how to use apache instead of django_server

2014-12-29 Thread th . granier

i'm a very new user of python and i'd luke to install Django
i want to use apache server instead of the internal Django server.

i read the documentation and installed wsgi
but now i don't know how to connect Django admin via apache!!

thanks for your help


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Re: how to use apache instead of django_server

2014-12-29 Thread Masklinn
On 2014-12-29, at 13:11 , wrote:
> Hello
> i'm a very new user of python and i'd luke to install Django
> i want to use apache server instead of the internal Django server.
> i read the documentation and installed wsgi
> but now i don't know how to connect Django admin via apache!!

You need mod_wsgi and to mount your project's wsgi script into
mod_wsgi, as explained by

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Django vs ExtJS

2014-12-29 Thread Joris Benschop
Hi List,

I;m a data maangement specialist in a rather large multinational. I'm 
trying to push Django as a fast development framework for front-end 
applications of our databases. Currently the company is focusing on Sencha 
ExtJS and java solutions. Can you help me with pointers why Django is 
better? The free-as-in-beer argument is not very convincing by itself. 


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Django App for synchronizing File upload

2014-12-29 Thread Abdulhakim Haliru
Hello Guys,

Here is my requirements.. I need to upload heavy files to a django app. the 
users should be able to sync the file upload in the background. 

This technique can be seen in file sharing services like 4shared and 
dropbox. I know java is the way to go but I am wondering if something like 
that is obtainable with django or any other python module?


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Re: Django vs ExtJS

2014-12-29 Thread Guilherme Leal
Sincerely, I can't see the ExtJS's Models as true models on an MVC (or MVT
for instance) context, since the only real uses I've seen of them is to
bind form controls to any "model like" (basically anything) structure.
Therefore, the best comparsion for the ExtJS would be AngularJS (this is my
point of view, I might be wrong on this one).

But if you REALLY want to compare them, I would say that the biggest point
that django excels ExtJS, is that ExtJS doesn't have any meaningfull way to
introspect your DB to build the models dynamically, and with django you
can. As an exemple, with django, you can build an app that read your DB
metadata and build everithing from there (basicaly models; the views and
templates you can build in a way that they can read everything on a given

If you provide more specific info about the project, maybe we can come with
some more concrete comparsions.

Em Mon Dec 29 2014 at 12:56:05, Joris Benschop 

Hi List,
> I;m a data maangement specialist in a rather large multinational. I'm
> trying to push Django as a fast development framework for front-end
> applications of our databases. Currently the company is focusing on Sencha
> ExtJS and java solutions. Can you help me with pointers why Django is
> better? The free-as-in-beer argument is not very convincing by itself.
> Thanks
> Joris
> --
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Re: how to use apache instead of django_server

2014-12-29 Thread th . granier

just another question

when you don't use apache but the internal server of Django you start the 
command runserver for loging to django admin
how to connect with apache?

Many thanks


Le lundi 29 décembre 2014 13:11:01 UTC+1, a écrit :
> Hello
> i'm a very new user of python and i'd luke to install Django
> i want to use apache server instead of the internal Django server.
> i read the documentation and installed wsgi
> but now i don't know how to connect Django admin via apache!!
> thanks for your help
> T

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Re: how to use apache instead of django_server

2014-12-29 Thread

Hello there,

if you are familiar with puppet you can take a look to this module.



On 29/12/14 17:26, wrote:
> Merci
> Thanks
> just another question
> when you don't use apache but the internal server of Django you start
> the command runserver for loging to django admin
> how to connect with apache?
> Many thanks
> T.
> Le lundi 29 décembre 2014 13:11:01 UTC+1, a écrit :
> Hello
> i'm a very new user of python and i'd luke to install Django
> i want to use apache server instead of the internal Django server.
> i read the documentation and installed wsgi
> but now i don't know how to connect Django admin via apache!!
> thanks for your help
> T

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Re: how to use apache instead of django_server

2014-12-29 Thread

just forgot to attach the link



On 29/12/14 18:09, wrote:
> Hello there,
> if you are familiar with puppet you can take a look to this module.
> Best,
> Phillip

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Re: Optimizing admin change view with inlines

2014-12-29 Thread 'Petros Moisiadis' via Django users
Hello Collin,

On 12/29/14 07:25, Collin Anderson wrote:
> Hi Petros,
> I think the raw_id_fields still display the __str__/__unicode__ of the
> selected object so therefore need to get queried. I wonder if
> select_related would possibly help?

I do have select_related in the queryset (look at the last version of
ExampleBInline in my previous post).

The thing is that if the same fields that are included in raw_id_fields
are also included in readonly_fields, the queries are reduced
dramatically, despite the fact that the same amount of information is
displayed in both cases. __str__()/__unicode__ is still called when the
fields are in readonly_fields, so it is really very strange why there is
difference between adding and commenting out the readonly_fields line.

