Re: [DISCUSS] Hive Support

2025-01-06 Thread Wing Yew Poon
FYI --
It looks like the built-in Hive version in the master branch of Apache
Spark is 2.3.10 (, and (upgrade built-in Hive to
3+) is an open issue.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 1:07 PM Wing Yew Poon  wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> In Spark, you can specify the Hive version of the metastore that you want
> to use. There is a configuration, spark.sql.hive.metastore.version, which
> currently (as of Spark 3.5) defaults to 2.3.9, and the jars supporting this
> default version are shipped with Spark as built-in. You can specify a
> different version and then specify spark.sql.hive.metastore.jars=path (the
> default is built-in) and spark.sql.hive.metastore.jars.path to point to
> jars for the Hive metastore version you want to use. What
> does is to allow 4.0.x
> to be supported as a spark.sql.hive.metastore.version. I haven't been
> following Spark 4, but I suspect that the built-in version is not changing
> to Hive 4.0. The built-in version is also used for other things that Spark
> may use from Hive (aside from interaction with HMS), such as Hive SerDes.
> See
> .
> - Wing Yew
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 2:04 AM Péter Váry 
> wrote:
>> Hi Manu,
>> > Spark has only added hive 4.0 metastore support recently for Spark
>> 4.0[1] and there will be conflicts
>> Does this mean that Spark 4.0 will always use Hive 4 code? Or it will use
>> Hive 2 when it is present on the classpath, but if older Hive versions are
>> not on the classpath then it will use the embedded Hive 4 code?
>> > Firstly, upgrading from Hive 2 to Hive 4 is a huge change
>> Is this a huge change even after we remove the Hive runtime module?
>> After removing the Hive runtime module, we have 2 remaining Hive
>> dependencies:
>>- HMS Client
>>   - The Thrift API should not be changed between the Hive versions,
>>   so unless we start to use specific Hive 4 features we should be fine 
>> here -
>>   so whatever version of Hive we use, it should work
>>   - Java API changes. We found that in Hive 2, and Hive 3 the
>>   HMSClient classes used different constructors so we ended up using
>>   DynMethods to use the appropriate constructors - if we use a strict 
>> Hive
>>   version here, then we won't need the DynMethods anymore
>>   - Based on our experience, even if Hive 3 itself doesn't support
>>   Java 11, the HMS Client for Hive 3 doesn't have any issues when used 
>> with
>>   Java 11
>>- Testing infrastructure
>>   - TestHiveMetastore creates and starts a HMS instance. This could
>>   be highly dependent on the version of Hive we are using. Since this is 
>> only
>>   a testing code I expect that only our tests are interacting with this
>> *@Manu*: You know more of the details here. Do we have HMSClient issues
>> when we use Hive 4 code? If I miss something in the listing above, please
>> correct me.
>> Based on this, in an ideal world:
>>- Hive would provide a HMS client jar which only contains java code
>>which is needed to connect and communicate using Thrift with a HMS 
>> instance
>>(no internal HMS server code etc). We could use it as a dependency for our
>>iceberg-hive-metastore module. Either setting a minimal version, or using 
>> a
>>shaded embedded version. *@Hive* folks - is this a valid option? What
>>are the reasons that there is no metastore-client jar provided currently?
>>Would it be possible to generate one in some of the future Hive releases.
>>Seems like a worthy feature for me.
>>- We would create our version dependent HMS infrastructure if we want
>>to support Spark versions which support older Hive versions.
>> As a result of this, we could have:
>>- Clean definition of which Hive version is supported
>>- Testing for the supported Hive versions
>>- Java 11 support
>> As an alternative we can create a testing matrix where some tests are run
>> with both Hive 3 and Hive 4, and some tests are run with only Hive3 (older
>> Spark versions which does not support Hive 4)
>> Thanks Manu for driving this!
>> Peter
>> Manu Zhang  ezt írta (időpont: 2025. jan. 5.,
>> V, 5:18):
>>> This basically means that we need to support every exact Hive versions
 which are used by Spark, and we need to exclude our own Hive version from
 the Spark runtime.
>>> Firstly, upgrading from Hive 2 to Hive 4 is a huge change, and I expect
>>> compatibility to be much better once Iceberg and Spark are both on Hive 4.
>>> Secondly, the coupling can be loosed if we are moving toward the REST
>>> catalog.
>>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 7:26 PM Péter Váry 
>>> wrote:
 That sounds really interesting in a bad way :) :(

