[Announce] Django Graphos - Django charting made *really* easy

2013-05-01 Thread Shabda Raaj

I would like to announce Django Graphos - An app which makes it really easy 
to work with Django graphs.


Graphos is a Django app to plot data into  graph.

### Supported Backends:

* Python Nested lists
* CSV Files
* MongoDB
* Django ORM

### Charting API Supported

* Google charts API
* Flot


Plotting a chart from a model is as simple as:

queryset = Accounts.objects.filter(foo=bar)
LineChart(ModelDataSource(queryset, fields=["year", "sales", "expenses"]))

Looking for review of the code and architecture. 
Pull reviews very welcome: https://github.com/agiliq/django-graphos

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Re: Admin shows all users as staff and super user

2013-05-01 Thread Siddharth Ghumre
Hi Thomas,

Can you paste the code snippet where you add the user in your auth table
(not the admin).
It might help in understanding the problem.


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Thomas De Reyck <
thomas%dereyck...@gtempaccount.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> My very first question here. I hope anyone can help me out with this...
> I have created a Django powered site for my company. Everything works
> perfectly, except in our production environment,
> where I have one bug in the admin that is quite annoying:
> When I click a user to edit it, the "Staff" and "SuperUser" checkboxes are
> always checked for every user, even when they
> shouldn't be. The database however does record these properties properly,
> and they work correctly in the application. Only
> the admin is displaying them incorrectly in the "edit" page for a user.
> When looking at the user overview in the admin, the
> "staff" property is correctly displayed.
> Because of this error we need to be extra cautious when editing users,
> because we don't accidentally want to make anyone
> a staff or superuser.
> Does anyone know how I can attempt to debug this? Where should I start?
> I am running:
> Django 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 with SQL Server 2008R2 as my database (via
> pyodbc->UnixODBC->FreeTDS).
> Thanks in advance for any hints you can provide!
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
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Re: Admin shows all users as staff and super user

2013-05-01 Thread Thomas De Reyck
Hi Siddharth,

Thanks for your reply. I only create/delete/manage users via the admin 
itself, so there is no code to show you I guess.
Furthermore, the auth table displays the correct values when queried 

Kind regards,

Op woensdag 1 mei 2013 10:48:10 UTC+2 schreef siddharth56660 het volgende:
> Hi Thomas,
> Can you paste the code snippet where you add the user in your auth table 
> (not the admin).
> It might help in understanding the problem.
> -Siddharth
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Thomas De Reyck <
> thomas%d...@gtempaccount.com > wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> My very first question here. I hope anyone can help me out with this...
>> I have created a Django powered site for my company. Everything works 
>> perfectly, except in our production environment,
>> where I have one bug in the admin that is quite annoying:
>> When I click a user to edit it, the "Staff" and "SuperUser" checkboxes 
>> are always checked for every user, even when they
>> shouldn't be. The database however does record these properties properly, 
>> and they work correctly in the application. Only
>> the admin is displaying them incorrectly in the "edit" page for a user. 
>> When looking at the user overview in the admin, the
>> "staff" property is correctly displayed.
>> Because of this error we need to be extra cautious when editing users, 
>> because we don't accidentally want to make anyone
>> a staff or superuser.
>> Does anyone know how I can attempt to debug this? Where should I start?
>> I am running:
>> Django 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 with SQL Server 2008R2 as my database (via 
>> pyodbc->UnixODBC->FreeTDS).
>> Thanks in advance for any hints you can provide!
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas
>> -- 
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Re: Admin shows all users as staff and super user

2013-05-01 Thread Siddharth Ghumre

I could not replicate your error here. I am also adding users via admin
interface and the "Staff status" and "Superuser status" are unchecked by
I am running django 1.4 on ubuntu 12.04 with postgresql.
Can you just try switching to postgresql and see.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Thomas De Reyck <
thomas%dereyck...@gtempaccount.com> wrote:

> Hi Siddharth,
> Thanks for your reply. I only create/delete/manage users via the admin
> itself, so there is no code to show you I guess.
> Furthermore, the auth table displays the correct values when queried
> directly.
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
> Op woensdag 1 mei 2013 10:48:10 UTC+2 schreef siddharth56660 het volgende:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Can you paste the code snippet where you add the user in your auth table
>> (not the admin).
>> It might help in understanding the problem.
>> -Siddharth
>> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Thomas De Reyck > gtempaccount.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> My very first question here. I hope anyone can help me out with this...
>>> I have created a Django powered site for my company. Everything works
>>> perfectly, except in our production environment,
>>> where I have one bug in the admin that is quite annoying:
>>> When I click a user to edit it, the "Staff" and "SuperUser" checkboxes
>>> are always checked for every user, even when they
>>> shouldn't be. The database however does record these properties
>>> properly, and they work correctly in the application. Only
>>> the admin is displaying them incorrectly in the "edit" page for a user.
>>> When looking at the user overview in the admin, the
>>> "staff" property is correctly displayed.
>>> Because of this error we need to be extra cautious when editing users,
>>> because we don't accidentally want to make anyone
>>> a staff or superuser.
>>> Does anyone know how I can attempt to debug this? Where should I start?
>>> I am running:
>>> Django 1.5.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 with SQL Server 2008R2 as my database (via
>>> pyodbc->UnixODBC->FreeTDS).
>>> Thanks in advance for any hints you can provide!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Thomas
>>>  --
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>>  --
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Re: ManyToMany relationship and raw sql queries

2013-05-01 Thread Siddharth Ghumre
Hi ,

Did you try python psycopg2.
A simple deomostration.
import psycopg2
conn=psycopg2.connect("dbname='xxx' user='xxx' host='localhost'
cur = conn.cursor()

query="""SELECT * FROM bookmarkmanager_bookmark b '
 'LEFT JOIN bookmarkmanager_bookmark_tags bt ON (b.id =
 bt.bookmark_id) '
 'LEFT JOIN bookmarkmanager_tag t ON (bt.tag_id = t.id


you can iterate over result list for data-processing and getting the
requires resultset.


On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 4:06 AM, Marc R  wrote:

> did you use Bookmark.objetcs.all().select_related() ?
> As this will create a join query... at least for your model you show in
> the message I have found that for very complex joins, you need to use
> raw query and not a Model.
> On Thursday, April 25, 2013 10:44:28 AM UTC-4, Matthieu Bouron wrote:
>> On Thursday, April 11, 2013 5:39:57 PM UTC+2, Tom Evans wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Matthieu Bouron
>>>  wrote:
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> > Is there a way to handle many-to-many relationship with raw sql
>>> queries ?
>>> > I have the following model:
>>> >
>>> > from django.db import models
>>> >
>>> > class Tag(models.Model):
>>> > name = models.CharField(max_length=**512, unique=True)
>>> >
>>> > class Bookmark(models.Model):
>>> > link = models.CharField(max_length=**512)
>>> > title = models.CharField(max_length=**512)
>>> > tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
>>> > added_at = models.DateField()
>>> >
>>> > Using Bookmark.objetcs.all() will result in a subquery for each row of
>>> the
>>> > bookmark table which is not acceptable for performance reasons.
>>> > First question is there a way to fetch all the content with a single
>>> query ?
>>> > Second question is it possible to use raw sql queries. I tried the
>>> > following:
>>> >
>>> > bookmarks = Bookmark.objects.raw(
>>> > 'SELECT * FROM bookmarkmanager_bookmark b '
>>> > 'LEFT JOIN bookmarkmanager_bookmark_tags bt ON (
>>> b.id =
>>> > bt.bookmark_id) '
>>> > 'LEFT JOIN bookmarkmanager_tag t ON (bt.tag_id =
>>> t.id)'
>>> > )
>>> >
>>> > But when i tried to access the tags attribute on a bookmark i get the
>>> > following exception:
>>> >
>>> > ValueError: "" needs to have a value for
>>> field
>>> > "bookmark" before this many-to-many relationship can be used.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks in advance,
>>> > Matthieu
>>> >
>>> Are you tied to raw SQL queries? Django itself supports traversing M2M
>>> relationships in a sane manner if you tell it to do so:
>>> https://docs.djangoproject.**com/en/1.5/ref/models/**
>>> querysets/#prefetch-related
>> Thanks.
>> Another problem remains ... performances are horrible even if i use
>> values().
>> I have 1000 rows in base, executing from a script (db sqlite):
>>   - 800ms to fetch all the objects (traversing m2m with prefetch_related).
>>   - 200ms to fetch all the row from bookmark table without traversing the
>> m2m relationship).
>> Are my results expected ?
>> Are there any plan on improving django orm performance ?
>> Matthieu
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Re: How to create a temporary table in Django use ORM

2013-05-01 Thread Siddharth Ghumre

If you are interested in using multiple order by in django's ORM then use


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:18 AM, teddy wang wrote:

> I want to implement this selection in Django use ORM,,,still have no
> idea,,,
> anybody help?
> thanks
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Re: Modifying a field in another model

2013-05-01 Thread Siddharth Ghumre

Though its not the perfect solution for your query, please refer the link
for ModelAdmin to include conditional formatting in admin interface.



