__unicode__ and u'%s'?

2011-10-01 Thread Victor Hooi

What's the recommended best practice for printing model fields in 

Currently, I'm using (simply because the Django docs do):

def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s' % (self.name)

What's the rationale behind using the unicode literal u'%s'? Is it always 
needed, versus just return self.name?

And should I be using .format() instead? Or using something else?


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Re: __unicode__ and u'%s'?

2011-10-01 Thread Ilian Iliev

just ensure that your files and DB connection are using Unicode and
return self.name will be enough.

eng. Ilian Iliev
Web Software Developer

Mobile: +359 88 66 08 400
Website: http://ilian.i-n-i.org

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Victor Hooi  wrote:

> heya,
> What's the recommended best practice for printing model fields in
> __unicode__?
> Currently, I'm using (simply because the Django docs do):
> def __unicode__(self):
> return u'%s' % (self.name)
> What's the rationale behind using the unicode literal u'%s'? Is it always
> needed, versus just return self.name?
> And should I be using .format() instead? Or using something else?
> Cheers,
> Victor
> --
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Module or plugin architecture

2011-10-01 Thread Tony

I am new to Django and I have a question about module or plugin
Is it possible to write a module with Django and add it to a current
Django application.

Thank you very much.

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Django Registration extra fields not getting saved

2011-10-01 Thread Swaroop Shankar
Hello All,
I had posted the same question in stackoverflow for which I didn't
received much response, so trying my luck here. Hope someone will have
a solution to my issue.
I am trying to extend the django registration module with additional
fields. I have created following files to extend the registration
model.py: http://pastebin.com/U80C21Wy .
forms.py: http://pastebin.com/5dYHiL6C.
regbackend.py: http://pastebin.com/63WTzMQi
urls.py: http://pastebin.com/ZzaAcLtp
The username, password is getting saved, but the fields that i have
listed in the regbackend.py is not getting saved. I am not even sure
whether user_created model in that file is actually being called. I am
not getting any errors either. I been struggling with registration
form for the past few days. I hope someone here will again help me
with this issue. Thanks

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`manage.py syncdb` fails, but what does the error mean?

2011-10-01 Thread chrisbuchholz

I have this django 1.2 app, Snowy[1], that I try to get to run locally. But 
everytime I do `manage.py syncdb` I get this[2] error, but I have no idea 
what it means.

Snowy uses, by default django 1.2, python 2 and SQLite3, and at first, I 
thought it was because that django couldnt talk to SQLite3, but if I create 
a new django 1.2 app in a python 2 environment, it works fine, so that is 
not it.

I have no idea what the error means, and the Snowy devs haven't been able to 
help me out either. I hope some of you guys can.

[1]: http://git.gnome.org/browse/snowy
[2]: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/485318/

// chrisbuchholz

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best way to get started with Dajngo?

2011-10-01 Thread ruchita rathi

Can someone point to the documents/videos for getting started with Django?


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Re: `manage.py syncdb` fails, but what does the error mean?

2011-10-01 Thread Martin J. Laubach
  My guess would be that you named your project directory the same as one of 
your app directories, that causes all kind of weird import errors.


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Re: best way to get started with Dajngo?

2011-10-01 Thread Yaşar Arabacı
If you didn't checked this already:

2011/10/1 ruchita rathi 

> Hi,
> Can someone point to the documents/videos for getting started with Django?
> Best,
> Ruchita
> --
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Re: best way to get started with Dajngo?

2011-10-01 Thread william ratcliff
I typically recommend that people get started by going through the tutorial.
 I also think that the Django book is a good read.   Afterwards, I would
recommend finding a project that you're interested in and starting it--there
are several other good books out there (for example on testing/debugging, I
also rather liked Pro Django), but until you start getting your hands dirty,
then the knowledge won't really be yoursI am assuming that you already
know python...If not, I rather liked "Beginning Python, from novice to
Professional" and have given it to beginners.   Some of my students liked

Once you're working on a project, there are any number of blogs with helpful
hints and this list is rather helpful when you have specific questions.
Does anyone have the guidelines for how to ask a good question on the list?

Good luck,

2011/10/1 Yaşar Arabacı 

> If you didn't checked this already:
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/intro/tutorial01/
> 2011/10/1 ruchita rathi 
>> Hi,
>> Can someone point to the documents/videos for getting started with Django?
>> Best,
>> Ruchita
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
> --
> http://yasar.serveblog.net/
>  --
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Re: View decorator for common navigation elements?

