please let me know if I do anything wrong, I am new to this list and quite new
to list sin gerneral.
Hello, nice to meet you all.
I am also quite new to unix, so please be patient!
my set up
I have 3 unix boxes, one gateway/mail server, one web server and one client
The gateway uses netbsd and has qmail running quite nicely on it.
The client is the one running Debian, it is an old laptop with not much ram so
I had to use Slink (2.1)
I want to collect email from my mail server and also my isp.
I have fetchmail, sendmail and pine running and it is almost working, but not
I came across a page ont he web which expalins how to do what I want to do, BUT
it says I need sendmail and sendmailcf
I have sendmail but not the sendmailcf, I looked on redhat and they have it.
Can I get it, I can't even find the source anywhere.
Where can I get it from, pacjage or source, either one.
OR someone can try to fix what I have now.
It works but all the mail goes into one root file, I want to break it up into 1
file per message.
Pine can't handle it at the moment, I am opretty sure because it is all one
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