I'm looking for a part-time job in Django

2016-08-14 Thread Uri Even-Chen
To django-users@googlegroups.com,

I'm looking for a part-time job in Django, do you know anything? I live in
Herzliya, Israel. I can't relocate but I can work from home. I can also
help developing the next versions of Django. You can see my CV on LinkedIn.
Please let me know if you have any job for me.


*Uri Even-Chen*
[image: photo] Phone: +972-54-3995700
Email: u...@speedy.net
Website: http://www.speedysoftware.com/uri/en/

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Re: how to integrate django framework in android app ????

2016-08-14 Thread ludovic coues
Could you detail a bit more what you are trying to achieve ?

What do you mean by "integrating" ? What step have you tried ? Are you
new as in "have never read a single page of the documentation" or new
as in "have only done a pair of small test site" ?

I have trouble do understand what you are trying to do and if that's
possible at all. I assume I'm not the only one in this situation.

If you want a short and fast answer based on the information you have
given, here is:
Django can't run on android.
Django run on server and your android app will integrate with your
django application, which is a website, through HTTP(S). You can do
that with a simple webview and displaying page from the django app or
using an API and transfering JSON data or be creative.

2016-08-13 21:31 GMT+02:00 Techart Team :
> i am new to django and i want to integrate my django framework to my android
> studio. how to do it ? please tell me fast.
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Cordialement, Coues Ludovic
+336 148 743 42

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Re: Django 1.10 How to Take form Inputs (ie field one + field two = field three) and auto update before submitting the form.

2016-08-14 Thread ludovic coues
if what you are doing is a quote, you don't need to get the total from
the user. I would go one step further, don't get price from the user.
Form can be altered.

I would do the model like that:

class Invoice(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, models.CASCADE)
date = models.DateTimeField()

class InvoiceItem(models.Model):
invoice = models.ForeignKey(Invoice, models.CASCADE,
product = models.ForeignKey(Product, models.CASCADE)
quantity = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField()

def total(self):
return product.price * quantity

With this setup, if `invoice` is an Invoice object, invoice.items is
the list of product related to the invoice. In you JS, you will have 3
HTML elements of interest. On represent either the price or the item,
the second the quantity, and the third the total. If either of the two
first one change, update the total.


$('itm').on('change', updateTotal)
$('qty').on('change', updateTotal)

function updateTotal() {
price = parseInt( $('itm').get_attribute('data-value') )
quantity = parseInt( $('qty').value() )

(The script don't work as is but should give the general idea)
This way, the user see instantly the effect of their change but your
application only work with safe value.

I hope I didn't go too far off-path and that will be useful to you :)

2016-08-13 22:12 GMT+02:00 Paul Kudla :
> I am running django 1.10 and assume i will need to use java scripts, jquery
> or angularjs
> Simply put i have a decimal field that i want to add to another decimal
> field and place the answer in a third decimal field.
> I want this to be displayed on the fly as the form gets data inputed on the
> client side into it (aka no submit and display the answer immediately for
> example)
> And then update the relative fields upon a save request (the data would
> already be in the form)
> This is a very basic function but is nessesary on any invoice program etc ie
> to add up the actual total of the invoice for example or multiply a qty of
> one against the amount of the item and then total it, for example in an
> invoice body using tabularinline.
> There must be examples on how to modify the admin form template to allow for
> this, I have just been unable to find any documentation that shows how to do
> this in a simple way.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> basic model :
> #models.py (Remote Access VNC Application)
> from django.db import models
> class Test_Add(models.Model):
> siteid   = models.CharField(max_length=64, primary_key=True,
> unique=True)
> field1   = models.DecimalField(verbose_name='field1',
> max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)
> field2   = models.DecimalField(verbose_name='field2',
> max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)
> field3   = models.DecimalField(verbose_name='field3',
> max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)
> field4   = models.DecimalField(verbose_name='field4',
> max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)
> class Meta:
> ordering = ['siteid',]
> db_table = u'test_add'
> verbose_name = u"Test template"
> verbose_name_plural = u"Test Template"
> def __unicode__(self):
> return self.siteid
> Basic Admin :
> #admin.py - (Remote Access VNC Application)
> from django.contrib import admin
> #import the application stuff
> from Add.models import Test_Add
> class Test_Add_Admin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> fieldsets = [
> ('Site Information',{'fields': ['siteid',
> 'field1','field2','field3','field4']}),
> ]
> list_display = ('siteid', 'field1', 'field2', 'field3','field4',)
> list_display_links = ('siteid', )
> search_fields = ['siteid', ]
> admin.site.register(Test_Add, Test_Add_Admin)
> --
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Cordialement, Coues Ludovic
+336 148 743 42

