sharing sessions

2018-03-19 Thread Andy
I want to have some sort of SingleSignOn for my application and a forum 
based on askbot (also Django).
I built a REST API to get the session from my application and want to 
replicated and also get the user from inside askbot.

This kind of works, but i cannot decode the session inside the forum.
AFAIK Django uses the settings.SECRET_KEY for jobs like this. I set the 
same key in both applications, but as soon as Django tries to validated the 
sessions data with its hash, it will compute a wrong hash and discard the 

So whats needed for 2 Django apps to actually be able to have the same 
hashing methods?

Bot applications are powerd by Django 1.11.11 and have the same secret key, 
but it looks like im missing another ingredient. 

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Re: django-admin makemessages --no-obsolete doesn't seem to be working

2018-03-19 Thread Kishor Pawar
All my emails never are responded, i'm thinking they not going to
discussion list. Someone can reply anything just to let me know.

On Sun, 18 Mar 2018 at 19:48 Kishor Pawar  wrote:

> First of all, I am expecting `--no-obsolete` would comment out `msgid` and
> `msgstr` if `gettext` is deleted, right?
> How I am testing is:
> 1. I wrote `gettext("some string here")` in view
> 2. I ran `makemessages` command
> 3. It wrote a `.po` file as expected
> 4. Then I deleted `gettext()` line from view and saved file, verified
> `runserver` working.
> 5. I ran `makemessages --no-obsolete` and it has not made any changes to
> `.po` file.
> `.po` file content extract .
> #. Translators: This message is a test of wrap line
> #: servers/
> msgid "Do let me know if it works."
> msgstr ""

*Thanks & Regards*
*Kishor Pawar*

*The Trouble with the world is that Stupids are Full of Confidence and
The Intelligent are Full of Doubts.*

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Re: How can i use google finance client in django?

2018-03-19 Thread Julio Biason
Sorry, Rakibul, but your question is too broad — there is no way to tell you 
something because we don’t know what you’re trying to achieve.

For example:

Are you looking for a Python client for Google Finance? Did you found a library 
for that already? Do you know how to use it? What exactly it will do along with 
your Django project? How do you plan to integrate with Django? Will the user 
fill a form and then you’ll retrieve the information?

There are too many questions about your question to actually give you a proper 

> On 17 Mar 2018, at 09:42, rakibul  wrote:
> I want to use google finance client in python then i want to use some 
> functionality to my django project.please help.
> --
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Resize autocomplete_fields

2018-03-19 Thread Marketa
Is it possible to resize autocomplete_fields? How?

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Re: django-admin makemessages --no-obsolete doesn't seem to be working

2018-03-19 Thread Ramiro Morales
On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Kishor Pawar  wrote:

> First of all, I am expecting `--no-obsolete` would comment out `msgid` and
> `msgstr` if `gettext` is deleted, right?

AFAIK there is no  (and there wasn't ever) a `--no-obsolete` modifier to
the makemessages command.

Did you read about that somewhere? Can you post a link?

Ramiro Morales

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Re: Dealing with templates in an open source Django project?

