Re: Sending data to the server

2012-03-26 Thread jim
Do you have CSRF protection enabled?

It will 403 POST requests unless they have the right token.


On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:24 PM, drk  wrote:
> Hi, so I have a application that works offline (with localStorage),
> and now I'm trying to get it to work in a server.
> I'm having a problem sending the data to server, I'm using jquery:
> $.ajax({
>    type: 'POST',
>    url: 'http://mysite.aa/logout/',
>    data: JSON.stringify( stuff ),
>    contentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
>    complete: function() { console.log('complete'); }
> });
> and I get a 403 error.
> In chrome's console:
> POST http://mysite.aa/logout/ 403 (FORBIDDEN)
> XHR finished loading: "http://myserver.aa/logout/";
> In server:
> [25/Mar/2012 17:20:43] "POST /logout/ HTTP/1.1" 403 2282
> Any ideas?
> --
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Custom option for Model Meta Options

2012-03-26 Thread Roman Klesel

in my App I would like some Models to accept some custom Meta options like this:

class MyModel(models.Model)

  name = models.CharField(...)
  other = models.CharField(...)
  more = models.CharField(...)

  class Meta:

db_table = "my_table"
custom_option = True

It would be quite easy to accomplish this by paching the django
source. However I'd prefere to do
this by subclassing.

How to do this?

Best regards
  Roman Klesel

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Re: Template Error: Invalid block tag: 'endblock', expected 'empty' or 'endfor'

2012-03-26 Thread Sam Lai
On 25 March 2012 11:56, Homer  wrote:
> I tried to create an index webpage but Django told me I had a template
> error:
> Invalid block tag: 'endblock', expected 'empty' or 'endfor'
> Here is the code of index.html:
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {% block title %}Home{% endblock %}
> {% block content %}
> Welcome to So Easy! 学中文
> Showcase
> {% for item in item_list|slice:":3" %}
> {{ }}
> {% if item.photo_set.count %}
> {% else %}
> No Photos (yet)
> {% endif %}
> <% endfor %>

This line should be {% endfor %}.

> View the full list;
> {% endblock %}    #Error Here
> {% block footer %}
> I hope someone can help me. Thanks!
> --
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Re: Template Error: Invalid block tag: 'endblock', expected 'empty' or 'endfor'

2012-03-26 Thread Sam Lai
On 25 March 2012 11:56, Homer  wrote:
> I tried to create an index webpage but Django told me I had a template
> error:
> Invalid block tag: 'endblock', expected 'empty' or 'endfor'
> Here is the code of index.html:
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {% block title %}Home{% endblock %}
> {% block content %}
> Welcome to So Easy! 学中文
> Showcase
> {% for item in item_list|slice:":3" %}
> {{ }}
> {% if item.photo_set.count %}
> {% else %}
> No Photos (yet)
> {% endif %}
> <% endfor %>

This line should be {% endfor %}.

> View the full list;
> {% endblock %}    #Error Here
> {% block footer %}
> I hope someone can help me. Thanks!
> --
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Re: Multiple Choice Quiz

2012-03-26 Thread Babatunde Akinyanmi
Ok. Let me send you a gist about how I achieved mine to give you an idea.

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 4:46 PM, jbr3  wrote:

> Babatunde,
> Yes, that's basically the same idea. The questions would all be on the
> same page, however, and I wouldn't incorporate the time limit. But,
> that's mostly what I was thinking of.
> On Mar 24, 3:08 am, Babatunde Akinyanmi  wrote:
> > Hi jbr3,
> > Check
> > Is it similar to what you are working on?
> >
> > On 3/23/12, jbr3  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi again,
> >
> > > I've been trying to figure this out for awhile, but to no avail. I'll
> > > try to list the problems I've had in understanding it.
> >
> > > 1. I'm not sure what the file should look like.
> >
> > > Going by Shawn's model, would it be something like:
> >
> > > " class GuessForm(ModelForm):
> > >   class Meta:
> > >   model= Guess
> > >   exclude = ('user') "
> >
> > > This gives me a dropdown list of possible answers, but no form changes
> > > I've tried to make give me multiple radio buttons or multiple
> > > checkboxes. Have I selected the wrong model to make the modelform
> > > from ?
> >
> > > 2. I don't completely understand the concept of using Booleans. I've
> > > added admin functionality to the app so I can add questions and
> > > potential answers as well as select (using a checkbox) the correct
> > > response. Based on the model Shawn provided, selecting one of the
> > > checkboxes generated in admin makes that choice true and the others
> > > false. The user's answer needs to be compared against these, but I
> > > don't understand how I would achieve that. I assume I'm supposed to
> > > set this up in the form, but I can't get the radio buttons or
> > > checkboxes to work there. I can successfully submit an answer from the
> > > dropdown, but I still have no idea how it would be compared to the
> > > stored boolean value. Do I have to write more code for this ? And what
> > > would the best way be to retrieve it ?
> >
> > > Also, in the examples I've seen, BooleanField() in forms involves
> > > creating a list of choices in the form. But it doesn't seem like I
> > > would need such a thing if I'm just using radio buttons whose value
> > > will be checked against a changing option for each question. Yet I
> > > can't really see how an alternative approach would work.
> >
> > > 3. I don't know what the template should look like. It seems like I
> > > should be mixing the form fields with data passed directly from the
> > > model by using views. In my view, I've set
> > > "Question.objects.get(id=1)" to a variable. I've passed that to the
> > > template. But I've also used "{{ form.as_p }}". That gives me the
> > > possible answers that had been entered in the admin in the template.
> > > But, the answers aren't generated as radio buttons with text next to
> > > them. It seems like I would have to pass the actual text of the
> > > answers using views (setting "variable.answer_set.all()  to another
> > > variable and then passing it to the template) and then generate radio
> > > buttons some other way. When I generated the buttons in the template,
> > > though, the submission failed. I don't see how these could be checked
> > > against the boolean value stored for the right answer. And, like I
> > > said, I can't figure out how to make them work properly with the
> > > form.
> >
> > > I know I've asked this already, but is it possible for anyone to show
> > > some sample code so I can understand how this should be done using
> > > Shawn's models. I've been trying to get this for awhile now, but I
> > > still don't really understand it. I know there are about fifty
> > > different questions here, but if anyone could help out in any way it
> > > would be appreciated.
> >
> > > Thanks
> >
> > > On Mar 14, 11:36 pm, jbr3  wrote:
> > >> Can anyone help me with some questions I still have about this ? I
> > >> haven't had much experience with web programming, so trying to
> > >> understand this is kind of challenging.
> >
> > >> 1. I created the models Shawn suggested. And I'm now able to add a
> > >> question and possible answers to it in the admin area. Each possible
> > >> answer has a checkbox next to it with the "Correct" label from the
> > >> model. Does setting the correct response require anything more than
> > >> selecting the appropriate checkbox and saving the question ?
> >
> > >> 2. I still don't understand how I'm supposed to combine these three
> > >> models together in order to get the right output for the user. I've
> > >> been trying different approaches in, and my
> > >> template. But I can't really figure out how this should be set up. I
> > >> don't like to keep asking for such direct examples.
> > >> But would anyone be able to provide kind of an abstract view based on
> > >> the model Shawn provided.
> >
> > >> On Mar 11, 5:16 pm, jbr3  wrote:
> >
> > >> > Thanks for responding Shawn. I guess I was thinking that if I

