Re: Sample Django AppEngine App

2010-07-04 Thread Floh
On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Gath  wrote:
> Won't it be nice to start first by learning Django! From my experience
> Django was not build to run on top of AppEngine. There are alot of
> hacks on django to make run on AppEngine that might confuse a
> beginner, e.g Django was built to run on relational databases, while
> AppEngine applications run on bigtables(datastore) which are not
> relational. So i guess it would be nice to first understand the django
> ORM before trying to map it to the AppEngine one.
> But having said that, i don't mean it is impossible to write one but i
> won't advice that line for a beginner.

Of course, learning Django would be the best start.
But there is Django-nonrel ([0]), which adds support for
non-relational databases
to  Django.
At the moment there are backends for AppEngine ([1]) and MongoDB.




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Re: Problem with L10N of DecimalField

2010-07-04 Thread Simon Westphahl
For clarification: The output in the admin list view is properly
localized. Only the input doesn't work.
I'm using Django 1.2.1 and a almost vanilla Django project only with
this one test app installed.

On 3 Jul., 22:07, Simon Westphahl  wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to implement a localized "DecimalField" but it doesn't seem to
> work. When entering a decimal number with a German decimal seperator
> ( , ) the admin interface tells me to "Enter a number". Is there some
> setting/middleware/etc. I overlooked?
> My "" and test model look something like this:
> ### ###
> [...]
> USE_I18N = True
> USE_L10N = True
> [...]
> ###
> ### ###
> from django.contrib import admin
> from django.db import models
> class DecTest(models.Model):
>     dec = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2)
> ###
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards
> Simon

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Problem with (possible bug?) with the random number generator in django/middleware/

2010-07-04 Thread DanEE
Hello all

I experienced a strange behaviour with my django application when I
wanted to deploy and test on my apache instance on my virtual server.
I could successfully deploy my application but when I wanted to access
any view the browser just took forever to load and it never showed the
view. Accessing any non existing view gave the correct debug error

After a long debugging session I could locate the problem to be in
django/middleware/ The call which actually took a very long
time was the call to randrange(0, _MAX_CSRF_KEY).

By playing around in a python session it seems that the call to the
system randrange with random.SystemRandom().randrange(0,
_MAX_CSRF_KEY) never stops (or doesn't seem to stop in less than 30
minutes) whereas a call to the "normal" randrange with randrange(0,
_MAX_CSRF_KEY) happily returns the desired random number.

I had to manully set the line "randrange = random.randrange" instead
of the if/else logic which checks for the system random generator to
make my app work on my virtual host.

Now it seems that is not a django problem per se. But I am wondering
what I should to with this kind of error as I had to manually fiddle
around in the django-code to be able to successfully host my

In my virtual host I use apache 2.2.15 with python 2.6.5, mod_wsgi 3.2
and django 1.2.1

Thanks in advance.

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How to get a model instance's field var while field's name is a string in template?

2010-07-04 Thread David.D
i mean
i have a model instance m, and m has a field fd.
so i can wrote like this in template
   {{ m.fd }}

but, when i got a string  s = "fd"

how could i do the same as above?

thanks for any help...

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Re: Problem with L10N of DecimalField

2010-07-04 Thread Simon Westphahl
I figured out a way to get it working.

class DecTest(models.Model):
dec = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2)

class LocalDecForm(forms.ModelForm):
dec = forms.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2,
class Meta:
model = DecTest

class DecAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = LocalDecForm
list_display = ('dec',)

But is this realy the way it's meant to work? A "DateTimeField" is
localized by default ...

