Re: How to debug ORM filter stacking?

2010-09-25 Thread bagheera

Dnia 25-09-2010 o 06:17:10 ydjango  napisał(a):

I am stacking filters on queryset. For some reason the second filter
in stack is not applying and it is not giving any error either. Any
way to debug what is going on?

python shell

Import ur model, and build ur queries live. ipython has neat autoompletion  
feature. You might be able to figure out why it is working like it is.

Linux user

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Re: How to debug ORM filter stacking?

2010-09-25 Thread Ian Lewis
Are you sure you are saving the new QuerySet that gets created by the
filter? I'm guessing you are doing something like:

qs = MyModel.objects.filter(field1="somevalue")
if condition:

What you need to do is save the value of the second filter() call.

qs = MyModel.objects.filter(field1="somevalue")
if condition:
qs = qs.filter("someothervalue")

filter() returns a new queryset object rather than modifying the
queryset in place.

I usually debug SQL problems by using the or pdb. With pdb you
can put import pdb;pdb.set_trace() where you would like pdb to stop
and it will allow you to debug from there. Simply showing the results
of the queryset usually gives some clues as to what the problem is. In
pdb you can see what sql will get run by running

(Pdb) print queryset.query

pdb's commands are explained here:

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:17 PM, ydjango  wrote:
> I am stacking filters on queryset. For some reason the second filter
> in stack is not applying and it is not giving any error either. Any
> way to debug what is going on?
> --
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Re: reverse ForeignKey

2010-09-25 Thread ionut cristian cucu
I've tried to do something like that:
class Pacienti_manager(models.Manager):
  def get_visible(self):
but still no go, I tried
def queryset(self, request):
  qs= super(Pacient, self).queryset(request)
  return qs.filter(exit_pacient_id=pacient_id)
in Pacient class, but again all objects in Pacient who have an Exit do
show up in the view.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

2010/9/23 Vali Lungu :
> Hi,
> You may be interested in this:
> looks like a similar (solved) problem.
> In short, it's about overriding the queryset() method of ModelAdmin.
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 11:33 AM, ionut cristian cucu 
> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I just came to django, and to web programming for that matter, so my
>> question is from a n0b:
>> I have to models:
>> class Pacient(models.Model):
>>     name=models.CharField('name', max_length=123)
>> class Exit(models.Model):
>>      pacient=models.ForeignKey(Pacient)
>> How to I get the admin interface to show only the pacients for whom I
>> have no exit objects.
>> Rephrase: if I have an Exit object for a Pacient, I don't want that
>> Pacient object to show up
>> Thanks!
>> --
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Re: Since Django 1.2.3, I can't display any Form

2010-09-25 Thread François Bonnefont

I finally came up with the same conclusion and I moved the allnew
django directory to /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/ to replace the
old one.

It seemed to work.

Thanks for your quick answer!


On 25 sep, 04:57, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> 2010/9/24 François Bonnefont 
> > I am new to this group and not sure how to present my problem
> > correctly...
> > I was working with django 1.1 and made a very small and simple
> > application with a "ContactForm" not related to any model.
> > My :
> > from django import forms
> > class ContactForm(forms.Form):
> >    firstname = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
> >    lastname = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
> > Recently I updated to Django 1.2.3 and since then I get :
> > "AttributeError: 'CharField' object has no attribute 'prepare_value'"
> > when I try to print this form (or any other form).
> It sounds like your 1.2.3 update did not entirely work. Specifically the
> error seems to imply you are running with a 1.2.3 level of the
> django/forms/ file but some earlier level of django/forms/
> I'd delete the current Django installation and re-install 1.2.3 from
> scratch.
> Karen
> --

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Extending Profile with a ForeignKey field

2010-09-25 Thread Pedram
I want to add a ForeignKey field in UserProfile. Sth like this:

from myapp.models import Person
class Profile(models.Model):

user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True,
name = models.CharField(_('name'), max_length=50, null=True,
about = models.TextField(_('about'), null=True, blank=True)
location = models.CharField(_('location'), max_length=40,
null=True, blank=True)
website = models.URLField(_('website'), null=True, blank=True,
person = models.ForeignKey(Person, unique=True,

But in Signup form, I got this error:
profiles_profile.person_id may not be NULL

What should I do?

