Re: X start-up failure!!

2004-05-08 Thread welly hartanto
Sorry I'm not an expert but I'd used Riva TNT2 before,
but I found no problem.Maybe you could show us your
XFree86.log especially those lines begin with (WW) and
For your comparasion, I've attached my XF86Config file
while I was using Riva TNT2.
Hope this will help.


--- Kaveh Gh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Dear Guys,
>  My problem with X is that: Whenever I choose
> frame-buffer feature in setup phase, although the
> xf86config settings are ok, X won't come alive and a
> "Fatal error" related to "AddScreen" comes on the
> output console! Whenever I DO NOT choose the frame
> buffer, X comes up and sounds of X-start up are
> generated, but with no video output and the screen
> becomes black screen! I'm sure that all applets are
> running under X. For example by pressing Alt-F1 and
> moving through the main menu(in my imagine ;) ) and
> pressing enter key, the read/write LED of HDD
> becomes
> red! So, I think the problem is related to my video
> Adapter. 
>  My video card is NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 AGP 16MB. In all
> other distributions, its detected as nv RIVA TNT2
> and
> mostly I choose its driver in xf86config as "nv" . I
> had no problem with my video card in other distros. 
> So, what's the problem?!
> =
> Kaveh Gh.
> __
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Description: XF86Config-4

thanks for the help

2004-05-19 Thread welly hartanto

Somebody has helped me through my problem about
missing usb device. But,I'm so sorry, the e-mail was
erased from my mailbox.
However, now at least i can get my usb printer works (
even the device URI is somewhat strange
"usb:3535?serial=TH37." )
Thanks again


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Re: Newbie Needs Printer Advice

2004-05-21 Thread welly hartanto

--- Clyde Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a printer that hooks up to my USB port.  If I
> do a  'echo "OK" > 
> /dev/usb/lp0' I don't get any output.  Is there
> something I need to do 
> to get the right device?

Are you using udev ? which kernel is your system
running ?
Several days ago, this happen to me.
The solusion is : cd /dev
  /sbin/MAKEDEV usb
I'm running sid kernel 2.6.5.

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Samba 3.0.4-3 : I'm waiting....

2004-05-26 Thread welly hartanto
After 2 days wandering my samba 3.0.4-3 server won't
work at all, it seems that i should wait more
longer... :-(
Somebody in this forum suggested me to disable my CUPS
which somehow I can't do since my printer depends on
But somehow, I wanna say "keep the good work" to our
delovers, hope i won't wait too long...



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Re: Samba 3.0.4-3 : I'm waiting....

2004-05-26 Thread welly hartanto
well...thanks for the response.
Since my update activities depend on a local mirror in
my office and untill now ( dunno why.. )
there has not been any "newest" samba yet, then i
think "be patience" is the best choice for me now :-)
Uncommenting print$ section in my smb.conf works for
me, but since (#again) several windblows boxes around
here depend (#again) their printing stuff into this
printer connected directly into my pc, moving this
printer phisycally into those windblows seems a very
imposible mission, since (#again---is my english that
bad ?) i've got the biggest desk around here (hey, i'm
the boss ) ;-)


--- Elie De Brauwer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 26 May 2004 06:48:38 -0700 (PDT)
> welly hartanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After 2 days wandering my samba 3.0.4-3 server
> won't
> > work at all, it seems that i should wait more
> > longer... :-(
> > Somebody in this forum suggested me to disable my
> > which somehow I can't do since my printer depends
> on
> > it..
> > But somehow, I wanna say "keep the good work" to
> our
> > delovers, hope i won't wait too long...
> > 
> > 
> > cheers,
> > 
> > 
> > welly
> > 
> Hello, I just dist-upgraded my unstable machine
> which installed Samba 3.0.4-5 which seems to fix the
> cups problem (at least it does so
> for me). Haven't tested printed sharing tough but at
> least it doesn't
> spit out the stacktrace at startup.
> There's also a difference between uninstalling cups
> and commenting cups printer sharing from your samba
> config file.
> greetings
> Elie De Brauwer
> -- 
> Elie De Brauwer
> No animals were hurt and no microsoft products were
> used during the
> creation of this e-mail 

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Samba 3.0.4-5 ( HALF SOLUTION )

2004-05-27 Thread welly hartanto
Yeah !!!...Finally my local mirror has got that samba
3.0.4-5. My samba server got up nicely after two days
off duties. Many many thanks to the developersbut,
this still leave some problems. After apt-upgrading, i
had to lose KDE and gnome-cups-manager and any other
packages i didn't notice since i'd got a long list of
packages to be removed when upgrading.
If only me who experienced this, please let me know...
Even it's not really a big problem with me cause KDE
had a second place in my heart after GNOME. I still
can manage my printer via localhost:901 without
But, if upgrading to samba 3.0.4-5 should to be this
way...this shows that the problem has not been
completely solved.
But still i wanna say "keep the good work" to all
delevors and many thanks and respect to ypur hard work



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Re: VMware-4.5 workstation under Debian/testing?

2004-05-30 Thread welly hartanto
I'm running sid 2.6.5, I had no problem with
VMware-4.5 . The guest OS was WinXP Pro. But I don't
have it anymore. Can't play games that need hardware
acceleration is the main reasons why I don't use it
anymore. I'd rather use wine.
Have a nice try.


> I've had no problem using the internal networking
> (shared folders, 
> basically) between the host Debian Sid Kernel 2.4.2X
> and Windows XP... 
> works fine :)
> Also, the NAT setup between the Guest OS and Debian
> works fine (I can 
> talk out from my Guest OS over my Debian
> connection(s) ).
> Micha Feigin wrote:
> > On Sun, May 30, 2004 at 08:22:39PM -0400, Ishwar
> Rattan wrote:
> > 
> >>I am interested in running vmware-4.5 work-station
> under debian/testing
> >>(2.6.5). The software (not purchased yet) has a
> rpm package
> >>and a tar.gz that contains files for
> RH/Mandralke/SuSe. Is any one
> >>running it suceesfully under debian?
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > I am running it under debian (unstable) with
> kernel 2.4 (various
> > versions). Don't know about kernel 2.6, haven't
> tried yet.
> > 
> > Its running OK except for some issues with usb
> (usually not detecting
> > properly when a device has been connected), and I
> haven't managed to
> > connect from debian to the guest OS over the
> virtual network (haven't
> > tried very hard), connecting from the guest OS to
> debian or the
> > Internet works fine.
> > 
> > I am running winXP pro as the guest.
> > 
> > I installed using the tar.gz package.
> > 
> > 
> >>-ishwar
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>-- 
> >>To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> >>with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >>
> >> 
> >> +++
> >> This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
> >> at the Tel-Aviv University CC.
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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how-to: wine with 256 color depth

2004-05-30 Thread welly hartanto
I've got a windblows based-program that required 256
bit color depth. 
Any suggestion ???