Re: Multiple Choice Quiz

2012-03-26 Thread Babatunde Akinyanmi
The code is most likely buggy and might be insecure because I'm not really
sure if hackers can use radio buttons to submit malicious stuff.
The idea is using the model structure Shawn gave. I created a custom form
class which extracts some Question instances. Since Answers foreignKey to
Questions, the answers linked to each question can be retrieved. There is a
function that takes these Questions and its related Answers and then
outputs the html for the form such that the Answers are displayed as radio
buttons. If the custom form comes in with data from the request, the
customForm determines how many of them are correct. If you go through the
code you would see how the boolean in Answer can be used to determine the
correct answer.
We can talk about my fee later :D ;)
If you still have issues let me know.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Babatunde Akinyanmi

> Ok. Let me send you a gist about how I achieved mine to give you an idea.
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 4:46 PM, jbr3  wrote:
>> Babatunde,
>> Yes, that's basically the same idea. The questions would all be on the
>> same page, however, and I wouldn't incorporate the time limit. But,
>> that's mostly what I was thinking of.
>> On Mar 24, 3:08 am, Babatunde Akinyanmi  wrote:
>> > Hi jbr3,
>> > Check
>> > Is it similar to what you are working on?
>> >
>> > On 3/23/12, jbr3  wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > Hi again,
>> >
>> > > I've been trying to figure this out for awhile, but to no avail. I'll
>> > > try to list the problems I've had in understanding it.
>> >
>> > > 1. I'm not sure what the file should look like.
>> >
>> > > Going by Shawn's model, would it be something like:
>> >
>> > > " class GuessForm(ModelForm):
>> > >   class Meta:
>> > >   model= Guess
>> > >   exclude = ('user') "
>> >
>> > > This gives me a dropdown list of possible answers, but no form changes
>> > > I've tried to make give me multiple radio buttons or multiple
>> > > checkboxes. Have I selected the wrong model to make the modelform
>> > > from ?
>> >
>> > > 2. I don't completely understand the concept of using Booleans. I've
>> > > added admin functionality to the app so I can add questions and
>> > > potential answers as well as select (using a checkbox) the correct
>> > > response. Based on the model Shawn provided, selecting one of the
>> > > checkboxes generated in admin makes that choice true and the others
>> > > false. The user's answer needs to be compared against these, but I
>> > > don't understand how I would achieve that. I assume I'm supposed to
>> > > set this up in the form, but I can't get the radio buttons or
>> > > checkboxes to work there. I can successfully submit an answer from the
>> > > dropdown, but I still have no idea how it would be compared to the
>> > > stored boolean value. Do I have to write more code for this ? And what
>> > > would the best way be to retrieve it ?
>> >
>> > > Also, in the examples I've seen, BooleanField() in forms involves
>> > > creating a list of choices in the form. But it doesn't seem like I
>> > > would need such a thing if I'm just using radio buttons whose value
>> > > will be checked against a changing option for each question. Yet I
>> > > can't really see how an alternative approach would work.
>> >
>> > > 3. I don't know what the template should look like. It seems like I
>> > > should be mixing the form fields with data passed directly from the
>> > > model by using views. In my view, I've set
>> > > "Question.objects.get(id=1)" to a variable. I've passed that to the
>> > > template. But I've also used "{{ form.as_p }}". That gives me the
>> > > possible answers that had been entered in the admin in the template.
>> > > But, the answers aren't generated as radio buttons with text next to
>> > > them. It seems like I would have to pass the actual text of the
>> > > answers using views (setting "variable.answer_set.all()  to another
>> > > variable and then passing it to the template) and then generate radio
>> > > buttons some other way. When I generated the buttons in the template,
>> > > though, the submission failed. I don't see how these could be checked
>> > > against the boolean value stored for the right answer. And, like I
>> > > said, I can't figure out how to make them work properly with the
>> > > form.
>> >
>> > > I know I've asked this already, but is it possible for anyone to show
>> > > some sample code so I can understand how this should be done using
>> > > Shawn's models. I've been trying to get this for awhile now, but I
>> > > still don't really understand it. I know there are about fifty
>> > > different questions here, but if anyone could help out in any way it
>> > > would be appreciated.
>> >
>> > > Thanks
>> >
>> > > On Mar 14, 11:36 pm, jbr3  wrote:
>> > >> Can anyone help me with some questions I still have about this ? I
>> > >> haven't had much experience with web programming, so trying t

De-serialization of ManyToManyField

2012-03-26 Thread sk

I have searched high and low to an answer to this, but have been
unable too turn anything up. Apologies if I have overlooked an answer
or explanation elsewhere.

I have set up a very simple model as follows:
from django.db import models
class TestManager(models.Manager):
def get_by_natural_key(self, name):
return self.get(name=name,)

class Test(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length = 100, unique = True)
date = models.DateField()

def __unicode__(self):

def natural_key(self):
return (

class InstanceManager(models.Manager):
def get_by_natural_key(self, name):
return self.get(name=name,)

class Instance(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length = 100, unique = True)
test = models.ManyToManyField(Test)
date = models.DateField()

def __unicode__(self):

def natural_key(self):
return (

looking at the admin interface I am able to add a couple of
'tests' (test 1 and test 2). I am then able to add an instance which
is linked to both test 1 and test 2. If I dump the data to YAML format
then I get the following (for the two tables in question):

- fields: {date: 2012-03-26, name: test 1}
  model: TempDB.test
  pk: 1
- fields: {date: 2012-03-26, name: test 2}
  model: TempDB.test
  pk: 2
- fields:
date: 2012-03-26
name: Instance 1
test: [test 1, test 2]
  model: TempDB.instance
  pk: 1

This is roughly what I would expect to see, although the documentation
does not explicitly state that a manytomany serialization will be a
multi-element list, it seems to be a reasonable assumption.