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Re: Extending Profile with a ForeignKey field

2010-09-25 Thread Sameer Rahmani
i think you use a string for filling that field . but can you please
post the form code too ?

out of topic :

Are you iranian ?

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Re: fixtures and dates

2010-09-25 Thread CrabbyPete
Thanks Shawn. I looked back in my model and found I left off something
in my unicode.

On Sep 24, 1:44 pm, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> We need more information. Preferably the full traceback.
> In short, something is trying to add a date object to a unicode text
> object. Possibly the date as a date object and the time as a unicode
> string. How did you convert the original data to JSON?

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Re: reverse ForeignKey

2010-09-25 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Sep 25, 9:51 am, ionut cristian cucu  wrote:
> I've tried to do something like that:
> class Pacienti_manager(models.Manager):
>   def get_visible(self):
>     return(super(Pacienti_manager,
> self).get_query_set().filter(pacient_id__exact=pacient_id)
> but still no go, I tried
> def queryset(self, request):
>   qs= super(Pacient, self).queryset(request)
>   return qs.filter(exit_pacient_id=pacient_id)
> in Pacient class, but again all objects in Pacient who have an Exit do
> show up in the view.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

That method needs to go in your ModelAdmin class,  not your model.

> 2010/9/23 Vali Lungu :
> > Hi,
> > You may be interested in this:
> >,
> > looks like a similar (solved) problem.
> > In short, it's about overriding the queryset() method of ModelAdmin.
> > On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 11:33 AM, ionut cristian cucu 
> > wrote:
> >> Hi list,
> >> I just came to django, and to web programming for that matter, so my
> >> question is from a n0b:
> >> I have to models:
> >> class Pacient(models.Model):
> >>     name=models.CharField('name', max_length=123)
> >> 
> >> class Exit(models.Model):
> >>      pacient=models.ForeignKey(Pacient)
> >> 
> >> How to I get the admin interface to show only the pacients for whom I
> >> have no exit objects.
> >> Rephrase: if I have an Exit object for a Pacient, I don't want that
> >> Pacient object to show up
> >> Thanks!
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> >> "Django users" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>
> > --
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> > "Django users" group.
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> >
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> >

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Re: The REAL superuser

2010-09-25 Thread aug dawg
Thanks for replying so quickly.

I thought that since I could not find the problem, I'll just paste the
contents of the files into an email.


from django.db import models
from django.contrib import admin
from blog import posts

class Posts(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Title')
body = models.TextField(verbose_name='Body')
 def __unicode__(self):
return self.title


from django.db import models
from django.contrib import admin
from blog import posts

class PostsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'body'), PostsAdmin)


from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.contrib import admin
from blog import posts


urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^admin/', include(,


On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Karen Tracey  wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:02 PM, aug dawg  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm currently learning how to use Django, so earlier this evening I spent
>> about 30 minutes working on a blog engine. I used the admin interface and
>> ran 'python syncdb'. I then run the dev server. I log in to the
>> admin interface successfully, but then it says I don't have permission to
>> edit anything. I even manually created a superuser. Can anyone help me out?
> Admin says you don't have permission to edit anything regardless of your
> superuser status when it there have been no models registered for it to
> manage. So either there are no files in any of the INSTALLED_APPS
> or (more likely) the admin.autodiscover() call in has been left
> commented out (part of the instructions for enabling the admin include
> uncommenting that line. The admin.autodiscover() call is what ensures the
> registrations done in files in all installed apps are actually
> executed.
> Karen
> --
>  --
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Re: Universal form

2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g


You're assuming that form are called only from views. Some Form methods 
are mostly used inside templates like as_p for example. Another 
assumption you made is that all url point to html ressources. Images, 
javascripts can have their url. Generation of pdf, csv and AJAX 
mechanics are other examples.

As far as I understand, you want to display a login form in all your 
html pages. My first thought is to place it in a template extended by 
all html pages (I think about Django documentation 'base.html' 
template). You can't call the form's as_p (or whatever you want) as the 
form is missing from your context and built-in template tags and filters 
do not provide directly (AFAIK) what you need for that purpose but you 
can write your own [1][2].

