Re: Debian GNU/LInux 3.0 - Win4Lin 4.0

2002-11-04 Thread Steve Cooper
>From fritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 05:48:16AM +0100:
> using Debian GNU/Linux 3.0, which works great, we have to use one 
>business-application which is only available as Windows-programm. Trying wine and 
>Cross-Over , both programms are unable to run our application, we are now testing 
>Win4Lin 4.0. Unfortunately "netraverse" does not support Debian distributions. 
>Therefor I am unable to install Win4Lin 4.0.

FWIW - I've been running Win4Lin on Debian (Unstable) for close to a
year with very few problems.  I build my own kernels.  It hasn't been
a huge deal to apply the Win4Lin patches to my kernel.  You typically
have to wait 1-2 months before they release the patches for a new
kernel version.

Performance is good.  Display is a little flickery.  Almost all my
applications work.  The main downside is that you're running a Win9x
version, which suck even without Win4Lin and Linux mixed in.  VMWare
allows you to run more solid Windows versions, at a huge performance
or hardware upgrade cost.

Netraverse's support has also been very good.  I heartily recommend
Win4Lin if you're willing to rough it with kernel building.


  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: html as background

2002-11-04 Thread Steve Cooper
>From Lance Hoffmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 09:13:20AM -0600:
> This is what I am trying to do-- but automatically from a console.
> Galeon will save as *.ps file.  But does w3m,links, or wget save as
> *.ps file?  How can I write a script (bash, perl) to go to a website
> and dump the html page as a *.ps file (or gif,jpeg...)?
> I am basically trying to get a local weather forecast off the web
> and use it as a background on my desktop.
---end quoted text---

You can also use xearth (or is it xplanet?) and suck down current
images of the cloud layer which you overlay on top a globe on the root
window.  You can have that globe stay on a particular longitute and
latitude.  There probably is also a way to download other weather
numbers which you also place geographically on the globe.

This sounds more interesting than html to me.  To have a hires picture
of the earth with a wide angle view of current cloud patterns and some
weather data thrown in.

I'm not positive about spraying the weather numbers on the globe.  But
I have done the bit with the cloud layer.  It works great.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is my Xserver useing too much memory?

2002-11-09 Thread Steve Cooper
>From Mike Fedyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 04:47:00PM -0800:
> Now in another machine I have a [1]Xserver using a lot of memory again.
> Earlier today, the SIZE of the process was about 64MB, and now it's up to
> 80MB.  Is this normal?  My system has been up for 7 days.
---end quoted text---

FWIW - I had an experience where it was a poorly written program (my
own:)) that leaked memory in the XFree86 process.  I was mismanaging
pixmaps.  Rather than seeing the memory added to my process, it was
added to X, and not removed when my process shut down.

So I think it can also be a bad application or applet.  You may want
to think about what you have running.  Monitor memory usage as you
start up and shutdown some of the software you run.  If the usage in
XFree86 goes up, but doesn't come back down when you run and stop a
particular program, be suspicious, particularly if it's a graphics

On the other hand the amount that's being used doesn't sound out of
line to me.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Motherboards

2002-10-01 Thread Steve Cooper

>From Vikki Roemer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 07:32:27PM -0400:
> >I'm looking for information on P4 motherboards and chipsets for Woody?
> Well, I don't know about motherboards, but as for chipsets-- avoid any 
> and all SiS chips.  I have the SiS 730s chipset in my computer, and the 
> graphics chips sort of work (the driver is somewhat  mismatched-- I have 
> to deal with perpetual, severe pincushion distortion), but the sound 
> doesn't work *at all* and Linux can't find my fan & temperature sensors 
> (they work-- I've checked the BIOS numerous times to make sure).  Take 
> it from me, SiS chips are just worthless; avoid them like the plague :(
---end quoted text---

FWIW - I'm running beautifully on an ASUS P4S533 motherboard based on
the SiS 645DX chipset.  I don't have onboard video.  But the onboard
sound and NIC work great, and are well supported by the kernel.  The
sound is actually much better than my previous $150 SoundBlaster Live!
card was until I mucked with ALSA.  I've had many fewer problems with
this hardware combo, than I had with an ASUS Athlon setup.

My general observation is that it's difficult to make flat statements
about motherboard and chipset brands being bad or good.  It's a board
by board, chipset by chipset decision.  Some ASUS mb's are great, some
aren't.  Some Intel chipsets suck, some don't.  Same with SiS.  Word
of mouth is the best tool you have, IMO.

Good luck!


  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Progress Patch problems

2002-10-01 Thread Steve Cooper


I've successfully applied the LPP before.  But this time around it
isn't working for me.  The symptom is that I see the Debian graphical
screen at bootup, but it freezes with no progress indicated and with
two LED's on my Microsoft keyboard flashing.

To get more info I removed the redirection of console messages to
tty2 in lilo.conf, and saw the kernel panic info the next time I
rebooted.  The last couple of lines are:

<0> Kernel panic
<4> keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present? (00)

So it's not finding my keyboard!  If I change to a non-framebuffer
boot, e.g. vga=0x30C, everything's fine.  Why would my keyboard be
flaking out in the one case, and not in the other.

It may be simply a badly applied patch.  I may have had one hunk that
needed to work slightly harder to get applied.  But there were no
patch errors.