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Re: Django back button issue after log-out

2016-08-14 Thread James Schneider
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 9:44 PM, Abhijeet Singh 

> It still does not work. Still "Back" button takes it to last session page
> On Monday, December 17, 2012 at 7:37:49 PM UTC+5:30, Ashish Sable wrote:
>> yup... Got the solution just the bower cache needs to be cleared.
>> from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
>> @cache_control(no_cache=True, must_revalidate=True, no_store=True)
>> def view():
>> After logout it will render to login page.
>> On Monday, 17 December 2012 18:39:25 UTC+5:30, ke1g wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 5:14 AM, Ashish Sable 
>>> wrote:

 I have written simple registration(login,logout) Django apps.
  when i click on logout and then back button from browser
 it shows me previous page. it should redirect me to login page. please

That's not typical behavior for a logout view for this exact reason.
Normally a log out button will submit data to a server, and then the server
will issue a redirect back to the main login page (rather than just
rendering the page directly). Doing a redirect will, in almost all cases,
cause the browser to bring up a dialog asking if the previous pages form
data should be resubmitted. In most cases this is enough to keep users from
accidentally hitting the back button with no permanent damage.

However, keep in mind that like the previous poster mentioned, the local
browser cache likely still contains copies (at least in part) of the
previous pages that were visited, so it may be possible to extract the
information from there. Not much that anyone can do about it, and is
outside the control of Django.

Are you using the included login/logout views provided by Django in
contrib.auth? They implement the correct behavior that prevents the back
button from working by default.

Your views should also be implementing a check similar to the
@login_required decorator, which should redirect the user back to the login
page if they do not have a valid session.


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Re: I'm looking for a part-time job in Django

2016-08-14 Thread Uri Even-Chen

How do I add my name to
https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/DevelopersForHire#Israel ?


*Uri Even-Chen*
[image: photo] Phone: +972-54-3995700
Email: u...@speedy.net
Website: http://www.speedysoftware.com/uri/en/

On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Uri Even-Chen  wrote:

> To django-users@googlegroups.com,
> I'm looking for a part-time job in Django, do you know anything? I live in
> Herzliya, Israel. I can't relocate but I can work from home. I can also
> help developing the next versions of Django. You can see my CV on LinkedIn.
> Please let me know if you have any job for me.
> Thanks,
> Uri.
> *Uri Even-Chen*
> [image: photo] Phone: +972-54-3995700
> Email: u...@speedy.net
> Website: http://www.speedysoftware.com/uri/en/

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Re: How t o create more than one application

2016-08-14 Thread Timothy Steele

On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 7:34 PM, Andrew Emory  wrote:

> Just enter the command: python manage.py startapp app_name from your
> terminal window in the projects source directory.
> On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 7:37:10 PM UTC-5, Timothy Steele wrote:
>> down votefavori
>> I am studying the Django framework, reading the documentation, but have
>> not found references on how to create more than one application on the same
>> project, where each application has multiple apps.
>> can some one help plz
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forms.Form, models.Model, forms.ModelForm? (self.django)

2016-08-14 Thread Andrew Emory

Would someone explain to me when you would choose one class over the other? 
Does forms.Form not create a database? Can't you just render models.Model 
as a form?

I understand forms.ModelForm is a helper class for creating a form from a 
model. But I still don't really understand why you would choose one over 
the other, like when?

Are forms.Form more for GET requests? And the others are POST?

Most of what I am trying to do is serve some forms, have the user POST some 
data, and then query the database.

Thanks guys.

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Re: forms.Form, models.Model, forms.ModelForm? (self.django)

2016-08-14 Thread Alex Heyden
forms.Form makes front-end widgets and some validation logic. models.Model
defines a database interface and wraps it in a Python class. The two have
nothing to do with each other aside from vaguely similar APIs for defining
the classes.

The intersection of the two is forms.ModelForm, which uses a model to
populate form fields.

GET vs POST is a functionality difference. GET should be used where the
request could be repeated multiple times and get the same response. POST
should be used where a request has meaningful side effects. (If you're
saving things to a model from a user perspective, you almost certainly want
POST.) There's middle ground between the two where it's a bit of a matter
of opinion, but those are the broad strokes.

