Printer problems (Slink, apsfilter, HPDJ 694c)

1999-02-17 Thread steven walsh

I've got Slink and I'm trying to make aps filter and lpr work as a
team, but it's giving me some problems (that Slackware didn't give me,
oddly enough).

I installed apsfilter and lpr from dselect.  I read the stuff for
apsfilter and found out it didn't have teh djc670 driver i used under
slackware, but that the djc550 works just as well for AIAP... in theory.

Everything installs well enough, but when I print something using
lpr, ie:

$ lpr received 

I get:

lpr: connect: Connection refused
jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.

a ps aux reveals:

root  3516  0.0  0.3   788  332 ?S17:13   0:00 lpd
root  3518  0.0  0.3   812  376 ?S17:13   0:00 lpd

two of them, as you can see.  so 

kill -9 3516 and 3518



gives yet again:

root  3604  0.0  0.3   788  332 ?S17:26   0:00 lpd
root  3606  0.5  0.3   812  376 ?S17:26   0:00 lpd

I'm assuming this is part of the problem, but not the entirety.

I've tried using LPRng and magicfilter with similar results.  I'm
telling it to use /dev/lp1 right now (but have used /dev/lp0 in the past
with similar results).


Video for Linux

1999-02-21 Thread steven walsh

I'm trying to get v4l working on my system.  I compiled it into
the kernel and dmesg seems to say I find it:

i2c: initialized
Linux video capture interface: v1.00
bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus: 0, devfn: 48, irq: 11, memory:
bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
bttv0: model: BT848(Miro)

but when I install XawTV I get:

This is xawtv-2.37, running on Linux/i586 (2.2.1)
can't open /dev/video: No such file or directory
v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
Warning: Cannot convert string "false" to type ResizeMode
x11: 1280x1024, 16 bit/pixel, 2560 byte/scanline, DGA, VidMode
open /dev/video: No such file or directory
open /dev/video: No such file or directory
no video grabber device available

and trying to make /dev/video or /dev/video_capture results in MAKEDEV
simply saying it doesn't know how to do such a thing.

Any ideas, folks?

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)


1999-02-23 Thread steven walsh
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> I would like to give the on line irc at debian a try.  What software
> package would I use, and how to set it up to access the debian channel?

There is an ircii package on there.  Some people like BitchX, for
which I also believe there is a package, but i personally find the
documentation lacking (compound that with the fact that BitchX has
umpteen-trillion features).  Though I hear EPIC (ircii next-gen client) is
better and can do away with some of the scripts that make IRCII much more
usable ( I use a slightly modified venom.irc ), but there doesn't seem to
be an Debian packages for that.  I suppose you could use "alien" on the

Re: I can't believe this

1999-03-08 Thread steven walsh
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, eferen1 wrote:

> with me.  I'm now taking a course in Linux.  It's the only way I can learn
> it.  Dos, Windows, Assembler, AppleDos, etc are all self -intuitive.  Linux
> is not.

I disagree with this.  Linux is no less self-intuitive than DOS or
assembler (or any lang).  You learn how things are put together and then
things will fall into place.  DOS isn't more intuitive (how much easier is
it to see 'dir' as a abbreviation for 'directory list" than ls for the
same thing?).

 "See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: bitchx (sucks!)

1999-03-08 Thread steven walsh
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BitchX suffers from it's own unique form of feature creep.  Use
IRCII with a nice script (one you are comfortable with and hopefully has
no nasty backdoors like the ircN script that mIRC had *snicker*). 
I hear EPIC is a nice client as well, but I haven't toyed with it

Re: bitchx (sucks!)

1999-03-09 Thread steven walsh
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:

>  I agree Steve, there are plenty of Manual(s) to read.  But for a new
> IRC user they sure confusing.  I have been trying to Window it but, as
> of yet, no luck.

Sure, there's plenty of documentation, unfortunately that's like
saying MS Office has plenty of documentation.  It's a pain to sort through
sometimes because there's just too many features in it.

My $.02

 "See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: bitchx (sucks!)