Other info:
  Kernel: 2.4.19
  Patches (in application order): Win4Lin (mki and kernel), low
  latency, LPP
  Debian: unstable
  Hardware: P4, ASUS/SiS mb, MS Natural Keyboard Pro (PS/2 port),
Nvidia GForce 2 video card, MS USB mouse, Advansys SCSI,
onboard audio and LAN.
  Kernel build tool: make-kpkg

I followed the README and updated rc, rcS, inittab, lilo.conf as per
the instructions.  Note that I only have problems when booting

Anyone else seen this?  Any suggestions?



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ASUS motherboard

2002-10-01 Thread Steve Cooper

>From Jim McCloskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 10:19:04PM -0700:
> Has anyone any experience of the ASUS P4 S533 motherboard under
> Debian?
> In particular, I've been trying to reassure myself that the onboard
> LAN controller is supported, and have wandered all over the net
> seeking reassurance. I'm still not sure. The LAN controller is
> described as an SiS 961. Does anyone know for sure whether or not this
> is handled properly by the sis900 ethernet driver?
> Any other experience or observations?
---end quoted text---

That's what I have.  The onboard sound and LAN is working perfectly.
I've been very pleased with the motherboard.  No compatibility
problems whatsoever with either Debian unstable or Windoze 2000.

In case it becomes useful to you...

The "make menuconfig" options are:
  Network device support  --->
Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)  --->
  EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers
SiS 900/7016 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter support
  Sound  --->
Sound card support
  C-Media PCI (CMI8338/8738)

The corresponding .config file variables are:

Good luck!


      \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cannot find Ncurses when I run "make menuconfig"

2002-10-01 Thread Steve Cooper

>From Steve Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 07:27:44AM -0500:
> apt-get install libncurses5-dev 
> On Wednesday 25 September 2002 06:02, J.S.Sahambi wrote:
> > I tried "make menuconfig" with 2.4.29 and it says:
> > ***
> > jsahambi@ws97:~/kernel$ make menuconfig
> > rm -f include/asm
> > ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
> > make -C scripts/lxdialog all
> > make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jsahambi/kernel/scripts/lxdialog'
> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses
> > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> > 
> >  >> Unable to find the Ncurses libraries.
> >  >>
> >  >> You must have Ncurses installed in order
> >  >> to use 'make menuconfig'
> > 
> > make[1]: *** [ncurses] Error 1
> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jsahambi/kernel/scripts/lxdialog'
> > make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
---end quoted text---

FWIW - I had libncurses5-dev installed, and I was receiving an error
just like this.  I think it happens whenever ncurses chokes on
something.  In my case it didn't like being run under a Python wrapper
script.  You may want to make sure you have a health ncurses and

$ cd /usr/src/linux# your linux root directory
$ scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog --textbox ~/.bashrc 20 70

Substitute any text file for ~/.bashrc.  If you see a scrolling text
window lxdialog and ncurses are healthy.  Otherwise that's where you
start debugging.  Eliminate all wrapper scripts from running "make
menuconfig".  Try different terminals, including a plain tty without

Hope that helps.


  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is anyone able to compile kernel 2.4.19 from source?

2002-10-01 Thread Steve Cooper

>From David De Graff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 11:21:06PM 
> As noted in earlier posts, awk fails with a segfault on make menuconfig when
> trying to compile kernel-source-2.4.19.
> I've posted several times on this problem, and have tried all suggestions
> given so far. Since my last post I have done many tests on clean VMware
> virtual machines running fresh installs of woody. Here's a bug report that I
> sent on this issue (below). I'd appreciate any reports of similar problems,
> or of successful compiles and how the conditions or methods might differ.
---end quoted text---

This is a shot in the dark...

I recently had headaches with lxdialog, the tool used to display the
ncurses-based menuconfig menu.  It built fine, but always crashed
before showing the menu, at about the same point as yours.  In my case
it was because I was running under a Python script.  Once I eliminated
Python it worked.  Something I was doing in the Python wrapper was
getting ncurses upset, which messed up lxdialog.

I would test your lxdialog as follows:
$ cd /usr/src/linux   # or wherever your kernel root is
$ scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog --textbox ~/.bashrc 20 70  # any text file

You should see a scrollable text display of ~/.bashrc, or whatever
text file you supplied.  If it crashes you can use normal debugging
tools like strace.  I'm guessing the awk bit is misleading, but I
could be wrong.  You may want to check which libncurses you have. 

Good luck!


  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Progress Patch freezes - Help needed

2002-10-02 Thread Steve Cooper

No response the first time.  Reposting...


I've successfully applied the LPP kernel patch before.  But this time
around it isn't working.  I do see the Debian graphical screen at
bootup.  But it's immediately frozen with no progress indicated and
two LED's flashing on my Microsoft keyboard.  When I forced console
messages back to tty1 I saw the following kernel panic:

<0> Kernel panic
<4> keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present? (00)

It's not finding my keyboard!  If I change to a non-framebuffer boot,
e.g. vga=0x30C, everything's fine.  Why would the keyboard be failing
when using the framebuffer and be ok otherwise?

There is a chance it's a badly applied patch.  I vaguely remember one
hunk that needed to work slightly harder to get applied when running
patch.  There were no patch errors.

