Re: pdfs and mutt

2003-03-18 Thread Toens Bueker
Emma Jane Hogbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> More information on the situation...I noticed the
> attachment line in "v"iew doesn't have the right info...
>   A 2 Program.pdf  [applica/octet-stre, base64, 170K]
> Things that do work have applica/whateveritis
> All of my PDF attachments have that
> because it's not reading from mailcap or something else?

I was about to ask you the MIME-type your pdfs have.

The fault is not on your side - it's the braindead
mailers, which the guys that send you mail use ...

There is no safe distance.

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Re: Best way to combine file systems?

2003-10-22 Thread Toens Bueker
Ross Boylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My partitions are filling up and I need to start
> juggling parts of my filesystem.  Although some of one
> disk is under a volume manager (LVM via EVMS), I don't
> want to fiddle with it.  Mostly this is because I don't
> want to extend the container to include a second disk,
> thereby doubling my chances of disaster and forcing me
> to keep the disks together.

It is generally not a good idea to use LVM directly on top
of a disk. You always should use LVM on top of a
RAID-System. If you use xfs as your filesystem you can
even extend your partitions while they are mounted.

There is no safe distance.

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Re: Best way to combine file systems?

2003-10-23 Thread Toens Bueker
"Karsten M. Self" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> It is generally not a good idea to use LVM directly on
>> top of a disk. You always should use LVM on top of a
>> RAID-System. If you use xfs as your filesystem you can
>> even extend your partitions while they are mounted.
> What's your basis for these statements?  I've not heard
> this before. 

If you have only one disk, it basically doesn't matter (if
the disk is eliminated your data is as well).

If there are two or more disks and volume groups spanning two
or more of them, your data will be lost as soon as one of
the disks crashes (same thing as with RAID 0). The more
disks the higher the probability of a crash.

And concerning xfs: xfs_growfs is your friend.

There is no safe distance.

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Re: if you could have just one dead tree book

2003-01-31 Thread Toens Bueker
Dan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh fellow debian-users, if you could have just one dead tree book 
> what would you ask for?  

The Practice of System and Network Administration

Thomas A. Limoncelli, Christine Hogan
ISBN 0-201-70271-1
Addison Wesley

There is no safe distance.

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Re: squid and HD size

2002-10-15 Thread Toens Bueker

Kevin Coyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an old SparcStation20 that I've recently put Debian on.  So far I
> haven't used it for anything productive, but was contemplating putting
> Squid on it to be a proxy-server for my 8 box SOHO LAN.  
> The Sparc has 2 HD's, each a whopping 1 Gig in size.  So after the
> Debian install, I'm left with about 1.1 gig of HD space.  Will that be
> sufficent for my SOHO LAN?

Hm. That's not easy to answer. Depends a lot on how you
surf. I'd suggest to use calamaris to monitor Squids
cache performance. We use a 20 Gig disk on one of our
company LANs. And we get a cache hit rate of about 20%.
Keep in mind, though, that you need more RAM, if you
increase the diskspace.

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Re: squid and calamaris

2002-10-24 Thread Toens Bueker
Kevin Coyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Problem is in trying to understand the Calamaris report and make some
> good use of it in terms of tuning Squid.
> I've read the man and done my googling, but have not yet found something
> that kind of gives definitions, etc.  I.e. for Incoming TCP-request by
> host, what does the hit-% column mean?

Hm. It basically says how many requests were hits and how
many bytes were saved.

> Just looking for a good resource to read and study.

When I'm not interested in hosts and content I'm just
looking for the hit-rate in "Incoming TCP-requests by
status". If the byte hit-ratio is above 20%, I'm happy.

As you can basically tune Squid in terms of request
hit-ratio or byte hit-ratio these are the values you want
to keep your eyes on.

There is no safe distance.

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Re: (semi-OT) Novell eDirectory on debian - anyone tried it?

2002-10-27 Thread Toens Bueker
nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If it doesn't run on debian I have a redhat 7.3 system
> it could go on or an old solaris box, but would prefer debian :)

My tests weren't that successful. You can convert their
rpm-packages with alien. I tried to get NIMS to work -
that's why I had to mess with eDirectory, as well. I
think, eDirectory worked ok - but NIMS didn't.