Your context already provides request.user; you can use it to display 
login form or logout link according this context.

I don't know if this is a correct way to handle the case: maybe I'll do 
it another way with experience. The purpose is to point that you don't 
necessaraly need to work on "every function" from your views.



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Re: Universal form

2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g

 Le 25/09/2010 14:52, werefr0g a écrit :
You're assuming that form are called only from views. Some Form 
methods are mostly used inside templates like as_p for example.

Sorry for the double post but this statement is far from accurate (to be 
kind with myself). You can use form in a template without any kind of 
preparation in the views. This maybe pointless in most practical cases 
but developpers are inclined to behave weirdly (this is a lame 
explanation but this is at least accurate).

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Re: How do you set choices in your application?

2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g


I'm not legitimate to answer you but I'm adding other options that 
experienced people can comment.

I'd rather use a ForeignKey in that context but I don't have to think to 
much to performances in my apps. You can easily add status, handle i18n 
this way. I must confess that writing "data in hard" into the code 
itself makes me nervous too. This is a documented option so maybe some 
arguments we'll help to overcome this bias.

If performances are an issue, I think about caching and I'll go to your 
third solution with 
with maybe some "caching" issues to deal with.

By the way, I'll add to Russel's comments that even if someone tries to 
answer you, this can be time consuming because this answer will be send 
to the community and it better be as correct as possible (both in 
social, formal and  technical domains) and that implies reviewing your 
answer. You can take also in consideration than for some people, english 
is not really flowing when their main mentor is exception.Exception.


Le 25/09/2010 02:51, Yo-Yo Ma a écrit :

Let's say I have a model with a field called "status". I could set the
choices in three ways:

1)   status_choices = ((1, 'Completed'), (2, 'Unfinished'), (3,

2)  status_choices = (('COM', 'Completed'), ('UNF', 'Unfinished'),
('CAN', 'Cancelled'))

Or, 3 ):

db_choices = Choice.objects.all()
status_choices = [[, choice.description] for choice in

Is there any best practice? Note: Client's won't be able to define
these choices. They'll all be defined by me (or else DB would be the
answer of course).

My thoughts:

1) Risky (data is useless without python file), 2) Slower, and risky
because it might be difficult to change later, 3) a lot of work, and
slow (because of DB).

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Re: The REAL superuser

2010-09-25 Thread nyambaa
Hello Aug dawg,
Your code seems fine. You said: " I even manually created a
superuser". What does it mean?, How did you create super user?, and
check your auth_user_user_permission table in the database. Does it
mapped your user and required permissions.

good luck!

On Sep 25, 8:36 pm, aug dawg  wrote:
> Thanks for replying so quickly.
> I thought that since I could not find the problem, I'll just paste the
> contents of the files into an email.
> #
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib import admin
> from blog import posts
> class Posts(models.Model):
> title = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Title')
> body = models.TextField(verbose_name='Body')
>  def __unicode__(self):
> return self.title
> #
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib import admin
> from blog import posts
> class PostsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> list_display = ('title', 'body')
>, PostsAdmin)
> #
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> from django.contrib import admin
> from blog import posts
> admin.autodiscover()
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> (r'^admin/', include(,
> )
> Thanks!
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:02 PM, aug dawg  wrote:
> >> Hey all,
> >> I'm currently learning how to use Django, so earlier this evening I spent
> >> about 30 minutes working on a blog engine. I used the admin interface and
> >> ran 'python syncdb'. I then run the dev server. I log in to the
> >> admin interface successfully, but then it says I don't have permission to
> >> edit anything. I even manually created a superuser. Can anyone help me out?
> > Admin says you don't have permission to edit anything regardless of your
> > superuser status when it there have been no models registered for it to
> > manage. So either there are no files in any of the INSTALLED_APPS
> > or (more likely) the admin.autodiscover() call in has been left
> > commented out (part of the instructions for enabling the admin include
> > uncommenting that line. The admin.autodiscover() call is what ensures the
> > registrations done in files in all installed apps are actually
> > executed.
> > Karen
> > --
> >
> >  --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Django users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > >>
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >

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2010-09-25 Thread craphunter

I do have problem with SITE_ID. I don't really get this. What is it?

