Re: Handling millions of rows + large bulk processing (now 700+ mil rows)

2012-07-02 Thread Raphael
Hello Derek,

they (doodle) do not mention which time scheme they use. But I guess its
In the upper right corner of the doodle poll your location gets targeted
via Geo IP - you can change this preselection manually.



> On Sun, 2012-07-01 at 23:41 -0700, Derek wrote:
> -- 
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Re: am new bird to django,need some suggestion...please please do reply friend..

2012-07-02 Thread manish girdhar
okay friend.thanks alot.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Timothy Makobu  wrote:

> First read *ALL* of this if
> you haven't already, then redo this tutorial
> as many times as
> you need to to understand everything in it.
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 8:15 AM, manish girdhar 
> wrote:
>> hmm hmmm no i have not read that page...can you please send me the link
>> of that page...i didnot find that...i checked
>> and
>> and please suggest me some application or link ,which is basic and open
>> source.. so that i can get through of it and learned basic things..
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:28 AM, Daniel Roseman wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 1 July 2012 16:07:28 UTC+1, rick wrote:

 hello django lovers, am new bird to this language and i have read
 django documentation  and did not able to learnt it properly . am making a
 small application of *students management system *,in which i have to
 do* insertion of new record ,deletion and search of record.*..and am
 facing problem at each step.and unable to please send link
 of some open source *basic application* .so that i can download it and
 understand it properly...

 or send link of some documentation where function like filter(
 ),get_object_or_404() is being used...because these functions are not in

 THANK YOU in advance..

>>> Is there something wrong with the documentation index, which has a clear
>>> link to a page entitled "Executing queries"? Or the docs search engine,
>>> where you can enter "get_object_or_404" and get a direct link to the place
>>> where that function is documented?
>>> --
>>> DR.
>>> --
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Re: Handling millions of rows + large bulk processing (now 700+ mil rows)

2012-07-02 Thread Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
Oops, sorry forgot to mention that it's in UTC :)

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Derek  wrote:

> Cal
> Can you please confirm which timezone these times are for (I assume UTC,
> but was not sure...)
> Thanks
> Derek
> On Sunday, 1 July 2012 17:09:05 UTC+2, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
> wrote:
>> Wow - glad to see there's people interested in this!
>> Here is the schedule, could everyone please select which days/times they
>> are available (enter more than one if possible)
>> I'll leave the schedule open until 14th July, whichever slot gets the
>> most votes wins.
>> Given our awful experiences with conferencing software, we'll probably be
>> using livestream, and a backup stream from one of our own servers - both
>> have a maximum capacity of 50 users at 720p.
>> Cal
>> On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
>>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>> As some of you know, I did a live webcast last year (July 2011) on our
>>> LLG project, which explained how we overcome some of the problems
>>> associated with large data processing.
>>> After reviewing the video, I found that the sound quality was very
>>> poor, the slides weren't very well structured, and some of the information
>>> is now out of date (at the time it was 40mil rows, now we're dealing with
>>> 700+mil rows).
>>> Therefore, I'm considering doing another live webcast (except this time
>>> it'll be recorded+posted the next day, the stream will be available in
>>> 1080p, it'll be far better structured, and will only last 50 minutes).
>>> The topics I'd like to cover are:
>>> * Bulk data processing where bulk_insert() is still not viable (we went
>>> from 30 rows/sec to 8000 rows/sec on bulk data processing, whilst still
>>> using the ORM - no raw sql here!!)
>>> * Applying faux child/parent relationship when standard ORM is too
>>> expensive (allows for ORM approach without the cost)
>>> * Applying faux ORM read-only structure to legacy applications (allows
>>> ORM usage on schemas that weren't properly designed, and cannot be changed
>>> - for example, vendor software with no source code).
>>> * New Relic is beautiful, but expensive. Hear more about our plans to
>>> make an open source version.
>>> * Appropriate use cases for IAAS vs colo with SSDs.
>>> * Percona is amazing, some of the tips/tricks we've learned over.
>>> If you'd like to see this happen, please leave a reply in the thread -
>>> if enough people want this, then we'll do public vote for the scheduled
>>> date.
>>> Cheers
>>> Cal
>>  --
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Re: Handling millions of rows + large bulk processing (now 700+ mil rows)

2012-07-02 Thread Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
Curious, I'll have to test the quality, but we might potentially use
hangouts for the backup stream instead - it'd certainly be a lot easier if
the quality was good!



On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Alec Taylor  wrote:

> Sounds good, but have you considered using Google+ Hangouts?
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:09 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
>  wrote:
> > Wow - glad to see there's people interested in this!
> >
> > Here is the schedule, could everyone please select which days/times they
> are
> > available (enter more than one if possible)
> >
> >
> >
> > I'll leave the schedule open until 14th July, whichever slot gets the
> most
> > votes wins.
> >
> > Given our awful experiences with conferencing software, we'll probably be
> > using livestream, and a backup stream from one of our own servers - both
> > have a maximum capacity of 50 users at 720p.
> >
> > Cal
> >
> > On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> As some of you know, I did a live webcast last year (July 2011) on our
> >> project, which explained how we overcome some of the problems associated
> >> with large data processing.
> >>
> >> After reviewing the video, I found that the sound quality was very poor,
> >> the slides weren't very well structured, and some of the information is
> now
> >> out of date (at the time it was 40mil rows, now we're dealing with
> 700+mil
> >> rows).
> >>
> >> Therefore, I'm considering doing another live webcast (except this time
> >> it'll be recorded+posted the next day, the stream will be available in
> >> 1080p, it'll be far better structured, and will only last 50 minutes).
> >>
> >> The topics I'd like to cover are:
> >>
> >> * Bulk data processing where bulk_insert() is still not viable (we went
> >> from 30 rows/sec to 8000 rows/sec on bulk data processing, whilst still
> >> using the ORM - no raw sql here!!)
> >> * Applying faux child/parent relationship when standard ORM is too
> >> expensive (allows for ORM approach without the cost)
> >> * Applying faux ORM read-only structure to legacy applications (allows
> >> usage on schemas that weren't properly designed, and cannot be changed
> - for
> >> example, vendor software with no source code).
> >> * New Relic is beautiful, but expensive. Hear more about our plans to
> make
> >> an open source version.
> >> * Appropriate use cases for IAAS vs colo with SSDs.
> >> * Percona is amazing, some of the tips/tricks we've learned over.
> >>
> >> If you'd like to see this happen, please leave a reply in the thread -
> if
> >> enough people want this, then we'll do public vote for the scheduled
> date.
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >> Cal
> >
> >
> > --
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> > "Django users" group.
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> >
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> >
> --
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Re: Newbie form question