2018-03-19 Thread 'Simon Connah' via Django users
 Hi Etienne,
Thank you for your reply. I have to apologise because I think I am a bit 
stupid. I'm not sure what you mean.
I think I might understand what you mean to a degree, but I'm not sure how to 
go about it. In effect, I should layout a basic template for general use and 
then create admin views which allow users to customise the specifics of the 
templates. Is that what you meant?
If it is, then it is indeed an interesting idea I hadn't considered. I'm not 
entirely sure how I would go about doing that at the moment. I'd have to think.
If you meant something else, then please let me know if I have misunderstood 
what you mean.
Simon.On Sunday, 18 March 2018, 23:39:47 GMT, Etienne Robillard 
Hi Simon,
I'll try to help you out with that.
Have you considered using Django models to allow end users to create, edit and 
customize templates within the Django admin?
This should be pretty easy to do. 
All you need is to define some models for your customized templates and then 
the user can configure the styling within the Django admin.
 Le 2018-03-18 à 18:21, 'Simon Connah' via Django users a écrit :
  First of all apologies for posting two messages to this list in a couple of 
days but I've just got back into Django after a rather long break, and it is 
taking me a little time to get back in the swing of things. 
  I'm in the process of making a simple blogging platform which I intend to 
release as an open source project. It is not designed to be a reusable app used 
by other Django. Instead, it is intended to be an all in one blogging solution 
for end users to install and use much like they do with something like 
  There is one major problem though that I don't know the answer. As I am 
building the blogging platform, I am of course writing my templates to make 
sure that everything is working correctly. But a side issue with that is that 
the templates now contain phrases related to the website I intend to create 
when the blogging platform is at a reasonable stage of development. 
  Now, when I open up the Git repository to the public, and people start using 
they are going to get the templates that I have already created. That will mean 
that they'll either need to go through them all individually (I doubt they will 
have heard of grep or similar tools) or just delete them all and start from 
  What I would like to see is people release their styles that can then be 
customised based on my model, form, view architecture and then they can do what 
they want with the templates. As long as I document the variables used in the 
templates that shouldn't cause too many problems. 
  In effect then I have two options. Distribute the code with my already 
existing templates or have a private repository with my templates and a public 
repository with no templates and documentation on how to create the templates 
and either make some styles myself or hope that someone else does. 
  Ideally, I'd like it to work a little bit like Wordpress where you can 
install a style very easily I'm just not sure how to go about doing that. 
  How would you go about this problem? I am both trying to make a blogging 
platform for my use while at the same time keeping it reasonably open so other 
people can use it as well. I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I'd 
appreciate some advice before I get too far into the project so any changes 
that need to be made will be smaller. 
  Thank you. 
  Simon.  -- 
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Etienne Robillard 

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Re: sharing sessions

2018-03-19 Thread Andy
okay, i made it work like it already should have before my posting .. if 
only there was no typo in my secret key and askbot was not setting the 
session serializer to PickleSerializer

Works great now!

Am Montag, 19. März 2018 12:39:16 UTC+1 schrieb Andy:
> I want to have some sort of SingleSignOn for my application and a forum 
> based on askbot (also Django).
> I built a REST API to get the session from my application and want to 
> replicated and also get the user from inside askbot.
> This kind of works, but i cannot decode the session inside the forum.
> AFAIK Django uses the settings.SECRET_KEY for jobs like this. I set the 
> same key in both applications, but as soon as Django tries to validated the 
> sessions data with its hash, it will compute a wrong hash and discard the 
> data.
> So whats needed for 2 Django apps to actually be able to have the same 
> hashing methods?
> Bot applications are powerd by Django 1.11.11 and have the same secret 
> key, but it looks like im missing another ingredient. 

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Is anyone using Channels 2 and asgi_rabbitmq?

2018-03-19 Thread Filbert
Making a major platform decision a ways out from product release. Running 
Channels 1.0 and Redis now, but we'd rather use RabbitMQ since our cluster 
is already provisioned with that for Celery, etc.  

I'd like to migrate to Channels 2.0 and asgi_rabbitmq, but I can't seem to 
find anyone that is using this in production.  I really don't want to use 
Redis, but I will if RabbitMQ isn't heading to first class citizen status 
in the Channels stack.

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Re: Dealing with templates in an open source Django project?

2018-03-19 Thread Etienne Robillard

Hey man,

First of all you're definitely not stupid. :-)

Second, I think you're starting pretty well to understand what I'm 
trying to explain.

I do admit however that I haven't myself experimented with this type of 
functionality, but I really think it should be possible to define some 
specific Django models to let the user customize the look and feel of 
your interface via the admin site.

You could start progressively by letting the user choose from a list a 
custom CSS file to use for its blogging site.

Then you could perhaps let the user choose a specific header and footer 
for his theme.

There's no limit in what you can do.

Just let your imagination flows in and use your Django programming 
skills to let your users manage their blogging site the way they want.

You could even define some specific Javascript fields for allowing users 
to enable or disable some more advanced functionality...

Anyways, that's all I can think off right now...

Have fun,


Le 2018-03-19 à 09:55, 'Simon Connah' via Django users a écrit :

Hi Etienne,

Thank you for your reply. I have to apologise because I think I am a 
bit stupid. I'm not sure what you mean.

I think I might understand what you mean to a degree, but I'm not sure 
how to go about it. In effect, I should layout a basic template for 
general use and then create admin views which allow users to customise 
the specifics of the templates. Is that what you meant?

