Re: [Choose Database based on geolocalization]

2015-03-09 Thread 'Petros Moisiadis' via Django users
On 03/09/2015 01:58 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> Yes, DB Routers support hints. How are you planning to inject those
> hints into the router? Router arguments aren't exposed to the end user
> when you do a query - they're automatically generated by the query,
> and only include details about related objects in the query.

A quick and draft thought would be to have a middleware that manipulates
the ConnectionRouter class, which is instantiated when making database
queries. But, before looking at the implementation details, maybe we
should first think if it would be useful in general as a feature to pass
a hint for the HTTP request to the DB routers.

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Re: [Choose Database based on geolocalization]

2015-03-09 Thread James Schneider
To me, the question needs more explanation. If a request is made of a
server in the US, how does it make any sense to send a database query from
that server in the US over to Luxembourg if that is in the proximity of
where the user is located? Efficiency? No, that would actually cause double
the traffic over close to the same distance. Different data? I would hope
not, otherwise you should definitely just store the connection of a user to
a database to be used.

In reality, the current location of the user should somewhat irrelevant,
and known profile information (such as the user has previously accessed the
US site even though they are currently in Madrid) about that user should
redirect them to the appropriate servers, probably using the subdomain
strategy that Russell originally suggested. First time users could
potentially be geo-redirected based on IP, but most interfaces I've seen
just ask what resources they need (or the country they want to use) and
redirect accordingly.

On 03/09/2015 01:58 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> Yes, DB Routers support hints. How are you planning to inject those
> hints into the router? Router arguments aren't exposed to the end user
> when you do a query - they're automatically generated by the query,
> and only include details about related objects in the query.

A quick and draft thought would be to have a middleware that manipulates
the ConnectionRouter class, which is instantiated when making database
queries. But, before looking at the implementation details, maybe we
should first think if it would be useful in general as a feature to pass
a hint for the HTTP request to the DB routers.

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Re: [Choose Database based on geolocalization]

2015-03-09 Thread xina towner
It's a requirements of a client.

I'm not happy to do this...but as I couldn't find any nice solution, maybe
because of my limited knowledge, I've asked the mail list.
But it seems that a nice solution does not exists's going to be

Thanks for the tentative solutions by the way.

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Re: [Choose Database based on geolocalization]

2015-03-09 Thread James Schneider
Perhaps you can investigate more into the 'why' portion of the requirement
(which is what I was interested in)? You may be able to convince them to
abandon/modify their requirement if you lay out the technical issues and
complication they are introducing, and for what gain?

I suspect the feature you are looking for doesn't have great support
because a) there are (usually) better alternatives at other levels of the
application stack (ie Russell's solution), or b) user data for an
application is most often shared within a single database or c) redundancy
or load sharing of the databases will likely be on the DB side rather than
be controlled by the app itself. The app shouldn't care whether it is
talking to a single database or a cluster of 100.

What you're trying to do isn't impossible, I was just trying to make sure
the effort justifies the reward, although giving the customer what they
want even though it is...suboptimal...and getting paid may be the "best"
way to go, even though I'm cringing as I write that.

On Mar 9, 2015 3:46 AM, "xina towner"  wrote:

> It's a requirements of a client.
> I'm not happy to do this...but as I couldn't find any nice solution, maybe
> because of my limited knowledge, I've asked the mail list.
> But it seems that a nice solution does not exists's going to be
> funny.
> Thanks for the tentative solutions by the way.
> --
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Re: Django structure

2015-03-09 Thread Gabriel Klein
Thank you Ilya,

What you said make a lot of senses. 

On Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 10:36:27 PM UTC-3, Ilya Kazakevich wrote:
> There are 2 types of Apps in Django: 
> 1) reusable one with clear, documented interface
> 2) not reusable one, because it depends on current project heavily.
> Ideally, project consists of several reusable-apps, and project-specific 
> data is stored in project-specific places like URLConf or filesystem 
> templates.
> But in real life, project may have one or more non-reusable app tied to 
> this project heavily. If you have app with specific business-logic you do 
> not want to share it. If you have app with generic logic (forum, shop, 
> email system, template engine, orm system, new field type, a pack of tags 
> etc) -- you need to make it shareable. 
> It is like modules in python: you have reusable packages and modules, but 
> you almost always have "" script which is not reusable. But you 
> should do your best to make this file as small as possible by making most 
> of your code reusable and moving it to sharable packages and modules.
> Actually, this is not only about Python: in OSes you have execution binary 
> and .so files (if you are *nix user) or .exe file and .dll files (if you 
> are windows user).
> .so/.dlls are reusable, but .exe (or executable) is not. 
> I think you should start with 4 apps:
> 1) user management
> 2) business logic (models and other staff used both in front-end and 
> back-end)
> 3) front-end with front-end specific code
> 4) backend with back-end specific.
> Back and front may depend on business, but not on each other, and business 
> does not depend on anything.
> You should be able to throw backend away, and totaly rewrite it, and be 
> sure front-end and business logic is not affected.
> Speaking in MVC term here, your business is Model, and Front and Back are 
> both views. You may even need to create some new view, like portal which is 
> not frontend nor backend,
> You then try to fetch some "generic" parts from you apps. For example you 
> may find that you use views/templates/tags to display some business data in 
> fancy way. You may move it to business-logic part, to share between 
> front-end and back-end.
> Or you may find that you just created, say, email blast engine, or report 
> engine, that can be used even with out of your business logic, in totaly 
> different project! You then move it to separate app, and make it public to 
> reuse in other projects.
> Splitting code into modules (units, packages) is one of the hardiest 
> things in software architecutre. It is ok to refactor existing projects 
> changing modules structure, because you never know if your layout is good 
> until you try to support such project. 
> Ilya.
> On Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 9:56:51 PM UTC+3, Gabriel Klein wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm going to start a big project using Django.
>> It will have 3 main sections: 
>> - A "Frontend" section:
>> Where the user will consult the data.
>> - A "Backend" section:
>> Where the ETL and Admins will organize the data
>> - A User Management section:
>> Where I'll manage user permission, Oauth for my APIs
>> I'm aware that Django recommend to break down your project into a 
>> multitude of apps with a very small scope.
>> While my User Management section should be simple enough to be on his own 
>> app my two other sections "Frontend" and "Backend" come with a fairly 
>> complex snowflake schema (about 15 tables) and sometime with cross 
>> dependencies between apps. They also come with complex business logic that 
>> can be break down to smaller apps.
>> My question is how to shared models across apps? 
>> I was thinking creating a app only to cary my complex models?
>> This app can be now reuse within smaller app doing backend or fronted 
>> jobs.
>> Any advice will be welcome.

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Re: FORM: How to specify current user as value for a form ForeignKey referencing logged on user

2015-03-09 Thread felix

El 08/03/15 14:40, Ryan Alexander escribió:

Hey there,

This seems like something that should be simple to do but I'm having a 
heck of a time with it and google searches don't reference anything 
that's helping me out.

I have a form that a user fills out, and it creates a db row based on 
the input.  Model as below:

class Accounts(models.Model):
authid = models.CharField(max_length=128)
authtoken = models.CharField(max_length=128)
provider = models.ForeignKey(Provider)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)

How do I feed the current user value to the form?  Form code:

class AccountForm(forms.ModelForm):

  provider = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Provider.objects.all(), 

  authid = forms.CharField(max_length=256, help_text="AuthID")

  authtoken = forms.CharField(max_length=256, help_text="AuthToken")

   user = 

If you are using a class based view like CreateView you can set the 
current user in the form_valid method like this:

def form_valid(self, form):
form.instance.user = self.request.user

Furthermore you don't need to define a modelform when using CreateView.