BTW.: I think, eDirectory is licensed on a user basis,

Posix me harder.

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Re: Installing LVM

2003-08-08 Thread Toens Bueker
Tom Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>I'm trying to install an LVM system under Debian.
> >
> >>lvcreate -L3G /nusr vg0
> >>invalidate: busy buffer (about 20 repeats)
> >>/dev/mapper/control: open failed: No such file or directory
> >>Is device-mapper driver missing from kernel?
> >
> >Well, is it?
> >
> That does appear to be the case.
> I didn't expect to have to install a custom kernel to
> get a debian package to work.  This was done with the
> debian 2.4.18 kernel.  Do you know if this appears in a
> later kernel?

It does. Either you choose lvm10 and enable lvm-support in
your 2.4.18 kernel or you choose lvm20 and enable
device-mapper support in your 2.4.21 (probably patched)

In order to get you lvm-stuff to work fast -> use lvm10
and your 2.4.18 kernel.

There is no safe distance.

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Re: Exchange Calendar client?

2002-12-14 Thread Toens Bueker
Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have several clients ready to upgrade their old
> Netware and NT environments.  I can't find something
> that would work similar to the Groupwise or Exchange calendar's. 
> Someone mentioned that the new Mozilla calendar is a candidate.
> I know Suse has some sort of groupware suite but I think it costs alot.
> This is the ONE thing that is preventing my clients from migrating to Linux.
> Is there anything out there being developed that is somewhat similar in 
> functionality to Groupwise/Exchange type group calendar/scheduling???

1. It is important to be precise in this case. Always ask
   for an Exchange/Outlook replacement - not only for an
   Exchange replacement.
   It's the combination of Exchange and Outlook, which
   creates the "user experience" we have to find a
   substitute for - that's because Outlook is the only
   Exchange client, which allows to use Exchanges full
   function set.

2. Outlook uses proprietary MAPI (RPC) functions to access
   Exchange - no standard protocols. Thus it will not be
   possible to imitate Outlooks/Exchanges functions
   without proprietary software (all serious alternatives
   for Exchange or Outlook make use of a MAPI-provider
   piece of software).
There are serveral alternatives which cost money (Samsung
Contact, Oracle Collaboration Suite) and one for free
(BILL workgroup server), which allow you to use either the
full Outlook function set or a subset thereof.

The other alternatives aim to replace both Outlook and
Exchange. They try to rely on standard protocols for their
functions (IMAP, ical, WebDav, etc.). 

My problem is - I have no idea, what the functions of
Exchange/Outlook are in respect of calendaring. I cannot
see, what functions there could be, which are not
provided by evolution, korganizer, etc.

There is no safe distance.

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Re: Exchange Calendar client?

2002-12-14 Thread Toens Bueker
Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, there are Web-based group calendaring solutions like
> phpgroupware.  But I don't think there's anything tightly integrated
> with mail.

?! korganizer? evolution? As Outlook (in standalone-mode
without Exchange) they rely on e-mail to send their
messages around. With korganizer you can even publish your
schedule on a WebDav server for all others to see it and
to integrate it into their calendar (e. g. Mozilla).

> I agree that this is a big missing piece in the Evolution etc. story.


> Of course, this still sucks because you have to have an
> Exchange server in the first place, but... 

Where's the difference between an Exchange server and a
file server in terms of calendaring?

There is no safe distance.

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Potato on ThinkPad 600E

1999-06-25 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

I'm trying to get all the features of a ThinkPad 600E to
work with Debian potato.

What I have:

- all my PCMCIA-cards (xircom, fritz, adaptec) work
- sound (cs4232) works
- X (neomagic, 16bit) works

What I want:

- serial interface is detected but cannot be used
- irda-port?!
- internal modem
- sound does not load automatically
- I cannot have pci-support in the kernel when I want to
  use my PCMCIA-cards (I installed RH on another partition
  and their kernel uses pci-support _and_ PCMCIA works -
  at least with the notebook of my colleague)

I have nearly all the information you can get from the web
concerning ThinkPads. What I need is the address of
somebody who knows how the thing internally works -
especially as I have the impression that configurations
under windows (I have that on one partition) have some
effects on the linux-installation on my other partition.