If it is, then it is indeed an interesting idea I hadn't considered. 
I'm not entirely sure how I would go about doing that at the moment. 
I'd have to think.

If you meant something else, then please let me know if I have 
misunderstood what you mean.

On Sunday, 18 March 2018, 23:39:47 GMT, Etienne Robillard 

Hi Simon,

I'll try to help you out with that.

Have you considered using Django models to allow end users to create, 
edit and customize templates within the Django admin?

This should be pretty easy to do.

All you need is to define some models for your customized templates 
and then the user can configure the styling within the Django admin.



Le 2018-03-18 à 18:21, 'Simon Connah' via Django users a écrit :


First of all apologies for posting two messages to this list in a 
couple of days but I've just got back into Django after a rather long 
break, and it is taking me a little time to get back in the swing of 

I'm in the process of making a simple blogging platform which I 
intend to release as an open source project. It is not designed to be 
a reusable app used by other Django. Instead, it is intended to be an 
all in one blogging solution for end users to install and use much 
like they do with something like Wordpress.

There is one major problem though that I don't know the answer. As I 
am building the blogging platform, I am of course writing my 
templates to make sure that everything is working correctly. But a 
side issue with that is that the templates now contain phrases 
related to the website I intend to create when the blogging platform 
is at a reasonable stage of development.

Now, when I open up the Git repository to the public, and people 
start using they are going to get the templates that I have already 
created. That will mean that they'll either need to go through them 
all individually (I doubt they will have heard of grep or similar 
tools) or just delete them all and start from scratch.

What I would like to see is people release their styles that can then 
be customised based on my model, form, view architecture and then 
they can do what they want with the templates. As long as I document 
the variables used in the templates that shouldn't cause too many 

In effect then I have two options. Distribute the code with my 
already existing templates or have a private repository with my 
templates and a public repository with no templates and documentation 
on how to create the templates and either make some styles myself or 
hope that someone else does.

Ideally, I'd like it to work a little bit like Wordpress where you 
can install a style very easily I'm just not sure how to go about 
doing that.

How would you go about this problem? I am both trying to make a 
blogging platform for my use while at the same time keeping it 
reasonably open so other people can use it as well. I'm probably 
missing something obvious here, but I'd appreciate some advice before 
I get too far into the project so any changes that need to be made 
will be smaller.

Thank you.

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Running makemigrations in pluggable nested app using AppConfig

2018-03-19 Thread 'Tom Evans' via Django users
Hi all

I'm writing a small library which will be bundled together with a
pluggable django app.

The app provides a bunch of different AppConfig instances, the end
user chooses one and pops it in their INSTALLED_APPS:

  INSTALLED_APPS += [ 'foo_lib.contrib.django_app.configs.FooAppConfig', ]

All the AppConfigs have their name attribute set to "foo_lib", they
have their path attribute set to the directory containing
and there is a default AppConfig

I have a test project that I'm using to run "makemigrations" and so
on. With INSTALLED_APPS as above, django cannot find any changes for
"foo_lib". If I supply the dotted path to the appconfig to
"makemigrations", I am told:

   "App 'foo_lib.contrib.django.configs.FooAppConfig' could not be
found. Is it in INSTALLED_APPS?"

which is quite amusing.

If I replace the path to the appconfig with the dotted path to the
module, and then use "makemigrations django_app", then the migrations
get created, but obviously that seriously sucks.

Furthermore, even with the migration files in place, they are not
actually acted upon when running migrate or tests.

What is the correct way to do this?



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Re: Running makemigrations in pluggable nested app using AppConfig

2018-03-19 Thread 'Tom Evans' via Django users
In order to make it "work", I imported the models from foo_lib.django
app.models into foo_lib.models. Django was then able to find the
models, and create the migration files.

