Re: Introducing myself and my first question

2014-07-20 Thread Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
On Saturday, July 19, 2014, Martin Torre Castro  wrote:

> Hello,
> my name is Martin and I'm a computer engineer from Spain. I'm going to
> start a new project with a colleague and I decided to use Django because we
> searched for free opensource tools and I'm in love with Python.

Hello and welcome :)

> We have made a couple of tutorials (the official one and "Tango with
> django"). I've also bought the book "Two scoops of Django" for the 1.6
> Django edition. We're starting the project soon as well as we finish the
> design, but I'm concerned about setting up the new environment. We're
> thinking of using:
>- postgresql
>- Python/Django [ of course ;-) ]
>- Eclipse/Pydev
> Consider using Sublime Text 2 instead.

>- Git
>- jQuery
> Remember that JS is a whole different beast.  Have a read of this (written
by a well respected engineer), it's well worth the effort, you won't get it
right the first time, but none of us ever do!

> I've been reading the Greenfield/Roy book and some web sites and I want to
> set up the environment with good practices by using virtualenvwrapper,
> virtualenv, pip, the requirements.txt files and so on.
> I have made some mix for all this, but I would be grateful if someone
> could confirm us if we are on the right way, give us some advice or maybe
> tell us where on the internet we can find a good way of doing all this.
> My preview for the whole setting up is next:
>1. We should start the installations by installing "sudo apt-get
>install virtualenvwrapper" . If I understand correctly, this installs
>virtualenv as well as an embedded pip.
You can also use 'pip install virtualenvwrapper' to get a more up to date
version, and just use 'apt-get install python-setup tools' to get pip.

>2. The virtualenv must be created ("virtualenv env") in the parent
>directory of the Eclipse workspace, I suppose. This is one point of
>confusion to me. I don't know either if I have to activate this every time
>I come back for developing resuming the work from days before. I completely
>understand that later from Eclipse I will give the python path inside the
>virtualenv, but don't know if must activate the virtualenv every time
>1. Next step would be to install all the things we need (django,
>pillow, psycopg2) using a requirements.txt file. "pip install -r
>2. We should create the new django project with a python
> startproject 
>3. Now I don't know if we should link the project to an already
>installed version of Eclipse or run the "git init" first. I understand
>that Eclipse and Git don't need to be installed inside the virtualenv. In
>fact, I've been reading and it seems that Eclipse can work OK just by being
>given the path inside the virtualenv where the python executable is
>located. I've also read that some people used to make different workspaces,
>but configuring the paths should be enough
> Can't advise much on Eclipse, sorry.

> From here I would just upload to github or bitbucket, maybe doing the
> whole thing from Eclipse would be easier. But the integration with Eclipse
> when we made tangowithdjango tutorial was the difficult point, because
> there is no option for importing a django project from Eclipse (Kepler
> version last time). We found easier to create the project from Eclipse, but
> we were not using a virtualenv for the tutorial.
> I haven't used virtualenv before, so it's our second main obstacle, but I
> expect it will be easy when we get used to it (^_^) .
> Please could someone help with some piece of advice, pros and cons of
> every option. Just don't want to do something now I will regret in future.

It really depends on your own workflow and what works best for you. If your
dev environment is on a windows or osx box but you're pushing to a Linux
prod env, them you may wish to reconsider remote python execution to a
local dev Linux box using something like active state python (otherwise
known as remote debugging).

For a while I used a samba/nfs mount to a Linux VMware install locally then
edited files over the mount and used a terminal inside VMware to execute
the code, this worked but it's a poor workflow (trying to run git over
samba gets real slow, and files can become damaged in transport)

Truth be told, I can't give a 100% recommendation because even after 8
years I'm still not happy with my own workflow. The best advice I can give
would be keep experimenting and find what works best for you. Do lots of
reading, keep an open mind etc.

