Debian Project Leader Elections 2007: Gustavo Franco.

2007-02-05 Thread Gustavo Franco
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I would like to inform the project secretary, debian-vote and
debian-devel-portuguese mailing lists subscribers my intention to
be a candidate.

Gustavo Franco - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Bits from the 2IC

2007-02-20 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/20/07, Martin Zobel-Helas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On Tue Feb 20, 2007 at 09:37:44 +, MJ Ray wrote:
> Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote to devel-announce: [...]
> > What else is coming soon? We're part-way into the DPL election process
> > for 2007[13]. I've just announced I'm standing again this year; [...]
> Campaigning period is February 25th - March 18th.
> The above is 5 days early, isn't it?
> Is campaigning on devel-announce this year?

So where is this campaigning? This is just a report on what he did last
year, which was (IMHO) overdue. Go and play somewhere else

Great, so can i move forward and "do the same" and ask others
candidates to point out what they did in the last year, and add cheap
propaganda bits here and there?

It wasn't too polite from Steve, IMHO. He lost a great opportunity to
avoid use d-d-a to promote his campaign even before the campaign
period starts. Please Martin, just check the timing of the things and
how it was planned.

-- stratus

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Re: Questions to the candidates

2007-02-25 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/25/07, Mike Hommey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi Mike,

These questions may be skipped by AJ, because the answers are obvious.

I would like to read his answers too.

What do you think of the dunc-tank initiative ?

I think that the initiative affected the Debian community as a whole
for better. Initially, i was in favor of such thing (pay for RM) but
now i have a different view. I learned with the experiment, and i hope
i am not alone.

What do you think are the result of the "experiment" ?

The result is that if we can reunite some fund, that's better use it
to put together a volunteer development meeting. Large events are
quite expensive, but you can organize smaller ones and i think that a
Debian Etch summit to put things in shape for release, open for anyone
interested in help the process: Paying for the infrastructure and
covering RM team expenses, would work way better.

Closing, thanks for your questions, i'll publish them with my answers
in my campaign page, ok?

-- stratus

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Re: Questions to the candidates

2007-02-25 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/25/07, Kalle Kivimaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now that we are well into the campaigning period, I'd like to ask each
candidate a couple of questions. Feel free to say that "this is
answered in my platform", if that is the case.

What is the role of the DPL? Is he a strong leader, who uses his
position to Get Things Done His Way, a public figurehead, who just
Speaks For The Project, a mediator, who tries to solve internal
squabbles, or something else?

Hi Kalle,

He can be a strong leader, and a strong DPL doesn't just get things
done his way, but get things done for a better universal operating
system. It means that the Debian way sometimes can and will
differ from DPL way and it isn't necessarily bad.

Do you feel that the DPL is first and foremost The Debian Project
Leader, in the sense that anything Debian-related the DPL does, he
does so as the DPL, not as a DD or a private person?

Anything a DPL does or say inside the debsphere can be more harmful or
motivational than if he was a not elected community member (eg.: DD,
NM, whatever). He still can do a lot as a DD or a private person, but
during the term he is more exposed and needs to be committed to his
platform, keeping in mind that he is a DPL mainly because the project
decided that the platform is worth.

There are problems with communication between some key teams and
the rest of the project. What solutions will you try to implement
during the next year?

Great question, i hope the answer is clear in my platform. In some
words: I won't try to solve social problems with technical solutions,
but we need some more visibility to the pending issues and we can do
this technically. The next step is evaluate what is really wrong, who
(if somebody) is missing in action and who will come in to work.

How do you feel about spending Debian monies into buying core
infrastructure support?

I don't think we need to pay for key teams work. We've great and
skilled volunteers already working and a lot just waiting the
opportunity and a better atmosphere.

Currently just about every single conversation on -project and
-vote degenerates immediately into a (minor) flame war. What will you
do to fix the current atmosphere?