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Re: how-to: wine with 256 color depth

2004-06-01 Thread welly hartanto

> welly hartanto wrote:
> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> Choose 8 bit color.  This will probably mess up the
> colors for some 
> normal X apps.  I'm not sure if you can make
> multiple configuration so 
> that Ctrl-Alt-+ will switch between these modes. 
> With KDE (the only way 
> I know for this at the moment) you can start another
> session where you 
> might be able to run a different X configuration say
> from an individual 
> user instead of root.
> HTH,
> Paul
Thanks, Paul ...
Well ... reconfiguring X . Since I'm not using
KDE ( gnome's my favorite however ), maybe the best
way I can do is make another X configuration file that
use only 8 bit color depth and run it by 'xf86cfg
-xf86config anotherxconfigfile'.
But since I've been using NVidia driver, is this good
enough ( in other mean...if I do this ,there won't be
any problem ??? )



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WELCOME BACK ..... K D E !!!

2004-06-06 Thread welly hartanto
i just wanna say : welcome home KDE  

am i too late ? ;-D

cheers to all kde developers,


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Re: lWebsite creating software

2004-06-06 Thread welly hartanto

--- John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jack kinnon writes:
> > I have installed Apache. Looking for a
> user-friendly (i.e. does not
> > require programming) software to create web pages
> for website. Any
> > available for Debian GNU?Linux?
> Debian includes many text editors.

Or Macromedia MX running with wine  (not best
choice actually).



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Re: where is the 2.6 kernel source tree located?

2004-06-10 Thread welly hartanto

--- cecil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to know so the nvidia driver can install.
> Anyone know?

Are you sure you have installed kernel-tree of your
current kernel ??? ( apt-get install
kernel-tree-2.4.26 for 2.4.26 kernel )
If so, then go to /var/cache/apt/archieves. You'll
probably find it ( if you have not do 'apt-get
autoclean' yet ... )



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Re: Setting up a printer

2004-06-17 Thread welly hartanto
--- cecil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone point me to a page where I can setup my
> printer? I have 
> downloaded what I think are the appropriate
> packages.
> Cecil
what theappropriate packages do you mean ?
CUPS. If you've it installed then



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Re: Window Managers

2004-06-18 Thread welly hartanto
--- Katipo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Keith O'Connell wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > There was a thread in this list last week where
> people were asked if 
> > the preferred KDE or Gnome, and the majority of
> people who posted a 
> > reply basicaly said "neither". They all said they
> went with a window 
> > manager and no desktop and their machines were the
> better for it.
> >
> > I have used Gnome for quite a while now, but this
> thread made me 
> > wonder why I do, and I cannot think of a good
> reason. I have been 
> > googling for a few days now looking for an account
> of just how much a 
> > performance hit Gnome or KDE are and what the
> respective speed and 
> > comparative performances are for the various
> window managers.
> >
> > I thought I would be awash with articles, but I
> cannot find anything 
> > that compares the options. Can someone tell me
> where I can find 
> > anything on this subject
> >
> > Keith.
well...if you got a bunch of space in your disk and
have no idea for what it is and you got pretty good
harddware constructed your box, you'll be like me.
Got latest gnome, kde, xfce, windowmaker,
etc. It's maybe fool to waste diskspace for this thing
i do. in case, i do it for fun without no further
thought for performance since it never bring me any
trouble at all.
when gnome's suck go to kde, when kde being broken go
to xfce.that's the cycle of life ;-)
Even if I should choose, i'd rather choose gnome for
sure with no argument at all... :D
anyway, it's good to have a clear comparasion in
'plus' and 'minus' of those desktop environment since
users can choose which one is suitable for their need.

happy compare,


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Re: Newb user

2004-06-21 Thread welly hartanto
wellafter installing mc, you can count on
/usr/share/docin mc just point to a documentation
you want and press F4...tada...
( in case your not online )



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Re: printing to windows printer

2004-06-22 Thread welly hartanto
the easy way to solve your problem is by using an
account (username adn password applied) on those
windblows box that have printing previllegenot
anonymous one.



--- Tadek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must admit samba and CUPS are quite complex for me
> and setting my
> linux laptop to print on the windows printer is not
> easy task. My
> debian distribution is Sarge. I am using KDE
> printing manager with
> nice GUI interface.  I selected CUPS (Common UNIX
> Print System) as a
> Print System Currently Used.  Next I am trying to
> use Add wizard to
> add network printer. I selected Add Printer/Classes
> and on the second
> page I selected SMB shared prnter (Windows). On next
> page I selected
> for User Authentication Annonymus (no
> login/password) option. On next
> page (SMB Printer Setting) I pressed Scan button.  I
> can see MSHOME
> group there.  When I click on this group I can even
> see, windows PC
> (where my printer is), but when I try to see what is
> attached to this
> PC I get:
> Error returning browse list: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
> Could anybody offer me a hint what needs to be done
> to get rid of
> access denied error code?  Should I set up something
> on windows server
> side or on linux client side? I run Home edition of
> XP with guest
> account set on.  I also tried authentication method
> Guest Account.  In
> that case I can only see MSHOME and no computer
> attached.
> -- 
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about tool / utilities for networking ( is there any ? )

2004-03-04 Thread welly hartanto
Hi, all ...

