Bug#319609: ITP: pycocuma -- Pythonic Contact and Customer Management

2005-07-23 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: pycocuma
  Version : 0.4.5-5
  Upstream Author : Henning Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://www.srcco.de/pycocuma/index.html
* License : GPL v2 or later
  Description : Pythonic Contact and Customer Management

 PyCoCuMa (Pythonic Contact and Customer Management) provides a personal
 information system for addresses, telephone numbers and other data associated
 with personal contacts (also supports photographic pictures).
 PyCoCuMa is purely written in Python with a Tk graphical interface. PyCoCuMa
 is based on an XML-RPC client-server architecture. The server stores its data
 in compatible vCard (ver. 3.0) files (*.vcf) which can be read by all modern
 address programs (Evolution, KAddressbook, Outlook, GnomeCard, etc).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#323076: ITP: dealer -- bridge hand generator

2005-08-14 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Package name: dealer
  Version : 0.20040530
  Upstream Authors: Hans van Staveren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Henk Uijterwaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL : http://www.dombo.org/henk/dealer.html
* License : Public domain with some files GPLv2+
  Description : bridge hand generator

 This program generates bridge hands for partnerships bidding training or for
 generating statistics that can be used to design conventions, or win
 postmortems. Dealer has been used in many bridge publications.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#323076: ITP: dealer -- bridge hand generator

2005-08-14 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Jesus Climent in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > * Package name: dealer
> >   Version : 0.20040530
> >   Upstream Authors: Hans van Staveren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Henk Uijterwaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > * URL : http://www.dombo.org/henk/dealer.html
> > * License : Public domain with some files GPLv2+
> >   Description : bridge hand generator
> > 
> >  This program generates bridge hands for partnerships bidding training or 
> > for
> >  generating statistics that can be used to design conventions, or win
> >  postmortems. Dealer has been used in many bridge publications.
> >  .
> >  http://www.dombo.org/henk/dealer.html
> Few points:
> 1. the name of the package might be a namespace polution, since it is too
> generic.

Most texts cite "dealer" in conjunction with the first author's name,
but everyone how has dealed [:-)] with bridge programs knows the
program by that name.

Note that I'm already maintaining "deal" which serves the same
purpose, but isn't used as widely. And if one name is generic that's
probably the shorter "deal".

> 2. after reading and re-reading both the description and the long description,
> i have no clue whatsoever what the program is for. Hopefuly in the final
> package it will be reworded...

I'll include the botton line from the latex-bridge description:
"Bridge is an intellectually challenging card game for four players."

(Maybe ITPs should include the proposed section (games in this case)
to resolve confusions like these.)

Thanks for your suggestions.

Re: Frans Pop in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 1. the name of the package might be a namespace polution, since it is
> > too generic.
> Possibly bridge-player would be a good alternative.

I don't think cramming the short description into the package name
improves things.

> > 2. after reading and re-reading both the description and the long
> > description, i have no clue whatsoever what the program is for.
> > Hopefuly in the final package it will be reworded...
> For someone who has played bridge, the short and long descriptions are 
> perfectly OK :-)

Thanks :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#325822: Bug#322873: ITP: auctiongallery -- Generates picture galleries and HTML templates for auction descriptions

2005-09-01 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Stan Vasilyev in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Package name: auctiongallery

Re: Stan Vasilyev in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Package name: auctiongallery-template-grey

Re: Stan Vasilyev in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Package name: auctiongallery-template-rby

According to [1], the tarballs have a size of 10472, 930, and 852
bytes, respectively. May I suggest to put all into a single package?

[1] http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=147095

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#303794: ITA: log4cpp -- A C++ library for flexible logging

2005-09-10 Thread Christoph Berg
> i've done an updated package for log4cpp. It's the current stable release for 
> the C++ ABI transition (and closes bug #287204).
> I'm looking for a sponsor who want to review/upload it.


I've grabbed the package from mentors.d.n. Please clarify the
following points:

0) does it make sense to package 0.3.4b now when 0.3.5 is in
preparation by upstream?

1) why is the .orig.tar.gz different from the SF.net version?

60f1bf4eaf60a0ca45339b0b2a93abb9139a1fd8  o/log4cpp-0.3.4b.tar.gz
34f5a316f621913f60766c6be9c2f237b4f1b7de  log4cpp_0.3.4b.orig.tar.gz

2) debian/copyright does not mention the copyright itself (which is
something that looks like "(c)  name ".

3) outdated Standards-Version.

4) you didn't actually change the Maintainer line. (note that you
don't have to adopt the package, you can leave it with the QA group,
but that's suboptimal, and invalidates the changelog entry about

5) the Description shouldn't start with "A ".

6) wtf is that redirection for?
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../include -I../include -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-unused 
-pedantic -c FixedContextCategory.cpp -MT FixedContextCategory.lo -MD -MP -MF 
.deps/FixedContextCategory.TPlo -o FixedContextCategory.o >/dev/null 2>&1

E: liblog4cpp3-dev: old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file
E: liblog4cpp3: old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file


Description: Digital signature

Bug#303794: ITA: log4cpp -- A C++ library for flexible logging

2005-09-12 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Fathi Boudra in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 0) does it make sense to package 0.3.4b now when 0.3.5 is in
> > preparation by upstream?
> the package was orphaned and the current version in debian is 0.2.8
> until 0.3.5 will be released, the current stable upstream is 0.3.4b
> Instead of waiting for the next stable upstream release, i prefer to try to 
> provide an updated package, more up-to-date than the 0.2.8 version.

Ok. I was just curious if you knew if the release would happen during
the next few weeks.

> > 1) why is the .orig.tar.gz different from the SF.net version?
> >
> > 60f1bf4eaf60a0ca45339b0b2a93abb9139a1fd8  o/log4cpp-0.3.4b.tar.gz
> > 34f5a316f621913f60766c6be9c2f237b4f1b7de  log4cpp_0.3.4b.orig.tar.gz
> you're right, i have probably done a mistake in my packaging.
> the noted differences are the config.guess and config.sub

These should go into the .diff.gz (making it very large).

> > 2) debian/copyright does not mention the copyright itself (which is
> > something that looks like "(c)  name ".
> this line isn't correct ? :
> Copyright Holder: Bastiaan Bakker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If that's what's in the source, yes. (Ideally, there would be
copyright years, but that's not really important.)

> > 6) wtf is that redirection for?
> > g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../include -I../include -g -O2 -Wall
> > -Wno-unused -pedantic -c FixedContextCategory.cpp -MT
> > FixedContextCategory.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/FixedContextCategory.TPlo -o
> > FixedContextCategory.o >/dev/null 2>&1
> from the upstream release. need to investigate.

If upstream does it in that way, leave it as it is. It's still
braindead ;)

> you're the first one to review my package. Thanks for your reports.
> i'll correct my mistakes and can produce log4cpp 0.3.4b-2 or related to the 
> 1st point, can upgrade to 0.3.5rc3. what do you think of it ?

Either is fine, your choice.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#328106: ITP: kbibtex -- BibTeX editor for KDE

2005-09-13 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Michael Hanke in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * Package name: kbibtex
>   Version : 0.1.1
>   Upstream Author : Thomas Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * URL : http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~fischer/kbibtex/
> * License : GPL
>   Description : BibTeX editor for KDE
> I would be glad, if someone would sponsor this package.


Some checks:

* your .orig.tar.gz does not match the .tar.bz2 from the upstream
  website (both unzipped). Please fix that.
* the .dsc signature goes inside the .dsc (use debsign)
* debian/copyright should list the copyright lines, i.e.
  Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Thomas Fischer
* the FSF address is outdated
* remove the commented-out lines from debian/rules

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#413482: enscript maintenance

2007-06-23 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Dionysis Kalofonos 2007-03-29 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I saw you request for passing the maintenance of enscript to someone else. 

Hi Dionysis,

sorry for coming back to you so late - the BTS doesn't actually
forward mails to the submitter, so I didn't get your message until I
more or less accidentally looked on the web.

> And since it is suggested that the best way for new contributors to make a 
> start are the packages for adoption i really want to give it a shot.


> I am interested in enscript because i have been using it and i would like 
> to help, however enscript is going to be my first package.
> I have not done any previous work on debian (i have only been a user so
> far).
> If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. If you are 
> happy with me taking over the maintenance of the package, could you guide 
> me? I need as much help as i can get :)

I can sponsor you, no problem. You should probably start by reading
the maint-guide [1], and at least skim through the policy [2] and
dev-ref [3].

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/
[2] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/
[3] http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/

Learning how to maintain a package is mostly a matter of practise, so
get going :)

Please prod me with any questions you might have if you are still
interested. (I'm Myon on irc, if you are using that.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#428738: ITA: gtkfontsel

2007-07-24 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Vincent Fourmond 2007-07-23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   I use gtkfontsel - rather infrequently, I admit - and that's precisely
> the kind of software you're desperately looking for when doing various
> configurations, and whose need falls down afterwards. I would personally
> miss it if it weren't in Debian.


>   Do you have any recommendations, or know some traps I should be wary
> of ? Hard work I should be looking forward to ;-) ?

Not really. Most of the maintenance work is probably keeping the
package alive as gtk-1.2 gets more and more deprecated.


Description: Digital signature

Bug#413482: enscript maintenance

2007-07-29 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Franz Pletz 2007-07-29 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Dionysis,
> do you still intend to adopt enscript? If not, I'd like to take over
> maintainance. Thanks.

Hi Franz,

I think you can go ahead, Dionysis never answered my mail to him.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#438571: O: ipac-ng -- IP Accounting for iptables

2007-08-17 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of ipac-ng, Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is no longer working on this package.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: ipac-ng
Binary: ipac-ng
Version: 1.31-4
Priority: optional
Section: net
Maintainer: Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), dpatch, debianutils, bison, iptables, flex, 
libgdbm-dev, libpq-dev, libsqlite0-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/i/ipac-ng
 2e1cfa8b7950a548e8651b6df3af6e24 640 ipac-ng_1.31-4.dsc
 0c010550adfc140bb3990eb02f1604d0 196674 ipac-ng_1.31.orig.tar.gz
 e7cf009fbfc3196550c8e76e77542391 37606 ipac-ng_1.31-4.diff.gz

Package: ipac-ng
Priority: optional
Section: net
Installed-Size: 452
Maintainer: Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Source: ipac-ng (1.31-4)
Version: 1.31-4+b1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5), libgdbm3, libpq5, libsqlite0 (>= 2.8.17), netbase, 
iptables, cron (>= 3.0pl1-42), perl
Recommends: libgd-gd2-perl | libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl
Suggests: modutils
Filename: pool/main/i/ipac-ng/ipac-ng_1.31-4+b1_i386.deb
Size: 120384
MD5sum: 2c438539326e97b63449e1d1ec7f46f2
SHA1: 6f33f648ab8ead725b03dccb6dd8766a1a98a779
SHA256: 59a1bf0b5d874e0d6a0fcd8ea99a947502a6121d84aac6995d91efef60398a2c
Description: IP Accounting for iptables
 Inserts iptables rules to classify network traffic and monitors these rules,
 writing the data to a file at a certain interval. It will then allow one to
 calculate IP accounting data and statistics.
Tag: admin::accounting, admin::logging, network::firewall, role::program, 
scope::utility, security::firewall, use::configuring, works-with::logfile

Description: Digital signature

Bug#438775: RFA: minimalist -- MINImalistic MAiling LISTs manager

2007-08-19 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I'm not really using this package, so I'm willing to hand it over to a
maintainer who cares more about it.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: minimalist
Binary: minimalist
Version: 2.5.3-3
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4), quilt
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/m/minimalist
 3b390d1d36bd1fe0668e2baa8ecfb2f1 575 minimalist_2.5.3-3.dsc
 34d1d65750f80def5a931b99575ca027 39905 minimalist_2.5.3.orig.tar.gz
 7e358e747bbb7ec3960ca9648a6dc0b7 23926 minimalist_2.5.3-3.diff.gz

Package: minimalist
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Installed-Size: 308
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 2.5.3-3
Depends: perl5
Filename: pool/main/m/minimalist/minimalist_2.5.3-3_all.deb
Size: 71292
MD5sum: 35f4c4e7d8ff3c577eeb5b16dbb1ae1d
SHA1: 4eb23839b4c6621dbe04b6ea294b489742bf42c6
SHA256: 17b13755c90ebffeed867a794ebb2db601ccd32c380fefbe9c018e25b4df7f4c
Description: MINImalistic MAiling LISTs manager
 Minimalist is a fast and extremely easy to setup and support list manager
  * subscribe/unsubscribe users by request
  * several levels of security
  * read-only/closed/mandatory lists
  * suspend/resume subscription
  * archiving
  * multilanguage support
  * process MIME-encoded messages
  * blacklist
  * logging activity
Tag: implemented-in::perl, mail::list, network::server, protocol::smtp, 
role::program, scope::application, works-with::mail

Description: Digital signature

Bug#439041: O: python-dhm -- Collection of Python utilities

2007-08-21 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of python-dhm, Michelle Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is no longer active.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: python-dhm
Binary: python-dhm
Version: 0.5-2.3
Priority: optional
Section: python
Maintainer: Michelle Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11)
Build-Depends-Indep: python-support (>= 0.3)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/p/python-dhm
 bc585c71e53efa1046d27b7503e5104b 656 python-dhm_0.5-2.3.dsc
 a429316646f1d72226825c74f4e3d742 19444 python-dhm_0.5.orig.tar.gz
 68a71e0b9b4a794e8e2e82a9692ac4a3 2175 python-dhm_0.5-2.3.diff.gz

Package: python-dhm
Priority: optional
Section: python
Installed-Size: 184
Maintainer: Michelle Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.5-2.3
Replaces: python2.3-dhm (<< 0.5-2.3), python2.4-dhm (<< 0.5-2.3)
Depends: python, python-support (>= 0.2)
Conflicts: python2.3-dhm (<< 0.5-2.3), python2.4-dhm (<< 0.5-2.3)
Filename: pool/main/p/python-dhm/python-dhm_0.5-2.3_all.deb
Size: 22754
MD5sum: def3e45c435432ef7913ba5cf3565d01
SHA1: 218560167cfb64d79a082b15a5311393f708e144
SHA256: 23d0f48b9d97f1b161229e77842ffba3d7bf202668bd04775949e58878dda6be
Description: Collection of Python utilities
 A collection of various tools wich cover a broad range of things: classes
 to make it easier to deal with LDAP and SQL databases, CGI-related tools,
 general string manipulation, process handling, etc.
 For more information, see: http://www.wiggy.net/code/python-dhm.xhtml
Python-Version: all
Tag: devel::lang:python, devel::library, implemented-in::python, web::cgi, 

Description: Digital signature

Bug#439042: O: bazaar-doc -- bazaar revision control system (documentation)

2007-08-21 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of bazaar-doc, Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is no longer active.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: bazaar-doc
Binary: bazaar-doc
Version: 1.4-1
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Maintainer: Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), python-docutils, tetex-bin, tetex-extra, 
autoconf, automake1.9 | automaken
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/b/bazaar-doc
 9fc9a4de4c20f8c68c883f402c141654 637 bazaar-doc_1.4-1.dsc
 a86a768fa0176ff68a1e4657a6a52ed2 203416 bazaar-doc_1.4.orig.tar.gz
 a9c8c0be97760f2216d588be50795efe 2478 bazaar-doc_1.4-1.diff.gz

Package: bazaar-doc
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Installed-Size: 560
Maintainer: Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.4-1
Suggests: gv | ps-viewer, lynx | www-browser
Filename: pool/main/b/bazaar-doc/bazaar-doc_1.4-1_all.deb
Size: 432632
MD5sum: 25eef43ad4fd2f872f519594acb773cb
SHA1: 907c775f23c779494bd9ffda2036ef7618f28e30
SHA256: 829ac38a23dabea5d700cb46c30656986d4029af8d47fdd4d5f035700827165c
Description: bazaar revision control system (documentation)
 A collection of howtos and short documents about using bazaar.
Tag: role::documentation

Description: Digital signature

Bug#439045: RFA: openbox-themes -- Themes für den Openbox Windowmanager

2007-08-21 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of openbox-themes, Chris Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
has indicated he is willing to hand over the package to a new
maintainer in case someone wants to improve it.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: openbox-themes
Binary: openbox-themes
Version: 1.0.1
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Chris Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/o/openbox-themes
 8129cf3dd4265232d899906fa696a46c 512 openbox-themes_1.0.1.dsc
 e545f4448e7787a2dc26b81c667a2307 453161 openbox-themes_1.0.1.tar.gz

Package: openbox-themes
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 3428
Maintainer: Chris Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.0.1
Depends: openbox (>= 3.0)
Filename: pool/main/o/openbox-themes/openbox-themes_1.0.1_all.deb
Size: 54856
MD5sum: b2af91d4a6a6d65ea0345cd188d786fc
SHA1: 03927bbbcee4c1da4c71aafe2aa4702079cb3a53
SHA256: 5d5962fc15b5557b96d483428a82ae88924e1071f4ed11429c02d2ae1a680201
Description-de: Themes für den Openbox Windowmanager
 Dieses Paket enthält verschiedene Themes für den Openbox Windowmanager.
Tag: interface::x11, x11::theme, x11::window-manager

Description: Digital signature

Bug#439051: O: motion -- V4L capture program supporting motion detection

2007-08-21 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of motion, Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: motion
Binary: motion
Version: 3.2.3-2.1
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Maintainer: Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), libjpeg62-dev, sharutils, nasm, 
zlib1g-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, libpq-dev, po-debconf, libavcodec-dev, 
libavformat-dev, dpatch
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/m/motion
 621ea571f13f44ecf0c1069a2c3df5c7 703 motion_3.2.3-2.1.dsc
 d58770be5196bc2722625a99b7ae4b12 314081 motion_3.2.3.orig.tar.gz
 b3fada2b4af605f36d7d92ed87918cda 36823 motion_3.2.3-2.1.diff.gz

Package: motion
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 576
Maintainer: Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Source: motion (3.2.3-2.1)
Version: 3.2.3-2.1+b3
Depends: liba52-0.7.4, libavcodec1d (>= 0.cvs20070307), libavformat1d (>= 
0.cvs20070307), libavutil1d (>= 0.cvs20070307), libc6 (>= 2.5-5), libdc1394-13, 
libgsm1 (>= 1.0.10), libjpeg62, libmysqlclient15off (>= 5.0.27-1), libogg0 (>= 
1.1.3), libpq5, libraw1394-8, libtheora0, libvorbis0a (>= 1.1.2), libvorbisenc2 
(>= 1.1.2), zlib1g (>= 1:, debconf | debconf-2.0
Recommends: ffmpeg
Suggests: mysql-client, postgresql-client
Filename: pool/main/m/motion/motion_3.2.3-2.1+b3_i386.deb
Size: 194660
MD5sum: c1ecbf284c7ed64979d1f9edbf21b9b6
SHA1: 3e1d35bfcf71d8beec238ef766f8a6daa3d0
SHA256: 90a938bcd59cddda16b8daf433ee246601e2c56840bd34cedf8f55ddb99c7c1f
Description: V4L capture program supporting motion detection
 Motion is a program that monitors the video signal from
 one or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant
 part of the picture has changed. Or in other words, it can
 detect motion.
 Motion is a command line based tool. It has no graphical
 user interface. Everything is setup either via the
 command line or via configuration files.
 The output from motion can be:
- jpg files
- ppm format files
- mpeg video sequences
 Also, motion has its own minimalistic web server. Thus,
 you can access the webcam output from motion via a browser.
Tag: hardware::camera, interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, 
use::monitor, works-with::image, works-with::video

Description: Digital signature

Bug#439052: O: clamcour -- courier filter for clamav to virus scan incoming mail

2007-08-21 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of clamcour, Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: clamcour
Binary: clamcour
Version: 0.2.2-1.2
Priority: extra
Section: mail
Maintainer: Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), libclamav-dev, courier-base
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/c/clamcour
 f4ea31d2017bdb10b0be8a5b6d4080e7 609 clamcour_0.2.2-1.2.dsc
 f41062ce71f2475e3c83f10fe4dc4af1 114323 clamcour_0.2.2.orig.tar.gz
 8191d1e43226dab8db05062e0588638a 18137 clamcour_0.2.2-1.2.diff.gz

Package: clamcour
Priority: extra
Section: mail
Installed-Size: 48
Maintainer: Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Source: clamcour (0.2.2-1.2)
Version: 0.2.2-1.2+b3
Depends: libbz2-1.0, libc6 (>= 2.5-5), libclamav2 (>= 0.90.3), libcurl3 (>= 
7.16.2-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.2-20070516), libgmp3c2, libkrb53 (>= 1.6.dfsg.1), 
libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8e-1), libstdc++6 (>= 4.2-20070516), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)
Recommends: clamav-freshclam
Filename: pool/main/c/clamcour/clamcour_0.2.2-1.2+b3_i386.deb
Size: 11436
MD5sum: 0a7c083e2a00f3bafcbca245bbf15dbe
SHA1: b988f81ac4f0649ad725ce8e1ab2003da71af688
SHA256: 611f4c05739c740007394dedf7acc104b1e8146d440d2a4f5b6337a62781b8d6
Description: courier filter for clamav to virus scan incoming mail
 ClamCour is a Courier filter that allows Clam Antivirus to scan
 incoming mail for viruses, and rejects it if check is positive.
 ClamCour is target-specific as it is written specifically for the
 Courier MTA which makes for better performance and is more light on
 CPU and memory resources compared to e.g. amavisd-new which, on the
 other hand, is more flexible (works with several MTAs) and more
 ClamCour is written in C++ and is multi-threaded.
 It is highly recommended that clamav-freshclam is installed together
 with ClamCour to provide an up-to-date ClamAV virus definition database.
Tag: implemented-in::c++, interface::daemon, mail::filters, network::server, 
role::program, security::antivirus, use::scanning, works-with::mail

Description: Digital signature

Bug#439053: O: mcdp -- Small console cd player

2007-08-21 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of mcdp, Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: mcdp
Binary: mcdp
Version: 0.4-3
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/m/mcdp
 43f541d2553017f3dd31481a5db3e48e 552 mcdp_0.4-3.dsc
 917b98e3e287dfad6a9de40e7bb342e7 23642 mcdp_0.4.orig.tar.gz
 eb3c56c54e568d77fca671dd2d8f8ae6 2374 mcdp_0.4-3.diff.gz

Package: mcdp
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 48
Maintainer: Frederik Dannemare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 0.4-3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Filename: pool/main/m/mcdp/mcdp_0.4-3_i386.deb
Size: 14234
MD5sum: 9abc8d0ac82c69c80ff6a7120136bcf8
SHA1: 7d5885f4ce175873122305d06d6423c503bcf614
SHA256: c2a840f9631249916eb08837324115f806773bb9d4b213ac93ee6e612909926f
Description: Small console cd player
 mcdp is a really small cd player with a curses-like
 user interface. It supports minimal remote/local
 cddb/freedb track data, different play methods (including
 intro, repeat cd, and repeat track) and volume control.
Tag: hardware::storage, hardware::storage:cd, interface::text-mode, 
sound::player, use::playing, works-with::audio

Description: Digital signature

Bug#413482: ita enscript

2007-09-18 Thread Christoph Berg
retitle 413482 RFA: enscript -- Converts ASCII text to Postscript, HTML, RTF or 
noowner 413482

Re: To Franz Pletz 2007-09-03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Franz,
> how are you making progress with enscript? Anything I can help you
> with?