Much of this will depend on the IDE you use, as some won't have support for
things like remote debugging, but this has been covered in 83748474
existing threads already, otherwise know

Re: Introducing myself and my first question

2014-07-20 Thread Ariel E. Isidro
Hi Martin,

I myself am new in Django, here's one tutorial I believe is worth visiting
when setting up your environment:

Good luck

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 6:09 AM, Martin Torre Castro 

> Hello,
> my name is Martin and I'm a computer engineer from Spain. I'm going to
> start a new project with a colleague and I decided to use Django because we
> searched for free opensource tools and I'm in love with Python.
> We have made a couple of tutorials (the official one and "Tango with
> django"). I've also bought the book "Two scoops of Django" for the 1.6
> Django edition. We're starting the project soon as well as we finish the
> design, but I'm concerned about setting up the new environment. We're
> thinking of using:
>- postgresql
>- Python/Django [ of course ;-) ]
>- Eclipse/Pydev
>- Git
>- jQuery
> I've been reading the Greenfield/Roy book and some web sites and I want to
> set up the environment with good practices by using virtualenvwrapper,
> virtualenv, pip, the requirements.txt files and so on.
> I have made some mix for all this, but I would be grateful if someone
> could confirm us if we are on the right way, give us some advice or maybe
> tell us where on the internet we can find a good way of doing all this.
> My preview for the whole setting up is next:
>1. We should start the installations by installing "sudo apt-get
>install virtualenvwrapper" . If I understand correctly, this installs
>virtualenv as well as an embedded pip.
>2. The virtualenv must be created ("virtualenv env") in the parent
>directory of the Eclipse workspace, I suppose. This is one point of
>confusion to me. I don't know either if I have to activate this every time
>I come back for developing resuming the work from days before. I completely
>understand that later from Eclipse I will give the python path inside the
>virtualenv, but don't know if must activate the virtualenv every time.
>3. Next step would be to install all the things we need (django,
>pillow, psycopg2) using a requirements.txt file. "pip install -r
>4. We should create the new django project with a python
> startproject 
>5. Now I don't know if we should link the project to an already
>installed version of Eclipse or run the "git init" first. I understand
>that Eclipse and Git don't need to be installed inside the virtualenv. In
>fact, I've been reading and it seems that Eclipse can work OK just by being
>given the path inside the virtualenv where the python executable is
>located. I've also read that some people used to make different workspaces,
>but configuring the paths should be enough
> From here I would just upload to github or bitbucket, maybe doing the
> whole thing from Eclipse would be easier. But the integration with Eclipse
> when we made tangowithdjango tutorial was the difficult point, because
> there is no option for importing a django project from Eclipse (Kepler
> version last time). We found easier to create the project from Eclipse, but
> we were not using a virtualenv for the tutorial.
> I haven't used virtualenv before, so it's our second main obstacle, but I
> expect it will be easy when we get used to it (^_^) .
> Please could someone help with some piece of advice, pros and cons of
> every option. Just don't want to do something now I will regret in future.
> Thank you veeery much in advance.
> PS: Some links visited:
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*Ariel E. Isidro*
Backup your important files, click here  

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Re: advice from experts

2014-07-20 Thread Phang Mulianto
try using Git / any other SCM

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Eddilbert Macharia 

> hi guys i have created a web application and its my first one,so i luck
> the experience in the finer details requirement.
> what are some of the considerations i shld keep in mind before i move the
> application from development to production.
> here is one i realised recently, locking out a resource if someone else is
> altering it at the same time.
> please help
> --
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Re: import django fails, what should I look at?

2014-07-20 Thread Andre Terra
You should use pip to install django.

This is how I go about it, from a fresh install.

mkdir ~/virtual
mkdir ~/projects
pip install virtualenv # unnecessary in python 3.3+
pip install virtualenvwrapper # use this. it will make your life much
simplerecho "export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/virtual" >> ~/.bashrcecho
"export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/projects" >> ~/.bashrcecho "source
/usr/local/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

After that, create your first virtualenv using mkvirtualenv foo, activate
it using workon foo, and deactivate it with deactivate.