 This basically means that we need to support 

Re: [DISCUSS] Hive Support

2025-01-06 Thread Wing Yew Poon
Hi Peter,
In Spark, you can specify the Hive version of the metastore that you want
to use. There is a configuration, spark.sql.hive.metastore.version, which
currently (as of Spark 3.5) defaults to 2.3.9, and the jars supporting this
default version are shipped with Spark as built-in. You can specify a
different version and then specify spark.sql.hive.metastore.jars=path (the
default is built-in) and spark.sql.hive.metastore.jars.path to point to
jars for the Hive metastore version you want to use. What does is to allow 4.0.x to
be supported as a spark.sql.hive.metastore.version. I haven't been
following Spark 4, but I suspect that the built-in version is not changing
to Hive 4.0. The built-in version is also used for other things that Spark
may use from Hive (aside from interaction with HMS), such as Hive SerDes.
- Wing Yew

On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 2:04 AM Péter Váry 

> Hi Manu,
> > Spark has only added hive 4.0 metastore support recently for Spark
> 4.0[1] and there will be conflicts
> Does this mean that Spark 4.0 will always use Hive 4 code? Or it will use
> Hive 2 when it is present on the classpath, but if older Hive versions are
> not on the classpath then it will use the embedded Hive 4 code?
> > Firstly, upgrading from Hive 2 to Hive 4 is a huge change
> Is this a huge change even after we remove the Hive runtime module?
> After removing the Hive runtime module, we have 2 remaining Hive
> dependencies:
>- HMS Client
>   - The Thrift API should not be changed between the Hive versions,
>   so unless we start to use specific Hive 4 features we should be fine 
> here -
>   so whatever version of Hive we use, it should work
>   - Java API changes. We found that in Hive 2, and Hive 3 the
>   HMSClient classes used different constructors so we ended up using
>   DynMethods to use the appropriate constructors - if we use a strict Hive
>   version here, then we won't need the DynMethods anymore
>   - Based on our experience, even if Hive 3 itself doesn't support
>   Java 11, the HMS Client for Hive 3 doesn't have any issues when used 
> with
>   Java 11
>- Testing infrastructure
>   - TestHiveMetastore creates and starts a HMS instance. This could
>   be highly dependent on the version of Hive we are using. Since this is 
> only
>   a testing code I expect that only our tests are interacting with this
> *@Manu*: You know more of the details here. Do we have HMSClient issues
> when we use Hive 4 code? If I miss something in the listing above, please
> correct me.
> Based on this, in an ideal world:
>- Hive would provide a HMS client jar which only contains java code
>which is needed to connect and communicate using Thrift with a HMS instance
>(no internal HMS server code etc). We could use it as a dependency for our
>iceberg-hive-metastore module. Either setting a minimal version, or using a
>shaded embedded version. *@Hive* folks - is this a valid option? What
>are the reasons that there is no metastore-client jar provided currently?
>Would it be possible to generate one in some of the future Hive releases.
>Seems like a worthy feature for me.
>- We would create our version dependent HMS infrastructure if we want
>to support Spark versions which support older Hive versions.
> As a result of this, we could have:
>- Clean definition of which Hive version is supported
>- Testing for the supported Hive versions
>- Java 11 support
> As an alternative we can create a testing matrix where some tests are run
> with both Hive 3 and Hive 4, and some tests are run with only Hive3 (older
> Spark versions which does not support Hive 4)
> Thanks Manu for driving this!
> Peter
> Manu Zhang  ezt írta (időpont: 2025. jan. 5., V,
> 5:18):
>> This basically means that we need to support every exact Hive versions
>>> which are used by Spark, and we need to exclude our own Hive version from
>>> the Spark runtime.
>> Firstly, upgrading from Hive 2 to Hive 4 is a huge change, and I expect
>> compatibility to be much better once Iceberg and Spark are both on Hive 4.
>> Secondly, the coupling can be loosed if we are moving toward the REST
>> catalog.
>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 7:26 PM Péter Váry 
>> wrote:
>>> That sounds really interesting in a bad way :) :(
>>> This basically means that we need to support every exact Hive versions
>>> which are used by Spark, and we need to exclude our own Hive version from
>>> the Spark runtime.
>>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2024, 04:00 Manu Zhang  wrote:
 Hi Peter,

