apt-get upgrade many systems

2003-02-24 Thread Sven Heinicke


I've got enough Debian systems where doing an apt-get upgrade when
security holes are a pain.  While it would not be to hard to set up a
script to do what in needed remotely, I was wondering if there was a
more standard Debian way to do these things.

If there has been talk of this before, of if there is a package that
does this I am just not using the correct keywords in my search.


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Re: install over network with PCMCIA

2003-11-05 Thread Sven Heinicke

On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 08:16:08AM -0400, David Zelinsky wrote:
> I have a laptop with a floppy drive and PCMCIA ethernet, but no CD
> drive.

While you might have a different setup, several months ago I did a, I
think floppy, network install over a PCMCIA network card.  It took
several trys.

When configuring the PCMCIA card I had to set.


Later in the install, when configuring the network I think, it asked
me if I was using a PCMCIA card, answering YES caused the install to
fail.  I did the install again and answering no worked well.

After the install, and after updating the kernel the PCMCIA card
stopped working again with missing symbols in the kernel.  I edited
the /etc/default/pcmcia to nat have any PCIC_OPTS and set
PCIC="yenta_socket" and it works well to this day.

This was months ago, so the memory is a bit fuzzy with a few points.
It took many tries to get the install to finally work.


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Re: Which kernel-image for Dual-XEON?

2003-11-05 Thread Sven Heinicke
> I'm using kernel-image-2.4.22-1-686-smp for such a machine
> (incl. an init RD for raid1 and reiserfs).  But how can I
> enable HT there?  [Note: I need a Debian "stock" kernel, not
> a home-grown, for this machine.]

I would check the BIOS to see if there is a setting to turn on
hyper-threading.  I am currently using a stock debian kernel on a HT
system with 2 CPUs and /proc/cpuinfo reports four.


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Re: Stable Debian == obsolete??

2003-11-11 Thread Sven Heinicke

If lilo don't work for you and grub will, do the Debian install, make
a boot floppy boot of the boot floppy and then install grub from the

grub is a great boot loader, but lilo has always worked for me.  I
think I have always put it on the mbr though even though / or /boot
has been in all sorts of places.


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mixed to stable

2002-10-11 Thread Sven Heinicke

I have stable system where I followed the APT-HOWTO on installing stuff 
from unstable.  That is all well and done now and I want to make my 
system all stable again.  I don't remember all the packages I installed 
   from other versions and I don't care.  I want back to all stable.

Hopefully this answer cat be added to the APT-HOWTO, of it it is there 
more clearly labeled.


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Evolution and VNC

2002-10-16 Thread Sven Heinicke

VNC is working great but some programs, Evolution being the main one,
gets a little messed up with fonts.  In some text areas there is a box
between every character, making it nearly impossible to read.

I kinda like it in emacs, as I can actually see my nobreak spaces, but
reading mail headers and the "Summary" page is unreadable.


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Re: Debian eth0 full duplex

2002-10-23 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 23:01, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
> Joe T. posts:
> >> How do I find and/or set my eth0 interface to 100 Mb/s full duplex?
> I use this command  to set the speed of my eepro  card to 10 MBps full
> duplex.  `mii-tool  --force=10baseT-FD --log eth0', maybe  you need to
> substitute 100baseT-FD  in lieu of 10baseT-FD.  You  should start this
> command via  the run-level init scripts,  preferably a level  of 25 in
> the rcS.d symlink dir.

I have fillowing in the /etc/modutils/3c59x file:

post-install 3c59x /sbin/mii-tool --force=100baseTx-FD

I bet something similar would work for eepros.  Just watchi it if you
have more then one ethernet card that need to difference modes.


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creating /dev/hd[m-t]

2002-11-04 Thread Sven Heinicke
With woody, I got a system with 20 IDE drives (5 IDE cards).  The kernel
in finding all of them but /dev/MAKEDEV seems to only know how to make
up to /dev/hdl:

ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdl
ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdm
./MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device "hdm"

but I need up to /dev/hdt, I think I know what the major and minor
numbers to use as I have another distro (Mandrake) running on a similar
system that figured out all the drive letters but I wish to bet a better
way to figure this out then "install another Linux and look" in the

Where do I look, even in the code if necessary, to find this out?


