Re: Django ユーザー登録について

2014-04-29 Thread Lachlan Musicman

I was a little rough last night. Of course this list is here for
support and help within the Django community. Having said that,
getting a feel for how to ask for support, and to show a little bit of
self help effort goes a long way.

I hope you are now having success?


On 28 April 2014 23:40, Lachlan Musicman  wrote:
> Hito san,
> I don't mean to be rude mate, but Google is really really awesome -
> just pump in the error message
> L.
> On 28 April 2014 16:09, hito koto  wrote:
>> Hi, Thank you!
>> I write to :
>> def attendance(request, user_id):
>> Attendence_data.objects.get(pk=user_id)
>> if request.method == "POST":
>> form = Attendance_dataForm(request.POST, instance = attendance)
>> if form.is_valid():
>> return
>> HttpResponseRedirect('/ihttest/ihttcs_test/tcsarticles/get/%s' %
>> else:
>> form = Attendance_dataForm()
>> args = {}
>> args.update(csrf(request))
>> args['form'] = form
>> return render_to_response('staff_data.html', args,  context_instance =
>> RequestContext(request, {'form': form}))
>> But i also have error:
>> Forbidden (403)
>> CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
>> Help
>> Reason given for failure:
>> CSRF token missing or incorrect.
>> In general, this can occur when there is a genuine Cross Site Request
>> Forgery, or when Django's CSRF mechanism has not been used correctly. For
>> POST forms, you need to ensure:
>> Your browser is accepting cookies.
>> The view function uses RequestContext for the template, instead of Context.
>> In the template, there is a {% csrf_token %} template tag inside each POST
>> form that targets an internal URL.
>> If you are not using CsrfViewMiddleware, then you must use csrf_protect on
>> any views that use the csrf_token template tag, as well as those that accept
>> the POST data.
>> You're seeing the help section of this page because you have DEBUG = True in
>> your Django settings file. Change that to False, and only the initial error
>> message will be displayed.
>> You can customize this page using the CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW setting.
>> 2014年4月28日月曜日 14時41分39秒 UTC+9 jjmutumi:
>>> Hi there, I think your problem is you have not initialized attendance
>>> that you use at `instance = attendance`. So it is just using the name
>>> of your view function which also happens to be 'attendance' and
>>> showing you that error.
>>> Initialize to model object with the usual:
>>> Attendence_data.objects.get(pk=user_id) or if you are using
>>> djago.shortcuts: get_object_or_404(Attendence_data, pk=user_id)
>>> On 4/28/14, hito koto  wrote:
>>> > Ok, Thank you!
>>> >
>>> > this is my
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > from django.db import models
>>> > from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> > #from owner.models import GroupSchedule
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > class GroupRestrictionMixin(object):
>>> > group_field = 'group'
>>> >
>>> > def dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs):
>>> > self.request = request
>>> > self.args = args
>>> > self.kwargs = kwargs
>>> >
>>> > obj_group = getattr(self.get_object(), self.group_field)
>>> > user_groups = request.user.groups
>>> >
>>> > if obj_group not in user_groups:
>>> > raise PermissionDenied
>>> >
>>> > return super(GroupRestrictionMixin, self).dispatch(request,
>>> > *args,
>>> > **kwargs)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > class User(models.Model):
>>> > user_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="氏名(名)")
>>> > first_kana = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="ふりがな(性)")
>>> > last_kana  = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="ふりがな(名)")
>>> > employee_number = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=22,
>>> > help_text="社員番号")
>>> > gender = models.CharField(max_length=6, choices=(('male',
>>> > '男性'),('female', '女性')), help_text="性別" )
>>> > created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True,
>>> > help_text="登録日")
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > class Attendance_data(models.Model):
>>> > user = models.ForeignKey(User)
>>> > user_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="氏名(名)")
>>> > employee_number = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=22,
>>> > help_text="社員番号")
>>> >
>>> > def __unicode__(self):
>>> > return self.user_name, employee_number
>>> >
>>> > class Leave_work(models.Model):
>>> > user = models.ForeignKey(User)
>>> > user_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text="氏名(名)")
>>> > employee_number = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=22,
>>> > help_text="社員番号")
>>> >
>>> > def __unicode__(self):
>>> > return self.user_name, employee_unmber
>>> >
>>> > this is my
>>> >
>>> > def staff_data(request, user_id=1):
>>> > user = get_object_or_4

Re: placing views and models in configuration root

2014-04-29 Thread Venkatraman S
Use nginx and serve static content . Why use django?


On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Andreas Bloch  wrote:

> so what do you when you're making trivial sites, that don't have any
> database models, like about-page, landing-page and so on?
> would you make a separate app for those and stuff them all in there or
> just use templateviews and route them from the configuration root
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Re: Subjectively Required Fields

2014-04-29 Thread Venkatraman S
What do you mean by an invalid date? IF you are referring to the date
format, then why not enforce a jquery datepicker and let the user choose
from it - which would make sure that specified date is 'clean'.