Hi Franz,

I haven't heard back from you yet - please retitle the bug if you
still intend to adopt enscript.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#428737: retty

2007-09-18 Thread Christoph Berg
retitle 428737 RFA: retty -- attach processes running on other terminals
noowner 428737

Re: To LIU Qi 2007-09-03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> how's your work on retty going? Is there anything I can help you with
> wrt the ITA?


I haven't heard back from you yet - please retitle the bug if you
still intend to adopt retty.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#444885: ITP: unoconv -- convertor between any document format that OpenOffice.org understands

2007-10-02 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Vincent Bernat 2007-10-01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Description : convertor between any document format that OpenOffice.org 
> understands

The wording might be a bit unfortunate - does it allow conversion from
.otd and .ods and vice-versa? (Same for the other modules.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#444885: ITP: unoconv -- convertor between any document format that OpenOffice.org understands

2007-10-02 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Vincent Bernat 2007-10-02 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The wording might be a bit unfortunate - does it allow conversion from
> > .otd and .ods and vice-versa? (Same for the other modules.)
> Currently,  no.  It  seems  that  OpenOffice  cannot  do  this  kind  of
> conversion. The current description is:
> Description: converter between any OpenOffice.org document format
>  unoconv converts between any document format that OpenOffice
>  understands. It uses OpenOffice's UNO bindings for non-interactive
>  conversion of documents.
>  .
>  Supported document formats include Open Document Format (.odt), MS
>  Word (.doc), MS Office Open/MS OOXML (.xml), Portable Document Format
>  (.pdf), HTML, XHTML, RTF, Docbook (.xml), and more.
>  .
>   Homepage: http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/unoconv/
> Do you have a better wording?

Maybe "converter for OpenOffice.org text document formats"?

(And likewise in the long description.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#446003: RFA: xar -- eXtensible ARchiver

2007-10-09 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I'm offering some packages up for adoption so I have more time for the

xar is quite new, but hasn't seen much upstream activity lately
(afaict, I haven't contacted them personally yet). The packaging is
fairly trivial (except it builds a library...). There's python
bindings floating around somewhere that could be packaged.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: xar
Binary: xar, libxar1, libxar1-dev
Version: 1.5.1-1
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5), libxml2-dev, libssl-dev, chrpath
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/x/xar
 3cc2e41936c8641947a473f4cedd8928 669 xar_1.5.1-1.dsc
 c24e4a3958b90e6cce162e60e8e43761 136623 xar_1.5.1.orig.tar.gz
 b324455eee736421746124f39004b1b2 2363 xar_1.5.1-1.diff.gz
Vcs-Browser: http://hg.df7cb.de/hg/xar
Vcs-Hg: http://hg.df7cb.de/hg/xar

Package: xar
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 64
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.5.1-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5-5), libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8e-1), libxar1 (= 1.5.1-1), 
libxml2 (>= 2.6.29), zlib1g (>= 1:
Filename: pool/main/x/xar/xar_1.5.1-1_amd64.deb
Size: 11872
MD5sum: e4b908fe23cd6adfb4ccc12c7b632df7
SHA1: 76db24e493c37b72878dbabb6e27c86826083715
SHA256: d8b5fd8083c7bc46b456ed43c58eb465d57b6e98e1902554f104252771317ee0
Description: eXtensible ARchiver
 The XAR project aims to provide an easily extensible archive format. Important
 design decisions include an easily extensible XML table of contents for random
 access to archived files, storing the toc at the beginning of the archive to
 allow for efficient handling of streamed archives, the ability to handle files
 of arbitrarily large sizes, the ability to choose independent encodings for
 individual files in the archive, the ability to store checksums for individual
 files in both compressed and uncompressed form, and the ability to query the
 table of content's rich meta-data.
 This package contains the xar binary.

Package: libxar1
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 152
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: xar
Version: 1.5.1-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5-5), libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8e-1), libxml2 (>= 2.6.29), 
zlib1g (>= 1:
Filename: pool/main/x/xar/libxar1_1.5.1-1_amd64.deb
Size: 39334
MD5sum: 23c65a8144f9206df87a8d74089e482b
SHA1: 80f2ef938767b63231d55d1493b4c14e36eccd42
SHA256: fe93f4e92346b62bcee53776e4127ddfb2c3fba73c458a578da2eb3354a4d048
Description: eXtensible ARchiver (library)
 The XAR project aims to provide an easily extensible archive format. Important
 design decisions include an easily extensible XML table of contents for random
 access to archived files, storing the toc at the beginning of the archive to
 allow for efficient handling of streamed archives, the ability to handle files
 of arbitrarily large sizes, the ability to choose independent encodings for
 individual files in the archive, the ability to store checksums for individual
 files in both compressed and uncompressed form, and the ability to query the
 table of content's rich meta-data.
 This package contains the libxar library.

Package: libxar1-dev
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 44
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: xar
Version: 1.5.1-1
Depends: libxar1 (= 1.5.1-1)
Filename: pool/main/x/xar/libxar1-dev_1.5.1-1_amd64.deb
Size: 3914
MD5sum: b37cd7cf9e2e2a4485eaf166038f8290
SHA1: 8de32f54aa4d8a60d841ff737cc8bb7c04af0e26
SHA256: 969c64df07991649c4c23341e62a32d6428c6203af9bbf4ef44d04b7f7725ff7
Description: eXtensible ARchiver (development files)
 The XAR project aims to provide an easily extensible archive format. Important
 design decisions include an easily extensible XML table of contents for random
 access to archived files, storing the toc at the beginning of the archive to
 allow for efficient handling of streamed archives, the ability to handle files
 of arbitrarily large sizes, the ability to choose independent encodings for
 individual files in the archive, the ability to store checksums for individual
 files in both compressed and uncompressed form, and the ability to query the
 table of content's rich meta-data.
 This package contains the libxar headers.

Description: Digital signature

Bug#543560: O: libyada -- yet another database abstraction layer

2009-08-25 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I'm not using the package anymore, hence I'm orphaning it.

If no one picks it up within the next few weeks, I'll request its
removal. Popcon numbers are very low (7).

Package: libyada
Binary: libyada-sqlite3-4, libyada4, libyada-mysql4, libyada-dev, libyada-pgsql4
Version: 1.0.2-2
Priority: extra
Section: devel
Maintainer: Christoph Berg 
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), quilt (>= 0.40-1), libltdl3-dev, 
libpq-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev | libmysqlclient-dev, libsqlite3-dev, chrpath
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/liby/libyada
 c952903d85c76e9fdcafe95678758991 738 libyada_1.0.2-2.dsc
 8b259a6a8e091582630c7523fc8ed072 72 libyada_1.0.2.orig.tar.gz
 37a35a01a5461b6c3e64f772f73302c0 15551 libyada_1.0.2-2.diff.gz

Package: libyada4
Priority: extra
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 96
Maintainer: Christoph Berg 
Architecture: amd64
Source: libyada
Version: 1.0.2-2
Config-Version: 1.0.2-2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6.1-1), libltdl3 (>= 1.5.2-2)
Recommends: libyada-pgsql4 | libyada-mysql4 | libyada-sqlite3-4
Description: yet another database abstraction layer
 Yada is a C library that abstracts SQL databases aiming at allowing
 transparent use of multiple databases. The goal in mind is to make a common
 interface to multiple databases, thus stopping the need for application
 developers to write different modules for each SQL backend they want to
 support. It's also useful for caching data in different database types.
 Note: This package ships the OFTC branch of yada.

c...@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503529: O: udhcp -- very small DHCP client

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of udhcp, Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: udhcp
Binary: udhcpc, udhcpd
Version: 0.9.8cvs20050303-2.1
Priority: optional
Section: net
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/u/udhcp
 ca03311b8d93d6a2dad68fa44830799e 568 udhcp_0.9.8cvs20050303-2.1.dsc
 ab7a2c2c480d916a4102cc282a5ec65d 48841 udhcp_0.9.8cvs20050303.orig.tar.gz
 73310f30aff6e902487eea0d07cdb6ea 7389 udhcp_0.9.8cvs20050303-2.1.diff.gz

Package: udhcpc
Priority: optional
Section: net
Installed-Size: 120
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: udhcp
Version: 0.9.8cvs20050303-2.1
Provides: dhcp-client
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1)
Suggests: resolvconf
Filename: pool/main/u/udhcp/udhcpc_0.9.8cvs20050303-2.1_amd64.deb
Size: 24774
MD5sum: 88ab8d8fe7ffc5233f4193b7f20a0e9b
SHA1: e678971dfd698dcc93cd98e72294cdb088d6db05
SHA256: e2fb1b78c03eb8d512deba7c82f10d98591f3eb88a2a5a9ad8f9765bab7a
Description: very small DHCP client
 DHCP is a protocol like BOOTP (actually dhcpd includes much of
 the functionality of BOOTPD!). It assigns IP addresses to clients
 based on lease times.
 This package is primarily geared towards embedded systems. It does however,
 strive to be fully functional, and RFC compliant.
 This is the client-side application.
Tag: network::client, protocol::dhcp, role::program

Package: udhcpd
Priority: optional
Section: net
Installed-Size: 160
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: udhcp
Version: 0.9.8cvs20050303-2.1
Provides: dhcp3-server
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1)
Filename: pool/main/u/udhcp/udhcpd_0.9.8cvs20050303-2.1_amd64.deb
Size: 27022
MD5sum: 1a2bb76d6ae31dec417afb63209cd79b
SHA1: 5383b56ef46b3ddaaa31cf1c962bcb5e1f5a03a9
SHA256: d12861a37327a4ebf56ee09f4a0bba9fa37f7a757e2dc6b365bf752237d5b332
Description: very small DHCP server
 DHCP is a protocol like BOOTP (actually dhcpd includes much of
 the functionality of BOOTPD!). It assigns IP addresses to clients
 based on lease times.
 This package is primarily geared towards embedded systems. It does however,
 strive to be fully functional, and RFC compliant.
 This is the server-side application.
Tag: interface::daemon, network::server, protocol::dhcp, role::program

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503527: O: qsynth -- fluidsynth MIDI sound synthesiser front-end

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of qsynth, Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: qsynth
Binary: qsynth
Version: 0.2.5-2.2
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), libqt3-mt-dev, libfluidsynth-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/q/qsynth
 c1bad4b9e683a8721fe360256106eff6 980 qsynth_0.2.5-2.2.dsc
 24a1ce00876a79a409fa28d0e8b3221f 131690 qsynth_0.2.5.orig.tar.gz
 45944c7d9bec02cfbdd2b7acb8a6ef30 30602 qsynth_0.2.5-2.2.diff.gz
 467bd48894c228eca843e0579156c50377973358 131690 qsynth_0.2.5.orig.tar.gz
 7224a2fc34a3236b65b8c14e19509d4008a3cefc 30602 qsynth_0.2.5-2.2.diff.gz
 f7493135dc471468a324ae20f09005414f6f36143d760dce4dd3b1aa900095e9 131690 
 7b4c0b885b99286890e9bfe0118e1470b5428e1959d52c045f590321dbaac180 30602 

Package: qsynth
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 580
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.2.5-2.2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libfluidsynth1, libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-21), libqt3-mt 
(>= 3:3.3.8b), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-21), libx11-6, libxext6
Filename: pool/main/q/qsynth/qsynth_0.2.5-2.2_amd64.deb
Size: 196490
MD5sum: ef8763ae812bfcac6393fe6ef793fff0
SHA1: cb2623b8d6f05f207abdb062c9b9db5eec4309ce
SHA256: 5f80f07543fb4d48ea309080c9dde553977145e3efadc7958249cce21f8d27f3
Description: fluidsynth MIDI sound synthesiser front-end
 QSynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt3
 toolkit using Qt Designer. Eventually it may evolve into a softsynth management
 application allowing the user to control and manage a variety of command line
 softsynths but for the moment it wraps FluidSynth (http://www.fluidsynth.org).
 FluidSynth is a command line software synthesiser based on the Soundfont
Tag: implemented-in::c++, interface::x11, role::program, scope::utility, 
sound::midi, uitoolkit::qt, works-with::audio, x11::application

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503534: O: crafty-books-small, crafty-books-medtosmall, crafty-books-medium -- Small-size opening books for crafty chess engine.

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of crafty-books-*, Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: crafty-books-small
Binary: crafty-books-small
Version: 1.0-2.1
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/games
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: crafty, debhelper (>> 2.0.0)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.5.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/contrib/c/crafty-books-small
 84f4293a5b40fa8bc3528d3b97316029 616 crafty-books-small_1.0-2.1.dsc
 47b7c6c6bd75203a7b801ea67d32e55e 549068 crafty-books-small_1.0.orig.tar.gz
 23864952e059a7d639a15202d9f8abc6 580 crafty-books-small_1.0-2.1.diff.gz

Package: crafty-books-small
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/games
Installed-Size: 1436
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.0-2.1
Recommends: crafty
Conflicts: crafty-books-medtosmall, crafty-books-medium, crafty-books-large
Filename: pool/contrib/c/crafty-books-small/crafty-books-small_1.0-2.1_all.deb
Size: 530794
MD5sum: 2251b4420a9a81e589278d8f211fc14f
SHA1: 57a3f792b410dc68a1e887bf1b55e05d38a96ca3
SHA256: e649dca8aacf9c421b047e3e7a80139294319e4b7ae3e8b9b6b08623fd4026d9
Description: Small-size opening books for crafty chess engine.
 Opening books that crafty use to evaluate the position during the game.
 This is the small version, occupying 1MB and containing
 +4500 games computed until the 60th ply.
Tag: game::board, game::board:chess, special::auto-inst-parts, use::gameplaying

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503536: O: ktimetrace -- Graphical tool to measure and graph data

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of ktimetrace, David Schleef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: ktimetrace
Binary: ktimetrace
Version: 0.2.36-4.1
Priority: extra
Section: kde
Maintainer: David Schleef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), libcomedi-dev (>= 0.7.16-1.1), 
kdelibs4-dev, zlib1g-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.5.10
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/k/ktimetrace
 38e87b2fa7e2d4f4ef380c820ded6b7c 636 ktimetrace_0.2.36-4.1.dsc
 4b61448177648af1fe3342a883cc 370254 ktimetrace_0.2.36.orig.tar.gz
 1494238988b379e7082d04a84e2e5e4b 50963 ktimetrace_0.2.36-4.1.diff.gz

Package: ktimetrace
Priority: extra
Section: kde
Installed-Size: 264
Maintainer: David Schleef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: ktimetrace (0.2.36-4.1)
Version: 0.2.36-4.1+b3
Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.8.dfsg.1-5), libart-2.0-2 (>= 2.3.18), 
libaudio2, libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libcomedi0, libfontconfig1 (>= 2.4.0), 
libfreetype6 (>= 2.3.5), libgcc1, libice6 (>= 1:1.0.0), libidn11 (>= 0.5.18), 
libjpeg62, libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.13-4), libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.3.8b), libsm6, 
libstdc++6 (>= 4.2.1-4), libx11-6, libxcursor1 (>> 1.1.2), libxext6, libxft2 
(>> 2.1.1), libxi6, libxinerama1, libxrandr2 (>= 2:1.2.0), libxrender1, libxt6, 
zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)
Filename: pool/main/k/ktimetrace/ktimetrace_0.2.36-4.1+b3_amd64.deb
Size: 73762
MD5sum: 68207f010373f8ca24d342ce78c2ba6e
SHA1: 0f7306ac628010932f8b56709eaad4c95b93ecae
SHA256: d2404dd15a2e1fbc0b02288dd2516244d34b0a33b8ddad42dbed613638ffca49
Description: Graphical tool to measure and graph data
 KTimeTrace is a graphical tool based on Qt that measures and
 displays data from data acquisition hardware.  It captures
 samples from a data acquisition device, saving it to disk
 while providing a real-time graphing display.
 KTimeTrace requires having a data acquisition device that is
 supported by Comedi in order to capture data.  See the libcomedi0
 package or http://stm.lbl.gov/comedi for more information about
Tag: role::program, scope::utility, suite::kde, uitoolkit::qt, use::viewing, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503530: O: libschedule-cron-perl -- Simple but complete cron like scheduler

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of libschedule-cron-perl, Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: libschedule-cron-perl
Binary: libschedule-cron-perl
Version: 0.05-6
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 3.0.18)
Build-Depends-Indep: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libtime-modules-perl
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/libs/libschedule-cron-perl
 106cb06fd47cc704cb40eb23479ba5d2 682 libschedule-cron-perl_0.05-6.dsc
 76fa03f7b2b53b2b38427e773d8290de 15067 libschedule-cron-perl_0.05.orig.tar.gz
 a142bebf406d0bac250acf6a449abf94 2142 libschedule-cron-perl_0.05-6.diff.gz

Package: libschedule-cron-perl
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 108
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.05-6
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libtime-modules-perl
Size: 23968
MD5sum: f404dc1525893766ab0f84221fe20513
SHA1: 5b0e500fb0d654ffe11683fc36b62b0b73b89a1e
SHA256: fa73e706050874af3cf83107ed67a32686533c603ab505cce10d281ef0fc0fcb
Description: Simple but complete cron like scheduler
 This perl module can be used for periodically executing perl
 subroutines. The dates and parameters for the subroutines to be
 called are specified with a format known as crontab entry (see
 manpage crontab(5) or documentation of Schedule::Cron).
 The philosophy behind Schedule::Cron is to call subroutines
 periodically from within one single Perl program instead of letting
 cron trigger several (possibly different) Perl scripts. Everything
 under one roof. Furthermore Schedule::Cron provides mechanism to
 create crontab entries dynamically, which isn't that easy with cron.
Tag: devel::lang:perl, devel::library, implemented-in::perl, role::shared-lib

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503533: O: crafty -- state-of-the-art chess engine, compatible with xboard

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of crafty, Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: crafty
Binary: crafty
Version: 20.14-1
Priority: optional
Section: non-free/games
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 2.0.0), libnuma-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/non-free/c/crafty
 b44fd64a6c160a8e5eacb37758875f98 620 crafty_20.14-1.dsc
 d6931c36831a0e2a92fde74761c0cc8e 401280 crafty_20.14.orig.tar.gz
 3d8fbe015c69868793608fbf1dff9104 118389 crafty_20.14-1.diff.gz
Uploaders: Lukas Geyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Package: crafty
Priority: optional
Section: non-free/games
Installed-Size: 1372
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 20.14-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-12), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-12)
Recommends: xboard, crafty-books-medtosmall | crafty-books-small
Filename: pool/non-free/c/crafty/crafty_20.14-1_i386.deb
Size: 370480
MD5sum: 6e44b62ce2c8728c2b61c2a82e195db7
SHA1: 1c03bc5a5225f9e01605b55f4f3bb014234033df
SHA256: 23c95fea316bf388df6bcd22c7b0e61404ab0912090786547e6a54598528677d
Description: state-of-the-art chess engine, compatible with xboard
 Crafty is the strong chess program played on ICC. It uses all of the
 search algorithms you have probably read about and performs better
 than gnu-chess in most positions. It has a reasonable set of features to use,
 and offers a great starting point to try your own new search extensions.
Tag: game::board, game::board:chess, use::gameplaying

