Re: stairstep printing on an HP Deskjet

2003-10-24 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 04:28:41PM +1000, Robert William Hutton wrote:
> Corey Hickey wrote:
> >Currently, if I try to print a text file by using:
> >$ lpr text.txt
> >I get a stairstep effect
> This is due to the difference between Unix text format and the DOS text 
> format.  Unix uses LF (linefeed) as the line terminator; DOS uses LFCR 
> (linefeed-character return).  With an HP printer, sending just an LF 
> makes the printer advance to the next line.  A CR is required to return 
> the printing to the beginning of the line.

I am working with an old HP_670C (understandig PCL 3)
using following printing command for text files:

"pr -o 16  | lpr"

"pr -o 16 .."   left margin = 16 chars
adding  file header + formfeed

my '/etc/printcap' has this entry (remove dash lines):

lp|hp deskjet printer condensed w/ formfeed

The C-source of my 'hpdj' filter (see printcap line)
using internal printer commands to be more flexible:
(compile: "cc -O2 -o hpdj hpdj.c")
(compact 'hpdj': "strip hpdj")

// HP DeskJet Printer Filter:  Add CarriageReturn to LineFeed
// ==
// \wwf 20.01.03
// bin file = "/usr/local/sbin/lp/hpdj"
// reference in /etc/printcap:
// printcap: add "if=/usr/local/sbin/lp/hpdj" to printer config
// -
// (left margin: "pr -o 16  | lpr)
// (pr gererates formfeed)


#define CR  '\r'// CarriageReturn
#define LF  '\n'// LineFeed
#define FF  '\f'// FormFeed

//  Printing Control Commands for HP_670C
//  -
charRESET[]= {'\x1b','\x45'};

charLFLF[] = {'\x1b','\x26','\x6b','\x30','\x47'};
charCRLF[] = {'\x1b','\x26','\x6b','\x32','\x47'};

charCOND[] = {'\x1b','\x26','\x6b','\x32','\x53'};
charELITE[]= {'\x1b','\x26','\x6b','\x34','\x53'};

charPROP[] = {'\x1b','\x28','\x73','\x31','\x50'};

int ch; // text input chars
int i;  // loop counter

charwritebuf(char *array)   {   // write Ctrl-chars
for (i=0; i<= sizeof(array); i++)   // don't write '\0'
putc(*array++, stdout);

int main()  {
   writebuf(RESET); // printer
   writebuf(CRLF);  // control
   writebuf(COND);  // commands
// writebuf(PROP);  // (proportional)

   fflush(stdout);  // force writing

   while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)  {   // read text
putchar(ch);// write text

// putchar(FF); // formfeed (uncomment if no paper eject)
   writebuf(RESET); // reset to standard settings

(End of source 'hpdj.c' put to this mail)

If the printing configuration above won't work for Your HP printer, try

The C-source of my 'crlf' filter
using external 'carriage_return' feeding

(of cource, replace 'hpdj' by 'crlf' in 'printcap' listing above!)

(compile: "cc -O2 -o crlf crlf.c")
(compact 'crlf': "strip crlf")

// HP DeskJet Printer Filter:  Add CarriageReturn to LineFeed
// ==
//  \wwf 02.07.99
// bin file = "/usr/local/sbin/lp/crlff"
// /etc/printcap: add "if=/usr/local/sbin/lp/crlff"
// to some generic printer config
// --


#define CR  '\r'// CarriageReturn
#define LF  '\n'// LineFeed
#define FF  '\f'// FormFeed

int ch; // text input chars

int main () {
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)  {  // read text
if (ch == LF)   putchar(CR);// LineFeed
putchar(ch);// write text

//  putchar(FF);// FormFeed better via "pr" cmd!


(End of source 'crlf.c' put to this mail)

To print "*.html" files, convert them to text first:

Convert (tabular) html files to text

html2text -nobs -o .txt .html

-nobs  Do not use backspaces for boldface and underlining

To print "Umlaute", you may have to use recode:
(I put them into my 

Re: why is debian the only distribution that won't let me run X?

2003-10-25 Thread Wilko Fokken

On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 03:44:37PM +0100, Dr.-Ing. C. Hurschler wrote:
> On Saturday 25 October 2003 01:15, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > ...
> > Why not actually read the prompts given to you by debconf?  It's
> > really hard to screw that up...
> >
> >
> > Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> I disagree.  It even took me a while to figure out what settings I needed to 
> get my wheel-mouse to work.  It also took me a while to realize that I needed 
> to load kernel video drivers in order for the xfree86 driver (mga in this 
> case to work).  And I didn't find the remark about "dpkg-reconfigure 
> xserver-xfree86" in the config file for a while either.
> There are lots of things that aren't at all obvious to a newbie that isn't 
> necessarily a computer professional of some sort trying to get Debian 
> installed the first time.  I did it, and I'm glad I did, but simply telling 
> someone to just read the prompts isn't helpful.
> Chris

The same is true for me;
under "woody", 'debconf' didn't get me anywhere. I guess one has to be
rich enough to keep up with recently sold mainstream computers. My old
AMD 133 MHz with a 1 MHz Tseng ET4000 required some manual surgery to
get my configurations right. (Works nicely now with 'icewm-gnome'.)

This is not to blame any Debian developer: I am just experiencing what
it means to add some adaequate instructions to my little anti-spam mail
handling system; it seems to take much more time than programming the
stuff itself.

Does anybody know how to get a "100x40" or "100x37" textmode with a NOT
SVGA-compatible graphic card, I mean a replacement for 'SVGATextMode' ?

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Re: why is debian the only distribution that won't let me run X?

2003-10-26 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 12:23:45PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> Moin Wilko!
> Wilko Fokken schrieb am Sunday, den 26. October 2003:
> ...
> Ehm, you realize that your case is somehow constructed? ET4000 is about
> 10 years old, it is at least 3-4 mainstream generations far away from
> the current mainstream cards. Further, you don't need X on a mail
> gateway.
> ...
> What is "SVGA-compatible" from driver's point of view? If your card is
> not supported by any of the SVGATextMode drivers, the only choice you
> have is VESA framebuffer. Which, again, requires a VESA2.0 compliant
> video card and I not sure whether ET4000 was a such one.
> MfG,
> Eduard.

Mooi'n dag ok, Eduard,  

thanks for your hints, but (not to feed on any cheese of honour) my card
really is an ET4000_W32 and it works pretty sharp in "1024x768" mode; my
text mode "100x37x9_SVGA" works brilliant. (Perfect for 'mutt' with
"syntax on" in '/etc/vim/vimrc')

Of course, changing graphical contents is a bit slow, but I would't do
without my higher resolution text mode.

So I'd appreciate any information about identifying PCI-based graphic
cards being either SVGA-compatible or VESA2.0 compliant.

(hope not being too badly OT)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Simple little basic config questions

2003-10-26 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Oct 25, 2003 at 08:57:41PM -0400, Haines Brown wrote:
> ...
> 3. My usual practice is to avoid xdm and boot to a text login
>prompt. To do this, in rc2.d I belive I edited the symlink to the
>xdm program, renaming "S99xdm ->..." to "K99xdm ->...". But in
>debian I get a beep when I try. Am I imagining I once edited the
>name of a symlink? Can't one do it in debian?
> Haines Brown  

Same with me,

if you'd like some additional first aid to temporarily remove / restore
any command in '/etc/init.d/' (including all related softlinks), you
might try my bash script, I named '/usr/local/bash/init.d':


# \wwf 9.3.02

USE ()  {
  echo ""
  echo "Save+Remove // Restore  Start_Stop Files in /etc/init.d/"
  echo ""
  setterm -bold on
  echo 'including related Links in   /etc/rc?.d/'
  setterm -bold off
  echo "usage:"
  echo "$0  [{-s|-r}] (-s = default)"
  echo ""
  echo '( put Filename Wildcards in Double-Quotes:   "*",  "?" )'
  echo 'Options:'
  echo ''
  echo '-s = (S)avefiles to   /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz'
  echo '-r = (R)estore files from /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz'
  echo '(-s:  Files are MOVED from Directories to Archive)'
  echo '(-r:  Files are MOVED from Archive to Directories)'

Save () {
  test -d /etc/init.d/SAVE || mkdir /etc/init.d/SAVE

  echo "Save+Deinstall init.d Files to /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz"
  echo "="
  cd /etc/init.d

#   Skip bad Params
if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
  echo "/etc/init.d/${FILE}:  NO FILE -- skipping Param"
  echo "--"
  continue  ## comment this line: save links only
#   ## when /etc/init.d/ is missing

if [ -f SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz ]; then
  echo "Dest_Archive already exists:"
  echo "NO REwriting to /etc/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz -- skipping Param"
  echo "--"

#   Begin of Job
echo -n "Save+Deinstall /etc/init.d/${FILE} ? "; read answ
case "$answ" in
  y*|Y*|j*|J*)  echo "Answer = ${answ}";;   # Save Files
  *  )  echo "Answer = ${answ}:NO Action -- skipping Param"

echo Saving spec''d Files to /etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz
echo "-"
find /etc/rc* /etc/init.d -name "*${FILE}" | \
tar -cvzf /etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz -PT -
echo "Comparing Tar Archive to orig. Source Files"
echo "---"
tar -dvzf /etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz

if [ `echo $?` = 0 ]; then
  echo "=="
  echo "All Files saved OK"
  echo "=="
  echo -n "Remove saved Source Files now ? "; read answ
  case "$answ" in
y*|Y*|j*|J*) echo "Answer = ${answ}";;  # Remove Files
*  ) echo "Answer = ${answ}: Files NOT removed"
  echo "Removing saved Files from /etc/rc*/   /etc/init.a/"
  find /etc/rc* /etc/init.d -name "*${FILE}" -exec rm {} \;
  echo "ERROR, BAD Match!!"
  echo "=="
  echo "/etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz differs to"
  echo "Source Files in /etc/rc*/, /etc/init.d/"
  echo "NO File removed"

Restore ()  {
  echo "Reinstall Files from /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz"
  echo "---"
  cd /etc/init.d/SAVE/
[ -f ${FILE} ] && ARCHIV=${FILE}
[ -f ${FILE}.tar.gz ] && ARCHIV=${FILE}.tar.gz
##  echo "File = " ${FILE} "Archive = " ${ARCHIV}; read answ

if [ -z ${ARCHIV} ]; then
  echo "NO matching Archive: " ${FILE} "-- skipping Param"

echo -n "Reinstall ${ARCHIV} ? "; read answ

case "$answ" in
  y*|Y*|j*|J*) ;;   # Answer = 'yes', start Job
  *  ) echo "Answer = ${answ}: NO Action taken!!";

echo "Reinstalling Archive to /etc/rc*, /etc/init.d/"
tar -xvkzf ${ARCHIV} -P

echo -n "Remove" ${ARCHIV} "now ? "; read answ
case "$answ" in
  y*|Y*|j*|J*) echo "Answer = $

Re: Simple little basic config questions

2003-10-27 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 07:57:20AM -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> As for setting up basic bash configuration, a little experimentation
> shows that this is what I've got (debian 3.0r1). 
> Root has both .bashrc and .profile, and the configuations (custom bash
> prompt and setterm) can go in either place. User has a .bashrc and
> .bash_profile (there's no .profile), and the configuration must go
> into the latter. It does not work for me if put into .bashrc.

I once gathered this information (is this right ?):

# ~/.profile, at login autoread by all Bourne-compatible shells \
(after /etc/profile)

# ~/.profile is *NOT* executed by bash shell if ~/.bash_profile exists

# All 2nd level bash shells will read ~/.bashrc

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Re: vim syntax

2003-10-27 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 08:53:22AM -0500, Gregory Seidman wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 05:25:01PM +1300, Paul William wrote:
> } Hi
> } 
> } How do I have vim syntax highlighting always on instead of having to
> } type :syntax on?
> Add syntax on to your .vimrc
or to '/etc/vim/vimrc' for other users, too

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Re: why is debian the only distribution that won't let me run X?

2003-10-27 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 02:53:11AM +, Pigeon wrote:
> SiS6326-based cards are cheap, are available in PCI format, and can be
> used with svgatextmode using my ClockProg. They're crap for games but
> fine for desktop stuff.