Very strange...

> Collin
> On Wednesday, December 24, 2014 5:53:02 AM UTC-6, Ernest0x wrote:
> On 12/24/14 13:30, 'Petros Moisiadis' via Django users wrote:
> > On 12/23/14 19:13, 'Petros Moisiadis' via Django users wrote:
> >> Hello people :)
> >>
> >> I am struggling with optimizing an admin with inlines which
> causes too
> >> many database requests.
> >>
> >> My model structure is like this:
> >>
> >> class ExampleA(models.Model):
> >> ...
> >>
> >> class ExampleB(models.Model):
> >> aexample = models.ForeignKey('ExampleA',
> related_name='bexamples')
> >> cexample = models.ForeignKey('ExampleC')
> >> dexample = models.ForeignKey('ExampleD')
> >> eexample = models.ForeignKey('ExampleE')
> >> ...
> >>
> >> class ExampleC(models.Model):
> >> ...
> >>
> >> class ExampleD(models.Model):
> >> ...
> >>
> >> class ExampleE(models.Model):
> >> ...
> >>
> >> The admin classes:
> >>
> >> class ExampleBInline(admin.StackedInline):
> >> model = ExampleB
> >> extra = 0
> >>
> >> class ExampleAAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> >> inlines = [ExampleBInline]
> >>
> >>, ExampleAAdmin)
> >>
> >> As I can see with django-debug-toolbar, when rendering the admin
> >> template for the inline formset with the forms for ExampleB
> objects, a
> >> new db request is sent to db server for each related field of each
> >> ExampleB object. Particularly, I am seeing a lot of queries
> like these:
> >>
> >> SELECT ••• FROM `examplec` WHERE `examplec`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 21
> >> SELECT ••• FROM `examplee` WHERE `examplee`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 21
> >> SELECT ••• FROM `examplec` WHERE `examplec`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 21
> >> SELECT ••• FROM `exampled` WHERE `exampled`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 21
> >> SELECT ••• FROM `examplee` WHERE `examplee`.`id` = 3 LIMIT 21
> >>
> >> The template context is this (I am using grappelli):
> >>
> >> 21{% if field.is_readonly %}
> >> 22{{
> >> field.contents|linebreaksbr }}
> >> 23{% else %}
> >> the marked line =>  24{{ field.field }}
> >> 25{% endif %}
> >> 26{% endif %}
> >> 27{% if line.fields|length_is:'1' %}{{
> >> line.errors }}{% endif %}
> >>
> >>
> >> I have tried the following optimizations:
> >>
> >> First try:
> >>
> >> class ExampleAAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> >> inlines = [ExampleBInline]
> >>
> >> def get_queryset(self, request):
> >> qs = super(ExampleAAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
> >> return qs.prefetch_related('bexamples',
> >> 'bexamples__cexample', 'bexamples__dexample',
> 'bexamples__example')
> >>
> >> Second try:
> >>
> >> class ExampleBInline(admin.StackedInline):
> >> model = ExampleB
> >> extra = 0
> >>  
> >> def get_queryset(self, request):
> >> qs = super(ExampleInline, self).get_queryset(request)
> >> return qs.select_related('cexample', 'dexample',
> 'eexample')
> >>
> >> Third try:
> >>
> >> class BaseExampleBFormSet(BaseInlineFormSet):
> >> def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> >> super(BaseExampleBFormSet, self).__init__(*args,
> **kwargs)
> >> qs = self.queryset
> >> self.queryset = qs.select_related('cexample',
> 'dexample',
> >> 'eexample')
> >>
> >> ExampleBFormSet = inlineformset_factory(ExampleA, ExampleB,
> >> formset=BaseExampleBFormSet)
> >>
> >> class ExampleBInline(admin.StackedInline):
> >> model = ExampleB
> >> extra = 0
> >> formset = ExampleBFor

Re: how to use apache instead of django_server

2014-12-29 Thread Gerald Klein
You need both apache and uwsgi or something like gunicorn, gunicorn is
easier to configure. Basically your apache server will listen on 80 and
them proxy python code to the app server

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 12:09 PM, 

> Hello there,
> if you are familiar with puppet you can take a look to this module.
> Best,
> Phillip
> On 29/12/14 17:26, wrote:
> > Merci
> > Thanks
> >
> > just another question
> >
> > when you don't use apache but the internal server of Django you start
> > the command runserver for loging to django admin
> > how to connect with apache?
> >
> > Many thanks
> >
> > T.
> >
> > Le lundi 29 décembre 2014 13:11:01 UTC+1, a écrit :
> >
> > Hello
> >
> > i'm a very new user of python and i'd luke to install Django
> > i want to use apache server instead of the internal Django server.
> >
> > i read the documentation and installed wsgi
> > but now i don't know how to connect Django admin via apache!!
> >
> > thanks for your help
> >
> > T
> --
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Gerald Klein DBA


Arch, Gentoo I3, Ranger & Vim the coding triple threat.