I am using the django registration from bitbucker. When I click on
register I get the following error-message:

You're using the Django "sites framework" without having set the
SITE_ID setting. Create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID
setting to fix this error.

Am I right that I do have to set an ID in my database?

For example
mysql > test.db table 1?


Can somebody write me a little tutorial?



PS: Sorry, newbee!

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2010-09-25 Thread Max Countryman

On Sep 25, 2010, at 10:50 AM, craphunter wrote:

> Hey,
> I do have problem with SITE_ID. I don't really get this. What is it?
> I am using the django registration from bitbucker. When I click on
> register I get the following error-message:
> You're using the Django "sites framework" without having set the
> SITE_ID setting. Create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID
> setting to fix this error.
> Am I right that I do have to set an ID in my database?
> For example
> mysql > test.db table 1?
> SITE_ID = 1
> Can somebody write me a little tutorial?
> Thanks,
> Craphunter
> PS: Sorry, newbee!
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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2010-09-25 Thread craphunter
Yes, I have read it, but I don't really get it. What is the meaning of


On 25 Sep., 16:51, Max Countryman  wrote:
> On Sep 25, 2010, at 10:50 AM, craphunter wrote:
> > Hey,
> > I do have problem with SITE_ID. I don't really get this. What is it?
> > I am using the django registration from bitbucker. When I click on
> > register I get the following error-message:
> > You're using the Django "sites framework" without having set the
> > SITE_ID setting. Create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID
> > setting to fix this error.
> > Am I right that I do have to set an ID in my database?
> > For example
> > mysql > test.db table 1?
> >
> > SITE_ID = 1
> > Can somebody write me a little tutorial?
> > Thanks,
> > Craphunter
> > PS: Sorry, newbee!
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Django users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at

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2010-09-25 Thread craphunter
Yes, I have read it, but I don't really get it. What ist the meaning?
What do I have to do?!


On 25 Sep., 16:50, craphunter  wrote:
> Hey,
> I do have problem with SITE_ID. I don't really get this. What is it?
> I am using the django registration from bitbucker. When I click on
> register I get the following error-message:
> You're using the Django "sites framework" without having set the
> SITE_ID setting. Create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID
> setting to fix this error.
> Am I right that I do have to set an ID in my database?
> For example
> mysql > test.db table 1?
> SITE_ID = 1
> Can somebody write me a little tutorial?
> Thanks,
> Craphunter
> PS: Sorry, newbee!

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2010-09-25 Thread Max Countryman
Have you set SITE_ID in your file and run 'python syncdb'?

On Sep 25, 2010, at 10:59 AM, craphunter wrote:

> Yes, I have read it, but I don't really get it. What ist the meaning?
> What do I have to do?!
> Craphunter
> On 25 Sep., 16:50, craphunter  wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I do have problem with SITE_ID. I don't really get this. What is it?
>> I am using the django registration from bitbucker. When I click on
>> register I get the following error-message:
>> You're using the Django "sites framework" without having set the
>> SITE_ID setting. Create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID
>> setting to fix this error.
>> Am I right that I do have to set an ID in my database?
>> For example
>> mysql > test.db table 1?
>> SITE_ID = 1
>> Can somebody write me a little tutorial?
>> Thanks,
>> Craphunter
>> PS: Sorry, newbee!
> -- 
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2010-09-25 Thread werefr0g


I searched the web for your error message and found that maybe you 
should see at INSTALLED_APPS level [1].