Thanks for your information, I'll try buying such a card.

What is it about your 'ClockProg', can it's output be used as "Clocks" 
in '/etc/X11/XF86Config' ?

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Re: Pathetic Writer (or siagoffice)

2003-10-27 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 02:40:29PM +1100, Ken Caldwell wrote:
> I was looking for a small word processor and spreadsheet to be used on
> some old computers (Pentium 75 with 32MB RAM and 520MB HDD) and tried to
> use Pathetic Writer which is part of siagoffice but it seems to crash.
> Ken
Do you really need wordprocessing combined with a spreadsheet within one
single program?

If not, you may try 'slsc' as a not so bad spreadsheet in text mode;
this may lead you to a better wordprocessor not overeating your system
ressources - if not even to working with 'latex'.


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Re: Think I need ttyN where N>8...

2003-10-27 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 03:45:58PM +0100, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> Hi!
> I think I need to make more tty-devices, and I'm using devfs, so the 
> short question is: How can I make more than the usual tty0 to tty8? 
> (Because it is only those in Debian from the start, right...?)
Do you mean devices '/dev/tty0' .. '/dev/tty63' ? (Debian defaults)

Or do you want to use more of them in text mode ?
then add them to '/etc/inittab' (excluding tty7 used by X).

With '/etc/inittab' supplemented, e.g.:

8:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty8
9:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty9
10:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty10
11:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty11
12:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty12
24:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty24

(after relogin),
access the new available text screens:

 .. ,  .. 
 (tty1)  (tty12)(tty13)   (tty24) 

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Re: nfs problem

2003-10-28 Thread Wilko Fokken

BTW, is there still a way to mount a windows dirtree via nfs ?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: way-OT: regularity of german v. english [was: Re: OT - Programming Languages w/o English Syntax]

2003-10-28 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 04:52:35PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 14:37, Tom wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 12:11:49PM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:
> > >   english is like lego, yes there are some pieces that change shape 
> > > etc. but it consists mostly of bricks and brick like pieces. german (and 
> > > lot of other languages) is more like putty - you mold things together. 
> > > the lego-like structure of english makes it easier to create a computer 
> > > language...
>  ...
> Which is also one reason why English is a successful Lingua Franca
> (pun intended).
I agree, especially to your lego example. The following attempts to
look at some possible historical reasons for linguistic differences
of these languages.

The English language is, apart from it's Romance admixture, widely
derived from the ancient (mutually closely related) Frisian / Saxon /
Anglian languages of the 5th century A.D. (Even the English people today
prove indiscernable from their continental Frisian neighbours to DNA
investigations excluding Welsh and Scottish relationships, of course.)
Up to the 12th century, English puppet actors could play without
interpreter at continental shores.

These ancient languages were known for their terse, concentrated legal
terminology: "Frisia non cantat, Frisia ratiocinatur" (Frisia doesn't
sing, Frisia counsels). The other linguistic root, the Latin language,
was equally well adjusted to legislation; the "Roman Law" is still being
studied by law-students.

(As both linguistic ancestors proved inclined rather to legal
terminologies, I wonder how far the English musical culture might be
based on Celtic influences.)

Legal terminology requires defining rock solid linguistic terms in order
to stay firm to legal disputing. On the other hand, legal terms must be
flexible in a certain way, to be able to cover individual cases through
generalized rules. In legislation, the real, practical social life is
condensed to an abstract model - quite similar to computing, I guess.

Another benefit to the English language may have been the long seafaring
history of the British nation. Sailing in rough weather condtions tends
to shorten clumsy words (the big ones get lost), an effect one can find
in the Dutch language, too.

Over the centuries, the German language had been split up into various
regional dialects - since the "Roman Empire of German Nation" was
scattered into hundreds of powerless mini-states, probably due to the
fact that the German emperors, contrary to their neighboured kingdoms,
had to permanently fight an additional war: not only against their own
vassals, but also against the popes representing the power of the Roman
Church. So, beneath the weakened power of the empire, the vassals became
more and more independent, a cause for permanent quarreling among each
other. Finally, the German empire ended up as the main battlefield for
the European powers (it was terminated during the French invasion under
Napoleon in 1806).

While the European neighbours started discovering and later ruling the
world, the Germans lead a rather regional life within small societies,
physically and mentally confined to narrow boundaries, where people were
fairly familiar with each other, where the presence of strangers meant
war and distress. Such a powerless life for centuries led to a deep
longing for that great, strong emperor, who would unify his empire, end
all feuds and take his people out of distress and misery into peace.

On the other hand, this rather poor ground grew a precious little social
flower, the subtle democratic organizing of life in co-operative ways,
e.g. leading to nationwide farmer's co-operative banking assosiations,
combined with co-operatives for buying and selling farmer's products
(Raiffeisen) as well as to exemplary trade unions with their special
retail stores (Konsum) for their working class members. Governmental
responses were (due to the power of the trade unions) the first social
insurances and, later in the 20th century, the social market economy.

(It is my opinion that the German military efficiency during the last
two centuries is more a kind of explosive reaction to the ending of the
old confinement to a small life - similar to the Irisch, who became by
far the fiercest fighters during the Civil War, after having been freed
from distress and helpless powerty of the past.)

I touched these aspects to give some hint on how the collective German
mind - and language - might have been touched in the long-term past. I
think the linguistic terms become "more like bricks" in ruling societies
staying atop of their problems compared to societies subdued to other
powers and helpless about their problems. The German language tends to
be "more like bricks", where scholars left the turf of practical reality
to deal with more abstract problems in philosophy and religion. Instead
of conquering the world, the Germans tended to develop the instruments
for such tasks.

A smal

Re: can't set hdparm -d1 and correct kernel config

2003-10-29 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 05:25:49AM +, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> >>Use this command to see what kernel options there are and what is 
> >>selected in your kernel config file located in  /boot.
> >>'cat /boot/config- |grep DMA' 
> >>- -- 
> >>Greg Madden
> I did this and the only options that were set are
> All the others are specified as "is not set"
> So it seems as if dma is allowed here.
> Regards,
> Benedict

(This is what my old AMD 133 MHz shows)

# grep DMA config-2.2.20

Hardware question:
Are all jumpers (master/slave) correct, including CD / DVD drive ?
May it be worth to switch the sequence of HD / CD .. drives?


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Re: Using Gshutdown with normal user

2003-09-11 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 03:41:19PM -0300, Angelo Marcos Rigo wrote:
> Hi 
> I would like to use the gshutdown utility from the system menu ondebian woody
> but when i press it he says that only the root user can use it 
> How can i use the gshutdown utility with a normal user?
> without having to change to root user?
copy gshutdown to your user account, + change owner, group to your user

This did at least work with shutdown under Debian Woody.

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Re: Uppercasing filenames

2003-09-20 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 05:06:26PM -0400, Jeff Elkins wrote:
> I need to convert a bunch of filenames to uppercase. I tried the script below, 
> which does...nothing.
> #!/bin/sh
> for file in $*
>  do
>  if [ -f $file ]
>  then
>   ucfile=`echo $file | tr [a-z] [A-Z]`
>   if [ $file != $ucfile ]
>   then
>   mv -i $file $ucfile
>   fi 
>  fi
>  done
> Any tips?
> Jeff Elkins
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for i in *; do
if test -f $i; then
mv $i `echo $i | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`

fi; done

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Re: debian stalatie

2003-09-21 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 01:55:34PM +0200, marinus wrote:
> beste user.
> kan ik debian instaleren als aternatief voor windows?
> kan dat op een pentium1 - 166?
> bij voorbaat dank

moin marinus,

mijn Pentium = 133 MHz
met 128 MB RAM

(16 MB werk well met text monitor; >=32 MB werk ok met X Window)

mijn window manager = icewm, met 12 schakelbare screens

dit system werkt well en bevredigend snell, ook met Open Office.

Van belang kan de grafik-kaart wesen; mijn is een heel oude
Tseng ET4000 met 1 MB RAM - beter was een grafik-kaart met >=4MB

(ik werke niet met fotos etc.)

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Re: debian stalatie

2003-09-21 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 05:26:13PM +0200, Willem-Jan Meijer wrote:
> > marinus  schreef op zondag 21 september
> > 2003 13:56: 
> > 
> >> beste user.
> >> kan ik debian instaleren als aternatief voor windows?
> >> kan dat op een pentium1 - 166?
> >> 
> >> bij voorbaat dank
> > 
> > Hello Marinus,
> > 
> > Ja dat kan, maar dan moet je al wel enige ervaring hebben met linux
> > en je pc hiervoor houdt niet over. Je kunt het proberen met knoppix,
> > dit is debian op 1 cd gepropt en dan kun je kijken of je het wat
> > vindt. Dit is trouwens een engelse lijst, dus de volgende keer graag
> > in het engels een vraag stellen.
Knoppix werkt op mijn Pentium 133 + Tseng ET4000 alleen in text mode,
niet met X Window.

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Re: howto/faq: installing & configuring debian on old hardware

2003-09-30 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 06:31:29AM -0700, matt wilkie wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone direct me to a faq or howto on installing and configuring
> debian for end users on quite old hardware? Old means 486 and early
> pentiums (<200mhz).

I am using a Pentium w/ AMD K5, 128 MB RAM and a Tseng ET4000 (1 MB)
graphic card, plus an AMD 486-100, 64 MB RAM, w/ a lately bought SiS
graphic card that I didn't configure yet for X, because it needs
non-standard drivers.

Installing from Debian CDs: select the 'vanilla' kernel containing
options for older hardware.

For X-Window, I selected 'icewm' as a fast and effective window manager,
extended X to 12 screens (switchable w/ 'Ctrl-Alt 1' .. 'Ctrl-Alt c').

This configuration is done through an enty in /etc/X11/icewm/preferences:
WorkspaceNames=" 1 "," 2 "," 3 "," 4 "," 5 "," 6 "," 7 "," 8 "," 9 "," a
"," b "," c "

My text mode is extended to 23 screens
(switchable w/ 'Alt-F1' ..  'Alt-F12', 'AltGr-F1' .. 'AltGr-F12').

This configuration is done in /etc/inittab:
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6
# (No. 7 reserved for X)
8:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty8
24:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty24

As my Tseng ET4000 is compatible with SVGA mode, I enjoy crisp text mode
screens w/ 100x37 characters, due to 'svgatextmode' (depending on

Texts to read:
Installation Manual (on CD or download from "")


"google" internet

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Re: simple text formatting

2003-10-07 Thread Wilko Fokken
Here follows an answer in C:
(best viewed with "tabstop=4" in ~/.vimrc)

you can simply add some more char's (e.g: '/')
to be ignored as whitespace: just add them
to the head of the 'case' list, e.g.   "case '/':"  
without futher additions and recompile: "cc 

This program is to be called up as a filter, e.g:

a.out < textfile> lexical_file
cat textfile | a.out > lexical_file
cat textfile | a.out# output goes to the screen


#define CR  '\r'//CarriageReturn
#define LF  '\n'//LineFeed
#define TAB '\t'//Tabulator

#define YES 1
#define NO  0

int ch; //text
charnewline;//mark LineFeed condition

main () {
newline = YES;  //NO Linefeed before text

while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) {   //read text
switch (ch) {
case CR:
case TAB:
case LF:if (newline == NO) {
newline = YES;

newline = NO;

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Re: Small Debian-based distro suitable for 586?

2003-10-09 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 01:47:20AM +0100, Joseph Jones wrote:
> Does such an animal exist? I'm thinking of setting an older box up as a 
> fileserver, but I need to know whether there're any kernel patches or 
> modules that allow the use of large HDDs (60GB) on older machines 
> *without* additonal hardware.

My motherboard = Chaintech 5IFM (09/1996) w/ AMD K5 133 MHz;

I installed an IBM Deskstar (60 GB) as hda;
I installed an IBM DAQA 33240 (6 GB) as hdb.
my hdc is an "ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM drive, 512kB Cache"

My Debian Woody didn't need any special configuration;
my BIOS HD was set to LBA.

As I am mostly interested in Linux, I installed my Windows 95 on the
1st partitions of both HD drives and on the last partition of hda,
the rest is Linux.