Linux registered user #548580

Brought to you by the Amish Mafia

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Re: Template Not Applying - Django Polls Tutorial (Newbie Question)

2014-12-29 Thread Ken Wayne
That was it...

On Friday, December 26, 2014 4:45:13 PM UTC-6, Collin Anderson wrote:
> Hi,
> This one comes up a lot. It's confusing because {% block title %} is the 
> _html_ , the title of the browser tab.
> You want to change {% block branding %}.
> Collin
> On Tuesday, December 23, 2014 5:18:49 PM UTC-6, Ken Wayne wrote:
>>  Hmmm, that is one of the directories I tried, 
>> C:\Python34\Scripts\mysite\templates\admin with the file base_site.html 
>> On 12/23/2014 5:07 PM, Néstor wrote:
>>  You might need to make for admin
>>  mysite/templates/admin/base_site.html
>> for regular html files for the polls only
>>  mysite/polls/templates/polls/index.html
>>  That is how I got it to work.  Good luck!!!
>> :-)
>> On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Ken Wayne  wrote:
>>>  Windows 8
>>>  Django 1.7.1
>>> Python 3.4.2
>>>  Google Chrome Version 39.0.2171.95 m
>>>  Bottom of part 2 of the the tutorial 
>>> it indicates 
>>> how to customize the admin template but when I follow the directions it 
>>> doesn't show any change in my browser.  I've restarted the development 
>>> server and refreshed my browser. 
>>>  *File Snip base_site.html:*
>>>  {% block title %}{{ title }} | Polls Administration {% endblock %}
>>>  *File Snip*
>>>  import os
>>> BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
>>> # TEMPLATE_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')]
>>> TEMPLATE_DIRS = ['C:\Python34\Scripts\mysite\templates']
>>>  I tried the environment path, and hard coding the path.  Since the 
>>> tutorial didn't indicate the BASE_DIR path I made a copy of the file in 
>>> each of the following directories:
>>> C:\Python34\Scripts\mysite\templates\admin
>>>  C:\Python34\Scripts\mysite\mysite\templates\admin
>>>  C:\Python34\Scripts\mysite\polls\templates\admin
>>>  Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?
>>>  -- 
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>>  -- 
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modelformset question - interspersing extra forms among existing forms

2014-12-29 Thread Richard Brockie

I have the following pseudo model that I will use as the basis of a 

class Entry:
athlete = ForeignKey(athlete)
category = ForeignKey(category)
race_number = IntegerField

I have a page that displays each athlete's details so the choice of athlete 
has already been made. I want to add a formset that allows a user to 
specify a race_number for each of the possible categories available.

An obvious way would be for there to be one Entry for each 
athlete/category, but in practise this will result in a large entry table 
that is only ~10% actual data, with the rest being superfluous rows. I'd 
prefer to avoid this.

Let's assume that an athlete is already entered in 2 categories out of a 
possible 10. The queryset will return the 2 existing entries, and I can use 
extra=8 to add in the other possibilities. However, I am not yet done. I 
want to do the following and would like advice on how to accomplish this:

   1. The category for each the 8 possible new entries needs to be assigned 
   before displaying the form - I already know what they are and want to 
   display these categories to the user, leaving the race_number as the only 
   input field.
   2. The categories have a particular (chronological) order that I want 
   respected in displaying the forms to the user, so the 2 existing and 8 
   possible new categories need to be interspersed to follow the correct order.
   3. When it comes time to save the formset, I want only those categories 
   that have been changed by having a race_number assigned or removed to be 
   saved. I want the entries where the race_number has been removed to remain 
   in the entry table. I think I need a way to detect and remove the forms 
   that have not been changed by the user before saving the formset.

Any pointers as to how to do this?


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How to generate the docs with the new style?

2014-12-29 Thread Aliane Abdelouahab
hi, i asked the question in SO but still nothing, can the devs share the 
new style to the github repo?

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Re: cx_Oracle - Django ORM - Reference Count Increase

2014-12-29 Thread Guddu
Thanks MichielThat was the problem indeed. I had Debug=True. Changing 
it to False solved the issue for me.


On Saturday, 27 December 2014 19:16:02 UTC-3, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
> On Dec 27, 2014, at 22:23, Anurag Chourasia wrote: 
> > I have a Long Running Python Process that uses Django ORM against Oracle 
> database. 
> > The size of the process keeps on increasing steadily. 
> Are you running in Debug mode? 
> Greetings, 
> -- 
> "You can't actually make computers run faster, you can only make them do 
> less." - RiderOfGiraffes 

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