Install packages using by issuing pip install commands, so if you want
django, you can use pip install django for the latest release or pip install
-e git# for the latest development

You might want to check the docs for virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper and pip.
You may also benefit from using yolk (python package) to check what you
already have installed in each virtualenv..

Best of luck!


On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Dan Bikle  wrote:

> Hello World,
> I'm curious about working with the dev-version of Django.
> I want to get skilled at using Django, Python 2.7.8, and virtualenv
> together.
> I see this page:
> I installed python and then virtualenv:
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $ which python
> /home/dan/venv1/bin/python
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $ /home/dan/venv1/bin/python
> /home/dan/venv1/bin/python
> Python 2.7.8 (default, Jul 15 2014, 03:37:39)
> [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> quit()
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> The above INSTALL page says this:
> AS AN ALTERNATIVE, you can just copy the entire "django" directory to
> Python's
> site-packages directory
> I did this:
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $ cd /home/dan/venv1/lib/python2.7/site-packages
> d...@cen113.dan ~/venv1/lib/python2.7/site-packages $
> d...@cen113.dan ~/venv1/lib/python2.7/site-packages $
> d...@cen113.dan ~/venv1/lib/python2.7/site-packages $
> git clone
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $ ls -la ~/venv1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/
> total 112
> drwxr-xr-x.   9 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:41 .
> drwxrwxr-x.   8 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:41 ..
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan 26288 Jul 19 21:41 AUTHORS
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan   913 Jul 19 21:41 CONTRIBUTING.rst
> drwxrwxr-x.  17 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:41 django
> drwxrwxr-x.  13 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:41 docs
> drwxrwxr-x.   2 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:41 extras
> drwxrwxr-x.   8 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:59 .git
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan   249 Jul 19 21:41 .gitattributes
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan   123 Jul 19 21:41 .gitignore
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan   136 Jul 19 21:41 .hgignore
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan   611 Jul 19 21:41 INSTALL
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan  1552 Jul 19 21:41 LICENSE
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan  1639 Jul 19 21:41
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan  1782 Jul 19 21:41 README.rst
> drwxrwxr-x.   2 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:41 scripts
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan   404 Jul 19 21:41 setup.cfg
> -rw-rw-r--.   1 dan dan  3302 Jul 19 21:41
> drwxrwxr-x. 198 dan dan 12288 Jul 19 21:41 tests
> drwxrwxr-x.   2 dan dan  4096 Jul 19 21:41 .tx
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> At this point I have done what the INSTALL page says I can do.
> I tried this:
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $ which python
> which python
> /home/dan/venv1/bin/python
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $
> d...@cen113.dan ~ $ python
> python
> Python 2.7.8 (default, Jul 15 2014, 03:37:39)
> [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import django
> import django
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> ImportError: No module named django
> >>>
> >>>
> Since I'm using virtualenv and the latest dev-version of Django together,
> I must have a loose connection somewhere in my setup.
> I have some questions:
> q1: Is this statement true:
> "
> AS AN ALTERNATIVE, you can just copy the entire "django" directory to
> Python's
> site-packages directory
> "
> ??
> q2: If import django failed for you how would you debug it?
> q3: If I import a module and python cannot see it, do I need to be looking
> at any env variables?
> Dan
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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> Visit this group at
> To v

Re: looking for a good tutorial for creating user with fb,tw,google login

2014-07-20 Thread Bussiere
there is no twitter in django-allauth.

Do you have any tutorial so how to create a user in database with 
python-social-auth and django and get info from tw,fb, google ?

I will go back on this project tonight and will post code if i still cannot 
make progress.