When I try to perform a loaddata with this output (and after manually
deleting the tables from the admin interface, to be sure). I get the
following error:

Problem installing fixture '/home//workspace/THMDB/THMDB/TempDB/
fixtures/test.yaml': Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.4-py2.7.egg/
django/core/management/commands/", line 190, in handle
for obj in objects:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Django-1.4-py2.7.egg/
django/core/serializers/", line 62, in Deserializer
raise DeserializationError(e)
DeserializationError: [u"'test 1' value must be an integer."]

What exactly have I done wrong? I suspect I have made an error in
defining the managers. I have defined two as I planned to link too
instances from another table. I left in the definition in case it is
the cause of the error. However it still does the same thing if I
comment it out.

I am running Django 1.4 on python 2.7 under Ubuntu 11.10.

Many thanks for your help.


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Re: Tweepy Status Error

2012-03-26 Thread Amit
In the example given in doc of tweepy, the process_status is a user
defined method. You have to define this method.
Its just a reference given. Define a method process_status and do
whatever you want to do with status.

On Mar 26, 3:57 am, coded kid  wrote:
> Hi guys, I been trying to iterate over status, but I’m getting this
> error:
> Traceback :
>      File “”, line 2, in 
> NameError: name ‘process_status’ is not defined.
> Below is the codes:
> from tweepy import Cursor
> for status in Cursor(api.user_timeline).items():
>     process_status(status)
> What I’m I doing wrong? Thanks!

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Re: Pip install matplotlib error with virtualenv

2012-03-26 Thread Reinout van Rees

On 23-03-12 22:01, darwin_tech wrote:

Yes, that is true. I set the virtualenv with --no-site-packages as I
want a reproducible environment for my Django project. This should not
mean that I cannot install matplotlib within the virtualenv though, surely?

You can install matplotlib just fine in your virtualenv, but with one 
prerequisite: all necessary libraries and header files must be available 
for pip to be able to compile matplotlib.

This compiling-and-grabbing-headers stuff is already handled for you by 
your OS and now you'll have to do it yourself. Which is fine, but it 
*does* mean you must have all xyz-devel packages installed.

An alternative is to keep your global python clean and only install 
specific packages with your OS that are best handled by the OS. Don't 
"pip install" other stuff by hand.


Reinout van Rees
"If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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Re: philosophy behind sites and applications in Django

2012-03-26 Thread Reinout van Rees

On 26-03-12 02:21, Jojo wrote:

Hi guys, I'm new in Django (I started with the 1.3 and now I'm playing
with the 1.4) and I'd like to understand better the phylosophy behind
the concepts of sites and applications.
Ok a site can contain multiple applications and an application can live
in many sites, that's simple.


For me a site is like a "container" of applications and every
application accomplish a particular job just like manage polls, articles
and so on. But a site must have its own graphic style, and in particular
common parts, just like user management.

How do you handle these "trasversal" (common) components?
For example, is it possible to define a css at site level? How to deal
with user management and other commont funcionalities?

You're right, a site is a container of applications and an application 
should do one thing and one thing only.

Normally, you don't want your site to contain applications and at the 
same time have those applications inherit from your site's main template 
or so.

But... django sticks all the templates/ and static/ directories of all 
apps and sites together. So nothing stops you from sticking a very basic 
base template in every app ("yourapp/templates/base.html") with just a 
sidebar and main content block or so. You can have your apps use that.

In your site, you provide the real "yoursite/templates/base.html", which 
will win because your site is higher up in the INSTALLED_APPS list. 
Stuff that one full with the real layout and css, but keep providing the 
sidebar and content block (or whatever you need).

Alternative: just make templates in the apps and customize them in the 
site. Not as nice imho.

ALternative: start a base UI app that just provides a layout. Use that 
in the apps.


Reinout van Rees
"If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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Much the same code, different businesses

2012-03-26 Thread Nick Mellor
Hi all,

I'm wanting the same code to run many fairly simple, near-identical
websites. That's the bottom line.

I've had a look through the group archives and found a couple of

My planned application serves small grocery businesses taking orders
and making weekly home deliveries for their customers. It is planned
to serve a large number of small businesses (<10 staff each, no of
businesses potentially in the 1000s). They are all small retailers
with a need for their own domain name, their own "look", their own
(broadly similar but different) data, their own Admin console and
their own stationery (mainly invoicing.) But the Django code running
each will be near-identical.


Is there one, and only one, obvious way to do it in Django?

What is that way?

Databases (PostgreSQL.) Would you:

(i) separate the database for each business
(ii) use a StoreId in all queries or
(iii) implement row-level permissions to restrict access to data?

Any other comments?

Best wishes,


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Re: myproject/ vs. myproject.wsgi?

2012-03-26 Thread Reinout van Rees

On 25-03-12 08:04, Micky Hulse wrote:


This is is probably a silly question, but...

I just installed a fresh copy ofDjango 1.4 (mod_wsgi 3.3/Python 2.7)
on my WebFaction server.

In 1.3, the command startproject (IIRC) generated a myproject.wsgi
that lived next to myporject folder.

In the 1.4 installer, the wsgi file is no longer generated and there's
the new myproject/ file.

I have read the docs (and Googled around a little bit) but I don't
fully understand does.

In 1.3, there was no wsgi file. So either you added it yourself or 
webfaction automatically adds it.

1.4 started adding that file. It should be a drop-in replacement 
for the one you have now, basically.

(Only thing to watch out for: hardcodes, so if you 
want to use a or so you should take a good hard look).


Reinout van Rees
"If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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Re: Custom option for Model Meta Options

2012-03-26 Thread akaariai
On Mar 26, 12:26 pm, Roman Klesel  wrote:
> Hello,
> in my App I would like some Models to accept some custom Meta options like 
> this:
> class MyModel(models.Model)
>   name = models.CharField(...)
>   other = models.CharField(...)
>   more = models.CharField(...)
>   class Meta:
>     db_table = "my_table"
>     custom_option = True

I think there are three steps to do this:
 1. Create a subclass of models.base.ModelBase (called OwnModelBase
for this example)
 2. Override methods you want to customize.
 3. Model definition:
class MyModel(models.Model):
__metaclass__ = OwnModelBase

I think that should work, although I haven't tested this. For examples
transmeta has an overridden metaclass, so you can check what they do

 - Anssi

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How to adjust grid in Django Admin Forms

2012-03-26 Thread Steven
I've just created a model in Django and want to use the admin form to
enter information for it. The problem I'm having is that my field
names are so long that they overlap the edit boxes where their values
are to be entered.