I won't, Debian project itself will fix the current atmosphere,
because once i start working on my platform i think it will be the
first intentional side effect in place. There's no magic formula, it's
just a matter of hard work and bring on the table more solutions and
less discussions. Discussions are good, endless discussions have no
point. I want competition and cooperation between teams and single
developers to make a better universal operating system, to work on
solutions and not competition between words, insults. Let's those who
wants to work, do their volunteer job, some who are disappointed will
join us, others don't. I hope the results will be quite good, time
will tell.

I will add your questions and my answers into my campaign page, ok?

-- stratus

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Re: Questions to the candidates

2007-02-25 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/25/07, Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 04:33:48PM -0200, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> On 2/25/07, Mike Hommey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi,
> Hi Mike,
> >These questions may be skipped by AJ, because the answers are obvious.
> I would like to read his answers too.
> >What do you think of the dunc-tank initiative ?
> I think that the initiative affected the Debian community as a whole
> for better.

  Could you develop a bit ? I fail to see how tearing the community
apart did made it better, at least I miss a step in your reasoning here.

Hi Pierre,

Yes, i can. Let us evaluate some of the fundamental things that makes
a community better:

- Sense of participation
There is no community without a group of individuals participating and
a better community is one where these individuals feel that they're
part of the group.

- Hard work
There is no doubt that hard work can be done to intentionally make a
community worse, but hard work usually makes a community better.

- Good results
Good results are interesting for the atmosphere, to bring more people
in the community and stuff like that.

- Hear Feedback
That's good when those who aren't direct involved in the community
feel that they're part, share this sense of participation with them
listening their feedback makes a better community.

The dunc-tank initiative give us the opportunity to exercise the four
things i outlined above. It would be great, work in a community where
you can exercise just that, but such community doesn't exist.
Unfortunately, there are the bad unintentional side effects or wrong
decisions. The balance of what make our community better or worse is
that need tweak. We're now better than we were before dunc-tank, but
it could be even better. Without the experiment? Maybe, but in a world
where it happened we can use it to learn as many are doing, and not to
flame forever.

-- stratus

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Re: Questions to the candidates

2007-02-26 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/26/07, MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gustavo Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...]
> - Sense of participation
> There is no community without a group of individuals participating and
> a better community is one where these individuals feel that they're
> part of the group.
> - Hard work
> There is no doubt that hard work can be done to intentionally make a
> community worse, but hard work usually makes a community better.
> - Good results
> Good results are interesting for the atmosphere, to bring more people
> in the community and stuff like that.
> - Hear Feedback
> That's good when those who aren't direct involved in the community
> feel that they're part, share this sense of participation with them
> listening their feedback makes a better community.
> The dunc-tank initiative give us the opportunity to exercise the four
> things i outlined above. [...]

Perhaps opportunity, but did it happen?

Hi MJ,

Yes, it happened, as bad things happened too.

- Sense of participation - many DDs chose to reduce their participation
because they felt unvalued, some publicly, some quietly;

Many discussed, others simple get more involved as shown below. I'm
not denying the fact that we lost some valuable contributions though.

- Hard work - the reduced participation made more work hard work IMO;

Some worked harder to find and solve RC bugs.

- Good results - did we release?  Were any proper measurements taken?

Not yet, but i can't blame one of the most responsive key teams in the
project, as i can't blame the ones that decided to work harder on QA.

- Hear feedback - and then ignore lots of it and take the process
effectively 'out of reach' of the project

I don't think the feedback was ignored, but yes it was moved 'out of reach'.

So, how are we better than we were before dunc-tank?

We're now closer to release Etch, we've for sure a better Etch (due
both dunc and dunc bank) and we're not anymore during the hard times
of a flamewar, are we? :-)

Thanks for your questions.

-- stratus

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Re: One more question to the candidates

2007-02-26 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/26/07, Kalle Kivimaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Forgot to ask this question: In your opinion, what is a good length of
total term for a DPL?

Hi Kalle,

Maybe one year isn't enough to work on key topics to see a release (as
a DPL), but i don't plan to be a candidate for a second time, if
elected. My plan is cover every topic i wrote in my platform you will
read soon, in one year.

-- stratus

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Re: Questions to all candidates: Release importance, release blockers, release quality

2007-02-26 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/26/07, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I would be happy to hear answers from all candidates to these questions,
but I expect that they are at least partially answered by the
platforms. Please simply point to them if you included an answer there,
even if they are not online yet.

