For those that do i18n and L10n

2013-08-04 Thread Lachlan Musicman
Here is an interesting paper on the use of FOSS in translation (in
English, about Spanish)

We are like a drunk blundering through a crowd of pickpockets. That we
are not poor and naked already is a testament to either the goodness
of humanity or the ineptitude of the criminal class.

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Re: How to store position of current/active navigation entry

2013-08-04 Thread DJ-Tom

I don't think I know how to actually do what you are suggesting.

Lets say I have three menu options with the following URLS:

"One" - /one/show
"Two" - /two/show
"Three" - /three/show

Currently I have somthing like this in my main.html page template:

{% if navi %}
> {% for entry in navi %}
> {{ 
> }}
> {% endfor %}
> {%  endif %}

With the following view function:

def show_mainPage(request):
> navigation = [ {'href':'/one', 'name':"One"},
>{'href':'/two', 'name':"Two"},
>{'href':'/three', 'name':"Three"}]
> return TemplateResponse(request, 'main_page/main.html', {'navi': 
> navigation, 'main_settings':main_settings.objects.get(id=1)})

So how would I set the "active" CSS class in my template for the correct 
nav entry? 

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Re: Problem with static in Django 1.5 virtualenv

2013-08-04 Thread Ovnicraft
On Thursday, August 1, 2013, Jairo Alonso Velásquez wrote:

> Hi community, I posted a problem here:
> I will do it again here if somebody can help me:
> In django 1.5 there are changes about this in templates, can you pastebin
your templates ?

I consider ok your config.


> I need a little help with this, I've been searching for a solution with no
> results.
> This are my settings:
> # URL prefix for static files.# Example: "";
> STATIC_URL = '/static/'
> PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
> PROJECT_ROOT + '/static/')
> Installed apps:
> 'django.contrib.auth',
> 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
> 'django.contrib.sessions',
> 'django.contrib.sites',
> 'django.contrib.messages',
> 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
> 'django.contrib.admin', . . .
> Running with DEBUG = TRUE:
> August 01, 2013 - 16:59:44Django version 1.5.1, using settings 
> 'settings'Development server is running at the 
> server with CONTROL-C.[01/Aug/2013 16:59:50] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 
> 6161[01/Aug/2013 16:59:50] "GET 
> /static/media/css/jquery-ui/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.css 
> HTTP/1.1" 404 5904[01/Aug/2013 16:59:50] "GET 
> /static/media/css/bootstrap/bootstrap.css HTTP/1.1" 404 5904[01/Aug/2013 
> 16:59:50] "GET /static/media/css/bootstrap/bootstrap-responsive.min.css 
> HTTP/1.1" 404 5904[01/Aug/2013 16:59:50] "GET /static/media/css/styles.css 
> HTTP/1.1" 404 5904[01/Aug/2013 16:59:50] "GET 
> /static/media/js/jquery/jquery-1.9.1.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 5904[01/Aug/2013 
> 16:59:50] "GET /static/media/js/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 
> 5904[01/Aug/2013 16:59:50] "GET 
> /static/media/js/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 
> 5904[01/Aug/2013 16:59

Cristian Salamea

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Re: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.cache' - where is the directory I need to change permission

2013-08-04 Thread Goran
>From my opinion you as user don't have appropriated permissions. Ask from 
your server administrator to upgrade your permissions. You will have the 
same problem later when django apps try to create folders to store images 
or something other but it depend from your installed apps.

On Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:28:51 PM UTC+2, Frank He wrote:
> I am now deploying my django project using apache mod_wsgi, after a lot 
> effort, it is near the end. But now when I run my project directly, I am 
> stuck with a permission issue, and got this error:
> OSError at / 
> [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.cache'
>  Request Method: GET  Request URL:  Django Version: 
> 1.4  Exception Type: OSError  Exception Value: 
> [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.cache'
>  Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.6/ in makedirs, line 157  Python 
> Executable: /usr/bin/python
> I believe this is because the cache can not be written, so natually,  I 
> need to change its permission. But WHERE?
> I don't know how to find out the directory.
> Can you tell me anything about this?
> Thanks very much in advance.

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Re: How to store position of current/active navigation entry

2013-08-04 Thread Goran
There is no usual way to do this because you can have anything behind menu 
item. So here is what I do in the same situations. Let say that we have 
some categories listed in your navi. Every category must have unique ID so 
in navi view pass some variable with that ID for example "foo ="

Then in template you can do this
{{ }}

hope it helps

On Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:30:23 PM UTC+2, DJ-Tom wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently creating a web app with django that will have a side bar 
> menu with several sub-sections.
> I'm wondering if there is a "standard" way to store the "current" or 
> "active" menu entry so I can highlite it in the menu area each time a 
> request takes place.
> Is it possible to attach arbitrary information to the current users 
> session object?
> thanks
> thomas

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django and favicon.ico

2013-08-04 Thread Tundebabzy
Is there any documentation on how django behaves during a GET /favicon.ico? 
In my django 1.4.5 installation with runserver, GET /favicon.ico redirects 
to /media/img/favicon; on OpenShift, it redirects to /media/favicon.ico.