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[ANNOUNCE] Security releases and advisory issued (1.7.6 and 1.8b2)

2015-03-09 Thread Tim Graham
Today the Django team issued multiple releases -- Django 1.7.6 and 1.8b2 -- 
as part of our security process. These releases address a publicly reported 
security issue, and we encourage all users to upgrade as soon as possible.

More details can be found on our blog:

As a reminder, we ask that potential security issues be reported via 
private email to, and not via Django's Trac 
instance or the django-developers list. Please see for further information.

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Security releases and advisory issued (1.7.6 and 1.8b2)

2015-03-09 Thread Francis Devereux

On 9 Mar 2015, at 16:01, Tim Graham  wrote:
> Today the Django team issued multiple releases -- Django 1.7.6 and 1.8b2 -- 
> as part of our security process. These releases address a publicly reported 
> security issue, and we encourage all users to upgrade as soon as possible.

Thanks for these fixes.

Is Django 1.6.x affected vulnerable to these issues?


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Security releases and advisory issued (1.7.6 and 1.8b2)

2015-03-09 Thread Markus Holtermann
Hey Francis,

with respect to the ModelAdmin.readonly_fields: no, the vulnerability was 
introduced in 1.7

with respect to the advisory: yes, all projects that make use the template 
filters in Python code and rely on Django 1.0 to 1.8b1 (including) are 



On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 5:24:57 PM UTC+1, Francis Devereux wrote:
> Hi, 
> On 9 Mar 2015, at 16:01, Tim Graham > 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > Today the Django team issued multiple releases -- Django 1.7.6 and 1.8b2 
> -- as part of our security process. These releases address a publicly 
> reported security issue, and we encourage all users to upgrade as soon as 
> possible. 
> Thanks for these fixes. 
> Is Django 1.6.x affected vulnerable to these issues? 
> Francis 

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How to modify and then recombine json response data without breaking json formatting

2015-03-09 Thread Henry Versemann
First to be clear up front let me say that I'm using Django1.7, Python 
2.7.8, and the requests (Requests: HTTP for Humans 
) library 
version2.4.3 to build the application mentioned below. 

I have an application which needs to be able to process a single AJAX 
request as a series of related sub-requests sent to a remote API. Each 
sub-request response comes back in JSON format. The first of these 
sub-requests returns a list of students in a particular course, and the 
returned response data is a list containing student objects all in JSON 
format. A Django view code then strips outs the 'name' and 'id' of each 
student object in the list and builds it as an entry in another python list 
to be used later(I'm using "json.loads()" to get to successfully the 
original JSON data returned in each reasponse). Then once this list is 
built it is passed to another view which then submits a different request, 
for each student "id", in the newly built list, to the same API, to return 
all student information (related to a particular course-id which is also 
passed in this second request), for the current student. Then the returned 
course-student information, for this second request, is also returned in 
JSON format. 

Everything up to this point works perfectly, but it is at this point that I 
believe my process is going wrong, when I try to modify the JSON data 
returned, form the second series of requests. 

My modifications seem to work, on the server side(and I'm using 
json.dumps() to serialize my data into JSON format), and all of my data 
seems to be present when I print it in my command prompt window right 
before sending it back to the client, as part of an HttpResponse. Then when 
I try to access some of the data using javascript/jQuery once its 
been sent back to the client then some of the  "jQuery.parseJSON()" 
statements fail when I try to access the data I've formatted in the view, 
for my response. 

So my next question is how do I correctly modify the JSON response data 
(for each course student) returned from each request? Then once modified 
how do I correctly add it to a list, without breaking the JSON formatting, 
and causing it to not be well-formed, when I send it back to the client? 

This is the first time that I've attempted to do anything like this (modify 
and/or recombine) with JSON data, so I'm looking for an answer that my 
current level of Django/Python experience can't seem to provide, though I 
am continuing to search for answers. 

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the help.