2012-07-02 Thread Andrea Mucci

the approach is correct, i think the problem is with the Field name
have you used
choices = ... ?

if yes cloud you change the name of this field?


2012/7/2 Russ Abbott 

> As a Django newbie I apologize if this is a trivial question.
> I'd like to use a form field as an element in a generated page but not as
> part of a form.  In particular, I'm generating a table, some of whose
> elements are text and others of which I want to be drop-down lists. I
> thought I might be able to use forms.ChoiceField to generate the drop-down
> lists.
> When I write
> ...
> choices = forms.ChoiceField([1, 2, 3]) # as a test case
> ...
> I get a django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object. But when I include it as
> an element of the table nothing appears.
> Is this a reasonable approach? (It seems very easy if it really could be
> made to work.) If so, what should I do to get it to display as a drop-down
> list?
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: Newbie form question

2012-07-02 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Sunday, 1 July 2012 23:25:32 UTC+1, Russ Abbott wrote:
> As a Django newbie I apologize if this is a trivial question.
> I'd like to use a form field as an element in a generated page but not as 
> part of a form.  In particular, I'm generating a table, some of whose 
> elements are text and others of which I want to be drop-down lists. I 
> thought I might be able to use forms.ChoiceField to generate the drop-down 
> lists.
> When I write
> ...
> choices = forms.ChoiceField([1, 2, 3]) # as a test case
> ...
> I get a django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object. But when I include it as 
> an element of the table nothing appears.  
> Is this a reasonable approach? (It seems very easy if it really could be 
> made to work.) If so, what should I do to get it to display as a drop-down 
> list?
> Thanks.

You don't make it explicit, but I assume you're passing that 'choice' 
variable straight to the template, ie outside of a Form object? If so, that 
doesn't work. Form fields themselves don't render directly - they have to 
be included in a BoundField, which happens automatically when a form is 
initiated. You could try just declaring and instantiating a simple form 
containing just your fied.

Alternatively, you could try skipping the field altogether and try 
instantiating the widget, form.Select, directly, and calling its `render` 
method (it takes name and value, but value can be an empty string).

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Re: am new bird to django,need some suggestion...please please do reply friend..

2012-07-02 Thread Timothy Makobu
Once you're over the learning curve, you wont believe how easy Django makes
web development. These devs thought, and keep thinking of everything. Just
hang in there.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 10:58 AM, manish girdhar

> okay friend.thanks alot.
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Timothy Makobu <
>> wrote:
>> First read *ALL* of this if
>> you haven't already, then redo this tutorial
>> as many times as
>> you need to to understand everything in it.
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 8:15 AM, manish girdhar > > wrote:
>>> hmm hmmm no i have not read that page...can you please send me the link
>>> of that page...i didnot find that...i checked
>>> and
>>> and please suggest me some application or link ,which is basic and open
>>> source.. so that i can get through of it and learned basic things..
>>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:28 AM, Daniel Roseman wrote:
 On Sunday, 1 July 2012 16:07:28 UTC+1, rick wrote:
> hello django lovers, am new bird to this language and i have read
> django documentation  and did not able to learnt it properly . am making a
> small application of *students management system *,in which i have to
> do* insertion of new record ,deletion and search of record.*..and am
> facing problem at each step.and unable to please send link
> of some open source *basic application* .so that i can download it
> and understand it properly...
> or send link of some documentation where function like filter(
> ),get_object_or_404() is being used...because these functions are not in
> documentation..
> THANK YOU in advance..

 Is there something wrong with the documentation index, which has a
 clear link to a page entitled "Executing queries"? Or the docs search
 engine, where you can enter "get_object_or_404" and get a direct link to
 the place where that function is documented?

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 Groups "Django users" group.
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help - a bit urgent please(import data to a csv file)

2012-07-02 Thread sp20
Dear Django experts,

I am pretty much a new bee to Django, at the moment I need to export all 
the data to a csv file.
My senior IT programmer has developed Django frameworks to monitor project 
information locally, but unfortunately he left the company. I quickly need 
to add an export option to those pages such that they can export all the 
data from it. I have quickly gone through Django tutorial to get some idea. 
I have found the following link for exporting data 
to a csv file.I have installed this application and have added this in my as well. When I opened my admin page, it is now showing the 
export object tool. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance

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Re: help - a bit urgent please(import data to a csv file)

2012-07-02 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Sun, 2012-07-01 at 22:43 -0700, sp20 wrote:
> My senior IT programmer has developed Django frameworks to monitor
> project 
> information locally, but unfortunately he left the company. I quickly
> need 
> to add an export option to those pages such that they can export all
> the 
> data from it. I have quickly gone through Django tutorial to get some
> idea. 
> I have found the following link 

take a look at this:
Kenneth Gonsalves

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Difficulties deploying Satchmo store

2012-07-02 Thread Jonathan Hayward
I am trying to deploy a "Hello, world!" Satchmo store and have had difficulties 
under Apache with mod_wsgi, Gunicorn (fails immediately on attempted start), 
and mod_fcgi (I can start the daemon on port 1234, but my attempt to 
get live web interaction didn't pan out. 