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Re: creating /dev/hd[m-t]

2002-11-05 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 15:09, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> * Sven Heinicke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021104 11:54]:
> > With woody, I got a system with 20 IDE drives (5 IDE cards).  The kernel
> > in finding all of them but /dev/MAKEDEV seems to only know how to make
> > up to /dev/hdl:
> > 
> > ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdl
> > ds2:/dev# ./MAKEDEV hdm
> > ./MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device "hdm"
> > 
> > but I need up to /dev/hdt, I think I know what the major and minor
> > numbers to use as I have another distro (Mandrake) running on a similar
> > system that figured out all the drive letters but I wish to bet a better
> > way to figure this out then "install another Linux and look" in the
> > docs.
> > 
> > Where do I look, even in the code if necessary, to find this out?
> The best place to start is /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt (or
> equivalent, wherever you may keep your kernel source).
> Also, in case it helps:
> brw-rw1 root disk  88,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdm
> brw-rw1 root disk  88,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdn
> brw-rw1 root disk  89,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdo
> brw-rw1 root disk  89,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdp
> brw-rw1 root disk  90,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdq
> brw-rw1 root disk  90,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdr
> brw-rw1 root disk  91,   0 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hds
> brw-rw1 root disk  91,  64 Aug 30  2001 /dev/hdt

Great, I got it looking in the devices.txt.  Devfs sounds like a good
idea too, but not for this system.

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mkfs -t ext3 -c /dev/stripes/large

2002-11-05 Thread Sven Heinicke

I was doing a:

  mkfs -t ext3 -c /dev/stripes/large

On my newly created LVM with /dev/hd[b-t] in it, and got the following

Nov  5 10:43:12 ds2 kernel: hdr: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error 
Nov  5 10:43:12 ds2 kernel: hdr: dma_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, 
LBAsect=6306866, sector=6306848

because I used the -c option does mean the disk is happy and the sectors
are marked bad and I just loose some disk space.  Or is the drive dead
and I should replace it before I start loosing more sectors?


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Gnome freezen up with NFS /home

2002-11-21 Thread Sven Heinicke
About two weeks ago I installed stable, with unstable OpenOffice, on a
user system with security updates.  The user, alples, has an NFS /home
directery mounted from a Sun I don't have root access to.

In the began the nfs /home directory mounted: soft,bg,rw

but when she logged in Gnome would freeze up and the log would get:

Nov 14 14:41:56 trade gconfd (alples-637): Failed to get lock for daemon,
exiting: Failed to lock '/ac/res/cs9/alples/.gconfd/lock/ior': probably
another process has th
e lock, or your operating system has NFS file locking misconfigured, or a
hard NFS client crash caused a stale lock (No locks available)
Nov 14 14:41:56 trade gconfd (alples-639): starting (version 1.0.9), pid
639 user 'alples'
Nov 14 14:41:56 trade kernel: lockd: cannot monitor 138.15.x.y
Nov 14 14:41:56 trade kernel: lockd: failed to monitor 138.15.x.y

as she never logs into other systems I added the nolock option and all
want well from a week.  The /proc/mounts has the following options on
/home partitions:


Today gnome freezes up again with the following

$ ps -fu alples
alples 506   456  0 10:35 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/gnome-session
alples 532   506  0 10:35 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent --
/usr/bin/gnome-session --purge-delay=15000
alples 536 1  0 10:35 ?00:00:00 gnome-smproxy
--sm-config-prefix /.gnome-smproxy-TZAlon/ --sm-client-id
alples 548 1  0 10:35 ?00:00:00 sawfish --sm-client-id
118a0fa88e0001037373893000473 --sm-prefix a7vro0b87l

no system errors this time.  I got it to work again by deleting .gnome*
files and friends but I don't think that is a long term solution.