> I think we should make sure that the Iceberg Hive version is
> independent from the version used by Spark

  I'm afraid that is not how it works currently. When Spark is deployed
 with hive libraries (I suppose thi

[DISCUSS] Support keeping at most N snapshots

2025-01-06 Thread Manu Zhang
Hi all,

While maintaining Iceberg tables for our customers, I find it's difficult
to set a default snapshot expiration time
(`history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms`) for different workloads. The default
value of 5 days looks good for daily batch jobs but is too long for
frequently-updated jobs.

I'm thinking about adding another option like
`history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep` to keep at most N snapshots. A
snapshot will be removed when either its age is larger than
`history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms` or it's the oldest in
`history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep + 1` snapshots. I've created a draft
PR to demo the idea[1].

If you agree this is a valid feature request, we also need to update
SnapshotRef[2] adding a new field `max-snapshots-to-keep`. Will there be a
compatibility issue or too much cost to maintain compatibility? My
experiment shows many parsers need to be updated.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.


Happy New Year!

Re: [DISCUSS] Support keeping at most N snapshots

2025-01-06 Thread Ajantha Bhat
Hi Manu,

We already have `retain_last` and `history.expire.min-snapshots-to-keep` to
retain the snapshots based on count. Can you please elaborate on why can't
we use the same?

- Ajantha

On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 11:33 AM Walaa Eldin Moustafa 

> Thanks Manu for starting this discussion. That is definitely a valid
> feature. I have always found maintaining snapshots by day makes it harder
> to provide different types of guarantees/contracts especially when tables
> change rates are diverse or irregular. Maintaining by snapshot count makes
> a lot of sense and prevents table sizes from growing excessively when
> change rate is frequent.
> Thanks,
> Walaa.
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 8:38 PM Manu Zhang  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> While maintaining Iceberg tables for our customers, I find it's difficult
>> to set a default snapshot expiration time
>> (`history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms`) for different workloads. The default
>> value of 5 days looks good for daily batch jobs but is too long for
>> frequently-updated jobs.
>> I'm thinking about adding another option like
>> `history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep` to keep at most N snapshots. A
>> snapshot will be removed when either its age is larger than
>> `history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms` or it's the oldest in
>> `history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep + 1` snapshots. I've created a draft
>> PR to demo the idea[1].
>> If you agree this is a valid feature request, we also need to update
>> SnapshotRef[2] adding a new field `max-snapshots-to-keep`. Will there be a
>> compatibility issue or too much cost to maintain compatibility? My
>> experiment shows many parsers need to be updated.
>> I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> Happy New Year!
>> Manu

Re: [DISCUSS] Support keeping at most N snapshots

2025-01-06 Thread Manu Zhang
Hi Ajantha,

`history.expire.min-snapshots-to-keep` is the *minimum number of snapshots*
we can keep. I'm proposing to decide the *maximum number of snapshots* to
keep by count rather than by age.