Part of my problem is that I haven't found mod_fcgi examples. Could I have an 
example of a .fcgi file that says to connect to this port on this IP, with 
indicators of any additional information needed (like the project path or the 
deploy subdirectory.)

 Jonathan Hayward, Author, Django JavaScript Integration: AJAX and jQuery
 Toastmaster and Published Author (Excellent Written and Oral Communicator)
 Ajax, CGI, CMS, CSS, Django, HTML, IA, JSON, JavaScript, LAMP, Linux, Perl, 
PHP, Python, SQL, UI, Unix, Usability, UX, XHTML, XML
 With a good interest in the human side of computing and making software and 
websites a joy to use

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Re: Difficulties deploying Satchmo store

2012-07-02 Thread Stuart Laughlin
You say "difficulties" and "fails" but you don't say what that means. Do
you have a stack trace or an error message?

I'm not much of an Apache user, but if I'm not mistaken the consensus there
is that mod_wsgi is the best way to go. Therefore I would focus on that
rather than mod_fcgi.

I'm cross-posting this answer since you cross-posted the question, but it
would probably be best to stick with the general django list unless/until
you're asking about something satchmo-specific.

Hope that helps,

 On Jul 2, 2012 7:53 AM, "Jonathan Hayward" <> wrote:

> I am trying to deploy a "Hello, world!" Satchmo store and have had
> difficulties under Apache with mod_wsgi, Gunicorn (fails immediately on
> attempted start), and mod_fcgi (I can start the daemon on port
> 1234, but my attempt to get live web interaction didn't pan out.
> Part of my problem is that I haven't found mod_fcgi examples. Could I have
> an example of a .fcgi file that says to connect to this port on this IP,
> with indicators of any additional information needed (like the project path
> or the deploy subdirectory.)
>  Jonathan Hayward, Author, Django JavaScript Integration: AJAX and jQuery
>  Toastmaster and Published Author (Excellent Written and Oral
> Communicator)
>  Ajax, CGI, CMS, CSS, Django, HTML, IA, JSON, JavaScript, LAMP, Linux,
> Perl, PHP, Python, SQL, UI, Unix, Usability, UX, XHTML, XML
>  With a good interest in the human side of computing and making software
> and websites a joy to use
> --
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admin panel adding left-right panel

2012-07-02 Thread ledzgio
In default admin panel, under group permissions, I saw a double panels 
where I can add an element from the left list panel to the right one 
instead of selecting multiple elements by holding CTRL. I would like to 
have this panel implementation in my admin with my models, how can I do 


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Re: help - a bit urgent please(import data to a csv file)

2012-07-02 Thread sp20
Hi Kenneth,

Thanks for that link.. I have worked it out


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Re: UserProfile.user" must be a "User" instance. django-registration

2012-07-02 Thread megaBos
it seems fine, don't know why it shouldn't work, a different approach would 
be to overide the models save method and add the user there.

On Monday, July 2, 2012 4:17:03 PM UTC+3, Nikhil Verma wrote:
> HI All
> I am applying an django-registration in my app. So i create a UserProfile 
> Model and  a ModelForm after clicking on the email link
> the user is redirected to the ModelForm page of UserProfile. I am filling 
> the details and trying to save it, however i am getting the above error.
> Traceback:-
> Exception Type: ValueError at /myprofile/completingprofile/
> Exception Value: Cannot assign " object at 0x3487c10>": "UserProfile.user" must be a "User" instance.
> model
> class UserProfile(models.Model):
> user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True, unique=True)
> first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
> last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True)
> gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=GENDER_CHOICES)
> mobile = models.CharField(max_length=15, blank=True)
> primary_email = models.EmailField(max_length=60, blank=True)
> # For professional Account
> institution_name = 
> models.CharField(max_length=100,blank=True,null=True)
> street = models.CharField(max_length=75)
> state = models.CharField(max_length=30)
> zip_code = models.IntegerField(max_length=7, blank=True, null=True)
> country = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True)
> def __unicode(self):
> name = self.first_name + self.last_name
> return name
> class UserProfileForm(ModelForm):
> class Meta:
> model = UserProfile
> exclude = ('user',)
> def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> super(UserProfileForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
> def completingprofile(request):
> """
> Creating Profile
> """
> print request
> if request.method == "POST":
> form = UserProfileForm(request.POST)
> if form.is_valid():
> userprofile_obj = UserProfile(
> first_name = form.cleaned_data['first_name'],
> last_name = 
> form.cleaned_data['last_name'],
> gender = form.cleaned_data['gender'],
> mobile = form.cleaned_data['mobile'],
> institution_name = form.cleaned_data['institution_name'],
> street = form.cleaned_data['street'],
> zip_code = form.cleaned_data['zip_code'],
> state = form.cleaned_data['state'],
> country = form.cleaned_data['country'],
> user = request.user,# here i am trying to add user from 
> request who is coming from RegistrationForm from django -registration
># I am getting the error in this above line  
> )
>"Save profile for user: %s" % request.user)
> return HttpResponseRedirect('/thanks/')
> else:
> form = UserProfileForm()
> return render_to_response("myprofile/profile_page.html", 
> {"form": form },
> context_instance=RequestContext(request)
> )
> How can i save the user field ?
> Thanks for help in advance
> -- 
> Regards
> Nikhil Verma
> +91-958-273-3156

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jquery, json and forms

2012-07-02 Thread David

I have a form that saves, and displays errors correctly when using 
javascript and without.

However, when my form saves I need to refresh the form with the new form 
data. How can I pass the form object through json back to my template 

Thank you for any help.