I'm a newbie debian user. For now I've been using debian and samba as "interface" for those Win-based computers in my office network.
I wanna ask you a question : 

1. Is there a tool or utility to browse those Win-basedcomputers and other Linux-based computers with GUI ?
   Somekind like My Network Places in other OS...
2. Is there a tool or utility to remote Win-based  computer via debian ?

Sorry, my question may be sounds silly. :D

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How to build file srver with Win-based clients ?

2004-03-05 Thread welly hartanto
Hi, guys...

Thank you for answering my earlier questions.
Now, I have some more questions ( ..again :D ):
Call me a nutty newbie, but I want to build a file server with my debian. So :
1. Is there any tool for the users ( Win-based ) to loginto my file server ( similiar to Novellclient )
2. Could you guys give me any link in the internet thatprovide clear and good informations about building afile server ?

Thanx for all of you

Welly H

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Novellclient error

2004-03-10 Thread welly hartanto
Hi, guys

I'm back !!!  ;-)
After got satifying answers for my earlier question,
now I still let all of you call me a stupid
I'd download a novellclient for linux from
SourceForge, and I'd installed with IP and IPX
protocol as requested by the Novell server in my
The installation went well...but, when I started it,
there's an error message tellin' me :

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory

i'd tried to find some solutions from SourceForge
milist, but it just told me to get the RPM library
file from several website which somehow didn't want to
give me that file ( i mean the download was
'successfully' failed )

As usuall, my question is : could you guys help me

Thank for your attentions and help

Best Regard,


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2004-03-12 Thread welly hartanto

still...I'M BACK !!!

Hi, all...
To the point: I wanna ask you...

- How to install a scanner onto my Debian ( this  
   question is being stuck in my head since I haven't 
got any better information on the web ). I'm using
2.   4.25-1-686 kernel and got old Acer VUEGO Scan
640P  connected via paralel port.
- Why do some games I've installed run so very slow ?
  This happens with almost all games that using OpenGL
   feature such as BilliarGL. Even Doom runs slow in
myPC ( P4 2.4 GHz, 512 MB, i845G, 1024x768 16 bit 
   display ). I've already set those games so they
tookminimal resorce but ... :-(

Thanx for your attentions and help.
God bless ya...


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(Sid): gnome-setting-daemon crashed on boot

2004-03-30 Thread welly hartanto
I've got debian box (sid) with 2.4.25-1-686 kernel
installed,Gnome 2.4, GForce4MX440 with
NVdia-Linux-x86-1.0-5336 driver from Nvidia website.
Everything ran well untill today,..when I start my
debian box ( after 'having affair' with Win-based
games ), my gnome show this right when the splash
screen up :
" Application gnome-setting-daemon has crashed ( error
xxx )due to fatal error ( Aborting )" 
where the xxx is a various error code number. 
I can't give you the number cause it too various, and
this 'error window' shows up for many times so I have
to click close untill it comes up anymore.
The last 'error window' tell me :
"There was an error starting the GNOME Settings

Some things, such as themes, sounds, or background
settings may not work correctly.

The Settings Daemon restarted too many times.

The last error message was:

Child process did not give an error message, unknown
failure occurred

GNOME will still try to restart the Settings Daemon
next time you log in.
However, if I'm loggin in as root ( I'd allowed root
to log in with Gnome ), there's no error..

Thank you very much for your help


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Re: Stable vs. Testing Vs. Unstable ( newbie opinion )

2004-04-18 Thread welly hartanto

I'm a very newbie in Linux system but somehow my first
love to Linux is via Debian sid...and I found there's
nothing difficult.
Sometime I mess up my system but...the more trouble we
got the more "expert" we're gonna be...
Maybe that's not what the common users think. They
don't wanna be bother to learn anything, just get it
in their box and use it. I think that should be
considered by all Linux developers all around the
world. Keep the good work, guys..!

About the desktop...hmmm, I think nobody's as lucky as
I am, since I've got 3 hugh scsi disks in my debian
box...I've got all those desktop installed ! Wanna get
as lucky as I am ??? Rob me ... :D

== welly ==

--- "Loren M. Lang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm curious about how many people are actually using
> Debian Unstable or
> Testing to Stable for normal desktop use or even a
> production server.
> I've being using Gentoo lately, and I love how nice
> the newer software
> is like KDE 3.2.1 or Gnome 2.4 and I don't want to
> go back to Gnome 1.x
> just because I want a "stable" debian system, where
> gentoo seems to run
> fine with the latest.
> -- 
> I sense much NT in you.
> NT leads to Bluescreen.
> Bluescreen leads to downtime.
> Downtime leads to suffering.
> NT is the path to the darkside.
> Powerful Unix is.
> Public Key:
> Fingerprint: B3B9 D669 69C9 09EC 1BCD  835A FAF3
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> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

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Configuring HP Deskjet 3535 with CUPS

2004-04-21 Thread welly hartanto
Hi, all...

Here i come with another stupid question :-)
I've got sid with 2.4.25 kernel, a HP Deskjet 3535
printer, and an 'apt-get install cupsys'..
I'd tried to get my printer work by configure it via
I choose the USB Printer #1 (3535)--> i don't why this
device sign with 3535, maybe because of hotplug ???
and had HP Deskjet 3550 as printer module.
Everything seems well, but when I try to test print,
it won't print at all.The printing job show
"..processing since..." and if I cancel it via 'cancel
job' I've got 
" Error : client-error-not-possible "
I did every instructions in, but
still not work.



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Re: My sound works perfectly - am I the only one? :)-------YOU'RE NOT

2004-04-24 Thread welly hartanto

--- Stephen Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What with all the sound card posts flying round
> recently, it doesn;t 
> seem like anyone's getting audio, and here I am with
> 2 systems working 
> perfectly with OSS (no udev/devs and none of that
> alsa malarky).g

Even I'm a newbie in Linux, it seems that only sound
won't mess around with me. AD1981 with ESD = nice.


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Re: My sound works perfectly - am I the only one? :)

2004-04-25 Thread welly hartanto

--- Brian Saghy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps its because you're using OSS that you have
> it working.  For
> those of us who are using Sid or some kernel 2.6,
> alsa's really the only
> way to go, and its not fully mature yet, in my
> opinion.