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503535: O: hermes1 -- The Hermes pixel-format library

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of hermes1, David Schleef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: hermes1
Binary: hermes1, hermes1-dev
Version: 1.3.3+really1.3.2-5.1
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Maintainer: David Schleef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4), nasm [i386]
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.0
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/h/hermes1
 d203a1bb03e5965ea03ba14606173516 675 hermes1_1.3.3+really1.3.2-5.1.dsc
 0db5f0902972c550b35f700fd07df658 238798 hermes1_1.3.3+really1.3.2.orig.tar.gz
 80eebe890ac4a2737c56c70f5763a3bd 299844 hermes1_1.3.3+really1.3.2-5.1.diff.gz
Uploaders: Filip Van Raemdonck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Package: hermes1
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 184
Maintainer: David Schleef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.3.3+really1.3.2-5.1
Replaces: hermes1-dev (<= 1.3.1)
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Conflicts: hermes1-dev (<= 1.3.1)
Filename: pool/main/h/hermes1/hermes1_1.3.3+really1.3.2-5.1_amd64.deb
Size: 43926
MD5sum: 8201c8457b04d7a316df970050b46e2d
SHA1: 1eaac9bb23176ac3bfaccf7576aab18ab280b26b
SHA256: 56c8e690beb3a25929e5c8ea34b8a59f99209ea65963d9ee80b7a11f845d56b7
Description: The Hermes pixel-format library
 Hermes is a library that does the dirty work of a graphics library
 or application that nobody else wants to do, and it does it fast
 because the effort is concentrated on just that. The thing nobody
 wants to do is conversion between pixel formats - between all pixel
 formats that is, not between any two. There are handwritten assembler
 routines in Hermes that should make anything look fast.
 An application or library that uses Hermes will for example be able to
 render into one buffer and convert it to whatever pixel format is available
 on the target platform at the time.
 Other services provided by Hermes include palette handling including
 caching of lookup tables, and surface clearing to a specific colour value.
 See http://www.clanlib.org/ for more info
Tag: devel::library, role::shared-lib, works-with::image, 

Package: hermes1-dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Installed-Size: 352
Maintainer: David Schleef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: hermes1
Version: 1.3.3+really1.3.2-5.1
Depends: hermes1
Filename: pool/main/h/hermes1/hermes1-dev_1.3.3+really1.3.2-5.1_amd64.deb
Size: 98378
MD5sum: 3a0b55530034faf2e5674fe6946c766d
SHA1: deafbefd4c8cab8ec46123e4a931137da2d7c84e
SHA256: 5f04fdd13e635251ff8372e3c83bf8d04ebcedbcc646c0ff99e26e880ad4b86d
Description: Development libraries for the Hermes pixel-format library
 Hermes is a library that does the dirty work of a graphics library
 or application that nobody else wants to do, and it does it fast
 because the effort is concentrated on just that. The thing nobody
 wants to do is conversion between pixel formats - between all pixel
 formats that is, not between any two. There are handwritten assembler
 routines in Hermes that should make anything look fast.
 An application or library that uses Hermes will for example be able to
 render into one buffer and convert it to whatever pixel format is available
 on the target platform at the time.
 Other services provided by Hermes include palette handling including
 caching of lookup tables, and surface clearing to a specific colour value.
 See http://www.clanlib.org/ for more info
Tag: devel::library, role::devel-lib, works-with::image, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503528: O: fluidsynth -- Real-time MIDI software synthesizer

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of fluidsynth, Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: fluidsynth
Binary: fluidsynth, libfluidsynth1, libfluidsynth-dev
Version: 1.0.8-1.1
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), libreadline5-dev | libreadline-dev, 
libjack0.100.0-dev | libjack-dev, ladcca-dev, ladspa-sdk, automake1.4, libtool, 
autotools-dev, libasound2-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/f/fluidsynth
 7f51d24c9fabeab3b9786ce91d8ef961 1373 fluidsynth_1.0.8-1.1.dsc
 e2abfd2e69fd8b28d965df968d7d44ee 1267922 fluidsynth_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz
 24db116e67a00fdfae494ebe2a4de0f4 18379 fluidsynth_1.0.8-1.1.diff.gz
Uploaders: Free Ekanayaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://fluidsynth.resonance.org/trac
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/demudi/fluidsynth/?op=log
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/demudi/fluidsynth
 1f5fd9964a7212f772905724497abd46ab1e2536 1267922 fluidsynth_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz
 ec3b69002d7a8ef33b09c90ee9215477b304faf5 18379 fluidsynth_1.0.8-1.1.diff.gz
 45e7c9967d0fb0344f4da539ab343fb979384b36a429a8594c94cf466dff4320 1267922 
 46a2f5381a4f30db64a190386f0167a576bb56121a3cf473ba755cd24b591053 18379 

Package: fluidsynth
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 112
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.0.8-1.1
Replaces: iiwusynth
Provides: iiwusynth
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libfluidsynth1
Recommends: qsynth
Conflicts: iiwusynth
Filename: pool/main/f/fluidsynth/fluidsynth_1.0.8-1.1_amd64.deb
Size: 41774
MD5sum: d576d45d1bf2fb21e9afc0001ad13de2
SHA1: 82ec242954d18ae9adfe0c942d873b31e8783cd1
SHA256: a87743fafeb3dc9e793e549e6bf87f300eac96d6cbb7c78023d91c685ce6e7dc
Description: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer
 Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont2
 specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio.
 The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in
 real-time to the sound output device.
Homepage: http://fluidsynth.resonance.org/trac
Tag: interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, sound::midi, 
use::playing, works-with::audio

Package: libfluidsynth1
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 400
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: fluidsynth
Version: 1.0.8-1.1
Depends: ladcca2, libasound2 (>> 1.0.16), libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libjack0 (>= 
0.109.2), libncurses5 (>= 5.6+20071006-3), libreadline5 (>= 5.2), libuuid1
Filename: pool/main/f/fluidsynth/libfluidsynth1_1.0.8-1.1_amd64.deb
Size: 165544
MD5sum: 8c4a1c1dc9a0420805b54bc012b90d52
SHA1: ba7b50f935c87c2bdafaa63a02edf3fee52333b4
SHA256: fff8945722bbcf78677aed0ff50cc19dd6f5328ee8e52a742dc1518292318575
Description: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (runtime library)
 Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont2
 specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio.
 The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in
 real-time to the sound output device.
 This package contains the runtime library.
Homepage: http://fluidsynth.resonance.org/trac
Tag: devel::library, implemented-in::c, role::shared-lib, sound::midi, 
uitoolkit::ncurses, use::playing

Package: libfluidsynth-dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Installed-Size: 780
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: fluidsynth
Version: 1.0.8-1.1
Depends: libfluidsynth1 (= 1.0.8-1.1), libreadline5-dev | libreadline-dev, 
libncurses5-dev | libncurses-dev, ladcca-dev, libasound2-dev, libjack0.100.0-dev
Filename: pool/main/f/fluidsynth/libfluidsynth-dev_1.0.8-1.1_amd64.deb
Size: 217450
MD5sum: 47ba33720355b310ed48951a9ca46aed
SHA1: 09815c0682f76b0e81d5f64cdef53e2071cee40d
SHA256: 4eb35233aa8f3be8653e9e90828cf5f12bfaa2bfc7555d051dcda420999b4293
Description: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (development files)
 Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont2
 specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio.
 The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in
 real-time to the sound output device.
 This package contains the static library and headers files.
Homepage: http://fluidsynth.resonance.org/trac
Tag: devel::lang:c, devel::library, implemented-in::c, role::devel-lib, 
sound::midi, uito

Bug#503531: O: libdbix-password-perl -- Perl module for creating a global password file for DB passwords

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of libdbix-password-perl, Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: libdbix-password-perl
Binary: libdbix-password-perl
Version: 1.8-10
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 3)
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 3), perl (>= 5.8.2-2)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/libd/libdbix-password-perl
 23ff9ea5d3f16a102d3bec3b3e665843 670 libdbix-password-perl_1.8-10.dsc
 5320613ea0dc98da52877d660c37aea0 5372 libdbix-password-perl_1.8.orig.tar.gz
 1ac2d958d44c994768dbd5a9259d2c5c 6365 libdbix-password-perl_1.8-10.diff.gz

Package: libdbix-password-perl
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 108
Maintainer: Eric Van Buggenhaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.8-10
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libdbi-perl
Size: 11020
MD5sum: 659726cbfb996701f0258ba2f524c403
SHA1: f1cd7b6a0318b01e9888f5e8bef49aee05ad3fa6
SHA256: f0ac4ba10665da3b158c733cf7a39c6bd936225390dfaa92c34b8499e5f351c8
Description: Perl module for creating a global password file for DB passwords
 Don't you hate keeping track of database passwords and such
 throughout your scripts? How about the problem of changing those
 passwords on a mass scale? This module is one possible solution.
 It keeps track of all your virtual users, databases, password, etc. in one
 central file.
Tag: admin::user-management, devel::{lang:perl,lang:sql,library}, 
implemented-in::perl, role::shared-lib, works-with::db

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503546: O: sam -- the plan9 text editor -- ed with a gui and multi-file editing

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of sam, Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: sam
Binary: sam
Version: 4.3-18.2
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Maintainer: Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: libx11-dev, libxt-dev, x-dev, ed, dpatch (>= 1.13)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.5.9
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/s/sam
 70450552fc46c9f8eb6414526ccf0bf3 587 sam_4.3-18.2.dsc
 22832503073aff6478d91fb22fe7b3e6 249841 sam_4.3.orig.tar.gz
 dc1d4a0a83dd48ca2a61335c80bcd61f 11248 sam_4.3-18.2.diff.gz

Package: sam
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Installed-Size: 748
Maintainer: Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 4.3-18.2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libx11-6, libxt6
Suggests: ssh
Filename: pool/main/s/sam/sam_4.3-18.2_amd64.deb
Size: 227860
MD5sum: a14798101e2b1b464e39149a01e9f206
SHA1: ff7ff013392a6fc944cc596a25e1e087863e7a63
SHA256: 13b349f69d4621d8c86306db5373d6ca781983bd02c87f80b9788ad41964e815
Description: the plan9 text editor -- ed with a gui and multi-file editing
 sam -d can be used without X (with an ed-like interface -- but with
 more powerful regular expressions, the capacity to edit multiple
 files with a single command, and unlimited undo).  Files can be added
 to an exiting sam session using the B command.
 sam without the -d option is an graphical editor with pop-up menus
 and a point+click interface. You'll want to read sam's manual page to
 use the full power of sam, but you can probably figure out how to do
 basic editing with a minimum of trial and error.
 If you have a Plan 9 terminal, you can use the Plan 9 terminal with
 sam to edit unix files, but not vice-versa; the Plan 9 authentication
 scheme does not honor remote execution requests from a non-Plan 9
Tag: interface::text-mode, interface::x11, role::program, scope::utility, 
use::editing, x11::application

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503547: O: es -- An extensible shell based on `rc'

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of es, Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: es
Binary: es
Version: 0.90beta1-10.1
Priority: optional
Section: shells
Maintainer: Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: bison, libncurses5-dev, libreadline5-dev | libreadline-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/e/es
 27b637545bb028a0f0e5febfbf2de02c 609 es_0.90beta1-10.1.dsc
 1d0f771d94d9d8f958f264f1757b8620 163504 es_0.90beta1.orig.tar.gz
 53bacaf0fbbfe372848837fdf4ceafac 30866 es_0.90beta1-10.1.diff.gz

Package: es
Priority: optional
Section: shells
Installed-Size: 304
Maintainer: Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.90beta1-10.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.4-5), libreadline5 (>= 5.1)
Filename: pool/main/e/es/es_0.90beta1-10.1_amd64.deb
Size: 115546
MD5sum: 4018335ee46b0e4bf8c970b2cd983f82
SHA1: 76d5cefeae0dd4ea067f81fabf109563ed7e67f3
SHA256: 99ccd14759233c1f3a7d46e23513319c257409f8ff02004dbd235848f7e0213f
Description: An extensible shell based on `rc'
 Es is a command interpreter and programming language which
 combines the standard features of other Unix shells with the features
 of a functional programming language such as Scheme. The syntax is
 derived from rc(1).  Es is intended for use both as an interactive
 shell and a programming language for scripts.
Tag: implemented-in::c, interface::shell, role::program, scope::utility, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503554: O: a2ps-perl-ja -- perl version of Miguel Santana's a2ps (supports KANJI)

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of a2ps-perl-ja, Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: a2ps-perl-ja
Binary: a2ps-perl-ja
Version: 1.45-4
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 4.0.0)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.5.8
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/a/a2ps-perl-ja
 5eba3b066554fc55c33170d78a95897b 586 a2ps-perl-ja_1.45-4.dsc
 8378b24f015d822160716a8638205fb4 10141 a2ps-perl-ja_1.45.orig.tar.gz
 32631948fe35fcf06d39eee54e02dfb3 4156 a2ps-perl-ja_1.45-4.diff.gz

Package: a2ps-perl-ja
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 84
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.45-4
Depends: perl
Conflicts: a2ps-ja
Filename: pool/main/a/a2ps-perl-ja/a2ps-perl-ja_1.45-4_all.deb
Size: 14922
MD5sum: 82996daa4b6bbd4aa48ce23461034cf5
SHA1: 0616e771923858bbaf073ffbd0ad69b3141f4c3d
SHA256: bf550af3925651fd844f253e1df7c8e49e686cdb766e94596f8c0c002ce644c0
Description: perl version of Miguel Santana's a2ps (supports KANJI)
 This program is perl version of Miguel Santana's a2ps.  Postscript
 kanji enhancement was done by Naoki Kanazawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
 Converted to perl and enhanced by Kazumasa Utashiro.  B4 support
 and punchmark was contributed by Masami Ueno
Tag: culture::japanese, implemented-in::perl, interface::commandline, 
role::program, scope::utility, use::converting, use::printing, 
works-with::text, works-with-format::postscript

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503550: O: webmagick -- create gallery thumbnails for website

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of webmagick, Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: webmagick
Binary: webmagick
Version: 2.02-8.3
Priority: optional
Section: web
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0)
Build-Depends-Indep: perl (>= 5.6.0), graphicsmagick, libgraphics-magick-perl, 
texinfo (>= 4.6-1)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/w/webmagick
 21d140bc6fa6856e9d006836def59acc 672 webmagick_2.02-8.3.dsc
 02e7a78076ec06ac4d986f93d98e27f0 506061 webmagick_2.02.orig.tar.gz
 3391b57600dbfbd910372d3be5e97f45 35954 webmagick_2.02-8.3.diff.gz

Package: webmagick
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 916
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 2.02-8.3
Depends: perl, graphicsmagick, libgraphics-magick-perl, gs, gsfonts
Filename: pool/main/w/webmagick/webmagick_2.02-8.3_all.deb
Size: 374782
MD5sum: 43b76cf4f3a13a6a82d1c3fa6722c2c6
SHA1: 5e62f492211064a6f46c9a9ac9471349494daaab
SHA256: 23592a40e5da44ef336d4996833a4cad8a551098d39164b5c700cc763806751c
Description: create gallery thumbnails for website
 WebMagick provides a means of easily putting image collections on the
 Web. It recurses through directory trees, building HTML pages and
 imagemap (GIF or JPEG) files to allow the user to navigate through
 collections of thumbnail images (somewhat similar to 'xv') and select
 the images to view with a mouse click.
Tag: implemented-in::perl, role::program, scope::utility, use::browsing, 
use::organizing, works-with::{image,image:raster,text}, works-with-format::html

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503552: O: mpg123-el -- a front-end program to mpg123 audio player on Emacsen

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of mpg123-el, Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: mpg123-el
Binary: mpg123-el
Version: 1:1.44-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>=3.0.5)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.5.8
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/m/mpg123-el
 6bca24223f24c58d7ca37596debe355b 575 mpg123-el_1.44-1.dsc
 3ee4a3cdc2fde013cedf92ae6e1aafe3 41020 mpg123-el_1.44.orig.tar.gz
 fc80b440fb4ad69044e817bfafbd8a58 5339 mpg123-el_1.44-1.diff.gz

Package: mpg123-el
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 153
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1:1.44-1
Depends: emacsen, mpg321 | mpg123, aumix
Filename: pool/main/m/mpg123-el/mpg123-el_1.44-1_all.deb
Size: 45878
MD5sum: 3704c28c8bfa9ca6e0c9cbba5a39f784
SHA1: f401b3cd8940ff0f27ab0fbebb3372d57f7da647
SHA256: 3e901c3590c7898a6119f6f02f2085abc0b0e8b56e6e871d2d9aa32317ddf1c8
Description: a front-end program to mpg123 audio player on Emacsen
 The mpg123.el Emacs-Lisp program is a front-end to
 mpg123 audio player. You can select and play an mp3
 files from the list in your Emacs's buffer with familiar
Tag: implemented-in::lisp, interface::commandline, role::plugin, suite::emacs, 
use::playing, works-with::audio, works-with-format::mp3

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503553: O: j-cvsbook -- Open Source Development with CVS ; Japanese Translation

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of j-cvsbook, Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: j-cvsbook
Binary: cvsbook-ja
Version: 1.12-3.1
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), ptex-bin, texinfo, dvipsk-ja
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/j/j-cvsbook
 c761faf60ecee19f77dde0f538e9116c 610 j-cvsbook_1.12-3.1.dsc
 6c86d25477acb519d4dc440717b8ae73 176579 j-cvsbook_1.12.orig.tar.gz
 a257921d1a7baada6981abc9e54c1c0f 3061 j-cvsbook_1.12-3.1.diff.gz

Package: cvsbook-ja
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Installed-Size: 2620
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: j-cvsbook
Version: 1.12-3.1
Suggests: cvs, cvs-doc
Filename: pool/main/j/j-cvsbook/cvsbook-ja_1.12-3.1_all.deb
Size: 1498166
MD5sum: 87cc564beef47d74613bd72d0eeda7fe
SHA1: fec7d1f5a6d933f535fb1c67a79c11ed71b3e23a
SHA256: 05e829a41730418fb3d356a9add13d50e4022b4da71b786b6457de462566aaf1
Description: Open Source Development with CVS ; Japanese Translation
 This is an online version of a book written by Karl Fogel et al.  This book
 covers CVS, starting with a tutorial and going to cover repository
 administration, more advanced topics, trouble shooting and so on.
 This is a Japanese translated version.  The translator said "This is not an
 enough translation", but I think this Japanese document is useful for
 Japanese who want to use CVS.
Tag: culture::japanese, devel::doc, devel::rcs, 
made-of::{data:html,data:info,data:postscript}, role::data, use::synchronizing

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503549: O: gnuplot-mode -- Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of gnuplot-mode, Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: gnuplot-mode
Binary: gnuplot-mode
Version: 1:0.6.0-2.3
Priority: optional
Section: math
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), dpatch (>= 2.0.9)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/g/gnuplot-mode
 d75aa2d9fcec136c41d8b82a74730869 610 gnuplot-mode_0.6.0-2.3.dsc
 0920a822f78625a321e0cf5ff1272722 305709 gnuplot-mode_0.6.0.orig.tar.gz
 a532d26fa668011b559d41415cc21f62 5053 gnuplot-mode_0.6.0-2.3.diff.gz

Package: gnuplot-mode
Priority: optional
Section: math
Installed-Size: 332
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1:0.6.0-2.3
Depends: emacsen, gnuplot-nox | gnuplot-x11
Filename: pool/main/g/gnuplot-mode/gnuplot-mode_0.6.0-2.3_all.deb
Size: 143406
MD5sum: 169201877809b7fe7c91e93631248ee4
SHA1: 50fac390bd24605208d93af5bca0c845714ca1e2
SHA256: 8a1ac2d9cbdd478fb2d903a0f82984494310e722fd9d2fdb59e89088e36d072e
Description: Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs
 Gnuplot is a major mode for Emacs flavours with the following features:
  - Functions for plotting lines, regions, entire scripts, or entire files
  - Graphical interface to setting command arguments
  - Syntax colorization
  - Completion of common words in Gnuplot
  - Code indentation
  - On-line help using Info for Gnuplot functions and features
  - Interaction with Gnuplot using comint
  - Pull-down menus plus a toolbar in XEmacs
  - Distributed with a quick reference sheet in postscript.
Tag: field::mathematics, implemented-in::lisp, role::plugin, suite::emacs, 
suite::gnu, use::editing, works-with::image, works-with::image:vector

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503551: O: toolbar-fancy -- Fancy toolbar for XEmacs21

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of toolbar-fancy, Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: toolbar-fancy
Binary: toolbar-fancy
Version: 0.07-7.1
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.0)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.5.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/t/toolbar-fancy
 d84fb22c4ed664acd456d79943ddf53a 588 toolbar-fancy_0.07-7.1.dsc
 606e149ebf37e2a3d5d19d825aac4cc7 11345 toolbar-fancy_0.07.orig.tar.gz
 e8e85504c7e2967965eb0d80f2c03a37 4578 toolbar-fancy_0.07-7.1.diff.gz