If one follows the tutorial in the Django website, it's as if the
label "Question:" overlapped the edit box where one was supposed to
enter a question.

The file "fieldset.html" in the /admin/includes sub-directory seems to
have the relevant code:

{% if %}{{ }} - Foo Test{%
endif %}
{% for line in fieldset %}

  {% for field in line %}

   {{ field.label_tag }}{{ field.field }}

{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

What I can't figure out is how to allocate more space to
{{ field.label_tag }}, so that it is not covered up by
{{ field.label_tag }}.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: How to adjust grid in Django Admin Forms

2012-03-26 Thread akaariai
On Mar 26, 4:53 pm, Steven  wrote:
> I've just created a model in Django and want to use the admin form to
> enter information for it. The problem I'm having is that my field
> names are so long that they overlap the edit boxes where their values
> are to be entered.
> If one follows the tutorial in the Django website, it's as if the
> label "Question:" overlapped the edit box where one was supposed to
> enter a question.
> The file "fieldset.html" in the /admin/includes sub-directory seems to
> have the relevant code:
>     {% if %}{{ }} - Foo Test{%
> endif %}
>     {% for line in fieldset %}
>               {% for field in line %}
>                    {{ field.label_tag }}{{ field.field }}
>             {% endfor %}
>     {% endfor %}
> What I can't figure out is how to allocate more space to
> {{ field.label_tag }}, so that it is not covered up by
> {{ field.label_tag }}.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Using firebug I spotted this css for the label tag (Django 1.2
installation, might be different in more recent versions):
.aligned label {
display: block;
float: left;
padding: 3px 10px 0 0;
width: 8em;

So, you would probably want to override that (the width, especially)
in a custom css file. The documentation should contain the details of
how to do that.

 - Anssi

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Re: Sending data to the server

2012-03-26 Thread drk
Yea, that was it.
Also changing the url to just '/logout'


I'm having other problem now, the data that is getting sent to the 
javascript code from the server is json data, but the quote symbol " is 
returned as "
and so I get an error when trying to parse it.

Segunda-feira, 26 de Março de 2012 08h16min49s UTC+1, jim escreveu:
> Do you have CSRF protection enabled?
> It will 403 POST requests unless they have the right token.
> Jim
> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:24 PM, drk  wrote:
> > Hi, so I have a application that works offline (with localStorage),
> > and now I'm trying to get it to work in a server.
> >
> > I'm having a problem sending the data to server, I'm using jquery:
> >
> > $.ajax({
> >
> >type: 'POST',
> >url: 'http://mysite.aa/logout/',
> >data: JSON.stringify( stuff ),
> >contentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
> >complete: function() { console.log('complete'); }
> > });
> >
> > and I get a 403 error.
> >
> > In chrome's console:
> >
> > POST http://mysite.aa/logout/ 403 (FORBIDDEN)
> > XHR finished loading: "http://myserver.aa/logout/";
> >
> > In server:
> > [25/Mar/2012 17:20:43] "POST /logout/ HTTP/1.1" 403 2282
> >
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "Django users" group.
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> >

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Re: Sending data to the server

2012-03-26 Thread drk
Just to rephrase it, I'm setting the data through a variable in a django 
template, maybe that's not the best way to do it, I guess. 

Segunda-feira, 26 de Março de 2012 16h23min15s UTC+1, drk escreveu:
> Yea, that was it.
> Also changing the url to just '/logout'
> Thanks!
> I'm having other problem now, the data that is getting sent to the 
> javascript code from the server is json data, but the quote symbol " is 
> returned as "
> and so I get an error when trying to parse it.
> Segunda-feira, 26 de Março de 2012 08h16min49s UTC+1, jim escreveu:
>> Do you have CSRF protection enabled?
>> It will 403 POST requests unless they have the right token.
>> Jim
>> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:24 PM, drk  wrote:
>> > Hi, so I have a application that works offline (with localStorage),
>> > and now I'm trying to get it to work in a server.
>> >
>> > I'm having a problem sending the data to server, I'm using jquery:
>> >
>> > $.ajax({
>> >
>> >type: 'POST',
>> >url: 'http://mysite.aa/logout/',
>> >data: JSON.stringify( stuff ),
>> >contentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
>> >complete: function() { console.log('complete'); }
>> > });
>> >
>> > and I get a 403 error.
>> >
>> > In chrome's console:
>> >
>> > POST http://mysite.aa/logout/ 403 (FORBIDDEN)
>> > XHR finished loading: "http://myserver.aa/logout/";
>> >
>> > In server:
>> > [25/Mar/2012 17:20:43] "POST /logout/ HTTP/1.1" 403 2282
>> >
>> >
>> > Any ideas?
>> >
>> > --
>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "Django users" group.
>> > To post to this group, send email to
>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> > For more options, visit this group at 
>> >

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Re: How to adjust grid in Django Admin Forms

2012-03-26 Thread Steven
I tried changing width from 8em to 16em in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/
dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin/css/forms.css in the
two places where it appeared:

.aligned label{
  display: bloack;
  padding: 3px 10px 0 0;
  float: left;
  width: 8em;


.inline-group .aligned-label{
  width: 8em;

but to no avail. Is there someplace else I should be looking??
On Mar 26, 10:21 am, akaariai  wrote:
> On Mar 26, 4:53 pm, Steven  wrote:
> > I've just created a model in Django and want to use the admin form to
> > enter information for it. The problem I'm having is that my field
> > names are so long that they overlap the edit boxes where their values
> > are to be entered.
> > If one follows the tutorial in the Django website, it's as if the
> > label "Question:" overlapped the edit box where one was supposed to
> > enter a question.
> > The file "fieldset.html" in the /admin/includes sub-directory seems to
> > have the relevant code:
> > 
> >     {% if %}{{ }} - Foo Test{%
> > endif %}
> >     {% for line in fieldset %}
> >         
> >               {% for field in line %}
> >                 
> >                    {{ field.label_tag }}{{ field.field }}
> >                 
> >             {% endfor %}
> >         
> >     {% endfor %}
> > 
> > What I can't figure out is how to allocate more space to
> > {{ field.label_tag }}, so that it is not covered up by
> > {{ field.label_tag }}.
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> Using firebug I spotted this css for the label tag (Django 1.2
> installation, might be different in more recent versions):
> .aligned label {
>     display: block;
>     float: left;
>     padding: 3px 10px 0 0;
>     width: 8em;
> }
> So, you would probably want to override that (the width, especially)
> in a custom css file. The documentation should contain the details of
> how to do that.
>  - Anssi

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Authentication and Modeling question.