Other info:
  Kernel: 2.4.19
  Patches (in application order): Win4Lin (mki and kernel), low
  latency, LPP
  Debian: unstable
  Hardware: P4, ASUS/SiS mb, MS Natural Keyboard Pro (PS/2 port),
Nvidia GForce 2 video card, MS USB mouse, Advansys SCSI,
onboard audio and LAN.
  Kernel build tool: make-kpkg

I followed the README and updated rc, rcS, inittab, lilo.conf as per
the instructions.  Remember that I only have problems when booting

Anyone else seen this?  Any suggestions?



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help needed: screensaver-properties-capplet/gnome-cc crash

2001-02-18 Thread Steve Cooper
I've had this problem on and off for awhile with a sid box.  WindowMaker is 
my window manager, but the same problem occurs when I run any other manager.  
I first noticed that when I run the Gnome Control Panel X reboots back to 
kdm.  Based on scouring the internet I narrowed it down to 
screensaver-properties-capplet.  It seems to be the program that causes X to 

My video card is a NVidia TNT2.  I have a custom compiled kernel.

I have tried the following steps to no avail:

- Deleted all my user gnome config files
- Uninstalled and reinstalled xscreensaver.  Note that the screensavers seem 
to work, although I've seen a 3D one crash.
- Switched to mesag3 instead of xlibmesa...  (Which is better?)
- Needed to get the xscreensaver daemon to start automatically.  Fixing that 
didn't help.

I have the tail end of an strace at the bottom.  Please let me know what 
additional info would help diagnose the problem.


-- strace output running screensaver-properties-capplet --

(many lines deleted at the top)

close(7)= 0
fcntl(6, F_GETFL)   = 0 (flags O_RDONLY)
fstat(6, {st_mode=S_IFIFO|0600, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
= 0x40017000
_llseek(6, 0, 0xbfffe9e4, SEEK_CUR) = -1 ESPIPE (Illegal seek)
gettimeofday({982541191, 542727}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0
pipe([7, 8])= 0
poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}, {fd=7, 
events=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}], 4, -1) = 1
gettimeofday({982541191, 566194}, NULL) = 0
read(6, "IOR:0100280049444c3a6f6d"..., 4096) = 293
close(6)= 0
munmap(0x40017000, 4096)= 0
socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 6
connect(6, {sin_family=AF_UNIX, 
path="/tmp/orbit-scooper/orb-13929047091705520670"}, 45) = 0
fcntl(6, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
fcntl(6, F_GETFL)   = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
writev(6, [{"GIOP\1\0\1", 7}, {"\0\323\0\0\0", 5}, {"\0\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"T\364\377\277\1", 5}, {"\0\0\0", 3}, 
{"\30\0\0\0\0\0\0\0_C\5`kNT\363\1\0\0\0\']\3570\247\347\337"..., 28}, 
{"\10\0\0\0resolve\0", 12}, {"@\0\0\0|EP^Sj#>1oNO>z$BqII[HkXBEv\"y"..., 68}, 
{"\3\0\0\0", 4}, {"\6\0\0\0", 4}, {"GNOME\0", 6}, {"\0\0", 2}, {"\v\0\0\0", 
4}, {"subcontext\0", 11}, {"\0", 1}, {"\10\0\0\0", 4}, {"Servers\0", 8}, 
{"\v\0\0\0", 4}, {"subcontext\0", 11}, {"\0", 1}, {"\17\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"control_center\0", 15}, {"\0", 1}, {"\7\0\0\0", 4}, {"object\0", 7}], 25) = 
select(7, [5 6], NULL, [5 6], NULL) = 1 (in [6])
read(6, "GIOP\1\0\1\1k\0\0\0", 12)  = 12
read(6, "\0\0\0\0T\364\377\277\1\0\0\0001\0\0\"..., 107) = 
pipe([9, 10])   = 0
fork()  = 12981
wait4(12981, [WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0], 0, NULL) = 12981
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) ---
close(10)   = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)   = 0 (flags O_RDONLY)
fstat(9, {st_mode=S_IFIFO|0600, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
= 0x40017000
_llseek(9, 0, 0xbfffe9e4, SEEK_CUR) = -1 ESPIPE (Illegal seek)
gettimeofday({982541191, 571660}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0
poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}, {fd=7, events=POLLIN}, {fd=9, events=POLLIN, 
revents=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}], 5, -1) = 1
gettimeofday({982541191, 685666}, NULL) = 0
read(9, "IOR:01001d0049444c3a474e"..., 4096) = 277
close(9)= 0
munmap(0x40017000, 4096)= 0
socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 9
connect(9, {sin_family=AF_UNIX, 
path="/tmp/orbit-scooper/orb-15652131481065954827"}, 45) = 0
fcntl(9, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)   = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
writev(9, [{"GIOP\1\0\1", 7}, {"\0(\1\0\0", 5}, {"\0\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"D\371\377\277\1", 5}, {"\0\0\0", 3}, 
{"\30\0\0\0\0\0\0\0~n=\21\204\23-\206\1\0\0\0T\267\33\373"..., 28}, 
{"\25\0\0\0register_capplet_new\0", 25}, {"\0\0\0", 3}, 
{"@\0\0\0|EP^Sj#>1oNO>z$BqII[HkXBEv\"y"..., 68}, {"\26\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"IDL:GNOME/capplet:1.0\0", 22}, {"\0\0", 2}, {"\1\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"\312\256\337\272", 4}, {"P\0\0\0\1\1\0\0*\0\0\0/tmp/orbit-scooper/o"..., 
84}, {"\37\0\0\0", 4}, {"screensaver-properties-capplet\0", 31}, {"\0", 1}, 
{"\377\377\377\377", 4}], 19) = 308
select(10, [5 6 9], NULL, [5 6 9], NULL) = 1 (in [6])
--- SIGHUP (Hangup) ---
+++ killed by SIGHUP +++