I fine tuned my disk drives in

# ---
# Tune harddisc + cdrom   \wwf 14.5.03
#   This prog should be called first from /etc/rcS.d

# Common Params for both (technically similar) HDs
/sbin/hdparm -A1 -c1 -d1 -X34 -k1 -m16 -u1 -S192 /dev/hda /dev/hdb

# Params for CDROM
/sbin/hdparm -c1 -d1 -X34 -k1 -u1 /dev/hdc

# -A1   = set drive read-lookahead
# -c1   = set IDE 32-bit IO setting
# -d1   = set using_dma flag
# -X34  = select multiword DMA mode2
# -k1   = keep_settings_over_reset flag
# -m16  = set multiple sector count (hdparm -i -> MaxMultSect=16)
# -u1   = set unmaskirq flag
# -S192 = set spindown timeout = 192 * 5 sec == 16 min
# ---

This file is called up at earliest boot time through
/etc/rcS.d/ -> ../init.d/

# ---
#! /bin/sh
# Tune harddisc + cdrom   \wwf 14.5.03
#   This prog should be called first from /etc/rcS.d

. /etc/default/

# ---

(your mileage may vary)

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Re: windows NT

2003-10-10 Thread Wilko Fokken

On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 03:32:03PM -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
> Oh, my! 
> It's not an application.
> Debian will replace your NT4 and make your 233 run better.
> Cam
> -- 
> Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.

(Be careful what you are praying for: it might replace YOU.)

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Re: CTRL+ALT+Backspace will kill the X-server

2003-11-25 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 12:00:32PM -0500, David Z Maze wrote:
> "Sridhar M.A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If you want to temporarily disable booting to xdm on your VT100 and
> > revert to xdm once you get back the monitor, just disable the xdm
> > startup from all levels.
> >
> ># update-rc.d -f xdm remove
> >
> > After you get back the monitor,
> >
> ># update-rc.d xdm defaults
> Neither of these are the right answer.  (a) will cause the /etc/rc?.d
> links to be put back into place if the package gets upgraded; (b) will
> put the links back, but at the wrong priority, so xdm would get
> started before things like cron.  Not a huge deal, but it's probably
> easier to leave one runlevel (say, 5) in the "pristine" state; delete
> /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm if you don't want xdm to start, and then use 'ln -s'
> to make a link identical to what's in /etc/rc5.d if you want to bring
> it back.

I have written a bash script to remove/restore any file entry
  in '/etc/init.d',
including ALL links and save them
  to '/etc/init.d/SAVE/'   as .tar.gz.

e.g. "init.d -s xdm"
  saves /etc/init.d/xdm and ALL links referring to xdm 
  to "/etc/init.d/SAVE/xdm.tar.gz

 "init.d -r xdm" will restore xdm and ALL links to place

The advantage: any change made to "xdm" or to any link adjustment will
be saved and, if needed, later restored to its original state.

One can easily test the system's reaction to removing a file, and, if
problems show up, restore the file.

Here is this script:   (on my system stored in '/usr/local/sh')


# \wwf 9.3.02

USE ()  {
  echo ""
  echo "Save+Remove // Restore  Start_Stop Files in /etc/init.d/"
  echo ""
  setterm -bold on
  echo 'including related Links in   /etc/rc?.d/'
  setterm -bold off
  echo "usage:"
  echo "$0  [{-s|-r}] (-s = default)"
  echo ""
  echo '( put Filename Wildcards in Double-Quotes:   "*",  "?" )'
  echo 'Options:'
  echo ''
  echo '-s = (S)avefiles to   /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz'
  echo '-r = (R)estore files from /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz'
  echo '(-s:  Files are MOVED from Directories to Archive)'
  echo '(-r:  Files are MOVED from Archive to Directories)'

Save () {
  test -d /etc/init.d/SAVE || mkdir /etc/init.d/SAVE

  echo "Save+Deinstall init.d Files to /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz"
  echo "="
  cd /etc/init.d

#   Skip bad Params
if [ ! -f ${FILE} ]; then
  echo "/etc/init.d/${FILE}:  NO FILE -- skipping Param"
  echo "--"
  continue  ## comment this line: save links only
#   ## when /etc/init.d/ is missing

if [ -f SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz ]; then
  echo "Dest_Archive already exists:"
  echo "NO REwriting to /etc/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz -- skipping Param"
  echo "--"

#   Begin of Job
echo -n "Save+Deinstall /etc/init.d/${FILE} ? "; read answ
case "$answ" in
  y*|Y*|j*|J*)  echo "Answer = ${answ}";;   # Save Files
  *  )  echo "Answer = ${answ}:NO Action -- skipping Param"

echo Saving spec''d Files to /etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz
echo "-"
find /etc/rc* /etc/init.d -name "*${FILE}" | \
tar -cvzf /etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz -PT -
echo "Comparing Tar Archive to orig. Source Files"
echo "---"
tar -dvzf /etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz

if [ `echo $?` = 0 ]; then
  echo "=="
  echo "All Files saved OK"
  echo "=="
  echo -n "Remove saved Source Files now ? "; read answ
  case "$answ" in
y*|Y*|j*|J*) echo "Answer = ${answ}";;  # Remove Files
*  ) echo "Answer = ${answ}: Files NOT removed"
  echo "Removing saved Files from /etc/rc*/   /etc/init.a/"
  find /etc/rc* /etc/init.d -name "*${FILE}" -exec rm {} \;
  echo "ERROR, BAD Match!!"
  echo "=="
  echo "/etc/init.d/SAVE/${FILE}.tar.gz differs to"
  echo "Source Files in /etc/rc*/, /etc/init.d/"
  echo "NO File removed"

Restore ()  {
  echo "Reinstall Files from /etc/init.d/SAVE/.tar.gz"

Re: Need a user-friendly, low-requirement desktop

2003-11-26 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 09:22:42AM +, Anthony Campbell wrote:

Additionally, I like icewm's nice tiny display in the taskbar:

  a) load on localhost

  b) load on LAN
  c) load on ppd connection

On my AMD 133 MHz/128 MB RAM,
I extended icewm from 6 to 12 screens by editing


WorkspaceNames=" 1 "," 2 "," 3 "," 4 "," 5 "," 6 "," 7 "," 8 "," 9 "," a "," b "," c "

it doesn't seem to slow my system down.

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Re: Setting text mode in the console

2003-11-29 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 11:31:10PM -, Cruncher wrote:
> Anybody know whether and how I can set text modes in the console?  I'm running 
> woody, on a Pentium 200 with ATI Mach 64 chipset.  I've installed svgalib, 
> svgatextmode and fbset but I can't see how to change my text mode from 80x25.

(your mail would be easier to read with lines <= 72 chars.
Using mutt w/ vim: edit to "/usr/share/vim/vim61/syntax/muttrc.vim":

   set textwidth=72

Your /etc/TextConfig (configuring svgatextmode) seems still to have the
default mode "80x25" activated.

Using "svgatextmode" obsoletes any boot parameter for a graphic card,
as "svgatextmode" will substitute it's settings anyway.

Setting up your "chipset" configuration w/in /etc/TextConfig is still up
to you. (Maybe you can get clock settings from SuperProbe.)

(few lines from /etc/TextConfig):
# Optionally define the "default" mode, which will be called when
# SVGATextMode
# is started _without_ a mode definition string.
## DefaultMode "80x25"
DefaultMode "100x37x9_SVGA"

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Re: xtree for Linux

2003-12-22 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 10:11:37PM -0800, Gruessle wrote:
> > From: Paul Johnson
> > You want mc.
> >
> I got mc  :)
> But I think xTree Gold was better :))
> --
> Gruessle
searching  for Linux ytree:

W. Fokken

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Re: xtree for Linux

2003-12-23 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 08:23:25AM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Wilko Fokken wrote:
> >
> >searching  for Linux ytree:
> >
> >
> >
> ...
> But what were your search terms?
> ...
> Hugo.
My search terms were "Linux ytree"  (see above).

W. Fokken

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Re: [OT] XTree

2003-12-23 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 09:28:42AM -0800, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> * Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031217 19:55]:
> No way! xtg was absolutely _indispensible_ in those days.  I don't
> think I ever ran into a PC without it.  Not twice, anyway ;-)  XTree
> still blows the pants off of any dos file manager (*cough* explorer)
> I've had the misfortune of using.
> Installing ytree now...
> Holy crap, that takes me back!  Awesome!
Well, I did like Xtree Gold (xtg) in those days of DOS very much, but,
later, I found the Norton Commander even more convincing, due to it's
duplicated directory display.

In my opinion, this is still the best file handling tool available,
mirrored nowadays by the Midnight Commander ('mc') for Linux (OK, I
still have to compile it myself in order to enable it to recover
deleted ext2 files.)

I am especially lucky with my ancient "ET4000" graphic card allowing a
brilliant 'DefaultMode "100x37x9_SVGA"' under 'SVGATextMode'.

This greatly enhances my files display under 'mc' or 'ytree', and adds
space to the right side of program texts, where lots of minor comments
can be added without having to insert extra commenting lines, so that
viewing the code text remains less disturbed.

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Re: cfdisk vs fdisk & speaking of Western Digital drives...

2004-01-05 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Jan 03, 2004 at 04:52:06PM -0500, Andy Firman wrote:
> Hello.  I am not a hard drive expert and need some help in 
> understanding a few things.
> First, what is the difference between fdisk and cfdisk,
> other cfdisk being curses based?

I read somewhere that 'cfdisk' should be better in defining partition
borders fitting to those virtual cylinders and sectors of IDE drives.

With my 8 years old computer, I found following the Win95 FDISK by
cfdisk in order to partition the rest of my drives for Linux to be less
error-prone than working with fdisk.

I forgot the details, but with fdisk, I ran into some error messages
concerning partition borders, even writing errors from Linux partitions
into Windows partitions or so.  Unfortunately, I can't give more
details, but I would suggest using fdisk and, if troubles should show
up, especially in combination with other OSs, try cfdisk. 

W. Fokken

Wilko Fokken   Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollartto thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-382

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: hdparm questions

2004-01-14 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 09:47:37AM +0100, David Baron wrote:
> No, this is not being run on Debian startup. Editing either /etc/default/
> hdparm or (I made a) /etc/hdparm.conf has not effect.
> Where does one fine hwtools? apt-get did not work.
> How might one add and a script  /etc/rc#/hdparm? (Just take one of the other, 
> leave the preambles and simply do hdparm?)
Hello David,

I find the Debian packages "hwtools" and "hdparm" on my Debian cdroms.

With "hdparm", you can adjust the performance of your hd's and cdrom's.

With "hwtools", you get the program 'irqtune', allowing you to reorder
the priority of your system's irq's; simply running '/usr/sbin/irqtune'
will optimize serial line performance (for internet connections) without
impairing your IDE-performance.

On my private system, I wrote '/etc/init.d/' containing just a
single command:
. /etc/default/

('chown root:root'  'chmod 0755')

within '/etc/rcS.d', I set a single calling link:
'ln ../init.d/'

(no stop command required at shutdown)

The real shell script '' I put into '/etc/default/', in order
to have my basic system configuration combined within one directory.

The following shows my shell script '/etc/default/';
(old motherboard with two year old HD's; your optimization may vary):

## (Begin of shell script):

# Tune harddisc + cdrom   \wwf 14.5.03
#   This prog should be called early from /etc/rcS.d

# Common Params for both HDs
/sbin/hdparm -A1 -c1 -d1 -X34 -k1 -m16 -u1 -S192 /dev/hda /dev/hdb

# Params for CDROM
/sbin/hdparm -c1 -d1 -X34 -k1 -u1 /dev/hdc

# Some params briefly explained:
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# -A1   = set drive read-lookahead
# -c1   = set IDE 32-bit IO setting
# -d1   = set using_dma flag
# -X34  = select multiword DMA mode2
# -k1   = keep_settings_over_reset flag
# -m16  = set multiple sector count (hdparm -i -> MaxMultSect=16)
# -u1   = set unmaskirq flag
# -S192 = set spindown timeout = 192 * 5 sec == 16 min

## (End of shell script)

Good luck


Wilko Fokken   Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollartto thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-382

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Re: Is swen back?