Package: toolbar-fancy
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Installed-Size: 184
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.07-7.1
Depends: xemacs21
Filename: pool/main/t/toolbar-fancy/toolbar-fancy_0.07-7.1_all.deb
Size: 14022
MD5sum: 7b3d0f50c758c8d6456b14dba576d158
SHA1: 9f33c36c0080a5405bc508313db385dd23fb70ca
SHA256: dc3913f15f14c35fdd7d9916bed507dcd0546b24afd4d9df6e15bb79c12c3f3f
Description: Fancy toolbar for XEmacs21
 This package Provides a color toolbar for XEmacs21 with
 fancy icons.
 XEmacs is a highly customizable open source text editor
 and application development system.
Tag: implemented-in::lisp, interface::x11, made-of::data:icons, role::plugin, 
suite::emacs, use::editing, x11::application

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503561: O: lice -- Very functional script for epic

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of lice, Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: lice
Binary: epic4-script-lice
Version: 1:4.2.0-0pre7.6
Priority: optional
Section: net
Maintainer: Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>=2.0)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/l/lice
 486adf79a7ff12c453cf0ebfe85fc62e 584 lice_4.2.0-0pre7.6.dsc
 e40f6ac00c75ce54ce8c3faa00cab725 151186 lice_4.2.0.orig.tar.gz
 1e7ca52cc019de020446bfa954f885bc 10210 lice_4.2.0-0pre7.6.diff.gz

Package: epic4-script-lice
Priority: optional
Section: net
Installed-Size: 1416
Maintainer: Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: lice
Version: 1:4.2.0-0pre7.6
Provides: epic4-script
Depends: epic4 (>=
Filename: pool/main/l/lice/epic4-script-lice_4.2.0-0pre7.6_all.deb
Size: 167716
MD5sum: 3fb37925f6905d4b5f97bcf41961414e
SHA1: 2cd1885a026591c76a0c44e4ea4622cb83c914d7
SHA256: d8d97cd999cb1490ffe12117fbd426e8b413d0300afb6329cf48b21bd03e616a
Description: Very functional script for epic
 LiCe is a script designed for the ircII and EPIC irc clients; it
 radically improves the usability of these clients, providing features
 and enhancements that pioneered the way for a whole crowd of
 imitators. Though there is now much diversity, thousands of LiCe users
 still declare it the best script ever.
Tag: filetransfer::dcc, interface::text-mode, protocol::irc, protocol::ssl, 
role::app-data, uitoolkit::ncurses, use::chatting

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503558: O: epic4, epic4-help -- epic irc client, version 4

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of epic4 and epic4-help, Miroslaw L. Baran <[EMAIL 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: epic4
Binary: epic4
Version: 1:2.6-1.2
Priority: optional
Section: net
Maintainer: Miroslaw L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), libncurses5-dev, libssl-dev, libperl-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.8.0
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/e/epic4
 97b6c6f2d8a1017e2cd552ec39758323 995 epic4_2.6-1.2.dsc
 3af76d22762b5015735bc9cb7f43d2c9 769591 epic4_2.6.orig.tar.gz
 f300e063900012e788957edd372e5c5d 16567 epic4_2.6-1.2.diff.gz
Homepage: http://www.epicsol.org/
 e2c7cf96ea9e813149a2e89981176ae20a991b15 769591 epic4_2.6.orig.tar.gz
 2ab61f7a41bf67928cace13ffee6e73ca8959035 16567 epic4_2.6-1.2.diff.gz
 cabc3779b86afae7ddb1875c2cb641f3f1f825ee008315fd2735644d863af58c 769591 
 5f58330d8c93d6723a4ac5cd5b50702ca799cf890b04195a5d7d7abb2ff39358 16567 

Package: epic4
Priority: optional
Section: net
Installed-Size: 1496
Maintainer: Miroslaw L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1:2.6-1.2
Provides: irc
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.6+20071006-3), libperl5.10 (>= 
5.10.0), libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8f-5), epic4-help (>= 1:
Suggests: epic4-script
Conflicts: epic4-dbg, epic4-help (<= pre2.003-3)
Filename: pool/main/e/epic4/epic4_2.6-1.2_amd64.deb
Size: 482822
MD5sum: c2c4d149cedbeccdfeae497086fcfded
SHA1: a2ae29fe0aa14c8549ee994fe9473035e76d3ef3
SHA256: 5d3f382310fe50727566950fb98c412ccf04b3427abfa6aba20111927dd761a1
Description: epic irc client, version 4
 epic4 is an irc client based on ircII.  It is primarily suited to users who
 wish to write their own irc scripts or have irc scripts written by others.
 Previous versions of epic were 100% compatible with ircII 2.8.2, though
 this is no longer the case.  Instead we've taken a new direction and chosen
 to find places where compatibility with ircII is undesirable and fix them.
 No gratuitous incompatibilities have been added, though many new features
 have been.
Homepage: http://www.epicsol.org/
Tag: filetransfer::dcc, interface::text-mode, network::client, protocol::irc, 
protocol::ssl, role::program, uitoolkit::ncurses, use::chatting

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503560: O: cookietool -- A team of programs to help you maintain your fortune database

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of cookietool, Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: cookietool
Binary: cookietool
Version: 2.5-2
Priority: optional
Section: games
Maintainer: Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0)
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/c/cookietool
 7f9d8d0897844bd095e5fb2feddb7e78 570 cookietool_2.5-2.dsc
 19c44e3aaf10fb3af289c70f6593f617 26576 cookietool_2.5.orig.tar.gz
 132c6dc157dee0db2b52819f2c943fc9 3168 cookietool_2.5-2.diff.gz

Package: cookietool
Priority: optional
Section: games
Installed-Size: 124
Maintainer: Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2.5-2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Filename: pool/main/c/cookietool/cookietool_2.5-2_amd64.deb
Size: 28328
MD5sum: ac2b4d46bb0a754a02f72559591e4159
SHA1: a74bb639816f8bc981415ed3ba317c2c6a81c44c
SHA256: 2239d066ddf201d3efff5ce0df41107e566f0a270f95e6b2eb8ff8038fba333a
Description: A team of programs to help you maintain your fortune database
 The ''cookietool'' itself eliminates duplicate entries, sorts cookies
 alphabetically or by size if you wish. The ''cdbsplit'' extracts parts
 of the database to a separate file, by keyword, by size, by number, or
 as groups of 'similar' cookies.
Tag: interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, use::organizing, 
web::browser, works-with::db

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503559: O: ttmkfdir -- Utility used to create fonts.scale files for TrueType fonts

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of ttmkfdir, Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: ttmkfdir
Binary: ttmkfdir
Version: 3.0.9-5.3
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.12), debhelper (>= 4.1.46), flex, 
libfontconfig1-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libtool (>= 1.5)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/t/ttmkfdir
 45f8329b967d2c4e6a21b4e3a7df9a91 653 ttmkfdir_3.0.9-5.3.dsc
 c22b8b7f8401fd924200c8e0e04a78f9 21389 ttmkfdir_3.0.9.orig.tar.gz
 b8565934b0beb1f85187261cfd853d16 7079 ttmkfdir_3.0.9-5.3.diff.gz

Package: ttmkfdir
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 164
Maintainer: Miros/law L. Baran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 3.0.9-5.3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libfontconfig1 (>= 2.4.0), libfreetype6 (>= 2.3.5), 
libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-21), libstdc++6 (>= 4.2.1-4)
Filename: pool/main/t/ttmkfdir/ttmkfdir_3.0.9-5.3_amd64.deb
Size: 46514
MD5sum: 3300ea9461ba06c98ab48f5f35c4ead9
SHA1: 7fb8ade93a0e83722ecd0949ee7103137cc32cd2
SHA256: a9e2718b4bbabe8e01bbcdacf1c93990b9c0fbc7da75f28ad9555e7dac0bf684
Description: Utility used to create fonts.scale files for TrueType fonts
 The ttmkfdir utility creates valid and complete fonts.scale file from
 TrueType fonts. It is very useful when one uses a TrueType enabled
 X or font server with X FreeType or XFS-XTT back-end.
 This version of the utility includes many modifications and
 enhancements from the version distributed with RedHat 9.0.
Tag: admin::configuring, interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, 
use::configuring, works-with::font

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503562: O: xalan -- Provides XSLT support for applications

2008-10-26 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of xalan, Berin Lautenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: xalan
Binary: libxalan110, libxalan110-dev, libxalan110-doc, xalan
Version: 1.10-3.3
Priority: extra
Section: text
Maintainer: Berin Lautenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.0), doxygen, libxerces-c2-dev
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/x/xalan
 87f9c3720175ec3b1697ddc15fe0bea1 1006 xalan_1.10-3.3.dsc
 0a3fbb535885531cc544b07a2060bfb1 1554940 xalan_1.10.orig.tar.gz
 0daff5cd81d18edca98926bc71d25150 45220 xalan_1.10-3.3.diff.gz
 3fc63045048176e0ab00ce8aa0d15b2c1e5d646b 1554940 xalan_1.10.orig.tar.gz
 5b1b920765267e01013ff6cf464eb53b34df9823 45220 xalan_1.10-3.3.diff.gz
 40797957fb22797894d33a2fa0e01e3b6cc509fb89bb772c0e835ae840714cfd 1554940 
 8706265117d020fcb6fdea1e6beb8fd02564dadf2373f2975f2c00932426ff73 45220 

Package: libxalan110
Priority: extra
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 4484
Maintainer: Berin Lautenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: xalan
Version: 1.10-3.3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-21), libstdc++6 (>= 4.2.1-4), 
Filename: pool/main/x/xalan/libxalan110_1.10-3.3_amd64.deb
Size: 1199666
MD5sum: 49e58048c118eb91207fa49e9f0cbf41
SHA1: 33174d85f816ab29f0ee50599416a47b0b07a0c9
SHA256: 6960e6d7667d2aa6decee994827025ed54910181e96148a623b833fc2cb3dcfc
Description: Provides XSLT support for applications
 This is the Xalan XSLT processor from the Apache Software Foundation.
 This package provides the runtime library.
Tag: role::shared-lib

Package: libxalan110-dev
Priority: extra
Section: libdevel
Installed-Size: 4032
Maintainer: Berin Lautenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: xalan
Version: 1.10-3.3
Replaces: libxalan1-dev, libxalan1.2-dev, libxalan14-dev, libxalan16-dev, 
Depends: libxalan110 (= 1.10-3.3), libxerces-c2-dev, libc6-dev
Conflicts: libxalan1-dev, libxalan1.2-dev, libxalan14-dev, libxalan16-dev, 
Filename: pool/main/x/xalan/libxalan110-dev_1.10-3.3_amd64.deb
Size: 448786
MD5sum: ae9b764b670ccadb3c44515fc547cce8
SHA1: 8a5848a9e762f5d710d8ab7f540bf715017f5465
SHA256: df8f3a4f84e869e9c7aafdee520b8bcda8d335bc60d6d1a7d6bf71fb5e743ae2
Description: Provides XSLT support for applications [development]
 This is the Xalan XSLT processor from the Apache Software Foundation.
 This package includes the files needed to compile XSLT supporting
Tag: devel::library, role::devel-lib

Package: libxalan110-doc
Priority: extra
Section: doc
Installed-Size: 42888
Maintainer: Berin Lautenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: xalan
Version: 1.10-3.3
Replaces: libxalan14-doc, libxalan16-doc, libxalan18-doc
Suggests: libxalan110-dev
Conflicts: libxalan14-doc, libxalan16-doc, libxalan18-doc
Filename: pool/main/x/xalan/libxalan110-doc_1.10-3.3_all.deb
Size: 4710356
MD5sum: 74a29b8bd54250911a391d6e5c792e14
SHA1: 395923c9dee8b73239c214aeffb3b9d133a6c443
SHA256: b052e1b38faf344efd3a855a4ce1eb6cbc130a5ea2e2f4b3bbb1f42baa38bffd
Description: Provides XSLT support for applications [development docs]
 This is the Xalan XSLT processor from the Apache Software Foundation.
 This package contains the API documentation and programming reference.
Tag: devel::doc, role::documentation

Package: xalan
Priority: extra
Section: text
Installed-Size: 96
Maintainer: Berin Lautenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.10-3.3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-21), libstdc++6 (>= 4.2.1-4), 
libxalan110, libxerces-c28
Filename: pool/main/x/xalan/xalan_1.10-3.3_amd64.deb
Size: 25822
MD5sum: d8dc1eb5b64199ee0a12158c527e1666
SHA1: 92c844a6198272fe624c1b4b39d226c97f397076
SHA256: 50e43dd4d44dec192fac59cbcfc35181243f676151f40570095d68386d2604bb
Description: XSLT processor
 This is the Xalan XSLT processor from the Apache Software Foundation.
 This package provides a command line utility to process XML files
 using an XSLT stylesheet
Tag: implemented-in::c++, interface::commandline, role::program, 
scope::utility, works-with-format::xml, works-with-format::xml:xslt

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#503184: closed by Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Re: Bug#503184: O: libapache2-mod-auth-shadow -- Apache2 module for authentication using shadow)

2008-11-01 Thread Christoph Berg
retitle 503184 RFP: libapache2-mod-auth-shadow -- Apache2 module for 
authentication using shadow

Re: Bruno De Fraine 2008-11-01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> reopen 503184
> thanks
> As explained in my message, I am aware that the original maintainer  
> removed this package with bug #489862, but I disagree with that  
> decision: mod_auth_shadow provided functionality for which there is  
> currently no good alternative in Debian. I think he should have orphaned 
> his package instead.

Ok, but the bug title is/was still wrong.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#323473: is #323473 really RC?

2008-12-14 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Eugene V. Lyubimkin 2008-12-14 <4944c1d7.3070...@gmail.com>
> Hello.
> Is orphaned package 'mol-drivers-linux' really considered as blocker for 
> Lenny?

#323473 is a 'wnpp' bug that doesn't affect the package itself - IMHO
it should. I have retitled the ITA back to O.

MOL packagers: almost a year has passed since the last activity on
this bug, please consider fixing the package's status RSN.

c...@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#511531: O: ksudoku -- sudoku puzzle generator/solver

2009-01-11 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of ksudoku, Ryan Schultz ,
has orphaned this package.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: ksudoku
Binary: ksudoku
Version: 0.4-1.2
Priority: optional
Section: games
Maintainer: Ryan Schultz 
Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper (>= 4.0.0), kdelibs4-dev, xlibmesa-gl-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/k/ksudoku
 c94da8daf4c8346a96546dd56e992475 601 ksudoku_0.4-1.2.dsc
 418f9ecac5756f7bc79863596dee7f34 316486 ksudoku_0.4.orig.tar.gz
 d0017f99f1425bcdf09cd50f22f58459 4151 ksudoku_0.4-1.2.diff.gz

Package: ksudoku
Priority: optional
Section: games
Installed-Size: 608
Maintainer: Ryan Schultz 
Architecture: i386
Version: 0.4-1.2
Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.8.dfsg.1-5), libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libgcc1, 
libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1, libglu1-mesa | libglu1, libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.3.8b), 
libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-21)
Filename: pool/main/k/ksudoku/ksudoku_0.4-1.2_i386.deb
Size: 205560
MD5sum: 2434ebf626ce2f8e0dbf82e8f58ee094
SHA1: bd7fcf9f1d67a80cec76d7a90f84d80a3274587b
SHA256: 6642f99d272cf01d82dc20ac8e6e1ff7747aa5d8c2f03f5ebd818fef3368d2d5
Description: sudoku puzzle generator/solver
 KSudoku is an interface for creating and solving sudoku puzzles, which
 are grid-based placement puzzles that require time and logic to solve.
 KSudoku is able to work with both 2D and 3D versions of these puzzles,
 in grids of any square layout up to 25x25. It can also generate
 configurable symmetric puzzles and other special types.
 Homepage: http://ksudoku.sourceforge.net/
Tag: game::puzzle, implemented-in::c++, interface::3d, interface::x11, 
role::program, suite::kde, uitoolkit::qt, use::gameplaying, x11::application

c...@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#512072: RFH: mutt -- text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading

2009-01-16 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp


the Debian Mutt package needs more maintainers.

There are almost 200 open bugs. Some of these are already forwarded
upstream and might just need some triaging/poking. Some need
forwarding. Some might be fixed with a trivial patch. Others are
Debian specific, mostly for the extra patches we include. There's
duplicates and sub-wishlist items. We are using bts-link to link to
dev.mutt.org's trac, but that also needs more tweaking.

There's a new upstream version 1.5.19 pending, we need people to check
which bugs still apply.

The (in?)famous mutt-patched package needs love to get the sidebar
patch updated to the new version, and to get some of mutt-ng's extra
gimmicks and add-ons integrated.

I've moved packaging to git since that seems to be the least scary
choice nowadays:


The repository has been updated to 1.5.19. The mutt-patched build is
disabled for now, as the patch doesn't apply. Testers welcome :)

If you are interested in helping out, please get in contact with me.
To get started, subscribe to mutt's PTS feed. There's no extra
maintainer mailinglist, mailing m...@packages.debian.org will work for
PTS subscribers. If you prefer IRC, join #mutt on irc.freenode.net.

c...@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#451711: O: sgmltexi -- SGML typesetting system

2007-11-17 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of sgmltexi, Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: sgmltexi
Binary: sgmltexi
Version: 2003.00.00-2.2
Priority: optional
Section: text
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/s/sgmltexi
 c5cc4d3ec76e83ece13c03c429ae524b 525 sgmltexi_2003.00.00-2.2.dsc
 33a9d1a70f11bfcc58a61ef0553ef94f 685179 sgmltexi_2003.00.00-2.2.tar.gz

Package: sgmltexi
Priority: optional
Section: text
Installed-Size: 1004
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2003.00.00-2.2
Depends: gettext, sp, texinfo, tetex-bin, tetex-extra, liblocale-gettext-perl, 
sgml-data, sgml-base
Filename: pool/main/s/sgmltexi/sgmltexi_2003.00.00-2.2_amd64.deb
Size: 266562
MD5sum: 66593cc67d1474cb0df5db5ea8e65752
SHA1: 58272a3863a6a88ab5884e7e931738759f4c145c
SHA256: a222068c315786add9a687aa87161f23baab6813e93bae16bc0c345fedaa4b33
Description: SGML typesetting system
 Sgmltexi is a SGML typesetting system based on Texinfo.
 Sgmltexi is an SGML system (DTD and tools) to make Texinfo
 documentation using SGML. The Sgmltexi DTD is designed to
 follow most of the Texinfo philosofy, hiding the node managing.
 Sgmltexi is to be intended as a simplified Texinfo using SGML; that
 is: you cannot do all that it is possible with Texinfo alone. Sgmltexi
 impose some restrictions, but maybe it can be simpler to write Texinfo
 documentation this way.
Tag: interface::commandline, role::program, scope::application, use::editing, 
works-with::text, works-with-format::sgml, works-with-format::tex

Description: Digital signature

Bug#451713: O: galrey -- Command line image gallery generator. It also makes thumbnails

2007-11-17 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of galrey, Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: galrey
Binary: galrey
Version: 1.0.2-1
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 5)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.6
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/g/galrey
 8870ff4506744cdb7441e2ae27c5e9c1 573 galrey_1.0.2-1.dsc
 e4f9f0dc2ccafbd061020c126deabaa1 19857 galrey_1.0.2.orig.tar.gz
 66e59edfee9b7dab431130a6a1e0ad4f 2990 galrey_1.0.2-1.diff.gz

Package: galrey
Priority: optional
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 116
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.0.2-1
Depends: perl, imagemagick (>= 4.2.8-9)
Filename: pool/main/g/galrey/galrey_1.0.2-1_all.deb
Size: 14180
MD5sum: 0ac3d17a6455710671128bc6dee9849e
SHA1: c1d779d6edb72cbe1e76311d7c18c037f7775987
SHA256: b6ca986d71b7e1c88d5546764c551a22dac08b744cdeeff8f6ee53ae0ce5ccba
Description: Command line image gallery generator. It also makes thumbnails
 Galrey is a command line image gallery
 generator. It takes your pictures and creates
 thumbnails and browsable HTML pages.
 Galrey also allows you to add a comment for each image.
 The HTML output can be fully customized editing the template file.
Tag: implemented-in::perl, interface::commandline, role::program, 
scope::utility, use::organizing, works-with::{image,image:raster,text}, 

Description: Digital signature

Bug#451716: O: alml -- SGML typesetting system able to generate PDF, PS, HTML and TXT

2007-11-17 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of alml, Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: alml
Binary: alml
Version: 2005.01.01-2.2
Priority: optional
Section: text
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), gettext
Architecture: all
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/a/alml
 62f18ca5692213af1b02990d7279974d 531 alml_2005.01.01-2.2.dsc
 1706cd88ab22aea20ee7a23461ee9abc 2963272 alml_2005.01.01-2.2.tar.gz

Package: alml
Priority: optional
Section: text
Installed-Size: 5300
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 2005.01.01-2.2
Depends: perl, tetex-bin (>= 0.9.990310-1), tetex-extra (>= 1.0.2), latex-ucs, 
latex-ucs-contrib, latex-ucs-uninames, html2ps (>= 1.0), liblocale-gettext-perl 
(>= 1.01-8), sharutils (>= 4.2.1-1), imagemagick (>= 4.2.8-9), sp, psutils (>= 
1.17-9), gs, gs-common, sgml-base, sgml-data, tetex-base, dvipdfm, lilypond (>= 
2.1.0), transfig, dviutils, gnuplot
Conflicts: gs-gpl (= 8.01-4), gs (= 8.01-4)
Filename: pool/main/a/alml/alml_2005.01.01-2.2_all.deb
Size: 2938768
MD5sum: ddf8b5c2d4a77a49ea3b24de32dec742
SHA1: 66bf2c35e3398db1f9f9d7d770f4d922b692e12c
SHA256: c5f223e13fef946e44ada8bed8088d18f5e60bc5f141a60a15128057aa62aed7
Description: SGML typesetting system able to generate PDF, PS, HTML and TXT
 Alml is a SGML typesetting system developed
 for a big italian document: "Appunti di informatica libera";
 Alml is made for very big documentation projects, and can generate
 PDF, PostScript, HTML and pure text output.
Tag: implemented-in::perl, interface::commandline, role::program, 
scope::utility, use::typesetting, works-with::text, 

Description: Digital signature

Bug#451717: O: textchk -- This package provides a text analysis system.