2011-10-01 Thread colinta
This post is particularly well timed, since I have the exact same
question.  I'm excited to say the company has, after many years, been
convinced to stop working on our internal PHP framework and we chose
django as its replacement (in sad news, I was the main dev on that
framework, and poured my heart and many long nights into it.  but it's
PHP code, so good riddance)

One nifty thing it could do was "auto-prepare" elements on a page,
much in the style of "pull-style" frameworks that call hooks/callbacks
based on the *view*, rather than "pushing" data onto the page.  our
framework supported both styles, but django seems to be distinctly
"push" based.  So I miss being able to just add an
"autoprepareTopNav()" method to a parent controller class, and have it
automatically called whenever the top-nav element was outputted.

BUT, the "common elements" problem strikes me as one of those
"certainly this has been done before" problems, and I would love to
know what the accepted django-ic solution is.  My coworker, who is
more versed in django & python, wrote a context processor to fetch top-
nav and footer pages.  But since it's a CP, it gets called on *every*
page, not just those that need it.  _I'd_ rather it not execute except
on those pages that explicitly need that data.

I played with a view-decorator pattern that had view methods returning
*either* a response object or a (template, dict) tuple that could be
passed up the chain to include other view-method-like-decorators, and
they would add their data — in much the same way that Victor describes

The benefit to that approach is that if you have *multiple* elements
that use *a common set* of data (for instance, on a site I'm working
on now we've got a category dropdown that appears in multiple places -
the top nav search, a search callout, and on the search results
page).  I should not fetch this category list multiple times, and
template tags would not alleviate that, unless I throw in some global
mechanism where I can look for the data.  Are class-based views the
logical solution?

Okay, so, a question does emerge.  I think template tags are the right
answer here.  How do I write three template tags that all use a common
set of data?

On Sep 30, 3:47 pm, Victor Hooi  wrote:
> heya,
> I do like the idea of just including a custom template tag =).
> Hmm, can custom template tags interact with models or query the database
> like that?
> Firstly, Is it possible, and secondly, is it considered good practice?
> Cheers,
> Victor

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Re: Django Forms: Radio buttons and label displayed in the same line?

2011-10-01 Thread Ilian Iliev
I am glad I could help.

eng. Ilian Iliev
Web Software Developer

Mobile: +359 88 66 08 400
Website: http://ilian.i-n-i.org

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 2:07 AM, voss  wrote:

>  Hi eng. Ilian Iliev,
> I visited your page (
> http://ilian.i-n-i.org/django-forms-choicefield-and-custom-html-output/)
> and now my code works!
> After visiting the page, though, I realized that I'd asked a stupid
> question. What I ended up doing is that I started a Python interactive
> interpreter, printed the form as HTML, copied and pasted it to the template
> , and did some CSS styling as you suggested. It is now working with my
> original views.
> Once again, thank you for the great link! It is very helpful!!
> cheers,
> voss
> On 9/30/11 3:13 PM, Ilian Iliev wrote:
> Hi, you can do it with CSS styling, custom widget or custom HTML.
> Check this link for the custom HTML approach -
> http://ilian.i-n-i.org/django-forms-choicefield-and-custom-html-output/
> This is not the best one but if you need it only for a single place go for
> it.
>  --
> eng. Ilian Iliev
> Web Software Developer
> Mobile: +359 88 66 08 400
> Website: http://ilian.i-n-i.org
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:03 PM, voss  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Is it possible to display radio buttons and label in the same line using
>> Django forms? Below is an example:
>> _Choices = (
>> (1,'A'),
>> (2,'B'),
>> (3,'C'),
>> )
>> class QuestionForm(forms.Form):
>> question  = forms.ChoiceField(label='Please choose one!',
>> choices=_Choices, widget=forms.RadioSelect())
>> How to display "Please choose one!",  A, B, and C all on the same line?
>> Thank you!
>>  --
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>  --
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Re: Module or plugin architecture

2011-10-01 Thread Marc Aymerich
On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Tony  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Django and I have a question about module or plugin
> architecture.
> Is it possible to write a module with Django and add it to a current
> Django application.

It depends basically on each concrete project, if there is implemented
a plugin mechanism or not. BTW, django provide some signals[1] and
middlwares [2] that can helps you to accomplish what you want. If you
don't have enough with this, always you can create a new app and
inherit from the classes of the existing app that you want to modify.

[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/signals/
[2] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/middleware/


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Re: `manage.py syncdb` fails, but what does the error mean?

2011-10-01 Thread christoffer.buchh...@gmail.com
As you can see in the source code[1], there is no app inside the
project directory named snowy, so that is not the case.

