.CharField(max_length=15)
> regid = models.CharField(max_length=15, default="", blank=True)
> photo = models.CharField(
> max_length=35, default="", blank=True)
> email = models.EmailField(default="", blank=True)
> phone = models.CharField(max_length=15)
> qualifications = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> about = models.CharField(
> max_length=35, default="", blank=True)
> specialities = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> department = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="ENT", blank=
> True)
> fees = models.FloatField(default=300.0)
> displayfee = models.IntegerField(default=0, blank=True)
> slotrange = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True)
> slotdurn = models.IntegerField(default=10)
> breakrange = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> slotsleft = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> def __str__(self):
> return
> def Range(self):
> return self.slotrange
> def listslots(self):
> SlotRange = self.slotrange
> SlotDurn = self.slotdurn
> startime = SlotRange.split('-')[0]
> endtime = SlotRange.split('-')[1]
> sthr, stmin = SplitTimeString(startime)
> enhr, enmin = SplitTimeString(endtime)
> print(stamptoday(sthr, stmin))
> print(stamptoday(enhr, enmin))
> startstamp = stamptoday(sthr, stmin)
> endstamp = stamptoday(enhr, enmin)
> secdurn = SlotDurn*60
> slotlist = []
> for sec in range(startstamp, endstamp, secdurn):
> enttime = sec + secdurn
> myrange = ("%s - %s" % (HumanTime(sec),
> HumanTime(enttime)))
> slotlist.append(myrange)
> return slotlist
> Under the field 'name' in my mysql database, are two rows with values for
> name as 'Joel' and 'Jaffy Joel'.
> When I do the search like this:
> from appointments.models import customer, doctor, appointment
> doctor.objects.filter(name__icontains='joel')
> Output:
> But when I do:
> doctor.objects.filter(name__icontains='Joel')
> Output:
>  , ]>
> Why isnt the case insensitive search working for a lowercase search?
> I'm on django 2.0.7
> --
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2018-08-11 Thread Bill Freeman
A context contains the variables that you want your template to be able to
access.  It is common to want to access stuff from the request.  You could
copy those things that you need into the dict that you pass to the Context
constructor or define an element of the dict to hold the Request object and
let the template dig that stuff out..  RequestContext initializes the
Context according to the dictionary you pass, but also runs you configured
set of context processors, which can paw through the Request object and add
values to your Context's dictionary(s).  See:

render() turns your template (and context) into a string representing the
body of the response.  render_to_response() does that and uses it to
initialize an HttpResponse object that contains that, plus all suitable
response headers, some defaulted, like content type and content length,
override-able by you, and any additional headers you choose to add, and
also the response status, 200 by default, and corresponding status string,
which you can override if needed.  You need an HttpResponse object to
return from a view so that Django can build the whole response.

Of course, all this is in the documentation.

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 5:37 PM shivam sharma <> wrote:

> Can someone explain me difference between Context object and
> RequestContext obj.
> And also difference between
> render_to_response() and render()
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Re: Setting up a system for testing by users (tables are tables?)

2018-08-11 Thread Derek
*The users who should do the testing say "The new system should be like the 
production system."*
You need to let them know ASAP that that is very unlikely to be the case, 
unless you are using exactly the same tools.  You can probably provide 
similar functionality.

Otherwise you are too vague to give better feedback - "copying a system" 
has too many meanings.  If its just the database you need, and you plan to 
write a new front-end from scratch using Django, then that is "do-able" 
(assuming you can extract the data from SAP - that is a problem you will 
need to ask the SAP experts about).  Once you have the database available, 
you can follow this guide:

On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:45:00 UTC+2, guettli wrote:
> I have a task which looks simple at the first sight:
>  Setting up a system for testing by users. 
> In my case it is a custom issue tracking system.
> The users who should do the testing say "The new system should be like the 
> production system."
> If this would be true, then dump+restore of the database should work.
> No Nr2: the production system contains a lot of issues, and these should 
> not be in the new system.
> No Nr2: The production system contains configuration (in the database) of 
> remote storage systems. These
> database rows must not get copied, otherwise the testing system would 
> transfer testing data
> to the production storage system.
> Configuration like the list of ticket types should get copied.
> Tables are tables, or is there a difference between tables?
> Up to now I only found one hint to this task: In SAP this is called 
> "client copy" and there seem
> to be different "delivery classes" of a table:
> Are there tools/framework which support copying a system? I am curious, if 
> you know a framework outside django, please tell me.
> Up to now I could not find a tool or hint about solving this in a reusable 
> way in django. If I was blind, please let me know.
> Any kind of feedback is welcome.
> Regards,
>   Thomas Gütler

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Re: django

2018-08-11 Thread squal poreover
It means file is not in the same directory .. where you run
python runserver

On 10 Aug 2018 3:01 am, "Welly Iskand"  wrote:

On Friday, August 10, 2018 at 3:54:54 AM UTC+7, vasu wrote:
> while running python runserver 8080 this in cmd ...i am getting
> cant open file '' .But i followed the documentation
> me with this

hi vasu
you can try use command
./ runserver

welly iskand

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Re: Unexpected behavior with icontains in query filter

2018-08-11 Thread Joel Mathew
This is what I got:

In [8]: doct = doctor.objects.filter(name__icontains = 'joel')
   ...: print(doct.query)