2012-03-26 Thread Lee Hinde
I'm working on a rewrite of an app that has three categories of users
and I'm wondering about the best way to link them to the
authentication system:

In-House Staff.
Customers who interact via the app.

The in-house staff model doesn't store any address info. Contractor
and Customer have some common attributes  (address, phone number,
email, etc.) but they have completely different relationships to the
rest of the system.

In the current version I have discrete models for each type and I
manually maintain a link to the equivalent of the user profile table.
But I don't have model inheritance available in the current system.

My question is, do you have any general advice for this and how would
you link it to the existing Auth system, or is there a 3rd party auth
system that you'd recommend I look at.


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Re: Multiple Choice Quiz

2012-03-26 Thread jbr3
Thank you for taking the time to help Babatunde; it's very much

On Mar 26, 7:00 am, Babatunde Akinyanmi  wrote:
> jbr3,
> The code is most likely buggy and might be insecure because I'm not really
> sure if hackers can use radio buttons to submit malicious stuff.
> The idea is using the model structure Shawn gave. I created a custom form
> class which extracts some Question instances. Since Answers foreignKey to
> Questions, the answers linked to each question can be retrieved. There is a
> function that takes these Questions and its related Answers and then
> outputs the html for the form such that the Answers are displayed as radio
> buttons. If the custom form comes in with data from the request, the
> customForm determines how many of them are correct. If you go through the
> code you would see how the boolean in Answer can be used to determine the
> correct answer.
> We can talk about my fee later :D ;)
> If you still have issues let me know.
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Babatunde Akinyanmi
> wrote:
> > Ok. Let me send you a gist about how I achieved mine to give you an idea.
> > On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 4:46 PM, jbr3  wrote:
> >> Babatunde,
> >> Yes, that's basically the same idea. The questions would all be on the
> >> same page, however, and I wouldn't incorporate the time limit. But,
> >> that's mostly what I was thinking of.
> >> On Mar 24, 3:08 am, Babatunde Akinyanmi  wrote:
> >> > Hi jbr3,
> >> > Check
> >> > Is it similar to what you are working on?
> >> > On 3/23/12, jbr3  wrote:
> >> > > Hi again,
> >> > > I've been trying to figure this out for awhile, but to no avail. I'll
> >> > > try to list the problems I've had in understanding it.
> >> > > 1. I'm not sure what the file should look like.
> >> > > Going by Shawn's model, would it be something like:
> >> > > " class GuessForm(ModelForm):
> >> > >       class Meta:
> >> > >           model= Guess
> >> > >           exclude = ('user')     "
> >> > > This gives me a dropdown list of possible answers, but no form changes
> >> > > I've tried to make give me multiple radio buttons or multiple
> >> > > checkboxes. Have I selected the wrong model to make the modelform
> >> > > from ?
> >> > > 2. I don't completely understand the concept of using Booleans. I've
> >> > > added admin functionality to the app so I can add questions and
> >> > > potential answers as well as select (using a checkbox) the correct
> >> > > response. Based on the model Shawn provided, selecting one of the
> >> > > checkboxes generated in admin makes that choice true and the others
> >> > > false. The user's answer needs to be compared against these, but I
> >> > > don't understand how I would achieve that. I assume I'm supposed to
> >> > > set this up in the form, but I can't get the radio buttons or
> >> > > checkboxes to work there. I can successfully submit an answer from the
> >> > > dropdown, but I still have no idea how it would be compared to the
> >> > > stored boolean value. Do I have to write more code for this ? And what
> >> > > would the best way be to retrieve it ?
> >> > > Also, in the examples I've seen, BooleanField() in forms involves
> >> > > creating a list of choices in the form. But it doesn't seem like I
> >> > > would need such a thing if I'm just using radio buttons whose value
> >> > > will be checked against a changing option for each question. Yet I
> >> > > can't really see how an alternative approach would work.
> >> > > 3. I don't know what the template should look like. It seems like I
> >> > > should be mixing the form fields with data passed directly from the
> >> > > model by using views. In my view, I've set
> >> > > "Question.objects.get(id=1)" to a variable. I've passed that to the
> >> > > template. But I've also used "{{ form.as_p }}". That gives me the
> >> > > possible answers that had been entered in the admin in the template.
> >> > > But, the answers aren't generated as radio buttons with text next to
> >> > > them. It seems like I would have to pass the actual text of the
> >> > > answers using views (setting "variable.answer_set.all()  to another
> >> > > variable and then passing it to the template) and then generate radio
> >> > > buttons some other way. When I generated the buttons in the template,
> >> > > though, the submission failed. I don't see how these could be checked
> >> > > against the boolean value stored for the right answer. And, like I
> >> > > said, I can't figure out how to make them work properly with the
> >> > > form.
> >> > > I know I've asked this already, but is it possible for anyone to show
> >> > > some sample code so I can understand how this should be done using
> >> > > Shawn's models. I've been trying to get this for awhile now, but I
> >> > > still don't really understand it. I know there are about fifty
> >> > > different questions here, but if anyone could help out in any way it
> >

Re: Adding link to admin page

2012-03-26 Thread
On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Larry Martell  wrote:
> I have a client that has an app built with django. On every page of
> their app is a link to their admin site. They tell me the admin site
> is generated entirely by django, and they've never customized it
> before. On the very first line of the admin page it says:
> Django administration          Welcome, admin. Change password / Log out
> They want me to add a link to that line, to the left of "Django
> administration" that will take them back to the page they were on when
> they clicked on the link to get them to the admin site.
> So I have 2 issues here:
> 1) How do I override that line to add the link? It appears that page
> is generated by contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, and I tried
> to override it by following the directions 
> at,
> but whatever I do seems to have no effect.
> 2) How can I get the link of the page of the app they came from? It's
> not simply just going back one page, as they could have navigated all
> over the place of the admin site before clicking the "Back to app"
> link.
> Thanks!
> -larry

Is there anyone that can provide some assistance with overriding
base_site.html? I copied django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/
base_site.html to my projects's templates/admin dir, but changes to it
are not getting picked up. I also tried adding that to TEMPLATE_DIRS
(there was nothing in it before). In urlpatterns I have: (r'^admin/',
include( - does that need to change?