2007-11-17 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of textchk, Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: textchk
Binary: textchk
Version: 2002.01.10-1.1
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), gettext
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.5.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/t/textchk
 f7d0c9a0a7d879b91b685ddb6d3ee0f5 600 textchk_2002.01.10-1.1.dsc
 da7a4f01371f834daf882b7c591a0930 77990 textchk_2002.01.10.orig.tar.gz
 0a2cb15db3555441d6d121d5f5bcc15c 641 textchk_2002.01.10-1.1.diff.gz

Package: textchk
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Installed-Size: 208
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 2002.01.10-1.1
Depends: perl, liblocale-gettext-perl (>= 1.01-8), sharutils
Filename: pool/main/t/textchk/textchk_2002.01.10-1.1_all.deb
Size: 76850
MD5sum: da93056e687d35cbd14592c1d71c4de5
SHA1: 13ebf4e5c6ddab674fa4011169c4d166089eddc5
SHA256: 79214c68f37e3996c30c62ce0b0f0dc82562d5343d6c5a976c033c013c2b
Description: This package provides a text analysis system.
 Textchk is a text analysis system to check spelling and/or stylistic
Tag: implemented-in::perl, interface::commandline, role::program, 
scope::utility, use::checking, works-with::dictionary, works-with::text

Description: Digital signature

Bug#451712: O: burn -- Command line Data-CD, Audio-CD, ISO-CD, Copy-CD writing tool

2007-11-17 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of burn, Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: burn
Binary: burn
Version: 0.4.3-2.1
Priority: optional
Section: otherosfs
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.0
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/b/burn
 ff70a94a57c54f1e4c93313714364c44 502 burn_0.4.3-2.1.dsc
 4c3d6f5e3992bac2c0f88108b10b6711 41033 burn_0.4.3-2.1.tar.gz

Package: burn
Priority: optional
Section: otherosfs
Installed-Size: 172
Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.4.3-2.1
Depends: python (>= 2.3), cdrecord (>= 4:2.01+01a01-2), mkisofs (>= 
4:2.01+01a01-2), cdrdao, python-pyvorbis, python-eyed3, python-pyao, 
python-pymad, mpg321 (>=
Filename: pool/main/b/burn/burn_0.4.3-2.1_amd64.deb
Size: 29168
MD5sum: 0a7b1a7385bb402a3605b90151d335bc
SHA1: a4fb97a3b9a3109b7e412b253daf3aef59153e0c
SHA256: 3dfd88a7c7822a1b4b0d35f2a56b1432e5d4a25dcb0976a3187524e568b09f32
Description: Command line Data-CD, Audio-CD, ISO-CD, Copy-CD writing tool
 Quick command-line tool to create Audio-CDs from .mp3, .ogg and .wav
 files, to backup data, to create CDs from ISOs, to copy CDs on-the-fly.
 Burn is a program/script written in Python that aims to quickly and
 simply make audio CDs and backup of your data. It performs any of its
 feature invoking it only once and with one and only one command line.
 No previous ISO creation command is needed.
 Other than creating audio CDs from .ogg, .mp3, .wav (even together),
 copy CDs, create Data-CD (storage, backups, etc.) and create a CD from an
 existing ISO image, "burn" does a lot of other things. Among them: compute
 if there is necessary free space for temporary files (images and audio
 files), warn if size is bigger than CD capacity, manage multisession CDs.
 Basically burn features:
   · Data-CD (files and dirs storage)
   · Audio-CD (from mp3, ogg vorbis, wav)
   · ISO-CD (burns an ISO)
   · Copy-CD (copy CDs)
Tag: hardware::storage, hardware::storage:cd, interface::commandline, 
role::program, scope::utility, use::storing, works-with::archive, 
works-with::audio, works-with-format::{iso9660,mp3,oggvorbis,wav}

Description: Digital signature

Bug#453495: O: glade-perl -- Convert Glade-Interface XML into perl code

2007-11-29 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of glade-perl, R�mi Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: glade-perl
Binary: glade-perl, libglade-perl
Version: 0.61-1
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Maintainer: R�mi Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 3.0.18), perl (>= 5.6.0-16)
Architecture: all
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/g/glade-perl
 a252e9ccc5e4f1c0f4f81d8a320353d6 665 glade-perl_0.61-1.dsc
 b8b74f0735281d45ca70d8a752e8b8f6 123688 glade-perl_0.61.orig.tar.gz
 4a704a42dccf86451d918ab740ffe539 3181 glade-perl_0.61-1.diff.gz

Package: glade-perl
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 520
Maintainer: R�mi Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.61-1
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libxml-parser-perl, libgtk-perl, libglade-perl (>= 
Recommends: libgnome-perl, libgnome-dev
Suggests: glade
Conflicts: libglade-perl (<< 0.60-1)
Filename: pool/main/g/glade-perl/glade-perl_0.61-1_all.deb
Size: 115468
MD5sum: 1be447b29162580bc9584b5007494270
SHA1: d49d3997556d56152e83dbc5e7f82aca8deef5fa
SHA256: e84dc64de65c1a7dce1c810e27102edf1cff4c9816c0b8a8d8ece740118da9b0
Description: Convert Glade-Interface XML into perl code
 Glade::PerlGenerate is a module that will read a Glade-Interface XML
 file, build the UI and/or write the perl source to create the UI later and
 handle signals. It also now creates an 'App' and an 'App subclass' that
 you can edit.
Tag: devel::lang:perl, uitoolkit::gtk, use::editing

Package: libglade-perl
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 144
Maintainer: R�mi Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: glade-perl
Version: 0.61-1
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libxml-parser-perl, libgtk-perl
Recommends: libunicode-string-perl (>= 2.04-1)
Filename: pool/main/g/glade-perl/libglade-perl_0.61-1_all.deb
Size: 37150
MD5sum: eacc3056c1128331795b105d0526d09c
SHA1: 015e25dfe332788a3f461eee8ea5c5b239819f64
SHA256: 2c29ba525fbc259ea2b4a1e465c31dd11fe1fd9fbada5bf70a4cae303deca32a
Description: Glade-perl runtime modules
 This package contains needed perl modules for perl program
 generated by the Glade::PerlGenerate module of the glade-perl package.
Tag: devel::lang:perl, devel::library, implemented-in::perl, role::shared-lib, 
uitoolkit::gtk, use::editing

Description: Digital signature

Bug#453497: O: bonsai -- The Mozilla CVS query tool by web interface

2007-11-29 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of bonsai, Rémi Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: bonsai
Binary: bonsai
Version: 1.3+cvs20060111-2
Priority: extra
Section: web
Maintainer: Rémi Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), debconf (>= 0.9.95), rcs, cvs, 
perl, libdbd-mysql-perl, libtimedate-perl, libmailtools-perl
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/b/bonsai
 045db8b70e5a377d92ccf4121f305131 688 bonsai_1.3+cvs20060111-2.dsc
 bc4de3441be302286cc8c40c0895b9ef 183425 bonsai_1.3+cvs20060111.orig.tar.gz
 88b09b8640ca61c7a379c913ae5de1fc 67999 bonsai_1.3+cvs20060111-2.diff.gz

Package: bonsai
Priority: extra
Section: web
Installed-Size: 752
Maintainer: Rémi Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.3+cvs20060111-2
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, rcs, cvs, 
libdbd-mysql-perl, lxr, libtimedate-perl, libmailtools-perl, exim4 | 
mail-transport-agent, cvsgraph
Recommends: mysql-server
Filename: pool/main/b/bonsai/bonsai_1.3+cvs20060111-2_all.deb
Size: 169396
MD5sum: 1000766853f950d4bfe7c427c02608c9
SHA1: af5bf7bdebbd16a9040250d720bb6f6104a6ef9d
SHA256: d7ef0324d1eedb394b6a21d26c32ee3b73d0dd02bab5458a91dfeedd5fd7ed93
Description: The Mozilla CVS query tool by web interface
 The Mozilla team made this tool to help following the life of
 CVS modules. Here is the Debian version of this tool.
 WARNING: This tool will not work out of the box. You will need to complete
 the install procedure according the /usr/share/doc/bonsai/README.debian
Tag: devel::lang:sql, devel::rcs, implemented-in::perl, interface::web, 
network::server, role::program, suite::mozilla, web::cgi, works-with::db

Description: Digital signature

Bug#455575: O: xmms-coverviewer -- XMMS plugin that displays covers while playing

2007-12-10 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I'm orphaning this package because I'm not using it anymore.
Furthermore, upstream has been pretty dead lately (with some activity
on "xmms-coverviewer-ng" inbetween that doesn't like it would be
finished in the near future). Oh, and xmms isn't that modern either...

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

If no one picks it up within some time, I'll consider reassigning this
bug to ftp.d.o for removal.

Some information about this package:

Package: xmms-coverviewer
Binary: xmms-coverviewer
Version: 0.11-6
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), xmms-dev, libid3-3.8.3-dev | libid3-dev, 
libgdk-pixbuf-dev, libglib1.2-dev, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxi-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/x/xmms-coverviewer
 344f5c8d31cd0186a757d692736e8e3c 706 xmms-coverviewer_0.11-6.dsc
 1468a2ea5a0200dfbaa5223424a7f3ea 371085 xmms-coverviewer_0.11.orig.tar.gz
 fabc851c7b3e2b85d8b10c0003107ce8 24328 xmms-coverviewer_0.11-6.diff.gz

Package: xmms-coverviewer
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 316
Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.11+12rc2-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libgdk-pixbuf2 (>= 0.22.0), libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0), 
libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.10-4), libid3-3.8.3c2a, libx11-6, libxext6, libxi6, libxml2 
(>= 2.6.26), xmms (>= 1.2.10+20070701)
Suggests: python
Filename: pool/main/x/xmms-coverviewer/xmms-coverviewer_0.11+12rc2-1_amd64.deb
Size: 120732
MD5sum: 4bcb1d9eea8121869edec5017ef2
SHA1: d9973b7d33d226045a0e6e6c539c08b3002e0ca0
SHA256: 5212c0599701f028b5958a01e2667df7b82d54b75a5a15ba1cd6740077f2e43b
Description: XMMS plugin that displays covers while playing
 CoverViewer is a plugin for XMMS that displays album covers and other images
 contained in the playing directory. Covers can also be retrieved from the web.

Description: Digital signature

Bug#428740: O: gfontview -- font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts

2008-01-19 Thread Christoph Berg
retitle 428740 O: gfontview -- font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts

gfontview depends on gnome-libs which is scheduled for removal.
If you care about gfontview, and think you can remove the freetype1
dependency, please adopt it. Otherwise, if no one picks it up within
the next 2 weeks, I'll request its removal from the archive.

> I'm offering some packages up for adoption so I have more time for the
> others.
> gfontview is a useful tool to view fonts. Upstream appears dead, and
> it's a gtk1 package. I won't work on the code bug(s), so if someone
> wants to give the package more care, I'd be pleased to hand over. (I
> will eventually tackle the wont-build-twice packaging but unless
> someone else beats me to it, though.)
> Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
> package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
> work on it.
> If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
> http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-rfa for detailed
> instructions how to adopt a package properly.
> Some information about this package:
> Package: gfontview
> Binary: gfontview
> Version: 0.5.0-8
> Priority: extra
> Section: gnome
> Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4), libgtk1.2-dev (>> 1.2.6), libttf-dev, 
> libt1-dev, libungif4-dev, lpr, libgnome-dev, automake1.7, libtool
> Architecture: any
> Standards-Version: 3.7.2
> Format: 1.0
> Directory: pool/main/g/gfontview
> Files:
>  758964b4bf893fa04edd457dd17a3dfa 671 gfontview_0.5.0-8.dsc
>  f06e0e9d67f7d8b3af251fa593e83eeb 207053 gfontview_0.5.0.orig.tar.gz
>  3187087bb2f236ce787a2a7f9cd59bf1 362749 gfontview_0.5.0-8.diff.gz
> Package: gfontview
> Priority: extra
> Section: gnome
> Installed-Size: 296
> Maintainer: Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Architecture: amd64
> Version: 0.5.0-8
> Depends: gdk-imlib11, libart2 (>= 1.2.13-5), libaudiofile0 (>= 0.2.3-4), 
> libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libdb3 (>= 3.2.9+dfsg), libesd0 (>= 0.2.35) | 
> libesd-alsa0 (>= 0.2.35), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-12), libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0), 
> libgnome32 (>= 1.2.13-5), libgnomesupport0 (>= 1.2.13-5), libgnomeui32 (>= 
> 1.4.2-3), libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.10-4), libice6 (>= 1:1.0.0), libpopt0 (>= 1.10), 
> libsm6, libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-12), libt1-5 (>= 5.0.2), libttf2, libungif4g (>= 
> 4.1.4), libx11-6, libxext6, libxi6, zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)
> Filename: pool/main/g/gfontview/gfontview_0.5.0-8_amd64.deb
> Size: 83104
> MD5sum: ac77ae69cafdc54075f7aa1a4bbed13f
> SHA1: d68d18ba26bf562052873ccb26e61261035c0f35
> SHA256: d7dc91b66876f177aed49eb62e635b3c005861dcb7049542c0758fd3b72fc264
> Description: font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts
>  gfontview is a font viewer for outline fonts, PostScript(tm) Type 1 and
>  TrueType(tm).
>  .
>  gfontview allows you to display a particular character or string of a
>  font in an own window, thus allowing a comparison between several fonts
>  with a particular string sample. This character or string can be
>  antialiased (smoothed). The string can also consider the kerning pairs if
>  available in the AFM or TTF file. The displayed character or string can be
>  saved in GIF format.
>  .
>  A table with all glyphs in the font (for PostScript Type 1 fonts also
>  in several encodings) can also be created. A custom encoding will be
>  generated on the fly to allow you to see all characters (also not
>  encoded ones) in a Type 1 font, the so called "Custom" encodings.
>  .
>  You can also print a sample of a font. The program generates PostScript
>  code with sample strings in several sizes, which you can download to any
>  PostScript printer or to ghostscript.
>  .
>  TrueType fonts can be saved as Type42 PostScript fonts.
>  .
>  Homepage http://gfontview.sourceforge.net/
> Tag: interface::x11, role::program, scope::utility, suite::gnome, 
> uitoolkit::gtk, use::viewing, works-with::font, x11::application
> Christoph
> -- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#463807: RFH: wxwidgets2.6 -- wxwidgets2.8 may be packaged

2008-02-03 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

Following this afternoon's discussion on #debian-devel, I'm filing
this RFH bug to note that Ron, the wxwidgets2.6 maintainer, does
encourage people wanting to actively work on getting 2.8 into Debian
to do so.

Bear in mind that there are lots of open issues that should be
tackled, preferably in cooperation with upstream. Starting with an
experimental upload is probably a good idea.

Ron is willing to grant alioth/git access.

(Filing on wnpp/wxwidgets2.6 for additional visibility.)


Description: Digital signature

Bug#200715: Status: ITP: stepmania -- rythm and dancing game

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
# "Orphaning" the ITP - Sesse, Baby, please grab it if you think it
# will eventually be packageable

retitle 200715 RFP: stepmania -- rythm and dancing game
noowner 200715

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465851: O: dbishell -- Interactive SQL shell with readline support

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of dbishell, Vivek Dasmohapatra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: dbishell
Binary: dbishell
Version: 0.8.9-7.2
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Maintainer: Vivek Dasmohapatra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), perl (>= 5.6.0-16), 
libterm-readline-perl-perl | libterm-readline-gnu-perl, libdbi-perl, perl-doc
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.0
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/d/dbishell
 bb3c8520d1012cf0d44bb27802114dcc 678 dbishell_0.8.9-7.2.dsc
 4da8762144daf68dc60dd2a6eedcac36 183431 dbishell_0.8.9.orig.tar.gz
 6387386d223bd75e609bdc495524d432 11221 dbishell_0.8.9-7.2.diff.gz

Package: dbishell
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 616
Maintainer: Vivek Dasmohapatra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.8.9-7.2
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libterm-readline-perl-perl | 
libterm-readline-gnu-perl, libdbi-perl, libterm-readkey-perl
Suggests: libdbd-mysql-perl, libdbd-odbc-perl, libdbd-pg-perl
Filename: pool/main/d/dbishell/dbishell_0.8.9-7.2_all.deb
Size: 168312
MD5sum: b37ee9e9163dcd98f8a1a4f0f98df88d
SHA1: 197146d6032e702280bf1a0c60042385db63b6de
SHA256: 454a39cca007b7f6654f31c4eea92b98ad061e1ca49067f07be724eb9bd3829a
Description: Interactive SQL shell with readline support
 Database shell with readline support [command history,
 tab completion etc] based on the Perl DBI:
 Has specific support for Oracle, MySQL, Sybase,
 PostgreSQL, and a generic driver that should work for
 anything supported by DBI.
Tag: devel::lang:sql, interface::shell, role::program, scope::utility, 

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465859: O: tuxkart -- A 3D go-kart racing game

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of tuxkart, Johannes Hirche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: tuxkart
Binary: tuxkart, tuxkart-data
Version: 0.4.0-4.3
Priority: extra
Section: games
Maintainer: Johannes Hirche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.1.1), plib1.8.4-dev, libxt-dev, libxi-dev, 
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/t/tuxkart
 7f8a5a89103835696866817e217b1053 633 tuxkart_0.4.0-4.3.dsc
 e84ab2748ff1ce5ef11d1d7da5188f8f 4932535 tuxkart_0.4.0.orig.tar.gz
 adb74e31cea864a5a6e806aacd28f1a9 10986 tuxkart_0.4.0-4.3.diff.gz

Package: tuxkart
Priority: extra
Section: games
Installed-Size: 212
Maintainer: Johannes Hirche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.4.0-4.3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6.1-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.2.1), libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1, 
libice6 (>= 1:1.0.0), libsm6, libstdc++6 (>= 4.2.1), libx11-6, libxext6, 
libxi6, libxmu6, plib1.8.4c2 (>= 1.8.4-7), tuxkart-data (= 0.4.0-4.3)
Filename: pool/main/t/tuxkart/tuxkart_0.4.0-4.3_amd64.deb
Size: 60026
MD5sum: 30f2da612d16c6834b6230cc59c18869
SHA1: 15f96c437c516d52b8d7a096bb96c63e8fceb5fe
SHA256: 2ba84504e0adb75514953d048c028b2adf4eefd9c4be265f83848a3cde28eb2f
Description: A 3D go-kart racing game
 TuxKart is a 3D go-kart racing game with several famous OpenSource mascots
 participating. There are several race courses provided, with full information
 on how to add your own. Except for a few minor details, this game is
 essentially complete, and very playable.
Tag: game::arcade, interface::3d, junior::games-gl, role::program, 
use::gameplaying, x11::application

Package: tuxkart-data
Priority: extra
Section: games
Installed-Size: 8892
Maintainer: Johannes Hirche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: tuxkart
Version: 0.4.0-4.3
Replaces: tuxkart (<< 0.1.0-2)
Recommends: tuxkart
Filename: pool/main/t/tuxkart/tuxkart-data_0.4.0-4.3_all.deb
Size: 4484906
MD5sum: 2c966847466f1d1343bbf20298c1185b
SHA1: a6225718bee6a32fff08a09a6ae1e504866b1124
SHA256: 29d2310f17e7b1198a95c93043a740e7d10093edfbd0853cbd468dc7b8a5003c
Description: Game data for tuxkart, a 3D go-kart racing game
 This package contains the necessary data files for the game tuxkart.
 TuxKart is a 3D go-kart racing game with several famous OpenSource mascots
 participating. There are several race courses provided, with full information
 on how to add your own. Except for a few minor details, this game is
 essentially complete, and very playable.
Tag: game::arcade, interface::3d, junior::games-gl, role::app-data, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465857: O: libdata-showtable-perl -- Print arrays of data in a formatted listing