On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 10:35 PM, Vittorio  wrote:

> My (newbye) problem is as follows:
> Suppose
> class Person(models.Model):
> first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
> last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
> address = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> class Lent_Book(models.Model):
> title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> to_whom = models.ForeignKey(Person)
> MODIFY Person.address
> In a nutshell, my problem is: when I run admin and open Lent_book I would
> like to have a changeable field 'last-know_address' that  modifies
> Person.address in one shot (without having to open Person).
> Is that possible and how?
> An example would be highly appreciated.
> Ciao from Rome
> Vittorio
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Re: Pip type error.

2013-05-01 Thread ilan
Brilliant !
I was using powershell.
When I switched back to good old cmd.exe pip freeze worked fine

On Saturday, July 21, 2012 9:00:50 AM UTC+3, Jauharul Fuady wrote:
> On Sunday, 11 March 2012 15:17:59 UTC+7, John W. wrote:
>> I know it's weird to reply to myself, but just in case that somebody has 
>> the same problem. 
>> It seems that the problem it is in the requirements.txt, i created it 
>> using powershell and "pip.exe freeze > requirements.txt" command,
>> which creates a file with a name that has nullbytes in it. 
>> I was able to get around this problem by downloading a requirements.txt 
>> from an example project on github and modifying it.
>> That did the job and everything works nice.
> Thank you for posting it. It helps me.

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Re: Multi-tenant database model with new user model?

2013-05-01 Thread Dan Gentry
Something I'm looking forward to learning as well.  My app uses the older 
user_profile approach.

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Re: I encountered a core exception and need help configuring for a database. My OS is Ubuntu 12.10 32 bit

2013-05-01 Thread hugh Manchu
make sure you have your settings.py configured properly... if you still
need help I will check back later today and see what i can do.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:01 AM, Iftikhar Ali wrote:

>  buddy i am also getting the same error... if you have so far got the
>> answer please help me too...
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Eclipse django configration problem please help

2013-05-01 Thread Haridass C


I'm new to django i had installed python2.7.3 django 1.5.1 it is working 
properly in command prompt. I configured python using pydev. When i create 
django project it is creating a folder without any error, but it doesn't 
have any project files on it.

Please help


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how to combine multiple related applications in one project/site

2013-05-01 Thread Sells, Fred
We're a small organization with limited sysadmin support and a low thruput 

I've got some common features  that are evolving that are used in all projects, 
even though the projects themselves are unrelated and on different servers.

I have a very specific logging function to a mysql DB (same server, different 
database) to comply with gov't regs.

I've got a very specific security feature that queries some legacy code via 
HTTP and another MYSQL DB (again a separate database from the main application).

I'm using django 1.5.1 and Python 2.6 on CentOs

I would like to use the same code in various projects.  Should I move these 
features into separate django applications and if so, how should I structure my 
directories and imports to keep it clean.

I suppose this might be a candidate for middleware, but I'm the only guy 
working on this and cannot devote much time to "infrastructure tangents" no 
matter how good they might be.

I would appreciate a little advice on the good, bad and ugly solutions to the 
above, based on the communities more extensive experience.



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Dynamic block names in template.

2013-05-01 Thread Muhammed K K
I was searching for an option to set the block name of a django template 
dynamically and couldn't find and good resources. I browsed through the 
django code base and made a hack. I am not sure if it breaks any 
functionalities of django. Can any one verify this.

I posted a question and the hack i found in stack overflow.



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Installing django-allauth

2013-05-01 Thread Avraham Serour

I'm trying to install django-allauth in a new project (if anyone can
recommend something else for any reason I'm open to suggestions)

when running syncdb it says that I need to use south migrate for the
allauth apps

when running it throws an exception: django.db.utils.DatabaseError: table
"socialaccount_socialapp" already exists

Apparently allauth has it's internal migrations in the vcs, but it doesn't
support migrations

it looks like the app socialaccount has migration 1 - initial and then
migration 7 - initial
so of course when trying to run 7 it tries to create the table again, and

an easy solution would be to delete allauth migration folder, but this
would mean to clone it and maintain yet another fork, and having headaches
when updating it.

does anyone reccomend a workaround/solution to this?

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Right way to modify contrib auth package?

2013-05-01 Thread testbackupacct

I'm fairly new to Django, and would like to enforce a minimum password 
length for my site's users. I'm using James Bennett's registration package 
and have made the needed changes to forms.py. It works great.

Now I'd like to apply the same password requirements when a user changes or 
resets their password. This functionality is handled by the contrib.auth 
package, and at first blush it looks like all I need to do is edit the 
forms.py there.

But I'm wondering if that's the "correct" way to fold changes into a core 
package like auth. Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance,


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