What I really don't understand is, why the serial port
does not work.

When will the first ThinkPads with preinstalled Linux be
available from IBM?

Linux. The dot in /.

mod_auth_mysql and dso?

1999-07-14 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

I try to compile mod_auth_mysql as a module for apache.
Everything works well during compilation - but when apache
tries to load the module I get this error-message:

test:/etc/apache# /usr/sbin/apachectl start  
Syntax error on line 101 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into \
server: /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ undefined \
symbol: mysql_store_result
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Does anybody know howto get mod_auth_mysql going with dso?
This is on a slink-system (apache-1.3.3).


Linux. The dot in /.

Re: mod_auth_mysql and dso?

1999-07-16 Thread Toens Bueker
On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 12:21:56PM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:

> > Syntax error on line 101 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
> > Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into \
> > server: /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ undefined \
> > symbol: mysql_store_result
> Looks like you need to link the module with the mysql libraries when
> compiling, else it isn't loading the libraries in correctly.


apxs -lmysqlclient -c mod_auth_mysql.c 

does the job.


Linux. The dot in /.

2048 block MOs and 2.2.x

1999-02-15 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

in the 2.1.x kernels I used my 640 MB MOs without

With 2.2.x 

- I cannot mount those MOs any longer,

- when using 'fdisk' on them I get an error-message
(ll_rw_block: device 08:30: only 2048-char blocks
implemented (1024)) 

- and when trying to put a filesystem on them with
'fdisk -b 2048 /dev/sdd1' I get SCSI-errors and
after that the kernel panics and Linux is gone.

What the heck is this?


PS.: with 230 MB MOs everything of the above works like a
 /\\ pgp fingerprint: 9B AC A5 CB C8 CC FC DC  25 B5 26 9A 5D 28 C0 3D

bash-2.02 breaks scp?!

1999-03-02 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

recently I did an 'apt-get upgrade' to get all the brand
new potato-debs and after that I could no longer scp files
between the machines, that were just upgraded.

Instead I always got an 'fortune: command not found'. 
I downgraded to bash-2.01 and everything is fine again.

Any hints?

 /\\ pgp fingerprint: 9B AC A5 CB C8 CC FC DC  25 B5 26 9A 5D 28 C0 3D

glibc-2.1-dev - where is bytesex.h?

1999-03-22 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

subject says it all. Did bytesex.h move to another
package? Or was it just left behind? :-)

 /\\ pgp fingerprint: 9B AC A5 CB C8 CC FC DC  25 B5 26 9A 5D 28 C0 3D

bitchx - ircrc syntax-change?

1999-03-24 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

since I did an upgrade to 75p1 bitchx seems to ignore my
.ircrc. Is this a known problem? What can I do?

 /\\ pgp fingerprint: 9B AC A5 CB C8 CC FC DC  25 B5 26 9A 5D 28 C0 3D

Re: Install of Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E

1999-11-06 Thread Toens Bueker
Christian Ericsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E. Is it possible?

It is :-)

Linux. The dot in /.

Apache-Bug - Fix?!

1997-12-31 Thread Toens Bueker

Hi *,

when will there be a patched version of apache 1.2.*
available for bo?

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Re: browser with strong encryption?

1998-01-11 Thread Toens Bueker
Am Sun, Jan 11, 1998 at 10:13:35AM -0500, meinte Lee Bradshaw:

> Thanks for the pointer to v4.03.  I just looked at the product specs tables 
> and didn't see strong encryption for linux.
> I guess they just have the latest version in the tables,
> even if it doesn't have all the features of previous 
> versions.

I'm using netscape-navigator (standalone) v4.04 with
128bit encryption.

Search altavista with '+fortify +netscape' and you will
find what you need.

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Re: off-topic: Good bug-tracking package?

1998-01-18 Thread Toens Bueker
On Sun, Jan 11, 1998 at 06:51:24PM -0800,  Obi wrote:

> does anyone know of a good bug-tracking software?

Have you had a look at 'jitterbug'? Its from Andrew
Tridgell - the father of samba ...

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Apache 1.2.x for bo?

1998-01-22 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

will there ever be a deb-Package of a recent, released
version of apache?