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of libdata-showtable-perl, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: libdata-showtable-perl
Binary: libdata-showtable-perl
Version: 3.3-5
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), perl (>= 5.6.0-16)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/libd/libdata-showtable-perl
 010dd074b511d16b3c9dd5271fa374ec 650 libdata-showtable-perl_3.3-5.dsc
 f4026fcf26316a4f9b1fa94543edb081 92695 libdata-showtable-perl_3.3.orig.tar.gz
 9f89549a1f0bdcd3c761450b84b9d467 2293 libdata-showtable-perl_3.3-5.diff.gz

Package: libdata-showtable-perl
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 284
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 3.3-5
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16)
Size: 70388
MD5sum: 014d37dd9d519af508cc01d174a7ece6
SHA1: 6673d0b47b02a8341c5dff831eee1e2ad9240fde
SHA256: 6b96f6f99cf40acb462cd0be8af8b3f1f6f8b5be701022a54d9c69cda6ca1637
Description: Print arrays of data in a formatted listing
 ShowTable.pm, is a Perl 5 module which defines subroutines
 to print arrays of data in a nicely formatted listing, using one of
 four possible formats: simple table, boxed table, list style, and
 HTML-formatting (for World-Wide-Web output).
 In other words, showtable is a data formatting program.  Using the
 '-html' option, showtable can accept ASCII tabular data and format it
 appropriately for display through a Web-browser.
Tag: devel::lang:perl, devel::library, implemented-in::perl, role::shared-lib

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465856: O: sdr -- An Mbone Conference Scheduling and Booking System (SDR)

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of sdr, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: sdr
Binary: sdr
Version: 3.0-6.1
Priority: extra
Section: net
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: tk8.4-dev, libuclmmbase1-dev (>= 1.2.12), debhelper (>=
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/s/sdr
 5d0390b5777d8b945e4b3c0be0f28de0 598 sdr_3.0-6.1.dsc
 f5e6938a27d9c8419a0499783a3facad 302427 sdr_3.0.orig.tar.gz
 3cb93fddfbcd682a62fa1b385e79c633 6503 sdr_3.0-6.1.diff.gz

Package: sdr
Priority: extra
Section: net
Installed-Size: 1080
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 3.0-6.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libuclmmbase1, libx11-6, tcl8.4 (>= 8.4.5), tk8.4 
(>= 8.4.5)
Suggests: vic, rat
Filename: pool/main/s/sdr/sdr_3.0-6.1_amd64.deb
Size: 286286
MD5sum: 1931588a0ef29bd3820c672a2416347c
SHA1: a7036b2a374b150e309508c7387996a7c27c8dca
SHA256: b92ec980f39978a33a167010ecb1a99333e0614fe0c9ae73a3447a74f93b5e73
Description: An Mbone Conference Scheduling and Booking System (SDR)
 Sdr is a Session Directory designed for announcing and scheduling
 multimedia conferences on the Mbone - the multicast backbone of
 the Internet.
 Sdr is loosely modelled on sd - LBL's Mbone Session Directory.
 Sdr extends the sd model in a number of ways, particularly
 in the degree of detail about the timing and resources required by
 a conference, and in the provision of a much more flexible interface
 for querying the existence of sessions or of any sessions that may
 potentially clash with a new session.
Tag: role::program

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465862: O: tolua -- Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua - development files

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of tolua, Jimmy Kaplowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: tolua
Binary: libtolua-dev, libtolua0
Version: 4.0a-3
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Maintainer: Jimmy Kaplowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4), liblua40-dev, liblualib40-dev
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/t/tolua
 edff4590ff8fa4f3e33f6c4b57e9a5f9 648 tolua_4.0a-3.dsc
 f764d13104b7e7a2785cd7a5efa557a9 80374 tolua_4.0a.orig.tar.gz
 6a9ccda4616f9370bfd3477ef1b41f61 4700 tolua_4.0a-3.diff.gz

Package: libtolua-dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Installed-Size: 204
Maintainer: Jimmy Kaplowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: tolua
Version: 4.0a-3
Replaces: tolua, tolua-dev
Provides: tolua, tolua-dev
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), liblua40 (>= 4.0-13), liblualib40 (>= 4.0-13), 
libtolua0 (= 4.0a-3), liblua40-dev
Conflicts: tolua, tolua-dev
Filename: pool/main/t/tolua/libtolua-dev_4.0a-3_amd64.deb
Size: 31382
MD5sum: e7a34479ddc1550ac630fcb66ac34543
SHA1: 1ecf4f068a27d7f2d8df3d711c2b2e2edaf3b99f
SHA256: d2d97dd64cfe6050fa801a586feb5bb094b9d523113d1bf186be27b820a1765c
Description: Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua - development files
 tolua is a tool that greatly simplifies the integration of C/C++ code with
 Lua. Based on a cleaned header file, tolua automatically generates the
 binding code to access C/C++ features from Lua. Using Lua API and tag
 method facilities, tolua maps C/C++ constants, external variables,
 functions, classes, and methods to Lua.
 This package contains all files necessary to develop applications which use
Tag: devel::library, role::devel-lib

Package: libtolua0
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 96
Maintainer: Jimmy Kaplowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: tolua
Version: 4.0a-3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Filename: pool/main/t/tolua/libtolua0_4.0a-3_amd64.deb
Size: 17184
MD5sum: fab78f004bb0149a32d11918598664a4
SHA1: edb4c3024b648b1060b2f58392dc4948f14a3f60
SHA256: 579a446b294bf82190fe19e459f4edb2c7bed0082188d0b8b76cdaf84602
Description: Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua - runtime libraries
 tolua is a tool that greatly simplifies the integration of C/C++ code with
 Lua. Based on a cleaned header file, tolua automatically generates the
 binding code to access C/C++ features from Lua. Using Lua API and tag
 method facilities, tolua maps C/C++ constants, external variables,
 functions, classes, and methods to Lua.
 This package contains the tolua runtime libraries, for applications that have
 been built with tolua.
Tag: devel::library, role::shared-lib

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465855: O: sloccount -- Programs for counting physical source lines of code (SLOC)

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of sloccount, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL 
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: sloccount
Binary: sloccount
Version: 2.26-2.1
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), flex
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/s/sloccount
 785bda50213e7db79da141861b1413d7 651 sloccount_2.26-2.1.dsc
 09abd6e2a016ebaf7552068a1dba1249 190948 sloccount_2.26.orig.tar.gz
 7c6a0c845b74469353102622981c0576 30380 sloccount_2.26-2.1.diff.gz

Package: sloccount
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 516
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2.26-2.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1), perl
Suggests: doc-base
Filename: pool/main/s/sloccount/sloccount_2.26-2.1_amd64.deb
Size: 114326
MD5sum: 6b9a8b993207c73839ef3e484d221940
SHA1: b8136bbf8534c31d861a3b82c02d1ccbc7922d3a
SHA256: fe4cafb694bdc48e0dd0283ad5aa707e9fcc0230ca000a1d5d3de481cbfb8230
Description: Programs for counting physical source lines of code (SLOC)
 SLOCCount (pronounced "sloc-count") is a suite of programs for counting
 physical source lines of code (SLOC) in potentially large software systems
 (thus, SLOCCount is a "software metrics tool" or "software measurement tool").
 SLOCCount can count physical SLOC for a wide number of languages;
 listed alphabetically, they are: Ada, Assembly, awk, Bourne shell, C, C++,
 C shell, COBOL, C#, Expect, Fortran, Java, lex/flex, LISP (including Scheme),
 Makefile, Modula3, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, sed, SQL,
 TCL, Yacc/Bison.
 SLOCCount can automatically determine if a file
 is a source code file or not, and if so, which language it's written in.
 As a result, you can analyze large systems completely automatically.
 SLOCCount also includes some report-generating tools
 to collect the data generated and present it in several different formats.
Tag: interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465858: O: libapache-dbilogconfig-perl -- Apache::DBILogConfig: Logs access information in a DBI database

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of libapache-dbilogconfig-perl, Jesus M. 
Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: libapache-dbilogconfig-perl
Binary: libapache-dbilogconfig-perl
Version: 0.02-1
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/liba/libapache-dbilogconfig-perl
 e64277498e1eb52cbf5982411395a62e 635 libapache-dbilogconfig-perl_0.02-1.dsc
 6162133983400e8dc220f155cb18c042 5335 
 333c5f742df2562896fd5dc8c8f2d905 1465 

Package: libapache-dbilogconfig-perl
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 84
Maintainer: Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.02-1
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16)
Size: 12886
MD5sum: a5e91e56d0d94c91be7cc8ab87560792
SHA1: 30e64cdc4eed428822cd28c4d055700fc350914f
SHA256: ede527a6eef86f88f823af2769183bbe3e339c4d0886252e92f4edec93923ac0
Description: Apache::DBILogConfig: Logs access information in a DBI database
 This module replicates the functionality of the standard Apache
 module, mod_log_config, but logs information in a DBI-compliant
 database instead of a file.
Tag: admin::logging, devel::lang:perl, devel::library, implemented-in::perl, 
role::shared-lib, suite::apache, works-with::db

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465852: O: lpc-mode -- Emacs mode for the LPC language

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of lpc-mode, Vivek Dasmohapatra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: lpc-mode
Binary: lpc-mode
Version: 0.15-1
Priority: extra
Section: devel
Maintainer: Vivek Dasmohapatra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 2.0.54)
Architecture: all
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/l/lpc-mode
 d0f84b7cfc20293456fb3403317737fd 571 lpc-mode_0.15-1.dsc
 954df1a24f7dc3540e78b04237869701 5107 lpc-mode_0.15.orig.tar.gz
 f542a0a49f2a8c792a2148200889dc65 2969 lpc-mode_0.15-1.diff.gz

Package: lpc-mode
Priority: extra
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 48
Maintainer: Vivek Dasmohapatra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.15-1
Depends: emacs21 | xemacs21
Suggests: ldmud
Filename: pool/main/l/lpc-mode/lpc-mode_0.15-1_all.deb
Size: 8384
MD5sum: 30d4d79db3350c275da9a4a48c04e494
SHA1: 3bbcc51f9b76f441d6747f80af8350c103f5baa6
SHA256: 211bfad7ade7f71ed921e2bd7e09000321233015698ea330cfd6eda7d12a9cd1
Description: Emacs mode for the LPC language
 This is a major-mode for LPC, the language at the heart of many
 (all?) MUDs, certainly those based on the LDMud driver.
Tag: game::mud, role::plugin, suite::emacs

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465881: O: html-munger -- Module which simplifies the creation of web filters.

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of html-munger, Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: html-munger
Binary: libhtml-munger-perl
Version: 0.01-5
Priority: extra
Section: interpreters
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/h/html-munger
 7adcd79dfb0ffa31ed9dd4c57fd5b587 1213 html-munger_0.01-5.dsc
 92b3d718cb1884d136a8fee7ffd0b6b4 3330 html-munger_0.01.orig.tar.gz
 72fd43c38a105382abb7ab37fa50b26c 4823 html-munger_0.01-5.diff.gz

Package: libhtml-munger-perl
Priority: extra
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 76
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: html-munger
Version: 0.01-5
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libhtml-parser-perl
Filename: pool/main/h/html-munger/libhtml-munger-perl_0.01-5_all.deb
Size: 8242
MD5sum: ed7725336630dbc92d10bee2e91c22ae
SHA1: b5c58f9a565c9173472a229121244414b9cf2b9c
SHA256: 67dea6528d98114e9c55e7073655cc710243cfa3c3cba7cff38cdfedafe8c3c3
Description: Module which simplifies the creation of web filters.
 HTML::Munger is a simple module which allows easy creation of web page
 filtering software, such as those listed here:
 It was first written to build the pootifier:
Tag: devel::lang:perl, devel::library, implemented-in::perl, role::shared-lib, 
use::converting, works-with::text, works-with-format::html

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465883: O: wmnetselect -- Enhanced Netscape launch button designed for WindowMaker

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of wmnetselect, Norman Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: wmnetselect
Binary: wmnetselect
Version: 0.85-5.6
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Norman Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxmu-dev, 
libxpm-dev, x-dev
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/w/wmnetselect
 f53398266eadd3b64fd12decf799f857 633 wmnetselect_0.85-5.6.dsc
 27c5edbcfb9a260e92de5adffda4a4b6 123566 wmnetselect_0.85.orig.tar.gz
 0ef183c28c57817a9cf64c24e863dc93 8734 wmnetselect_0.85-5.6.diff.gz

Package: wmnetselect
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 200
Maintainer: Norman Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.85-5.6
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libx11-6, libxext6, libxmu6, libxpm4
Suggests: firefox | mozilla (>= M17-1) | netscape-base-4
Filename: pool/main/w/wmnetselect/wmnetselect_0.85-5.6_amd64.deb
Size: 60634
MD5sum: 3b55f62ff993e42f966e40f3b5bbc061
SHA1: 5a4e2dff4b9a12b903554b39fd7dd0729d4458eb
SHA256: a5a3c8b2afa9a50dd4e1677c324d9531bf96700dab1ebabeb988b7afb1ed039b
Description: Enhanced Netscape launch button designed for WindowMaker
 This is a replacement for the Netscape/Mozilla launch button in your dock,
 that enhances the functionality of the button. You can use it just as you
 normally would to start Netscape. If you select an URL and paste it into
 the wmnetselect button, it will redirect netscape to that URL. Other
 features include quick Google.com searches and quick addition of URLs to
 your bookmarks.
Tag: interface::x11, role::program, scope::utility, suite::gnustep, x11::applet

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465882: O: xdkcal -- Desktop Calendar for X

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of xdkcal, Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: xdkcal
Binary: xdkcal
Version: 0.9d-2.2
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, x-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.0.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/x/xdkcal
 f11cfaa7d754b2125fa3a14246341490 578 xdkcal_0.9d-2.2.dsc
 c51ab0166e6af2d02e3013a9a3b20314 48533 xdkcal_0.9d.orig.tar.gz
 ba4c8eeada996f616a4bada320aea5b4 91459 xdkcal_0.9d-2.2.diff.gz

Package: xdkcal
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 100
Maintainer: Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.9d-2.2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libx11-6, libxext6
Filename: pool/main/x/xdkcal/xdkcal_0.9d-2.2_amd64.deb
Size: 16634
MD5sum: f01d72431938f01d4f76d45090ea9854
SHA1: f86694d2adecfcaf0f12e666e309ea5e35d33ef0
SHA256: a3c07311e503520c3d3b85722dfa57bc7a85b520c550f23d0cea68a264c3c485
Description: Desktop Calendar for X
 X Desktop Calendar (xdkcal) is a Calendar for X Window System.
 It draws calendar on your desktop.  You can customize, fontset,
 color drawing style.  This application is completely internationalized
 so it reads locale database and draw locale specific strings,
 such as name of months or weeks.
Tag: interface::x11, role::program, scope::application, use::organizing, 
use::timekeeping, works-with::pim, x11::application

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465878: O: nrg2iso -- Extracts ISO9660 data from Nero ".nrg" files

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of nrg2iso, Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: nrg2iso
Binary: nrg2iso
Version: 0.4-1.1
Priority: optional
Section: otherosfs
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/n/nrg2iso
 e2b21365785bdab4228b6fd64afe7954 494 nrg2iso_0.4-1.1.dsc
 978eeb52af6edf8cb542348af8344424 10067 nrg2iso_0.4-1.1.tar.gz

Package: nrg2iso
Priority: optional
Section: otherosfs
Installed-Size: 64
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.4-1.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Filename: pool/main/n/nrg2iso/nrg2iso_0.4-1.1_amd64.deb
Size: 5134
MD5sum: b8af1e788d3741a44ed74eed572467fb
SHA1: 2c89f1557a6b422323e3843dfd777595d92e7eaa
SHA256: 9b7cc0f6fa1fae33d997fe7593cc3c1e62463e01728fce6881976f91ca84253f
Description: Extracts ISO9660 data from Nero ".nrg" files
 This extracts the ISO9660 CD image data from Nero  ".nrg" files.
Tag: hardware::storage:cd, hardware::storage:dvd, implemented-in::c, 
interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, use::converting, 
works-with::archive, works-with::file, works-with-format::iso9660

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465880: O: net-hotline -- Hotline interface module for Perl

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of net-hotline, Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: net-hotline
Binary: libnet-hotline-perl
Version: 0.82-2
Priority: extra
Section: interpreters
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/n/net-hotline
 63a7166116e354be213eaf98a42c92fe 1214 net-hotline_0.82-2.dsc
 492b4ee0d3d0691fb3cd352ba4c00e50 58189 net-hotline_0.82.orig.tar.gz
 1868eab907eb039a39cf6bf94871bb17 1777 net-hotline_0.82-2.diff.gz

Package: libnet-hotline-perl
Priority: extra
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 764
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: net-hotline
Version: 0.82-2
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16)
Filename: pool/main/n/net-hotline/libnet-hotline-perl_0.82-2_all.deb
Size: 115504
MD5sum: ec4a08758707faa251f1c57449fa0bd7
SHA1: b9dbdecfa25cccfc98324808c0da9bc51404c44f
SHA256: d65b49d7f92ce5d1abcf600ea5c62bb8d58e2d297e2f1d0ee13004224d150d4a
Description: Hotline interface module for Perl
 This package contains an interface to write programs that connect to
 Hotline servers.  Hotline is a set of protocols allowing chat, news, and file
 transfers. Any user can run his/her own server and register it with a public
 tracker, which is a meta-server that users can access to obtain a list of
 registered servers and connect to them.
Tag: devel::lang:perl, devel::library, implemented-in::perl, role::shared-lib

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465889: O: libtar -- C library for manipulating tar archives

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of libtar, James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: libtar
Binary: libtar-dev, libtar
Version: 1.2.11-4
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), autoconf, libtool
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/libt/libtar
 34f7de167c5dcbac69ea42dbea58867f 597 libtar_1.2.11-4.dsc
 604238e8734ce6e25347a58c4f1a1d7e 145354 libtar_1.2.11.orig.tar.gz
 8149a09f4baef9a879ef5f74dab1c32e 177384 libtar_1.2.11-4.diff.gz

Package: libtar-dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Installed-Size: 212
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: libtar
Version: 1.2.11-4
Depends: libtar (= 1.2.11-4)
Filename: pool/main/libt/libtar/libtar-dev_1.2.11-4_amd64.deb
Size: 42972
MD5sum: 3e9f3ec9d81851e46c6ec89076909cf0
SHA1: 4c28046253944fa5e4394b42978f462a98a6541a
SHA256: 9a9549824266d07047338b6cf874e27d7e0c07e485347eb0f5aa2074a45bd3da
Description: C library for manipulating tar archives
 Contains static library, headers, example code and development manpages
 for libtar

Package: libtar
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 92
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.2.11-4
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Filename: pool/main/libt/libtar/libtar_1.2.11-4_amd64.deb
Size: 20990
MD5sum: 99069919371011aba13af62900d6d076
SHA1: d859c6d31def37a388db83ede1b513953cc58dbb
SHA256: e2382c4a4bf13d05386378a8e1570597a0c49e0aada3809b93321d173c0d75b8
Description: C library for manipulating tar archives
 libtar allows programs to create, extract and test tar archives.
 It supports both the strict POSIX tar format and many of the commonly-used
 GNU extensions.
Tag: devel::library, role::shared-lib

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465890: O: grcm -- GNOME application to initiate connections to remote machines

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of grcm, James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: grcm
Binary: grcm
Version: 0.1.5-2
Priority: optional
Section: interpreters
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.25), libgnomeui-dev
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/g/grcm
 de947d06630e6abbdddeec0702f59e0b 571 grcm_0.1.5-2.dsc
 0e4d1d226e51ed1388db191d3b5f965a 182023 grcm_0.1.5.orig.tar.gz
 e4ee0efea809775414150f4644422187 36104 grcm_0.1.5-2.diff.gz

Package: grcm
Priority: optional
Section: interpreters
Installed-Size: 348
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.1.5-2
Depends: libart-2.0-2 (>= 2.3.16), libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0), libbonobo2-0 (>= 
2.13.0), libbonoboui2-0 (>= 2.5.4), libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libcairo2 (>= 1.0.2-2), 
libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0), libgconf2-4 (>= 2.13.5), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.10.0), 
libgnome-keyring0 (>= 0.4.3), libgnome2-0 (>= 2.8.0), libgnomecanvas2-0 (>= 
2.11.1), libgnomeui-0 (>= 2.8.0), libgnomevfs2-0 (>= 2.13.92), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 
2.8.0), libice6, liborbit2 (>= 1:2.10.0), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.0), libpopt0 
(>= 1.7), libsm6, libx11-6, libxcursor1 (>> 1.1.2), libxext6, libxi6, 
libxinerama1, libxml2 (>= 2.6.23), libxrandr2, libxrender1 (>= 1:, 
zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)
Suggests: ssh, lsh-client, gftp-gtk, grdesktop
Filename: pool/main/g/grcm/grcm_0.1.5-2_amd64.deb
Size: 114752
MD5sum: fa6c3cdcb753a1394ed11b3934590b0e
SHA1: 95d64dd849f0f8ebfc5203ed23e2079240f717bb
SHA256: 571d20f190b8d166731beea07e39a7659a6c2210eae0f1d4e321d1917e888371
Description: GNOME application to initiate connections to remote machines
 GNOME Remote Connection Manager is an application that provides
 an easy way to initiate connections to remote machines.  Its primary
 goal is to provide a GUI to launch ssh, telnet and rdesktop type of
 applications, however it is highly configurable.
Tag: interface::x11, network::client, protocol::ssh, role::program, 
suite::gnome, uitoolkit::gtk, use::login, use::proxying, x11::application