On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 2:18 PM Ajantha Bhat  wrote:

> Hi Manu,
> We already have `retain_last` and `history.expire.min-snapshots-to-keep`
> to retain the snapshots based on count. Can you please elaborate on why
> can't we use the same?
> - Ajantha
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 11:33 AM Walaa Eldin Moustafa <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Manu for starting this discussion. That is definitely a valid
>> feature. I have always found maintaining snapshots by day makes it harder
>> to provide different types of guarantees/contracts especially when tables
>> change rates are diverse or irregular. Maintaining by snapshot count makes
>> a lot of sense and prevents table sizes from growing excessively when
>> change rate is frequent.
>> Thanks,
>> Walaa.
>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 8:38 PM Manu Zhang 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> While maintaining Iceberg tables for our customers, I find it's
>>> difficult to set a default snapshot expiration time
>>> (`history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms`) for different workloads. The default
>>> value of 5 days looks good for daily batch jobs but is too long for
>>> frequently-updated jobs.
>>> I'm thinking about adding another option like
>>> `history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep` to keep at most N snapshots. A
>>> snapshot will be removed when either its age is larger than
>>> `history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms` or it's the oldest in
>>> `history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep + 1` snapshots. I've created a draft
>>> PR to demo the idea[1].
>>> If you agree this is a valid feature request, we also need to update
>>> SnapshotRef[2] adding a new field `max-snapshots-to-keep`. Will there be a
>>> compatibility issue or too much cost to maintain compatibility? My
>>> experiment shows many parsers need to be updated.
>>> I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
>>> 1.
>>> 2.
>>> Happy New Year!
>>> Manu

Re: [DISCUSS] Support keeping at most N snapshots

2025-01-06 Thread Walaa Eldin Moustafa
Thanks Manu for starting this discussion. That is definitely a valid
feature. I have always found maintaining snapshots by day makes it harder
to provide different types of guarantees/contracts especially when tables
change rates are diverse or irregular. Maintaining by snapshot count makes
a lot of sense and prevents table sizes from growing excessively when
change rate is frequent.


On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 8:38 PM Manu Zhang  wrote:

> Hi all,
> While maintaining Iceberg tables for our customers, I find it's difficult
> to set a default snapshot expiration time
> (`history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms`) for different workloads. The default
> value of 5 days looks good for daily batch jobs but is too long for
> frequently-updated jobs.
> I'm thinking about adding another option like
> `history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep` to keep at most N snapshots. A
> snapshot will be removed when either its age is larger than
> `history.expire.max-snapshot-age-ms` or it's the oldest in
> `history.expire.max-snapshots-to-keep + 1` snapshots. I've created a draft
> PR to demo the idea[1].
> If you agree this is a valid feature request, we also need to update
> SnapshotRef[2] adding a new field `max-snapshots-to-keep`. Will there be a
> compatibility issue or too much cost to maintain compatibility? My
> experiment shows many parsers need to be updated.
> I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
> 1.
> 2.
> Happy New Year!
> Manu

Re: [DISCUSS] REST: Way to query if metadata pointer is the latest

2025-01-06 Thread Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Hi Gabor

I did a new pass on the proposal and it looks good to me. Great work !

I'm volunteer to work with you on the spec PR according to the doc.

Thoughts ?


