Re: Configuring URLs for different views

2010-10-04 Thread simon_saffer
Thanks a lot for all your answers.

It turned out that what I'd done above worked but in the template I
was trying to load there was a typo. I had written:
{% extends base.html %} instead of {% extends "base.html" %}

Anyway it was a good thing I posted my question so that I could get
your ideas on better solutions.



On Oct 2, 8:33 pm, Carles Barrobés  wrote:
> I sometimes use the direct_to_template generic view for adifferent
> purpose than yours (test a template), but the same URL pattern might
> be useful to you:
>     # test a template
>     (r'^direct/(?P.*)$',
> 'django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template'),
> Although you'd better use a better regex to match the template name
> (like the one you originally used):
>   (r'^(?P[a-zA-Z0-9]*?\.html?)$',
> 'django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template')
> You might also want to take a look at the flatpages 
> app:
> which may be an alternative approach to what you are trying to
> achieve.
> C.
> On 1 Oct, 16:52, bruno desthuilliers 
> wrote:
> > On 1 oct, 16:07, simon_saffer  wrote:
> > (snip)
> >  My attempt at doing
> > > this was to put the following in
> > > in urlpatterns
> > > (r'^(?P[a-zA-Z0-9]*?\.html?)$', 'mysite.views.showPage')
> > hint : namedurlsare cool
> > > and then have a in the mysite 'root' with the function
> > is 'mysite' an app in your project, or is it the project itself ?
> > > def showPage(request, page):
> > hint: Python coding conventions : use all_lower names for functions
> > >     t = loader.get_template(page)
> > >     c = Context({})
> > >     return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
> > hint : use the render_to_response()
> > hint : use RequestContext if you want your context processors to be of
> > any use
> > > How can I achieve something like this?
> > Hmmm... What happened with your above attempt exactly ? I guess it
> > didn't yield the expected results, but you don't tell what happened
> > exactly (and when I mean "exactly", it means that if you got a
> > traceback you should post the _whole_ traceback too).

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Re: newbie question

2010-10-04 Thread Martin Melin
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 8:25 AM, mark jason  wrote:
> hi
> I am quite new to django ..I  have written a web app that takes user
> input  and adds  customer details to db.
> I store customer name,email ,a datetime value for each customer.
> When the application starts ,I want a utility program to check the db
> and if system datetime matches the datetime value stored for each
> customer, an email is sent to the customer.
> My doubt is ,where and how should I put the db checking and email
> sending event logic.Should it be when the webserver starts(at python
> runserver) ?If so ,where do I put the call to
> check_db(),send_email() etc
> I know it is a silly one,but please understand that I am a newcomer to
> django and python..and programming in general
> thanks and hoping for guidance
> mark

I assume the functionality you're after is that a specific user should
receive an email as close to the datetime in their profile as

In that case, you don't want to run this only at application start.
Generally it is not recommended to do anything at start, because
depending on your environment it can be kind of undefined when
"application start" actually occurs. "python runserver" is
the so-called development server, and you should not rely on using it
in production (when the app is on a server, not your local computer)

A common way to solve problems like the one you're describing is to
have a standalone script that runs periodically, triggered by cron.

For info on writing scripts that have access to your Django project's
models etc., have a look at Google's results for "django crontab" or

Good luck!

Best regards,
Martin Melin

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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread Steve Holden
On 10/4/2010 8:49 AM, ashy wrote:
> Hi All,
> my code is as below:
> li = ['2l','1l']
> str = ",".join(li)
> but print str does not work for me :(
"Does not work" is hardly a sufficient description of your problem, I
suspect. If I tell you my car "does not work", would you be able to tell
me how to fix it?

How are you running Django? If you are running it using

  python runserver

for testing then print statements *should* cause output to appear in the
standard output stream. If you are running under Apache, however, that
is not the case.

Also note that "str" is not a happy choice of name, since it is also the
name of one of Python's basic types and you may wish to use it as such.
Having a variable called "str" in your code stops you from doing so.

A little more information will allow us to help you better.

DjangoCon US 2010 September 7-9

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Re: Python Restarting After Every Request, MaxRequests Per Child is High

2010-10-04 Thread Reinout van Rees

On 10/03/2010 07:54 PM, Koobz wrote:

I'm getting about 0.5 requests per second using apache, and about 60
using the development server so something is definitely wrong :)

After every requests I see:

[Sun Oct 03 11:48:52 2010] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=27761): Python has
[Sun Oct 03 10:49:09 2010] [info] mod_wsgi (pid=27767): Destroying

My guess would be that there's something wrong in your django.wsgi file. 
 It looks like that doesn't start up some wsgi process but instead only 
processes one request.