On 4 Jul., 11:03, Simon Westphahl  wrote:
> For clarification: The output in the admin list view is properly
> localized. Only the input doesn't work.
> I'm using Django 1.2.1 and a almost vanilla Django project only with
> this one test app installed.
> On 3 Jul., 22:07, Simon Westphahl  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I tried to implement a localized "DecimalField" but it doesn't seem to
> > work. When entering a decimal number with a German decimal seperator
> > ( , ) the admin interface tells me to "Enter a number". Is there some
> > setting/middleware/etc. I overlooked?
> > My "" and test model look something like this:
> > ### ###
> > [...]
> > LANGUAGE_CODE = 'de'
> > USE_I18N = True
> > USE_L10N = True
> > [...]
> > ###
> > ### ###
> > from django.contrib import admin
> > from django.db import models
> > class DecTest(models.Model):
> >     dec = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2)
> >
> > ###
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Regards
> > Simon

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Re: How to get a model instance's field var while field's name is a string in template?

2010-07-04 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jul 4, 12:01 pm, "David.D"  wrote:
> i mean
> i have a model instance m, and m has a field fd.
> so i can wrote like this in template
>    {{ m.fd }}
> but, when i got a string  s = "fd"
> how could i do the same as above?
> thanks for any help...

There's no built-in way. A simple custom filter will do the job.

def field_from_string(instance, fieldname):
return getattr(instance, fieldname)

Now you can do:

{{ m|field_from_string:s }}


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Re: How to get a model instance's field var while field's name is a string in template?

2010-07-04 Thread David.D
It work!

Thank you.

On Jul 4, 9:30 pm, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Jul 4, 12:01 pm, "David.D"  wrote:
> > i mean
> > i have a model instance m, and m has a field fd.
> > so i can wrote like this in template
> >    {{ m.fd }}
> > but, when i got a string  s = "fd"
> > how could i do the same as above?
> > thanks for any help...
> There's no built-in way. A simple custom filter will do the job.
>     @register.filter
>     def field_from_string(instance, fieldname):
>         return getattr(instance, fieldname)
> Now you can do:
>     {{ m|field_from_string:s }}
> --
> DR.

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filtering admin data

2010-07-04 Thread djnubbio
hi all; sorry for wasting your preciouse tume.

I'm trouble with the following:

class A(models.Model):

class B(models.Model):
a= models.ForeignKey(A)

class C(models.Model):
b= models.ForeignKey(B)

How can i filter data that belongs to an A instance, while editing
class C instances, using django Admin?

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Different fieldsets in django admin for add and change?

2010-07-04 Thread Aziz Bookwala
Hello World
I wanted to know how to implement different fieldsets for the add and change
pages in django admin like a lot of applications do (django-cms for ex)
Any help would be much appreciated.

- Aziz M. Bookwala

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How set initial form field value in the view function?

2010-07-04 Thread Chris Seberino
How set initial form field value in the view function?

The initial keyword is great when defining a subclass of Form if you
the initial values is ALWAYS the same.

What if it varies?...I'm guessing I must set it in the view.

How set this initial value in the view?


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messages framework: disable caching?

2010-07-04 Thread Torsten Bronger

I wonder whether it makes sense to disable caching in responses
which used messages from the messages framework.  Since they are
consumed by displaying them, I don't see a point in letting upsteam
caches to cache the page.

I added

if request._messages.used:

to "process_response" of MessageMiddleware and it works nicely for
me.  Doesn't it make sense to do that always, or at least, by


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
   Jabber ID:

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Re: How set initial form field value in the view function?

2010-07-04 Thread Jim
> The initial keyword is great when defining a subclass of Form if you
> the initial values is ALWAYS the same.
> What if it varies?...I'm guessing I must set it in the view.

we have:
  Dynamic initial values¶
  Use initial to declare the initial value of form fields at runtime.
For example, you might want to fill in a username field with the
username of the current session.

Possibly you could restate your requirement?  At least I'm not seeing
won't help you.

Or possibly you want to override the __init__ method of the form?


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Re: Different fieldsets in django admin for add and change?

2010-07-04 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jul 4, 4:04 pm, Aziz Bookwala  wrote:
> Hello World
> I wanted to know how to implement different fieldsets for the add and change
> pages in django admin like a lot of applications do (django-cms for ex)
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> --
> - Aziz M. Bookwala

You can override the `get_form` and `get_fieldset` methods on the
ModelAdmin class. You can see the originals in
`django.contrib.admin.options`. Both take an `obj` parameter - if this
is None, this is an add view, otherwise it is a change view.