2004-01-19 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 06:16:02PM +, duck wrote:
> > Thanks, but I am connected to the internet using an analog modem, so the
> > way for me to get rid of them is deleting them on the server. I really
> > don't want to download some MB of viruses every day only to delete them
> > right afterwards :-)
> mailfilter is good for filtering out swen and the like. I have set it to
> delete all messages over 146888K on this email account (this is not my
> main account, so I don't expect to receive large attachments here anyway).
My preferred mailfilter rules (for this mailing list only):



Wilko Fokken   Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollartto thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-382

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2003-07-24 Thread Wilko Fokken

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Re: Restoring /etc/inittab

2004-05-17 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 09:09:29AM +0200, Pierg75 wrote:
> Adam Funk wrote:
> >On Wednesday 12 May 2004 17:40, Pierg75 wrote:
> >>Somewhere i read that an alias should never be an alias of itself,
> >>something like alias rm='rm -i'
> >alias ls='ls --color=auto'
> >alias rm='rm -vi'
> >alias cp='cp -vi'
> >alias mv='mv -vi'
> >alias cal='cal -3m'  # week starts on Monday
> >
> >and I'm sure I got this idea from some reputable Unix books.  This way
> >rm always asks *except* when you use -f.
> It works for sure, because somewhere i use it too.
> I was meaning about the comcept:
> because if you get use of this approach, when you go to work on a 
> machine that doesn't have this alias, immagine what you coul do if you 
> write rm /etc/apache/* because you are sure (or you don't pay 
> attention) that would ask you to confirm.
> Since i read that article (it was on a magazine), i try to don't use 
> this kind of aliases and to pay more attention on what i'm doing.


within bash, you could use an alternate kind of aliases in order to
circumvent any reentrance problem under a different OS:

alias rm='/bin/rm -vi'
alias cd="builtin cd ${CDHOME}"

Wilko Fokken   Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollartto thoughtful uncertainty.

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Re: Pentium 100Mhz New User

2004-03-11 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 02:09:58AM +, Tomy Alarie wrote:
> I have a serial mouse type 
> Com-2 or serial. I just want to know which selection im supposed to choose 
> in the xfree86 configuration generated by debconf ?

On my Pentium 133 MHz, my cheap 3-key serial mouse
(hardware type  = "Mouse Systems") runs well with
following mouse entries in '/etc/XF86Config-4':

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Section "ServerLayout"
#   ...
InputDevice"Serial Mouse" "CorePointer"

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"  "true"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Serial Mouse"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "MouseSystems"
Option  "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
Option  "SendCoreEvents"  "true"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(On power-on, I have to keep pressing my left mouse key
for some seconds, in order to switch it's hardware reaction
from "microsoft" to "mouse systems" mode.

I prefer running my mouse in "Mouse Systems" mode,
compared to "Microsoft" mode, since that way,
I don't need any emulation for operating my
middle mouse key.)

Wilko Fokken   Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollartto thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-382

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Re: Looking for nice, small display manager

2004-03-18 Thread Wilko Fokken
Herewidth testifying: My favorite WM (so far) is 'icewm-gnome'.

It's main assets to me:

- it is small, clean and fast

- it's panel shows up to 3 little graphical squares showing system activities:
a) system load
b) LAN load
c) online load

- Ctrl-ESC (or mouse-Right) shows main menu

- Ctrl-Alt- moves easily through my screens
- Ctrl-Alt-<1 .. 0> switches to the Nth screen

- Alt-Tab moves through my windows w/in one screen

- a tiny panel icon shows a letter symbol turning green on new mail

On my AMD-100 MHz PC, 128 MB RAM, I extended this WM from 4 to 12
screens in order to separate different activities more easily.

My main drawback: So far, I did not look for a good config program, I
did it manually, mainly by editing the text files in


Icons of newly installed programs (e.g. "opera.xpm") should be copied to


The digital panel clock looks a bit ugly to me but does its job.

If anybody knows a usefull configuration program, this nice WM would
sure get some more customers.

moin, Wilko

Wilko Fokken   Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollartto thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-382

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Your identity is a mere email address: a SPAM criterion ?

2004-04-22 Thread Wilko Fokken


Wilko Fokken   Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67   from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Dollartto thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-382

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bash

2014-11-15 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:45:19PM +0200, Gokan Atmaca wrote:
> I want to conditionally output from the bash command. for example
> telnet localhost 25
> 220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Postfix
> #! / bin / bash
> COMMAND = `telnet localhost 25`
> if ["$ COMMAND" == "220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Postfix"]
> echo "postfix ok"
> else
> echo "postfix error"

Your bash syntax, corrected:

#! /bin/bash

if [ "$COMMAND" = "220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Postfix" ]; then
echo "ok"
echo "bad"

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Re: command isn't working in crontab

2012-09-28 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 01:35:04AM +0200, Tomas Hulata wrote:
> Hello, below command works in command line but not as a cronjob can  
> someone explain me why?
> 23 58  * * *   rootcd /some_path/;mkdir "CAM1-$(date +%d.%m.%Y)";mv  
> ./CAM1/*.* ./"CAM1-$(date +%d.%m.%Y)"/;mkdir "CAM2-$(date +%d.%m.%Y)";mv  
> ./CAM2/*.* ./"CAM2-$(date +%d.%m.%Y)"/
> I want to move files from /some_path/CAM1 directory to directory called  
> CAM1-'today date' and the  same for /some_path/CAM2 directory

Dealing with 'crontab', I used the following time/date sequence:

 minutes  hours  day-of-month  month  day-of-week

In your example, you started with hours, followed by minutes.

I hope, my sequence indicated above might work for you.

(Have a nice cron)


Dabbian is an ancient American word meaning 'I can't put my finger at Ubuntu'.

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Re: mutt can't send mail (Interrupted system call)

2014-07-23 Thread Wilko Fokken

Moin mitnanner, moin Anthony.

I remember having had similar problems with my mutt/wheezy on my laptop.
(My mails are handled by my provider; I use fetchmail to get them.)

As Interrupt reactions of your mail system could be due to missing files
or directories, I put an excerpt of my own exim4/mutt configuration here
running under Wheezy in order to assist you in evaluating your entries.

(my local login name = wwf)

~/.muttrc (mode= 0640, owner =wwf:mail)
my_hdr (my email address at my email provider)
set realname="Wilko Fokken"

set editor=vim  (make sure vim is found by mutt!)

set charset=UTF-8

set folder=~/Mail   # Where my mail folders go
set postponed=~/Mail/mutt/postponed # Where to put postponed messages
set tmpdir=/tmp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Make sure to install directories according to .muttrc contents:

mkdir -p ~/Mail/archive
cd ~/Mail/archive
touch now

mkdir -p ~/Mail/mutt
cd ~/Mail/mutt
touch postponed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

check for entry in /etc/email-addresses:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

my mail files (mode= 0660, owner= wwf:mail)
are located in directory:
/var/mail (mode= 2775, owner= root:mail)


in directory /etc/exim4/ (0755, root:root), I modified 3 files:

(active entries = my alterations)

# dc_eximconfig_configtype='local'
# dc_other_hostnames=''
# dc_local_interfaces=''
dc_local_interfaces=' ; ::1'
# dc_readhost=''
dc_readhost=''   (=my local mailname)
# dc_minimaldns='false'
# dc_smarthost=''
dc_smarthost=''  (my provider's smtp address)
# dc_use_split_config='false'
# dc_hide_mailname=''
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

# Example:
# target.mail.server.example:login:password
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#  check_local_user (ORIG: this entry was activated)


(in order to keep my original configuration, I save
 my original files in an added subdir: "./ORIG/")

Good luck!


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Re: XP style themes for various DE's in Debian repositories?

2014-07-23 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 01:17:13PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> IIRC the IceWM DE/WM had a theme called "BluePlastic" which looked one
> heck of a lot like XP. I used IceWM for about 4 years and recommend it
> highly, although from what I understand it's not all that well
> maintained, and its config programs, if you can install them at all,
> are lacking. So to really get IceWM to do your bidding (and it can),
> you're going to need to edit a few twitchy XML like files.
> SteveT

I'm still using IceWM (Theme: win95 - with 12 virt. screens).

I like it, since it takes just 1 bottom(!) line (easier to watch through
my presbyopic glasses) leaving a maximum of free space on narrow screens.

Three tiny squares on this line show
a) cpu + hd activities
b) lan activity
c) wan activity

The rest of this line shows a digital clock (+ date under mouse cursor),
my 12 tiny virtual screen buttons + active progs. w/in a specific screen.

Progs. are started via a menu activated by  or the Start button
down left - practically the same as in Win95.

Screens are switched by  or selected by mouse click.

The little maintenance of IceWM has one advantage though: I keep my 4 old
configuration files and copy them into the updated Debian directory

IceWM, to my opinion, is the fastest unimpaired WM I know of. 


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Re: modem hangup problems continue

2014-03-22 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 04:10:42PM -0700, Mike McClain wrote:
> I'm running Squeeze on a P3 board and dialup.
> My modem gets hungup after 2.5 minutes about 30% - 40% of the time I
> connect. Being idle, in the middle of fetching email or loading a
> webpage seems to make no difference. Is there any way to log all
> transactions going to the modem which is on ttyS2? Something like
> script but for a serial port?

> Thanks,
> Mike

> --
> "Education is a man's going from cocksure ignorance to thoughtful 
> uncertainty."

Moin mitnanner,

until recently, I was using a modem myself (now it is being substituted by LTE).

With my old 9/11 clunker, I am still running Lenny (kernel 2.6). My usb modem,
undressed to it's electronic plate to keep it cool, worked reliably except for
one aspect: When I disconnected it from the internet after a certain amount of
data transfer, the modem was blocked and I had to pull it's usb plug in order to
restore it to working condition. Then it worked reliably again.

(This problem did not show up when I connected it to a jounger laptop running

Killing and restarting it's drivers had no effect. So, I just lived with it
suspecting some usb idiosycrasy.

In Your case, I would remove the modem's box, as serial modems don't seem to
be sufficiently ventilated, and hang it's electronic plate vertically to cool
it even more: = minus one construction site.

Another delicate spot is the serial interrupts, due to poor hardware design,
if you work with old hardware: Your modem could interfere with e.g. a serial
mouse etc.:

Try running your modem with another interrupt, w/out X, disconnect your mouse..
Look into your BIOS.

I reduced my serial modem speed from 115200 to 57600, as the phone line
needs only 56 Kbit.

If that helps, you have probably found the culprit: rearrange your serial
interrupts. Try plugging your serial modem cable to another computer outlet,
+ rearrange your driver's configuration.

If everything fails, buy an ELSA usb modem (they work with Linux and should
be cheaper by now), plug it in and look into '/var/log/messages'; my driver
was '/dev/ACM0'. ELSA modems have worked well for me, so I'll keep my for
reverence and as a backup.

Good luck!


Dialectic of truth:
Were she is being possessed,
she will be lost;
where she is being sought,
she may be found.
(Hagia Sophia)

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Re: Backup's to DVD

2014-03-30 Thread Wilko Fokken
As a Frisian, living at the North Sea: on clay, surrounded by reeds,
I relished every single bit of spit between both long standing 'Multies'
[multinationals] of the Antique.

I am convinced, this poetic dispute will, in the long run, enliven
even the fiercest 'Fachidiot' clinging ever tighter to his narrow
subject of excellence.

(Adorno's verdict:
"After Auschwitz one can not write poems any more."
.. was answered:
"In truth, already before Auschwitz, Adorno couldn't write poems".)

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Re: What an intriguing post

2014-03-31 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 11:39:48AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> Wilko, this is so creative, so cute, so humorous, so on-topic, and so
> necessary, especially the part about a death camp, that I'm overwhelmed
> trying to think of a worthy response.

The tryers should give up;
and those, who've given up,
should try.

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Re: mbox files - can they be "compacted"?

2014-04-06 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Apr 06, 2014 at 02:10:09PM +0200, Rafał Radecki wrote:
> Is there an option to compact large mbox files from the shell?


mutt -f .gz


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Re: cron jobs to restart a shell process ...