Hi Marc,

That's good to see some questions coming from you.

So, to the questions:

* How important are regular releases for the project?

They're important, but i'm confident that with some more cooperation
between core teams and others developers, the RM team can do a even
better job. I see regular releases as a result on how well these
blocks work together and how much they work.

* How important are regular stable point releases for the project?

They're critical in a world where we've regular releases and even more
needed in a world we've no regular releases. We've great tools to turn
it easier to follow the stable updates, but our users demand a
reference: The point releases.

* Should we fix up dak to allow point-releases for old-stable?

I don't really think it's critical, in my humble developer and user
POV, but if elected, be sure that i won't disagree if anybody come in
and contribute with the fix. There are different point of views and if
it don't add more load on people that doesn't want to work on
point-releases for old-stable, we will just need volunteers that want
to take the task and actually really do it.

* Could you list the issues that you think delayed the release of etch?
  Do you think that we need to restructure the release process for lenny
  to avoid these? If yes, how?

Basically, lack of communication between some core teams and between
some core teams and others DDs; dunc-* discussions and our release
process itself, that isn't totally wrong, but we can improve IMHO.
How? Please read below.

* Do you think that a release of high quality is more important than a
  timely release? [ie: Should we switch from "when it's ready" to "when
  we said we would release"]

Since we depend a lot on software coming outside Debian in terms of
quality and timely release, i would like to see a goal based release
schedule considering time and some key upstream projects. It will be
better explained in my platform, i hope you like it.

Thanks for your questions, i'll add them and my answers on my campaign page, ok?

-- stratus

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Re: Questions Regarding Delegates

2007-02-26 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/26/07, John Lightsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The first power enumerated to the DPL in the Debian Constitution is the
power to appoint and remove delegates.  My questions are directed at
determining how you as DPL will use this power to guide the Debian

Hi John,

1) Do you believe past DPL's have used the power of delegation

They rarely used this power, so i can't judge well.

2) Are there any current delegations you plan to change?

Yes, but not before i effectively lead the project and discuss the
side effects with people involved into the key teams. Hopefully, the
only required changes will be promote some assistants to full-members
of teams and recruit new assistants.

3) Are there any developers with positions of authority who should be
given the official sanction of being delegated this authority?


4) Do you believe that ongoing delegations should be limited in time or

I wrote about this subject in my platform that you will read soon.

5) Do you feel it is better to delegate additional developers to an area
of responsibility or to replace delegates when that area is not being
handled effectively.

First add and then if the previous developers move on, you can call
this a replacement, if they don't we will have more work done in less time.

5.1) In new areas that cannot be effectively handled by a single
developer, would it be better to delegate the authority to a team or to
delegate the authority to an individual and allow that individual to
form their own team?

It depends.

6) Will you explicitly rescind and redelegate all delegated positions if
you are elected DPL?


7) Will you resign from any delegated positions you currently hold if
you are elected DPL?

I don't hold any delegated position.

7.1) Do you feel that section 2.1.2, namely "that the Leader cannot
appoint themselves as their own Delegate", should be understood to mean
that the DPL should not hold any delegated positions even when those
delegations were made by a previous DPL?

I'm not sure, since i don't hold any delegated position, but of course
i won't try delegate myself to any other position, if elected.

8) Do you feel that more rapid turnover in delegated positions would be
beneficial or detrimental to the project?

Without consider all the other aspects of a delegation, it would be detrimental.

9) Is there anything about your approach to delegates which will make
your administration different from those of past DPLs that was not

Yes, actually i plan to motivate people to help the project and
delegate more power/tasks for those who are contributing with
discussions, solutions, work and feedback.

Thank you for your time and your contributions to the Debian Project.

Thanks for your questions.