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Debugging Django under wsgi and pydev

2010-07-04 Thread Doug Warren
Is there a way to run a django app that's being served on the local
machine via Apache and mod_wsgi using the integrated debugger in wsgi?
 I did a few google searches but nothing popped out as being the
obvious solution, other than a suggestion from google to run apache
httpd -x which I'd take as being a first step towards it but not the
actual solution.


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break/continue for templates

2010-07-04 Thread George Sakkis
Hi all,

there have been at least three threads in this list alone from people
asking how to "break" from a for loop in templates, so the following
snippet [1] might be useful to some. Leaving aside the "thou shalt not
use logic in templates" religious debate, it's interesting in that it
is syntactically more powerful than the respective Python statements:
you can continue/break not just from the innermost loop but from outer
ones too. Here's a small example:

{% for key,values in mapping.iteritems %}
{% for value in values %}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}
{% if value|divisibleby:3  %}
{{ value }} is divisible by 3
{{ forloop.parentloop|continue }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ key }}: No value divisible by 3
{% endfor %}

Given context = {'mapping': dict(a=[1,2,3], c=[2,4,5], b=[3,5,7])},
the output is:

a: 1
a: 2
a: 3
3 is divisible by 3

c: 2
c: 4
c: 5
c: No value divisible by 3

b: 3
3 is divisible by 3

Tested (lightly) on Django 1.2 / Python 2.6; please let me know if you
hit any bugs or unexpected behavior.



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problems accessing to - perhaps from argentina ?

2010-07-04 Thread Aldo Nievas
anone else have had problem with ?

/.virtualenvs/ ./easy_install django
Searching for django
Best match: Django 1.2.1
error: Download error for [Errno 60]
Operation timed out

I'm also having problems accessing to

ISP: telecentro


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django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object

2010-07-04 Thread vanderkerkoff
Evening all

I've just moved a really old django project of ours over to a new
machine, newer python, and newer mysql.

I'm using a mentally old version of django, revision 5783.

The move has gone tickety boo, we're using nginx instead of lighttpd
as well.

The only oddity I've got is that in the admin section the names of the
applications in the project are showing up as

They all work, in fact, the whole site works, but as the names of the
apps are all mashed up I can't hand it over to the client.

Has anyone got any ideas what could be causing this?

As I said, its the same django_src folder, the same project code, just
newer python, mysql, and nginx instead of lighttpd.

Please don't say upgrade, the client won't pay for it and I can't do
it as a freebie as I'm all freebied out.

Any help is greatly appreciated as always.

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db_schema support was broken by Debian upgrade: 'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): db_schema

2010-07-04 Thread MiddleForkGIS
During an update of Debian ("squeeze/sid") last week, something broke
the previously functional Postgresql schema syntax on my site(s).

Up until the update, this was working fine:

class Meta:
  db_schema = "world"
  db_table = "country"

Once I performed the update, the following error occurs:
 File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/db/models/", line
53, in __new__
  new_class.add_to_class('_meta', Options(meta, **kwargs))
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/db/models/", line
213, in add_to_class
  value.contribute_to_class(cls, name)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/db/models/", line
93, in contribute_to_class
  raise TypeError("'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): %s" %
TypeError: 'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): db_schema

I quickly reverted to the previous syntax to use

class Meta:

which is working OK.

It definitely resulted from the Debian upgrade, Unfortunately, I
wasn't paying attention to the packages that were upgraded, and so I'm
at a loss to pinpoint the error.

The post-update packages are:

python-django 1.2.1-1
postgresql 8.4.4-1
python 2.6.5+

Any ideas?  Anything else I can supply to help diagnose this?