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Re: Adding link to admin page

2012-03-26 Thread Mike Dewhirst

On 27/03/2012 9:16am, wrote:

On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Larry Martell  wrote:

I have a client that has an app built with django. On every page of
their app is a link to their admin site. They tell me the admin site
is generated entirely by django, and they've never customized it
before. On the very first line of the admin page it says:

Django administration  Welcome, admin. Change password / Log out

They want me to add a link to that line, to the left of "Django
administration" that will take them back to the page they were on when
they clicked on the link to get them to the admin site.

So I have 2 issues here:

1) How do I override that line to add the link? It appears that page
is generated by contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, and I tried
to override it by following the directions 
but whatever I do seems to have no effect.

2) How can I get the link of the page of the app they came from? It's
not simply just going back one page, as they could have navigated all
over the place of the admin site before clicking the "Back to app"


Is there anyone that can provide some assistance with overriding
base_site.html? I copied django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/
base_site.html to my projects's templates/admin dir, but changes to it
are not getting picked up. I also tried adding that to TEMPLATE_DIRS
(there was nothing in it before). In urlpatterns I have: (r'^admin/',
include( - does that need to change?


Basically, django uses the first template it finds so if it finds the 
"real" one in site-packages first, it stops looking. Try reversing the 
sequence of loaders in your


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Re: myproject/ vs. myproject.wsgi?

2012-03-26 Thread Micky Hulse
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:14 AM, Reinout van Rees  wrote:
> In 1.3, there was no wsgi file. So either you added it yourself or
> webfaction automatically adds it.
> 1.4 started adding that file. It should be a drop-in replacement for
> the one you have now, basically.
> (Only thing to watch out for: hardcodes, so if you want
> to use a or so you should take a good hard look).

Thank you Reinout! I really appreciate the explanation. :)

I will use the as a replacement and see how it goes.

Much appreciated. Have a great day!


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Re: Adding link to admin page

2012-03-26 Thread Larry Martell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Mike Dewhirst  wrote:
> On 27/03/2012 9:16am, wrote:
>> On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Larry Martell  wrote:
>>> I have a client that has an app built with django. On every page of
>>> their app is a link to their admin site. They tell me the admin site
>>> is generated entirely by django, and they've never customized it
>>> before. On the very first line of the admin page it says:
>>> Django administration          Welcome, admin. Change password / Log out
>>> They want me to add a link to that line, to the left of "Django
>>> administration" that will take them back to the page they were on when
>>> they clicked on the link to get them to the admin site.
>>> So I have 2 issues here:
>>> 1) How do I override that line to add the link? It appears that page
>>> is generated by contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, and I tried
>>> to override it by following the directions
>>> at,
>>> but whatever I do seems to have no effect.
>>> 2) How can I get the link of the page of the app they came from? It's
>>> not simply just going back one page, as they could have navigated all
>>> over the place of the admin site before clicking the "Back to app"
>>> link.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -larry
>> Is there anyone that can provide some assistance with overriding
>> base_site.html? I copied django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/
>> base_site.html to my projects's templates/admin dir, but changes to it
>> are not getting picked up. I also tried adding that to TEMPLATE_DIRS
>> (there was nothing in it before). In urlpatterns I have: (r'^admin/',
>> include( - does that need to change?
> Check
> Basically, django uses the first template it finds so if it finds the "real"
> one in site-packages first, it stops looking. Try reversing the sequence of
> loaders in your

Thanks. Perhaps that's related to the problem. TEMPLATE_LOADERS has this:


Where the first entry is a custom template loader that doesn't appear
to know how to load something from my apps templates/admin dir. Are
the other 2 entries 'standard' loaders that would look for my
base_site.html (since I put full path to it in TEMPLATE_DIRS)?

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Re: Much the same code, different businesses

2012-03-26 Thread Doug Ballance
There are a few choices that I'm familiar with.

1) Create a separate project/settings file for each of your stores,
overriding templates as needed by placing assigning a template path
for the project.  I think this is pretty much the recommended way to
do things, especially if the number of sites are reasonably small.  It
offers great data isolation (using a different database for each), and
it allows you to use all kinds of django apps and plugins.  For mass
hosting, this is going to require more resources since you'll have
workers for each site rather than a shared pool of workers.

2) Do some 'strange things', such as changing database or schema on a
per-request basis using threadlocals and a middleware. This offers
much of the capability of 1, but there may be compatibility issues
(module level caching for example) and tricky foreignkey
That post, and some of the comments will probably be of interest to

2) Do your own multi-tenant user setup.  There isn't anything built in
for this, and as a result you lose a lot of the built in functionality
like the admin as well as any hope of using user aware third-party
apps.  This is the way I ended up going.  We use a custom template
loader/middleware to check for site specific templates, site specific
caching, and a custom siteuser/site framework.  All data is stored in
the same database, with ownership linked back to the custom siteusers/
sites and permission checking related to the views.  We keep the
django user and sites framework as well, but use it/the admin for
administration use only.  This is the most complicated path, but I
think the advantages make it worth it for a large number of sites. We
can add sites using an admin interface, and use fewer resources since
caching and workers are all shared.

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User/UserProfile Queryset problem

2012-03-26 Thread bcrem
Hello Django Nerds!

So I have a (somewhat) complicated lookup I'm trying to do; here's the
gist of it:

  1.  I have a Store class, with a User ManyToManyField, Store.users
  2.  I have a user profile class associated with each user,
UserProfile, accessible through the usual User.get_profile()
  3.  UserProfile has a status variable, UserProfile.status, which can
be 'Active', 'Inactive', or 'Deleted'

I'm trying to display a list of users for a particular store;
currently I generate this list using the following line:

   userList = request.session['currentStore'].users.all()

Works great; however, now I'd like to filter out all users with a
status of 'Deleted'.  Now, if status were a User attribute, I could
just try this:

   userList =

or something similar.

THE PROBLEM:  How do I generate this no-deleted-users list for the
given store, using the ManyToManyField Store.users, but based on the
store.users UserProfile.status?  I know there's some kinky django
black magic reverse-lookup way to do it in a single magnificent
line...just haven't a clue what it might be.  Ideas?