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Marimba II

1997-03-23 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

I got Bongo running - but the tuner does not. JDK is jdk-static-1.0.2-7.
Bongo and Tuner are 1.0 (available at

Hints welcome!


samba whoes ...

1997-05-14 Thread Toens Bueker

how do I install samba?
It requires libpam0 which requires libpam-util.
Installation of libpam0 will not work until libpam-util is
configured, which will not work until libpam0 is
configured :-)


Töns Büker
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Re: Weierd afterstep-1.0-3 problem

1997-05-22 Thread Toens Bueker
On May 22, Kevin Hilman wrote

> It installs with no complaints, but i can't run it.  
> I can run it if I download and compile the source myself, but I'd like
> to get the .deb working to use on multiple machines.
> What is going on here?  what file is missing here?  

The package seems to require (try "strings
afterstep"). I already reported that one to the maintainer.

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Re: Weierd afterstep-1.0-3 problem

1997-05-23 Thread Toens Bueker
On May 23, joost witteveen wrote

> > The package seems to require (try "strings
> > afterstep"). I already reported that one to the maintainer.
> And (as you  probably know) that means you need to install
> libc6 to get it working (and, ldso-1.9*). (The package needs
> to depend on libc6).

That is _one_ solution.
You could install the package and then grab the source-package
and compile it yourself and install it over the first one.


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icq - java-version

1997-10-05 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

recently we had a discussion about the pros and cons of
icq. I just wanted to check out the java-version. I
installed jdk-1.0.2 and got these errors:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no awt in shared library path
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
at sun.awt.motif.MToolkit.(
at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(
at java.awt.Window.getToolkit(

What can I do?

Töns "I don't know nothing about jdk" Büker

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Re: Can Debian replace Windows NT Server?

1997-11-02 Thread Toens Bueker
Am Thu, Oct 30, 1997 at 10:45:40AM +0100, meinte Christian Leutloff:
> so far as a know the main problem is the not documented communication
> between the servers. But on the other hand there should be
> authentication against the Samba server possible with the next major
> release.
> I'm searching a solution for this problem to. There was sometime ago
> an announcement that a company provides a commercial solution for the
> authentication problem.

Have a look at the new samba-beta-versions. Furthermore
the newsgroup comp.protocols.smb will provide latest
developments in the area of authentication, etc.


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Re: Debian-Lite : The Project

1997-08-07 Thread Toens Bueker
On Aug 7, Olaf Weber wrote

> One place where I can imagine that a small installation would be
> popular is on laptops.  But for those to work well, you need (i) the
> apm package, and (ii) recompile the kernel to enable apm support.

Another area could be linux-ha, which is not ready yet.
But when it is there it may be a good idea to have a
"Debian-Linux-HA-Package" ready.

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Time Tracking Tool ...

1997-08-29 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

somebody - I guess it was Christoph Lameter - recently
announced a tool, which he used to keep track of the time
spend on different projects. The description looked very
interesting, but I lost the message and although I'm
searching through the debian-changes archive at the
moment, I wonder if anybody here can give me a hint.



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Re: Fujitsu-Siemens Primergy RX100-S2

2005-05-27 Thread Toens Bueker
Simon Jolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know if it possible to Debian  (woody or sarge) on the
> Fujitsu-Siement Primergy RX100-S2?
> I have read an earlier post where a solution is to disable the Promise SATA
> RAID controller and use an added 3ware controller instead:
> My question is, has anyone been able to get it to work with the Promise
> controller that it ships with?

Did you read that posting to debian-user? The Promise
controller was diabled, because "it sucks". When I
installed Debian on RX100 the promise controller was
supported by the kernel - but you cannot configure the
RAID from Linux, and you cannot monitor it from Linux.

Do yourself a favor and don't waste time with this crap -
or use Linux software RAID.

There is no safe distance.

Re: Trouble with JED+X

1996-10-29 Thread Toens Bueker

On Sat, 26 Oct 1996, Boris D. Beletsky wrote:
> >make jed and/or slsc under X?
> /usr/bin/xjed
> jed for x
> it's included

And where is xslrn? I need to have jed for xterms. I could use it once ...