  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA
  (Somewhere in the shadow of the evil empire)

Sid crash: Gnome Control Center (screensaver)

2001-02-19 Thread Steve Cooper
Resending a rewrite of my original poorly-written email that received no 
responses. I must have something peculiar in my setup because few seem to be 
encountering this problem with Gnome. I'm just not sure where to look next.

When I run the Gnome Control Center it crashes me clear out of X. This has 
been happening for quite a while, first with woody and then with sid. I am 
basically up-to-date with sid packages. I did narrow it down to it being 
screensaver-properties-capplet that crashes. I do remember experiencing a 
brief period without this crash (a month or so ago?), but can't relate it to 

My video card is a NVidia TNT2. I have a custom compiled kernel. I use the 
latest driver from NVidia, but believe the problem occurred before switching 
drivers. I generally run WindowMaker, but experience this crash when running 
Gnome with Enlightenment or Sawfish. This is the latest Debian/sid-provided 
Gnome, not Ximian's.

I have tried the following steps to no avail:

- Deleted all my user gnome config directories
- Uninstalled and reinstalled xscreensaver. Note that the screensavers seem 
to work, although I've seen a 3D one crash.
- Switched to mesag3 instead of xlibmesa... (What's the difference?)
- Needed to get the xscreensaver daemon to start automatically. Fixing that 
didn't help.

I have the tail end of an strace at the bottom. Please let me know what 
additional info would help diagnose the problem.

Maybe I should throttle myself back to woody? If so is there a best way to do 


-- strace output running screensaver-properties-capplet --

(many lines deleted at the top)

fcntl(9, F_GETFL)   = 0 (flags O_RDONLY)
fstat(9, {st_mode=S_IFIFO|0600, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
= 0x40017000
_llseek(9, 0, 0xbfffe9e4, SEEK_CUR) = -1 ESPIPE (Illegal seek)
gettimeofday({982541191, 571660}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0
poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}, {fd=7, events=POLLIN}, {fd=9, events=POLLIN, 
revents=POLLIN}, {fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}], 5, -1) = 1
gettimeofday({982541191, 685666}, NULL) = 0
read(9, "IOR:01001d0049444c3a474e"..., 4096) = 277
close(9)= 0
munmap(0x40017000, 4096)= 0
socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 9
connect(9, {sin_family=AF_UNIX, 
path="/tmp/orbit-scooper/orb-15652131481065954827"}, 45) = 0
fcntl(9, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)   = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
writev(9, [{"GIOP\1\0\1", 7}, {"\0(\1\0\0", 5}, {"\0\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"D\371\377\277\1", 5}, {"\0\0\0", 3}, 
{"\30\0\0\0\0\0\0\0~n=\21\204\23-\206\1\0\0\0T\267\33\373"..., 28}, 
{"\25\0\0\0register_capplet_new\0", 25}, {"\0\0\0", 3}, 
{"@\0\0\0|EP^Sj#>1oNO>z$BqII[HkXBEv\"y"..., 68}, {"\26\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"IDL:GNOME/capplet:1.0\0", 22}, {"\0\0", 2}, {"\1\0\0\0", 4}, 
{"\312\256\337\272", 4}, {"P\0\0\0\1\1\0\0*\0\0\0/tmp/orbit-scooper/o"..., 
84}, {"\37\0\0\0", 4}, {"screensaver-properties-capplet\0", 31}, {"\0", 1}, 
{"\377\377\377\377", 4}], 19) = 308
select(10, [5 6 9], NULL, [5 6 9], NULL) = 1 (in [6])
--- SIGHUP (Hangup) ---
+++ killed by SIGHUP +++

  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA
  (Somewhere in the shadow of the evil empire)

Re: Making a Backup to a CD-RW

2001-02-20 Thread Steve Cooper
I wrote a set of Python scripts that have been working pretty well for me.  
is a list of directories for each cdr and exclusions specified as regular
expressions in config files.  Output is a bunch of tarred and gzipped archives.
The script then moves the archives to one or more cdrs via mkisofs and cdrecord.
You have to figure out which directory archives fit best on each disc, but it
should be easy to adapt to your environment.

It's a work in progress, but it's how I do all my cdr backups.  Let me know if
you're interested.