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Re: How to modify and then recombine json response data without breaking json formatting

2015-03-09 Thread Bill Freeman
Did you remember to set the content type of your response to

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Henry Versemann 

> First to be clear up front let me say that I'm using Django1.7, Python
> 2.7.8, and the requests (Requests: HTTP for Humans
> ) library
> version2.4.3 to build the application mentioned below.
> I have an application which needs to be able to process a single AJAX
> request as a series of related sub-requests sent to a remote API. Each
> sub-request response comes back in JSON format. The first of these
> sub-requests returns a list of students in a particular course, and the
> returned response data is a list containing student objects all in JSON
> format. A Django view code then strips outs the 'name' and 'id' of each
> student object in the list and builds it as an entry in another python list
> to be used later(I'm using "json.loads()" to get to successfully the
> original JSON data returned in each reasponse). Then once this list is
> built it is passed to another view which then submits a different request,
> for each student "id", in the newly built list, to the same API, to return
> all student information (related to a particular course-id which is also
> passed in this second request), for the current student. Then the returned
> course-student information, for this second request, is also returned in
> JSON format.
> Everything up to this point works perfectly, but it is at this point that
> I believe my process is going wrong, when I try to modify the JSON data
> returned, form the second series of requests.
> My modifications seem to work, on the server side(and I'm using
> json.dumps() to serialize my data into JSON format), and all of my data
> seems to be present when I print it in my command prompt window right
> before sending it back to the client, as part of an HttpResponse. Then when
> I try to access some of the data using javascript/jQuery once its
> been sent back to the client then some of the  "jQuery.parseJSON()"
> statements fail when I try to access the data I've formatted in the view,
> for my response.
> So my next question is how do I correctly modify the JSON response data
> (for each course student) returned from each request? Then once modified
> how do I correctly add it to a list, without breaking the JSON formatting,
> and causing it to not be well-formed, when I send it back to the client?
> This is the first time that I've attempted to do anything like this
> (modify and/or recombine) with JSON data, so I'm looking for an answer that
> my current level of Django/Python experience can't seem to provide, though
> I am continuing to search for answers.
> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks for the help.
> Henry
>  --
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Re: How to modify and then recombine json response data without breaking json formatting

2015-03-09 Thread Henry Versemann
Yes Id did do that. The problems I seem to be having only seem to happen 
whenever I modify the data before sending it. For many other requests that 
I'm sending and not modifying the data, before I send them back to the 
client I have no problems and everything is apparently parsed out ok by the 
javascript on the client side.


On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 12:42:23 PM UTC-5, ke1g wrote:

> Did you remember to set the content type of your response to 
> application/json?
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Henry Versemann  > wrote:
>> First to be clear up front let me say that I'm using Django1.7, Python 
>> 2.7.8, and the requests (Requests: HTTP for Humans 
>> ) 
>> library 
>> version2.4.3 to build the application mentioned below. 
>> I have an application which needs to be able to process a single AJAX 
>> request as a series of related sub-requests sent to a remote API. Each 
>> sub-request response comes back in JSON format. The first of these 
>> sub-requests returns a list of students in a particular course, and the 
>> returned response data is a list containing student objects all in JSON 
>> format. A Django view code then strips outs the 'name' and 'id' of each 
>> student object in the list and builds it as an entry in another python list 
>> to be used later(I'm using "json.loads()" to get to successfully the 
>> original JSON data returned in each reasponse). Then once this list is 
>> built it is passed to another view which then submits a different request, 
>> for each student "id", in the newly built list, to the same API, to return 
>> all student information (related to a particular course-id which is also 
>> passed in this second request), for the current student. Then the returned 
>> course-student information, for this second request, is also returned in 
>> JSON format. 
>> Everything up to this point works perfectly, but it is at this point that 
>> I believe my process is going wrong, when I try to modify the JSON data 
>> returned, form the second series of requests. 
>> My modifications seem to work, on the server side(and I'm using 
>> json.dumps() to serialize my data into JSON format), and all of my data 
>> seems to be present when I print it in my command prompt window right 
>> before sending it back to the client, as part of an HttpResponse. Then when 
>> I try to access some of the data using javascript/jQuery once its 
>> been sent back to the client then some of the  "jQuery.parseJSON()" 
>> statements fail when I try to access the data I've formatted in the view, 
>> for my response. 
>> So my next question is how do I correctly modify the JSON response data 
>> (for each course student) returned from each request? Then once modified 
>> how do I correctly add it to a list, without breaking the JSON formatting, 
>> and causing it to not be well-formed, when I send it back to the client? 
>> This is the first time that I've attempted to do anything like this 
>> (modify and/or recombine) with JSON data, so I'm looking for an answer that 
>> my current level of Django/Python experience can't seem to provide, though 
>> I am continuing to search for answers. 
>> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Henry
>>  -- 
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>> email to .
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Re: How to modify and then recombine json response data without breaking json formatting