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Marimba - Bongo - Debian ...

1997-02-18 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

recently I tried to install marimbas bongo on my Debian-Box.
When I start 'bongo' I get:

Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread

I have installed jdk-common 1.0.2-4 and jdk-static 1.0.2-4.
Are there any libs missing?



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Re: Marimba - Bongo - Debian ...

1997-02-19 Thread Toens Bueker

On Wed, 19 Feb 1997, Jonas Bofjall wrote: 

> I had the exact same problem when trying to run HotJava (a WWW-browser
> from Sun). Someone around here told me that this was because I had an
> old version of JDK. (I also have 1.0.2.) Too bad there is no Linux port
> of any newer JDK. 

But how can there be any linux-versions of marimba, if there is no usable
version of the jdk? And furthermore I'm not aware of a 'newer' jdk - 1.0.2
is the bug-fix-version of 1.0.1.

Further hints?


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Re: 1.1 problems

1996-06-17 Thread Toens Bueker
Susan Kleinmann wrote:
> I agree it would be helpful if more of the module documentation were
> placed in the /usr/doc directory.  I suspect this hasn't happened yet
> because the modules project has been moving _very_ fast.
> There was an article on modules (now outmoded, but good for overview)
> by Matt Welsh in Dr. Dobbs Journal.  It is available on the WWW at
There is even a kerneld-mini-HOWTO. I managed to get
things going with that quite quickly.

Re: MajorDomo Problem with "wrapper"

1996-08-28 Thread Toens Bueker

Brian C. White wrote:

>I'm trying to set up majordomo on our server, but have run into the
>following problem.
>Any mail sent to the "majordomo" alias and gets piped into the majordomo
>command via "wrapper" causes majordomo to just spin its wheels, chewing
>cpu cycles and allocating more and more memory.  If I run the command
>manually ("wrapper majordomo off the wrapper and do (as root) "majordomo 

imp/horde db_sql error strikes again

2001-03-04 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

I just upgraded imp from 2.2.0 to 2.2.3 - now I get this

Fatal error: DB_Sql is already a function or class in
/etc/horde/ on line 12

It seems that DB_Sql is loaded a second time - but I can't
find where.

I found the error in the debian bug database - but it
seems to be closed already a few (horde) upstream-versions

Seems to be back again.

Any hints?


Linux. The dot in /.

wireless-tools vs. 2.4.x

2001-03-10 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

does somebody know how to get the wireless tools (iwconfig
et al.) to work with 2.4.xer kernels?

The wavelan-drivers are great - but I can't configure the
card (eg. essid and wepkey) without the wireless-tools.

Any hints?

Linux. The dot in /.

libxaw7 - undefined symbol?

2001-03-24 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

after a recent dist-upgrade I get this error-message when
I try to start xterm, xconsole (or something else out of

xterm: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/X11R6/lib/ 
undefined symbol:

libxaw7 is version 4.0.2-11

Anyone else with these problems? Am I missing something?

Linux. The dot in /.

Last woody upgrade = chaos?!

2000-11-18 Thread Toens Bueker

Hi *,

I use woody for quite a long time already - but during the update from 
libc6 2.1.97-1 to libc6 2.2 something went wrong.

Several packages, which seem to use networking functions are now broken:

- syslogd
- ping
- ftp
- emacs
- apt-get

Some of those try to open a socket in /var/run/.nscd_socket (which 
does not exist). 

Some just segfault (emacs).

>From former threads in this list I know, that there might be issues 
with libnss*.

I really need that machine up and running again urgently - what can I do?
Are there fixed packages maybe already somewhere in incoming?



Re: Last woody upgrade = chaos?!

2000-11-18 Thread Toens Bueker
Alson van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Several packages, which seem to use networking functions are now broken:
> > 
> > - syslogd
> > - ping
> > - ftp
> > - emacs
> > - apt-get
> > 
> > Some of those try to open a socket in /var/run/.nscd_socket (which 
> > does not exist). 
> > 
> > Some just segfault (emacs).
> are you sure these packages really are upgraded? it is possible apt stopped
> for some reason (some time) after libc was upgraded, and didn't install new
> versions of these packages. it's also possible your mirror doesn't have all
> new packages, that's the reason i've 3 mirrors in sources.list, try adding
> an other mirror (or ftp to a mirror by hand and look for new apt package).