They are all in the wrong place however, that part of the library
should have nothing to do with django and so this obviously isn't

I didn't mention it in the first post, this is for
py{27,34,35,36}-dj{108,109,110,111,200}, and developing against



On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 3:35 PM, Tom Evans  wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm writing a small library which will be bundled together with a
> pluggable django app.
> The app provides a bunch of different AppConfig instances, the end
> user chooses one and pops it in their INSTALLED_APPS:
>   INSTALLED_APPS += [ 'foo_lib.contrib.django_app.configs.FooAppConfig', ]
> All the AppConfigs have their name attribute set to "foo_lib", they
> have their path attribute set to the directory containing
> and there is a default AppConfig
> I have a test project that I'm using to run "makemigrations" and so
> on. With INSTALLED_APPS as above, django cannot find any changes for
> "foo_lib". If I supply the dotted path to the appconfig to
> "makemigrations", I am told:
>"App 'foo_lib.contrib.django.configs.FooAppConfig' could not be
> found. Is it in INSTALLED_APPS?"
> which is quite amusing.
> If I replace the path to the appconfig with the dotted path to the
> module, and then use "makemigrations django_app", then the migrations
> get created, but obviously that seriously sucks.
> Furthermore, even with the migration files in place, they are not
> actually acted upon when running migrate or tests.
> What is the correct way to do this?
> Cheers
> Tom

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Re: Is anyone using Channels 2 and asgi_rabbitmq?

2018-03-19 Thread Andrew Godwin
Hi Filbery,

asgi_rabbitmq has not been ported to work with the new asynchronous channel
layer API in Channels 2 yet, so it's not compatible, I'm afraid, and nobody
is currently working on that port as far as I know.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 8:13 AM, Filbert  wrote:

> Making a major platform decision a ways out from product release. Running
> Channels 1.0 and Redis now, but we'd rather use RabbitMQ since our cluster
> is already provisioned with that for Celery, etc.
> I'd like to migrate to Channels 2.0 and asgi_rabbitmq, but I can't seem to
> find anyone that is using this in production.  I really don't want to use
> Redis, but I will if RabbitMQ isn't heading to first class citizen status
> in the Channels stack.
> --
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Sample of GeoDjanco websites

2018-03-19 Thread Ezequias Rocha

I would like to know if there is any list of websites that are using 
GeoDjango on the web.

Could anyone tell me if you have experiences putting Leaflet in the 
frontend and GeoDjango in the backend (geoprocessing).


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Re: Sample of GeoDjanco websites

2018-03-19 Thread Zachary Nickens
I’m really interested in this too. Please share if you find anything.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 2:28 PM Ezequias Rocha 

> Hi
> I would like to know if there is any list of websites that are using
> GeoDjango on the web.
> Could anyone tell me if you have experiences putting Leaflet in the
> frontend and GeoDjango in the backend (geoprocessing).
> Sincerely
> Ezequias
> --
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Fight On!

Zachary Nickens

Become a Member of the Wild Sheep Foundation to Put and Keep Wild Sheep on
the Mountain 

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Re: Sample of GeoDjanco websites

2018-03-19 Thread M Hashmi
I've been searching for one from last couple of weeks and after using
Djnago-map-widgets, django-google-maps, django-forms I came to conclusion
that no much work done in GeoDjango. All these apps do not work very well
with everything GeoDjango has to offer.

Only way out for me is that using GoogleAPI Javascript code in templates
and then create a GET/POST requests to manage user interaction with api.
Saving that to database based on JS triggers. If you happen to find
something please let me know as well.

Making a tutorial will help community to great deal coz location aware
applications are in demand.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:37 PM, Zachary Nickens  wrote:

> I’m really interested in this too. Please share if you find anything.
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 2:28 PM Ezequias Rocha 
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I would like to know if there is any list of websites that are using
>> GeoDjango on the web.
>> Could anyone tell me if you have experiences putting Leaflet in the
>> frontend and GeoDjango in the backend (geoprocessing).
>> Sincerely
>> Ezequias
>> --
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>> msgid/django-users/09ae2680-65d0-4c6e-bb32-9f776a76f138%
>> .
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>> .
> --
> Fight On!
> Zachary Nickens
> Become a Member of the Wild Sheep Foundation to Put and Keep Wild Sheep on
> the Mountain 
> --
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> "Django users" group.
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Trouble deploying Django/wagtail on Ubuntu 14.04

2018-03-19 Thread drone4four
I successfully installed wagtail ’s bakery demo site 
 locally.  I 
ended up leveraging the README for this bakery demo site 
 on their GitHub page which calls to 
use a ‘virtualenvwrapper 
’ instead of a 
typical venv.  As instructed I played around with some configuration files. 
I got it working. Here is a .webm video 
 showcasing my site 
running locally.  