First person with the right answer: thank you - please treat yourself
to a donut...

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Re: Adding link to admin page

2012-03-26 Thread Mike Dewhirst

On 27/03/2012 10:16am, Larry Martell wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Mike Dewhirst  wrote:

On 27/03/2012 9:16am, wrote:

On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Larry Martellwrote:

I have a client that has an app built with django. On every page of
their app is a link to their admin site. They tell me the admin site
is generated entirely by django, and they've never customized it
before. On the very first line of the admin page it says:

Django administration  Welcome, admin. Change password / Log out

They want me to add a link to that line, to the left of "Django
administration" that will take them back to the page they were on when
they clicked on the link to get them to the admin site.

So I have 2 issues here:

1) How do I override that line to add the link? It appears that page
is generated by contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, and I tried
to override it by following the directions
but whatever I do seems to have no effect.

2) How can I get the link of the page of the app they came from? It's
not simply just going back one page, as they could have navigated all
over the place of the admin site before clicking the "Back to app"


Is there anyone that can provide some assistance with overriding
base_site.html? I copied django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/
base_site.html to my projects's templates/admin dir, but changes to it
are not getting picked up. I also tried adding that to TEMPLATE_DIRS
(there was nothing in it before). In urlpatterns I have: (r'^admin/',
include( - does that need to change?


Basically, django uses the first template it finds so if it finds the "real"
one in site-packages first, it stops looking. Try reversing the sequence of
loaders in your

Thanks. Perhaps that's related to the problem. TEMPLATE_LOADERS has this:


Where the first entry is a custom template loader that doesn't appear
to know how to load something from my apps templates/admin dir. Are
the other 2 entries 'standard' loaders that would look for my
base_site.html (since I put full path to it in TEMPLATE_DIRS)?

Here is mine ...


... it looks like your is using the template API 
load_template_source() for some reason. If you didn't do that yourself, 
I'd suggest you experiment by putting my two Loaders ahead of your three 
and see what happens.

Good luck


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Re: Adding link to admin page

2012-03-26 Thread Larry Martell
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Mike Dewhirst  wrote:
> On 27/03/2012 10:16am, Larry Martell wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Mike Dewhirst
>>  wrote:
>>> On 27/03/2012 9:16am, wrote:

 On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Larry Martell    wrote:
> I have a client that has an app built with django. On every page of
> their app is a link to their admin site. They tell me the admin site
> is generated entirely by django, and they've never customized it
> before. On the very first line of the admin page it says:
> Django administration          Welcome, admin. Change password / Log
> out
> They want me to add a link to that line, to the left of "Django
> administration" that will take them back to the page they were on when
> they clicked on the link to get them to the admin site.
> So I have 2 issues here:
> 1) How do I override that line to add the link? It appears that page
> is generated by contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, and I tried
> to override it by following the directions
> at,
> but whatever I do seems to have no effect.
> 2) How can I get the link of the page of the app they came from? It's
> not simply just going back one page, as they could have navigated all
> over the place of the admin site before clicking the "Back to app"
> link.
> Thanks!
> -larry

 Is there anyone that can provide some assistance with overriding
 base_site.html? I copied django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/
 base_site.html to my projects's templates/admin dir, but changes to it
 are not getting picked up. I also tried adding that to TEMPLATE_DIRS
 (there was nothing in it before). In urlpatterns I have: (r'^admin/',
 include( - does that need to change?
>>> Check
>>> Basically, django uses the first template it finds so if it finds the
>>> "real"
>>> one in site-packages first, it stops looking. Try reversing the sequence
>>> of
>>> loaders in your
>> Thanks. Perhaps that's related to the problem. TEMPLATE_LOADERS has this:
>>     'appmngr.load_app_template',
>>     'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source',
>>     'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source',
>> )
>> Where the first entry is a custom template loader that doesn't appear
>> to know how to load something from my apps templates/admin dir. Are
>> the other 2 entries 'standard' loaders that would look for my
>> base_site.html (since I put full path to it in TEMPLATE_DIRS)?
> Here is mine ...
>    'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',
>    'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader',
> ... it looks like your is using the template API
> load_template_source() for some reason. If you didn't do that yourself, I'd
> suggest you experiment by putting my two Loaders ahead of your three and see
> what happens.

No, I didn't set any of this up. It's an existing app, and I'm new to
both the job and to django. There's only one other developer working
on the project, and he's part time and doesn't always respond to my

In any case, I tried that and it had no effect. Thanks for trying.


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Re: Adding link to admin page

2012-03-26 Thread Mike Dewhirst


Here is a working setup ...

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# # #

# if templates are not found here look in app_name/templates
os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'templates/').replace('\\','/'),

# List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources.
# filesystem ahead of app_directories looks in project before django

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# # # # #

... where SRC_ROOT is the directory containing

So my templates directory seems much the same as yours like this ...


... and inside base_site.html I have ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
{% extends "admin/base.html" %}
{# admin/base.html is in 
site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin #}

{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{{ title }} | {% trans 'Ssds' %}{% endblock %}
{% block extrastyle %}{% endblock %}
{% block branding %}
{% trans '";>MyProj 
Administration' %}

{% endblock %}
{% block nav-global %}{% endblock %}
{% block extrahead %}{% endblock %}
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

... and you can see where I tested a link inside {% block branding %} 
and I can confirm it works.



On 27/03/2012 12:46pm, Larry Martell wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Mike Dewhirst  wrote:

On 27/03/2012 10:16am, Larry Martell wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Mike Dewhirst

On 27/03/2012 9:16am, wrote:

On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Larry Martell  wrote:

I have a client that has an app built with django. On every page of
their app is a link to their admin site. They tell me the admin site
is generated entirely by django, and they've never customized it
before. On the very first line of the admin page it says:

Django administration  Welcome, admin. Change password / Log

They want me to add a link to that line, to the left of "Django
administration" that will take them back to the page they were on when
they clicked on the link to get them to the admin site.

So I have 2 issues here:

1) How do I override that line to add the link? It appears that page
is generated by contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, and I tried
to override it by following the directions

but whatever I do seems to have no effect.

2) How can I get the link of the page of the app they came from? It's
not simply just going back one page, as they could have navigated all
over the place of the admin site before clicking the "Back to app"


Is there anyone that can provide some assistance with overriding
base_site.html? I copied django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/
base_site.html to my projects's templates/admin dir, but changes to it
are not getting picked up. I also tried adding that to TEMPLATE_DIRS
(there was nothing in it before). In urlpatterns I have: (r'^admin/',
include( - does that need to change?