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Re: The REAL superuser

2010-09-25 Thread aug dawg
When I say I manually created a superuser, I used the command 'python createsuperuser' and created another one. What was that
about the auth_user_user_permission

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:42 AM, nyambaa  wrote:

> Hello Aug dawg,
> Your code seems fine. You said: " I even manually created a
> superuser". What does it mean?, How did you create super user?, and
> check your auth_user_user_permission table in the database. Does it
> mapped your user and required permissions.
> good luck!
> On Sep 25, 8:36 pm, aug dawg  wrote:
> > Thanks for replying so quickly.
> >
> > I thought that since I could not find the problem, I'll just paste the
> > contents of the files into an email.
> >
> > #
> >
> > from django.db import models
> > from django.contrib import admin
> > from blog import posts
> >
> > class Posts(models.Model):
> > title = models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Title')
> > body = models.TextField(verbose_name='Body')
> >  def __unicode__(self):
> > return self.title
> >
> > #
> >
> > from django.db import models
> > from django.contrib import admin
> > from blog import posts
> >
> > class PostsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> > list_display = ('title', 'body')
> >
> >, PostsAdmin)
> >
> > #
> >
> > from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> > from django.contrib import admin
> > from blog import posts
> >
> > admin.autodiscover()
> >
> > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> > (r'^admin/', include(,
> > )
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Karen Tracey 
> wrote:
> > > On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:02 PM, aug dawg  wrote:
> >
> > >> Hey all,
> >
> > >> I'm currently learning how to use Django, so earlier this evening I
> spent
> > >> about 30 minutes working on a blog engine. I used the admin interface
> and
> > >> ran 'python syncdb'. I then run the dev server. I log in to
> the
> > >> admin interface successfully, but then it says I don't have permission
> to
> > >> edit anything. I even manually created a superuser. Can anyone help me
> out?
> >
> > > Admin says you don't have permission to edit anything regardless of
> your
> > > superuser status when it there have been no models registered for it to
> > > manage. So either there are no files in any of the
> > > or (more likely) the admin.autodiscover() call in has been left
> > > commented out (part of the instructions for enabling the admin include
> > > uncommenting that line. The admin.autodiscover() call is what ensures
> the
> > > registrations done in files in all installed apps are actually
> > > executed.
> >
> > > Karen
> > > --
> > >
> >
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Django on Apache

2010-09-25 Thread Derek
I am about a week into learning Django, having developed with PHP and
the CodeIgniter framework for the past 3 years.  That said, I'm used
to making a change to a file, refreshing my browser and seeing the

Django's "syncdb" aside, it's been pretty weird having to restart the
Django webserver manually on certain occasions.  Is this also the case
when running Django on Apache?  If not, can I set up Django to run
with MAMP locally?


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Re: Django on Apache

2010-09-25 Thread Steven Elliott Jr
MAMP can be a bit of a pain I think sometimes to modify, though I haven't used 
it much in the past few years. You can use the Mac's built-in apache server 
though with mod_python. Check out

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 25, 2010, at 11:07 AM, Derek  wrote:

> I am about a week into learning Django, having developed with PHP and
> the CodeIgniter framework for the past 3 years.  That said, I'm used
> to making a change to a file, refreshing my browser and seeing the
> results.
> Django's "syncdb" aside, it's been pretty weird having to restart the
> Django webserver manually on certain occasions.  Is this also the case
> when running Django on Apache?  If not, can I set up Django to run
> with MAMP locally?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 15:57, craphunter wrote:

Yes, I have read it, but I don't really get it. What is the meaning of

Consider a website that has multiple blogs, all of which are deployed to 
the same database.

Consider that you want each blog to be a separate URL:,, but you only want one database for ease of backing up etc.

So, you have one codebase, one database, but multiple sites.

You can achieve this using SITE_ID. has a 
with SITE_ID = 1. has a file with SITE_ID = 
2.  In your database, there are two rows in the django_site database 
table, with serials 1 and 2.  The table that holds the blog entries has 
a foreign key to Site, and so identifies which site the blog post 
appears on.

At least that's how I used it...hope that helps clarify it a bit!


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Re: Django on Apache

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 16:07, Derek wrote:

I am about a week into learning Django, having developed with PHP and
the CodeIgniter framework for the past 3 years.  That said, I'm used
to making a change to a file, refreshing my browser and seeing the

Django's "syncdb" aside, it's been pretty weird having to restart the
Django webserver manually on certain occasions.  Is this also the case
when running Django on Apache?  If not, can I set up Django to run
with MAMP locally?

If you're developing, you can use the built in test server and that will 
pick up changes without refreshing.

If you're deploying on apache using mod_wsgi, you can set that up to 
automatically pick up your changes when the code updates.