But when I attempt to deploy it on my DigitalOcean Droplet, Apache is 
throwing all sorts of errors.  The problem is with my configuration. I am 
not sure what I have to change to make it right. 

Here is my site showing an Apache Internal Server 

Here  are the most recent lines of traceback 
from my Apache log file. That log file is pointing me in a few directions. 
I ensure that my Apache sites-available file points to inside the 
bakerydemo project folder.  I tried both and

Here are the contents of my ssl Apache sites-available ssl config:

#   DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

#   ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/daniel496/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

# Original Django project commented out 19 March 2018 to make room 
for Django project below

Alias /static /home//TheGreatWork/static
Require all granted


Require all granted

WSGIDaemonProcess TheGreatWork python-home=/home/
WSGIProcessGroup TheGreatWork
WSGIScriptAlias / /home//TheGreatWork/TheGreatWork/

# 2nd Django project (wagtail demo)
Alias /static /home//bakerydemo/bakerydemo/static
Require all granted


Require all granted

WSGIDaemonProcess bakerydemo python-home=/home/
WSGIProcessGroup bakerydemo
WSGIScriptAlias / /home//bakerydemo/bakerydemo/

Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Take note the project called, TheGreatWork.  That is a previous project 
I've temporarily set aside.  I invoked a multi-line block comment in this 
Apache starting with  and ending with 

As part of setting up virtualenvwrapper, I’ve assigned my virtual 
environments to: /home//.virtualenvs, which appears to be an issue in 
the error log as well, so maybe this could be the problem with my setup?

I’ve ruled out the possibility that the issue has something to do with the 
Python version 2.7-based libapache2-mod-wsgi because I purged my system of 
that library. All that exists now is libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3.

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on my Droplet, running Python 3.4 and Django 2.0.

Is there any other information I could provide to help troubleshoot?

Thanks for your attention.

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suggestions solicited for webm video in html5

2018-03-19 Thread Mike Dewhirst

What is the best way to upload video for display in a Django-based website?

It appears FileField is one way to upload the video and html video 
elements the way to display it.

I have used ImageField successfully and wonder if anyone is doing a 

The site mentions a few video apps and one of those 
would probably do the trick. Does anyone have any recommendations?

The use case is on-line training software where you upload a video so 
the students don't have to be able to read the instruction.

Thanks for any input.



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Re: Sample of GeoDjanco websites

2018-03-19 Thread Antonis Christofides

I think that much work is done on GeoDjango. I maintain 3 or 4 apps that use it,
if not anything else to show points on a map. I don't claim to be an expert.
I've concluded that GIS is a strange world. Not only blog posts and tutorials
and references, there are also few books and they are mostly lacking. I've used
gdal and OpenLayers and I've been baffled by the lack of documentation.

I can point you to some of my own work, which is by no means complete. First, I
think that anyone dealing with GIS must understand the basics of co-ordinate
reference systems. Even if all you want to do is show points on a map, you will
eventually need to know what the numbers 4326 and 3857 mean. So read my
introduction to geographical co-ordinate systems
My few OpenLayers>=3 writings  can be useful if
(like me) you are an OpenLayers>=3 beginner. That's all.



Antonis Christofides

On 2018-03-20 00:14, M Hashmi wrote:
> I've been searching for one from last couple of weeks and after using
> Djnago-map-widgets, django-google-maps, django-forms I came to conclusion that
> no much work done in GeoDjango. All these apps do not work very well with
> everything GeoDjango has to offer.
> Only way out for me is that using GoogleAPI Javascript code in templates and
> then create a GET/POST requests to manage user interaction with api. Saving
> that to database based on JS triggers. If you happen to find something please
> let me know as well.
> Making a tutorial will help community to great deal coz location aware
> applications are in demand.
> Regards,
> Mudassar
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:37 PM, Zachary Nickens  > wrote:
> I’m really interested in this too. Please share if you find anything. 
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 2:28 PM Ezequias Rocha  > wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to know if there is any list of websites that are using
> GeoDjango on the web.
> Could anyone tell me if you have experiences putting Leaflet in the
> frontend and GeoDjango in the backend (geoprocessing).
> Sincerely
> Ezequias
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