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Re: db_schema support was broken by Debian upgrade: 'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): db_schema

2010-07-04 Thread Ramiro Morales
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 5:39 PM, MiddleForkGIS  wrote:
> During an update of Debian ("squeeze/sid") last week, something broke
> the previously functional Postgresql schema syntax on my site(s).
> Up until the update, this was working fine:
> class Meta:
>  db_schema = "world"
>  db_table = "country"
> Once I performed the update, the following error occurs:
>  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/db/models/", line
> 53, in __new__
>  new_class.add_to_class('_meta', Options(meta, **kwargs))
> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/db/models/", line
> 213, in add_to_class
>  value.contribute_to_class(cls, name)
> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/db/models/", line
> 93, in contribute_to_class
>  raise TypeError("'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): %s" %
> ','.join(meta_attrs.keys()))
> TypeError: 'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): db_schema
> I quickly reverted to the previous syntax to use
> class Meta:
>  db_table='"world"."country"'
> which is working OK.
> [...]
> Any ideas?  Anything else I can supply to help diagnose this?

The meta.db_schema hast never been supported by Django.  The version
you were using most surely was one locally patched to add it. When the
system was updated, you got a pristine Django 1.2.1 via the python django
.deb package and that would explain what you are seeing.

You can try to use the latest patch attached to ticket 6148 so you can
help us with to test and enhance it.

Warning: The patch, as every patch not merged in the official tree
shouldn't be used  on a production system, but the OS version and
sysadmin practices you describe seems to indicate this isn't the case.


Ramiro Morales  |

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Re: *Immediate* session expiration problem/bug in IE

2010-07-04 Thread ShawnMilo
I have an update. It turns out that setting the timeout in set_expiry
to a much larger value prevents the immediate timeout. Of course, this
means that people in well-behaved browsers won't time out when they
should. This is despite the fact that I've tried sending both an
integer (for seconds) and a timedelta object to set_expiry, as
described in the docs.

My next step is to have a look at HTTP_USER_AGENT in request.META and
see if I can find a correlation between its value and the timeout

Has anyone had experience with this, especially regarding whether
HTTP_USER_AGENT is reliably present and accurate?


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For more options, visit this group at ignores DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE

2010-07-04 Thread ShawnMilo
I have DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set in my environment to an alternative
settings file. The alternate file imports the original settings file
and overrides some values for my development environment.

Whenever I try to run ./ runserver, it insists on using the on the same path as, despite the fact that
running an interactive Python interpreter or a stand-alone script
which imports settings from django.conf will import the proper
settings file (from DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE).

Also, this works:
./ runserver --settings=$DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE

I can see in that it assumes there's a in its
own directory, but that's evidently overridden by the --settings flag.
Why doesn't a correctly-set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE result in the same
behavior? I'm using Django 1.1.1.


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ModelAdmin with tabularinline Question

2010-07-04 Thread SilverFox
I am trying to write an application that credits a user's account when
a bet is paid. I have an admin form with the bet and a TabularInline
list of bet choices (the choices that can be bet on). To resolve a bet
a ModelAdmin is used to set the status of the bet to True (paid) and
the winner field on the winning bet choice to True.

I am having troubles figuring out how to intercept saving from the
admin to do the following:

1) get the old bet status
2) save the bet and bet choices
3) if the bet status changed from False to True, pay the bets (i.e.
get booked bets whose bet field matches the bet id and whose choice
winner field is True and notify the user they won).

I tried overwriting the save function on the Bet model, but this is
called before the bet choice changes are written to the database so I
could not see who the winner is.

Any idea how to solve the problem? It seems like I need to override
some save function (the model? form? formset?) and get the status,
call the super, then process the bets -- but I don't know which
function to override and how to get to to the bet choice data from


The models look this:

class Bet(models.Model):
choice = models.CharField(max_length=200)
status = False   # False: net not paid yet, True: Paid

class BetChoice(models.Model):
bet = models.ForeignKey(Bet)
choice = models.CharField(max_length=200)
winner = models.BooleanField(default=False)   # True for winning

class BookedBet(models.Model):
bet = models.ForeignKey(Bet)
choice = models.ForeignKey(BetChoice)
user = models.ForeignKey(User)

I also have a ModelAdmin set up as follows:

class ChoiceInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = BetChoice
extra = 3

class BetAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fields = [ 'title','status']
inlines = [ChoiceInline], BetAdmin)

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2010-07-04 Thread
If you read the source for you'll find
a function called "setup_environ. This is called by all management
commands (i.e. If you note here the os.environ is set
unconditionally. I suppose for your setup to work correctly django
should be doing:

if not "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" in os.environ:
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = ...