2015-03-09 Thread Bill Freeman
If it's not the basics, then you haven't provided enough information to
allow someone to spot the problem.  If you post the code that is performing
the modification, someone may be able to spot the issue.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Henry Versemann 

> Yes Id did do that. The problems I seem to be having only seem to happen
> whenever I modify the data before sending it. For many other requests that
> I'm sending and not modifying the data, before I send them back to the
> client I have no problems and everything is apparently parsed out ok by the
> javascript on the client side.
> Thanks.
> Henry
> On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 12:42:23 PM UTC-5, ke1g wrote:
>> Did you remember to set the content type of your response to
>> application/json?
>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Henry Versemann 
>> wrote:
>>> First to be clear up front let me say that I'm using Django1.7, Python
>>> 2.7.8, and the requests (Requests: HTTP for Humans
>>> ) 
>>> library
>>> version2.4.3 to build the application mentioned below.
>>> I have an application which needs to be able to process a single AJAX
>>> request as a series of related sub-requests sent to a remote API. Each
>>> sub-request response comes back in JSON format. The first of these
>>> sub-requests returns a list of students in a particular course, and the
>>> returned response data is a list containing student objects all in JSON
>>> format. A Django view code then strips outs the 'name' and 'id' of each
>>> student object in the list and builds it as an entry in another python list
>>> to be used later(I'm using "json.loads()" to get to successfully the
>>> original JSON data returned in each reasponse). Then once this list is
>>> built it is passed to another view which then submits a different request,
>>> for each student "id", in the newly built list, to the same API, to return
>>> all student information (related to a particular course-id which is also
>>> passed in this second request), for the current student. Then the returned
>>> course-student information, for this second request, is also returned in
>>> JSON format.
>>> Everything up to this point works perfectly, but it is at this point
>>> that I believe my process is going wrong, when I try to modify the JSON
>>> data returned, form the second series of requests.
>>> My modifications seem to work, on the server side(and I'm using
>>> json.dumps() to serialize my data into JSON format), and all of my data
>>> seems to be present when I print it in my command prompt window right
>>> before sending it back to the client, as part of an HttpResponse. Then when
>>> I try to access some of the data using javascript/jQuery once its
>>> been sent back to the client then some of the  "jQuery.parseJSON()"
>>> statements fail when I try to access the data I've formatted in the view,
>>> for my response.
>>> So my next question is how do I correctly modify the JSON response data
>>> (for each course student) returned from each request? Then once modified
>>> how do I correctly add it to a list, without breaking the JSON formatting,
>>> and causing it to not be well-formed, when I send it back to the client?
>>> This is the first time that I've attempted to do anything like this
>>> (modify and/or recombine) with JSON data, so I'm looking for an answer that
>>> my current level of Django/Python experience can't seem to provide, though
>>> I am continuing to search for answers.
>>> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks for the help.
>>> Henry
>>>  --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "Django users" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>> an email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> msgid/django-users/790b2c45-edc8-4528-9faa-4cecfc072626%
>>> .
>>> For more options, visit
>>  --
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Re: How to modify and then recombine json response data without breaking json formatting