I'm running sid too with 2.6.5, but sound seems so
fine for me ( even not with alsa ). All I need is just
chmod the mixer,modprobe the device and add my user
into sound group. But I'm not that lucky in display
stuff ( I'd googled for about a month just to find how
to make my i845G onboard works...)

>  I was having issues with the old oss driver being
>loaded too, and
> my only solution
> was to rename it so that it wouldn't be loaded.  I
> even removed
> discover, even though I had audio discovery
> disabled.  Now, I can't get
> my mixer to work or appear under /dev. So, it'll
> probably require some
> more work.  Hopefully one day this will all be
> automated and painless. I
> don't think that I've ever had a distrobution
> install sound correctly
> out-of-the-box first try. Granted, I'm no linux
> guru, but I'm not a 
> newbie either and I don't feel I should have to
> spend so much time 
> reading documentation and newsgroups to have to
> figure out how to get a 
> relatively old technology working correctly.
I think this is the classic but still up to date
common problem in Linux. Almost all of us must become
a surgeon if we want all the stuff we've got works
nice in Linux. I wonder when this would end ... ( hope
the happy ending )
> -Brian
> Stephen Patterson wrote:
> > What with all the sound card posts flying round
> recently, it doesn;t 
> > seem like anyone's getting audio, and here I am
> with 2 systems working 
> > perfectly with OSS (no udev/devs and none of that
> alsa malarky).g
> > 
> -- 
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Re: Install NVIDIA NV17 GeForce4 MX 440 for newbie please

2004-05-13 Thread welly hartanto
First... What kind of debian you're using ? ( woody,
sid, sarge )
Second...Please supply your kernel version. By typing
uname -a on console...
For an example, this is what I did last time with my
debian sid box on 2.4.25-686 kernel :
- installing nvidia-kernel-2.4.25-1-686 by executing 

> I find stories on how to install my graphics card.
> But they are to difficult for me. I downloaded the
> file from the
> Nvidia web-site. But when I'm running it, it starts
> to ask all sorts of difficult questions. 
> There seems to be a file (or more files) that I have
> to download and execute first.
> I hope someone can help me. I'm sure I'm not the
> first to encounter this problem!
> Thanks, Pieter

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Re: Install NVIDIA NV17 GeForce4 MX 440 for newbie please

2004-05-13 Thread welly hartanto
First... What kind of debian you're using ? ( woody,
sid, sarge )
Second...Please supply your kernel version. By typing
uname -a on console...
For an example, this is what I did last time with my
debian sid box on 2.4.25-686 kernel :
- installing nvidia-kernel-2.4.25-1-686 by executing 
  apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.4.25-1-686
  apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common
  apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source
Other optional packages such as nvidia-glx may be
Then execute the NVIDIA-Linux-.

Hope this wok for you.


> I find stories on how to install my graphics card.
> But they are to difficult for me. I downloaded the
> file from the
> Nvidia web-site. But when I'm running it, it starts
> to ask all sorts of difficult questions. 
> There seems to be a file (or more files) that I have
> to download and execute first.
> I hope someone can help me. I'm sure I'm not the
> first to encounter this problem!
> Thanks, Pieter

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Re: 2.6 and nvidia

2004-05-13 Thread welly hartanto
I'm running debian sid 2.6.5-1-686 with Nvidia
GeForce4 MX 440.
I'm not using the driver from NVidia web site, since
I'm too lazy to search for it...;-)
What I did is :
- apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common
- apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source
and I've got my kernel source installed too.
My XF86Config using nv as driver.
And that's enough for me to have a nice smooth display
on my gnome


--- Daniel Asarnow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Installing the current nvidia gfx drivers in 2.6 is
> actually real simple.  You can download their
> self-installer from's driver section and
> run it with the sh.  It Just Worked for me (well, it
> worked after I found some good workarounds for all
> the lockups my nForce mobo caused).  You may have to
> tell XF86-Config to use the 'nvidia' module, though.
> I do not believe there are any specifics in the
> kernel config to...specify.  You'll probably want to
> turn on VESA 16-bit support, though.
> -Daniel
> > --- hanasaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > My nvidia is due in the mail soon.  The nvidia
> > > packages from apt-cache 
> > > search seem to depend on the 2.4 kernels.  Could
> > you
> > > walk me through the 
> > > steps to get get the nvidia drivers
> > built/installed
> > > on kernel 2.6.x?  I 
> > > have built the kernel with make-kpkg.  Also, Any
> > > specific options to 
> > > choose/not choose in the kernel .config?
> > > 
> > > thanks
> > > 
> > > Were there any package conflicts?
> > > 
> > > I had an ati card and after using alien to
> convert
> > > their .rpm to a .deb 
> > > it installed fine but created mesa depend
> > conflicts.
> > >  Wondering if the 
> > > same happens on nvidia?
> > > 
> > > Kevin Mark wrote:
> > > > On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 12:46:38AM -0400, Emma
> > > Jane Hogbin wrote:
> > > > 
> > > >>As a warning ... I was getting ready to
> upgrade
> > my
> > > kernel to 2.6. I
> > > >>downloaded the new nvidia package. I was
> > following
> > > instructions from
> > > >>/usr/share/doc without really thinking and did
> a
> > > "make" on the modules
> > > >>package. Within seconds I got dumped out of X
> > and
> > > have been unable to
> > > >>start it ever since. The error messages I'm
> > > getting have to do with the
> > > >>module versions not matching the kernel
> > versions.
> > > >>
> > > >>I have no idea how to get X back under my old
> > > kernel, and the new one
> > > >>isn't ready to be used yet (basically
> nothing's
> > > working yet).
> > > >>
> > > >>So as a warningdo NOT mess around with the
> > > latest nvidia packages 
> > > >>until you know for sure that the rest of the
> 2.6
> > > kernel is going to work. :(
> > > >>
> > > >>emma
> > > >>
> > > >>-- 
> > > >>Emma Jane Hogbin
> > > > 
> > > > Hi Emma,
> > > > are you referring to 'make'ing X or the
> kernel?
> > > > couldnt you just reinstall what was overriten?
> > > > or remove the X packages and install them?
> > > > -Kev
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
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> =
> - Semper Absurda
> -- 
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Different ip table and missing /dev/usb/lp after using udev

2004-05-13 Thread welly hartanto
hi all..