If not the above, a closer look at clean() method would help you ;)

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Daniel Watkins <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> We're running in to an interesting validation problem.  We have a model
> which represents a (specific type of) date interval, bounded by a start
> date and end date. Both fields are optional, but if end date is specified
> then start date must be specified. We are creating an instance of this
> using a ModelForm.
> We initially tried to do this with the model's clean method:
> def clean(self):
> if self.end_date and not self.start_date:
> raise ValidationError('Start date must be specified if an end
> date is specified.')
> This works fine if start date is not specified. However, the error is also
> shown if an invalid date is given, along with the "Invalid date" message
> against the field. This isn't really what we want (as it's not especially
> user-friendly).
> I'm pretty sure that this is because the form strips out the invalid date
> from the data it puts in to the model before this is validated, though I'm
> not 100% sure on this.
> Is there any way we can achieve what we want with model validation, or
> will we have to put the logic in to the form?
> Cheers,
> Dan
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Re: placing views and models in configuration root

2014-04-29 Thread Andreas Bloch
because they are sites in a bigger django project with multiple apps...

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Re: placing views and models in configuration root

2014-04-29 Thread Venkatraman S
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:41 PM, Andreas Bloch  wrote:

> because they are sites in a bigger django project with multiple apps...

I think you are referring to something like a company website along with a
SaaS solution.
If yes, there are multiple ways could be done. But a quick solution is
obviously to do TemplateViews - in which case you are routing purely from

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After posting an ajax login form successfully, randomly user is still anonymous

2014-04-29 Thread PyMan
Hello to everyone.

I'm experiecing a weird problem. I have an ajax form used to log users in, 
with username and a password and I use the jquery ajax form plugin. The 
django view is more or less like many others you can see everywhere: given 
the right username and password I call the "authenticate" and "login" 
functions. Then I also write a record in the table "access_users" to 
register the access. The response is a template that, if the user is logged 
in (using {% if user.is_authenticated %}), do a window.setTimeout with a 
window.location = "/" (that is it reloads the whole page with things for 
logged users). 

I can assure you that username and password were rights. I checked that the 
template's response was for logged ones, I could see the record in 
"access_users". It's like if the browser doesn't accept cookies but it 
does! So when reloading the whole page (because it got the "setTimeout" 
thing in the response) the new page is still for anonymous users and 
still asking for user and password. If the user retries to login he is 
inside a sort of infinite loop. Only sometimes he gets the login working 

I can't replicate the problem. This happens only on production environment. 
RANDOMLY. I mean it's almost always ok but when it happens for some 
users, it seems it happens for some other users too, but not for everyone! 
If it happens for one user, that user sometimes can't login from other 
devices too, sometimes can.

I created a script test running every 15 minutes to test the login using 
the "requests" library. 

* First it calls the login view (like the ajax form)
* Then asserts the response contains the "setTimeout" (given only for 
authenticated users)
* Then it calls a page the has a sort of empty response if the user is 
anonymous, otherwise if granted access
* Note: I added in the headers {"X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest"} just 
because my views want only ajax calls


import requests, traceback, StringIO

sessionid = ""
sessionid2 = ""

try :
r ="";,
  data = {'username': 'myusername', 'password': 
  headers = {"X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest"})

assert r.status_code == 200

sessionid = r.cookies["sessionid"]

assert "setTimeout" in r.text #User not validated

r2 = requests.get("";,
  headers = {"X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest"},
  cookies = r.cookies) #Richiesta home page per soli 
utenti loggati

assert r2.status_code == 200

sessionid2 = r2.cookies["sessionid"]

assert r2.text != '\n\n\n\t\n' 
#Text for anonymous users

except :

f = StringIO.StringIO()

 send me email with sessionid and sessionid2

The script proved to me that, getting an exception in the last assert, 
sessionid and sessionid2 are the same! Looking at the django_sessions 
table, that session is anonymous in the session_data field (it hasn't any 
"_auth_user_id" key). And I couldn't find any other newer django session 
authenticated for that user in the table.

Running on Debian 6 + Apache with mod_wsgi
Django: 1.2.5
JQuery: 1.8.2
JQuery Form plugin: 3.18

The login views is this

def web_login_ec(request):

validation_error = False

form = LoginForm()
if request.POST :
form = LoginForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid() :
fcd = form.cleaned_data

e2cutente = E2CUtenti.objects.filter(cod_utente_ecom = 
fcd["username"], des_password = hashlib.md5(fcd["password"]).hexdigest())

if e2cutente.count():
e2cutente = e2cutente[0]

if e2cutente.flg_abilitato == '1':
   user = e2cutente.create_django_user(fcd["password"]) 
#This gives me back an auth_user record (it was already created, just read 

   user = authenticate(username = user.username, password = 

if user is not None :
login(request, user)
e2cutente.dat_ult_accesso =
AccessiUser.objects.create(cod_utente_ecom = 
   cod_clifor = 
e2cutente.cod_clifor if e2cutente.ind_clifor == defs.IND_CLIFOR_CLIENTE 
else None,
   cod_age = 
e2cutente.cod_clifor if e2cutente.ind_clifor == defs.IND_CLIFOR_AGENTE else 
   ipaddress = 
request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', ''),

after sent email if recipient not in contacts then add contact with first_name and last_name

2014-04-29 Thread sourav
ok guys i have struggling a lot for this solution but no luck 

i created a email app with user.auth, profile and message app which works 
fine.what i need is now i created another app which named as Contacts. 
Now what is after sending a message if recipeint not in Contacts then add 
contacts page will appear with recipeint(email) and first_name and 

i have user auth models with email and password, 

any help??