2013-02-04 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Feb 04, 2013 at 01:07:55PM +, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> ~
>  Sometimes I need to start a long running process which for various reasons 
> may
> be stopped (server drops connection, OS kills it, ...) and I would like to 
> have
> a somewhat automatic mechanism to check if it was stopped and, in that case,
> restart it (of course, with a new process id)
> ~
>  This is what I have in mind:
> ~
>  1) run an initial script to set up the context of the long running process,
> which, of course, will be specific, but the communication between 1) and 2) is
> just trough a regular protocolled file (I try to make my code as compatible as
> possible and pipes and other forms of interprocess comm tend to be very OS
> specific).
> ~
>  2) a second general script which based on 1) and the id of the running 
> process
> just checks if process is running and restarts it in the case it
> isn't, based on:
> ~
>  2.1) a lock file named after some identifying metadata regarding 1), and
> ~
>  2.2) containing the current/last process id.
> ~
>  3) insert a line in your crontab file, to run 2)
> ~
>  You can check if a process is running by pars-, greping ps aux's output and
> simply go monkey to finish some working script, but I am sure those needs 
> aren't
> just mine and there should be either a flag for cron jobs, a utility, or some
> best practices out there I don't know of. In fact, do you know of best 
> practices
> for max data processing (I am talking here about jobs that may take days)

A 'crontab' example, controlling the online time of my modem
(my providers switch cheap and very expansive fees at certain hours)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


# m h dom mon dow   command
# -

# IF online through script 'ip-Tele2', then shutdown modem every 2 hours
# (at minute 57, run script 'ring-bell'; at minute 59, run 'poff')  (weekdays)

57 0-22/2* * 1-5 pidof pppd && ps -o command -C ip-Tele2 && ring-bell 3
59 0-22/2* * 1-5 pidof pppd && ps -o command -C ip-Tele2 && poff &> 

# IF stub file: 'ip-stop' exists, then shutdown modem ('poff')  (daily, every 
# (at minute 57, run script 'ring-bell'; at minute 59, run 'poff')  (7 days)

57 0-23  * * 0-6 [ -f /tmpp/stub/crontab/ip-stop ] && pidof pppd && 
ring-bell 3
59 0-23  * * 0-6 [ -f /tmpp/stub/crontab/ip-stop ] && pidof pppd && poff && 
rm /tmpp/stub/crontab/ip-stop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hope this gives some helpful clue.

Moin W.F.


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Mail von ipad enthält VCard-Datei (Endung .vcf)

2013-05-12 Thread Wilko Fokken

Moin mitnanner,

gibt es bereits unter Lenny ein geeignetes Betrachtungsprogramm?

Die .vcf enthält u.a. folgende Kennungen:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iOS 6.1.3//EN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(Vermutlich enthält diese mir per Mail zugesendete Datei ein Foto.)

Da ich im Begriff bin, auf einem anderen Rechner Wheezy zu installieren,
bin ich auch für Hinweise zu dieser neueren Debian-Version dankbar.

Gruß Wilko


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Program to display Mail, sent from ipad (VCard) = .vcf

2013-05-12 Thread Wilko Fokken

Moin mitnanner,

could such a file already be displayed under Lenny?

Here are the "Ingredients" of the '.vcf' to be displayed:
(this file is probably containing a photography)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iOS 6.1.3//EN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As I am about to install Wheezy on another computer,
I am interested in programs available in Wheezy as well.

Thanks for your help,

regards Wilko

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grafische pdf-Datei vergrößert drucken

2013-06-27 Thread Wilko Fokken

Moin mitnanner,

ich habe mir aus den USA ein von Google gescanntes Buch mit deutscher
Frakturschrift geladen: Eine große pdf-Datei, die über hundert Buchseiten
enthält. Das Buch hat etwa DIN-A5-Größe, so daß im Landscape-Format zwei
Buchseiten auf ein DIN-A4-Blatt gedruckt werden können.

Für ältere Bekannte würde ich aber gerne eine Buchseite auf ein DIN-A4-
Blatt mit entsprechend vergrößerter Schrift drucken. Das ist mir bislang
nicht gelungen, da die Frakturschrift nur als reine Grafik vorliegt. Auch
wenn ich nur eine Seite pro DIN A4-Blatt drucke, bleibt die Schrift klein,
mit entsprechend vergrößertem weißen Randbereich.

Mit 'evince' kann ich das Buch auf dem Bildschirm betrachten, auch gezoomt;
und mit 'pdfseparate' könnte ich jede Buchseite einzeln abspeichern.

Kennt jemand ein Programm, mit dem ich den Schriftbereich einer Buchseite
grafisch ausschneiden und dann vergrößert auf DIN-A4 ausdrucken kann?

Gruß Wilko

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Re: howto enlarge graphical pdf file for ease of printout reading

2013-07-01 Thread Wilko Fokken

Moin mitnanner,

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:57:08PM +0200, Winfried Boxleitner wrote:

> pdfimages ... extracts images from pdf-files (package: poppler-utils)
> pdfnup   ... is normally used to print several pages onto one sheet of paper, 
> however
> it has a scaling option, which allows to enlarge pdf-documents (package: 
> texlive-extra-utils)
> regards
> winfried

Thanks for your hints.

I'll test them later after finishing my Wheezy installation.


My German post went wrong due to a bad header in my '/etc/mail_aliases'

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Dot files, get them out of the way

2013-07-08 Thread Wilko Fokken
Moin mitnanner,

As a (private) text prone Debian user, I like having my dot files
out of the way and not stumbling between my working files.

On the other hand, I dislike hiding them by file managers,
because I want to discover them early at possibly wrong places.

So, by fumbling and messing with some shell scripts,
I managed to get my dot files:

into "/root" for owner "root"
into "$HOME/.rc" for ordinary users.

My question:

Is there a better way to accomplish this
by a direct changing of the system defaults?

Thanks for your sugestions


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Re: Dot files, I did get them out of the way

2013-07-09 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 04:55:55PM +0200, ha wrote:
> Thanks Ralph, I guess it would do it.
> But I didn't plan to separate the conf files completely, I was hoping  
> for a solution more alike Wilko's (if it works).

Moin mitnanner,

my solutions via shellscripts work pretty well since about ten years. My
question referred to simpler modifications, maybe patching 'bash' or so.

As I just used to copy my modifications to a new installation, I would
need some time in order to prepare my modifications as a useful oversight.

If somebody is interested, I'd give it a try.



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Re: How to get Dot files out of the way via shell scripts

2013-07-10 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 04:55:55PM +0200, ha wrote:
> Thanks Ralph, I guess it would do it.
> But I didn't plan to separate the conf files completely, I was hoping  
> for a solution more alike Wilko's (if it works).
> After all we all have .config file in our home directory.
> It makes sense that all applications write their conf files there,  
> instead "randomly" all around home directory. I was hoping for a way to  
> force that.
> I do not know if this is possible, nor how to do it.
> It's funny that /etc is so well organized, but noone cares to do the  
> same with the conf files *for users*.
> ...or is it just me?

Moin mitnanner,

(To ha: My dot files aint collected into one file, but into one subdir)

(Sorry that this post got a bit lenghty, but the bulk of it is comments
and explanations.)

The following lines explain, what should be done in order to get the dot
files out of the way into a subdirectory.

The dot files of root  go into subdir "/root/"
The dot files of users go into subdir "/home/$HOME/.rc/"

HowTo get Dot Files into separate Subdirs at Installation Time
==  July 11 2013

( set tabwidth = 4 to view this file )

1.  Modify /etc/skel

-rw-r--r--   1 root root   220 Jan  1  2013 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  3392 Jan  1  2013 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   675 Jan  1  2013 .profile

-rw-r--r--   1 root root   220 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.bash_logout
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  3392 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.bashrc
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   675 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.profile

[ these three files in .rc/ need to be edited ] :

a)  .bash_logout:
# ~/.bash_logout: executed by bash(1) on logout:
# clear screen (here = max. 24 virtual text consoles)
# [ enhance ## of text consoles: add entries in /etc/inittab ] 

case "`tty`" in
  /dev/tty[1-9] | /dev/tty1[0-9] | /dev/tty2[0-4] ) clear

b)  .bashrc:

# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files

. /etc/profile

c)  .profile:

# ~/.profile, at login autoread by all Bourne-compatible shells (after 
# ~/.profile is *NOT* executed by bash shell if ~/.bash_profile exists
# All 2nd level bash shells will read ~/.bashrc

# add wanted user owned subdirs,
# (e.g. sh = shell, pl = perl, py = python scripts) :

for DIR in /home/$LOGNAME/bin /home/$LOGNAME/sh /home/$LOGNAME/pl \
/home/$LOGNAME/py; do
[ -d $DIR ] && PATH=$PATH:$DIR

export PATH PS1 PS2

# mesg y

# 'cd' command (below) moves login `pwd` to  $HOME/.. !
# -
# (applies new bash function 'cd ()')
# (defined in /etc/profile/profile.local)


2.  Within /root, modify .bashrc, .profile :

prepend command:"./etc/profile" to  .bashrc

append  command:"cd"to  .profile

3.  Modify /etc/passwd: login_dir ==> /home//.rc

wwf:x:1001:1001:Wilko Fokken,,,:/home/wwf/.rc:/bin/bash

4.  /etc/profileAdd call to homebrew /etc/profile.local:

(keeps original condition of /etc/profile)

test -f /etc/profile.local && . /etc/profile.local
test -f ~/ . ~/

5.  # /etc/profile.local: Modifications to login process
# ==

# umask 022

# Unclutter root's and user's HOME_dir:
# -
# root:  $HOME => /root $CDHOME => /
# users: $HOME => /home//.rc; $CDHOME => /home/

# cutting off {/root | /.rc} from "LOGIN_dir" :

CDHOME=`dirname $HOME`

# "cd" (no params): Go to "LOGIN_dir", NOT to "LOGIN_dir"/.rc :

cd ()  {
[ $1 ] && builtin cd $1 || builtin cd ${CDHOME}



Re: How to get Dot files out of the way via shell scripts

2013-07-11 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 09:55:20AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Jo, 11 iul 13, 07:12:35, Wilko Fokken wrote:
> > 
> > The following lines explain, what should be done in order to get the dot
> > files out of the way into a subdirectory.
> You included lots of unrelated customizations, see below.
> > The dot files of root  go into subdir "/root/"
> Err, aren't they already there by default?
You are right; I overlooked this, since I didn't work with an unmofified

The improvement, from my point of view, is that a 'cd' w/out params
puts the user 'root' into the top directory.

> > The dot files of users go into subdir "/home/$HOME/.rc/"
> I'd go for /home/$user/.config (the default XDG directory). 

This can easyly be accomplished: alter the subdirs in '/etc/skel'.

> > HowTo get Dot Files into separate Subdirs at Installation Time
> > ==
> >  July 11 2013
> > 
> > ( set tabwidth = 4 to view this file )
> > 
> > 
> > 1.  Modify /etc/skel
> > 
> > 
> > [from]:
> > -rw-r--r--   1 root root   220 Jan  1  2013 .bash_logout
> > -rw-r--r--   1 root root  3392 Jan  1  2013 .bashrc
> > -rw-r--r--   1 root root   675 Jan  1  2013 .profile
> > 
> > [to]:
> > -rw-r--r--   1 root root   220 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.bash_logout
> > -rw-r--r--   1 root root  3392 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.bashrc
> > -rw-r--r--   1 root root   675 Jan  1  2013 .rc/.profile
> Ok, but this only affects new users. For existing accounts one has to 
> move the files by hand.

-> cp -a '/etc/skel' to '/home/'.
(I am used to save my original files into subdir '/ORIG/' before.)

> > [ these three files in .rc/ need to be edited ] :
> > -
> > 
> > a)  .bash_logout:
> > -
> > # ~/.bash_logout: executed by bash(1) on logout:
> > # clear screen (here = max. 24 virtual text consoles)
> > # [ enhance ## of text consoles: add entries in /etc/inittab ] 
> > 
> > case "`tty`" in
> >   /dev/tty[1-9] | /dev/tty1[0-9] | /dev/tty2[0-4] ) clear
> > esac
> This is not necessary for the task at hand and the default .bash_logout 
> already does similar (and better, it doesn't clear *all* consoles, just 
> because I logged out of one).