Perhaps try and add some logging at the start and the end of the main 
call in your django.wsgi?


Reinout van Rees - -
Collega's gezocht!
Django/python vacature in Utrecht:

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Re: Adding help text to Django admin

2010-10-04 Thread Tim Sawyer

Set help_text on the appropriate model field

name = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text='Current name of band')


On 04/10/10 09:46, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:

Greetings folks,

I need to add "help text" to a Django admin. Sort of like the text below
fields in the Django Redirects app. to provide a snippet of information
about each field.

How can I achieve this?

Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

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newbie question

2010-10-04 Thread mark jason
I am quite new to django ..I  have written a web app that takes user
input  and adds  customer details to db.
I store customer name,email ,a datetime value for each customer.

When the application starts ,I want a utility program to check the db
and if system datetime matches the datetime value stored for each
customer, an email is sent to the customer.

My doubt is ,where and how should I put the db checking and email
sending event logic.Should it be when the webserver starts(at python runserver) ?If so ,where do I put the call to
check_db(),send_email() etc

I know it is a silly one,but please understand that I am a newcomer to
django and python..and programming in general

thanks and hoping for guidance

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Re: Django Tutorial

2010-10-04 Thread Thomas Weholt
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube
> IMHO, you'd be better off starting with the official documentation and
> tutorial. Both are kept up to date.
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 11:10 AM, parameswar  wrote:
>> Hi, i am a newbie to the django framework. I would like to know the
>> best book which can guide me in django. A very basic book shall be
>> helpful !

If this is your first journey into python land in general don`t forget
to pick up a book on plain python as well and read that first.
"Learning python" is good :-)

And as mentioned earlier the standard django tutorial is good, but the is also a great reference.

Mvh/Best regards,
Thomas Weholt

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Re: Adding help text to Django admin

2010-10-04 Thread Sithembewena Lloyd Dube
Ah, easy as eating pie. Thanks folks!

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Tim Sawyer wrote:

> Set help_text on the appropriate model field
> name = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text='Current name of band')
> Tim.
> On 04/10/10 09:46, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:
>> Greetings folks,
>> I need to add "help text" to a Django admin. Sort of like the text below
>> fields in the Django Redirects app. to provide a snippet of information
>> about each field.
>> How can I achieve this?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Sithembewena Lloyd Dube
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "Django users" group.
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>> .
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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> .
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Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

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Re: Get simple data from form

2010-10-04 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Oct 3, 11:15 am, petarda  wrote:
> Sorry, that I was so brief.
> It is a modeform:
> form = modelform(instance=object)
> instantiated after click on detail of brand for update this brand.
> But, First I need only get and view raw data from form.. like title,
> description etc..
> then I need to view full form(but this is not problem, ofcourse).
> View is generating this modelform from db.  I hope this is enough.
> Thank you so much.

If you need to get the original instance values, use

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Re: Django Tutorial

2010-10-04 Thread Carlton Gibson

On 4 Oct 2010, at 10:10, parameswar wrote:

> Hi, i am a newbie to the django framework. I would like to know the
> best book which can guide me in django. A very basic book shall be
> helpful !

I recommed Django: The Definitive Guide (get the "Updated for 1.1" version)


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Re: Checkbox registration from

2010-10-04 Thread craphunter
still don't get it. what do I have to type in my template?!



On 29 Sep., 22:30, aa56280  wrote:
> You'll have to use the RegistrationFormTermsOfService class instead of
> RegistrationForm.