On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Andrew Emory  wrote:

> Would someone explain to me when you would choose one class over the
> other? Does forms.Form not create a database? Can't you just render
> models.Model as a form?
> I understand forms.ModelForm is a helper class for creating a form from a
> model. But I still don't really understand why you would choose one over
> the other, like when?
> Are forms.Form more for GET requests? And the others are POST?
> Most of what I am trying to do is serve some forms, have the user POST
> some data, and then query the database.
> Thanks guys.
> --
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Re: forms.Form, models.Model, forms.ModelForm? (self.django)

2016-08-14 Thread Andrew Emory
Thanks so much.  This is exactly the kind of stuff I wanted to hear.  

It was just unclear if form.Form created a model when you define it or if 
it was just for GET data.

So models are for the database and the admin.  You can render them by way 
of forms.ModelForm which is what you would use for client facing POST 

On Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 6:35:49 PM UTC-5, Alex Heyden wrote:
> forms.Form makes front-end widgets and some validation logic. models.Model 
> defines a database interface and wraps it in a Python class. The two have 
> nothing to do with each other aside from vaguely similar APIs for defining 
> the classes.
> The intersection of the two is forms.ModelForm, which uses a model to 
> populate form fields.
> GET vs POST is a functionality difference. GET should be used where the 
> request could be repeated multiple times and get the same response. POST 
> should be used where a request has meaningful side effects. (If you're 
> saving things to a model from a user perspective, you almost certainly want 
> POST.) There's middle ground between the two where it's a bit of a matter 
> of opinion, but those are the broad strokes.
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Andrew Emory  > wrote:
>> Would someone explain to me when you would choose one class over the 
>> other? Does forms.Form not create a database? Can't you just render 
>> models.Model as a form?
>> I understand forms.ModelForm is a helper class for creating a form from a 
>> model. But I still don't really understand why you would choose one over 
>> the other, like when?
>> Are forms.Form more for GET requests? And the others are POST?
>> Most of what I am trying to do is serve some forms, have the user POST 
>> some data, and then query the database.
>> Thanks guys.
>> -- 
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What happened to my admin? AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'

2016-08-14 Thread Andrew Emory
Django 1.9.  Everything seems to be set up properly.  I was having some 
issues with my templates but got them working.  I didn't touch any admin or 
even any login stuff.  Though my template does have a {% csrf_token %}.

I can't imagine how this happened.  

>From Googling it seems like it was a bug that was fixed.  

How can I fix this and access my amdin?  I was trying to check if my post 
data went through.

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Adding new models to test Django unit test case

2016-08-14 Thread premdjango
I'm implementing a fix for a ticket-26819 and need to add new models to 
test it.

The new models were added to tests/postgres_tests/models.py
 but would like to know how to run the migrations before I run the tests.

Do I need to run the migrations explicitly or django run tests will take 
care of it?


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How make Django sites look as professional as WordPress just as easily as WordPress is easy?

2016-08-14 Thread Chris Seberino
I love Django.  It is a beautiful system for developers.  You seem to start 
at a lower level with Django than with WordPress which gives you more power 
and flexibility.

Nevertheless, I also like how WordPress STARTS with a very professional 
looking sites and almost locks you into a nice looking style.

Because I'm not the best visual artist in the world, is there a way to make 
Django "force" your site to look professional for us "graphically 
engineers? ;)

I'm aware of the Mezzanine CMS but wasn't so excited about learning yet 
another tool.  Nevertheless, if that is the answer I'll consider it.  

Is that the magic bullet I'm looking for or is there something else?



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Re: How make Django sites look as professional as WordPress just as easily as WordPress is easy?

2016-08-14 Thread Mario Gudelj
It all depends what you want to do, Chris. I suggest you to find a html
template on sites like template monster or theme forest, split it into base
and extract page from it, make Django serve the static pages and then make
those features that should be driven by database dynamic by creating models
for them, plug in forms etc. Use Mezzanine if you want your clients to edit
the content but you may not need CMS. It all depends on the type of end
user. You can also try Wagtail CMS.

Good luck.


On Monday, 15 August 2016, Chris Seberino  wrote:

> I love Django.  It is a beautiful system for developers.  You seem to
> start at a lower level with Django than with WordPress which gives you more
> power and flexibility.
> Nevertheless, I also like how WordPress STARTS with a very professional
> looking sites and almost locks you into a nice looking style.
> Because I'm not the best visual artist in the world, is there a way to
> make Django "force" your site to look professional for us "graphically
> challenged'
> engineers? ;)
> I'm aware of the Mezzanine CMS but wasn't so excited about learning yet
> another tool.  Nevertheless, if that is the answer I'll consider it.
> Is that the magic bullet I'm looking for or is there something else?
> Thanks!
> Chris
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