Re: Django/Python-ldap Ldap Question Adding Entries

2014-07-27 Thread Paul J Stevens
Does ou=Enki Users,dc=enki,dc=local actually exist already?

If it doesn't you need to create it first before trying to add objects
to it.

On 23-07-14 19:05, G Z wrote:
> I'm trying to add entries via a form post in django, I have the
> following code and its really not django specific but it is python-ldap
> specific.
> I'm trying to add entries with python ldap. I'm getting a naming
> convention error. My code is
> import ldap 
> import ldap.modlist as modlist
> LOGIN = "" 
> PASSWORD = '' 
> LDAP_URL = "ldap://"; 
> user='grant'
> l = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL) 
> l.bind(LOGIN, PASSWORD) 
> dn="ou=Enki Users,dc=enki,dc=local" 
> attrs = {}
> attrs['objectclass'] =
> ['top','organizationalRole','simpleSecurityObject']
> attrs['cn'] = 'test'
> attrs['userPassword'] = 'test'
> attrs['description'] = 'User object for replication using slurpd'
> # Convert our dict to nice syntax for the add-function using
> modlist-module
> ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs)
> # Do the actual synchronous add-operation to the ldapserver
> l.add_s(dn,ldif)
> # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done
> l.unbind_s()
> The error is:
> ldap.NAMING_VIOLATION: {'info': "2099: NameErr: DSID-0305109C,
> problem 2005 (NAMING_VIOLATION), data 0, best match
> of:\n\t'dc=enki,dc=local'\n", 'desc': 'Naming violation'}
> The code that runs but doesn't insert the user into the correc
> organizational unit is the following code. However even though it runs I
> can't find the user in active directory. Please help me find whats
> wrong. I'm basically making a django webform for user management.
> import ldap 
> import ldap.modlist as modlist
> LOGIN = "" 
> PASSWORD = '' 
> LDAP_URL = "ldap://"; 
> user='grant'
> l = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URL) 
> l.bind(LOGIN, PASSWORD) 
> dn="cn=test,ou=Enki Users,dc=enki,dc=local" 
> attrs = {}
> attrs['objectclass'] =
> ['top','organizationalRole','simpleSecurityObject']
> attrs['cn'] = 'test'
> attrs['userPassword'] = 'test'
> attrs['description'] = 'User object for replication using slurpd'
> # Convert our dict to nice syntax for the add-function using
> modlist-module
> ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs)
> # Do the actual synchronous add-operation to the ldapserver
> l.add_s(dn,ldif)
> # Its nice to the server to disconnect and free resources when done
> l.unbind_s()
> -- 
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Paul J Stevens   pjstevns @ gmail, twitter, github, linkedin

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[ANNOUNCE] Django 1.7 RC 2 released

2014-07-27 Thread James Bennett
Check out the weblog for details (including information on a change to the
keys used to sign Django releases):

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Why are DateTimeField auto_now and auto_now_add bad?

2014-07-27 Thread Mattias Linnap
Hi all,

I've seen DateTimeField's auto_now and auto_now_add parameters often 
described as "buggy" or "error-prone". For example:!topic/django-developers/TNYxwiXLTlI

The ticket proposes to document these downsides or problems in more detail. 
But until that happens, is there a blog post or mailing list post somewhere 
that summarises the gotchas to watch out for with auto_now?



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Re: Problem in the Tutorial 01

2014-07-27 Thread Ricardo Daniel Quiroga
get() si no existe coincidencia te tira error asi de simple.