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migration via south for inheritance change -> please help

2012-07-02 Thread mcJack
Hi all,

I've got a problem migrating some changes in the model, so I tried to solve 
it with south.
The situation:
I implemented two classes, which share some functionality. Now that I 
improved a little with python, django and co. I wanted to use inheritance 
for that issue.
The model looks like this:

class Foo(models.Model):
eggs = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True )
plants = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True )
carpet = models.IntegerField()

class Bar(models.Model):
eggs = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True )
plants = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True )
car = models.IntegerField()

And obviously I want to transform to:
class Base(models.Model):
eggs = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True )
plants = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True )

class Foo(models.Model):
base = models.OneToOneField( 'Base', parent_link=True )
carpet = models.IntegerField()

class Bar(models.Model):
base = models.OneToOneField( 'Base', parent_link=True )
car = models.IntegerField()

But how can I tell south to fill the super class with the data from the old 

Can I add this information manually in the created migration script? or is 
there an option/switch I didn't notice?

Any hints are very welcome, thanks a lot


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Re: How can Selenium see a record that I can't find from a debugger?

2012-07-02 Thread Bryan
I'm still stuck regarding how to delete a user from the database directly.

On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 9:59:09 AM UTC-4, Bryan wrote:
> I am creating Selenium tests for my App.
> I can create a new user, but I can't seem to figure out how to have it 
> deleted from the database.
> After the tests run successfully the first time, subsequent tests fail 
> because the username already exists.
> **Why am I not able to query the newly created record in the debugger 
> despite being able to see the new record on the page?**  
> **How do I delete a record from the database in a test?**
> This is what I have been doing:  
> from selenium import webdriver  
> from django.utils import unittest  
> from forum.models import Question, Answer, User  
> class TestOSQAAuthentication(unittest.TestCase):  
> scheme = 'http'  
> host = 'localhost'  
> port = ''  
> def setUp(self):  
> self._driver = webdriver.Firefox()  
> self._driver.implicitly_wait(25)  
> def test_anon_can_create_new_account_manually(self):  
> self._driver.get('
> http://localhost:8000/account/local/register/')  
> self._driver.find_element_by_id('id_username').send_keys('MrManual')  
> self._driver.find_element_by_id('id_email').send_keys('
> self._driver.find_element_by_id('id_password1').send_keys('test')  
> self._driver.find_element_by_id('id_password2').send_keys('test')  
> self._driver.find_element_by_id('bnewaccount').click()   
> # verify MrManual was created  
> self._driver.get('http://localhost:8000/users/')  
> self._driver.find_element_by_link_text('MrManual')  
> # MrManual seems to be created, but I don't see MrManual in 
> the database during debugging with:  
> # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()  
> #ipdb> User.objects.all()  
> #[, , ]  
> # here I am trying to delete the user from the database 
> directly.
> User.objects.filter(username="MrManual").delete()  
> """For some reason I can't delete the record from the database 
> from the test.  
> Selenium can find the new user in the browser, but I can't 
> query the database to find it."""

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Re: admin panel adding left-right panel

2012-07-02 Thread Sunny Nanda
You can specify a 'filter-horizontal' tuple in the admin model declaration:


On Monday, July 2, 2012 6:56:07 PM UTC+5:30, ledzgio wrote:
> In default admin panel, under group permissions, I saw a double panels 
> where I can add an element from the left list panel to the right one 
> instead of selecting multiple elements by holding CTRL. I would like to 
> have this panel implementation in my admin with my models, how can I do 
> that?
> thanks

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Re: jquery, json and forms

2012-07-02 Thread Jon Black
One approach is to pass json/html data in the response after saving and
use jQuery to update the page.

On 07/02/2012 05:12 PM, David wrote:
> Hello
> I have a form that saves, and displays errors correctly when using
> javascript and without.
> However, when my form saves I need to refresh the form with the new form
> data. How can I pass the form object through json back to my template
> please?
> Thank you for any help.
> -- 
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: jquery, json and forms

2012-07-02 Thread Psamathos
It sounds like you want to initialize your form in the view. You can also 
do this by passing an initial keyword argument to the form constructor:

exampleform = ExampleForm(initial={"examplefield": 

This would set the examplefield of ExampleForm to the requesting user's 
first name.

On Monday, 2 July 2012 11:12:49 UTC-4, David wrote:
> Hello
> I have a form that saves, and displays errors correctly when using 
> javascript and without.
> However, when my form saves I need to refresh the form with the new form 
> data. How can I pass the form object through json back to my template 
> please?
> Thank you for any help.

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Re: Difficulties deploying Satchmo store

2012-07-02 Thread ionic drive
Dear Jonathan, 

I answer on Django as there is nothing Satchmo specific in your message.
This link should help you on start up:
A developer with your skills really should know to ask straight forward
questions and to use search engines.

Please Jonathan, your Signature is double the size of your email... 
This is really hard for us to read!

good luck

On Mon, 2012-07-02 at 07:53 -0500, Jonathan Hayward wrote:

> I am trying to deploy a "Hello, world!" Satchmo store and have had 
> difficulties under Apache with mod_wsgi, Gunicorn (fails immediately on 
> attempted start), and mod_fcgi (I can start the daemon on port 
> 1234, but my attempt to get live web interaction didn't pan out. 
> Part of my problem is that I haven't found mod_fcgi examples. Could I have an 
> example of a .fcgi file that says to connect to this port on this IP, with 
> indicators of any additional information needed (like the project path or the 
> deploy subdirectory.)
>  Jonathan Hayward, Author, Django JavaScript Integration: AJAX and jQuery
>  Toastmaster and Published Author (Excellent Written and Oral Communicator)
>  Ajax, CGI, CMS, CSS, Django, HTML, IA, JSON, JavaScript, LAMP, Linux, Perl, 
> PHP, Python, SQL, UI, Unix, Usability, UX, XHTML, XML
>  With a good interest in the human side of computing and making software and 
> websites a joy to use

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unable to connect freenode

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
Hi guys,

I was going through the first step of the tutorial where I found this,

Where to get help:
If you're having trouble going through this tutorial, please post a message
to django-users or drop by #django on to chat with other
Django users who might be able to help.