This example only clears the actual console being left - even with more
than six consoles - for me an essential plus when working with text consoles;
I easily use compilers, source files and various documents in parallel.

> > b)  .bashrc:
> > 
> > # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
> > # see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files
> > 
> > . /etc/profile
> See bash(1) for why this is not needed.

As a private user, I log in under more than one user id. This assures that
the basic configuration remains identical and can be altered for all users
at one location: '/etc/profile.local', even for the graphic modus.

Besides any user configuration can eindividually be altered within "$HOME".

> > c)  .profile:
> > -
> > 
> > # ~/.profile, at login autoread by all Bourne-compatible shells (after 
> > /etc/profile)
> > # ~/.profile is *NOT* executed by bash shell if ~/.bash_profile exists
> > # All 2nd level bash shells will read ~/.bashrc
> > 
> > # add wanted user owned subdirs,
> > # (e.g. sh = shell, pl = perl, py = python scripts) :
> > 
> > for DIR in /home/$LOGNAME/bin /home/$LOGNAME/sh /home/$LOGNAME/pl \
> > /home/$LOGNAME/py; do
> > [ -d $DIR ] && PATH=$PATH:$DIR
> > done
> These seem to be your own customizations and don't seem to apply to the 
> task at hand.

Only indirect. This example shows that customizations can be simply done
as under a standard configuration.

> > PATH=$PATH:.
> Are you sure this is a good idea?

This is only added to user's ".profile", not for root.

> > export PATH PS1 PS2
> > 
> > # mesg y
> > 
> > # 'cd' command (below) moves login `pwd` to  $HOME/.. !
> > # ---------
> > # (applies new bash function 'cd ()')
> > # (defined in /etc/profile/profile.local)

Re: How to get Dot files out of the way via shell scripts

2013-07-11 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 08:05:51PM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013, 09:55:20 schrieb Andrei POPESCU:
> > >   append  command:"cd"to  .profile
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > > 3.  Modify /etc/passwd: login_dir ==> /home//.rc
> > >   ======
> > >   
> > >   example:
> > >   wwf:x:1001:1001:Wilko Fokken,,,:/home/wwf/.rc:/bin/bash
> > 
> > So basically you're setting $HOME to be /home/$user/.rc
> I would be careful of the side effects this can have.
> If applications just work be relative paths, all is well, but some may append 
> $HOME to get an absolute path and then…

> Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -


the modification of the /etc/passwd entry above should not cause any
problem, as I can't see a reason, why the passwd field containing the
login address should be predefined.

Similarly, why should the location of the $HOME address be predefined?
If so, would a $HOME variable be needed at all?

Besides, I am using my configuration described since about 10 years,
without any side effects observed. My window manager, icewm, wasn't
disturbed either.

The only possible caution, I could think of: I didn't deal with multimedia,
due to my limited hardware in the past and due to my limited interest so
far at present.



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Re: How to get Dot files out of the way via shell scripts

2013-07-11 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 08:05:51PM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013, 09:55:20 schrieb Andrei POPESCU:
> > >   append  command:"cd"to  .profile
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > > 3.  Modify /etc/passwd: login_dir ==> /home//.rc
> > >   ======
> > >   
> > >   example:
> > >   wwf:x:1001:1001:Wilko Fokken,,,:/home/wwf/.rc:/bin/bash
> > 
> > So basically you're setting $HOME to be /home/$user/.rc
> I would be careful of the side effects this can have.
> If applications just work be relative paths, all is well, but some may append 
> $HOME to get an absolute path and then…
> -- 
> Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -


I didn't answer your questioning precisely enough:

It's not me that sets the variable $HOME, it's the entry in '/etc/passwd'.


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Re: OT: How to get Dot files out of the way via shell scripts

2013-07-17 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 03:18:33AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 03:13 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > PPS: "Guten Tag miteinander!" or "Hallo miteinander!" or "Hallo zusammen!"
> > 
> > Resp. "Moin" is independent of the daytime, so it's the German "Hallo",
> Aaaarghhh, my broken English sucks.
> Not "Hallo" is misinterpreted, but "Moin".
> > sometimes misinterpreted for "Guten Morgen" (Good morning!) only, but
> > it's for "Guten Tag" (Good day!) and "Guten Abend!" (Good evening!) etc.
> > too.
> Less often Moin is used for "Good bye!" in common speech.

Thanks Ralf, for your help.

As a Frisian, I like to add some specifics:

In the today's Low German dialect,

(since the 13th century spread out by the German "Hanse",

the term "moi" means "nice", "beautiful"; it can be ascribed e.g.
to a flower, a girl or a day.

As a greeting, "moin" comes fairly close to the English "have a nice day":
("ik wünsch joe een moien dag", means literally: "I wish you a nice day").

This longish kind of a greeting has, in the course of time, been shortened
via "een moien dag", "een moien", "moien" to "moin", first among the people
at the North Sea (where stronger winds tend to blow unnecessary words away).

Since the last century, this kind of a shorty has spread over Germany north
of the "Weißwurscht-Äquator" (a "Bavarish" term meaning those northern
German regions, where the famous Bavarian "Weißwurscht" - White Saussage,
an indispensable addi(c)tion to a Bavarian beer - is almost unknown. This
kind of equator - roughly drawn by the course of the river "Main" - divides
today's Germany nicely into two halves).

With an almost indentical meaning, the term "have a nice day" is used at
parting, while "moin" is mainly used when meeting people. The doubled term:
"moin moin" at leavetaking is afaik only used in the North Sea's coastal

The ordinary northern German term at the end of a meeting has become "tschüß",
presumably originated in Hamburg, derived from the French "adieu" (= "go
with God") under Napoleon; later possibly mixed with the Frisian curse:
"Harijasses!", shorter: "Jusses!" (= "Herr Jesus!"), used when there is a
big mess, and everything got filthy); both terms joining via "adjüß" to
"tschüß". (So, the thought of God was really lost - together with Napoleon.)

Have a nice one,


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Re: OT: How to get Dot files out of the way via shell scripts

2013-07-19 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 06:37:44PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> Thanks.  That is really interesting - I love linguistics and etymology. But 
> this is an English language list. ;-)
> Lisi

Well, when you pop an 'outlandish' bottle,
the outcoming (imp) might not comply with 'inlandish' rules.. ;-)

Btw. (speaking of etymology),
up to the 13th century, the Frisian language had stayed so close to
it's descendant, Old English, that English actors playing puppet shows
were understood without interpreters.

Later on, both languages went apart, Old English was 'overhauled' by the
Romanics, Frisian by the Hanseatics.

Stay humid on a dry rusk ..


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Re: sc, i.e., spread sheet calculator using ncurses

2012-07-12 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 01:29:15PM -0400, Nick Lidakis wrote:
> Does anyone use sc, the text based spreadsheet program? 


(Not a precise answer to your question):

I remember 'slsc', a text based spreadsheet, based on 'sc', but more
advanced. Unfortunately, Debian doesn't contain it any more.

At least up to Debian 3, this prog was provided.

If you can find an 'slsc' source, you might be instrumental in
bringing it back to life. You'll probably prefer it to 'sc'.

I never saw a manpage or other manual, but I remember the menu
at the top opened on hitting '/'.

Good luck!



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Re: sc, i.e., spread sheet calculator using ncurses

2012-07-12 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 08:33:52PM +0200, Wilko Fokken wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 01:29:15PM -0400, Nick Lidakis wrote:
> > Does anyone use sc, the text based spreadsheet program? 
> Hi,
> (Not a precise answer to your question):
> I remember 'slsc', a text based spreadsheet, based on 'sc', but more
> advanced. Unfortunately, Debian doesn't contain it any more.
> At least up to Debian 3, this prog was provided.
> If you can find an 'slsc' source, you might be instrumental in
> bringing it back to life. You'll probably prefer it to 'sc'.
> I never saw a manpage or other manual, but I remember the menu
> at the top opened on hitting '/'.
I found a tar source of slsc:

> Good luck!
> Wilko


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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Wilko Fokken

'/bin/afio' is another interesting tool compared to 'tar', though it might
not compress better.

It's main advantage is: It compresses each file separately and then adds
it to the archive. This means that a data corruption will only cause data
losses of the files affected, but won't render the whole archive useless.

regards Wilko


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Re: Redhat marketing campaign going after free Linuxes

2012-08-22 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:17:56AM -0400, shawn wilson wrote:
> first, i love statistics - it allows people to say pretty much
> whatever they want and sound honest and scientific about it.

Statistics are like bikinis:

What they unveil
is revealing,
but what they conceal
is pivotal.


Woman's eyes should be like men's feet:
Large, black, moist.

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Re: On what is helpful and what is not [was: Re: Wifi]

2014-03-10 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 01:42:09AM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Monday 10 March 2014 00:15:18 Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
> > Really, calling the OP a "nub" ( whatever the hell he means by
> > that) isn't an insult?
> "nub", short for newbie, i.e. new user.  And no, it is not an insult.
> Lisi

In the British war film "Triple Cross", the comment "Anfänger" (beginner)
was considered the insult of his life by a German colonel (Gert Fröbe).


"Education is a man's going
 from cocksure ignorance
 to thoughtful uncertainty."

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Re: mplayer won't play audio CD

2017-07-07 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 09:23:15AM +, Curt wrote:
> On 2017-06-29, Rodolfo Medina  wrote:
> > Please help...  mplayer works fine when playing files (mp3, wav, etc), but
> > fails in playing audio CDs.  When I launch it as a normal user I have:
> >
> > $ mplayer cdda://
> > MPlayer 1.3.0 (Debian), built with gcc-6.3.0 (C) 2000-2016 MPlayer Team
> > do_connect: could not connect to socket
> > connect: No such file or directory
> > Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote 
> > control.
> How about giving it the full path:
>  mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/media/cdrom cdda://1
>  mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/hdb cdda://1
> or wherever the device exists on your machine.
> Also perhaps verify in a mixer program (alsamixer, e.g.) that cdrom audio 
> output
> isn't muted.
> Maybe there's no audio cable between the cd drive and the sound card. 
> ;-)

Moin together,

having only recently succeded in running a movie DVD and a music CD using
mplayer via smplayer under Debian Jenny on my laptop "hp 6730b", I found
that my pulseaudio sound system needs to be activated BEFORE other
processes using sound are started.

[using 'ps ax', one can study the mplayer params set by smplayer]

In order to be able to refresh my sound system at any time, even after
processes using sound are already active, I'm using a simple alias
(from within a terminal):

alias pulse='sudo kill -9 $(pidof pulseaudio) && alsamixer -c0'

hope this may help a bit

W. Fokken

Re: mplayer won't play audio CD

2017-07-08 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 11:34:13PM -0300, Wellington Terumi Uemura wrote:
> Sorry to bump in to this, but why not use players like vlc, Audacious or
> Kodi?
> To me Audacious still kicking and works on Debian 9.

Within dselect,
I made a little test activating packets for installation:

a) vlc
b) mplayer + smplayer

and compared the amount of packets to be installed:

mplayer turned out to be the slimmer choice,
and does it's job.

Re: PulseAudio (Some users get sound, orthers do not)

2017-07-09 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Jul 08, 2017 at 11:35:42PM -0700, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> This morning, I went to my wife's login and ran:
> pulseaudio --kill
> rm ~/.config/pulse
> pulseaudio --start
> And that worked.
> When I tried to do the same thing under my daughter's login, however, I get
> the warnings about the cookie file and ~/.config/pulse is NOT recreated, so
> still no sound anywhere.  I have checked the permissions of my daughter's
> ~/.config/pulse directory and it is 644 with her user as owner and group.
> That matches ~/.config in my home directory and my wife's.
> So why does pulseaudio not create the files it needs, like it did for me and
> my wife?  Is there something else that I am missing? Any help will be
> appreciated.
> Marc

Moin Marc,

my /etc/passwd:
- - - - - - - -
pulse:x:113:121:PulseAudio daemon,,,:/var/run/pulse:/bin/false

my /etc/group:
- - - - - - - -

my pulseaudio refresh (if no sound):
- - - - - - - - - - - 
pulseaudio --kill && alsamixer -c0

make sure 'pulseaudio' is loaded only once
(check with 'ps ax | grep pulseaudio')


Re: VLC Plays Video But No Sound

2017-07-28 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 03:29:09PM -0400, Thomas George wrote:
> VLC audio message: vdpau_avcodec generic error: decoder profile not
> supported: 7
> I have also tried playing the video with mpv which gives a different error
> message:
> [lavf] Edit lists are not correctly supported (FFmpeg issue)
> My system is Stretch. ogg123 plays ogg files with not problem but I just
> checked and found mpg321 plays mp3 files with no sound.
> Any suggestions as to what is missing? How to fix this?