2014-07-24 11:41 GMT-03:00 Daniel Roseman :

> On Thursday, 24 July 2014 13:53:54 UTC+1, Fabian Zentner wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I'm new with Django and Python as well. I'm doing the tutorial 1 on the
>> website (
>> I'm using Python27 (C:\Python27)
>> In C:\Python27\Scripts\ I have the project mysite and polls like in the
>> tutorial
>> In the part "Playing with the API"
>> **
>> *>>> p.choice_set.all() [, > object>, , , > object>, ] >>> p.choice_set.count() 6 *
>> I get always Poll: Poll object or Choice: Choice object instead of the
>> defined text. Also I have problems with the part of
>> * p = Poll.objects.get(pk=1) >>> p.was_published_recently() *
>> Could somebody help me please? Before I start with the tutorial number
>> 2...
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Fabian
> After you make changes to the code,  you need to reload it: the easiest
> way is exit your shell and go back in.
> --
> DR.
> --
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Ricardo Daniel Quiroga - L2Radamanthys



   sitio Web:


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Re: inicio en django

2014-07-27 Thread Mario R. Osorio
En primer lugar, no hace falta que vayas a pagar ningun curso de $95, eso 
es pura mierda. Especialmente habiendo TANTOS RECURSOS GRATIS sobre django 
en toda la internet. Por supuesto que el 80% quizas sea en ingles.

Desconozco tu experiencia, pero antes de comenzar a trabajar con django, es 
casi imperativo que aprendas a usar usar virtualenv, pip e easy_install.

Te envio algunos enlaces de interes para que te inicies:

   - Creación de entornos virtuales Python 

   - Cómo instalar un paquete Python con pip 
   - Configurar Django y MySQL en VirtualEnv 

   - Virtualenv 
   - Virtualenv: Aislando Nuestro Entorno Python 
   - Curso Django: Instalación y primera aplicación 

   - ¡Descubre Django! 
   - Tu primera aplicación Django, parte 1 
   - Empezando con Django 
   - Aprende DJango de Python desde cero 
   - Python Dominicana 006 -, mezzanine y django 

On Saturday, July 26, 2014 4:10:37 PM UTC-4, juantonio v wrote:
> hola tengo el Django-1.6.5.tar.gz de django, ahora como lo instalo?
> gracias!

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Re: inicio en django

2014-07-27 Thread Mario R. Osorio
No se si te mencione virtualenvwrapper que, aunque no es imperativo, te va 
a facilitar mucho la vida.

On Saturday, July 26, 2014 4:10:37 PM UTC-4, juantonio v wrote:
> hola tengo el Django-1.6.5.tar.gz de django, ahora como lo instalo?
> gracias!

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Re: Chat application

2014-07-27 Thread Pedro
Thank you guys.

I tried to do it using clients and django-socketio but i just
can't make it works. So, now i'm using a node.js server that talks with my
main django server. Clients emit messages to the node.js server, that does
the authentification with a POST request to my django server. I need to do
more tests but this looks to work well.

Thank you all!
Em 20/06/2014 00:22, "Anshum Verma"  escreveu:

> I would suggest you to use Twisted along with Django. Django could serve
> as MVC framework and twisted could take control of connection protocol.
> On Jun 19, 2014 4:17 AM, "Pedro"  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i'm working in a mobile app that depends of a Django server (to manage
>> user data and stuff).
>> This mobile app is about a social network with users interacting. It
>> should have a chat system, where two or more users can send and receive
>> messages and photos.
>> I'm thinking in the best way to implement the communication and the model
>> on the server. My first idea is to use a simple model with rooms and
>> messages (each message belong to a room). To send messages from a client to
>> the server, i think i could use http requests, like GETs and POSTs, where i
>> would implement syncronization methods and stuff.
>> Is this the best approach to solve this problem on Django?
>> --
>> Pedro Alves
>> *Mestrando em Ciência da Computação*
>> *Universidade Estadual de Campinas*
>> --
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Django Search via Form Redirect to URL

2014-07-27 Thread Conner DiPaolo

I already have a valid search function mapped in my Django project, you 
type in a url '/project/search//' and it responds the corresponding search 
results on a page. I want to have a search box in my nav-bar that was 
created in my base.html and have users type in a query and it will redirect 
them to the search url. When I type into the search bar and click submit, 
however, the I am just directed to '/project/search/' with no relation to 
the query. How do I connect the form to redirect to the URL, *properly*??

Thanks in advance.