Details at:

Hope that helps,


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Re: Django on Apache

2010-09-25 Thread Derek
Thanks for the quick response, guys.  I guess what confuses me is the
need to EVER restart the server to pick up changes (excluding db
syncs).  It's been stated in many places (including Tim's response)
that the test server will automatically pickup code changes, but on
several occasions I've made changes to a view, and got a "cannot load
page/no response" (from the browser, not a Django error).  Once I quit
the server (Control-C), start it up again and refresh the page, it
works fine.

Can someone briefly explain the difference between PHP apps -- which
run your code "as is" without need for refreshing the server -- and

Again, much appreciated.

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Re: Problem with reversing url in test

2010-09-25 Thread Brandon Taylor
This problem turned out to be related to specificity. Another url
pattern was overriding the pattern that I was testing.

On Sep 24, 9:43 pm, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
> So it appears to be something with django-cms' urls that are causing
> issues with testing. I'm able to test any URL that isn't controlled by
> dajngo-cms, like '/admin/' or whatever.
> Anyone else using django-cms v2 and Django 1.1.1 experiencing these
> issues?
> TIA,
> Brandon
> On Sep 24, 6:40 am, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
> > So here's something else that's weird...
> > I can start a shell, load up the test Client and get the page in
> > question:
> > Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41)
> > [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
> > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> > (InteractiveConsole)>>> from django.test.client import Client
> > >>> c = Client()
> > >>> response = c.get('/categories/')
> > >>> response.status_code
> > 200
> > Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with the unit test?
> > On Sep 23, 10:51 pm, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > I'm having a problem with reversing a URL in a unit test:
> > > class ProductTestCase(TestCase):
> > >     def setUp(self):
> > >         self.client = Client
> > >     def test_project_permalink(self):
> > >         project = Project.approved.all()[0]
> > >         url = project.get_absolute_url()
> > > I'm using an initial_data.json fixture that I exported from my current
> > > database, and I'm able to use the get_absolute_url method to navigate
> > > to a project detail page without error.
> > > When I try to reverse this url pattern in a test, I get a
> > > NoReverseMatch exception. django-cms is also running on my site, but
> > > disabling that app, and its url patterns doesn't make a difference.
> > > Anyone have any ideas on why this method would fail?
> > > TIA,
> > > Brandon

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error in urlconf

2010-09-25 Thread CarloRatm

What's wrong with that code ?

Thank you,

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Re: Django on Apache

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 19:36, Derek wrote:

on several occasions I've made changes to a view, and got a "cannot load
page/no response" (from the browser, not a Django error).  Once I quit
the server (Control-C), start it up again and refresh the page, it
works fine.

I get that sometimes too - I think it's just reloading the server as it 
has noticed a code change.  Refresh again in the browser and it's 
usually working again.

I find that if you're developing a template tag it's sometimes required 
to restart the server to pick up the new code.

What I tend to do is try not to restart, and if something isn't working 
I'll restart the test server as my first test.  If it still doesn't work 
then it's more than likely my fault rather than the server's...


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Re: error in urlconf

2010-09-25 Thread bagheera

Dnia 25-09-2010 o 21:39:15 CarloRatm  napisał(a):

What's wrong with that code ?

Thank you,

And check what ^ char mean

Linux user

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Re: error in urlconf

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 20:39, CarloRatm wrote:

What's wrong with that code ?

Thank you,

^blog/ ^(?Pd+)$

should be

^blog/ ^(?P\d+)/$



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Re: error in urlconf

2010-09-25 Thread bagheera
Dnia 25-09-2010 o 22:04:16 Tim Sawyer   

On 25/09/10 20:39, CarloRatm wrote:

What's wrong with that code ?

Thank you,

^blog/ ^(?Pd+)$

should be

^blog/ ^(?P\d+)/$



use raw definitions like django docs  says.
And why do u put ^ witch means beginning of the string in the middle?
That i think would be correct:


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Re: error in urlconf

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 21:14, bagheera wrote:

Dnia 25-09-2010 o 22:04:16 Tim Sawyer 

On 25/09/10 20:39, CarloRatm wrote:

What's wrong with that code ?