And so I tried clicking on the link where it said #django on and then I get a popup of application launching which will
connect to the for #django channel and I ok it, but then
nothing happens.

Am I doing it wrong? I am on Ubuntu.

Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar

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Re: am new bird to django,need some suggestion...please please do reply friend..

2012-07-02 Thread manish girdhar
h i will try my best.actually i have already read that
documentation but when i went to make application,then i got problem in
using filter functions..and this kind of functions are not mentioned in the
documentation.thats why i was facing problem.anyhow i will again
read this...but friend can you send me the link of a basic small that i just hang into that...

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Timothy Makobu

> Once you're over the learning curve, you wont believe how easy Django
> makes web development. These devs thought, and keep thinking of everything.
> Just hang in there.
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 10:58 AM, manish girdhar  > wrote:
>> okay friend.thanks alot.
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Timothy Makobu <
>>> wrote:
>>> First read *ALL* of this if
>>> you haven't already, then redo this tutorial
>>> as many times
>>> as you need to to understand everything in it.
>>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 8:15 AM, manish girdhar <
>>>> wrote:
 hmm hmmm no i have not read that page...can you please send me the link
 of that page...i didnot find that...i checked and

 and please suggest me some application or link ,which is basic and open
 source.. so that i can get through of it and learned basic things..

 On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:28 AM, Daniel Roseman 

> On Sunday, 1 July 2012 16:07:28 UTC+1, rick wrote:
>> hello django lovers, am new bird to this language and i have read
>> django documentation  and did not able to learnt it properly . am making 
>> a
>> small application of *students management system *,in which i have
>> to do* insertion of new record ,deletion and search of record.*..and
>> am facing problem at each step.and unable to please send
>> link of some open source *basic application* .so that i can download
>> it and understand it properly...
>> or send link of some documentation where function like filter(
>> ),get_object_or_404() is being used...because these functions are not in
>> documentation..
>> THANK YOU in advance..
> Is there something wrong with the documentation index, which has a
> clear link to a page entitled "Executing queries"? Or the docs search
> engine, where you can enter "get_object_or_404" and get a direct link to
> the place where that function is documented?
> --
> DR.
> --
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>>  --
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2012-07-02 Thread Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]

Please refrain from sending chain/spam emails to the list, this isn't

Also - on a site note, you really shouldn't be giving out your entire
mailbox by cc'ing everyone, this isn't very good practice at all.


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2012-07-02 Thread Larry Martell
On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
> Emily,
> Please refrain from sending chain/spam emails to the list, this isn't
> acceptable.
> Also - on a site note, you really shouldn't be giving out your entire
> mailbox by cc'ing everyone, this isn't very good practice at all.

I have a feeling that was caused by a virus or having her email hacked.

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Re: admin panel adding left-right panel

2012-07-02 Thread ledzgio
Thanks very much for your response, really appreciated. But I am a noob and 
I don't know how to do this :)
Could you please provide a simple example? 

and more, how can I populate this field in admin with the table data?

thanks again

Il giorno lunedì 2 luglio 2012 17:28:48 UTC+2, Sunny Nanda ha scritto:
> You can specify a 'filter-horizontal' tuple in the admin model 
> declaration: 
> -Sandeep
> On Monday, July 2, 2012 6:56:07 PM UTC+5:30, ledzgio wrote:
>> In default admin panel, under group permissions, I saw a double panels 
>> where I can add an element from the left list panel to the right one 
>> instead of selecting multiple elements by holding CTRL. I would like to 
>> have this panel implementation in my admin with my models, how can I do 
>> that?
>> thanks

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Re: am new bird to django,need some suggestion...please please do reply friend..

2012-07-02 Thread Thomas Lockhart

On 7/2/12 10:38 AM, manish girdhar wrote:
h i will try my best.actually i have already read that 
documentation but when i went to make application,then i got problem 
in using filter functions..and this kind of functions are not 
mentioned in the documentation.thats why i was facing 
problem.anyhow i will again read this...but friend can you send me 
the link of a basic small that i just hang into that...
Hello Manish. The tutorial gives you a basic small application. You will 
have better luck on the mailing list if you can take the time to follow 
the advise you have already received.

The documentation does discuss filters. Please google it if you have 
trouble finding it directly.

I am relatively new to Django, but have been consistently impressed with 
the level of documentation. Take advantage of it yourself too.


 - Tom

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Re: am new bird to django,need some suggestion...please please do reply friend..

2012-07-02 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Monday, 2 July 2012 18:38:12 UTC+1, rick wrote:
> h i will try my best.actually i have already read that 
> documentation but when i went to make application,then i got problem in 
> using filter functions..and this kind of functions are not mentioned in the 
> documentation.thats why i was facing problem.anyhow i will again 
> read this...but friend can you send me the link of a basic small 
> that i just hang into that...

Seriously, people here are rapidly going to stop being your "friend" if you 
don't do the minimum to help yourself. I've already pointed you to the 
actual documentation, where those functions *are* not only mentioned but 
fully explained. If you choose not to read it, that's up to you, but you 
shouldn't then expect people to help you.

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Foreign Key needs quotes?

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
Hi Djangoers,

I am following the tutorial and found something I am not sure if is right
or wrong? So here is my question,

In the tutorial 01 where we need to create two models in,
we are providing the ForeignKey to the 'Choice' model for 'Poll' model
without quotes,

class Choice(models.Model):
poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)

But when I went to read about Foreign key a bit more in
I found that the model 'Car' is being given the 'Manufacture' ForeignKey in

class Car(models.Model):

manufacturer = models.ForeignKey('Manufacturer')

So I wanted to know, which is the right way to go or it does not matter?
Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar

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Re: Foreign Key needs quotes?