Steve Cooper

Phillip Deackes wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 17:38:07 -0600 (CST)
> Richard Cobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you're interested in doing backups to CD-R(W), I'd recommend cddump.
> > There's not a dpkg, but it's easy enough to install.  See
> >
> Thanks, Richard. I downloaded cddump and it works well. However, I can't
> seem to get it to backup multiple directories. How would I, say, get it
> backup /home and /etc? I tried 'cddump 0 /etc /home' and it ignored /home.
> There is nothing in the man page to suggest how it can be done.
> Any ideas?
> --
> Phillip Deackes
> Using Progeny Debian Linux
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: reconfigure ALL packages

2001-03-13 Thread Steve Cooper
Doesn't dpkg -l truncate long package names?  If so the commands below will fail
on a small percentage of packages.

Does anyone know a way to list packages and see the full name?

Steve Cooper

Steeve Lennmark wrote:

> I don't know if there's an command to do that, but this'll probably work.
> dpkg -l | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg-reconfigure
> // Steeve.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Matheson Cameron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: den 8 mars 2001 23:27
> > To: Debian User List
> > Subject: reconfigure ALL packages
> >
> >
> > hey
> >
> > i was just wondering the command to re-configure every
> > package (i screwed my debian up bad)
> >
> > cameron matheson
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >
> >
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: More on extra keys...

2001-03-13 Thread Steve Cooper
To some extent it depends on which window manager you use.  In 
WindowMaker for example you can assign a key to any custom menu item. 
 KDE has a program called khotkeys.  This may have changed with KDE 
2.x.  I don't use it.  Most of the popular WM's have some way of 
handling custom hot keys.

I believe there's also a way with raw X using ~/.Xresources  or the 
equivalent X resource config file.  I can't help you much there, but 
it's a hint anyway. :-)


On Tuesday 13 March 2001 19:31, Matheson Cameron wrote:
> Hey,
> Thanks to this wonderful list, I have figured out how
> to access the extra keys on my Microsoft Natural Pro.
> Unfortunately, they do nothing.  I was wondering how I
> might go about to binding a key, so that it would
> launch a program, run a macro, etc.
> Thanks,
> Cameron Matheson
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.


  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA
  (Somewhere in the shadow of the evil empire)

Re: fetchmail at login

2001-03-15 Thread Steve Cooper
You may benefit from also checking out getmail.  It's simpler, cleaner and may 
be less prone to dropping mail (a fact advertised by
the author of getmail).  I find it works really well, particularly when 
combined with wmbiff.  Wmbiff can be set up to execute getmail
whenever its polling detects mail arriving at the server.  Since I live in X 
this works better for me than starting it at login time.
I also like that it's written in Python, and therefore theoretically easy to 

Good luck,
Steve Cooper

Colin Cashman wrote:

> > > I want a program to start automatically each time I login into my
> > > account. In which initializing file should I write the name of the
> > > program?
> >
> > You could add the command to your .bashrc file, it will be executed
> > after you login.
> Might be better to add it to his .bash_profile, unless he's got .bash_profile 
> set up to read .bashrc (which, I believe, is not the
> default in Debian).
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't print from acroread

2001-03-19 Thread Steve Cooper
Not sure if this will help, but...  I have the same symptom.

I tried to print from acroread and nothing happened.  I ended up
shutting down after that.

The next time I booted the system I discovered that I was unable to
print from any application, and my cpu was pinned.  I noticed that the
process sucking most of the cpu was "gs".  After killing gs the cpu went
to normal and printing resumed.

Hope that's a hint.


peanut butter wrote:
> Hi, I'm using lprng with filter /etc/magicfilter/ljet4-filter to an HP
> Laserjet 5M printer.  Though things print fine from the command line,
> if I open a pdf with acroread, nothing prints when clicking the print
> button from within the application.  A pop-up window will appear saying
> that the print job has been submitted and it will sequentially course
> through each page number of the document giving every sign that things
> should be printing yet nothing ever appears in the print
> queue, nothing ever comes out of the printer and an error message
> never shows up in any system log file (that I've ever checked, anyhow).
> Supposing this is too specific a problem for anyone to immediately
> have an idea as to the cause, can anyone at least suggest
> some manner at which to attempt to trace what's going on here and
> where the failure is occurring?
> Thanks.
> --
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  ==
>  ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
>  ==
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Helix gnome control center freezes

2001-01-03 Thread Steve Cooper
When I try to run gnomecc it crashes out of X and returns me to my KDM prompt.  
Is Gnome currently broken under Woody?

Steve Cooper
(working for somebody else in Redmond, WA)

> Subject: Re: Helix gnome control center freezes
> Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 10:31:20 +0100
> From: Paolo Pedaletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Seung-woo Nam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC:
> Salve Seung-woo Nam,
> > Has anyone had the same problem?
> me too :-(
> --
> Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 4755831

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V101 #21

2001-01-03 Thread Steve Cooper
Debian worked out of the box for my with my Advansys card.  It seemed to be 
built into the kernel.  You shouldn't need to get anything from Advansys.

If you rebuild your kernel with generic SCSI and Advansys device support built 
in (not as modules) it should work with no additional hassle.  I'm not
near my Linux box or I'd get the precise kernel options.  Let me know if you 
need them.