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Re: newbie question

2010-10-04 Thread Chris Lawlor
Also, one way to integrate scripts like this is to write them as
django management commands, so you can run them as 'python
yourcommand'. Management commands are pretty well documented in the
django docs, you should have no trouble finding enough info to get

Again, good luck

Chris Lawlor

On Oct 4, 3:29 am, Martin Melin  wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 8:25 AM, mark jason  wrote:
> > hi
> > I am quite new to django ..I  have written a web app that takes user
> > input  and adds  customer details to db.
> > I store customer name,email ,a datetime value for each customer.
> > When the application starts ,I want a utility program to check the db
> > and if system datetime matches the datetime value stored for each
> > customer, an email is sent to the customer.
> > My doubt is ,where and how should I put the db checking and email
> > sending event logic.Should it be when the webserver starts(at python
> > runserver) ?If so ,where do I put the call to
> > check_db(),send_email() etc
> > I know it is a silly one,but please understand that I am a newcomer to
> > django and python..and programming in general
> > thanks and hoping for guidance
> > mark
> I assume the functionality you're after is that a specific user should
> receive an email as close to the datetime in their profile as
> possible?
> In that case, you don't want to run this only at application start.
> Generally it is not recommended to do anything at start, because
> depending on your environment it can be kind of undefined when
> "application start" actually occurs. "python runserver" is
> the so-called development server, and you should not rely on using it
> in production (when the app is on a server, not your local computer)
> A common way to solve problems like the one you're describing is to
> have a standalone script that runs periodically, triggered by cron.
> For info on writing scripts that have access to your Django project's
> models etc., have a look at Google's results for "django crontab" or
> similar.
> Good luck!
> Best regards,
> Martin Melin

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Re: Adding help text to Django admin

2010-10-04 Thread Martin Melin
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube
> Greetings folks,
> I need to add "help text" to a Django admin. Sort of like the text below
> fields in the Django Redirects app. to provide a snippet of information
> about each field.
> How can I achieve this?

Martin Melin

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Re: ERP application on Django

2010-10-04 Thread derek
Have a look at this discussion - it has some useful pointers:
as does this blog entry on Django/Postgresql:
which relates to:


On Sep 29, 3:22 pm, "The invisible man"
> hi all,
>       Has anyone come across an ERP application implemented on top of
> Django-ORM?
>  We are running a metadata framework based erp application (http://
> and are considering migrating to
> django. How does the caching and pagination of django scale, when it
> comes to huge databases on the scale and availability of an erp
> application??

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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread ashwin morey

I am using django development server and not apache. But the print str is
not working.
I tried changing str to s, but no luck.


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Django Tutorial

2010-10-04 Thread parameswar
Hi, i am a newbie to the django framework. I would like to know the
best book which can guide me in django. A very basic book shall be
helpful !

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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread Carlton Gibson

On 4 Oct 2010, at 12:41, ashy wrote:

> I am writing a django function in which I have a following list:
> li = ['a','b','c']
> I want to create a string from the list which should look like
> str = 'a,b,c'



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convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread ashy
Hi All,

I am writing a django function in which I have a following list:
li = ['a','b','c']
I want to create a string from the list which should look like
str = 'a,b,c'

I plan to pass this string to not in () function of my sql query.

Any Ideas?


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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread Shawn Milochik

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Re: Why can't I use this model architecture?

2010-10-04 Thread derek
As per the fine manual:

"Syncdb will not alter existing tables

syncdb will only create tables for models which have not yet been
installed. It will never issue ALTER TABLE statements to match changes
made to a model class after installation."

On Oct 3, 8:31 pm, mathphreak  wrote:
> Django doesn't modify table structures after they're created?  That
> would explain it.  Thanks!
> On Oct 3, 3:27 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> > On Oct 3, 2:37 am, mathphreak  wrote:
> > > I've got three different classes in and register all three
> > > in within my app.  Viewing the admin page that I have,
> > > however, gives me'tlook good.
> > > Is this a Django bug, or do I need to rewrite my app?  I think it's
> > > highly unlikely that it's a Django bug.
> > > I'm trying to follow along with the tutorial given 
> > > on, if it helps.
> > > My code is 
> > > is
> > You've presumably created your models, run ./ syncdb, then
> > changed your model code - in this case by adding the ForeignKey from
> > SupportItem to Name. Django won't modify your models once you've
> > created them, so you will need to drop the tables and re-run syncdb.
> > --
> > DR.

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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread Scott Gould
Python has you covered:

my_string = ",".join(my_list)


On Oct 4, 7:41 am, ashy  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am writing a django function in which I have a following list:
> li = ['a','b','c']
> I want to create a string from the list which should look like
> str = 'a,b,c'
> I plan to pass this string to not in () function of my sql query.
> Any Ideas?
> thanks
>     ashy

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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread Shawn Milochik

On Oct 4, 2010, at 9:27 AM, ashwin morey wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using django development server and not apache. But the print str is not 
> working.
> I tried changing str to s, but no luck.
> thanks

I think you would benefit greatly from doing a Python tutorial.