Basically, django uses the first template it finds so if it finds the
one in site-packages first, it stops looking. Try reversing the sequence
loaders in your

Thanks. Perhaps that's related to the problem. TEMPLATE_LOADERS has this:


Where the first entry is a custom template loader that doesn't appear
to know how to load something from my apps templates/admin dir. Are
the other 2 entries 'standard' loaders that would look for my
base_site.html (since I put full path to it in TEMPLATE_DIRS)?

Here is mine ...


... it looks like your is using the template API
load_template_source() for some reason. If you didn't do that yourself, I'd
suggest you experiment by putting my two Loaders ahead of your three and see
what happens.

No, I didn't set any of this up. It's an existing app, and I'm new to
both the job and to django. There's only one other developer working
on the project, and he's part time and doesn't always respond to my

In any case, I tried that and it had no effec

Re: Adding link to admin page

2012-03-26 Thread Mike Dewhirst
I should have mentioned that {% extends "admin/base.html" %} is actually 
extending the django admin/base.html in site-packages because there is 
no such file in my SRC_ROOT/templates/admin directory.


On 27/03/2012 2:19pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:


Here is a working setup ...

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # #
# if templates are not found here look in app_name/templates
os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'templates/').replace('\\','/'),

# List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources.
# filesystem ahead of app_directories looks in project before django

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # #

... where SRC_ROOT is the directory containing

So my templates directory seems much the same as yours like this ...


... and inside base_site.html I have ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
{% extends "admin/base.html" %}
{# admin/base.html is in
site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin #}
{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{{ title }} | {% trans 'Ssds' %}{% endblock %}
{% block extrastyle %}{% endblock %}
{% block branding %}
{% trans '";>MyProj
Administration' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block nav-global %}{% endblock %}
{% block extrahead %}{% endblock %}
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

... and you can see where I tested a link inside {% block branding %}
and I can confirm it works.



On 27/03/2012 12:46pm, Larry Martell wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Mike Dewhirst

On 27/03/2012 10:16am, Larry Martell wrote:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Mike Dewhirst

On 27/03/2012 9:16am, wrote:

On Mar 25, 3:29 pm, Larry Martell wrote:

I have a client that has an app built with django. On every page of
their app is a link to their admin site. They tell me the admin site
is generated entirely by django, and they've never customized it
before. On the very first line of the admin page it says:

Django administration Welcome, admin. Change password / Log

They want me to add a link to that line, to the left of "Django
administration" that will take them back to the page they were on
they clicked on the link to get them to the admin site.

So I have 2 issues here:

1) How do I override that line to add the link? It appears that page
is generated by contrib/admin/templates/admin/base.html, and I tried
to override it by following the directions


but whatever I do seems to have no effect.

2) How can I get the link of the page of the app they came from?
not simply just going back one page, as they could have navigated
over the place of the admin site before clicking the "Back to app"


Is there anyone that can provide some assistance with overriding
base_site.html? I copied django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/
base_site.html to my projects's templates/admin dir, but changes
to it
are not getting picked up. I also tried adding that to TEMPLATE_DIRS
(there was nothing in it before). In urlpatterns I have: (r'^admin/',
include( - does that need to change?


Basically, django uses the first template it finds so if it finds the
one in site-packages first, it stops looking. Try reversing the
loaders in your

Thanks. Perhaps that's related to the problem. TEMPLATE_LOADERS has


Where the first entry is a custom template loader that doesn't appear
to know how to load something from my apps templates/admin dir. Are
the other 2 entries 'standard' loaders that would look for my
base_site.html (since I put full path to it in TEMPLATE_DIRS)?

Here is mine ...


... it looks like your is using the template API
load_template_source() for some reason. If you didn't do that
yourself, I'd
suggest you experiment by putting my two Loaders ahead of your three
and see
what happens.

No, I didn't set any of this up. It's an existing app, and I'm new to
both the job and to django. T

Adding 'extra_context' variable to Class-based views

2012-03-26 Thread Kevin
Now that Django 1.4 is among us, function-based generic views are really 
being phased out, and for those who use 'extra_context', but dislike the 
method used implement it:

class MyListView(ListView):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(MyListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
'foo': 42,
'bar': 37
return context

Have a look at my tutorial on how to implement something similar to Django 1.2 
and below to ease migration.  This is mainly useful if you use one shot 
'extra_contexts' in a generic view, this tutorial will allow this in your


Hope it helps people on the migration path to Django 1.4.  I am currently in 
the progress of migration, and will be writing some tutorials and blog posts 
about my experiences.


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Re: User/UserProfile Queryset problem

2012-03-26 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 02:15:04 UTC+1, bcrem wrote:
> Hello Django Nerds! 
> So I have a (somewhat) complicated lookup I'm trying to do; here's the 
> gist of it: 
>   1.  I have a Store class, with a User ManyToManyField, Store.users 
>   2.  I have a user profile class associated with each user, 
> UserProfile, accessible through the usual User.get_profile() 
>   3.  UserProfile has a status variable, UserProfile.status, which can 
> be 'Active', 'Inactive', or 'Deleted' 
> I'm trying to display a list of users for a particular store; 
> currently I generate this list using the following line: 
>userList = request.session['currentStore'].users.all() 
> Works great; however, now I'd like to filter out all users with a 
> status of 'Deleted'.  Now, if status were a User attribute, I could 
> just try this: 
>userList = 
> request.session['currentStore'].users.exclude(status=='Deleted') 
> or something similar. 
> THE PROBLEM:  How do I generate this no-deleted-users list for the 
> given store, using the ManyToManyField Store.users, but based on the 
> store.users UserProfile.status?  I know there's some kinky django 
> black magic reverse-lookup way to do it in a single magnificent 
> line...just haven't a clue what it might be.  Ideas? 
> First person with the right answer: thank you - please treat yourself 
> to a donut...

The session seems to be a red herring here. You're just doing a filter 
across a related field, which is done with the normal double-underscore 


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Simple question on queryset.

2012-03-26 Thread Stanwin Siow


How do i transform this SQL query into a queryset?

select membership_type from memberships where id ='4'

i tried the following:

queryset = Memberships.objects.get(id__exact=4)

however django is throwing me an error with the following:

Memberships has no attribute all.

I know this is a trivial question but i've been through the tutorials

and i don't unds where this error is coming from.

Do appreciate any help rendered. 

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Stanwin Siow

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