(working for somebody else in Redmond, WA)

> Subject: SCSI challenge
> Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 17:50:35 -0800
> From: "David S. Bach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> It's really nice to get X up with Debian. It really can be done in a
> single install (CAN be done, but maybe not the first try!).
> Anyway, I took the Windows computer that works as a backup for games
> and Word and installed 2.2r2 with X, and it looks and works great -
> no mouse problems, nice virtual screen, a nice environment.
> What I cannot do yet is get Debian 2.2r2 to speak with my Advansys
> SCSI card. Tied to it are a couple of gigabytes of storage I would be
> happy to turn over to Deb. Installing the SCSI module didn't help,
> and LILO cannot be coaxed into dual-booting Win95 on the first
> partition of the SCSI devices (though Windoze boots fine if I disable
> the IDE drive were Linux resides.
> What are my options to access the SCSI storage through the Advansys
> card? Advansys claims to actively support Linux, but offers modules
> only for Red Hat and Suse, which I can download - but, hey!, what do
> I do with them?
> I almost always solve my Linux problems (I have two other vanilla PCs
> running Linux as a gateway and a Web server) with man pages and
> HOWTOs. But this has me stumped. Can anyone out there direct me to
> the right resource?
> TIA,
> David Bach
> --
> David S. Bach
> Seattle, Washington
> A true person of no rank

Krumbled konqueror kookies (new Sid version ignores cookies!)

2001-01-21 Thread Steve Cooper
I seem to have done one Sid install too many.

When I let dselect upgrade my kde packages on Jan. 18th Konqueror stopped 
handling cookies.  It is set to prompt for each requested cookie, but no 
longer asks me to accept or reject.  Sites where a login used to be remember, 
such as Excite and Yahoo, no longer remember me.  When I try to sign in they 
complain that my browser must have cookies enabled.  Mozilla and Netscape 
have no similar problem.

I have tried wiping the .kde directory to force a fresh configuration.  It 
didn't help.  I do have a recent backup, but would like to first try to fix 

I captured the output generated by Konqueror when run from the command line.  
I didn't attach here due to its 30K size.  If useful I can attach to a 
follow-up.  There weren't any obvious errors in the text I saw.

TIA - any attempts to help will be most appreciated.

  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA
  (Somewhere in the shadow of the evil empire)

Still no Konqueror kookies w/o KDE running in Sid

2001-01-24 Thread Steve Cooper
I'm up to the KDE 2.1-beta2-2 binaries and Konqueror still ignores cookies 
unless the KDE environment is running.

Should I clear out my KDE settings or is it just not fixed yet?  Is it 
definitely reported as a bug to


  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA
  (Somewhere in the shadow of the evil empire)

Re: mutt and urlview oddity (alternatives)

2001-12-09 Thread Steve Cooper
FWIW - I find mhonarc (Sid package) to be a better alternative to
urlview.  With it I load the entire email with click-able links into my
favorite browser.  Gives me a lot more context for selecting links to
see the whole email.  The following .muttrc macros give me this

macro index \cb "|mhonarc - -single > /tmp/email.html; opera /tmp/email.html \n"
macro pager \cb "|mhonarc - -single > /tmp/email.html; opera /tmp/email.html \n"

Obviously substitute your favorite browser for opera.

An even better alternative (IMO) is to use multi-gnome-terminal for
running Mutt.  It allows you to Ctrl-click URLs in any visible text to
invoke the Gnome-configured URL handler.

Just thought it was worth mentioning.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

Re: UrlView strangeness

2002-02-06 Thread Steve Cooper
On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 07:09:40AM +0100, Alexander Steinert decreed:
> > I use mutt which uses urlview to present a list of url's in a message.
> > Lately, sometimes some of the lines in that list are blank (sometimes
> > they're *all* blank). If I count the url's in the message and arrow down
> > to the appropriate blank line it fires up lynx and takes me where I want
> > to go.
> > 
> > Has anyone else experienced this?
> I can't solve your specific problem, but you might be interested in what
> I did. Feel free to ask, if something isn't clear.
> Since I was not satisfied with urlview (just URLs, no context), I
> defined 2 keybindings in .muttrc
> macro index \cb "|formail -I \"\" | > 
> $HOME/tmp/tmp.html\n!links $HOME/tmp/tmp.html\n"
> macro pager \cb ...[the rest is the same]...
> The script
> #! /usr/bin/env python
> """txt2html - Convert plain text to html with urls as links.
> Usage: txt2html < in.txt > out.html
---end quoted text---

Also check out mhonarc in stable, testing and unstable.  It's
specifically geared to reformatting email as HTML with url's as links.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

Re: windows commander clone

2002-02-16 Thread Steve Cooper
On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 11:43:07AM -0200:
> Does exist a clone of the Windows Commander file manager for Debian? It is 
> great. I don't feel very confortable using gmc...
---end quoted text---

I believe gentoo is similar, if you don't want a KDE-based solution.
I think it depends on GTK.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

Ghostscript hanging when printing from Kmail

2001-04-29 Thread Steve Cooper
I'm running a Woody system.  I'm not sure when the problem started, 
but at some point I stopped being able to print from Kmail.  The CPU 
gets pinned and I notice a "gs" process that never exits.  Of course 
the printer (HP LaserJet 4L) doesn't even blink.  If I kill "gs" 
(have to be root) the CPU calms down.

I assume that some Ghostscript configuration entry got zapped 
somewhere along the line.  But I don't know where to look.  My guess 
is that the wrong command-line arguments are specified to "gs", and 
maybe it's waiting for input, or something (?).