On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 11:09 AM Gabor Kaszab  wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just an update that the proposal went through some iterations based on the 
> comments from Daniel Weeks. Thanks for taking a look, Daniel!
> In a nutshell this is what changed compared to the original proposal:
> - The Catalog API will be intact, there is no proposed new API function now. 
> With this the freshness aware functionality and the ETags in particular will 
> not be exposed to the clients of the API.
> - Instead of storing the ETags in TableMetadata we propose to store it in 
> RESTTableOperations since the proposal only focuses on the REST catalog. The 
> very same changes can be done on other TableOperations implementations if 
> there is going to be a need to have this for other catalogs too.
> - A SoftReference cache of (TableIdentifier -> Table object) is introduced on 
> the RESTSessionCatalog level. This can be used for providing previous ETags 
> to the HTTPClient and also to answer Catalog API calls with the latest table 
> metadata if the REST server returns a '304 Not Modified'.
> The doc is updated with the above now:
> While I keep the discussion still open, I think I'll move on to take care of 
> the changes required for the REST spec. Will send a PR for this soon.
> Regards,
> Gabor
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 4:07 PM Jean-Baptiste Onofré  
> wrote:
>> Hi Gabor
>> Thanks for the update ! I will take a look.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 2:52 PM Gabor Kaszab  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Iceberg Community,
>> >
>> > It took me a while but I finally managed to upload the proposal for this 
>> > as an official 'Iceberg improvement proposal'. Thanks for the feedback so 
>> > far!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Gabor
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 4:51 PM Taeyun Kim  
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> Since ETags are opaque values to the client, attributing any semantic 
>> >> meaning to them in the interaction between the client and server would, 
>> >> in my opinion, constitute a misuse/abuse of the HTTP specification.
>> >> On the other hand, the server can generate the ETag value as any string, 
>> >> as long as it conforms to the grammar defined in 
>> >> . Using the metadata 
>> >> location is likely the simplest option. For reference, based on the 
>> >> grammar, ETag values cannot include spaces. Therefore, if the metadata 
>> >> location contains spaces, it may need to be encoded. The same goes for 
>> >> double quotation marks. (I just found this out after looking it up.)
>> >> Anyway, in my opinion, the client must ignore any semantic meaning 
>> >> associated with the value.
>> >>
>> >> Thank you.
>> >>
>> >> -Original Message-
>> >> From:  "Zoltán Borók-Nagy" 
>> >> To:  ;
>> >> Cc:
>> >> Sent:  2024-11-22 (금) 19:57:08 (UTC+09:00)
>> >> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] REST: Way to query if metadata pointer is the 
>> >> latest
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> Separate version information forces the clients to manage a Table ->
>> >> VersionIdentifier mapping which adds unnecessary complexity and can be
>> >> error-prone.
>> >>
>> >> If the VersionIdentifier is embedded in the Table object then the
>> >> application logic is much simpler, and the Catalog interface is not
>> >> only simpler, but also hard to use incorrectly.
>> >> Though this approach slightly increases the size of the Table objects.
>> >> And touching the Table interface might encounter some resistance, even
>> >> if it is only an extension.
>> >>
>> >> Yeah, VersionIdentifier doesn't need to be a String, it could be an
>> >> Object, or an empty interface, and the Catalog implementation could
>> >> cast it to some catalog-specific VersionIdentifierImpl.
>> >>
>> >> loadTableIfChanged() throwing UnsupportedOperationException is
>> >> reasonable, as clients can easily fallback to loadTable. In my mind I
>> >> had a use case where we cache tables without any refresh checks for a
>> >> configured TTL, and after expiration we invoke reloadTable() anyway.
>> >> But this use case can also be implemented even if loadTableIfChanged()
>> >> throws exceptions, making this approach more flexible.
>> >>
>> >> About metadata_location as ETag: I don't have a strong opinion here,
>> >> not sure what could go wrong if we do this. If we start with this
>> >> approach we don't even need a VersionIdentifier for Tables, making the
>> >> whole proposal more lightweight.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks Gabor for driving this and putting together a proposal!
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> Zoltan
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 11:42 AM Gabor Kaszab  
>> >> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > Hi T

Re: [DISCUSS] Hive Support

2025-01-06 Thread Péter Váry
Hi Manu,

> Spark has only added hive 4.0 metastore support recently for Spark 4.0[1]
and there will be conflicts

Does this mean that Spark 4.0 will always use Hive 4 code? Or it will use
Hive 2 when it is present on the classpath, but if older Hive versions are
not on the classpath then it will use the embedded Hive 4 code?

> Firstly, upgrading from Hive 2 to Hive 4 is a huge change

Is this a huge change even after we remove the Hive runtime module?