Here is my view definition and form class:

class SearchForm(forms.Form):
search_string = forms.CharField(max_length=100)def search(request, 
if request.method == 'GET':
form = SearchForm()
context = RequestContext(request)
search_string = search_query.replace('_',' ')
search_terms = search_query.split('_')
search_results = Article.objects.all()
for term in search_terms:
search_results = search_results.filter(article__icontains=term)

context_dict = {

if request.method == 'POST':
form = SearchForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
search_string =['search_string']
search_query = search_string.replace(' ','_')
###return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('search', 
search_url = '/beacon/search/' + search_query + '/'
return HttpResponseRedirect(search_url)
return render_to_response('search.html', context_dict, context)

My base form html is (yes it is from bootstrap):

{% csrf_token %}


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Re: Why are DateTimeField auto_now and auto_now_add bad?

2014-07-27 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
I'm not aware of a formally documented list anywhere.

To the best my knowledge, the bug/downside that is referred to here is that
the fields *won't* automatically update in *every* circumstance. You need
to actually *save* the model to make the field update. Calls to update,
save_base, etc won't invoke the "auto" part of the field logic, and the
timestamp won't be adjusted.

Russ Magee %-)

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 10:29 PM, Mattias Linnap  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've seen DateTimeField's auto_now and auto_now_add parameters often
> described as "buggy" or "error-prone". For example:
> The ticket proposes to document these downsides or problems in more
> detail. But until that happens, is there a blog post or mailing list post
> somewhere that summarises the gotchas to watch out for with auto_now?
> Thanks,
> Mattias
> --
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Re: Alternative to django-registration (unmaintaned since September 2013)

2014-07-27 Thread rush
Hi guys,Looks like django-signup ( ) may be interesting for you. It is based on django-registration and as for now the last commit was about a 5 days ago.-- wbr,rush.   24.07.2014, 19:21, "Oscar Carballal" :Same for me in my personal projects and in our company, we fully switched to django-allauth and we are quite happyRegards,Oscar-- Oscar Carballal Prego - Senior Software Developer | @pizte2014-07-23 8:15 GMT+01:00 Santiago L :El sábado, 19 de julio de 2014 02:17:24 UTC+2, Russell Keith-Magee escribió:On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Santiago L  wrote:Hi, Some weeks ago I noticed that django-registration is not longer maintained byits creator: quoting> django-registration> I stepped down as maintainer of this application in September 2013. Pull> requests, issues and comments sent to this repository will be ignored.  As I'm currently using this app in my project, I wonder if there is anyalternative for django-registration? Maybe someone knows about a fork. I'm not aware of an active fork. If you're looking to step into open source contribution, this would be a good project to adopt - the code base is stable, so the management overhead should be relatively low.   I like the idea about contributing and get in charge of a fork, but I'm not sure about my availability...   Besides that, I found a related issue report (rejected because is not the goodplace to ask this question, but relevant anyway)[2] [2] Because there's no single answer to the question. Authentication is a topic that is hard to get right, and there's a very limited number of "right" answers. Passwords *must* be done well, or you risk vulnerability, and what constitutes "well" requires considerable expertise.  However, the requirements for registration and signup will vary between projects, and will depend on project requirements. Some projects will need a fully verified personal profile before you can continue; some only require a verified email address; some will allow an email address, but allow later verification, and some will require completely anonymous profiles that are filled in at a critical point in workflow (e.g., at checkout in an e-commerce site). There's also nothing especially technically complex about these workflows - unlike Authentication, there aren't any real land mines that could lead to vulnerabilities (beyond those that are inherent in building *any* web page). So, the Django project has made the decision to keep Authentication as a core piece of functionality, but keep registration as a third-party thing. This means that the wider community can contribute alternate approaches. It also means that the core team isn't a bottleneck on progress - django-regsistration has it's own release cycles, bug tracking processes, and so on. This arrangement has worked well for 8 years; it's only because James has stepped down and nobody has volunteered to take over that a problem now exists.  Thanks for your explanation!!  --  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit --  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit

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