Under Debian Jessie + icewm, I had installed vlc: No pictures no sound.

Sb. in this forum was advised to use mplayer.

So I purged vlc, used deborphan to get rid of it's fringe benefits, and
as a layman in video and sound, installed mplayer AND smplayer.

After fiddling a little within smplayer's menu, I could enjoy a film DVD,

(an old present that I hadn't been able to get working before:
   "Those magnificient men in their flying machines")

Re: VLC Plays Video But No Sound –– addon

2017-07-28 Thread Wilko Fokken


My sound system is based on pulseaudio + alsamixer.

After hibernation, my sound is blocked sometimes, e.g. when I start
youtube under firefox before the sound is active.

For this problem, I start this alias:

alias pulse='sudo kill -9 $(pidof pulseaudio) && alsamixer -c0'

(making sure that pulseaudio isn't installed twice.)

Re: Jessie networking with multiple IPs (IPv and IPv6), single physical NIC

2017-07-31 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 04:17:24PM +, Curt wrote:
> Never heard of Arhus.  
 Aarhus is the main town of Jutland, Danmark.

 "Certitude is not the test of certainty."
 --Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
 "Education is a man's going
  from cocksure ignorance
  to thoughtful uncertainty."

Re: need help on running mplayer to watch tv

2017-08-01 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Aug 01, 2017 at 04:52:48AM +0800, Long Wind wrote:
> i can watch tv with xawtv
> now i want to use mplayer
> mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:input=1 -vo xv tv://
> command above is right, but there's no sound
> tv sound is connected to linein of sound card
> which options should i add??
> Thanks!

Did yout try 'smplayer'?
It's menues saved my day.

Additionally, 'smplayer' shows the params to be used by 'mplayer'.

Re: need help on cracking wireless password

2018-02-26 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 04:21:53PM +0100, deloptes wrote:
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > Am 2018-02-24 hackte deloptes in die Tasten:
> >> But hey, with so many Russians in Estonia, you may be sure that at least
> >> Russia will not nuke you, so be positive about what you have ;-) (irony
> >> off). There are always two sides, you know.
> > 
> > They could try the same as they have done it with Crimea...
> > 
> > There is a group of russians in Estonia which try to do this,
> > but they will get the worst nightmare on the neck...
> > 
> > However, it will take at least two years to get the WHOLE rest
> > of my german and french enterprises to Estonia...  ;-)
> > 
> > Then I am more or less 90% operational.
> > 
> > Maybe I will restart TDAerospace and TDTechnology ;-)
> > 
> > Two enterprises where frenchies have tried to steal my inventions!

>  one is for sure, you need a good psychiatrist and lawyer 


I view your last line a blunder; instead of dealing with Michelle's
arguments, you tell him that he is just a mental case for you.

(As 90 percent of the people regard 90 percent of their fellow humans as
"compleat idiots", you are not alone.)

But don't overlook that this kind of disputing indicates a totalitarian
attitude, culminating in totalitarian countries like the Soviet Union,
where dissidents were easily brought under psychiatrical treatment.

You should rethink the Baltic social situation:
If it hadn't been Stalin, who filled up the Baltic countries with his Russian
invaders in order to keep control over these countries, but if it had been
Hitler, who (after his victory) had occupied England and filled her up with
his Nazi-invaders by about 50 percent in order to prevent the British from
any further uprising – how should those leftovers of Hitler be dealt with

Regards Wilko

Re: Debian 8. keine Ahnung....

2016-07-25 Thread Wilko Fokken

Ein Trost bleibt:

Debian [nach ausgiebigen "Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß"] zu installieren,
könnte dazu beitragen, den künftigen Aufenthalt im Altersheim zu verkürzen ;~)

Re: How to prevent /tmp files from being deleted at reboot

2016-08-07 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 03:32:12PM +0200, Linux-Fan wrote:
> [Sat, 9 Jul 2016 23:16:29 +0200] MI  wrote:

> > > IMO: If you have a program that relies on files or directories
> > > in /tmp being persistent, then that program is buggy, not Debian.
> > 
> > It's not a program. It's just me, mostly while setting up and testing
> > a fresh system, which may need frequent reboots.
> ...but may I suggest you to use `/var/tmp` as a workaround?
> `/var/tmp` is a persistent alternative to `/tmp`.
> Linux-Fan

I set the following link (in single user mode):

– – – – – – – – – – –

rm -rf /tmp

chmod 1777 /var/TMP

ln -s /var/TMP /tmp

Additionly I altered /etc/default/rcS:



– – – – – – – – – – –

So far, my system seems to be running smoothly; (with MANY reboots a day
as I am trying out a cohabitation of my favourite old 'icewm' with Debians
chosen xfce4-wm.)

My oldest files and directories in '/tmp' date from july 31.

(Hoping my answer won't be redundant, as only skimmed my mails in a rush.)

Regards Wilko

Re: olivetti pcs 42P

2016-12-27 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 03:54:20PM +, gonzalo Fernandez _ Peindo Diaz wrote:
> hello i need help about of my computer olivetti pcs 42P because when y start 
> it
> When I turn it on it leads me to a paguine that tells me that I have to 
> insert a disk with drivers I have a bag full of floppy disks of that type are 
> drivers of windows 95 well there are manyisimos the case is that I have tried 
> them all and everyone tells me That are not bleats or not reads nothing so I 
> would like that if you can help me since I do not know much this world of 
> informatic
> PS: I do not know anything about how to use this computer since my 
> grandfather gave it to me and since he did not know how to use it, he was 
> raising dust because of its disuse

(How old are your floppies?)

Actual Debian OS won't accept your time honoured hardware: 486 CPU.

For embarking on a retro-pioneering achievement, you may take a look at URLs 

Re: HTML viewer

2015-01-06 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Jan 06, 2015 at 02:01:05AM +0100, Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski wrote:
> w3m, links or elinks. With w3m being the most pager-like..

.. and lynx (I like it's brilliant display).

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Re: HTML viewer

2015-01-08 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Jan 06, 2015 at 05:32:48PM -0500, Ralph Katz wrote:
> On 01/05/2015 07:57 PM, Frank wrote:
> > I am looking for a simple HTML viewer I can use under MC to read
> > HTML docs. I have Dillo installed but even it seems overkill for
> > what I need. Does anyone have suggestions ?
> I use html2text for that.  Very simple.

I use html2text with args:

html2text -width 999 -o .txt -nobs .html

(-width 999 no line breaks)
(-nobs  Don't use backspaces for boldface and underlining)

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Re: recommended ftp clients for Debian

2015-02-25 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 02:11:13PM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> Yes, I know I can STFW.  I have in fact done so.  But I am after personal 
> experience.  
> I want a simple ftp client, for putting not getting, that is easy and 
> pleasant 
> to use.  GUI based.  For the use of non-geeks as well as myself.
> Lisi

My favourite ftp is mc:
It works ftp transfers the same way as transfers within one's own file system.


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Re: My Friends Make Fun of My UI

2015-03-05 Thread Wilko Fokken
What I am mostly missing so far under Xfce, compared to Icewm, is a toolbar
placed at the BOTTOM of the screen. Using varifocal glasses, I have to strain
my neck badly in order to focus the Xfce toolbar at the TOP of the screen
through the LOWER area of my glasses.

The second shortcoming of Xfce is (at least by it's defaults) that little
attention seems to have been given to the convenient possibilties of the
keyboard; once your fingers know their handling, they operate independently
of your brain, and you can focus on your problems instead of being
permanently distracted by those positioning demands of your mouse.

Another exemplary feature of Icewm that I would like to find again under
Xfce, are those 3 tiny 5mm-squares(!) placed next to the digital clock
into the toolbar, showing permanently the main activities of the system,
each using specially coloured top-down rsp. bottom-up indexes:

Square One shows the load of CPU, HDD and RAM.

Square Two shows (if active) both, the sending and receiving load of LAN.

Square Three shows (if active) both, the sending and receiving load of WAN
(including modem activities).

Alltogether, they use up just 2 cm of the toolbar, yet giving instantly
a detailed insight of all important system activities - and problems.

(The main drawbck of Icewm: You don't get just pampered with all those
multimedia goodies allowing you to operate sound, video etc. without
understanding much of what's going on under the hood.)

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Re: Thanks for all your suggestions regarding Xfce!

2015-03-06 Thread Wilko Fokken
I'll give it a try.

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Re: Old Computers

2015-06-02 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 08:32:01AM +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
> ... 
> Look around and see if you can find a copy of fvwm 1.24r - I ran that
> for years on a 386 with little RAM without any problems. Version 2 is a
> little heavier, but you can compile it yourself and leave out options
> you don't need, like pixmap support for the titlebars etc.
> Petter
I still use icewm as my favorite window manager (no gnome).

(Though I installed xfce4, too, I hardly ever use that WM,
 since I don't like those tiring mouse operations
 as xfce4 offers but limited key handling.)

 packages: icewm, icewm-common

you have to edit the config files in /etc/icewm/* to your taste:


(After this is done, your individual configuration will hardly need
 another touch, if you saved your altered files for system updates.)

To start icewm,
have /etc/xinit/xinitrc execute two commands:

 exec /etc/profile
 exec icewm-session

To limit boot to text mode, 
disable any display manager files: xdm, gdm .. in /etc/init.d,
start X via startx

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Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-01 Thread Wilko Fokken
In the past times, depending on a serial modem for internet access,
I preferred Opera, because it allows to switch ANY graphics OFF // ON
through simple menu buttons:

[View]--> [Images]--> { [Show images] || [Cached Images] || [No Images] }

(Any of the three options can be made the default, to be altered according
to one's need while browsing.)

So I had "No Images" as my default, starting Opera in "text only" modus;
this allowed me to move between URLs pretty fast, and when I had reached
an interesting URL, I could easily turn on graphics mode.

As pure text browsers, I prefer both: "elinks" and "lynx".

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Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-05 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 02, 2015 at 03:07:43PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 02/07/2015, Wilko Fokken  wrote:
> > In the past times, depending on a serial modem for internet access,
> > I preferred Opera, because it allows to switch ANY graphics OFF // ON
> > through simple menu buttons:
> >
> A problem with the opera web browser, that causes me to avoid using
> recent versions, and to avoid updating, and, to recommend against
> installing it, is the inclusion of the malware named speed dial, and,
> the obsession of the opera staff, with preventing users from disabling
> the malware that is named speed dial.
I wonder whether old Opera versions WITHOUT Speed Dial would be safer
compared to using recent versions WITH Speed Dial integrated.

> As soon as someone finds how to disable speed dial, the opera people
> prevent speed dial from being disabled in the next version.
> So, for a web browser that is efficient, I suggest lynx.
> And, I recommend against installing opera.

As I don't have to rely on my slow serial modem any more to connect to the
Internet, I am using Opera only when I need to completely block out nasty

With a right mouse click on a blank Opera screen, I have opened the Speed
Dial configurtion menu allowing me to diminish and/or hide Speed Dial
completely; whether this still enables intruders to exploit it as malware,
I'd like to know.

So far, I haven't experienced any abuse of my computer abstaining strictly
from facebook, twitter etc., using only 'mutt' as my mailer.

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Re: cp output format

2015-07-18 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 08:23:13AM -0400, Haines Brown wrote:
> Sorry for this elementary question. I want to do sequential copies with
> a command like this: $ cp --backup=t  file .../destination/file. When
> periodically run it produces file, file.~1~, file.~2~, etc.
> How do I get rid of the "~" so that the backups are file.1, file.2,
> etc.? 