Remember that Django is just Python. If you're asking a Python question this 
basic on the Django list (which is perfectly fine), the most helpful thing we 
can do for you at this point is guide you to learning enough about Python so 
that you know when you have a Django question and when it's a basic Python 

In addition, you may want to join the Python mailing list:


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Re: Django Tutorial

2010-10-04 Thread Sithembewena Lloyd Dube
IMHO, you'd be better off starting with the official documentation and
tutorial. Both are kept up to date.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 11:10 AM, parameswar  wrote:

> Hi, i am a newbie to the django framework. I would like to know the
> best book which can guide me in django. A very basic book shall be
> helpful !
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
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> .
> For more options, visit this group at

Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

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Re: mod_wsgi + mod_php = segmentation fault

2010-10-04 Thread Олег Корсак
no mod_python, only mod_wsgi and mod_php

04.10.2010 02:33, Srik пишет:
> Is mod_python enabled by any chance ?. Running both mod_python &
> mod_wsgi can cause similar errors sometimes.
> On Oct 3, 3:54 pm, Олег Корсак 
> wrote:
>> Hello. I'm using apache Apache/2.2.16 (Unix) + mpm_worker on my ~amd64
>> Gentoo Linux box. It has mod_php enabled and all my existing php
>> projects work fine (with mysql too).
>> When I'm enabling mod_wsgi in apache config and trying to run simple
>> empty django project - I'm getting 500 Internal Server Error and
>> "Segmentation fault" in error_log.
>> When disabling mod_php - it runs just ok.
>> Any ideas? I need them both :)
>> Thanks
>>  signature.asc
>> < 1KViewDownload

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Django for internationalized sites - are models.User internationalized?

2010-10-04 Thread Tom Evans
On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Andy  wrote:
> On Oct 2, 3:27 am, Torsten Bronger 
> wrote:
>> > But real email addresses do contain those characters:
>> >
>> I read "informal" and "experimental" there.
> Maybe, but I know people with real email addresses like that.

They won't work in django, or at least to send emails to them:

>>> from django.core.mail import send_mail
>>> send_mail('Subject here', 'Message here', '', [ 
>>> u'', ], fail_silently=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File ".../site-packages/django/core/mail/", line 61, in send_mail
  File ".../site-packages/django/core/mail/", line 175, in send
return self.get_connection(fail_silently).send_messages([self])
  File ".../site-packages/django/core/mail/backends/", line 85,
in send_messages
sent = self._send(message)
  File ".../site-packages/django/core/mail/backends/", line 101, in _send
  File ".../site-packages/django/core/mail/", line 147, in message
msg['To'] = ', '.join(
  File ".../site-packages/django/core/mail/", line 86, in __setitem__
name, val = forbid_multi_line_headers(name, val, self.encoding)
  File ".../site-packages/django/core/mail/", line 70, in
result.append(formataddr((nm, str(addr
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u9ed2' in
position 10: ordinal not in range(128)

Django expects email addresses to be US-ASCII only.



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Adding help text to Django admin

2010-10-04 Thread Sithembewena Lloyd Dube
Greetings folks,

I need to add "help text" to a Django admin. Sort of like the text below
fields in the Django Redirects app. to provide a snippet of information
about each field.

How can I achieve this?

Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

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Re: Include form in template tag

2010-10-04 Thread olivergeorge
Hey Anton

Thanks for this.  I had the same problem and your "..forms" style
import statement solved it.

I'd love to get to the bottom of why this is necessary - something in
how tags are loaded I guess.

cheers, Oliver

On Sep 24, 12:41 am, Anton Danilchenko 
> In my case this work well:
> from ..forms import MessageSearchForm
> Maybe we have other solution for this?
> On 23 сен, 16:46, Anton Danilchenko 
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I have created templatetag (used Django 1.2.3) in templatetags/
> > file. I need import form class from application.
> > Structure of project is:
> > + board/
> > +++
> > +++
> > +++ templatetags/
> > +
> > + ... some other project applications ...
> > How can I do import of form from the file
> > I try to do this:
> > 1) from models import Message
> > 2) from board.models import Message
> > 3) from myprojectname.board.models import Message
> > All this not work and show error message like this: "'board' is not a
> > valid tag library: ImportError raised loading
> > board.templatetags.board: No module named models"
> > Please help.