However, since this is not the case you don't have much choice other
then to use --settings option, or alter your file so that it
sets up this hard-coded path before it calls the main setup_environ.

Is the a particular reason to want an non-standard settings file? If
the answer is yes, then carry on. Otherwise, I'd stick to what Django


On 5 July, 05:13, ShawnMilo  wrote:
> I have DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set in my environment to an alternative
> settings file. The alternate file imports the original settings file
> and overrides some values for my development environment.
> Whenever I try to run ./ runserver, it insists on using the
> on the same path as, despite the fact that
> running an interactive Python interpreter or a stand-alone script
> which imports settings from django.conf will import the proper
> settings file (from DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE).
> Also, this works:
> ./ runserver --settings=$DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
> I can see in that it assumes there's a in its
> own directory, but that's evidently overridden by the --settings flag.
> Why doesn't a correctly-set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE result in the same
> behavior? I'm using Django 1.1.1.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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Re: GROUP BY and ORDER BY using the ORM

2010-07-04 Thread
Erm. You don't seem to have specified what to order by. In this case,
surely you want ... .order_by('date_time') However, this field doesn't
seem to appear in your models.

One thing I've found handy for debugging Django's ORM to SQL is
something which I don't think is documented in django docs at all
(although I maybe wrong about that) is doing:

print qs.query

Where qs is your queryset. It will output the SQL Django sends to the
DB backend.


On 3 July, 15:03, MikeHowarth  wrote:
> Hi all
> Just coming back to Django after a long time away, and struggling to
> get my head around what should be a trivial concept using the ORM.
> Essentially I want to do acheive the following SQL:
> SELECT * FROM publisher_history
> INNER JOIN publisher_publisher ON =
> publisher_history.publisher_id
> GROUP BY publisher_id ORDER BY date_time DESC;
> My models look like this:
> class Publisher(models.Model):
>         name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=False)
> class History(models.Model):
>         publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher, blank=False)
> I've been trying to use object values, but I'm getting duplicate
> publishers. Code looks like this:
> results = History.objects.values('publisher').distinct()
> If I run:
> results = History.objects.values('publisher').distinct().order_by()
> I don't get duplicates but I don't get the results returned in the
> order I expect either.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've stared at this for a while
> now.

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Re: New Django tutorial

2010-07-04 Thread
Glad to be of assistance. Let me know when it's finished or if you
want another look over,