She used to use Mandrake 8.x on her desktop with /home from nfs and I
never had this problem.


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Re: Anyone installed sarge?

2003-08-14 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 18:18, Scott C. Linnenbringer wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 13:31:30 +0200 (MEST), Jens Wannenmacher
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  
> > anyone out there who installed sarge from the unofficial isos dated
> > 2003/07/27?
> > If so: Are there any problems?
> Are those the images of the new debian-installer, or the former
> boot-floppies set?
> If it's the new debian-installer, than yes, some people have had
> problems because it's currently in early stages and not rock-solid.
> However, your milage may vary.

I download the _Official net install images for the "testing" release_
about once a month for a few months now, todays (August 13th) was the
closest I have gotten to getting an install working:

* Keyboard Detection Failed, just skipped it

* One of the two systems I have doesn't have a floppy, though it keeps
trying to detect it.

* One of the systems systems has an eepro100, it doesn't detect that the
e100 driver works with it.

* Disk partitioning returns errors, doing Alt-F2 and using fdisk works

* It the partition selector I can't see where I mounted what partition
because the devfs device names push it off to the right.

* In the partition selector, it don't let me manually enter where to
mount a partition more then once

* And finally, at the end where I it tries to download the
/debian/dists/sarge/Release file from my local apt-proxy, it just sits
there at 0% forever.  Even though I can download the file from Alt-F2
with wget no problem.

But the improvements over the last couple of months have been great!

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Greek Fonts in ghostscript

2003-08-14 Thread Sven Heinicke

With stable, from mozilla I'm printing out a Greek language web page
(i.e. http://www.debian.org/index.el.html) to a ps file and the try to
view it with gv, and most of the Greek letters are missing.  Is there a
way to get this working?  I think I have all the Greek fonts installed,
and still no luck.


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Re: Anyone installed sarge?

2003-08-14 Thread Sven Heinicke

> When I tested debian-installer recently, I was told that the net
> install images are *really* crufty and what you're testing is a
> several-month-old floppy-on-a-CD that doesn't work well.  Of obvious
> note:

In the root of the CD:

$ tail -1 README.mirrors.txt 
Last modified: Wed Aug  6 18:52:45 2003 Number of sites listed: 334

so it's younger then 10 days.

> > * One of the systems systems has an eepro100, it doesn't detect that the
> > e100 driver works with it.
> This *is* detected by the full debian-installer CD.

And I tried two different cards controlled by the e100/eepro100 driver
and it detected neither.  The handy one it didn't detect is:

Ethernet controller: Intel Corp. 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet 
Controller (rev 65).
  IRQ 9.
  Master Capable.  Latency=66.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=56.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd020 [0xd0200fff].
  I/O at 0x3000 [0x303f].

> I still don't recommend debian-installer for those who aren't brave
> and have noticable Debian experience, though.

I agree.  Though I am not brave, I have enough extra systems laying
around my office than it don't really matter.

>  When I tested it, APT
> on the chroot got stuck installing base packages, and I couldn't
> install anything (say, a kernel or a boot loader).  I was able to
> recover to a working system because I had another disk I could boot
> off of with GRUB on it and was comfortable using the chroot, but if
> that sentence scares you d-i is probably a little bleeding-edge for
> you.  :-)

it does scare me, but I've done similar things to save systems, but the
paycheck gives me courage when needed.  But It didn't even start to
download files so chroot'n would not help.

Thanks for the idea though!


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Re: 2.4.20 kernel for woody

2003-05-29 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 17:39, Steinar Bang wrote:
> > Steinar Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Does anyone know of a 2.4.20 kernel packaged for woody?
> Here it is:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-security/2003/debian-security-200305/msg00288.html
> Thanx to Herbert Xu for pointing me to it! (and of course also for
> maintaining the package)

I've had devfs and lvm issues with the proposed-updates 2.4.20 kernel. 
Installing woody, dist-upgrading to proposed-updates, installing lvm and
debians 2.4.20 kernel, reboot to new kernel, start creating logical
partitions, don't work.  I bet mounting devfs on /dev would work, but I
just rebuilt the 2.4.20 kernel without devfs.