After removing the Hive runtime module, we have 2 remaining Hive

   - HMS Client
  - The Thrift API should not be changed between the Hive versions, so
  unless we start to use specific Hive 4 features we should be
fine here - so
  whatever version of Hive we use, it should work
  - Java API changes. We found that in Hive 2, and Hive 3 the HMSClient
  classes used different constructors so we ended up using
DynMethods to use
  the appropriate constructors - if we use a strict Hive version here, then
  we won't need the DynMethods anymore
  - Based on our experience, even if Hive 3 itself doesn't support Java
  11, the HMS Client for Hive 3 doesn't have any issues when used
with Java 11
   - Testing infrastructure
  - TestHiveMetastore creates and starts a HMS instance. This could be
  highly dependent on the version of Hive we are using. Since this
is only a
  testing code I expect that only our tests are interacting with this

*@Manu*: You know more of the details here. Do we have HMSClient issues
when we use Hive 4 code? If I miss something in the listing above, please
correct me.

Based on this, in an ideal world:

   - Hive would provide a HMS client jar which only contains java code
   which is needed to connect and communicate using Thrift with a HMS instance
   (no internal HMS server code etc). We could use it as a dependency for our
   iceberg-hive-metastore module. Either setting a minimal version, or using a
   shaded embedded version. *@Hive* folks - is this a valid option? What
   are the reasons that there is no metastore-client jar provided currently?
   Would it be possible to generate one in some of the future Hive releases.
   Seems like a worthy feature for me.
   - We would create our version dependent HMS infrastructure if we want to
   support Spark versions which support older Hive versions.

As a result of this, we could have:

   - Clean definition of which Hive version is supported
   - Testing for the supported Hive versions
   - Java 11 support

As an alternative we can create a testing matrix where some tests are run
with both Hive 3 and Hive 4, and some tests are run with only Hive3 (older
Spark versions which does not support Hive 4)

Thanks Manu for driving this!

Manu Zhang  ezt írta (időpont: 2025. jan. 5., V,

> This basically means that we need to support every exact Hive versions
>> which are used by Spark, and we need to exclude our own Hive version from
>> the Spark runtime.
> Firstly, upgrading from Hive 2 to Hive 4 is a huge change, and I expect
> compatibility to be much better once Iceberg and Spark are both on Hive 4.
> Secondly, the coupling can be loosed if we are moving toward the REST
> catalog.
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 7:26 PM Péter Váry 
> wrote:
>> That sounds really interesting in a bad way :) :(
>> This basically means that we need to support every exact Hive versions
>> which are used by Spark, and we need to exclude our own Hive version from
>> the Spark runtime.
>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2024, 04:00 Manu Zhang  wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
 I think we should make sure that the Iceberg Hive version is
 independent from the version used by Spark
>>>  I'm afraid that is not how it works currently. When Spark is deployed
>>> with hive libraries (I suppose this is common), iceberg-spark runtime must
>>> be compatible with them.
>>> Otherwise, we need to ask users to exclude hive libraries from Spark and
>>> ship iceberg-spark runtime with Iceberg's hive dependencies.\
>>> Regards,
>>> Manu
>>> On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 9:08 PM Péter Váry 
>>> wrote:
 @Manu: What will be the end result? Do we have to use the same Hive
 version in Iceberg as it is defined by Spark? I think we should make sure
 that the Iceberg Hive version is independent from the version used by Spark

 On Mon, Dec 16, 2024, 21:58  wrote:

> > I'm not sure there's an upgrade path before Spark 4.0. Any ideas?
> We can at least separate the concerns. We can remove the runtime
> modules that are the main issue. If we compile against an older version of
> the Hive metastore module (leaving it unchanged) that at least has a
> dramatically reduced surface area for Java version issues. As long as the
> API is compatible (and we haven't heard complaints that it is not) then I
> think users can override the version in their environments.
> Ryan
> On Sun