Re: [dev] Allow secure access to Web site

2016-08-03 Thread Aaron Marcher

Hey all,

On 08/03, Christoph Lohmann wrote:

A onion service might be a consideration, to add something similar to
»security« as an access method for

A hidden service would be a really good idea. I totally agree with that:
End-to-end encryption and no CA. I could generate a domain with scallion
like this: suckless.onion if you want. I did that for my personal
blog some week ago. Also over secure remote generation if you wish.

Aaron Marcher (drkhsh)

web: or http://nulltime5w3shrrc.onion/
gpg: 0x435BF54B

Re: [dev] I'm leaving.

2016-09-28 Thread Aaron Marcher


May I ask for the reason for this sad step?
Anyways, please do not leave the mailing list and oftc->#suckless!

Aaron Marcher (drkhsh)

web: or http://nulltime5w3shrrc.onion/
gpg: 0x435BF54B

On 09/28, Christoph Lohmann wrote:

Dear comrades,

I  am  stepping  back  from my maintainership and my role as an admin of
suckless.  All main projects I maintained have at least  one  maintainer
left, so don’t be worried.


Christoph Lohmann

[dev] [Announcement] slstatus

2017-09-05 Thread Aaron Marcher

To all of you who have not noticed it yet:
During the suckless hackathon 2017 slstatus was imported into suckless.

> slstatus is a suckless status monitor for window managers that use WM_NAME
> (e.g. dwm) or stdin to fill the status bar.

Basically it started as a fork of dwmstatus (which is now deprecated in favour
of slstatus). Now it is a lightweight status monitor written in C which can
display a lot of useful information using resource efficient information
gathering methods. It can be easily configured for any usecase using config.h.

I started this project some year ago to fit my personal needs. Apparently the
community around suckless and specifically dwm liked my program and quite a few
people use it every day. I am happy to have this project on suckless now!

The repos are:

I am always welcome to constructive criticism and patches!


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [Announcement] slstatus

2017-09-05 Thread Aaron Marcher
Hi Laslo,

> I am aware that there are other status-monitor-programs around, but I
> think it's a good start to take one and put together the mess of single
> code snippets we currently find on the dwmstatus-page on

The mess was the initial motivation... ^^

> It certainly is a good start and as a long-term goal maybe to turn
> slstatus into a program that supports both OpenBSD and Linux.

Porting slstatus to OpenBSD is on the upper half of my long todo list! I
would really appreciate some help from fellow suckless devs as this will require
quite a lot of work.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [Announcement] slstatus

2017-09-06 Thread Aaron Marcher
Hi Hiltjo,

> I personally really like spoon from 2f30 created by the legendary
> stateless and lostd:
> It works on Linux and OpenBSD and has various sensors.

I will borrow some ideas from spoon for sure. Especially during


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [Announcement] slstatus

2017-09-08 Thread Aaron Marcher
> Both are nice and something I was looking for. I am interested for
> advantages of them vs a xinitrc script besides those stated on the
> dwmstatus page. I suppose, not needing to call external programmes and
> formatting their output?

Calling all external programs plus formatting programs is huge resource
overhead and insecure.

> On a side note: is there something similar to the dwm bar in look and feel
> to use with other WMs, i.e. a themeable panel that shows the output of a
> script?



Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [patch] slstatus load_avg format string

2017-09-10 Thread Aaron Marcher


thank you, good work, pushed.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [PATCH] slstatus: set locale

2017-09-14 Thread Aaron Marcher


I will not merge as locales suck.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [PATCH 1/3] slstatus: drop sleep from cpu_perc

2017-09-14 Thread Aaron Marcher


I think average values (waiting) are important.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [PATCH 3/3] slstatus: cpu_perc: make 100% equivalent of 1 cpu

2017-09-14 Thread Aaron Marcher


why introduce some misunderstandable concept like more than 100%? I 
would instead create an argument to specifiy the CPU in config.h maybe?


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [PATCH 2/3] slstatus: add cpu_iowait

2017-09-14 Thread Aaron Marcher


could you send this patch again but as a single patch as I will not 
merge the rest of the patch series?


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [PATCH 3/3] slstatus: cpu_perc: make 100% equivalent of 1 cpu

2017-09-14 Thread Aaron Marcher

Dear Laslo,

this concept is quite established as far as I have seen and would
support the proposed change.