Just a friendly warning if you use lvm.


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pdf2ps Segmentation fault

2003-01-02 Thread Sven Heinicke

On some pdf files pdf2ps Segmentation faults on stable Debian.  While on
Red Hat 8.0 the don't.  I see that the testing version has a closer
version to that of Red Hat.  Anybody have luck with running testing
gs-common and/or gs debs on stable?


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Re: pdf2ps Segmentation fault

2003-01-03 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 19:04, Jason Pepas wrote:
> On Thursday 02 January 2003 01:37 pm, Sven Heinicke wrote:
> > On some pdf files pdf2ps Segmentation faults on stable Debian.  While on
> > Red Hat 8.0 the don't.  I see that the testing version has a closer
> > version to that of Red Hat.  Anybody have luck with running testing
> > gs-common and/or gs debs on stable?
> >
> >   Sven
> this does not directly answer your question, but provides an alternate 
> solution.

I ended up doing an apt-get source of the testing ghostscript source and
built that by hand and installed it in the /usr/local directory.  Using,
or making, the testing deb required to many changes on stable.  No more
seg faults so long one runs the stuff in /usr/local/bir instead of
/usr/bin .


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Re: Debian for enterprise

2003-11-17 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:22:33AM -0800, Joe Rhett wrote:
> > When you do 'apt-get upgrade' you will only update stable->stable and 
> > (maybe) testing->testing updates.  If it doesn't do testing->testing, 
> > then you have to do each one of them manually.
> > 
> > This allows you to use stable as the default installation and then pull 
> > in spamassassin (for example) from the testing branch to get something 
> > more up to date without forcing everything into a -testing environment.
> I saw this recommended, and I tried it ... and never got anything.  Even
> when testing had a higher priority, it never saw the updated packages.
> ..using apt-get by hand, as dselect confused me, er itself really :-(
> Are you using a specific package manager that gave you more control?

I didn't see Joe Rhett entire post, so sorry if you already did this.
But try doing an 'apt-get update' before you do the apt-get upgrade.

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package confusion (Was: Debian for enterprise)

2003-11-18 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 10:44:17PM -0800, Joe Rhett wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 03:12:43PM -0500, Sven Heinicke wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:22:33AM -0800, Joe Rhett wrote:
> > > > When you do 'apt-get upgrade' you will only update stable->stable and 
> > > > (maybe) testing->testing updates.  If it doesn't do testing->testing, 
> > > > then you have to do each one of them manually.
> > > > 
> > > > This allows you to use stable as the default installation and then pull 
> > > > in spamassassin (for example) from the testing branch to get something 
> > > > more up to date without forcing everything into a -testing environment.
> > >  
> > > I saw this recommended, and I tried it ... and never got anything.  Even
> > > when testing had a higher priority, it never saw the updated packages.
> > > ..using apt-get by hand, as dselect confused me, er itself really :-(
> > > 
> > > Are you using a specific package manager that gave you more control?
> > > 
> > 
> > I didn't see Joe Rhett entire post, so sorry if you already did this.
> > But try doing an 'apt-get update' before you do the apt-get upgrade.
> I did that.  I thought I said that in my post, but maybe not.  I understand
> the update thing, really ;-)

I checked the archives and this seemed to be a different thread then
the original subject indicated, so I changed the subject.

Though I am a little confused about what exactly is your problem as
the thread issues kinda blur, I think you are doing:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -u

and never get any updates?  Post your /etc/apt/sources.list file.  If
I'm wrong and totally off the wall, I would suggest starting a new
thread with an accurate subject.