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465891: O: ada-mode -- Ada mode for GNU Emacs and XEmacs

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of ada-mode, James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: ada-mode
Binary: ada-mode
Version: 3.6-2
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 3.0.48), texinfo
Architecture: all
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/a/ada-mode
 0283931f0854b363cdb5ac7599cda35f 580 ada-mode_3.6-2.dsc
 a3295640e3b630413db7bd4b1fa6e4df 84856 ada-mode_3.6.orig.tar.gz
 7eaada5ef5af13cab2942556c2bb0950 107804 ada-mode_3.6-2.diff.gz

Package: ada-mode
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Installed-Size: 604
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 3.6-2
Depends: xemacs21 | emacsen
Suggests: gnat
Filename: pool/main/a/ada-mode/ada-mode_3.6-2_all.deb
Size: 129320
MD5sum: 0141408fb8419f9052f10ffdbd5b83eb
SHA1: 43ad297c4e2a0574cd279b2bb3bd75ecae05227f
SHA256: 97b74dc9ee5db03ef42f2b81c54344e8d76417541388947800b3a3998031f181
Description: Ada mode for GNU Emacs and XEmacs
 This package provides a major mode for GNU Emacs, or XEmacs, to edit files
 written in the Ada programming language.
 It provides:
  * Support for project-files
  * Auto-casing and auto-indentation
  * Support for cross-referencing source code including
cross-references to operators.
Tag: devel::lang:ada, implemented-in::lisp, interface::commandline, 
role::plugin, suite::emacs, use::editing, works-with::software:source

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465876: O: u++ -- Object-oriented concurrent language extensions for C++

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainers of u++, Richard C. Bilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
and Matthieu Delahaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> are apparently not active
anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: u++
Binary: u++, u++-doc
Version: 5.3.0-1
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Maintainer: Richard C. Bilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: csh | c-shell, g++ (>= 1:3.3), debhelper (>> 4.0.0), tetex-bin, 
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), tetex-bin, tetex-extra
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/u/u++
 8dc73b03fa79f6eefa086d5354e6e2e0 739 u++_5.3.0-1.dsc
 c91f169295fe194b15b1c5a27b497795 492333 u++_5.3.0.orig.tar.gz
 8fdcd47b2b9a87e813cff594eab83ec2 35357 u++_5.3.0-1.diff.gz
Uploaders: Matthieu Delahaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Package: u++
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 5284
Maintainer: Richard C. Bilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 5.3.0-1
Depends: g++ (>= 1:3.3), libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.2), libstdc++6 
(>= 4.0.2-4)
Recommends: u++-doc
Filename: pool/main/u/u++/u++_5.3.0-1_amd64.deb
Size: 1002968
MD5sum: 5dad4731f43d297f1d3f230d8fff6b36
SHA1: 8b4dccc7e4135b414a25344df3b1682bc23bed2c
SHA256: 48e76f23ae2cdc261f88b219f224435ef08129295c2f0a34c57b8585d8b9970e
Description: Object-oriented concurrent language extensions for C++
 μC++ is a dialect of C++, extending C++ with new constructs that
 provide advanced control-flow including light-weight concurrency on
 shared-memory uni- and multi-processor computers running UNIX and Linux
 operating systems.  μC++ provides new kinds of classes, including
 coroutines, which have independent execution states; tasks, which have
 their own threads; and monitors, which allow for safe communication
 among tasks.  These new classes can take part in inheritance,
 overloading, and templates, just like other classes.  As well, C++
 exception handling is extended, allowing exceptions to propagate among
 coroutines and tasks.  Additional capabilities include: clustering of
 tasks and processors, object-oriented non-blocking I/O for files and
 sockets, and support for real-time programming.
 More information on μC++ is available at
Tag: devel::lang:c++, devel::library, implemented-in::c++, role::devel-lib

Package: u++-doc
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 328
Maintainer: Richard C. Bilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: u++
Version: 5.3.0-1
Filename: pool/main/u/u++/u++-doc_5.3.0-1_all.deb
Size: 294274
MD5sum: 9aed3bc30d8cd431da7e7b44c8346945
SHA1: aa4c66b512b38ccb8ce6f3da211a76f89e291f73
SHA256: f4d2d2c13b0be3b6fe8561be73c905193ba0ca9e0b98d3c4e0f5c498c773aba9
Description: μC++ Annotated Reference Manual
 This package contains the documentation about using the μC++ compiler
 from the University of Waterloo.
 μC++ is a dialect of C++, extending C++ with new constructs that
 provide advanced control-flow including light-weight concurrency on
 shared-memory uni- and multi-processor computers running UNIX and Linux
 operating systems.  μC++ provides new kinds of classes, including
 coroutines, which have independent execution states; tasks, which have
 their own threads; and monitors, which allow for safe communication
 among tasks.  These new classes can take part in inheritance,
 overloading, and templates, just like other classes.  As well, C++
 exception handling is extended, allowing exceptions to propagate among
 coroutines and tasks.  Additional capabilities include: clustering of
 tasks and processors, object-oriented non-blocking I/O for files and
 sockets, and support for real-time programming.
 More information on μC++ is available at
Tag: devel::doc, devel::lang:c++, made-of::data:postscript, role::documentation

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465888: O: hnb -- Hierarchical notebook

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of hnb, James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: hnb
Binary: hnb
Version: 1.9.18-3
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), libncurses5-dev, libxml2-dev
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/h/hnb
 3b39f06e366571af23262709e58abc4c 583 hnb_1.9.18-3.dsc
 1bb4f8e50b650526c81012576efc09ae 144348 hnb_1.9.18.orig.tar.gz
 ba98f979dec035af7110026397c20322 19376 hnb_1.9.18-3.diff.gz

Package: hnb
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Installed-Size: 324
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.9.18-3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.4-5)
Filename: pool/main/h/hnb/hnb_1.9.18-3_amd64.deb
Size: 98048
MD5sum: 373f7469a9dc7bc37c5209194ccc36ee
SHA1: e890bcf46cf8e5230eafa243ee12fdeeec5cf4f3
SHA256: 26f6a0f5927f7e8174331514bc0661387e74d49ce8a5d41e89933b83f136d07a
Description: Hierarchical notebook
 Hnb is an ncurses program to organize many kinds of data in one place, for
 example addresses, todo lists, ideas, book reviews or to store snippets of
 brainstorming, to make a structured packing list or just to take random notes.
 It can export ascii, html and xml, supports todo checkboxes, checkbox trees
 with percentages, priorities, preferences, searching and more.
Tag: interface::text-mode, role::program, scope::application, 
uitoolkit::ncurses, use::organizing, works-with::pim, works-with::text, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465886: O: limo -- Lists files in a custom way

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of limo, James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: limo
Binary: limo
Version: 0.3.2-3.1
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 3.0.0)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.5.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/l/limo
 3c0416432ea5a0504fe01d09daf8b9c7 554 limo_0.3.2-3.1.dsc
 3f5e495d94a8e71c7c9ac2d969ed54bf 29651 limo_0.3.2.orig.tar.gz
 546be1d4e06a865b42a940a12777d447 5542 limo_0.3.2-3.1.diff.gz

Package: limo
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 88
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.3.2-3.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Filename: pool/main/l/limo/limo_0.3.2-3.1_amd64.deb
Size: 21046
MD5sum: 0fda3a9a5f55313581ae8a1f35c8443e
SHA1: 6f6d08fc03d3b62328c90813086ca871b0728bf0
SHA256: 407870d758f60adbb70239854dc56c7923b5706a95140a706301571c0ad6c473
Description: Lists files in a custom way
 limo is a replacement for ls with some knobs on. By default, it is
 installed as both limo and as li. It tries to give far more control
 over the output format than ls and has simpler and more straightforward
 (albeit more verbose) options. It also has the -l and -s options which
 behave similarly to those of ls.
Tag: interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, works-with::file

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465879: O: chatbot-eliza -- Eliza chat bot interface module for Perl

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of chatbot-eliza, Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: chatbot-eliza
Binary: libchatbot-eliza-perl
Version: 1.04-2
Priority: extra
Section: interpreters
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/c/chatbot-eliza
 3942771b9c0fe60fd01b38a4bba38017 1223 chatbot-eliza_1.04-2.dsc
 754199bbe591eaa11301aee108586fcd 38361 chatbot-eliza_1.04.orig.tar.gz
 f0ceda298c5ff97a2f67b0d105389a94 10708 chatbot-eliza_1.04-2.diff.gz

Package: libchatbot-eliza-perl
Priority: extra
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 232
Maintainer: Misha Nasledov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Source: chatbot-eliza
Version: 1.04-2
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16)
Filename: pool/main/c/chatbot-eliza/libchatbot-eliza-perl_1.04-2_all.deb
Size: 65402
MD5sum: 741af0389a3409bed7c56e2e678a6148
SHA1: 8bf8591a9dbc3e7e3eb8e4ac6b65a46d931a7eec
SHA256: e03dc08a8da32ef7028d8d13d42646c7a0e3b54ec1f99674e70b88fa16a238bc
Description: Eliza chat bot interface module for Perl
 This package contains the Chatbot::Eliza module, an interface to write
 programs utilizing the classic Eliza algorithm. The original Eliza
 program was written by Joseph Weizenbaum and described in the
 Communications of the ACM in 1967. Eliza is a mock Rogerian
 psychotherapist. It prompts for user input, and uses a simple
 transformation algorithm to change user input into a follow-up question.
 The program is designed to give the appearance of understanding.
Tag: devel::lang:perl, devel::library, implemented-in::perl, role::shared-lib, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465892: O: colormake -- simple wrapper around make to colorize output

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of colormake, Roland Bauerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: colormake
Binary: colormake
Version: 0.2-4.3
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Maintainer: Roland Bauerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/c/colormake
 290a42ae55a89a53db7a5c6524593313 531 colormake_0.2-4.3.dsc
 1029dae70e7a23cff0f6a11f3ceffbe1 9871 colormake_0.2.orig.tar.gz
 72bff05567e25dc144b4e9aea5896071 4723 colormake_0.2-4.3.diff.gz

Package: colormake
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 100
Maintainer: Roland Bauerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.2-4.3
Depends: perl, less, debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0
Filename: pool/main/c/colormake/colormake_0.2-4.3_all.deb
Size: 8044
MD5sum: 482df1456b775740f75edac66f479b16
SHA1: 02525fc488501a5fba6ea7ce98ffe2b4c49cc98c
SHA256: 76dd847608d0ac676613c20e8d03be7d05815351f5862aa0bb8a480d17466c54
Description: simple wrapper around make to colorize output
 This package contains colormake.pl which parses the output of make to
 colorize it to make it easier read. In addition, there are two wrapper
 scripts included, colormake and clmake, which can be invoked instead of make
 with colorized output on-the-fly.
 Homepage: http://bre.klaki.net/programs/colormake/
Tag: devel::buildtools, devel::prettyprint, implemented-in::perl, 
interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465887: O: mp3check -- Check mp3 files for consistency

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of mp3check, James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: mp3check
Binary: mp3check
Version: 0.8.0-4.1
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/m/mp3check
 1534e6b19b18fc38aabef5d2281788a5 601 mp3check_0.8.0-4.1.dsc
 0ac8ab4c8d79022dcf6509336f9c560a 114344 mp3check_0.8.0.orig.tar.gz
 dd6ee53ad61f1e961081d6b52003bd7d 3411 mp3check_0.8.0-4.1.diff.gz

Package: mp3check
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 288
Maintainer: James Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.8.0-4.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-12), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-12)
Suggests: mpg321
Filename: pool/main/m/mp3check/mp3check_0.8.0-4.1_amd64.deb
Size: 104860
MD5sum: 1ff2f5dc680da844b1b21eeb80e44277
SHA1: f2056105c41a1fd1d6a414d0ad37d9f98619a31b
SHA256: cabdaa447cedb148e0ba75d56d4ade709848d476006fa69f03e132da6f0bf5fd
Description: Check mp3 files for consistency
 Prints several errors and warnings concerning the consistency of mp3 files.
 Lists stream attributes (color). Layer 1,2,3, mpeg1.0+2.0 are currently
 supported.  CRC check for layer 3.
 mp3check is very useful for incomplete mp3 detection as it can be used to
 scan through your mp3 collection and find all mp3s that aren't perfect. Good
 for use with many file sharing systems.
Tag: interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, use::checking, 
works-with::audio, works-with-format::mp3

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465900: O: perlsgml -- tools to build and analyze SGML or XML document type definitions.

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of perlsgml, Susan G. Kleinmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: perlsgml
Binary: perlsgml
Version: 1:19970918-12.2
Priority: optional
Section: text
Maintainer: Susan G. Kleinmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>=3.0.18), dhelp, perl, docbook-to-man
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.1.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/p/perlsgml
 fe0117824246483e40075b30819499f2 628 perlsgml_19970918-12.2.dsc
 feb201219e3fbced8e47fa212fa0c225 363388 perlsgml_19970918.orig.tar.gz
 78ff4acdf07a40b8237fe321e5c3ab4b 12341 perlsgml_19970918-12.2.diff.gz

Package: perlsgml
Priority: optional
Section: text
Installed-Size: 880
Maintainer: Susan G. Kleinmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1:19970918-12.2
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16)
Suggests: sgml-data, sgml-base
Filename: pool/main/p/perlsgml/perlsgml_19970918-12.2_all.deb
Size: 149784
MD5sum: f9ade9a63c46c47d7254810fe4eeefe3
SHA1: 21f4b9595c5780f3c13abb5b6f38434eadc51703
SHA256: 9026be7e8ce7167c2aa8672da710f2d65f920c617d464faeaca3a6425951f41e
Description: tools to build and analyze SGML or XML document type definitions.
 dtd2html generates a suite of linked HTML documents listing the components and
 features of each element in an SGML Document Type Definition (DTD).
 dtddiff shows differences between two DTDs.
 dtdtree shows the hierarchy tree (in ASCII) of SGML elements in a DTD.
 dtdview is an interactive program for studying an SGML DTD.
 stripsgml strips SGML markup from a file, and also attempts to translate
 entity references to standard ASCII characters.
Tag: devel::lang:perl, implemented-in::perl, interface::commandline, 
role::program, scope::utility, use::converting, works-with::text, 
works-with-format::sgml, works-with-format::xml

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465904: O: tama -- Net Tamagotchi server

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of tama, Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: tama
Binary: tama
Version: 1.2.0-3.1
Priority: extra
Section: games
Maintainer: Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/t/tama
 02761bfa252082b57d2120adc28fa384 517 tama_1.2.0-3.1.dsc
 29bd9491f7e21de24a26896757fdcd2c 18432 tama_1.2.0.orig.tar.gz
 b5fa03b2ab4b7024ab3c0df6fe1b6086 5892 tama_1.2.0-3.1.diff.gz

Package: tama
Priority: extra
Section: games
Installed-Size: 88
Maintainer: Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.2.0-3.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1)
Recommends: telnet | telnet-client
Filename: pool/main/t/tama/tama_1.2.0-3.1_amd64.deb
Size: 21072
MD5sum: 879f13e07b20b51007ad322601d854a5
SHA1: be0f98c8ad58d69b24b679209b73d83e7e94069d
SHA256: 83031b62e74295d232364654bb566b727b294702e7457526c5384d9cc949e522
Description: Net Tamagotchi server
 Net Tamagotchi server - maintains multiple virtual pets
 on a Unix host to be accessed through telnet.
Tag: game::toys, interface::daemon, network::server, role::program, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465893: O: fujiplay -- Interface for Fuji digital cameras

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of fujiplay, Roland Bauerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: fujiplay
Binary: fujiplay
Version: 1.33-6
Priority: extra
Section: graphics
Maintainer: Roland Bauerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/f/fujiplay
 4bd9191aba0168bb04c2405528a9d6f2 552 fujiplay_1.33-6.dsc
 905aae35af5a8b2e4d393671ae4f970b 26250 fujiplay_1.33.orig.tar.gz
 14df66c8fd34cae3ec1db0e8b72ed6e4 5057 fujiplay_1.33-6.diff.gz

Package: fujiplay
Priority: extra
Section: graphics
Installed-Size: 100
Maintainer: Roland Bauerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.33-6
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Filename: pool/main/f/fujiplay/fujiplay_1.33-6_amd64.deb
Size: 22612
MD5sum: dbf4ea05b0295fc4c93331ba942ff31a
SHA1: 09df1962c3a2196b19c4efa93e90f56c85dc49f5
SHA256: 1611bd36ba89665f6249d2b606afa7ca4d1be5ee31d785eae7990ce15d24ae33
Description: Interface for Fuji digital cameras
 fujiplay is a command-line program to control and manipulate settings
 Fuji digital cameras, such as MX-500 or MX-700. You are able to download,
 upload and delete pictures from the memory card. It's also possible to
 trigger the shoot button, get a preview image, set the settings of the
 flash and set the Camera ID.
 The preview images are in a special format which can be converted to ppm
 using yycc2ppm which is also included in the fujiplay package.
Tag: hardware::camera, interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, 
use::converting, use::downloading, works-with::image, works-with::image:raster

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465908: O: xnecview -- NEC structure and gain pattern viewer

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of xnecview, Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: xnecview
Binary: xnecview
Version: 1.34-7.2
Priority: extra
Section: hamradio
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: libpng12-dev,libgtk1.2-dev,xutils,libxaw7-dev
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/x/xnecview
 039376280bb669e9a8b4226421a0fb70 588 xnecview_1.34-7.2.dsc
 e15161b7a19c7a0cfe205a13590417e0 76426 xnecview_1.34.orig.tar.gz
 1c40b6c274266f373e7f4c6636b7b2ba 12311 xnecview_1.34-7.2.diff.gz

Package: xnecview
Priority: extra
Section: hamradio
Installed-Size: 212
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: xnecview (1.34-7.2)
Version: 1.34-7.2+b1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1), libglib1.2ldbl (>= 1.2.10-18), libgtk1.2 (>= 
1.2.10-4), libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.13-4), libx11-6, libxext6, libxi6
Filename: pool/main/x/xnecview/xnecview_1.34-7.2+b1_amd64.deb
Size: 83412
MD5sum: f2ee282cd4adb7b493bd747c2e4bc55c
SHA1: 17861368ec14ff9be535d2d577dacadbca44af26
SHA256: 778ef7e0070c6610162a5e4a96e6225e8eb799556b8a0ec7dd33cbc21ea69800
Description: NEC structure and gain pattern viewer
 xnecview allows a representation of a NEC (Numerical Electromagnetics
 Code) structure, such as an antenna which is to be modelled to be
 displayed on the screen.  After an NEC run the gain pattern in various
 formats can also be superimposed.  This can be rotated and translated for
 viewing from different angles.  Plots of SWR and gain as a function of
 frequency can also be produced.  In addition to on screen display,
 Postscript or PNG output can also be produced.
Tag: hardware::hamradio, interface::x11, role::program, scope::utility, 
uitoolkit::gtk, use::viewing, works-with::{image,image:raster,text}, 
works-with-format::png, works-with-format::postscript, x11::application

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465910: O: nec -- NEC2 Antenna Modelling System

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of nec, Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: nec
Binary: nec
Version: 2-11
Priority: optional
Section: hamradio
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: f2c,fort77
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/n/nec
 68efaf6f706340b3a4e02764e250316d 674 nec_2-11.dsc
 7da967602370c63d97247ab6e4be62a6 354082 nec_2.orig.tar.gz
 8ac2adaa0a458b5fc17976f7dadb0d2c 100028 nec_2-11.diff.gz

Package: nec
Priority: optional
Section: hamradio
Installed-Size: 1440
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2-11
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libf2c2
Filename: pool/main/n/nec/nec_2-11_amd64.deb
Size: 559098
MD5sum: eaa946275522591388899fe3a835f22f
SHA1: 1665548819abdabef6faac86ede5bbc70447dddc
SHA256: 6e16a3c0c7850361b526cb99b5d3e51a6eab4c9ac08fd6b65571a6f13d287090
Description: NEC2 Antenna Modelling System
 The NEC2 (Numerical Electromagnetics Code) is software for modelling
 antennas using the Method of Moments.  It was developed at Lawrence
 Livermore Laboratories, and remains widely used, despite the old
 fashioned punched card style input required.
 This version contains code which hasn't been extensively tested
 for errors, which was input by hand from a report -- use with care.
 The numerics are currently only SINGLE PRECISION.
 User's documentation is provided in HTML format (based on OCR text
 so beware of potential errors).
Tag: field::electronics, hardware::hamradio, implemented-in::fortran

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465907: O: rbootd -- Remote Boot Daemon