  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA

  (For witty remark see attached microdot->.)

Please help me switch to a non-GUI email client

2001-04-29 Thread Steve Cooper
I'd like to switch from a GUI email client, currently Kmail to a 
non-GUI one, either mutt or gnus.  I understand the advantages of 
doing so, but apparently need some help getting started.

I think I can deal with most of the configuration issues with patient 
manual readings and config file clonings and dorkings.  Receiving is 
no problem, since I currently run getmail to download mail to my 
spool file, and Kmail reads from the spool file, not POP.

The part I don't understand is the sending part.  Right now I just 
tell Kmail that my sending protocol is SMTP and my server is, and it works.  With mutt, and probably gnus, do I have 
to have a sendmail-type program configured somehow to do the SMTP for 
me?  I've been trying to puzzle out exim, with little insight gained.

A well-aimed kick in the right direction would be most appreciated.

  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA

  (For witty remark see attached microdot->.)

X broken for me in unstable

2001-10-06 Thread Steve Cooper
Hello all,

Having done a backup, I thought I'd "go for it" and accept all the
recent unstable updates.  I had held off for a couple of weeks.

Now X won't start.  Before dumping logs and other information spewages
on the group I'll start with some simple info to see if there's anything
known or obvious happening.

Basic facts:
debian: unstable
kernel: 2.4.10 - Customized for AMD Athlon.  No new boot messages.
video: NVidia w/latest driver from unstable (kernel module loaded)
mouse: USB IntelliMouse (gpm is working fine with /dev/input/mice)
X: latest from unstable, starting with startx and .xsession
Window manager: WindowMaker.  "exec wmaker" is in .xsession

The only error in the X log is that GLcore failed to load.  I'm almost
positive this was happening before when X was working.  Is this fatal?
What package provides GLcore?

The last lines I see from startx are:

  (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "IntelliMouse" (type: MOUSE)

  waiting for X server to shut down

I saw the NVidia logo screen, and briefly the blank X screen without
wallpaper, but with a centered mouse cursor.

Since the last message had to do with the mouse I played with
permissions on the device file.  No difference.  As I mentioned gpm is
working fine using the same device as X.

  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc: /usr/bin/ssh-agent /home/scooper/.xsession: 
No such file or directory

The last one is the biggest mystery for me.  I can't find anything
related.  /home/scooper/.xsession does exist, and is executable.

I've never had to debug a weird X problem like this, and I'm not sure
where to start.  Any hints or RTFMs are welcome, with pointers to the
appropriate documentation.

I'll will be much obliged for any assistance.  Sorry this is still a
long email, despite trying to condense it.



      \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

Re: X broken for me in unstable (SOLVED)

2001-10-07 Thread Steve Cooper
On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 12:10:45AM -0400, Duncan Findlay decreed:
> Change /etc/X11/Xsession.d from
> to
> It's a fairly common problem :-)
> -- 
> Duncan Findlay
---end quoted text---

Worked like a charm (deleting the quotes).  Thanks!!



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

Re: Threading Mail

2001-12-28 Thread Steve Cooper
On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 08:58:54PM +0100, martin f krafft decreed:
> also sprach csj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.12.28.0807 +0100]:
> > From the powershell package description: "PowerShell is a GNOME/Gtk+ 
> > based terminal emulator which supports many terminals in a  single 
> > window (limited only by available RAM). Each terminal is given a 
> > "notebook" tab which makes switching between terminals easy."
> if powershell or KDE could (maybe now they can, not last time i
> checked) be spawned such that you'd have, say, four tabs with four
> command lines executed therein, it would be worth the consideration...
> i find the tabs rather confusing. but then again, my desktop is simply
> four xterms (10 desktops thereof), and i usually don't need more...
---end quoted text---

Also consider multi-gnome-terminal.  It's a Debian Unstable package
that's _much_ lighter weight than konsole and cleaner (IMO) than
powershell.  It also has the excellent feature of allowing you to invoke
URLs without using a helper program like urlview.  Anything that smells
like a URL gets underlined, and ctrl-clicking invokes the configured
Gnome url handler.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

Re: Copying a whole subdirectory possible?

2002-01-19 Thread Steve Cooper
On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 05:52:55PM -0800, Tim locke decreed:
> I need to copy a whole subdirectory to another
> subdirectory...possible? (i.e. cp /home/user1/file
> /home/user2/file) as a regular user.
---end quoted text---

For the most accurate reproduction of a directory tree consider using
the tar command:

tar cf - . | (cd "$1"; tar xvf -)

The command above assumes you want to copy from the working directory to
another that replaces the $1 symbol.

The advantage of tar is that it preserves permissions, links, etc.
perfectly.  cp does not make as perfect a copy.