On 3 July, 15:22, Rainy  wrote:
> Thanks for great feedback, Euan. I've added some comments below.
> On Jul 3, 8:26 am, ""
>  wrote:
> > I had a look over your tutorial and it looks pretty sweet. Definitely
> > gets down into explaining how to use the admin interface and taught me
> > things I hadn't realized. I have a few suggestions for you (feel free
> > to ignore :)):
> > 1) I'm not sure how good an idea it is to call the attribute on your
> > DateTime model "datetime" - it conflicts with the datetime module.
> > Although this shouldn't cause any problems, it might be confusing.
> Hm, maybe calling it 'created' is better.. but then you'll have
> created.created which also doesn't look that great. I generally avoid
> using names like list, tuple because they're built-ins and also
> because they get highlighted in Vim :). Haven't really thought about
> using module names.. In fact I don't think I ever ran into this
> before. I'll have to think about this!
> > 2) In the "Changing Save Redirect" section you import a load of stuff
> > inside an instance method. I'd prefer to see this imported at module
> > level.
> I agree, that's what I do when I do actual development; but in this
> case I made an exception to keep the tutorial shorter. Generally my
> idea for this set of tutorials is to err on the side of maintaining
> momentum rather than doing things by the book, I'll expand on this
> idea more below.
> > 3) In the same section, you do request.POST.has_key. I believe the
> > preferred syntax is "name_of_key" in request.POST.
> That's straight from Django sources :).
> > 4) In the same section you are using hard-coded URLs - can you not get
> > these by using reverse() ? It might not be possible as I know the
> I want to introduce reverse() a bit later, in a larger tutorial where
> it will be more self-evidently useful. So, the goal is to have someone
> who's not a programmer go through the tutorial and feel that a useful
> and practical app was done with very little code and only explain
> enough concepts that are necessary for that particular app. Then, over
> the course of the whole set of tutorials, various concepts will be
> introduced at the exact point when they'd be most useful.
> On the other hand, I haven't actually used reverse() myself. I know
> that it can get a little tricky. I'll definitely try to see if it
> makes sense to introduce it in the view function.
> > admin is quite a beast.
> > 5) In the mark_done method on Item, you could definitely use reverse
> > and that should aid any changes to your URL structure.
> > 6) In the "Customizing DateTime" your unicode method returns a str not
> > unicode
> Good point - will fix that.
> > 7) In the same section you talk about an OnOff property. I think you
> > actually mean attribute (although in terms of the concept it is indeed
> > a property, just in terms of the model it is an attribute)
> Yes, that's where I have to balance use of language that sounds
> clearer vs. fine points of terminology. I feel that most programming
> tutorials are too quick to emphasize correct terminology, but I
> definitely get where that comes from, too..
> > 8) In the "Adding users" section, I think you could replace the loop
> > with:
> > Item.objects.filter(created=obj,
> > user_isnull=True).update(user=request.user).
> Good, this is actually new to me. I'll keep it in mind but I think for
> the first tutorial the loop is clearer and this is something that
> should be introduced when performance gain will be more apparent.
> > This would use only one SQL UPDATE and not n SELECTs and n UPDATEs.
> > 9) At the end when the possible actions are checked it might be nice
> > to raise an exception if you don't find a valid action.
> Here, in fact, I'm following Django tutorial where they at one point
> rely on the regex in and then explain that they're not
> validating because it would not get through the regex if it were
> wrong. On the other hand, depending on the project, I might raise an
> exception if I feel that an error in the regex might be hard to debug
> otherwise.
> > I hope you find the above helpful. There's very little wrong with the
> > tutorial and it's really clear, but I think at least some of the
> > points might be well incorporated.
> Very helpful - even if I didn't follow all of the advice, just
> thinking and going through the reasons was extremely valuable. I
> really appreciated the detailed critique, and I'd be very thankful if
> you also looked at my future tutorials I'll also post here. -ak

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2010-07-04 Thread Graham Dumpleton
Also read:

where I explain a bit about startup steps.


On Jul 5, 4:25 pm, ""
> If you read the source for you'll find
> a function called "setup_environ. This is called by all management
> commands (i.e. If you note here the os.environ is set
> unconditionally. I suppose for your setup to work correctly django
> should be doing:
> if not "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" in os.environ:
>     os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = ...
> However, since this is not the case you don't have much choice other
> then to use --settings option, or alter your file so that it
> sets up this hard-coded path before it calls the main setup_environ.
> Is the a particular reason to want an non-standard settings file? If
> the answer is yes, then carry on. Otherwise, I'd stick to what Django
> recommend.
> Euan
> On 5 July, 05:13, ShawnMilo  wrote:
> > I have DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set in my environment to an alternative
> > settings file. The alternate file imports the original settings file
> > and overrides some values for my development environment.
> > Whenever I try to run ./ runserver, it insists on using the
> > on the same path as, despite the fact that
> > running an interactive Python interpreter or a stand-alone script
> > which imports settings from django.conf will import the proper
> > settings file (from DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE).
> > Also, this works:
> > ./ runserver --settings=$DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
> > I can see in that it assumes there's a in its
> > own directory, but that's evidently overridden by the --settings flag.
> > Why doesn't a correctly-set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE result in the same
> > behavior? I'm using Django 1.1.1.
> > Thanks,
> > Shawn

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