I did not know that. Then I agree too.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [PATCH] slstatus: set locale

2017-09-16 Thread Aaron Marcher

Hi Silvan, hi all,

I decided to merge the locales patch.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Re: [dev] [PATCH 2/2] slstatus: determine the number of cpu's in runtime

2017-09-16 Thread Aaron Marcher


Why do we need to get the number of cpus in runtime? It's a static 
value, which in worst case changes after a reboot when disabling 

Also, using ncpu for more than one thing (first it's flag, then it's a 
number) is a really bad idea.

I don't think this should be merged, neither the whole 100% vs 
per-core thing: I think that it gives little to no information, and it 
doesn't seems to play nice with multi-threaded CPUs (in a 2:2 setup, 
does having over 200% means that the cpu is over-the-top? Maybe it's 
the same core, so it can handle more load, but maybe not, so, what 
info did it gave to me?)

I totally agree to that. I will neither merge this patch, nor the 100% 
thing. Thank you very much for your work, Kurt, but I think that these 
two patches do not fit well into slstatus.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
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Fingerprint: 57D2 5F2C 9402 A6BD FEF9 B3B6 09E7 1697 435B F54B

Re: [dev] [PATCH 2/2] slstatus: determine the number of cpu's in runtime

2017-09-16 Thread Aaron Marcher

Hi Matthew,

I believe that your patches could be useful to a few who also prefer
the relative to 1CPU point of view.

Yes, exactly.

Though they may not be part of slstatus proper, you could always make
and maintain the patches for them in the patches directory on the
site, as with the other projects.

I would strongly agree to that approach.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
Gopher: gopher:// or gopher://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion
GPG: 0x09e71697435bf54b
Fingerprint: 57D2 5F2C 9402 A6BD FEF9 B3B6 09E7 1697 435B F54B

[dev] [slstatus] Inactivity and continuation of development

2020-11-30 Thread Aaron Marcher

Hello fellow hackers,

I have been very inactive here for the last year because of work and 
personal reasons. However, I am alive! :-)

Regarding my slstatus maintainership: In the next weeks I will dig 
through all the discussion on the mailing list and review and merge the 
patches submitted in my period of inactivity. Additionally, all bugs 
will be fixed.


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
GPG: 0x7A65E38D55BE96FE
Fingerprint: 4688 907C 8720 3318 0D9F AFDE 7A65 E38D 55BE 96FE

Re: [dev] [PATCH slstatus] Add a -1 option flag

2020-11-30 Thread Aaron Marcher

Sorry for the late reply. I merged this.


On 20-06-27 Sat, Daniel Moch wrote:

Any feedback on this? Does this seem like something that should be
added to the wiki as a patch, or something that should be merged?

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 04:35:43PM -0400, Daniel Moch wrote:

Allow slstatus to be used by programs that can grab status by calling
an external program on a periodic basis (e.g. tmux)
 slstatus.1 | 5 -
 slstatus.c | 9 ++---
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/slstatus.1 b/slstatus.1
index da1a99a..d802037 100644
--- a/slstatus.1
+++ b/slstatus.1
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.Dd 2017-08-10
+.Dd 2020-06-23
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 .Op Fl s
+.Op Fl 1
 is a suckless status monitor for window managers that use WM_NAME (e.g. dwm) or
@@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ outputs to WM_NAME.
 .Bl -tag -width Ds
 .It Fl s
 Write to stdout instead of WM_NAME.
+.It Fl 1
+Write once to stdout and quit.
diff --git a/slstatus.c b/slstatus.c
index 96fa5b6..f1f0741 100644
--- a/slstatus.c
+++ b/slstatus.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ difftimespec(struct timespec *res, struct timespec *a, struct 
timespec *b)
 static void
-   die("usage: %s [-s]", argv0);
+   die("usage: %s [-s] [-1]", argv0);

@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])

sflag = 0;
+   case '1':
+   done = 1;
+   /* fallthrough */
case 's':
sflag = 1;
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
die("XOpenDisplay: Failed to open display");

-   while (!done) {
+   do {
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start) < 0) {
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
-   }
+   } while (!done);

if (!sflag) {
XStoreName(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), NULL);

Daniel Moch

Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
Gopher: gopher:// or gopher://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion
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Fingerprint: 4688 907C 8720 3318 0D9F AFDE 7A65 E38D 55BE 96FE

Re: [dev] Re: [slstatus] FreeBSD compiling problem ld undefined symbol

2020-11-30 Thread Aaron Marcher

I added a comment to
Thanks for your work!