Hmm. I checked the version of those packages on - they're all 
on the current version.

> since woody runs great for me with 2.2, i suspect these failing packages
> are just the old ones build for libc6 2.1.x

I would be really happy if it was that easy :-)

When was your last 'apt-get dist-upgrade'? I don't really know what's wrong
- and that worries me ...


Re: Last woody upgrade = chaos?!

2000-11-18 Thread Toens Bueker
Alson van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > When was your last 'apt-get dist-upgrade'? I don't really know what's wrong
> > - and that worries me ...
> yesterday
> attached is a ls -l of my /lib, so you can compare some versions of libs

That was very helpful - I had one lib more than you (libnss-ldap). And
obviously that one was the problem. I purged and re-installed it - and now 
it didn't reconfigure /etc/nsswitch.conf. Et voilá - we're back to business.

Thank you.


Debian in Beijing?

2000-04-08 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

I'll be in Beijing for a few days next week. I saw, that
there is a 'Linux Club', but are there Debian users there?

Linux. The dot in /.

Mozilla 14 + SSL (PSM)

2000-03-10 Thread Toens Bueker

Hi *,

is there anybody who could get the personal security
manager to work with M14? Is the debian version capable of
using it?

See for more information ...

Linux. The dot in /.

Re: Mozilla 14 + SSL (PSM)

2000-03-11 Thread Toens Bueker
Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Check out
> You need to get a special Mozilla build ..

Ah. Thanx.
Is it a problem to include that one into Debian?

Linux. The dot in /.

Re: libxaw7 - undefined symbol?

2001-03-24 Thread Toens Bueker
Adrian Bunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Anyone else with these problems? Am I missing something?
> something goes currently wrong with linking when the paths to the libc5
> libraries are before the paths to the libc6-X11 libraries in
> /etc/ As a workaround move the lines
>   /usr/lib/libc5-compat
>   /lib/libc5-compat
> to the end of this file and run "ldconfig".

That fixed it.


Linux. The dot in /.

Re: [Woody] Mounting LVM-snapshots with ext3 + ACL + user_xattr-Patch

2004-01-05 Thread Toens Bueker
Oliver Schade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, mounting this snapshot fails:
> fsb01:~# mount -o ro /dev/RAID5/TEMP1500 /mnt/berlin/Snapshots/TEMP
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/RAID5/TEMP1500,
>or too many mounted file systems

> Any help for snapshoting and mounting of a live LVM-systems together
> with ACLs are highly welcome.

For XFS the LVM-Howto suggests:

mount -o nouuid,ro /dev/ops/dbbackup /mnt/ops/dbbackup

Have you tried that - just in case?

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Re: [Woody] Mounting LVM-snapshots with ext3 + ACL + user_xattr-Patch

2004-01-05 Thread Toens Bueker
Paul Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is a well known issue.  lvm snapshots don't work in the 2.4
> kernel series. The reason is that ext3 needs to lock and flush the
> ext3 journal *before* taking the snapshot.

Does that imply, that lvm snapshots should work with 2.6.0

When I try the following (ok its xfs but ...)

xfs_freeze -f /home
lvcreate --size 250m -s -n snap1 /dev/vg00/home_lv 
xfs_freeze -u /home

I get this error:

  Rounding up size to full physical extend 252.00 MB
device-mapper: error adding target to table
  device-mapper ioctl cmd 9 failed: Invalid argument
  Couldn't load device 'vg00-snap1'.
  Problem reactivating origin home_lv

With a patched Debian kernel that worked ok with 2.4.22 (IIRC).

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Re: Anyone using Ricochet? (and installing perl modules)

2003-06-26 Thread Toens Bueker

> It requires a few Perl modules that are not bundled for
> Debian. Is there a *recommended* way to install Perl
> modules with Debian.  Do people use the CPAN module (or
> install manually) or should modules be made into debs
> and then installed?

Definetly yes. Use dh-make-perl and let it do it for you.