Le dimanche 20 juillet 2014 08:03:35 UTC+2, Muhammad a écrit :
> Bussiere,
> I have used python-social-auth in one of my projects and it works great. 
> If you are developing a Python-based web app (irrespective of what 
> framework you are using - Django, Flask, etc.), it's the best OAuth package 
> out there, at least in my opinion. 
> It's hard to guess what may be the problem since you didn't provide any 
> specific code. But check these sections of the PSA documentation to see if 
> or where you may have missed out on some subtle details:
> 1: PSA General Configuration 
> 2: PSA Configuration for Django
> 3. Review the tutorial from you referenced above. 
> Also, pay careful attention to whether you have properly configured the 
> AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting (as instructed in #1 and #2 above.) 
> And, in case all these fail, your sharing some code might help more 
> experienced Djangonauts and Pythonistas point out the sneaky culprits.
> All the best. :)
> Sincerely,
> Muhammad 
> On Jul 19, 2014 11:25 PM, "Bussiere" > 
> wrote:
>> I am looking for a good tutorial on how to log user with fb,tw, google 
>> and record them in db.
>> I've tried python-social-auth and this tutorial but it's a pain and it's 
>> not recording user
>> i'am near nervous brekdown and it's a pain in the ash.
>> Regards
>> Bussiere
>>  -- 
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Creating a list off a model based on time delta

2014-07-20 Thread Conner DiPaolo
I was wondering if anybody knew how to create a list based on that list 
having a DateTime attribute that is less than 30 days old. I already have a 
boolean in the model itself of 'published_recent_month' that can say if it 
is or is not published within a month, but how do I put into that a list to 
put into a template? I know how to do a list based on pub_date and have it 
be a certain length, but I would rather have the list be dynamic to usage.

Thanks a lot!

abbreviated model to show the boolean definition I have:
class Model(models.Model):
   def published_recent_month(self):
return self.pub_date >= timezone.localtime( - 

abbreviated  view using what I already know:
def index(request):
   latest_25_list =Model.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:25]

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Re: Creating a list off a model based on time delta

2014-07-20 Thread Conner DiPaolo
I've been thinking about it and I think this should work but it doesn't.

latest_articles_list = Article.objects.filter(pub_date>=thirty_days_ago)

Django is saying 'pub_date' is not defined, even though I used it to filter 
a different list and it worked fine. What is wrong??

On Sunday, July 20, 2014 8:16:21 PM UTC-7, Conner DiPaolo wrote:
> Hi!
> I was wondering if anybody knew how to create a list based on that list 
> having a DateTime attribute that is less than 30 days old. I already have a 
> boolean in the model itself of 'published_recent_month' that can say if it 
> is or is not published within a month, but how do I put into that a list to 
> put into a template? I know how to do a list based on pub_date and have it 
> be a certain length, but I would rather have the list be dynamic to usage.
> Thanks a lot!
> abbreviated model to show the boolean definition I have:
> class Model(models.Model):
>def published_recent_month(self):
> return self.pub_date >= timezone.localtime( - 
> datetime.timedelta(days=30)
> abbreviated  view using what I already know:
> def index(request):
>latest_25_list =Model.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:25]

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Re: Creating a list off a model based on time delta

2014-07-20 Thread Tomas Ehrlich
Use __gte lookup:

latest_articles_list = Article.objects.filter(pub_date__gte=thirty_days_ago)

and take a look at other lookups:


Dne Sun, 20 Jul 2014 20:50:53 -0700 (PDT)
Conner DiPaolo  napsal(a):

> I've been thinking about it and I think this should work but it doesn't.
> latest_articles_list = Article.objects.filter(pub_date>=thirty_days_ago)
> Django is saying 'pub_date' is not defined, even though I used it to filter 
> a different list and it worked fine. What is wrong??
> Thanks
> On Sunday, July 20, 2014 8:16:21 PM UTC-7, Conner DiPaolo wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> > I was wondering if anybody knew how to create a list based on that list 
> > having a DateTime attribute that is less than 30 days old. I already have a 
> > boolean in the model itself of 'published_recent_month' that can say if it 
> > is or is not published within a month, but how do I put into that a list to 
> > put into a template? I know how to do a list based on pub_date and have it 
> > be a certain length, but I would rather have the list be dynamic to usage.
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> >
> > abbreviated model to show the boolean definition I have:
> > class Model(models.Model):
> >...
> >def published_recent_month(self):
> > return self.pub_date >= timezone.localtime( - 
> > datetime.timedelta(days=30)
> >
> > abbreviated  view using what I already know:
> > def index(request):
> >...
> >latest_25_list =Model.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:25]
> >
> >
> >