-- stratus

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Re: DPL candidate question

2007-02-26 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/26/07, Curt Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As kind of a follow-up to the basic 'what would you do as DPL that you
could not do as DD?' I would like to know more about how you would
handle marketing Debian.  The very hot topic this week is Dell's move
to offer open source alternatives. Buried  several clicks away from
Dells 'Ideas in Action' page is a vague reference to Debian pertaining
to 8G servers. Would you as DPL make it a primary goal to attract as
many DD's as you could to work specifically on eliminating the gotchas
of installing Debian on Dell Desktops, Laptops and Servers working
towards putting Debian at the top of Dells (and maybe others to
follow) list of approved and pre-installed OS's?
~'your friendly debian-vote watcher'

Hi Curt,

This is a great question. I've a chapter in my platform that covers
the Debian relationship with major hardware vendors and their approach
handling server and desktop support. Based on HP results, i'll do my
best to push more vendors to support us, even hiring developers to
make sure that Debian works well over their hardware.

I also want to push more ideas out of the paper in terms of marketing.
There is a chapter on my platform about this too. You will be able to
read soon.

-- stratus

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Re: Questions to the candidates

2007-02-26 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/25/07, Ana Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, here my questions:

Why do you think you will be a good DPL?

I will work for and with the high skilled and motivated people in the
project, being sure that one time contributors won't be treated as
second class developers, if it will make me a good DPL, it will be a
side effect. I can't judge, but you will, i'm sure.

What you can for Debian as DPL that you can not do as a mere DD?

Besides what's written in our con

What do you think of the current NM process?

The NM tests are quite good, the process needs some tweaks though. In
terms of duration and how keep the NMs motivated to contribute and
feel part of Debian. Believe in me, i suffered the wait. :-)

-- stratus

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Re: Questions to the candidates

2007-02-26 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/26/07, Mohammed Adnène Trojette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 26, 2007, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> >- Hard work - the reduced participation made more work hard work IMO;
> Some worked harder to find and solve RC bugs.

Take a wall.

Take a car going fast towards this wall.

Take people working hard to take the wall down so that the car doesn't
hit it.

Was the car right to run for a crash test?

Hi Mohammed,

Unfortunately, this thread is diverting to a point where it seems that
i agreed with dunc-tank experiment. No, i didn't. Sometimes it's
harder to have a contrary opinion against something and express what
you think can be learned from the experience, even when it's just a
"let us don't repeat that never".

Answering your question more directly: Yes, while crash tests break a
car (or part of it) that could be used as a base for a new car, the
crash tests results tells a lot for those who are behind them. They
learn and i think we should learn with dunc-tank. Unfortunately or
not, it happened and now it's up to us evolve.

Thanks for your question anyway. :-)

-- stratus

Re: Question to the candidates: inclusion of the kFreeBSD-* ports

2007-02-27 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/27/07, Julien BLACHE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi DPL candidates,

The kFreeBSD ports are now in a good enough shape to be included in
unstable. Aurélien Jarno got ftpmaster's approval for that during an
informal conversation at debconf5 [1] but so far, there's been no
progress on this front.

Since then, the SCC split happened and ftp-master moved to ries, so
adding more architectures to the archive is no longer a problem, AIUI.

Hence, what is your position on including those new, non-Linux ports ?
What would the timeframe be like, according to you ?

Hi Julien,

I care a lot about the kfreebsd-* ports, i've been around #debian-bsd
since the OpenBSD port was still being worked on, but due to time
constraints i wasn't too helpful since then. With that in mind, i
wrote the answer for your question almost a month ago in the second
paragraph of my platform that you will be able to read soon. In a few
words: After elected, i'll do my best to push kfreebsd-* to be
officially released together with Lenny.

I think with the milestone above in mind, and also considering a goal
based release schedule (more on the subject on my platform), we will
have enough time to add the arches to the archive and work on the
pending bugs.

-- stratus

Re: Question for the candidates: ponies

2007-02-27 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/27/07, martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Which of the candidates, if elected, would finally get me the ponies
I've been craving for years?

Every time you ask for a pony, a kitten commits suicide. :-) I'll give
you a klingon translated Debian Operating Systems book and that's
enough, isn't it?

-- stratus

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Re: A question of time

2007-02-28 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/27/07, Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Many of the candidates are busy in other parts of debian with doing some
other more or less important work.