1999-03-09 Thread steven walsh
On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> steven walsh dixit:
> > On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:
> > [snip]
> > 
> > >  I agree Steve, there are plenty of Manual(s) to read.  But for a new
> > > IRC user they sure confusing.  I have been trying to Window it but, as
> > > of yet, no luck.
> > 
> > Sure, there's plenty of documentation, unfortunately that's like
> > saying MS Office has plenty of documentation.  It's a pain to sort through
> > sometimes because there's just too many features in it.
> Steve, most of the docs you pointed out say next to nothing.  One may try to
> guess (as surely most bitchx users do) how to work things out, and that
> works some times, but not always.
> What really puts me off is the fact that, eg., /help say, will tell me how
> to show some fancy (but useless and annoying to others) way of echoing the
> typed characters on screen, and though other commands, probably more useful,
> there's no help available or almost none.

I get the impression you think I _like_ BitchX.  I assure you I do
not, nor do I believe the documentation is adequately provided.

As for EfNet #bitchx, well, let's just say that I'm not surprised
at their behavior. :)

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: bitchx (sucks!) (forwarded, oops!)

1999-03-09 Thread steven walsh

- Begin Forwarded Message -

Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 15:24:00 -0600 (CST)
From: steven walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: bitchx (sucks!)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-MD5: tm9kkgAIpk3NEqxSyKGLDg==

> I didn't guess, I RTFM'd.  I read in the docs that BitchX is a
> derivative of ircII.  The ircII man pages are included in the BX package.
> Gee, start there.  Also it states that /bhelp (not /help!!!) is the BitchX
> help.  /help depends on the ircII help files which, unless you've installed
> ircII, aren't there.  

/bhelp is amusingly unsorted and approaches uselessness unless you 
actually already know the command you want.

> /bhelp.  How many times will I say that before it sinks in.  I found
> that in the first 20-30 seconds when I first used BX.

See above.

> Could that be because your domain is banned?  I bet it is.  And why?
> Because they had problems with people from your domain flooding, spamming
> and clonning on their channel.  Some of the channels I ran banned entire
> COUNTRIES because of people like that.

The ability of some IRCers to blatantly ban entire countries because of 
the acts of a few is why EfNet is in a decline.  Too many little kids fighting 
for "power" in a virtual medium.  It's funny in a sad sort of way.

> So far I've seen no evidence of that.  So far all I've seen is a guy who
> does RTFM, is a clueless newbie who took a domain ban personally and is now
> whining publicly.

I dunno, all I see is an egotistical IRC/*nix user who is so high on 
own experiences that he can't handle answering a simple question without trying 
to degrade him for _asking_.

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

- End Forwarded Message -

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: bitchx (sucks!)

1999-03-09 Thread steven walsh
> [l] Help on Topic: index
> Funny, looks alphabetized to me.

Man, "cwhom".  Chgaop cghchanch... VERY INFORMATIVE.  Alphabetical 
sorting isn't enough, "help" should be helpful.

[inanity snipped]

> It was on and undernet, not efnet.  I've not been on efnet in 5+
> years for other reasons.  And in each case we were justified.  When we get
> 20-30 people form the same country trying to clone us off a channel each
> week and maybe 1-2 "legit" users each month for maybe 10 minutes, well, you
> do the math.

You mean this sort of stupidity has invaded undernet too?  Dalnet has 
always been sort of off its head.

Regardless, the sensible thing to do would be to temporarily ban the 
country, then undo it later.  Channels tend to do things like banning entire 
domains for years after an incident, which is simply ridiculous because it 
inevitably leads to the problems mentioned by our newbie friend.

> See what you want, just know that you're more than likely 100% wrong.

I can only see what you project with your attitudes and behaviors.

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: ICQ for Linux

1999-03-11 Thread steven walsh
On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Shawn Nguyen wrote:

> Hi,
>   Does anyone know where I can download the Linux version of ICQ?  I've 
> been 
> looking around but can't seem to find it.  Thanks for any help in advance.
> Shawn
Try and search for ICQ

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: HP deskjet 695c

1999-03-12 Thread steven walsh
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Richard Harran wrote:

> I have been recommended this printer (HP dj 695c).  However, the vendor
> does not know about linux support.  He claims that it is the same
> printer as the 690C (which is listed as supported ing the linux hardware
> howto), just with a restyled casing.  Does anyone know if this printer
> will work with debian?
> Cheers
> Rich

I have a HP DeskJet 694c and it works with the apsfilter utility
using both the dj650 and the dj690 drivers, if that helps.