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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread Aaron Sterling
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:41 AM, ashy  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am writing a django function in which I have a following list:
> li = ['a','b','c']
> I want to create a string from the list which should look like
> str = 'a,b,c'
string_ = "".join(li)

str is a built in class. You shouldn't shadow it. it's better to shadow
string which is just a module and best to use string_ or something else.

> I plan to pass this string to not in () function of my sql query.
Are you getting this list from user input? don't do that. I'm new to django
so I can't recommend a better way but don't trust user input

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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread cajbe
more like a python question :)

>>> li = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> ','.join(li)

Va salut,

Software developer

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:41 PM, ashy  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am writing a django function in which I have a following list:
> li = ['a','b','c']
> I want to create a string from the list which should look like
> str = 'a,b,c'
> I plan to pass this string to not in () function of my sql query.
> Any Ideas?
> thanks
> --
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Re: Django Tutorial

2010-10-04 Thread Tim Reischmann
I am in the same position as you only two weeks further ahead :)

I'd suggest starting with this one

and then moving on to

be sure if you're shopping for used books to get ones that are updated to be
with v1 or v1.1 of the software


On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 13:57, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:

> IMHO, you'd be better off starting with the official documentation and
> tutorial. Both are kept up to date.
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 11:10 AM, parameswar  wrote:
>> Hi, i am a newbie to the django framework. I would like to know the
>> best book which can guide me in django. A very basic book shall be
>> helpful !
>> --
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> --
> Regards,
> Sithembewena Lloyd Dube
> --
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urls and form

2010-10-04 Thread Tonton

i use this form to have a choice list and change to another on select

  {% for carte in latest_carte_list %}
  {% endfor %}

and it is return a url like http://mywebsite/cartes/?=id

This is my urls line to use  http://mywebsite/cartes/id what i want to have

(r'^(?P\d+)', 'suivix'),

and it is not working great :o(

so i don't know what to write in my form to have  /cartes/id or in my file to translate /cartes/?=id in /cartes/id ?

Thanks for your help


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Re: apache reload

2010-10-04 Thread Chris Lawlor
One approach is to set "MaxRequestsPerChild" to one, basically forcing
the server to reload on every request. Probably not the most efficient
way to accomplish this, but almost certainly the most simple to

On Oct 3, 5:39 pm, Олег Корсак 
> Hello. I'm using mod_wsgi 3.3 + apache 2.2.16 on Gentoo Linux box.
> Is it possible to make apache kinda "reload"/"re-read"/"re-compile"
> python files from my django code every time they are changed?
> Thanks
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload

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Re: apache reload

2010-10-04 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Oct 3, 5:39 pm, Олег Корсак

Hello. I'm using mod_wsgi 3.3 + apache 2.2.16 on Gentoo Linux box.
Is it possible to make apache kinda "reload"/"re-read"/"re-compile"
python files from my django code every time they are changed?


You get get mod_wsgi to watch your source files and reload if they change.



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Re: convert list into a comma separated string

2010-10-04 Thread ashy
Hi All,

my code is as below:
li = ['2l','1l']
str = ",".join(li)

but print str does not work for me :(

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cannot find

2010-10-04 Thread jimgardener
In my django app I wanted to use some task scheduling .So ,i built and
installed celery from celery-2.0.3.tar.gz.Then later I found a blog
about django-celery and ghettoq at

I installed those two through easy-install ,added apps to settings and
ran syncdb.
Then the blog mentions running celery daemon from command line
>>sudo ./ celeryd -v 2 -B -s celery -E -l INFO

Here I am getting an Import Error
File "./", line 2, in 
from import execute_manager
ImportError: No module named

I have Django1.2.1 in PYTHONPATH and
when I try in  python shell
>>import django
(1, 2, 1, 'final', 0)
>>> from import execute_manager

It works ok,and I can run
python syncdb,python runserver ,they work without
I have set the settings in .bashrc

Why am I getting this error when I try to start the celery daemon?

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Re: upload_to vs FileSystemStorage

2010-10-04 Thread Stodge
If I do upload_to=os.sep, I get an error:

Attempted access to '/test.pdf' denied.

It's trying to upload to the root of the drive!

settings.DOCUMENT_STORE_PATH is something like /var/www/testproject/

file =
upload_to=os.sep, help_text=_(u"""The file itself."""))