First...I've got debian sid 2.6.5-1-686 in my office.
We've got a pretty large network over here, and as
long as  I know, divide into two ip tables. One got the other
But somehow I can't use my Samba to browse those
computers connected into different ip table with mine.
I've got the ip address and I can't
browse those who have Is there any Samba
configuration should to be configure ?
Note : I can browse those computers
within my windows box. ( I've got dual boot winxp and
debian )
Second...How to recover missing /dev/usb/lpx ???
Several days ago I installed udev, but now I've
removing and purging its config. since I can't see any
benefits ( or I don't know the benefits...)
The problem is with my CUPS. My CUPS works well to
print all shared printers in my network, but won't
print via HP DJ 3535 attached to my USB port.
I've been configuring it via http://localhost:631 and
got device URI usb:/dev/usb/lp0.
But when I do a test print CUPS says that the device
/dev/usb/lp0 doesn't exist.
( I know I should supply the log file, but... I'll
send you later, right away)

Thank You


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Re: 2.6 and NVIDIA kernel

2004-05-13 Thread welly hartanto
I realized that I had not installed any games ( except
gnome games ) at all...
I did find some slow performance to play tuxracer,
chromium, etc...
So, I should installed NVidia driver then. Last night
I installed the driver and thank God I'm
Here's what I did :

debian box sid 2.6.5 and Doing :

-   ./
-   cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336.pkg1
-   as root doing : make install
-   edit /etc/inittab and change default runlevel to
-   reboot
-   cd to the directory where the is
-   ./nvidia-installer
-   the installer suggest to change runlevel to 3.
in my case, I didn't do what it suggest and go on 
 with runlevel 1 by answering 'No'.
-   the installer said that there's no kernel 
 interfaces and suggest to download...say 'NO' !
-   the installer than built its own kernel interface 
 for 2.6.5, just wait and see untill all process  
-   change runlevel via /etc/inittab to 5 ( or
whatever you wish )
-   reboot.

Have a nice tuxrace. ;-)


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Re: 2.6 and NVIDIA kernel ( FINAL )

2004-05-13 Thread welly hartanto

--- welly hartanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I realized that I had not installed any games (
 gnome games ) at all...
 I did find some slow performance to play tuxracer,
 chromium, etc...
 So, I should installed NVidia driver then. Last
 I installed the driver and thank God I'm
 Here's what I did :
 debian box sid 2.6.5 and Doing :
 -   ./
 -   cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336.pkg1
 -   as root doing : make install
 -   edit /etc/inittab and change default runlevel to
 -   reboot
 -   cd to the directory where the
 is extracted.
 -   ./nvidia-installer
 -   the installer suggest to change runlevel to 3.
 in my case, I didn't do what it suggest and go
 on with runlevel 1 by answering 'No'.
 -   the installer said that there's no kernel   
 interfaces and suggest to download...say 'NO' !
 -   the installer than built its own kernel
 interface for 2.6.5, just wait and see untill all
  process done.
 -   change runlevel via /etc/inittab to 5 ( or
 whatever you wish )
 -   reboot.

DON'T FORGET : edit the XFree config file as discribe
in README. ( add Load "glx" remove Load "dri" and
"GLcore", change driver "nvidia" )
 Have a nice tuxrace. ;-)
> __
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Re: xserver-xorg-video-i810 now only displays 640x480 [SOLVED]

2007-01-03 Thread Welly Hartanto
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Alan Chandler wrote:
>> On Saturday 16 December 2006 07:33, Alan Chandler wrote:
>>> I have just restarted my computer after having been away for a few
>>> days and the display has come up in 640x480 mode and that seems to be
>>> the only option.  I have NOT changed xorg.conf so my guess is that it
>>> was a recent upgrade of the video driver or some other xorg server
>>> things that have made this happen.
>> Specifiying Horizontal and Vertical rates for the monitor solved the
>> issue.
> But why did it happen in the first place?
> Hugo
Maybe installing xresprobe at the first place will help dpkg to figure
out the monitor

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Mozilla browser bookmark

2006-07-10 Thread Welly Hartanto

I just realized that all of my mozilla's bookmark has just gone.
And everytime I start mozilla-browser all of the bookmark I had put 
previously is gone.

I have checked on the debian reportbugs and none seem the same.
So, is it just me or what ? Anybody knows how to fix it ?

Thanks a lot.


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Re: Mozilla browser bookmark

2006-07-10 Thread Welly Hartanto

Kent West wrote:

Welly Hartanto wrote:

I just realized that all of my mozilla's bookmark has just gone.
And everytime I start mozilla-browser all of the bookmark I had put 
previously is gone.

I have checked on the debian reportbugs and none seem the same.
So, is it just me or what ? Anybody knows how to fix it ?

I'd create a new test user and log in as that user and see if the 
problem exists for that user.

If not, the easy solution might just be to rename your current 
mozilla-browser profile directory and start new, copying over any old 
data you need once you've verified that bookmarks are working properly 
in the new moz profile.

I've just renamed the $HOME/.mozilla and start mozilla browser to have a 
new configuration.

Bookmarking now works fine. Wonder what happen with the previous one.
Because there's nothing manually changed but the pluginreg.dat file 
which must be customized

for me to have the Oracle Application available.
I have made the customization again into the new pluginreg.dat file but 
bookmarking still

works fine. So I guess it's no problem at all.
And I guess I gave up too quickly ;-)

Thanks Kent, and cheers all !


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Re: How to create autorunning CD?

2006-07-13 Thread Welly Hartanto

Indraveni wrote:


I have done apt cache seach and found something called magicdev paackges which 
satisfies what you explained but I am not able to get my requirement. There is 
no proper help given in its usage.

AFAIK, magicdev is doing the same thing as gnome-volume-manager.


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Re: Problem with screen resolution being to high after install...