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Re: Newbie: Complete environment setup(virtualenv, pip, eclipse, git...)

2014-07-20 Thread Martin Torre Castro
Firstly, I want to say "thank you" to you, Thomas.

Secondly, could you or someone how does the development cycles work with 
virtualenv? Is this way of working just as I wrote? 

I think it works by activating the virtualenv every time with a "source 
activate" command and after that starting to program from the terminal. I 
need to know this for adapting Eclipse to activating the virtualenv every 
times it opens if virtualenv works as expected.


On Sunday, 20 July 2014 04:29:53 UTC+2, Thomas wrote:
>  On 7/19/14 6:41 PM, Martin Torre Castro wrote:
>  Hello,
>  my name is Martin and I'm a computer engineer from Spain. I'm going to 
> start a new project with a colleague and I decided to use Django because we 
> searched for free opensource tools and I'm in love with Python.
>  We have made a couple of tutorials (the official one and "Tango with 
> django"). I've also bought the book "Two scoops of Django" for the 1.6 
> Django edition. We're starting the project soon as well as we finish the 
> design, but I'm concerned about setting up the new environment. We're 
> thinking of using:
>- postgresql 
>- Python/Django [ of course ;-) ] 
>- Eclipse/Pydev
> - Git 
>- jQuery 
>  All good choices. pip and virtualenv provide for a reproducible and 
> robust installation. PostgreSQL is imho far superior to other options for 
> db. I don't have experience with using Eclipse in this environment so can't 
> comment there.
> hth
>- Tom

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Re: Newbie: Complete environment setup(virtualenv, pip, eclipse, git...)

2014-07-20 Thread Phang Mulianto
Hi Martin,

Virtualenv is use for using different version of python or python library
so it wont use the default python in system.  So when open eclipse for
editing, no need to activate virtualenv, but when you need to run the code
in specific python install, you need to activate virtualenv.

VIrtualenv will be usefull in production , where several different python
version needed or several python libarary with different version used.



On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Martin Torre Castro 

> Firstly, I want to say "thank you" to you, Thomas.
> Secondly, could you or someone how does the development cycles work with
> virtualenv? Is this way of working just as I wrote?
> I think it works by activating the virtualenv every time with a "source
> activate" command and after that starting to program from the terminal. I
> need to know this for adapting Eclipse to activating the virtualenv every
> times it opens if virtualenv works as expected.
> Thanks
> On Sunday, 20 July 2014 04:29:53 UTC+2, Thomas wrote:
>>  On 7/19/14 6:41 PM, Martin Torre Castro wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>  my name is Martin and I'm a computer engineer from Spain. I'm going to
>> start a new project with a colleague and I decided to use Django because we
>> searched for free opensource tools and I'm in love with Python.
>>  We have made a couple of tutorials (the official one and "Tango with
>> django"). I've also bought the book "Two scoops of Django" for the 1.6
>> Django edition. We're starting the project soon as well as we finish the
>> design, but I'm concerned about setting up the new environment. We're
>> thinking of using:
>>- postgresql
>>- Python/Django [ of course ;-) ]
>>- Eclipse/Pydev
>> - Git
>>- jQuery
>>  All good choices. pip and virtualenv provide for a reproducible and
>> robust installation. PostgreSQL is imho far superior to other options for
>> db. I don't have experience with using Eclipse in this environment so can't
>> comment there.
>> hth
>>- Tom
>  --
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> .
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