Re: [rdo-dev] [outage][infra] RDO Cloud upgrade

2017-12-13 Thread Javier Pena
> Hi all,
> The RDO Cloud is being upgraded. As a result, we can expect outages in
> multiple RDO Infra services to happen until the upgrade is finished. For
> example, currently nodepool is failing to create new VMs, so CI jobs are
> being delayed.

Hi all,

The RDO Cloud upgrade is still ongoing. It has finished its first milestone 
(minor upgrade), and the RDO Cloud team is currently rebooting compute nodes, 
so some VMs being used for CI operations may fail.

Later today, the major upgrade will be performed, so we can expect disruptions. 
We will continue to work with the team to make sure everything runs as smoothly 
as possible.


> We are in contact with the RDO Cloud team, and will work with them to make
> sure all services are up and running after the upgrade.
> Regards,
> Javier
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[rdo-dev] [Minutes] RDO Community meeting minutes : 2017-12-13

2017-12-13 Thread Chandan kumar
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2017-12-13

Meeting started by chandankumar at 15:01:25 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* Roll Call  (chandankumar, 15:01:41)

* Dry-run/test/firedrill of the queens release ? (in retrospect of the
  challenges from pike)  (chandankumar, 15:05:11)
  * ACTION: dmsimard to create a ML thread about testing the process of
shipping a new stable release  (dmsimard, 15:21:56)

* Test day TOMORROW  (chandankumar, 15:22:51)
  * LINK:
(chandankumar, 15:25:43)

* ICYMI: (Thanks to
  mary_grace)  (chandankumar, 15:30:26)

* Review "rebase if necessary" strategy in gerrit (e.g rdoinfo)
  (chandankumar, 15:32:47)
  * LINK:
(pabelanger, 15:44:09)

* chair for next meeting  (chandankumar, 15:56:04)
  * ACTION: amoralej to chair for next meeting  (chandankumar, 15:57:08)
  * 27th Dec, 2017 RDO community meeting is cancelled due to shutdown
:-)  (chandankumar, 15:57:53)

* openfloor  (chandankumar, 15:58:01)

Meeting ended at 15:59:45 UTC.

Action items, by person

* amoralej
  * amoralej to chair for next meeting
* dmsimard
  * dmsimard to create a ML thread about testing the process of shipping
a new stable release

People present (lines said)

* amoralej (79)
* dmsimard (63)
* chandankumar (43)
* rbowen (24)
* pabelanger (17)
* EmilienM (11)
* openstack (9)
* number80 (6)
* rdogerrit (6)
* jpena (2)
* PagliaccisCloud (1)

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