[1]: http://git.gnome.org/browse/snowy

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Martin J. Laubach  wrote:
>   My guess would be that you named your project directory the same as one of
> your app directories, that causes all kind of weird import errors.
>     mjl
> --
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Re: Module or plugin architecture

2011-10-01 Thread Derek

On Oct 1, 6:20 pm, Marc Aymerich  wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Tony  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am new to Django and I have a question about module or plugin
> > architecture.
> > Is it possible to write a module with Django and add it to a current
> > Django application.
> It depends basically on each concrete project, if there is implemented
> a plugin mechanism or not. BTW, django provide some signals[1] and
> middlwares [2] that can helps you to accomplish what you want. If you
> don't have enough with this, always you can create a new app and
> inherit from the classes of the existing app that you want to modify.
> [1]https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/signals/
> [2]https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/middleware/

One example of a project that does this is Merengue - see:


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Re: can't get STATICFILES to work (Django dev version)

2011-10-01 Thread Jian Chang
Did you set Debug=False?
在 2011-9-27 上午4:21,"nara" 写道:
> I am having trouble getting STATICFILES to work. I have read the docs,
> and followed the instructions, but I never get my css files to load.
> My current workaround is to put all the css inline in my template
> file, but that should not be a permanent solution.
> I am running the django dev version, and I am using the built-in
> server. Here are my changes:
> 1. I placed my media (css) files under /home/nara/media
> 2. I added '/home/nara/media' under STATICFILES_DIRS
> (django.contrib.staticfiles is already in INSTALLED_APPS)
> 3. I added {{STATIC_URL}} (no spaces) in front of the reference to
> static files in my template file.
> 4. I restarted the server.
> No further changes. I don't have additional copies of the static files
> anywhere else, such
> us under my project, or app.
> Looking at the result in firebug within firefox, I get an HTTP
> response of 200 on my css files
> (happen to be css/blueprint/screen.css and print.css), but the files
> are null. Clearing
> the cache, restarting Firefox etc. do not help.
> I have been fighting this issue for several days now, and have tried
> many things,
> but the above description is for my current state.
> Thanks
> Nara
> --
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Re: Multiple forms with same name.

2011-10-01 Thread Jian Chang
Fisrt,it's not multiple forms as your description.
You can use request.GET.getlist('text','') to get the every text in one list
在 2011-9-26 下午11:34,"sakthi" 写道:
> In a page i made multiple text forms with the same name. i cannot get
> the values of all the forms. only the last form's value is available.
> my html looks like this
> how can i get the values of all the forms having the same name.
> Thank you.
> --
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Re: Multiple forms with same name.

2011-10-01 Thread Jian Chang
在 2011-10-2 上午4:37,"Jian Chang" 写道:
> Fisrt,it's not multiple forms as your description.
> You can use request.GET.getlist('text','') to get the every text in one
> 在 2011-9-26 下午11:34,"sakthi" 写道:
>> In a page i made multiple text forms with the same name. i cannot get
>> the values of all the forms. only the last form's value is available.
>> my html looks like this
>> > 
>> how can i get the values of all the forms having the same name.
>> Thank you.
>> --
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> "Django users" group.
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Re: `manage.py syncdb` fails, but what does the error mean?

2011-10-01 Thread Ramiro Morales
On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:06 AM, chrisbuchholz
> Hey,
> I have this django 1.2 app, Snowy[1], that I try to get to run locally. But
> everytime I do `manage.py syncdb` I get this[2] error, but I have no idea
> what it means.
> Snowy uses, by default django 1.2, python 2 and SQLite3, and at first, I
> thought it was because that django couldnt talk to SQLite3, but if I create
> a new django 1.2 app in a python 2 environment, it works fine, so that is
> not it.
> I have no idea what the error means, and the Snowy devs haven't been able to
> help me out either. I hope some of you guys can.
> [1]: http://git.gnome.org/browse/snowy
> [2]: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/485318/

Your traceback shows you have a weird mixup of paths, both
/home/cb/.virtualenvs/snowy/ and /home/cb/Projects/snowy/
appear as locations of the snowy app.
Perhaps you created a virtualenv with a copy of the app
there but already have a global one?.

Also, is seems the app ships a copy of several third party
django apps (like south) inside their lib/ subdir.

Ramiro Morales

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Django based Project Management

2011-10-01 Thread Anand Agarwal
HI All

BootStrapToday  is a django based online Project
collaboration platform with following features.