2012-07-02 Thread Thomas Lockhart


So I wanted to know, which is the right way to go or it does not matter?
I prefer without quotes for most cases. But for cases when a model is 
not yet defined (for example, you want to define a foreign key to a 
model which comes later in the source file) then you need to use the 
quotes to keep python from complaining about an undefined class.


 - Tom

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Re: Foreign Key needs quotes?

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
ok thanks Tom

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> ...
>  So I wanted to know, which is the right way to go or it does not matter?
> I prefer without quotes for most cases. But for cases when a model is not
> yet defined (for example, you want to define a foreign key to a model which
> comes later in the source file) then you need to use the quotes to keep
> python from complaining about an undefined class.
> hth
>  - Tom
> --
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> group/django-users?hl=en
> .

Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar

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Re: admin panel adding left-right panel

2012-07-02 Thread ledzgio
Ok I managed to get filter_vertical working, thanks.

Now how can I populate the filter_vertical panel in admin with the data in 
the table?

A piece of my model is:
class Position(models.Model):
POSITIONS = (('GK', 'Goalkeeper'), ('DFC', 'Defender Central'), ('SW', 
 ('DFL', 'Defender Left'), ('DFR', 'Defender Right'),
 ('WBL', 'Wing Back Left'), ('WBR', 'Wing Back Right'),
 ('DM', 'Defender Midfielder'), ('MR', 'Midfielder Right'), 
('ML', 'Midfielder Left'),
 ('MC', 'Midfielder Center'), ('AMC', 'Attacking Midfielder 
Center'), ('AML', 'Attacking Midfielder Left'),
 ('MC', 'Attacking Midfielder Right'), ('ST', 'Striker')) 
position_name = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=POSITIONS)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.position_name

class Player(models.Model):

role = models.ManyToManyField(Position)

in admin:
class PlayerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
filter_vertical = ('role')

I want that in PlayerAdmin I have the choices values listed.


Il giorno lunedì 2 luglio 2012 20:17:42 UTC+2, ledzgio ha scritto:
> Thanks very much for your response, really appreciated. But I am a noob 
> and I don't know how to do this :)
> Could you please provide a simple example? 
> and more, how can I populate this field in admin with the table data?
> thanks again
> Il giorno lunedì 2 luglio 2012 17:28:48 UTC+2, Sunny Nanda ha scritto:
>> You can specify a 'filter-horizontal' tuple in the admin model 
>> declaration: 
>> -Sandeep
>> On Monday, July 2, 2012 6:56:07 PM UTC+5:30, ledzgio wrote:
>>> In default admin panel, under group permissions, I saw a double panels 
>>> where I can add an element from the left list panel to the right one 
>>> instead of selecting multiple elements by holding CTRL. I would like to 
>>> have this panel implementation in my admin with my models, how can I do 
>>> that?
>>> thanks

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Re: admin panel adding left-right panel

2012-07-02 Thread ledzgio
Ok I managed to get filter_vertical working, thanks.

Now how can I populate the filter_vertical panel in admin with the data in 
the table?

A piece of my model is:
class Position(models.Model):
POSITIONS = (('GK', 'Goalkeeper'), ('DFC', 'Defender Central'), ('SW', 
 ('DFL', 'Defender Left'), ('DFR', 'Defender Right'),
 ('WBL', 'Wing Back Left'), ('WBR', 'Wing Back Right'),
 ('DM', 'Defender Midfielder'), ('MR', 'Midfielder Right'), 
('ML', 'Midfielder Left'),
 ('MC', 'Midfielder Center'), ('AMC', 'Attacking Midfielder 
Center'), ('AML', 'Attacking Midfielder Left'),
 ('MC', 'Attacking Midfielder Right'), ('ST', 'Striker')) 
position_name = models.CharField(max_length=

50, choices=POSITIONS)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.position_name

class Player(models.Model):

role = models.ManyToManyField(Position)

in admin:
class PlayerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
filter_vertical = ('role')

I want that in PlayerAdmin I have the choices POSITIONS values listed.

What I should have is something like the image at the following link, with 
the choices POSITIONS listed on the left panel.


Il giorno lunedì 2 luglio 2012 15:26:07 UTC+2, ledzgio ha scritto:
> In default admin panel, under group permissions, I saw a double panels 
> where I can add an element from the left list panel to the right one 
> instead of selecting multiple elements by holding CTRL. I would like to 
> have this panel implementation in my admin with my models, how can I do 
> that?
> thanks

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Re: Unable to obtain c.poll

2012-07-02 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Monday, 2 July 2012 20:47:40 UTC+1, Sam007 wrote:
> Hi Djangoers,
> I am almost completing my first tutorial but got stuck at the last point. 
> So I am assigning Choice object to 'c',
> c = p.choice_set.filter(choice_text__startswith='Just')
> And I am getting this output when I check 'c'
> []
> And I am also getting the right output for 'p'
> But when I am executing,
>  c.poll
> This is my output,
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> AttributeError: 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'poll'
> Not sure where I am going wrong?
> -- 
> Thanks & Regards
> Smaran Harihar
You're not assigning a Choice object to `c`. You're assigning a queryset 
(basically, a list) of one Choice objects to c - hence the square brackets 
when you print it. As the documentation explains, `filter` *always* returns 
a queryset, even if only one object matches.

You can do c[0] to get the Choice object, or use `get()` instead of 
`filter()` (although note that will raise an exception if zero or > 1 
objects match).

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Re: How can Selenium see a record that I can't find from a debugger?

2012-07-02 Thread Rohan

Hi Bryan,

I believe the problem is that selenium and the django testing framework 
are looking up different databases. To run selenium, you would be 
starting the actual server

One solution is to use ' testserver ' for running 
the selenium tests. This will ensure that the data is populated into the 
testserver, and will be deleted once the server is stopped

On 7/2/2012 11:17 AM, Bryan wrote:

I'm still stuck regarding how to delete a user from the database directly.