Thank you,

^blog/ ^(?Pd+)$

should be

^blog/ ^(?P\d+)/$



use raw definitions like django docs says.
And why do u put ^ witch means beginning of the string in the middle?
That i think would be correct:


I wasn't clear.  I was correcting the error message, given that the 
provided pastebin link didn't include any of the source, but only the 
404 text.

The error appears to be from two levels of

The first something like:

(r'^blog/', include('application.urls')),

And the second, inside the application/ file, is something like:

(r'^(?Pd+)', 'applications.views.view_function'),

This second one is wrong, I believe it should be:

(r'^(?P\d+)/', 'applications.views.view_function'),

I hope that is clearer,


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Dajax isn't working

2010-09-25 Thread Daniel França
Hi all,
I just start to use Dajax with my Pinax based project
I followed the installation steps

and it's almost working :P

I tried to do a test just copying the following code from Dajax examplex:
I'ts calling the randomize function correctly (and I can debug it), but it's
not updating the field with the value.

I understood that there's no need to write any js code, right?

I just created my and write this:

*import random
from dajax.core import Dajax
from dajaxice.core import dajaxice_functions

def randomize(request):
dajax = Dajax()
dajax.assign('#result','value',random.randint(1, 10))
return dajax.json()


and added to my html code:

Just changed the "examples" name to my app name.

It's calling the function, I can debug it, but nothing change in my page.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Dajax isn't working

2010-09-25 Thread Daniel França
some extra informations:
I'm adding this lines to my base html:

{% dajaxice_js_import %}

The response has the value(seems right):
Dajax.process([{"cmd": "as", "id": "#result", "val": "5", "prop": "value"}])

and my js raise this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Dajax is not defined

but these error is not in my function randomize, this function has the Dajax
import and it's working
debuging it seems to be here that it's raising this error:

2010/9/25 Daniel França 

> Hi all,
> I just start to use Dajax with my Pinax based project
> I followed the installation steps
> and it's almost working :P
> I tried to do a test just copying the following code from Dajax examplex:
> I'ts calling the randomize function correctly (and I can debug it), but
> it's not updating the field with the value.
> I understood that there's no need to write any js code, right?
> I just created my and write this:
> *import random
> from dajax.core import Dajax
> from dajaxice.core import dajaxice_functions
> def randomize(request):
> dajax = Dajax()
> dajax.assign('#result','value',random.randint(1, 10))
> return dajax.json()
> dajaxice_functions.register(randomize)*
> and added to my html code:
>  onclick="Dajaxice.examples.randomize('Dajax.process')">
> Just changed the "examples" name to my app name.
> It's calling the function, I can debug it, but nothing change in my page.
> What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Dajax isn't working

2010-09-25 Thread Daniel França
It's working now.. I was referencing another jquery file

2010/9/25 Daniel França 

> some extra informations:
> I'm adding this lines to my base html:
>  type="text/javascript">
> {% dajaxice_js_import %}
> The response has the value(seems right):
> Dajax.process([{"cmd": "as", "id": "#result", "val": "5", "prop":
> "value"}])
> and my js raise this error:
> Uncaught ReferenceError: Dajax is not defined
> but these error is not in my function randomize, this function has the
> Dajax import and it's working
> debuging it seems to be here that it's raising this error:
> self.shutdown_request(request)
> 2010/9/25 Daniel França 
> Hi all,
>> I just start to use Dajax with my Pinax based project
>> I followed the installation steps
>> and it's almost working :P
>> I tried to do a test just copying the following code from Dajax examplex:
>> I'ts calling the randomize function correctly (and I can debug it), but
>> it's not updating the field with the value.
>> I understood that there's no need to write any js code, right?
>> I just created my and write this:
>> *import random
>> from dajax.core import Dajax
>> from dajaxice.core import dajaxice_functions
>> def randomize(request):
>> dajax = Dajax()
>> dajax.assign('#result','value',random.randint(1, 10))
>> return dajax.json()
>> dajaxice_functions.register(randomize)*
>> and added to my html code:
>> > onclick="Dajaxice.examples.randomize('Dajax.process')">
>> Just changed the "examples" name to my app name.
>> It's calling the function, I can debug it, but nothing change in my page.
>> What am I doing wrong?

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