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of rbootd, Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: rbootd
Binary: rbootd
Version: 2.0-8.1
Priority: extra
Section: net
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: libpcap-dev
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/r/rbootd
 91d53eab70d5a27144903d613c3661c4 542 rbootd_2.0-8.1.dsc
 bce823c223048e43dc42e4c88b6a31b6 27235 rbootd_2.0.orig.tar.gz
 7c33b1ef1bec57bb2075dc04a4f2be8a 8567 rbootd_2.0-8.1.diff.gz

Package: rbootd
Priority: extra
Section: net
Installed-Size: 64
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2.0-8.1
Depends: netbase (>= 3.00), libc6 (>= 2.6-1), libpcap0.8 (>= 0.9.3-1)
Suggests: bootparamd, nfs-server
Filename: pool/main/r/rbootd/rbootd_2.0-8.1_amd64.deb
Size: 20248
MD5sum: ab76698335c0eabfe440a001e1dbc7b5
SHA1: dbc4e2382641a0a39eef2337c372a8ca808a0ddc
SHA256: 537714f033c1db7f7330f7e649d964b1ffd2f090d65c8a0748345ec6cebe4764
Description: Remote Boot Daemon
 The rbootd daemon is used for booting some HP workstations
 over the network (such as the 9000/300 and 9000/400 series).
 It can also boot PA RISC workstations.  It handles the first
 stage of the boot sequence and can be used to start booting
 Linux, NetBSD or HPUX.
Tag: admin::boot, interface::daemon, network::server, network::service, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465906: O: ratfor -- Rational Fortran preprocessor for Fortran 77

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of ratfor, Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: ratfor
Binary: ratfor
Version: 1.0-11.2
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/r/ratfor
 1514c84aa61647cd9092cf832004911e 517 ratfor_1.0-11.2.dsc
 eccac8d8f072b080b52706770d04a395 17020 ratfor_1.0.orig.tar.gz
 6fae15346fd77e40b3036c0282ea89d7 6271 ratfor_1.0-11.2.diff.gz

Package: ratfor
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 88
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.0-11.2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1)
Recommends: g77 | f2c
Filename: pool/main/r/ratfor/ratfor_1.0-11.2_amd64.deb
Size: 18148
MD5sum: 8ec32a68bff761a39183dd353af320e7
SHA1: c5118da2f22150fd293817218e4c7e6ce1472c17
SHA256: 9a2b32efe88594ab179fc4e47f766d52cef1bcca6b0b4cd92e88840c9c2f62a6
Description: Rational Fortran preprocessor for Fortran 77
 Ratfor77 is a preprocessor that converts the Rational Fortran dialect
 into ordinary Fortran 77. The output can then be compiled using g77
 or f2c + gcc.
 The Ratfor dialect provides C-like control structures and some
 syntactic sugar that makes Fortran programs easier to read and write.
Tag: devel::code-generator, devel::lang:fortran, interface::commandline, 
role::program, scope::utility, use::converting

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465905: O: jailtool -- Tool to build chroot-jails for daemons

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of jailtool, Alexander Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: jailtool
Binary: jailtool
Version: 1.1-3
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Maintainer: Alexander Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), docbook-to-man
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.5.8
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/j/jailtool
 205c97a91aa924be0c2842924d03c58a 587 jailtool_1.1-3.dsc
 7f35d028950b707caf98743646caef60 13358 jailtool_1.1.orig.tar.gz
 55b3d060e5a5121fe590ae84bb333877 3661 jailtool_1.1-3.diff.gz

Package: jailtool
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 72
Maintainer: Alexander Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.1-3
Depends: rsync, perl
Filename: pool/main/j/jailtool/jailtool_1.1-3_all.deb
Size: 9564
MD5sum: 8e8f0cf8c92dc4c8e3f45c750d972b59
SHA1: d7ec69064e0e430a1678996303b47f2dd2b0fafa
SHA256: 481616b7558da08b370106b45222e94a11df4ec190930c92e8f52814b2f70137
Description: Tool to build chroot-jails for daemons
 Jailtool provides an easy way to build chroot-jails for daemons.
 It can make use of Perl CPAN .packlist files and Debian package
 information. The jail is copied from the base system, the amount
 of copied data can be configured.
 New init.d-scripts for daemons can be generated to automagically
 start in the jail.
Tag: admin::configuring, implemented-in::perl, interface::commandline, 
role::program, scope::utility

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465911: O: libf2c2 -- Development libraries for use with f2c

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of libf2c2, Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: libf2c2
Binary: libf2c2-dev, libf2c2
Version: 20050501-2
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: any
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/libf/libf2c2
 d4eec630bec3bec5e0f7896cb7fef93c 694 libf2c2_20050501-2.dsc
 d5f82277adcf48a907734a862e2f8d18 77485 libf2c2_20050501.orig.tar.gz
 3a731ba9fc254b0b15a2ffe612d22e5e 60286 libf2c2_20050501-2.diff.gz

Package: libf2c2-dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Installed-Size: 952
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: libf2c2
Version: 20050501-2
Depends: libf2c2 (= 20050501-2), libc6-dev
Conflicts: f2c (<< 20050501-1)
Filename: pool/main/libf/libf2c2/libf2c2-dev_20050501-2_amd64.deb
Size: 189242
MD5sum: 9ddf1c0eb1f0a89331ce3339e59995d1
SHA1: bae485213a508733567af3b148118cac64069086
SHA256: c92df084f1ea27c6f3d797474f095a4bdf45393b48419b86e6b30aeaaf881421
Description: Development libraries for use with f2c
 These are the necessary static libraries and header
 files for an implementation of the fortran intrinsic
 functions and IO functions.
 They are required when linking applications built from the
 C output from the FORTRAN to C translator f2c.
Tag: devel::lang:fortran, devel::library, implemented-in::c, role::devel-lib

Package: libf2c2
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 384
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 20050501-2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1)
Conflicts: f2c (<< 20050501-1)
Filename: pool/main/libf/libf2c2/libf2c2_20050501-2_amd64.deb
Size: 151962
MD5sum: f27c1e2a83c64d03cd3b1ce52b3102c7
SHA1: 09128cf09d6e47c70e59f6e4d821bf7bc64411ce
SHA256: b17400f64438b7e2de0fb07d606e313da21fd8283ad8ad4077582e6ec49cd5f6
Description: Shared libraries for use with FORTRAN applications
 These are the shared libraries required for running
 applications containing a component written in FORTRAN
 which was converted to C using the FORTRAN to C translator
Tag: role::shared-lib

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465909: O: f2c -- A FORTRAN 77 to C/C++ translator.

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of f2c, Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: f2c
Binary: f2c
Version: 20050501-1
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/f/f2c
 1cc9c9a04e0b663aa6500d0128c5c538 661 f2c_20050501-1.dsc
 655d9fe61ec715c9d0c020c723319403 352676 f2c_20050501.orig.tar.gz
 5443853b2650061658fc4a2540d28f0f 9136 f2c_20050501-1.diff.gz

Package: f2c
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 448
Maintainer: Alan Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 20050501-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libf2c2-dev
Recommends: gcc
Suggests: fort77
Filename: pool/main/f/f2c/f2c_20050501-1_amd64.deb
Size: 251194
MD5sum: 7ac251eed90b2ff0cc229063f35a1285
SHA1: 672ba3502f84d8af75f77fd5166c684a7a61038b
SHA256: d57efaedb6ad9dff940383223923094a87c8ad54a19519760f2d5c2f074ab4fe
Description: A FORTRAN 77 to C/C++ translator.
 f2c translates FORTRAN 77 (with some extensions) into C, so that it can
 then be compiled and run on a system with no Fortran compiler.  The C
 files must then be linked against the appropriate libraries.
 This is an actively maintained FORTRAN to C translator and with the
 fort77 frontend provides an ideal way to compile FORTRAN routines
 as black boxes (for example for invocation from C).  Source level
 debugging facilities are not available, and error messages are not as
 well developed as in g77.
Tag: devel::compiler, devel::lang:fortran, interface::commandline, 
role::program, scope::utility, use::converting, works-with::software:source

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465918: O: wsoundprefs -- Preferences editor for the Window Maker sound server

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of wsoundprefs, Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: wsoundprefs
Binary: wsoundprefs
Version: 1.1.1-9
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4), libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxft-dev, xutils, 
libwmaker0-dev (>= 0.80), libwings-dev (>= 0.80), libwsound-dev (>= 0.4.0-19), 
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.5.6
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/w/wsoundprefs
 51f49aa4f4d12cf97167fc66d2a79c91 712 wsoundprefs_1.1.1-9.dsc
 34b004471154d3879a9d3f3155ab438a 32042 wsoundprefs_1.1.1.orig.tar.gz
 51e8fe07a07a5d853b628fe30615853b 9391 wsoundprefs_1.1.1-9.diff.gz

Package: wsoundprefs
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 404
Maintainer: Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.1.1-9
Depends: libaudiofile0 (>= 0.2.3-4), libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libfontconfig1 (>= 
2.3.0), libwraster3, libx11-6, libxext6, libxft2 (>> 2.1.1), wsoundserver
Suggests: wmaker
Filename: pool/main/w/wsoundprefs/wsoundprefs_1.1.1-9_amd64.deb
Size: 139304
MD5sum: 716cf897b08b8564ba3ca960a6fd1370
SHA1: d0394d41c21b643be8f851bcdc136d4da0e12429
SHA256: cf12a9df72cc1246ee8bafc3a1ba993522a949b2d9c4bea7ece8da1e589d24b8
Description: Preferences editor for the Window Maker sound server
 WSoundPrefs is a WPrefs look-alike.  It can be used to customize
 the sounds Window Maker uses for different events, as well as
 editing sound sets.
Tag: admin::configuring, interface::x11, role::program, scope::utility, 
suite::gnustep, use::configuring, use::editing, x11::applet

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465914: O: kxdocker-data -- resource files for kxdocker

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of kxdocker-data, Theodore Karkoulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: kxdocker-data
Binary: kxdocker-data
Version: 0.12-1
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Theodore Karkoulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/k/kxdocker-data
 70f4e68dcb79a4fff7b199cc7a67daf3 516 kxdocker-data_0.12-1.dsc
 8698c481b3e23e289d0e22e05709885d 7946885 kxdocker-data_0.12-1.tar.gz

Package: kxdocker-data
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 12492
Maintainer: Theodore Karkoulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.12-1
Depends: kxdocker (>= 0.29)
Filename: pool/main/k/kxdocker-data/kxdocker-data_0.12-1_all.deb
Size: 7736862
MD5sum: a766bf516010dd12440e92d04da73998
SHA1: 46ec77e776e79578461b0592e33c2b36a9444c4a
SHA256: 5f5aca1e9ec5e87b0ecae197edba67237a7590c1509de0ef04a36f12f887391c
Description: resource files for kxdocker
 contains themes, icons, backgrounds and sounds for the kxdocker
 MacOS style docker

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465913: O: kxdocker -- innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of kxdocker, Theodore Karkoulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: kxdocker
Binary: kxdocker
Version: 0.35-2.2
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Theodore Karkoulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), kdelibs4-dev (>= 4:3.2.3), libqt3-mt-dev 
(>= 3:3.2.3)
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/k/kxdocker
 b9708cd59f2baca3f0016e32cde5959b 626 kxdocker_0.35-2.2.dsc
 ea013c909fcce1858fd664818394df0b 807162 kxdocker_0.35.orig.tar.gz
 c394c72a7846465633f1cf17f270fda2 33438 kxdocker_0.35-2.2.diff.gz

Package: kxdocker
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Installed-Size: 812
Maintainer: Theodore Karkoulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.35-2.2
Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.1-4), libacl1 (>= 2.2.11-1), libart-2.0-2 (>= 
2.3.16), libattr1 (>= 2.4.4-1), libaudio2, libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libfam0, 
libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0), libfreetype6 (>= 2.1.10-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.2), 
libice6, libidn11 (>= 0.5.18), libjpeg62, libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.8rel), libqt3-mt 
(>= 3:3.3.6), libsm6, libstdc++6 (>= 4.0.2-4), libx11-6, libxcursor1 (>> 
1.1.2), libxext6, libxft2 (>> 2.1.1), libxi6, libxinerama1, libxrandr2, 
libxrender1 (>= 1:, libxt6, zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1), libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.2.3)
Recommends: kxdocker-data (>= 0.12)
Filename: pool/main/k/kxdocker/kxdocker_0.35-2.2_amd64.deb
Size: 254604
MD5sum: 4b336a7f75050f69f81e693a922689d8
SHA1: c89353e3994e05769d6239f73cd4126b4a3b251d
SHA256: b250bc20d9218a74eb03571e576539a75c35d65889a56cf89875c89a31099347
Description: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker
 The user can select a number of application buttons or applets and
 see them in a MacOS X style docker. Many features are supported,
 like auto-hide, button grouping (and selecting with the mouse roller
 the desired item) and many more.
Tag: interface::x11, role::program, scope::utility, suite::kde, uitoolkit::qt, 
x11::applet, x11::application

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465919: O: wsoundserver -- Window Maker Sound Server

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of wsoundserver, Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: wsoundserver
Binary: wsoundserver, libwsound-dev
Version: 0.4.0-19
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Maintainer: Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4), libdockapp-dev (>= 1:0.5.0), libwings-dev (>= 
0.80), libwraster3-dev, libaudiofile-dev, libtool (>= 1.5), automake1.9, 
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.5.6
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/w/wsoundserver
 4ac36906c30e1ba3fbc28d1b86203a78 729 wsoundserver_0.4.0-19.dsc
 af100367a491673663e3d5c3016d8e12 147044 wsoundserver_0.4.0.orig.tar.gz
 7c38d670c1f2eccd7cfddeae35d7a0c0 338053 wsoundserver_0.4.0-19.diff.gz

Package: wsoundserver
Priority: optional
Section: sound
Installed-Size: 448
Maintainer: Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.4.0-19
Depends: libaudiofile0 (>= 0.2.3-4), libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libdockapp2, libx11-6, 
libxext6, libxpm4
Conflicts: wmsound, wmaker (<< 0.70)
Filename: pool/main/w/wsoundserver/wsoundserver_0.4.0-19_amd64.deb
Size: 144876
MD5sum: 96ac7e14b870725a9a8691f8c35216f8
SHA1: 3b64539b7b62f21a726a7b88997e8977f223625d
SHA256: e2ae1a3952c4e99d87febe97dad31b7c88c8acf4a06765c5928a3a22da8278c8
Description: Window Maker Sound Server
 WSoundServer is a complete, from scratch, reimplementation of a sound
 server for Window Maker window manager, done by Pascal Hofstee.
 It supports WAVE (wav), AIFF, Sun (au), and NeXT (snd) audio formats.
 This package contains the sound server, the wsound library and soundset
Tag: interface::daemon, network::server, role::program, sound::player, 
suite::gnustep, works-with::audio, works-with-format::wav

Package: libwsound-dev
Priority: optional
Section: libdevel
Installed-Size: 128
Maintainer: Jeff Teunissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: wsoundserver
Version: 0.4.0-19
Depends: wsoundserver (= 0.4.0-19), libaudiofile-dev
Filename: pool/main/w/wsoundserver/libwsound-dev_0.4.0-19_amd64.deb
Size: 19194
MD5sum: f99877a9dd4e6e25b5706a146df56580
SHA1: b80c4be284a92e6a939f087c0084144c511ffb2e
SHA256: f880ae5e037606ed53686848e5146edadaaf4da9c4f79b6fddb8cc08eda94722
Description: WSoundServer development files
 WSoundServer is a complete, from scratch, reimplementation of a sound
 server for Window Maker window manager, done by Pascal Hofstee.
 It supports WAVE (wav), AIFF, Sun (au), and NeXT (snd) audio formats.
 This package contains the libwsound static library and the required
 headers. libwsound is a simple sound library that provides an
 interface to WSoundServer.
Tag: devel::library, role::devel-lib

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465930: O: gcal -- Prints calendars

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of gcal, Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: gcal
Binary: gcal
Version: 3.01.1-5.1
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Maintainer: Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 3.0.0), libncurses5-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.5.5
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/g/gcal
 bd973c38bc48659554ff371177442088 574 gcal_3.01.1-5.1.dsc
 c16805ba201291a8cf25b97024831b6f 2336718 gcal_3.01.1.orig.tar.gz
 b7b233899173f1d269a039d46ff676f3 21397 gcal_3.01.1-5.1.diff.gz

Package: gcal
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 2780
Maintainer: Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 3.01.1-5.1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.4-5)
Filename: pool/main/g/gcal/gcal_3.01.1-5.1_amd64.deb
Size: 1094292
MD5sum: 4335ae65031275509a905db1ac1bacb4
SHA1: 37d22564a913d6ddeaaa30fe8faef82953212164
SHA256: fa1245422f18da2c18c7dcd662d9eb091d204ad6a87419a33b1aa9c850cf4cdf
Description: Prints calendars
 Gcal displays a calendar for a month or a year, eternal holiday lists
 and fixed date lists, in many ways. The program correctly omits the
 dates that were skipped when the current Gregorian calendar replaced
 the earlier Julian calendar.
 Apart from the usual and well known calendar functions like the
 output of a month or a year calendar sheet, or the output of an eternal
 holiday list, Gcal offers the facility to display fixed dates on the
 day of their occurrence and to remind or inform the user about them.
 So it's imaginable after booting the computer or starting the work
 session, that the user is informed on screen or by means of electronic
 mail, about all holidays or appointments which are observed or
 scheduled for that day.
Tag: interface::text-mode, role::program, scope::application, 
uitoolkit::ncurses, use::organizing, use::timekeeping, works-with::pim

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465927: O: freesweep -- a text-based minesweeper

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of freesweep, Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: freesweep
Binary: freesweep
Version: 0.88-4.3
Priority: optional
Section: games
Maintainer: Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: autoconf, autotools-dev, debhelper (>= 4.0.0), libncurses5-dev
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/f/freesweep
 b744af37770bded5efc9e3de594a295d 664 freesweep_0.88-4.3.dsc
 cfcbe96ee572d4e737da3166f20c3f85 72711 freesweep_0.88.orig.tar.gz
 20ff82e85faba2721f5e71553bb348a6 9110 freesweep_0.88-4.3.diff.gz
Homepage: http://www.upl.cs.wisc.edu/~hartmann/sweep/

Package: freesweep
Priority: optional
Section: games
Installed-Size: 160
Maintainer: Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 0.88-4.3
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libncurses5 (>= 5.6+20071006-3)
Filename: pool/main/f/freesweep/freesweep_0.88-4.3_amd64.deb
Size: 40108
MD5sum: 6bc6a0d0f6c214d2832c7cac2ba6585f
SHA1: eae5e1141828f0d0d5d596eafc52e0245579b6c3
SHA256: 0f832c22c0a1ecd95881afc9edbedf8e3e2cfd91c9b7bbce94d861180552cdca
Description: a text-based minesweeper
 Freesweep is an implementation of the popular minesweeper game, where
 one tries to find all the mines without igniting any, based on hints given
 by the computer.  Unlike most implementations of this game, Freesweep
 works in any visual text display - in Linux console, in an xterm, and in
 most text-based terminals currently in use.
Homepage: http://www.upl.cs.wisc.edu/~hartmann/sweep/
Tag: game::puzzle, interface::text-mode, role::program, uitoolkit::ncurses, 
use::gameplaying, use::scanning

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

Bug#465897: O: rpm2html -- Generate HTML index from directories of RPMs

2008-02-15 Thread Christoph Berg
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

The current maintainer of rpm2html, Angel Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
is apparently not active anymore.  Therefore, I orphan this package now.

Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this
package if you are *sure* you will have enough time and attention to
work on it.

If you want to be the new maintainer, please see
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/index.html#howto-o for detailed
instructions how to adopt a package properly.

Some information about this package:

Package: rpm2html
Binary: rpm2html
Version: 1.9.2-1
Priority: extra
Section: web
Maintainer: Angel Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), libpopt-dev, librpm-dev, automake1.9
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/main/r/rpm2html
 3284088dbd4978b8f25bf0d88fd4350a 602 rpm2html_1.9.2-1.dsc
 f74eb7631060ebd334aae14d6c60810e 180462 rpm2html_1.9.2.orig.tar.gz
 54aebdb696cee83ab538f5f954719b1e 34536 rpm2html_1.9.2-1.diff.gz

Package: rpm2html
Priority: extra
Section: web
Installed-Size: 248
Maintainer: Angel Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1.9.2-1
Depends: libbz2-1.0, libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1), libpopt0 (>= 1.7), librpm4 (<< 4.4.2), 
librpm4 (>= 4.4.0), libxml2 (>= 2.6.23), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)
Filename: pool/main/r/rpm2html/rpm2html_1.9.2-1_amd64.deb
Size: 68776
MD5sum: b59e9be216863505037416546650ad1c
SHA1: a84bf395dfc2b5a20a6c9225a65b3f699383f250
SHA256: 0d5d9f328287855ed4c2e1b6d592372f857e686e13be344f133898505222d0b3
Description: Generate HTML index from directories of RPMs
 rpm2html automatically generates Web pages describing a set of RPM
 packages. The goal of rpm2html is also to identify the dependencies between
 various packages, and being able to find the packages providing the
 resources needed to install another package.
Tag: admin::package-management, interface::commandline, role::program, 
scope::utility, use::scanning, works-with::software:package, works-with::text, 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

Description: Digital signature

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