On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 9:59:09 AM UTC-4, Bryan wrote:

I am creating Selenium tests for my App.
I can create a new user, but I can't seem to figure out how to
have it deleted from the database.

After the tests run successfully the first time, subsequent tests
fail because the username already exists.

**Why am I not able to query the newly created record in the
debugger despite being able to see the new record on the page?**

**How do I delete a record from the database in a test?**

This is what I have been doing:

from selenium import webdriver
from django.utils import unittest
from forum.models import Question, Answer, User

class TestOSQAAuthentication(unittest.TestCase):
scheme = 'http'
host = 'localhost'
port = ''

def setUp(self):
self._driver = webdriver.Firefox()

def test_anon_can_create_new_account_manually(self):



# verify MrManual was created
# MrManual seems to be created, but I don't see
MrManual in the database during debugging with:
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
#ipdb> User.objects.all()
#[, , ]
# here I am trying to delete the user from the
database directly.
"""For some reason I can't delete the record from the
database from the test.
Selenium can find the new user in the browser, but I
can't query the database to find it."""

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Re: Unable to obtain c.poll

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
Thanks DR. Now I understand the difference between filter and get.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Daniel Roseman wrote:

> On Monday, 2 July 2012 20:47:40 UTC+1, Sam007 wrote:
>> Hi Djangoers,
>> I am almost completing my first tutorial but got stuck at the last point.
>> So I am assigning Choice object to 'c',
>> c = p.choice_set.filter(choice_**text__startswith='Just')
>> And I am getting this output when I check 'c'
>> []
>> And I am also getting the right output for 'p'
>> But when I am executing,
>>  c.poll
>> This is my output,
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 1, in 
>> AttributeError: 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'poll'
>> Not sure where I am going wrong?
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Smaran Harihar
> You're not assigning a Choice object to `c`. You're assigning a queryset
> (basically, a list) of one Choice objects to c - hence the square brackets
> when you print it. As the documentation explains, `filter` *always* returns
> a queryset, even if only one object matches.
> You can do c[0] to get the Choice object, or use `get()` instead of
> `filter()` (although note that will raise an exception if zero or > 1
> objects match).
> --
> DR.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar

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Re: Unable to obtain c.poll

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
Also when we are taking,

 c = p.choice_set.filter(choice_text__startswith='Just hacking')>>> c.delete()

Are we deleting the object or just that filter queryset choice?

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Daniel Roseman wrote:

> On Monday, 2 July 2012 20:47:40 UTC+1, Sam007 wrote:
>> Hi Djangoers,
>> I am almost completing my first tutorial but got stuck at the last point.
>> So I am assigning Choice object to 'c',
>> c = p.choice_set.filter(choice_**text__startswith='Just')
>> And I am getting this output when I check 'c'
>> []
>> And I am also getting the right output for 'p'
>> But when I am executing,
>>  c.poll
>> This is my output,
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 1, in 
>> AttributeError: 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'poll'
>> Not sure where I am going wrong?
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Smaran Harihar
> You're not assigning a Choice object to `c`. You're assigning a queryset
> (basically, a list) of one Choice objects to c - hence the square brackets
> when you print it. As the documentation explains, `filter` *always* returns
> a queryset, even if only one object matches.
> You can do c[0] to get the Choice object, or use `get()` instead of
> `filter()` (although note that will raise an exception if zero or > 1
> objects match).
> --
> DR.
> --
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Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar

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Same virtual-env for all django projects

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
Hi Djangoers,

I am using virtual-env for my django project and I wanted to know that is
it ok to use the same virtual-env for all the django projects on my system?

or do I need to create a virtual-env for every other django project?

So what I am doing is that I have the virtual-env dir in my folder django
and I have just started my project on Django called mysite (following the
tutorial). So now if I wish to create a new django project, can I again do
`source django-env/bin/activate` and then create the new app?

or new dir and new virtual-env??

Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar

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Re: Same virtual-env for all django projects

2012-07-02 Thread Lachlan Musicman
On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Smaran Harihar
> Hi Djangoers,
> I am using virtual-env for my django project and I wanted to know that is it
> ok to use the same virtual-env for all the django projects on my system?
> or do I need to create a virtual-env for every other django project?

Of course you can! It's not necessarily a good idea for production
sites, but it is fine.


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Re: Same virtual-env for all django projects

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
Thanks Musicman

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Lachlan Musicman  wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Smaran Harihar
>  wrote:
> > Hi Djangoers,
> >
> > I am using virtual-env for my django project and I wanted to know that
> is it
> > ok to use the same virtual-env for all the django projects on my system?
> >
> > or do I need to create a virtual-env for every other django project?
> Of course you can! It's not necessarily a good idea for production
> sites, but it is fine.
> Cheers
> L.
> --
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Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar

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Re: Handling millions of rows + large bulk processing (now 700+ mil rows)

2012-07-02 Thread Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
Just in case anyone missed the URL, you can book your slot here:

Voting open until 14th July.


On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <> wrote:

> Curious, I'll have to test the quality, but we might potentially use
> hangouts for the backup stream instead - it'd certainly be a lot easier if
> the quality was good!
> Cheers
> Cal
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Alec Taylor wrote:
>> Sounds good, but have you considered using Google+ Hangouts?
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:09 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
>>  wrote:
>> > Wow - glad to see there's people interested in this!
>> >
>> > Here is the schedule, could everyone please select which days/times
>> they are
>> > available (enter more than one if possible)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I'll leave the schedule open until 14th July, whichever slot gets the
>> most
>> > votes wins.
>> >
>> > Given our awful experiences with conferencing software, we'll probably
>> be
>> > using livestream, and a backup stream from one of our own servers - both
>> > have a maximum capacity of 50 users at 720p.
>> >
>> > Cal
>> >
>> > On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> As some of you know, I did a live webcast last year (July 2011) on our
>> LLG
>> >> project, which explained how we overcome some of the problems
>> associated
>> >> with large data processing.
>> >>
>> >> After reviewing the video, I found that the sound quality was very
>> poor,
>> >> the slides weren't very well structured, and some of the information
>> is now
>> >> out of date (at the time it was 40mil rows, now we're dealing with
>> 700+mil
>> >> rows).
>> >>
>> >> Therefore, I'm considering doing another live webcast (except this time
>> >> it'll be recorded+posted the next day, the stream will be available in
>> >> 1080p, it'll be far better structured, and will only last 50 minutes).
>> >>
>> >> The topics I'd like to cover are:
>> >>
>> >> * Bulk data processing where bulk_insert() is still not viable (we went
>> >> from 30 rows/sec to 8000 rows/sec on bulk data processing, whilst still
>> >> using the ORM - no raw sql here!!)
>> >> * Applying faux child/parent relationship when standard ORM is too
>> >> expensive (allows for ORM approach without the cost)
>> >> * Applying faux ORM read-only structure to legacy applications (allows
>> ORM
>> >> usage on schemas that weren't properly designed, and cannot be changed
>> - for
>> >> example, vendor software with no source code).
>> >> * New Relic is beautiful, but expensive. Hear more about our plans to
>> make
>> >> an open source version.
>> >> * Appropriate use cases for IAAS vs colo with SSDs.
>> >> * Percona is amazing, some of the tips/tricks we've learned over.
>> >>
>> >> If you'd like to see this happen, please leave a reply in the thread -
>> if
>> >> enough people want this, then we'll do public vote for the scheduled
>> date.
>> >>
>> >> Cheers
>> >>
>> >> Cal
>> >
>> >
>> > --
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>> Groups
>> > "Django users" group.
>> > To post to this group, send email to
>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> >
>> > For more options, visit this group at
>> >
>> --
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Using django-ratings; need help

2012-07-02 Thread DF
I've been trying for two weeks to implement the highly regarded 
django-ratings with zero success.

I've followed all directions, which are not that detailed, and cannot 
figure out how to actually present a means for a user to submit a rating 
with the template.

There are no directions on how to load template tags associated with it, so 
it resulted in errore. After looking through the code, it appears "ratings" 
was the proper way to load the tags within the template, so I employed that.

I added 'djangoratings' to

The following to my model:

rating = RatingField(range=5)

I also did the following to

from djangoratings.views import AddRatingFromModel

AddRatingFromModel(), {
'app_label': 'report',
'model': 'story',
'field_name': 'rating',

Added this to the template:

{% rating_by_user user on story.rating as vote %}

And nothing appears. No means for the user to vote. Nothing.

I cannot figure out what may be wrong here and after two weeks of tweaking 
and trying different methods, nothing works.

If anyone has an idea of what is required to present some interface for a 
user to vote using this app, I would be extremely grateful.

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Re: unable to connect freenode

2012-07-02 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Mon, 2012-07-02 at 10:32 -0700, Smaran Harihar wrote:
> And so I tried clicking on the link where it said #django on
> and then I get a popup of application launching which
> will
> connect to the for #django channel and I ok it, but then
> nothing happens. 

you need to register your nick and be identified, otherwise #django will
not let you in
Kenneth Gonsalves

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Re: unable to connect freenode

2012-07-02 Thread Smaran Harihar
Hi Kenneth,

Thanks for the reply. How can i register?
On Jul 2, 2012 10:46 PM, "kenneth gonsalves"  wrote:

> On Mon, 2012-07-02 at 10:32 -0700, Smaran Harihar wrote:
> > And so I tried clicking on the link where it said #django on
> > and then I get a popup of application launching which
> > will
> > connect to the for #django channel and I ok it, but then
> > nothing happens.
> you need to register your nick and be identified, otherwise #django will
> not let you in
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> --
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Re: unable to connect freenode

2012-07-02 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Mon, 2012-07-02 at 22:51 -0700, Smaran Harihar wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. How can i register?

/msg nickserv help register
Kenneth Gonsalves

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2012-07-02 Thread Emily
Hi every one,

I am so sorry but I am not the one that did that.
may be I should change my authentication details
to prevent this from happening again.


On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Larry Martell wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
>  wrote:
> > Emily,
> >
> > Please refrain from sending chain/spam emails to the list, this isn't
> > acceptable.
> >
> > Also - on a site note, you really shouldn't be giving out your entire
> > mailbox by cc'ing everyone, this isn't very good practice at all.
> I have a feeling that was caused by a virus or having her email hacked.
> --
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to add counter in the project

2012-07-02 Thread Bharati Sharma
I want to add counter in my project so that the value in the table
increases as the data is put in the database. Can anyone help me plz.

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Deployment: Apache2, wsgi (Debian squeeze)

2012-07-02 Thread Matt Smith


I made a multi choice quiz using django and was able to deploy it at:

Thanks to the community for making these tools available.

I am a self-taught programmer, this is the first time I have tried any 
web development so please be patient. I always find these groups 
intimidating but I really feel I have made a decent RTFM effort before 
making this post.

Here are some things I know nothing about:

Apache configuration.
How http actually works.

Up until now I've been serving non-dynamic content the usual way. I 
apt-got installed apache2, worked out /var/www was the root, followed 
the index.html convention and that worked fine. Now I feel I'm stuck 
between that old way of doing things and the django/wsgi way which I 
can't get my head around even after reading the docs. The development 
server experience hasn't helped me much when it comes to deployment.

I wanted to connect the quiz to instead of but I couldn't see how to do that.

I also want to convert the whole site to django so I can use child 
templates, but I cant work this out either.

I guess my main question is this:

Under the old scheme if someone types just my domain into their browser 
they get $DOCUMENT_ROOT/index.html, simple. What is the equivalent for 
the django/wsgi setup.? What do you put in

After reading the docs (they all say different things) I ended up with 
the following setup:


To help you help me you can see the following files from my system at


Thank you,

Matt Smith

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