Which parts of your current work will you spend less time on when being
a DPL?

I will work less on package maintenance and sponsoring NMs, but almost
all the packages are co-maintained and i will promote usage.

Have you prepared other people to eventually taking over those tasks for


-- stratus

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Re: Question for candidates: the d-i conflict

2007-02-28 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/27/07, Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'd like to ask Anthony and Steve what they think of how they handled
the conflict between Frans Pop and Sven Luther, and other candidates how
they would have handled this conflict.

To everyone: how would you avoid such situations to become this
problematic in the future?

Hi Joss,

Probably i won't be able to avoid that such situations become so
problematic in the near future, i can't control babies how can i
control debian developers? Anyway, i would like to see these issues
affecting less, people like you, that do more of your hard volunteer
work than engage on flamewars.

I'm not wrings about Frans or Sven, since the situation become so
problematic due to others opinions, and general flame. Don't get me
wrong, i think mediation is good but similar these situations during
my term will be evaluated individually and based on our past
experiences. There's no general solution for this, IMHO.

-- stratus

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Re: DPL candidates: what is effective?

2007-02-28 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 2/27/07, Raphael Hertzog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, MJ Ray wrote:
> - what do you mean by "effective"?
> - when would you say a delegation is no longer effective?

A delegation is no longer effective:
- either when the delegated work has been completed
- or when the delegate is MIA and not doing its delegated task any more

I agree, it is no longer effective since "it does no good for the
project anymore".

-- stratus

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Re: Question for the candidates

2007-03-02 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 3/2/07, Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To all candidates:

lists 59 release-critical bugs unfixed in etch, with

showing that 35 of these are unfixed in either etch or sid.

Several of these are on packages maintained by, or co-maintained by, one of
our DPL candidates.  Some of these bugs have been /submitted/ by a DPL

Which release-critical bug will each of you fix in order to convince me to
vote for you? :)

Hi Steve,

Great question, but before fixing, sponsoring or help with yet another
RC bug in Etch. I would like to ask you stop by my Debian QA page[0]
where you can see that i maintain/co-maintain more than 178 packages
and only one of them is RC buggy (in sid, not etch). The bug was
opened to me, to avoid that gnome-tasksel entered etch. gnome-tasksel
was dead, and i adopted it in Debian working on the upstream code
also, but it wasn't good enough to be released.

I would like to tell that I've also organized a BSP[1] early in the
past year during the International Free Software Forum (Brazil), and
it had nothing to do with the DPL campaign. I did it because i wanted
to help with the release earlier and not for publicity in the last
minute. Guilherme sent the announcement since his account was created
a few days before. I asked him to do so. Closing, unfortunately we
lost track of our results since there was some people IRL and some
more on #debian-bugs helping us.

[0] =
[1] =

-- stratus

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Re: Question for the candidates

2007-03-02 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 3/2/07, Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To all candidates:
Which release-critical bug will each of you fix in order to convince me to
vote for you? :)

#407361 is my boy (see the patch), but i haven't uploaded yet. It's
maintained by Simon Richter, let him give us some feedback.

-- stratus

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Re: Question for the candidates

2007-03-02 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 3/2/07, Gustavo Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/2/07, Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To all candidates:
> (...)
> Which release-critical bug will each of you fix in order to convince me to
> vote for you? :)

#407361 is my boy (see the patch), but i haven't uploaded yet. It's
maintained by Simon Richter, let him give us some feedback.

Adding #410951 and #397457. I think that's all from me...for today. :-)

-- stratus

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Re: Question for Gustavo and Sam: bringing back the fun

2007-03-14 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 3/13/07, Margarita Manterola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This is for Gustavo and Sam, who have both stated in their campaigns
that they want to bring back the fun to Debian.  Now, I'm all for
Debian being more fun, but I wonder:

How do you plan to bring back the fun? What are the specific steps
required to achieve such a goal?

Hi Marga,

Going through all the topics in my platform during my term, replacing
endless flamewars with motivated people, sane discussions and real
work being done, will be fun enough for me and hopefully for those
interested in a better atmosphere to contribute for Debian.