My googlefu has failed me.

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Can't run runserver (Django 1.5.1)

2013-08-04 Thread Anton Yermolenko
Hi guys

i'm new to python as well as django. Seeking help for this problem

I have python 3.3 installed and django 1.5.1 on win 7
so when i run runserver i got this error message

c:\mysite>python runserver
Validating models...

0 errors found
August 04, 2013 - 18:51:37
Django version 1.5.1, using settings 'mysite.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
Error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc0 in position 0: invalid start 

Googling didn't help, unfortunately

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Re: Can't run runserver (Django 1.5.1)

2013-08-04 Thread Avraham Serour
try running with python 2.7, python 3 support is new

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Anton Yermolenko

> Hi guys
> i'm new to python as well as django. Seeking help for this problem
> I have python 3.3 installed and django 1.5.1 on win 7
> so when i run runserver i got this error message
> c:\mysite>python runserver
> Validating models...
> 0 errors found
> August 04, 2013 - 18:51:37
> Django version 1.5.1, using settings 'mysite.settings'
> Development server is running at
> Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
> Error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc0 in position 0: invalid start
> byte
> Googling didn't help, unfortunately
> --
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Re: Admin Center is not displaying

2013-08-04 Thread gilberto dos santos alves
see your mysite/ for 'django.contrib.admin' (you must clear # 
comment) now in 1.6x django.contrib.admin comes active. until 1.5.x this 
option is with comment #.
if doubt use
./ shell
import sys
for oque in sys.path:
   print oque

see all your entries for python and django libs, etc.

Em domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013 00h57min33s UTC-3, Cole Calhoun escreveu:
> I am running Python 2.7.4 and Django 1.5.1 on a Mac.
> I completed the first part of the "Writing your first Django app." 
> tutorial ( and 
> everything went as the tutorial explained. Once I got to the second part of 
> the tutorial, it asked me to add /admin/ to my local dev url, nothing 
> rendered. I didn't receive any errors in the terminal, but the site stayed 
> the same, I saw no changes.
> One thing I did notice while going through the tutorial was that in 
> mysite/ the was not included. Once I noticed 
> that, I added it, synced the database again, but it still wouldn't work. 
> The tutorial says that it is meant for version 1.5 and 2.+ and I am running 
> 1.5.1.
> If anyone has any insight as to what the problem may be, that would be 
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!

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Re: Save url containing special characters into mysql database using cursor object

2013-08-04 Thread gilberto dos santos alves
please see functions urllib.quote, urllib.quote_plus, urllib.urlencode on 
this manual python [1]


Em sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013 16h04min55s UTC-3, fanchyna escreveu:
> I am about to save the url below to my mysql database (innodb) using the 
> cursor object:
> {o}{o}fjonasbisanimaximiliangollanchrisianheigoldgeorghoffmeisterbj{o}rnplahlchristianschl{u}terralfneyhermann--the2006{rwth}parliamentaryspeechestranscriptionsystem--2006.pdf
> the insert statement is
> dbquery = "INSERT INTO maintable (url,state) VALUES (%s,%s)"
> dbqueryvalue = (url,'0')
> The cursor.execute(dbquery,dbqueryvalue)
> error:
> _mysql_exceptions.Warning: Data truncated for column 'url' at row 1
> Other urls seem to be OK, but on this one cannot be saved.The url field 
> can save up to 255 characters so the string length is not the problem. 

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Problems for seeing Multypolygons with OSMGeoAdmin

2013-08-04 Thread Marcus 43
Hi everubody, recently I've been reading the documentation about Geodjango 
and following the tutorial. The problem or maybe daoubt came when I change 
the GeoModelAdmin that at first is used for seeing the world borders in 
that example, but when I changed it to GeoModelAdmin I cannot see the 
borders, I hope you can help me to fix that, what's wrong?

Thanks in advance, Marcus.

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Re: django and favicon.ico

2013-08-04 Thread Mike Dewhirst

On 5/08/2013 4:22am, Tundebabzy wrote:

Is there any documentation on how django behaves during a GET
/favicon.ico? In my django 1.4.5 installation with runserver, GET
/favicon.ico redirects to /media/img/favicon; on OpenShift, it redirects
to /media/favicon.ico.

It is a static image no different than any other except that convention 
says it needs to be in the root of your site.