2015-03-09 Thread Henry Versemann
OK here goes. The logic in the routine which is actually doing the 
modification to each individual JSON response looks like this:

if str(objctTyp) == 'user':
rspnsdata['name'] = lstobjct['name']
rspnsdata['id'] = lstobjct['id']

The routine which is doing this is receiving parameter data that looks like 
this when printed in string format in the windows command prompt window:

u'participations': [], 
u'2015-02-05T00:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-03-02T23:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-01-24T19:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-08T13:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-01-28T19:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-01-20T19:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-19T10:00:00-06:00': 2, 
u'2015-02-21T17:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-02T13:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-16T13:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-01T23:00:00-06:00': 2, 
u'2015-02-03T12:00:00-06:00': 2
'name': 'Brennan Kennedy', 

Hope this helps.


On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 1:04:12 PM UTC-5, ke1g wrote:

> If it's not the basics, then you haven't provided enough information to 
> allow someone to spot the problem.  If you post the code that is performing 
> the modification, someone may be able to spot the issue.
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Henry Versemann  > wrote:
>> Yes Id did do that. The problems I seem to be having only seem to happen 
>> whenever I modify the data before sending it. For many other requests that 
>> I'm sending and not modifying the data, before I send them back to the 
>> client I have no problems and everything is apparently parsed out ok by the 
>> javascript on the client side.
>> Thanks.
>> Henry  
>> On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 12:42:23 PM UTC-5, ke1g wrote:
>>> Did you remember to set the content type of your response to 
>>> application/json?
>>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Henry Versemann  
>>> wrote:
 First to be clear up front let me say that I'm using Django1.7, Python 
 2.7.8, and the requests (Requests: HTTP for Humans 
 version2.4.3 to build the application mentioned below. 

 I have an application which needs to be able to process a single AJAX 
 request as a series of related sub-requests sent to a remote API. Each 
 sub-request response comes back in JSON format. The first of these 
 sub-requests returns a list of students in a particular course, and the 
 returned response data is a list containing student objects all in JSON 
 format. A Django view code then strips outs the 'name' and 'id' of each 
 student object in the list and builds it as an entry in another python 
 to be used later(I'm using "json.loads()" to get to successfully the 
 original JSON data returned in each reasponse). Then once this list is 
 built it is passed to another view which then submits a different request, 
 for each student "id", in the newly built list, to the same API, to return 
 all student information (related to a particular course-id which is also 
 passed in this second request), for the current student. Then the returned 
 course-student information, for this second request, is also returned in 
 JSON format. 

 Everything up to this point works perfectly, but it is at this point 
 that I believe my process is going wrong, when I try to modify the JSON 
 data returned, form the second series of requests. 

 My modifications seem to work, on the server side(and I'm using 
 json.dumps() to serialize my data into JSON format), and all of my data 
 seems to be present when I print it in my command prompt window right 
 before sending it back to the client, as part of an HttpResponse. Then 
 I try to access some of the data using javascript/jQuery once its 
 been sent back to the client then some of the  "jQuery.parseJSON()" 
 statements fail when I try to access the data I've formatted in the view, 
 for my response. 

 So my next question is how do I correctly modify the JSON response data 
 (for each course student) returned from each request? Then once modified 
 how do I correctly add it to a list, without breaking the JSON formatting, 
 and causing it to not be well-formed, when I send it back to the client? 

 This is the first time that I've attempted to do anything like this 
 (modify and/or recombine) with JSON data, so I'm looking for an answer 
 my current level of Django/Python experience can't seem to provide, though 
 I am continuing to search for answers. 

 Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

 Thanks for the help.