Shouldn't it append the location and the upload_to paths to get the
target destination?

On Sep 9, 9:29 am, Preston Holmes  wrote:
> On Sep 8, 5:04 am, Dave  wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I've found in documentation usage of custom file storage. There it is
> > like that 
> > (
> > ) -
> > from django.db import models
> > from import FileSystemStorage
> > fs = FileSystemStorage(location='/media/photos')
> > class Car(models.Model):
> >     ...
> >     photo = models.ImageField(storage=fs)
> > Notice there is noupload_toattribute in ImageField. I suppose, it's
> > quite obvious, because I will set it by attribute location in
> > initializing FileSystemStorage object fs. But if I'll do it this way
> > it'll rise an error - Error: One or more models did not validate:
> > app.mymodel: "image": FileFields require an "upload_to" attribute.
> > What am I missing? Or is it possiblle to haveupload_tosomehow set to
> > an empty string? So the location would be the same as it is declared
> > in the file storage object initialization.
> You've basically answered your question - if you read the docs for
> FileField you will seeupload_tois a required field.  It defines path
> relative to storage root.  so empty string or '/' should do it.
> -Preston

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Re: Makemessages with Templates - Not Working

2010-10-04 Thread nsbk

Something similar is happening to me. I tried to run
makemessages -l es and then compilemessages from the root of my
templates folder (which is outside the project tree) and it creates
the file Templates/conf/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po /

My problem is that I edit django.po to complete the translation and
then issue compilemessages again. Even it works, the translation is
not showing up on the application.

Am I missing something?

If I issue the commands from the root of my project, django.po is not
created anywhere.



On Sep 27, 9:12 pm, Katrina  wrote:
> I am currently translating a project, and many of the strings needing
> translation are located in my templates. Unfortunately, the .po files
> are not being created when I run makemessages, which I am doing from
> my project home using:
> ./ makemessages -l es -e html,shtml
> Makemessages is working for other parts of my project, just not the
> templates.
> My templates directory is located outside of my project home, but I
> have created a locale folder within templates and added it to my
> LOCALE_PATHS setting.
> I have prepared the templates for translation using the {% load i18n
> %} and {% blocktrans %} tags.
> What else do I need to do for makemessages to work with my templates?
> Thanks,
> Katrina

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Re: Something breaking if tag

2010-10-04 Thread derek
Remember that Django is "just" Python under the hood and that Python,
like any other self-respecting language, will always treat different
types as being, well, different!

On Sep 29, 10:14 pm, aa56280  wrote:
> Thanks for that. I figured it was something along those lines. I
> didn't think Django did a check on the type as well when evaluating
> the expression, but apparently it does. Very interesting.
> Thanks again.
> On Sep 29, 2:46 pm, Yo-Yo Ma  wrote:
> > request.GET.get('subtopic') is returning a string, so your if
> > statement is roughly equivalent to:
> > >>> 1 == '1'
> > False
> > The sub_topic = int(request.GET.get('subtopic')) is the correct way to
> > do that. At first glance it seems like a lot of work, but if Django
> > tried to deserialize URL params automatically into Python objects
> > (like int), you would have all sorts of issues (like a "username"
> > being passed in as an int because a user decides to make their name
> > "1234", and so on).
> > On Sep 29, 12:52 pm, aa56280  wrote:
> > > I have in my template the following:
> > > {% if == selected_id %}...{% endif %}
> > > is being pulled from a list of subtopics that I'm looping
> > > over.
> > > selected_id is being sent to the template by the view after some form
> > > processing:
> > >
> > > selected_id = request.GET.get('subtopic', '')
> > > ...
> > > For some reason, my {% if %} statement in the template isn't getting
> > > evaluated even when the values of both and selected_id are
> > > the same. It does, however, work properly if I do the following before
> > > I send selected_id to the template:
> > >
> > > selected_id = int(selected_id)
> > > Why is this? I'm wondering.
> > > Thanks in advance for any insight.

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Django: MultipleChoiceField in admin to carry over previously saved values

2010-10-04 Thread Kasper
See the story here:

It looks like the 'initial' values are not getting to the actual
widget, because when debugging final_attrs in widget, it remains

I am starting to wonder if this actually might be a bug, I have
checked out the beta version a couple a weeks ago?

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Re: newbie question

2010-10-04 Thread mark jason

thanks guys

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unique constraint

2010-10-04 Thread mark jason
I am using a form to capture user entered values of urls to websites.I
need to create a model with


I am taking the creator as the logged in user,and can get his name.