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Re: Model Design, Nesting by Year

2014-04-29 Thread Venkatraman S
Why not have separate models for Event and Season and then use an
intermediate table to capture the M2M between event occurrences and Person.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Christopher Grande wrote:

> I'm in the process of designing an internal system and I'm having trouble
> designing the model so that it will function as I need it.
> The basic idea is that everything is "Season" based, where a season is a
> year (2014, 2015, etc)
> From the there we have Events and the the Seasons they are functioning in,
> (Event 1 (2014, 2015, etc) , Event 2 (2014, 2015, etc))
> Then there are people who may be active any given year for a specific
> Event:
> Bob Smith, 2014, Event 1 & Event 2
>   2015, Event 2
>   2016, Event 1
> I have created a Season & Event Models:
> class EventSeason(models.Model):
> season = models.IntegerField(max_length=4, primary_key=True)
> class Event(models.Model):
> attraction = models.CharField(max_length=30, null=True, blank=False)
> seasons = models.ManyToManyField(EventSeason)
> I have created the base person model and all the other fields for them
> (Address, etc) but I'm not sire how I to tie them to the seasons and events
> so that each season and event pair is maintained going forward. So for
> example I could historically lookup people from Event 1, 2014, for example.
> Hope this makes sense, thank you for any help,
> Chris
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DjangoCon Europe 2014: absolute last (and brief) chance to get tickets

2014-04-29 Thread Daniele Procida
We have been able to make a few more tickets available for DjangoCon Europe 

This last batch of sales must close at the very latest 1700 CET today, 29th 
April: - 
and may need to close earlier.

If you would like a ticket and don't have one, get it now. Please don't be 

You can tell us about accommodation preferences at,
 but please note that there are no more single rooms available.



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Re: I can't run django server nor activate the virtualenv

2014-04-29 Thread Rene Zelaya
Hi Fred,

Yes, definitely, I think you should run it on a Ubuntu terminal - I'm not 
that familiar with the Windows terminal

On Monday, April 28, 2014 10:10:29 AM UTC-4, Fred DJar wrote:
> Thanks Rene
> The virtualenv was created in Ubuntu but now i'm running windows, should i 
> run it in Ubuntu because i've noticed that virtualenv folder structure 
> differentiate from Ubuntu to windows
> this is the message i got from the prompt command: activate is not 
> recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch 
> file
> On Monday, 28 April 2014 11:03:40 UTC+1, Fred DJar wrote:
>> *Hello guys, i'm a newbie so bear with me :)I have installed python 2.7 
>> and django 1.6 on my desktop (ubuntu 14)but i can't run the application or 
>> activate the virtualenv*
>> *this is the message i got:*
>> ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Downloads/saf$ python runserver
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 10, in 
>> execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/", 
>> line 399, in execute_from_command_line
>> utility.execute()
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/", 
>> line 392, in execute
>> self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv)
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/", 
>> line 242, in run_from_argv
>> self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/", 
>> line 280, in execute
>> translation.activate('en-us')
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/translation/",
>> line 130, in activate
>> return _trans.activate(language)
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/translation/",
>> line 188, in activate
>> _active.value = translation(language)
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/translation/",
>> line 177, in translation
>> default_translation = _fetch(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/translation/",
>> line 159, in _fetch
>> app = import_module(appname)
>>   File 
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/", line 
>> 40, in import_module
>> __import__(name)

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Recruiting part time Django, python programmer for Bitcoin startup- remote work OK

2014-04-29 Thread Aaron Zirker

Hello Django users group,

My name is Aaron Zirker and I am the CEO and Founder at The Cryptocurrency 
Analytics Company. We have created an automated Bitcoin trading platform 
and recently received funding to further our front end development.

We're a NYC-based bitcoin startup looking for a front-end developer skilled 
with Django. Should have experience in developing aesthetic visual 
interfaces and able to present examples of work. The technologies we use 
include Python, Django, Flask, PostgreSQL and redis. Bitcoin experience is 
not necessary. Experience in AngularJS a plus. Please contact me for 
details at

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Re: Recruiting part time Django, python programmer for Bitcoin startup- remote work OK

2014-04-29 Thread Larry Martell
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Aaron Zirker
> Hello Django users group,
> My name is Aaron Zirker and I am the CEO and Founder at The Cryptocurrency
> Analytics Company. We have created an automated Bitcoin trading platform and
> recently received funding to further our front end development.
> We're a NYC-based bitcoin startup looking for a front-end developer skilled
> with Django. Should have experience in developing aesthetic visual
> interfaces and able to present examples of work. The technologies we use
> include Python, Django, Flask, PostgreSQL and redis. Bitcoin experience is
> not necessary. Experience in AngularJS a plus. Please contact me for details
> at

Do you pay in cash or bitcoins?

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