 You received this message becaus

Re: How to modify and then recombine json response data without breaking json formatting

2015-03-09 Thread Henry Versemann

OK here goes. The logic in the routine which I actually doing the 
modification to each individual JSON response looks like this:

if str(objctTyp) == 'user':
rspnsdata['name'] = lstobjct['name']
rspnsdata['id'] = lstobjct['id']

The routine which is doing this is receiving parameter data that looks like 
this when printed in string format in the windows command prompt window:

The following piece of parameter data is actually what came back as my JSON 
response from the current secondary request that the application sent.

u'participations': [], 
u'2015-02-05T00:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-03-02T23:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-01-24T19:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-08T13:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-01-28T19:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-01-20T19:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-19T10:00:00-06:00': 2, 
u'2015-02-21T17:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-02T13:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-16T13:00:00-06:00': 1, 
u'2015-02-01T23:00:00-06:00': 2, 
u'2015-02-03T12:00:00-06:00': 2


The following bit of parameter data was actually passed in as the data for 
the current student which the latest secondary request was sent for and 
whose associated data JSON data is shown above. 


'name': 'Brennan Kennedy', 

The following parameter data type "user" indicates that 'name' and 'id' key 
data is passed in in the 'lstobjct' parameter and those key value pairs 
will be added to the received JSON data. 



Hope this helps.


On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 1:04:12 PM UTC-5, ke1g wrote:

> If it's not the basics, then you haven't provided enough information to 
> allow someone to spot the problem.  If you post the code that is performing 
> the modification, someone may be able to spot the issue.
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Henry Versemann  > wrote:
>> Yes Id did do that. The problems I seem to be having only seem to happen 
>> whenever I modify the data before sending it. For many other requests that 
>> I'm sending and not modifying the data, before I send them back to the 
>> client I have no problems and everything is apparently parsed out ok by the 
>> javascript on the client side.
>> Thanks.
>> Henry  
>> On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 12:42:23 PM UTC-5, ke1g wrote:
>>> Did you remember to set the content type of your response to 
>>> application/json?
>>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Henry Versemann  
>>> wrote:
 First to be clear up front let me say that I'm using Django1.7, Python 
 2.7.8, and the requests (Requests: HTTP for Humans 
 version2.4.3 to build the application mentioned below. 

 I have an application which needs to be able to process a single AJAX 
 request as a series of related sub-requests sent to a remote API. Each 
 sub-request response comes back in JSON format. The first of these 
 sub-requests returns a list of students in a particular course, and the 
 returned response data is a list containing student objects all in JSON 
 format. A Django view code then strips outs the 'name' and 'id' of each 
 student object in the list and builds it as an entry in another python 
 to be used later(I'm using "json.loads()" to get to successfully the 
 original JSON data returned in each reasponse). Then once this list is 
 built it is passed to another view which then submits a different request, 
 for each student "id", in the newly built list, to the same API, to return 
 all student information (related to a particular course-id which is also 
 passed in this second request), for the current student. Then the returned 
 course-student information, for this second request, is also returned in 
 JSON format. 

 Everything up to this point works perfectly, but it is at this point 
 that I believe my process is going wrong, when I try to modify the JSON 
 data returned, form the second series of requests. 

 My modifications seem to work, on the server side(and I'm using 
 json.dumps() to serialize my data into JSON format), and all of my data 
 seems to be present when I print it in my command prompt window right 
 before sending it back to the client, as part of an HttpResponse. Then 
 I try to access some of the data using javascript/jQuery once its 
 been sent back to the client then some of the  "jQuery.parseJSON()" 
 statements fail when I try to access the data I've formatted in the view, 
 for my response. 

 So my next question is how do I correctly modify the JSON response data 
 (for each course student) returned from each request? Then once modified 
 how do I correctly add it to a list, without breaking t

Django-taggit : How to delete unused tags ?