On 19-07-30 Tue, Jason Smith wrote:

On 19/07/30 09:22AM, Jason Smith wrote:
I added -lkvm to LDFLAGS and everything compile without any problem.
Thanks to Micheal Buch.

Here is what I get when I tried make:

cc -o slstatus -L/usr/local/lib -s components/battery.o components/cpu.o 
components/datetime.o components/disk.o components/entropy.o 
components/hostname.o components/ip.o components/kernel_release.o 
components/keyboard_indicators.o components/keymap.o components/load_avg.o 
components/netspeeds.o components/num_files.o components/ram.o 
components/swap.o components/temperature.o components/uptime.o 
components/user.o components/volume.o components/wifi.o util.o slstatus.o -lX11
/usr/bin/ld: error: undefined symbol: kvm_openfiles
>>> referenced by swap.c
>>>   components/swap.o:(getswapinfo)

/usr/bin/ld: error: undefined symbol: kvm_getswapinfo
>>> referenced by swap.c
>>>   components/swap.o:(getswapinfo)

/usr/bin/ld: error: undefined symbol: kvm_close
>>> referenced by swap.c
>>>   components/swap.o:(getswapinfo)

/usr/bin/ld: error: undefined symbol: kvm_close
>>> referenced by swap.c
>>>   components/swap.o:(getswapinfo)
cc: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/local/src/slstatus

Here is my
# slstatus version

# customize below to fit your system

# paths
PREFIX = /usr/local
MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/man

X11INC = /usr/local/include
X11LIB = /usr/local/lib

# flags
CFLAGS   = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Os
LDFLAGS  = -L$(X11LIB) -s
LDLIBS   = -lX11

# compiler and linker
CC = cc

What is the problem with swap.c and swap.o ?

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Gopher: gopher:// or gopher://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion
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Fingerprint: 4688 907C 8720 3318 0D9F AFDE 7A65 E38D 55BE 96FE

Re: [dev] [ slstatus / dwm ] statusbar is not rendered correctly

2020-11-30 Thread Aaron Marcher


sorry for my late reply.
Is this still an issue?


On 20-02-19 Wed, wrote:

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, February 4, 2020 11:43 AM, Danh Doan  wrote:

On 2020-02-02 10:19:03+, wrote:

> > > in the attachment). Does anyone of you know if this is a known bug or
> > > if there is something wrong at my setup? (I couldn't even determine
> > > if this is an issue with dwm or with slstaus.)
> > > Are you able to reproduce this with xsetroot? Such as:
> > > xsetroot -name "Some long text here"
> Hello,
> well setting with xsetroot a long content for the statusbar and shorten
> it afterwards again works perfectly fine. Therefore I think the bug is
> of slststus not of dwm.

You can check your slstatus by running:

slstatus -s




sorry that it took me so long to getting to test this.
I ran slstatus -s quite some time, piped it to a file and the output
was perfectly fine. Now I once again tested running xsetroot -name "title"
and it seems earlier I didn't test enough. Now the problem was present again.

Setting a long bar content and after that setting a shorter bar content cause
troubles and the old content isn't overdrawn correctly. Furthermore, the part
of the bar containing the window title of the currently active window isn't
expanded after setting the shorter bar content.

Best wishes

Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
Gopher: gopher:// or gopher://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion
GPG: 0x7A65E38D55BE96FE
Fingerprint: 4688 907C 8720 3318 0D9F AFDE 7A65 E38D 55BE 96FE

Re: [dev] Re: [slstatus] temperature module acts wierd on OpenBSD

2020-11-30 Thread Aaron Marcher


is the problem still present with the commit i just pushed?
(Fix temperature reporting on OpenBSD)


On 20-06-16 Tue, Laslo Hunhold wrote:

On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 20:53:34 +0200
Mattias Andrée  wrote:

Dear Mattias,

I'm assuming temp.value i an `int`, as %d is used. The problem was
probably that `1E6` is actually a `double` rather than an `int`,
as the whole expression is promoted to `double`, because `bprintf` is
(I assume) variadic, and the compiler does not know to change the
cast the expression back to `int` because only the type of the first
argument is specified in its declaration.

ah yes, of course! Thanks for pointing that out. It's never a good idea
to work with floats when you end up casting to int in a step inbetween
or after. Let's go with the FreeBSD-approach seen below that code.

With best regards


Web: or http://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion/
Gopher: gopher:// or gopher://drkhsh5rv6pnahas.onion
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Fingerprint: 4688 907C 8720 3318 0D9F AFDE 7A65 E38D 55BE 96FE