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Bug #220623: LVM and devfs

2003-11-18 Thread Sven Heinicke

To get te the point, how ho I change an i686 3.0r1 system with
proposed-updates and the 2.4.22-2-686-smp kernel to be devfs?  I would
be most happy with pointers to Linux general documentation on how to

The story: I was setting up an i686 system with woody that needed a
driver I was not able to find with kernels shipped with 3.0r1 (the tg3
driver), so I added proposed-updates to my sources and installed
2.4.22-2-686-smp, the rest of the story is described in bug #220623.
While, as said in the bug description, I did get it working, Patrick
Caulfield submitted to my bug report that "If you're using devfs and
LVM then devfs *must* be mounted.".  I tried booting a system with the
kernel option to mount devfs, but it wasn't happy (I'll post a better
description of the error tomorrow if wished).


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kernel-image-2.4.18-686 vs. kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686

2003-12-03 Thread Sven Heinicke

$ apt-cache search kernel-image 2.4.18 686
kernel-image-2.4.18-686 - Linux kernel image 2.4.18 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.
kernel-image-2.4.18-686-smp - Linux kernel image 2.4.18 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV 
kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686 - Linux kernel image 2.4.18 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.
kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686-smp - Linux kernel image 2.4.18 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV 

What's the difference between 2.4.18 and 2.4.18-1, and why is there no
security upgrades for kernel-image-2.4.18-686.  Is it not vulnerable?


p.s. I have the itchy feeling this is a stupid question, but I've been
wondering for a while.  Now with the new security upgrades I thought
to double check.

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on sarge xine crashes X

2004-07-04 Thread Sven Heinicke

About a week ago a new XFree86 came out for sarge.  Since the xine
(and gxine) crashes X, and I get no useful error messages.

ii  xine-ui0.99.1-1   the xine video player, user interface
ii  xserver-xfree8 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 the XFree86 X server
Linux acorn 2.6.6-1-686-smp #1 SMP Wed May 12 16:41:10 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux

enclosed is the XFree86.0.log.old file.

Description: application/trash

libxine1 or xserver-xfree86 bug? (Was: on sarge xine crashes X)

2004-07-07 Thread Sven Heinicke
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 02:37:22AM +1000, Darryl Luff wrote:
> >Sven Heinicke wrote:
> >
> >>About a week ago a new XFree86 came out for sarge.  Since the xine
> >>(and gxine) crashes X, and I get no useful error messages.
> >> 
> >>
> I'm also having this problem. I've tried deleting .xine but it didn't 
> help. I've also tried removing the win32 codecs and got the same 
> problem. When I use xine (or other players based on it) X exits.
> But, if I run 'Xnest :1', then run 'DISPLAY=:1 xine'. It runs fine (if a 
> bit slow) inside the nested window. I'm not sure what this means? My 
> machine is a Compaq armada with an ATI rage/mobility driver. Another 
> machine with an nVidia card seems fine.

I'm having Darryl's problem, and have gained more insight.  I went
through the `Section "Module"' of my XF86Config-4 file and commented
out one module at a time until it worked.  Not loading the extmod
module prevented X from crashing.  But SHAPE, XVideo and probably
other extension are also lost.  While shape is just vanity, the XVideo
extension seems useful for xine, but it at least plays.  When running
gxine I now get:

Xlib:  extension "XVideo" missing on display ":0.0".

I'm willing to file a Debian bug report if one isn't already filed,
but what package?  I guess xserver-xfree86 or libxine1?

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kernel-image-2.6.7-1-686 breaks wheel mouse

2004-07-12 Thread Sven Heinicke

kernel-image-2.6.7-1-686 version 2.6.7-2 breaks my wheel mouse.  Well,
all works on the mouse but the wheel confuses X by putting the mouse
off the screen.  kernel-image-2.6.6-2-686 version 2.6.6-2 works great

I have a logitech M-S48 mouse running xserver-xfree86 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6,
in which the mouse is configured:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "CorePointer"
Option  "Device""/dev/input/mice"
Option  "Protocol"  "ImPS/2"
Option  "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"

I've tried a few other protocols, no luck.


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f2c 20031025

2004-04-13 Thread Sven Heinicke

Sarge and Sid have f2c 20020621, while
http://www.netlib.org/f2c/src/version.c seems to have version
20031025.  Are there plans to upgrade to the latest version?  Is
http://www.netlib.org/f2c the best place to get f2c?


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