2015-03-09 Thread Christine Bale
Hey I have a problem with django-taggit 
, I want to know how can I delete 
unused tags In django ? (python 2.7.9 and Django 1.7.4)

heres is my code: **

from django.db import models
from updown.fields import RatingField
from taggit.managers import TaggableManager
from taggit.models import *
from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete

class Article(models.Model):
titre = models.CharField(max_length=100)
auteur = models.CharField(max_length=42)
contenu = models.TextField(null=True)
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, auto_now=False, 
verbose_name="Date de parution")
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='article', default=
rating = RatingField(can_change_vote=True)
tags = TaggableManager(blank=True)

def __str__(self):
return self.titre

def before_deleting(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if not TaggedItem.objects.filter(tags=instance.tags):
print "Deleting tag", instance

pre_delete.connect(before_deleting, sender=TaggedItem)

here is my: ** (I obviously imported my to my views)
def innertag(request, id):
tag = Tag.objects.get(id = id)
articles = Article.objects.filter(tags=tag)
context = {'tag': tag, 'articles': articles}
populateContext(request, context)
return render(request, 'innerajouter.html', context)

How can I reslove this problem I need to delete, the unused url of the tag 
and the tag itself. Any suggestion would be really helpful,

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Re: [Choose Database based on geolocalization]

2015-03-09 Thread xina towner
I'm in process of thinking whether its worth or not...

Russell's solution was one of the first solutions that I thought of but it
has it's flaws, although obviously is one of the options that it's on the
table as it's not as painful as another solution would be.

I could try to convince them although I already know for a fact that in
some cases some local laws are that case I have no other
option than ...

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Re: Django structure

2015-03-09 Thread Raphael Michel

I'll leave it to others to give recommendations on how you SHOULD
organizer your project. However, I can help you with the technical

Am Sun, 8 Mar 2015 11:53:09 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Gabriel Klein :
> My question is how to shared models across apps? 

You can use models across apps without any problems, just as you would
inside the same app:

from otherapp.models import MyModel


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Re: Sharing templates across multiple projects

2015-03-09 Thread JHeasly
Thanks for the feedback Simon & Ilya.

I've done submodules in Git before, but I think I'll keep the templates in 
a separate repo and symbolic link to the repo ... 

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Getting 500 error on ASO

2015-03-09 Thread mfox_chi
Hi Everyone,

I've been working on learning Django the past few months and have been 
following the django tutorials here:

I've followed the tutorial on my local machine in addition to on my A Small 
Orange account.

A Small Orange has this tutorial:

which has gotten me to reach the default django "Congrats" webpage. This 
pages appears on both my local machines django setup and the ASO website. 
The next step is to run the startapp function within the mysite folder.

My folder structure is as follows on the ASO server

polls/ (after I run the startapp command)
   (all the startapp default files) 
 (all the startproject default files)

My issue is that when I run "python27 startapp polls" from within 
the website/mysite folder my server immediately goes to a 500 internal 
server error page online while this function causes no issues on my local 

The only lead I have on the problem currently is that when I run my 
dispatch.fcgi file via "python27 dispatch.fcgi" from within the public_html 
directory I get the HTML output that should be up on my website. The output 
is shown within my SSH. This makes me think the error has something to do 
with the communication between the .htaccess file and the dispatch file. 


from traceback import formate_exc

 import sys
 import os

 sys.path.append("/home/(my username)/website/mysite/mysite")

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'

from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
runfastcgi(method="threaded", daemonize="false")

except Exception:
open("/home/(my username)/website/error.txt", "w").write(format_exc())


AddHandler fcgi-script .fcgi
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCon %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi/$1 [QSA,L]

I've talked to the ASO customer support and I worked with a technical 
support person for about a week to solve it and they were able to get an 
app started without error but then told me that this was beyond the scope 
of their customer support. I then tried adding my own app with the python27 startapp command and it broke the website again. 

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Thank you!


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