2006-07-14 Thread Welly Hartanto

Redefined Horizons wrote:

On 7/13/06, Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 12:45:29PM -0700, Redefined Horizons wrote:
> Thanks Andrew.

you're welcome. please don't top-post, it makes conversations hard to 

> Where do I find the supported screen resolutions for my monitor? Is
> that something Linux can detect, or do I need to try and dig up the
> monitor manual?

sometimes linux can detect it, but I always just google the monitor's
model number and the word specifications. the results I need are
usually on the first page. you can generally get not only supported
resolutions, but horiz and vert refresh rates and so forth.



> Landon
> On 7/13/06, Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 12:26:21PM -0700, Redefined Horizons wrote:
> >> I'll give that a shot cga.
> >>
> >> Any suggestions on how I fix the resolution problem? Do I need to
> >> reconfigure X-Windows?
> >
> >probably.
> >
> >>
> >> What command would I use to do that on Debian Etch?
> >
> >dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
> >
> >you can set the resolutions your monitor supports.
> >
> >also M-C-f1, f2, etc will not shutdown the xserver, it will just
> >toggle you over to a virtual terminal. after you reconfigure, you'll
> >have to restart with
> >
> >invoke-rc.d [g|k|x|w]dm restart
> >
> >A
> >
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Scott Huey
> >>
> >> On 7/13/06, cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 10:53:44AM EDT, Redefined Horizons wrote:
> >> >[..]
> >> >>
> >> >> [2] What key combination can I use to bring up the command line?
> >> >>
> >> >try Alt+Ctrl+F1.. F2.. etc.
> >> >
> >> >Thanks
> >> >
> >> >cga
> >> >

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)


Thanks for the tip Andrew. I'll give Google a try.

Hope you didn't mind the top posting too muc. Seems like there are
some on this list that prefer it, and some that don't. I usually use
it because it is my e-mail editor's default reply format.

Scott Hue

You can install xresprobe and then run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.
The configuration process will probe your monitor resolution capabilty.

It does detects my new LCD monitor resolution and gives me 1280 x 1024 - 

not 1024 x 768 - 60Hz as it used to.


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Re: just some thoughts

2006-07-25 Thread Welly Hartanto

Chuckk Hubbard wrote:

Aw, we have minesweeper, that's all anyone really needs.

On 7/24/06, Cybe R. Wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In the Great Book it has Been Written that on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:57:46
-0600 Art Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> didst appear within
my Magick Viewing Screen and, being somewhat pleasantly supplicatory,
did polemicize thusly:

> Port games to linux and the adoption rate would skyrocket (IMHO).

In my own (admittedly limited) experience that is very true.  The few
computer users I know personally are all Win gamers.  Until top-notch
NFL, golfing and hunting games come to Linux these fellows won't change
although each have approached me about changing already.

Them:  Can I run my games?
Me: Let me see 'em.
Them: I guess I'll have to stick with Windows.

You can't imagine how frustrating that can be.

Cedega ... :-|

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xmms mediatower

2006-07-31 Thread Welly Hartanto

Yah, I know this is very silly but I've just lost my xmms
configuration directory.
And now my lovely kitty skin XMMS Media Tower is gone.
If somebody in this list has it, would you pls send
a copy to me ?
I've been googling around but no result at all ...



- no more mp3 

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Re: xmms mediatower

2006-07-31 Thread Welly Hartanto

[KS] wrote:

Welly Hartanto wrote:

Yah, I know this is very silly but I've just lost my xmms
configuration directory.
And now my lovely kitty skin XMMS Media Tower is gone.
If somebody in this list has it, would you pls send
a copy to me ?
I've been googling around but no result at all ...



- no more mp3 

Did you try finding the Media Tower skin for Winamp (classic skin
version)? I  think it should work for XMMS too. Put it in your
~/.xmms/Skins/ and you should be able to enable it from the Skin browser.



Yap...but no luck so far :-(
There is the Media Tower but it's the modern one. Still trying the google,
but just in case one of you dude got it, i beg you to send it to me ...



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Re: album and option "medium"

2006-08-01 Thread Welly Hartanto

Paolo Pantaleo wrote:

2006/8/1, Ernst-Magne Vindal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I've just installed album, running 2.6 unstable.

So far it seams OK, but I'm unable to get the option -medium to work.
>From google and man page I found I can use -medium 640x480 or %, 
-medium 33%.

non is working.
I have also moved the option on the command line, from start to end,
nadaonly get full size images.
After every retry I also deleted the conf file so no old options was 

Any pointers please?


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

What is album? It seems that a package with that name doesn't exist.

[Maybe it is a bug]

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Re: xmms mediatower

2006-08-01 Thread Welly Hartanto

Michael wrote:

Welly Hartanto wrote:

Yah, I know this is very silly but I've just lost my xmms
configuration directory.
And now my lovely kitty skin XMMS Media Tower is gone.
If somebody in this list has it, would you pls send
a copy to me ?
I've been googling around but no result at all ...



- no more mp3 

Try to search it on /usr/share/xmms .

I installed it on my .xmms directory so I think it is not possible the thing
would go to /usr/share/xmms/Skins as I tried to "ls -al".

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Re: how to upload skins into e1000 ?

2006-08-14 Thread Welly Hartanto

Jabka Atu wrote:


im using moto4lin to accses my moto e1000 phone.

i wish to upload some skins into it but i don't understand how :
i have created a directory in /a/mobile/skins/skinname and uploaded it 
there .

but i can't c this skin when i enter the theme change on my phone .

I think you should go to Motorolla community forum or some kind like that.
There you can get a proper answer rather than in debian-user list.

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Re: how to prevent the creation of hardware icons on desktop on boot

2006-08-21 Thread Welly Hartanto

Jabka Atu wrote:

Mathias Brodala wrote:

Hello Jerome.


each time i boot my user some icons are created on my desktop :
icons for mounting harddisks.

i tried  deleting the files but each boot they are recreated.

You can change the settings in the KDE control center. Go to


Is there something similar for Gnome ?

There is. Open „gconf-editor“ and modify the checkboxes under the 
following path:


There should be some *_icon_visible boxes. Uncheck them and maybe 
after a logout but at

least after a reboot they’re gone.