I'm not saying that there will be no unsatisfied people, trolls and
flames as side effects. My point is that if we flood the mailing lists
and every other communication channel with interesting information of
what's being done and discuss with real solutions in your hands, it
will be easier to identify who's here for develop a universal
operating system and who isn't.

-- stratus

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Re: Debian Maintainers GR Proposal, updated

2007-06-27 Thread Gustavo Franco

On 6/27/07, Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Okay, here's a new draft with the following changes:

- incorporate committers by name rather than by relevant

- split committers into expected active committers and reserve

- mention tools expected to be used, but don't require them even

- add DM-Upload-Allowed: field to prevent existing sponsored
  contributors mentioned in Maintainer/Uploaders: fields from being
  automatically authorised to upload those packages should they
  become a non-DD maintainer under this process

- various grammar/language improvements

For those who haven't followed the thread prior to this post, it might
be worth also reading the sample use cases in the sub-thread beginning:


Note that those are possible uses, and the detailed policies for them
would presumably continue to be developed rather than being fixed now.

 Debian Maintainers Proposal 

The Debian Project endorses the concept of "Debian Maintainers" with
limited access, and resolves that:

1) A new keyring will be created, called the "Debian maintainers keyring".
   It will be initially maintained by:

* Anthony Towns (proposer, ftpmaster, jetring developer)
* Joey Hess (jetring developer)

   Commit access will also be provided to others in Debian with similar
   roles to ensure that any problems relating to this keyring can be
   dealt with by multiple people. These people will initially be:

* Brian Nelson (n-m frontdesk)
* Christoph Berg (n-m frontdesk, jetring developer)
* James Troup (DAM, ftpmaster, keyring-maint)
* Joerg Jaspert (DAM)
* Marc Brockschmidt (n-m frontdesk)
* Michael Beattie (keyring-maint)
* Ryan Murray (ftpmaster)

   The keyring will be handled using suitable technology to ensure it
   can be maintained by a team. It is expected it will initially be
   maintained in alioth subversion using the jetring tool, and that the
   keyring will be packaged for Debian and regularly uploaded to unstable.

   The team will be known as the Debian Maintainer Keyring team. Changes
   to the team may be made by the DPL under the normal rules for

2) The initial policy for an individual to be included in the keyring
   will be:

* that the applicant acknowledges Debian's social contract,
  free software guidelines, and machine usage policies.

* that the applicant provides a valid gpg key, signed by a
  Debian developer (and preferably connected to the web of
  trust by multiple paths).

* that at least one Debian developer (preferably more) is willing
  to advocate the applicant's inclusion, in particular that the
  applicant is technically competent and good to work with.

   All additions to the keyring will be publicly announced to the
   debian-project list.

3) The initial policy is that removals from the keyring will occur under
   any of the following circumstances:

* the individual has become a Debian developer
* the individual has not annually reconfirmed their interest
* multiple Debian developers have requested the individual's
  removal for good reason, such as problematic uploads, unfixed
  bugs, or being unreasonably difficult to work with.
* the Debian Account Managers have requested the removal

4) The initial policy for Debian developers who wish to advocate
   a potential Debian maintainer will be:

* Developers should take care whom they choose to advocate,
  particularly if they have not successfully participated as an
  Application Manager, or in other mentoring roles. Advocacy should
  only come after seeing the individual working effectively within
  Debian, both technically and socially.

* Advocacy messages should be posted to debian-newmaint or
  other relevant public mailing list, and a link to that mail
  provided with the application.

* If a developer repeatedly advocates individuals who cause
  problems and need to be removed, the Debian Maintainer Keyring
  team may stop accepting advocacy from that developer. If the
  advocacy appears to be malicious or particularly careless, the
  Debian Account Managers may consider removing that developer
  from the project.

5) The intial policy for the use of the Debian Maintainer keyring with the
   Debian archive will be to accept uploads signed by a key in that keyring

* none of the uploaded packages are NEW

* the Maintainer: field of the uploaded .changes file corresponds
  with the owner of the key used (ie, non-developer maintainers
  may not sponsor uploads)

* none of the