
2019-09-11 Thread Hal Murray via devel

Any openssl command line wizards?

What do I type to find out when my certificate expires?  We should make a 
script that can be called from cron.

What do I type to figure out which cert in the root collection for my 
OS/distro that a NTS-KE server is using?  I'd like some code I can cut-paste 
to do that and/or a script that will do that for all the servers in ntp.conf 
that are using nts.

I'm pretty sure their man pages have all the info and with enough work I can 
work out the details.  But I won't bother if somebody is familiar with that 

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

devel mailing list

Re: Certificates

2019-09-11 Thread James Browning via devel
On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 7:43 PM Hal Murray via devel 

> Any openssl command line wizards?

Probably, not me though.

> What do I type to find out when my certificate expires?  We should make a
> script that can be called from cron.

generally something like the following works fairly well
> # openssl x509 -issuer -dates -in /etc/ntp/cert-chain.pem
> issuer= /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
> notBefore=Aug 25 07:36:19 2019 GMT
> notAfter=Nov 23 07:36:19 2019 GMT

-in tells OpenSSL to use a file instead of stdin
-dates tells OpenSSL to print the not{Before,After} dates
-issuer gets that information printed
All this and more is readily available by invoking "openssl x509"

What do I type to figure out which cert in the root collection for my
> OS/distro that a NTS-KE server is using?  I'd like some code I can
> cut-paste
> to do that and/or a script that will do that for all the servers in
> ntp.conf
> that are using nts.
> I'm pretty sure their man pages have all the info and with enough work I
> can
> work out the details.  But I won't bother if somebody is familiar with
> that
> area.

Man pages? in virtual open offices, we do not need man pages.
Fun factoid: it takes developer '15 minutes' to properly get back on task
after being interrupted
devel mailing list

Re: 'ntpq -c ":config"' does not work (it probably never did)

2019-09-11 Thread Eric S. Raymond via devel
Matthew Selsky via devel :
> On Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 08:46:26AM -0700, James Browning via devel wrote:
> >While working on a script, I stumbled across this issue. the cmd.Cmd
> >class does not call its precmd function from its onecmd function in
> >either Python 2.7 or 3.6. I see several possible paths forward.
> > 
> >1. Ignore the issue and hope it goes away.
> >2. Report it upstream.
> >3. Change over to hot_config option exclusively.
> >4. Add a wrapper to onecmd that fixes things.
> >5. More extensive fixes to cmd.Cmd.
> >6. Change to a new command-line interpreter.
> >7. Another path I am not even considering.
> > 
> >I would advocate for the wrapper or changing to hot_config as the least
> >not good options at this time. Ignoring it stacks up technical debt for
> >later. Upstream would probably say it works as intended. Changing to a
> >new interpreter would throw away all the good work on this one. More
> >extensive work is possible but probably beyond my capabilities.
> Yes, please talk to upstream and see what they recommend.  And this change
> should be documented in our incompatible changes list until we have a
> compatible function (or we decide to leave the feature out)

Or there's the simplest possible fix, which I just pushed.  The expression used
to process the argument of -c just changed from




Thanks for catching this.  If anything goes sproing, bug me.
http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond

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