SELECT `appointments_doctor`.`docid`, `appointments_doctor`.`name`,
`appointments_doctor`.`username`, `appointments_doctor`.`regid`,
`appointments_doctor`.`photo`, `appointments_doctor`.`email`,
`appointments_doctor`.`phone`, `appointments_doctor`.`qualifications`,
`appointments_doctor`.`about`, `appointments_doctor`.`specialities`,
`appointments_doctor`.`department`, `appointments_doctor`.`fees`,
`appointments_doctor`.`displayfee`, `appointments_doctor`.`slotrange`,
`appointments_doctor`.`slotdurn`, `appointments_doctor`.`breakrange`,
`appointments_doctor`.`slotsleft` FROM `appointments_doctor` WHERE
`appointments_doctor`.`name` LIKE %joel%

Sincerely yours,

Dr Joel G Mathew

On 11 August 2018 at 11:25, Jason  wrote:
> Are you using sqlite for your db?  if so, there are some notes about case
> insensitive matching at
> otherwise, I'd be interested in seeing what your SQL is like
> in your django shell, do the following:
> doctors = Doctors.objects.filter(name__icontains = 'joel')
> print(doctors.query)
> It should have something like
> SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE name ILIKE  '%joel%';
> which should do the case insensitive search.
> Otherwise, this is a database issue, and not a django issue.  Django just
> converts the filter call to the appropriate SQL and has the db execute it.
> --
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Re: Unexpected behavior with icontains in query filter

2018-08-11 Thread Joel Mathew
This workaround works.

In [10]: from django.db.models.functions import Lower
In [11]: from django.db.models import CharField

In [12]: CharField.register_lookup(Lower, "lower")
Out[12]: django.db.models.functions.base.Lower

In [13]: doctor.objects.filter(name__lower__contains="joel")
Out[13]: , ]>

I'm eager to solve this strange behavior though.
Sincerely yours,

Dr Joel G Mathew

On 10 August 2018 at 17:17, Matthew Pava  wrote:
> I’m fascinated by this problem.
> Try this workaround.
> Register the lookup Lower like so:
> CharField.register_lookup(Lower, "lower")
> Then use the contains lookup.
> doctor.objects.filter(name__lower__contains="joel")
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Joel
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 10:56 AM
> To: Django users
> Subject: Unexpected behavior with icontains in query filter
> I'm trying to do a case insensitive search for a substring within a field in
> my model.
> My model:
> class doctor(models.Model):
> docid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True) # Need
> autoincrement, unique and primary
> name = models.CharField(max_length=35)
> username = models.CharField(max_length=15)
> regid = models.CharField(max_length=15, default="", blank=True)
> photo = models.CharField(
> max_length=35, default="", blank=True)
> email = models.EmailField(default="", blank=True)
> phone = models.CharField(max_length=15)
> qualifications = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> about = models.CharField(
> max_length=35, default="", blank=True)
> specialities = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> department = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="ENT",
> blank=True)
> fees = models.FloatField(default=300.0)
> displayfee = models.IntegerField(default=0, blank=True)
> slotrange = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True)
> slotdurn = models.IntegerField(default=10)
> breakrange = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> slotsleft = models.CharField(
> max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
> def __str__(self):
> return
> def Range(self):
> return self.slotrange
> def listslots(self):
> SlotRange = self.slotrange
> SlotDurn = self.slotdurn
> startime = SlotRange.split('-')[0]
> endtime = SlotRange.split('-')[1]
> sthr, stmin = SplitTimeString(startime)
> enhr, enmin = SplitTimeString(endtime)
> print(stamptoday(sthr, stmin))
> print(stamptoday(enhr, enmin))
> startstamp = stamptoday(sthr, stmin)
> endstamp = stamptoday(enhr, enmin)
> secdurn = SlotDurn*60
> slotlist = []
> for sec in range(startstamp, endstamp, secdurn):
> enttime = sec + secdurn
> myrange = ("%s - %s" % (HumanTime(sec),
> HumanTime(enttime)))
> slotlist.append(myrange)
> return slotlist
> Under the field 'name' in my mysql database, are two rows with values for
> name as 'Joel' and 'Jaffy Joel'.
> When I do the search like this:
> from appointments.models import customer, doctor, appointment
> doctor.objects.filter(name__icontains='joel')
> Output:
> But when I do:
> doctor.objects.filter(name__icontains='Joel')
> Output:
>  , ]>
> Why isnt the case insensitive search working for a lowercase search?
> I'm on django 2.0.7
> --
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Re: Unexpected behavior with icontains in query filter

2018-08-11 Thread Jason
Check out  Apparently this is a 
mysql specific thing.

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Re: How to include delete function in UpdateView instead a DeleteView

2018-08-11 Thread Melvyn Sopacua
On vrijdag 10 augustus 2018 16:51:54 CEST zengkeat wrote:

> I have a UpdateView for editing a post, but instead of making a DeleteView
> for delete a post, i try to make UpdateView include a function to delete
> the post. So ,i want to edit and delete a post in UpdateView. Is that
> possible ? i think i missing something in my code so the code keep getting
> error.

No, you're simply not conforming to the method signature.

> form_valid() missing 1 required positional argument: 'pk'

Your form_valid method wants an argument 'pk':

> def form_valid(self, form, pk):

But Django never will give you one. What you're looking for is 
self.kwargs['pk'] and the method for form_valid can only accept one argument, 
which is the form.

Melvyn Sopacua

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How to serve this static file

2018-08-11 Thread Sandy Leon
Hello everyone,

I recently completed the Django first app tutorial and am decently happy 
with what I have.
I would like to continue adding to the site by making small improvements 
here and there. Anyways I found a cool cube clock on but I 
can't seem
to figure out how to add it to my site. According to, the 
cube clock uses HTML, CSS, and Java. I have already sorted the elements into
their corresponding locations based off of the tutorial but still can't 
seem to get it to work. This is the download link if that helps at all:

Thank you in advance for the help.

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