Regards, Mathias


i tried removing using kde but i didn't helped ..  :'-(
the strange  issue that  it  happen  only to one user.

The quick way is renaming the kde directory setting under user's home
directory then login with that user account

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OT: Thunderbird-win and .wab

2006-08-25 Thread Welly Hartanto

Just curious.
Why thunderbird-nix* can't import windows addrees book (.wab) file
while thunderbird-win can do it ?


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Re: OT: Thunderbird-win and .wab

2006-08-25 Thread Welly Hartanto

Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

  On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 09:03:07AM +0700, Welly Hartanto wrote:
Just curious.
Why thunderbird-nix* can't import windows addrees book (.wab) file
while thunderbird-win can do it ?

  Maybe there is an API in win32 that can turn the .wab format into
something else, like XML or CSV.



yap it is ... :-(


Re: OT: Thunderbird-win and .wab

2006-08-27 Thread Welly Hartanto

Matej Cepl wrote:

  Welly Hartanto wrote:
Why thunderbird-nix* can't import windows addrees book (.wab) file
while thunderbird-win can do it ?

Its using Outlook Express (or some of its libraries) to get stuff out.



Yeah, I just found it on the Win PSDK documentation and been
playing with 
it for a while 

Re: Error 21

2006-08-28 Thread Welly Hartanto

Marc Wilson wrote:

  On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 04:09:12PM -0500, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
I mean, come on, give them a chance to at least learn.

I've yet to meet a single one hiding behind the "noob" excuse that had the
slightest interest in learning anything at all.

Is there some GUI tool of consequence other than SWAT for configuring
Samba?  SWAT, in my opinion, is worse than nothing as it exposes umpteen
options most of which you should not touch.  Cluebies always think you have
to adjust every option a GUI exposes.

Perhaps your experience is different.


Kelly, if you have another machine on your own, you can use it to
linux with gui while letting the file server without gui.
On the gui machine you can do learning things and also still able to 
manage the file server ( via ssh or webmin for example )
It is a bad idea to have gui on a production machine that doesn't need 
any gui at all.
Happy learning ... ;-)


Re: [OT] Win2k blocks ports to my ISP's pop3 & smtp

2006-09-04 Thread Welly Hartanto

T wrote:

- My Linux is able to telnet to my ISP's pop3 & smtp respective ports

- My Win2k (fired under WMWare) is not able to telnet to my ISP's pop3 &
smtp respective ports, though it can ping them without problem. And web
browsing is fine. 

- This seems not be the WMWare's problem, because my new grml0.8 launched
within WMWare can telnet to my ISP's pop3 & smtp respective ports without

- I've done some homework about Win2k ports blocking, and have verified
that my TCP/IP filtering & IPSec is not used. 

- The Win2k is out-of-box vanilla SP4, with bare minimum configuration, no
firewall or anti-virus SW. 

I think you should ask the ISP customer support for help

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Re: Good reference book

2006-09-12 Thread Welly Hartanto

Dimitar Vukman wrote:

  On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:48:41 -0700
Sam Franc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is a good reference book to get to start to learn linux and
debian? Sam


This should help, for debian:

Linux in general:


If you have managed to install debian right now,
apt-cache search debian reference will list all available packages 
related to debian.


OT: Some advice on perl: read byte to hex string

2006-09-19 Thread Welly Hartanto
I've managed to create an application for reading some bytes of data
from an id card reader connected into a serial port.
But it's under Win$ ...
So, now I've been trying for at least capturing the data then convert
it the way I want.
The convertion is called "byte to hex string" convertion.
Below is the perl script I have so far but the result is not what I
expect it.
The same algorithm works perfectly in java and vc++


#Serial Reader

use Device::SerialPort 0.12;

#Create the device object
$PORT = "/dev/ttyS0";
$serialPort = Device::SerialPort->new($PORT)
|| die "Can't create serial device for communicating...\n";

#Setup the parameters
|| die "Can't set serial port baudrate ...\n";
|| die "Can't set serial port parity ...\n";
|| die "Can't set serial port databits ...\n";
|| die "Can't set serial port stopbits ...\n";
|| die "Can't write setting ...\n";

$serialPort->lookclear;   #clear the buffer
my $gotit = "";
until ("" ne $gotit) {
$gotit = $serialPort->lookfor;#pool until data ready
die "Aborted\n" unless (defined $gotit);
sleep 1;
#Loop through the whole data
for ($i=0; $i < (length($gotit)); $i++) {
my $c = substr($gotit, $i, 1);
$c1 = $c & 0xF0;  #get the high nibble
$c1 = $c1 >> 4;   #
$c1 = $c1 & 0x0F; #
$str1 = hex($c1); #convert to hex
$c2 = $c & 0x0F;  #get the low nibble
$str2 = hec($c2); #convert to hex
print $str1 . $str2;  #display the string

undef $serialPort;

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Re: OT: Some advice on perl: read byte to hex string

2006-09-20 Thread Welly Hartanto

Dave Carrigan wrote:

  On Tuesday 19 September 2006 23:29, Welly Hartanto wrote:

for ($i=0; $i < (length($gotit)); $i++) {
my $c = substr($gotit, $i, 1);
$c1 = $c & 0xF0;  #get the high nibble
$c1 = $c1 >> 4;   #
$c1 = $c1 & 0x0F; #

$c is not a byte; it is a variable that contains a 1-byte string. So doing 
bitwise operations like & on it won't do what you expect. What it will do is 
convert $c to a numeric value (if possible) and then perform the &. For most 
of the data you are probably reading, it's converting it to 0 because it's 
not numeric to begin with. The rest of the time, it would convert it to some 
number between 1 and 9.

Presumably, what you want is the value of the byte from 0 to 255. So, you 
first need to convert $c to that value using the ord function.