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Re: Problems with SCSI aic79xx driver in 2.4.21 kernel...., 'attempting to abort cmd xxxxx'

2003-07-03 Thread Toens Bueker
Walter Tautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> problem occursNote I am trying to install on a SuperMicro
> system server, model 6013P8.. I basically compiled a
> version of the 2.4.21 kernel and then copied onto the
> linux.bin of the rescue floppy... this worked however
> once the system boots after the first phase of the
> install it starts giving messages like: 
> scsi0:0:2:0 Attempting abort of cmd xx (where 
> is obvious some hex number)
> Command found on device queue
> any thoughts on how to solve this?

The 6013P8 includes an Adaptec Ultra 320 scsi raid-controller.
You need the dpt_i2o driver to access it.

I usually use the "normal" woody boot media with bf2.4 and
use a preload-floppy for modules from during
the installation.

Eduard Bloch has done other boot media - including xfs- and

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Re: User Mangment: LDAP, AFS, Kerberos

2003-08-01 Thread Toens Bueker
Ken McCord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Turbo Fredriksson has a good write-up at 
> regarding Kerberos and 
> OpenLDAP.  I'm working on a similiar project attempting to integrate 
> OpenLDAP, Kerberos and OpenAFS. IBM Germany has an interesting
> project/product as well. Here's a pdf link to a product presentation:
> Email me off-line if you want a copy of my docs (so far).  They include 
> Debian base system installation, OpenLDAP installation/configuration 
> (Primary and Secondary servers) and Kerberos V 
> installation/configuration (Primary and Secondary).  Some other stuff as 
> well...

Maybe is another interesting
project in this context (although it has been abandoned

I would be interested in your docs, as well.

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Re: xtree for Linux

2004-02-25 Thread Toens Bueker
stephen parkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>I suggest you look at unixtree, it is the real thing, very close to 
> >>XTreeGold.  Check it out at  .
> >
> >>UnixTree is written by Rob Juergens and is "Free Software", released as 
> >>"Open Source" under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
> >> .
> >
> >it doesn't appear to have been updated for a while - is it still 
> >maintained?
> >
> >(I've noticed it before, and wondered why so large a percentage of it was
> >spent reinventing the wheel).
> >
> nicest bit i remember was the ability individual files in different 
> levels of a dir struct and delete, copy, move or zip them with/without 
> the dir paths.
> never found the dir struct bit in any tool since though.
> i used to have my own legal copy, when they went windows i didn't bother 
> upgrading, i think i spotted one of the two(istr)720k xtree disks the 
> other week :-)

Has ytree already been suggested?

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Re: Mail server load

2004-03-31 Thread Toens Bueker
Mariano Wahlmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> Hy, i'm Administrator of an University, and my mail (pop/imap) server
> has 5-6 average LA, the machine is an Dual Pentium Xeon of 2.4Ghz, with
> 1Gb of RAM, and one UW-SCSI 320 of 36Gb. My domain has 4000 email
> accounts, and 5 list of 3000 local users (that send one or two email by
> day). The problem is that users gets TIMEOUT everytime that try to
> download emails, etc etc.. 

E-Mail (and especially with MTAs like postfix and qmail) is IO-bound. You need
more disks to spread the load on more spindles.

There is no safe distance.

Is Sun going to use Debian for their boxes?

2002-06-19 Thread Toens Bueker
Hi *,

I just read of a rumour about Suns new Linux-Boxes (LX50?!) and a "Sun-Linux"
distro on them.

Wouldn't it be nice if this distro was Debian based?

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Re: Suspend to disk

2005-11-07 Thread Toens Bueker
Antonio Paiva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm currently using Debian testing (started with Sarge and upgraded to 
> Etch), and I would like to know if anyone was able to reliably suspend 
> its computer to disk. If so, could you tell me how?

I use for that. Doesn't require
apm or acpi. I'd use it on all my workstations. 

There is no safe distance.

Re: [Cygwin <-> Debian]: rysnc hangs when backing up multiple /cygdrive/* dirs

2005-12-07 Thread Toens Bueker
"H.S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am not able to see what could be going wrong with my rsync method. I
> am trying to back up a Windows XP box (running Cygwin and sshd and
> rsyncd)  from my Debian Testing box.

Have you tried using SFU (services for unix) instead of
cygwin on your Windows box?

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