In production, Apache has /favicon.ico redirecting to where I actually 
keep it - which is with other static images. It really isn't a Django 
thing at all. I haven't even thought about trying to get Django dev 
server to display it. Doesn't seem worthwhile.

Same thing applies to robots.txt

My googlefu has failed me.

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Re: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.cache' - where is the directory I need to change permission

2013-08-04 Thread Frank He
I think maybe I just need to run this command:
chown -R apache:apache direction/
Not sure if this will help, will test it tomorrow

On Sunday, August 4, 2013 9:00:00 AM UTC-7, Goran wrote:
> From my opinion you as user don't have appropriated permissions. Ask from 
> your server administrator to upgrade your permissions. You will have the 
> same problem later when django apps try to create folders to store images 
> or something other but it depend from your installed apps.
> On Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:28:51 PM UTC+2, Frank He wrote:
>> I am now deploying my django project using apache mod_wsgi, after a lot 
>> effort, it is near the end. But now when I run my project directly, I am 
>> stuck with a permission issue, and got this error:
>> OSError at / 
>> [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.cache'
>>  Request Method: GET  Request URL:  Django Version: 
>> 1.4  Exception Type: OSError  Exception Value: 
>> [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.cache'
>>  Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.6/ in makedirs, line 157  Python 
>> Executable: /usr/bin/python
>> I believe this is because the cache can not be written, so natually,  I 
>> need to change its permission. But WHERE?
>> I don't know how to find out the directory.
>> Can you tell me anything about this?
>> Thanks very much in advance.

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Re: django and favicon.ico

2013-08-04 Thread Babatunde Akinyanmi
On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Mike Dewhirst wrote:

> On 5/08/2013 4:22am, Tundebabzy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any documentation on how django behaves during a GET
>> /favicon.ico? In my django 1.4.5 installation with runserver, GET
>> /favicon.ico redirects to /media/img/favicon; on OpenShift, it redirects
>> to /media/favicon.ico.
> It is a static image no different than any other except that convention
> says it needs to be in the root of your site.

Yeah I agree. I don't know if it was some kind of cache thingy but I
noticed that GET /favicon.ico kept on redirecting to /media/img/favicon.ico
on runserver. Therefore in my, I had to catch a url pattern like
r'^media/img/favicon\.ico$' then redirect it to '/static/img/favicon.ico'
because r'^favicon.ico$' would throw a 404. However after a system reboot,
GET /favicon.ico is what it is. Thanks sir.

> In production, Apache has /favicon.ico redirecting to where I actually
> keep it - which is with other static images. It really isn't a Django thing
> at all. I haven't even thought about trying to get Django dev server to
> display it. Doesn't seem worthwhile.
> Same thing applies to robots.txt
>> My googlefu has failed me.
>> --
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>> .
> --
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Re: Admin Center is not displaying

2013-08-04 Thread Cole Calhoun
Thank you for the support. However, I tried that already and still nothing 
showed up. Not sure what I'm missing.

On Sunday, August 4, 2013 12:54:07 PM UTC-7, gilberto dos santos alves 
> see your mysite/ for 'django.contrib.admin' (you must clear # 
> comment) now in 1.6x django.contrib.admin comes active. until 1.5.x this 
> option is with comment #.
> if doubt use
> ./ shell
> import sys
> for oque in sys.path:
>print oque
> see all your entries for python and django libs, etc.
> Em domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013 00h57min33s UTC-3, Cole Calhoun escreveu:
>> I am running Python 2.7.4 and Django 1.5.1 on a Mac.
>> I completed the first part of the "Writing your first Django app." 
>> tutorial ( and 
>> everything went as the tutorial explained. Once I got to the second part of 
>> the tutorial, it asked me to add /admin/ to my local dev url, nothing 
>> rendered. I didn't receive any errors in the terminal, but the site stayed 
>> the same, I saw no changes.
>> One thing I did notice while going through the tutorial was that in 
>> mysite/ the was not included. Once I noticed 
>> that, I added it, synced the database again, but it still wouldn't work. 
>> The tutorial says that it is meant for version 1.5 and 2.+ and I am running 
>> 1.5.1.
>> If anyone has any insight as to what the problem may be, that would be 
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks!

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Re: Admin Center is not displaying

2013-08-04 Thread Cole Calhoun
Thank you for the support. However, I tried that already and still nothing 
showed up. Not sure what I'm missing.

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PDF generator in Django

2013-08-04 Thread navnath gadakh
Which is best tool to generate PDF in python django

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Re: PDF generator in Django

2013-08-04 Thread Nigel Legg
I'm currently looking at ReportLab following - but open to

Nigel Legg
07914 740972

On 5 August 2013 07:48, navnath gadakh  wrote:

> Which is best tool to generate PDF in python django
> --
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