I need to restrict the user from entering the same url again.How do I
do that?I was thinking of specifying creator_of_entry.username+url as
unique.How do I do this in django?

Also,there is the case of 2 different people with same name.I would
very much like some pointers as to how this can be tackled.If someone
can advise ,please do

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Re: unique constraint

2010-10-04 Thread Shawn Milochik

2. If you're using a foreign key to a User instance then duplicate names aren't 
a problem.


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Better Django projects monitoring

2010-10-04 Thread LD
Hi Djangofans,

We have posted instructions how to integrate Django with AlertGrid for
better controlling for your Django based projects.

It allows to upgrade standard email-on-error mechanism as well as can
help monitor your critical scheduled jobs. There is a free account
provided with no time limits so it might be enough for most of


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What's the best way to implement project permissions in a project management app?

2010-10-04 Thread Stodge
 What's the best way to implement project permissions in a project
management app? Should I just create the concept of membership and
have a function is_member on the project model?

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Re: What's the best way to implement project permissions in a project management app?

2010-10-04 Thread Mike Dewhirst

On 5/10/2010 11:32am, Stodge wrote:

  What's the best way to implement project permissions in a project
management app? Should I just create the concept of membership and
have a function is_member on the project model?

Have a look at django-todo. A quick read the other day indicated to me 
that it has what you are looking for. I'm planning to look more closely 
but haven't had time yet.


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Re: UnicodeEncodeError

2010-10-04 Thread roboter
import sys
ret = sys.getdefaultencoding()
if ret == 'ascii'
modify /python/ setencoding function
set encoding = "utf-8"

On 10月1日, 下午9时09分, Klaas van Schelven 
> Hi all,
> I just ran into the same problem. Locally it doesn't occur, but it
> does on the server.
> I share Karen's analysis that the variable path of type unicode cannot
> be encoded into ascii.
> However, sys.getfilesystemencoding is also "UTF-8", so I don't see 
> whyos.statwould try to encode using ascii anyway.
> Klaas
> >  File "/usr/languages/python/2.6/lib/python2.6/", line 18, in
> > exists
> >st =os.stat(path)
> >UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe7' in position
> > 53: ordinal not in range(128)
> > "path" here includes the file name, no file data is involved. Django is
> > passing a unicode string "path" to theos.stat() function. On many operating
> > systems, Python must actually pass a bytestring, not unicode, to the
> > underlying OS routine that implements "stat".  Therefore Python must convert
> > the unicode string to a bytestring using some encoding. The encoding it uses
> > is whatever is returned by 
> > os.getfilesystemencoding:
> >  As noted
> > in that documentation, on Unix the encoding will be:
> > ... the user's preference according to the result of nl_langinfo(CODESET),
> > or None if the nl_langinfo(CODESET) failed.
> > That's a pretty obscure description but it boils down to the encoding
> > associated with the currently set locale. (And on some systems successfully
> > setting a locale with an encoding like utf-8 requires installing some
> > "extra" language packs.) So the key to fixing this problem is to ensure the
> > locale of the running server is successfully set to one with an encoding
> > such as utf-8, which supports (can encode) the full range of unicode values.
> > Unfortunately details on setting locales differs from machine to machine so
> > it is hard to give specific instructions here.
> > Karen
> > --

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Re: unique constraint

2010-10-04 Thread mark jason
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?

On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> 1.
> 2. If you're using a foreign key to a User instance then duplicate names 
> aren't a problem.
> Shawn

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Re: unique constraint

2010-10-04 Thread mark jason
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?

On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> 1.
> 2. If you're using a foreign key to a User instance then duplicate names 
> aren't a problem.
> Shawn

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Re: unique constraint

2010-10-04 Thread mark jason
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?

On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> 1.
> 2. If you're using a foreign key to a User instance then duplicate names 
> aren't a problem.
> Shawn

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Re: unique constraint

2010-10-04 Thread mark jason
thanks Shawn..
I set the meta option and now it correctly throws an IntegrityError
when I try to enter the duplicate value for the url.
Now should I catch this in clean() method of the model and raise an
error message when user enters the duplicate value?

On Oct 5, 1:19 am, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> 1.
> 2. If you're using a foreign key to a User instance then duplicate names 
> aren't a problem.
> Shawn

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