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-12 Thread steven walsh
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:


> Is a lot faster to just apply the 2.2.2 & 2.2.3 patches.  About 350 K
>  for the 2 or > 12M for 2.2.3 Kernel.  Your choice.

On the other hand, i like having the full tgz around Just In

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-13 Thread steven walsh
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:

>   If you have 2.2.1 and successfully add the 2.2.2 and 2.2.3
> patches, then the end product *is* 2.2.3.  Just tar it up yourself
> and name it as 2.2.3 tgz.

Details, details. >:)

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: Sound Board

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
>   With 2.2, the config of sound drivers occurs outside the kernel
> config.  You can no longer build the sound modules into the
> kernel, they must be built as modules.  With sb16, for example I
> need a config line like:
>   options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

It does?  I did it all in "make menuconfig" and it worked fine.
Yes, using 2.2.x

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: Sound Board

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> The configuration of sound AS A MODULE has changed.  It is still valid to
> compile sound support into the kernel (except possibly for PnP sound
> cards).

If you specific PNP support I haven't had any problems, though
the default IRQ in the config menu for the sb16 pnp was wrong.  Easily

Re: Printer Setup

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Shawn Nguyen wrote:

> Hello,
>   Thanks for the advice on magicfilter.  I really tried to use it but I
> gave up.  I went and downloaded the APSFilter package instead from the
> web and used it to set up my HP laserjet 1100 printer.  I finally got it
> working.  I wished that debian had included this package, or at least
> incoporated the driver filter from it.  It seems that this package had
> more filters for more printers.  

What do you mean?  APSFilter does have a Debian package in all
their trees.  Are you using some other definition of "include" that
doesn't mean "is available in the distribution"?

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: more ram and larger harddrive then the bios can take

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Sarel Botha wrote:

> It might be possible to use a program like EZ-Drive to make the maximum 
> possible
> size the bios can accept larger. I haven't tested EZ-Drive with Linux yet, 
> but I
> can't see any reason why it wouldn't work. Check for 
> the
> program (It doesn't only work on Western Digital hd's)
> --
> Sarel Botha

Just watch out, EZ-Drive tends to overwrite LILO records in the
MBR.   I think I solved this by installing LILO to a superblock not the

 "See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)


1999-03-24 Thread steven walsh
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Petru NOTINGHER wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm looking for a Linux driver for HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C.
> Apparently, magicfilter does not support it.
> Can anybody help me ?
> Thanks.

Try APSfilter instead.

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: Epson Stylus Color 740

1999-03-24 Thread steven walsh
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:

>   Subject: Epson Stylus Color 740
>   Date: Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 08:22:17PM -0800
> In reply to:Mono
> Quoting Mono([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I'm having major problems with my printer.  Parport detects it at startup
> > and does nothing.  I've tried putting it's address in the lilo command
> > line with no luck.  It's listed under /proc at port 0 with no information
> > after probing.  Is the 700 series simply incompatible with linux?
> > 
> I don't know about if its compatible or not but there are a few
> changes for 2.2.x.  The old lp1 is now lp0 so you have to change that
> in /etc/printcap.  

Double check you have the proper kernel support for parallel port
printers as well (I had a week of problems with no response from a printer
that was being detected at startup, then found out that despite my memory
of checking it off, I had not compiled printer support...ooops :) )

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: slackware 4.0

1999-03-24 Thread steven walsh
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> I saw a posting on that a slackware 4.0 beta was uploaded
> to  It is based on glibc2.1 and kernel 2.2.3
> So will a slackware with the 2.2 kernel and glibc2.1 beat debian and
> redhat?  
> (not that debian has to be first, just best).

I used slackware religiously for years.  I switched cuz 3.6 was
still on libc5.  I won't go back, however, because dkpg is just too

"See you on the flip side"

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)