BootStrapToday Features.
• User dashboard and Project Dashboard for quick view of activities and
progress of individuals and progress of the project.
• Collaborate with your internal as well as extended team like vendors and
• Define your milestones and delegate task to team members by creating and
assigning tickets.
• Deliver on time by tracking the progress of the milestones and projects.
• Document Management and version control. Share documents with your team
members and keep track of all the changes made in files and documents.
• Create Project base knowledgebase using wiki.
• It will help organizations to partly automate their processes. For e.g.
You can group task and define work flow, where if any ticket is resolved, it
will get automatically assigned to   QA for verification.
• Seamless integration with version controls like Subversion and Git will
help development team manage their source code and help in collaboration
during development.
• Email interface to create tickets and update tickets through email.
• Configurable notifications.

I would appreciate if you guys could give your feedback. *We would extend
free offer on any plan for 6 months for signups till 30th October*. To avail
free offer please drop a mail on supp...@bootstraptoday.com.

Thanks & Regards

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Re: `manage.py syncdb` fails, but what does the error mean?

2011-10-01 Thread christoffer.buchh...@gmail.com
All right. I have now tried renaming my virtualenv to Snowyv, so no
mix-up would occur. That didn't solve the problem, the error is the
I have not Snowy install globally. The only copy I have of Snowy, is
the one I have in /home/cb/Projects/snowy. I also use virtualenv
(/home/cb/.virtualenvs/snowy), so no mix-up should occur even if I
did, but I don't.

I can understand, from what've said, that some misunderstanding about
the directories and such, is what is going on, but I don't think this
is it, unfortunately.

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 6:11 AM, Ramiro Morales  wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:06 AM, chrisbuchholz
>  wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I have this django 1.2 app, Snowy[1], that I try to get to run locally. But
>> everytime I do `manage.py syncdb` I get this[2] error, but I have no idea
>> what it means.
>> Snowy uses, by default django 1.2, python 2 and SQLite3, and at first, I
>> thought it was because that django couldnt talk to SQLite3, but if I create
>> a new django 1.2 app in a python 2 environment, it works fine, so that is
>> not it.
>> I have no idea what the error means, and the Snowy devs haven't been able to
>> help me out either. I hope some of you guys can.
>> [1]: http://git.gnome.org/browse/snowy
>> [2]: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/485318/
> Your traceback shows you have a weird mixup of paths, both
> /home/cb/.virtualenvs/snowy/ and /home/cb/Projects/snowy/
> appear as locations of the snowy app.
> Perhaps you created a virtualenv with a copy of the app
> there but already have a global one?.
> Also, is seems the app ships a copy of several third party
> django apps (like south) inside their lib/ subdir.
> --
> Ramiro Morales
> --
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Re: `manage.py syncdb` fails, but what does the error mean?

2011-10-01 Thread christoffer.buchh...@gmail.com
I was too quick there, because just after sending the last email, I
found the problem. It seemed, that the copy of South, that Snowy
bundles in /lib/south, was the culprit. When I deleted it, and
installed south in my virtualenv instead, things started working.

Thank you for your help!

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 8:27 AM, christoffer.buchh...@gmail.com
> All right. I have now tried renaming my virtualenv to Snowyv, so no
> mix-up would occur. That didn't solve the problem, the error is the
> same.
> I have not Snowy install globally. The only copy I have of Snowy, is
> the one I have in /home/cb/Projects/snowy. I also use virtualenv
> (/home/cb/.virtualenvs/snowy), so no mix-up should occur even if I
> did, but I don't.
> I can understand, from what've said, that some misunderstanding about
> the directories and such, is what is going on, but I don't think this
> is it, unfortunately.
> On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 6:11 AM, Ramiro Morales  wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:06 AM, chrisbuchholz
>>  wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> I have this django 1.2 app, Snowy[1], that I try to get to run locally. But
>>> everytime I do `manage.py syncdb` I get this[2] error, but I have no idea
>>> what it means.
>>> Snowy uses, by default django 1.2, python 2 and SQLite3, and at first, I
>>> thought it was because that django couldnt talk to SQLite3, but if I create
>>> a new django 1.2 app in a python 2 environment, it works fine, so that is
>>> not it.
>>> I have no idea what the error means, and the Snowy devs haven't been able to
>>> help me out either. I hope some of you guys can.
>>> [1]: http://git.gnome.org/browse/snowy
>>> [2]: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/485318/
>> Your traceback shows you have a weird mixup of paths, both
>> /home/cb/.virtualenvs/snowy/ and /home/cb/Projects/snowy/
>> appear as locations of the snowy app.
>> Perhaps you created a virtualenv with a copy of the app
>> there but already have a global one?.
>> Also, is seems the app ships a copy of several third party
>> django apps (like south) inside their lib/ subdir.
>> --
>> Ramiro Morales
>> --
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