$c1 = ((ord($c) & 0xf0) >> 4) & 0x0f;

$str1 = hex($c1); #convert to hex

I don't know what this hex function is supposed to do. Most likely, you want

$str1 = sprintf("%02x", $c1);

$c2 = $c & 0x0F;  #get the low nibble
$str2 = hec($c2); #convert to hex

$str2 = sprintf("%02x", ord($c) & 0x0f);

Thank you for all your suggestions.
It's solved by using :

for ($i=0; $i < (length($gotit)); $i++) {
    my $c = substr($gotit, $i, 1);
    $str1 = sprintf("%01x", ((ord($c) & 0xf0) >> 4) &
    $str2 = sprintf("%01x", ord($c) & 0x0f);
    print $str1.$str2."\t";
    print "\n";

At least for converting the data.
But another problem is it's only show the first 8 bytes only.
The data sent from the device is 11 bytes, so now 3 bytes are
I think it's something about the buffer (?)

::welly hartanto::

Below is the flow on how to read the data :

The thing is the data sometimes will form in a negative byte.
That's why some bitwise and AND operation exist.
To produce the right output I should :
1. Seperate the first 4 bit ( with & 0xF0 and 4 bitwise) .
2. And get the value back with & 0x0F.
3. Store the value ( name it "first").
4. The rest 4 bit with the & 0x0F.
5. Store the value as "second".
6. Make both value formed as hex string then concate them as

For example, the first byte which will be sent from the card reader
will always 0110(bin), which is 126(dec) or 7E(hex).

1. The & 0xF0 
    0110    <--- original value

2. The >> 4
    0111 >> 4 = 0111

3. The & 0xF0

4. The value is 7(dec) and 7(hex)
5. The last 4bit with & 0xF0


6. The value is 14(dec) or E(hex)
7. So the result will be 7E ( after concate with the first value ).

Re: Some advice on perl: read byte to hex string

2006-09-20 Thread Welly Hartanto

David Christensen wrote:

  Welly Hartanto wrote:
Below is the perl script ...

I see a few mistakes right off the bat, but this is not the proper
forum.  Take a look here:

and/or Google for more Perl stuff.

If you're still stumped, try this newsgroup:


If you are serious about learning Perl, get this book:

The same algorithm works perfectly in java and vc++

Debian GNU/Linux includes support for both of those languages (but I
prefer Perl :-).




Yeah ... Of course more digging for Pearl is absolutely what I need.
I was just so curious because the same algorithm which is
"cross-worked" in 
java and vc++, but not in my first perl script.
I've been interested in Pearl since it can be used either to make a
application and also web.
Just to get ready before Sun Java Creator make my machine hung ... ;-)

Re: Configure to share Window XP printer (before it was set up samba)

2006-09-28 Thread Welly Hartanto
rocky wrote:
> Hey,
> In my office, we have a Windows XP machine serves as file server and
> there's a SHARP AR158S printer connect to it. All of my co-workers use
> printer through the net work. I'm the only person usign Debian. I set
> up the samba and did the configuration and be able to see the shared
> folders using smb://server/. By the way the printer is shared on the
> LAN.
> I'm using KDE. I went to Control Center->peripherals->printer. There
> are 2 options for network printer. One is network
> printer(TCP). Another is newwork printer w/Ipp(IPP/HTTP)
> In both options I entered smb://server/ppp(my windows XP working
> printer name) as printer address and In the subnetwork field I input
> 192.168.1. after that I hit scan but it tells me:
> "you are about to scan a subnet(192.168.1.*)that does not correspond
> to current subnet of this computer (127.0.0.*) .Do you want to scan
> the specified subnet anyway?"
> In addition, I tried the following:
> ##snap begin#
> LIJIANG:/home/lover# lpadmin -p serverPrinter -h -i -v
> smb://server/ppp -P /root/ppp.ppd
> enable serberPrinter
> accept serberPrinter
> lpadmin -d serberPrinter
> lpadmin: Unable to connect to server: Connection timed out
> LIJIANG:/home/lover# enable serberPrinter
> bash: enable: serberPrinter: not a shell builtin
> LIJIANG:/home/lover# accept serberPrinter
> accept: Operation failed: client-error-not-found
> LIJIANG:/home/lover# lpadmin -d serberPrinter
> lpadmin: set-default failed: client-error-not-found
> #-snap end--#
If you're using cupsys, you can try http://localhost:631

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Really stupid question...

2006-02-24 Thread Welly Hartanto

mslinuz wrote:

  Ivan Teliatnikov wrote:

On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 13:17 +0700, mslinuz wrote:

  Andy Anderson wrote:


Okay, I'm sure everyone here knows how to do this
except me...

I have a server with some disk space shared using
Samba.  Each user has an account and a home share.
When a user logs in to a workstation, I'd like their
home share on the Samba server to be automatically
mounted, and then unmounted when they log off.
I'm using Gnome/GDM with Debian Sarge.  I'm sure
there is an easy way to do this that I haven't found...

Thanks for any assistance in this.


  I'm sorry if I misunderstand, but after reading your mail, I have 2
1. Users use debian with gnome/gdm in the different machine and need
  to mount the share everytime they log in.
  Create a directory for mounting user share.
  Then create a file with 0700 for everyuser place in a save place :
  smbmount //serveraddress/sharedfolder /pathtomountingpoint -o
  exit 0;
  add these line to $HOME/user/.bashrc :

  if [ -f PATHTOSCRIPTFILE ]; then
  that's all.


I have about 500+ users (students). I do not like to store user
passwords as clear text in user's home directory. Is there way to go
around this. 

  That's why 0700 file mask is recommended or 0500.
And have the script name not to "show up". Name it "" or
inrelated ;-)
You can find yourself the most secure way to place the script, but for
this to work it needs to be stored in a place where your user have access
into it.
But if the shared samba folder use the same authentication ( user/pwd ) for
every user, you could have root do the mount thing.


Sorry for wrong info, I mean if the samba shared folder is the same
that needed by every user then you can create a directory which
accessible for
all users and mounting it via /etc/fstab.
Create a group where all of your users must be added into. And have the
folder mapped with the group pemission.
For example :

//serverpath/thesharedfolder  /mnt/samba  smbfs 
,gid=1000,username=smbusername,auto  0  0

I believe there are more advanced and easier ways to do it. But those
are the things 
I usually do.