If you are familiar with shell scripts, you can use a 'for' loop:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
for i in 1 2 3 ; do
mv file.~${i}~ file.${i}
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You don't have to put each number into the 'for' loop yourself;
with e.g. 17 files, you can write:

for i in `seq 1 17`; do

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Re: Alternatives to gftp in Jessie

2016-02-01 Thread Wilko Fokken
I use the Midnight Commander: 'mc'
(Linux substitute for the OLD Norton Commander)

Via it's sftp-switch (under the menu key: 'F9', click on 'SFTP link'),
it opens it's split screen to another computer.

login example: anonymous@ --> password: 

--> same procedure as local work.

Re: Failure of evince to open a PDF.

2016-02-07 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 01:26:30PM -0800, wrote:
> Updated a jessie system this morning.  Then tried evince.
>   evince afile.pdf
>   A window entitled "Document Viewer" with this notice popped open.
> "Unable to open document "file:///home/peter/afile.pdf".
> File type HTML document (text/html) is not supported

(Are your access rights ok?)

Re: Computer friendly blood pressure?

2017-08-30 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 07:44:07AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> For sometime I've been causally looking for a blood pressure cuff with
> communication capability that does NOT require a "smart" phone [be
> it Apple or Android].
> A recent hospital stay prompts me to more actively look.
> I currently have a wrist cuff type with memory but no communication
> capability.
> Preferred solutions would be something that:
>  uses the same removable media as digital cameras.
> or
>  has USB connectivity
> Bluetooth or WiFi connectivity would be acceptable.
> Already written Linux apps a plus.
> Any suggestions/comments?
> Thank you.


for my own blood pressure control, I wrote a shell script that serves
me well.

[I get my data through a simple, but fairly precise wrist cuff device
 without capability of saving my data.]

Parallel to measuring my blood pressure, I call up my own shell script
by typing just two letters: 'bl': an alias for my shell script 'blutdruck'
(blood pressure).

When my wrist device shows my data: systolic pressure, diastolic pressure
and my pulse rate, I type these 3 data into my shell script; after that,
my shell script asks for a comment: Here I can add comments to my pressure
results that will fit to a single line.

Finally, my script shows all my data of the actual month, each on a single
line, with my comments (and date+time) added. With a month passing, the
script automatically starts a new file.

(At the end of this script follows an examle of it's output per month;
 comments are free text in any language.

 Check that your system provides parent directories if necessary.

 If you translate certain definitions, be sure to do it in a consistent


#! /bin/bash

#~  Begin Functions  ~

function Get_Date_by_Names  ()  {

#   =$(date +%Y)# year  (2017)
#   mon=$(date +%-m)# month (1..12)
mon=$(date +%m) # month (01..12)
#   MON=$(date +%b) # MONTH (Jan..Dez)
#   dow=$(date +%w) # dow   (0..6)
DOW=$(date +%a) # DOW   (So..Sa)
dom=$(date +%d) # day of month

datum=$(date "+%a, %d.%m.%y  %H.%M")
dmonat=$(date "+%m.%y")

#   (Combined `date`-Data require a single '+' only)

function Display () {


echo"   Blutdruck Statistik ${dmonat}"
echo"   -"

tail -n 16 Blutdruck_${dmonat}


#  End of Functions  ~


typeset -i ODruck=0 UDruck=0 Puls=0 # 'integer': non-numeric input => '0'

#   ~

[ ! -d /home/Desktop/Blutdruck ] && mkdir -p /home/Desktop/Blutdruck
cd /home/Desktop/Blutdruck

sudo touch  Blutdruck_${dmonat}
sudo chown root:staff   Blutdruck_${dmonat}
sudo chmod 0660 Blutdruck_${dmonat}

echo"  Blutdruck Statistik ${dmonat}"
echo"   "

tail -n 14 Blutdruck_${dmonat}

echo -n "   Blutdruck, oberer Wert: ";  read ODruck
[ $ODruck -eq 0 ] && Display
echo -n "   Blutdruck, unterer Wert: "; read UDruck
[ $UDruck -eq 0 ] && Display
echo -n "   PulsSchläge pro Minute: "; read Puls
[ $UDruck -eq 0 ] && Display
echo -n "   + Kommentar ? : "; read Info

echo "  ${datum}  = ${ODruck}/${UDruck} mm Hg // ${Puls}/min[${Info}]" | 
tee -a Blutdruck_${dmonat};
if  [ "${DOW}" = "So" ]; then
echo "  ---">> 
>> Blutdruck_${dmonat};


# (End of Prog)


Example of this prog's output (august 2017)

Do, 24.08.17  03.32  = 148/83 mm Hg // 65/min   [, n.unklaren 
Pillen, mit Verst]
Do, 24.08.17  10.20  = 135/88 mm Hg // 61/min   [(gest: 
Kart+Rapunzel+Feta) n.Pillen, o. Frühstück, mit Verst]
Do, 24.08.17  14.42  = 115/64 mm Hg // 66/min   [(Pillen alle 24h statt 
36h) ohne Verst, Hafermüsli]
Do, 24.08.17  15.51  = 112/67 mm Hg // 63/min   [dito, n.4T.Tee]
Do, 24.08.17  18.32  = 122/72 mm Hg // 68/min   [gerade mit Rad zurück 
von Statenzijl]
Do, 24.08.17  19.34  = 121/71 mm Hg // 63/min   [dito, 1 h danach]
Fr, 25.08.17  07.29  = 134/83 mm Hg // 62/min   [wenig Schlaf; gerade 
Fr, 25.08.17

Re: Debian: A noob query

2011-11-26 Thread Wilko Fokken

Hello Sam,

(some postings above, you mentioned having but 2 GB RAM.)

It is said that, for a 64bit system, one should have at
least 4 GB RAM installed.


Education is a man's going
from cocksure ignorance
to thoughtful uncertainty.

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Re: something regards "find"

2012-01-04 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:04:31PM +0800, lina wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know how to find one file out,
> one file contains some numbers, like
> 7.9 2.4 4.2 12.2 and etc
> I can't remember the file name. I tried:
> $ grep -e "7.9" -e "2.4" -e "4.2" -e "12.2" */*
> $ grep -e "7.9" -e "2.4" -e "4.2" -e "12.2" */*/*

How about using "locate 7.9" ?


Wilko FokkenEducation is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Bunde   to thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-9219882

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Re: which is the best command to use

2012-01-04 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 08:57:55PM +0800, lina wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two questions, wish to get advice,
> Question 1:
> For a series of files:
> cat  a_*.o* | grep "WARNING"
> some file like a_1.o12 has WARNING, but others does not have WARNING
> How can I let grep returns the filename?

try "grep -H"
in order to get the filename.

Wilko FokkenEducation is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Bunde   to thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-9219882

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2012-01-04 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 11:10:11AM +, Balint Szigeti wrote:
> I found this
> *: > */var/run/utmp
> in /etc/init.d/ on Debian 6.0.3
> Can you explain what does " : > " mean?
> Thank you
> Balint

my /etc/init.d/

shows these lines:


# Create /var/run/utmp so we can login.
: > /var/run/utmp


A trial in my home dir

: > oo

creates an empty file rsp. puts a non-empty file to zero size

It seems to do the same as a manually keyed command:

> oo

(I didn't check whether a difference would turn out within a script.)


Wilko FokkenEducation is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Bunde   to thoughtful uncertainty.

Tel. 04953-9219882

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Re: something regards "find"

2012-01-04 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 12:42:36PM +0100, pedro insua wrote:
> On 4 January 2012 12:19, Wilko Fokken  wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 12:04:31PM +0800, lina wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I don't know how to find one file out,
> >>
> >> one file contains some numbers, like
> >>
> >> 7.9 2.4 4.2 12.2 and etc
> >>
> >> I can't remember the file name. I tried:
> >>
> >> $ grep -e "7.9" -e "2.4" -e "4.2" -e "12.2" */*
> >>
> >> $ grep -e "7.9" -e "2.4" -e "4.2" -e "12.2" */*/*

>   I think .. is about files content, not file name.

Maybe this one? :

find . -type f -name "*7.9*" -exec grep -H . {} \;

W. Fokken

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Re: New computer planned -- (cleaning old keyboard)

2012-02-21 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 02:19:36PM +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:
> Maybe I should keep the keyboard I am using.
> It's not overly clean, but I can live with it.

> --
> Sian Mountbatten
> Algol 68 specialist

Moin mitnanner,

  How to clean a dirty (fatty) keyboard:

Mix liquid ammonia concentrate (NH4-OH) + cold (!) water in a bucket;
hold your keyboard with them keys down (!) above the bucket;

use a softly scrubbing brush (horse hair = less sqirting) wetted w/ mixture
and brush the keys from underneath, moving brush softly along their gaps;

keep the keyboard upside down, so the cleaning agent will not enter any
keyboard contact, and put the keyboard on a warm place in order to get all
water w/ ammonia completely evaporated.

(Ammonia itself won't leave any residue.)

Good luck!

W. Fokken

Education is a man's going
from cocksure ignorance
to thoughtful uncertainty.

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Re: Can no longer mount SDHC card

2012-03-21 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 03:57:38PM +, Camaleón wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2012 22:29:28 +0700, Ken Heard wrote:
> Open a terminal, run "dmesg | tail" and then insert the card to see 
> what's going on.

Should'nt it be written:

run "dmesg | tail -f"  ?

Gruß Wilko

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Re: Does anyone care about dialup?

2012-05-09 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 07:50:33PM -0500, Indulekha wrote:

> I live in a very remote rural area, so dialup is my only option.
> Someone else suggested wvdial, which works and is good, but I prefer 
> to use pppconfig to create the connection, pon/poff to start/end it, 
> and pppstatus so I can see how many curse words and which ones are 
> appropriate when waiting for things to download. 
>  Indulekha 


I am living the same way in rural Germany.

With Lenny, using 'pppconfig', I am having no problems with dialup
connections, except:

 After running 'pppconfig' to install a new dialup connection to a
 provider, I need to enter the directory


 and have to change the group of my new dialup entries to 'dip':

chown root:dip 

Unfortunately, I can't find a provider anymore, who provides a constant
dialup connection: They all switch their connection parameters regularly,
so that a cheap dialup connection suddenly turns into a altered connection
with costs up to 15 cents/min.

Therefore I wrote some shell scripts in order to protect myself from
monetary hassle relying on data given under

As my shell scripts qualify as "private-alpha", I put just a few lines
here to give an overview of actual cheap German dialup connections:

#! /bin/sh

# Get an overview of cheap dialup connections in Germany from
# ---
# (Note: requires an already working internet access)

# (dialup connection online?)
if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then
wget -q -O - | \
html2text -nobs | tee /tmp/teltarif-all.txt

cat /tmp/teltarif.txt | cut -d\  -f2- > /tmp/teltarif.cut

recode lat1..UTF-8 /tmp/tel*

head -n 100 /tmp/teltarif-all.txt | tail -n 36; echo
ls -l /tmp/teltarif-all.txt

echo "No dialup connection online"

Good Lucks, Germans!

(or you pays your bucks, Hermann)

Greetings, Wilko

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'I can't configure Debian'.

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Re: kill pidof question

2010-11-26 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:27:17AM -0400, Thomas H. George wrote:
> I frequently have to kill iceape - it locks up on some images.
> Of course the command pidof iceape-bin will return the pid to standard
> output and I can then use this information to kill the program.
> Certainly it must be possible to combine these steps into a single
> command line but my efforts to do so have all failed.  Would some pro at
> scripting please set me straight?
> Tom

(from my old scripts, I found these lines:)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
if [ -z `pidof iceape-bin` ]; then  ## (returned zero)
echo "IceApe not running"


if [ -n `pidof iceape-bin` ]; then  ## (returned non-zero)
echo "IceApe is running"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

hope this might improve your control


Wilko Fokken . . . . . . . . . . . . .  De Künst' geiht wiet, say de Boer;
Landschaftspolder 67 . . . . . . . . .  do sach hei 'n Aap.
D-26831 Bunde
 . . . . . . ("Arts must have come a long way",
Tel. 04953-9219882 . . . . . . . . said the landlord becaming aware of an ape.)

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