The attached script is a wrapper for the tar command above that will
prompt to create the target directory, etc.  Caveat - use at your own
risk.  But there's not much to it, and I use it all the time.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

function yesno()
typeset yn
echo -n "$1 (y/N)? "
read yn
typeset -i b
if [ "$yn" = "y" -o "$yn" = "Y" -o "$yn" = "yes" ]
return 0
return 1

typeset -i nf

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "Usage: tarclone "
exit 1

if [ ! -d "$1" ]
echo "Destination \"$1\" does not exist"
if ( yesno "Create it" )
mkdir "$1"
exit 2

nf=$('ls' "$1" | wc -l)
if [ $nf -ne 0 ]
echo "Destination \"$1\" is not empty"
if ( yesno "Copy anyway" )
echo "Overwriting \"$1\""
exit 3

echo -n "Ready to clone $(pwd) to $1 (y/N)? "
read yn
if [ "$yn" = "y" -o "$yn" = "Y" -o "$yn" = "yes" ]
tar cf - . | (cd "$1"; tar xvf -)

Re: X question

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Cooper
On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 09:59:03PM -0700, Karsten M. Self decreed:
> on Sat, May 05, 2001 at 06:50:52AM -0400, Sunny Dubey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> wrote:
> > how do I get Xfree86 to not automatically copy everything that I highlight 
> > with my cursor?
> That *is* X behavior, by design.  I don't know of any way to disable it.
> Under X, there's no separate keystroke combination required for
> cut'n'paste.  You just swipe to copy, then hit the 2nd (middle) mouse
> button to paste.  After doing this for about three minutes, any other
> method simply sucks.

---end quoted text---

The only issue I have with the X behavior is that I can't
figure out to efficiently perform a replacement paste.  E.g.
If you want to paste a URL into a browser in Windoze you'd
select the current URL and paste over it.

In X once you select the text you want to replace it
becomes the new copied text.  I had some success using
gclipper, because it allowed me to access a stack of copied
text items.  Is there a better way?



  Steve Cooper Redmond, WA

Re: X question

2001-05-09 Thread Steve Cooper
Personally this sounds like the best option.  Duh, why didn't I think of that?

I do have another thought on this subject.

The fundamental issue with the solutions is that they require you to pause and
think about strategy, because each app has a different key to press or dialog to

I'd love to see the use of a "meta-mode" (see Jeff Raskin's "Humane
Interfaces").  For example holding the Shift key could tell X to not copy the
selection.  If so, the following sequence would work almost everywhere:

1) Select the URL you would like to jump to.  It gets copied.
2) Press the Shift key while selecting the URL in the location bar (double-click
or click/drag).  Shift prevents it from replacing the clipboard contents.
3) Press the Delete key.  Note that this is a single keystroke, as opposed to
possibly 50 backspaces if you have to avoid using a selection.
3) Press the middle mouse button to paste the new URL.

Just a thought, but it sounds like an improvement to me.

In any case all of you have given me a some better tools to work with.


Brian Nelson wrote:

> Steve Cooper wrote:
> > The only issue I have with the X behavior is that I can't
> > figure out to efficiently perform a replacement paste.  E.g.
> > If you want to paste a URL into a browser in Windoze you'd
> > select the current URL and paste over it.
> >
> > In X once you select the text you want to replace it
> > becomes the new copied text.  I had some success using
> > gclipper, because it allowed me to access a stack of copied
> > text items.  Is there a better way?
> Most browsers in linux have a shortcut to open a dialog box that prompts
> for a location-- Ctrl-L in Mozilla, or Ctrl-O in Konqueror.  I find
> using these easier than pasting url's directly into the
> address/location/whatever box in the main window.
> -Nelson
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: galeon - skipstone?

2001-05-17 Thread Steve Cooper
Francois Gouget wrote:

> On Thu, 17 May 2001, Tommi Komulainen wrote:
> [...]
> > Hmm, now how on earth can I get all my cookies and bookmarks shared among
> > all (mozilla, galeon, skipstone, konqueror, w3m) browsers..?
> > Import/Export is really not an option anymore :-/
>I can't help for cookies. But for bookmarks, I long ago decided to
> write an html file with all by bookmarks and use it as my home page. At
> the time I did it to share them between IE and Netscape but the
> principle is universal.
>It also lets me move my bookmarks from one machine to another just by
> copying a file. It's just a bit harder to add a new bookmark.

For what it's worth both Netscape and Mozilla use an html file called
It's fully loadable in any browser.  Check in ~/.netscape and ~/.mozilla.  You
can even
con these two programs into almost sharing one file, with some script trickery.


Re: monitor display is getting blurry...what could be the problem?

2001-05-22 Thread Steve Cooper
Rick Commo wrote:

> > is the video card that is sending faulty signals? or
> > is it the monitor. The monitor is a Mag MXP17F about 6 years old.
> > Any thoughts? Is there someway I can definitely confirm that the
> > monitor is faulty or the videocard. Can I focus the monitor?
> It's most likely the monitor.  That has components that "wear" electrically.
> That is to say, components subjected to heat and aging.

FWIW - If your monitor has an alternate set of BNC connections (RGB) it may pay
to switch to using a BNC cable.  I found with my Iiyama monitor that I got a 
better signal with BNC cables.

See if jiggling the cable end (both ends) changes the blurryness.  That could be
a clue that it's either the cable or the connector.  You could try a contact
cleaner spray (Radio Shack) on the connectors.  That also made a difference for


Re: USB Mouse does not load under Debian Sarge with Kernel 2.6.0 package

2004-02-17 Thread Steve Cooper
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 23:08:47 +0100
"Falziah Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My problem is that my USB mouse does not get recognized when I boot with the
> kernel-image-2.6.0-2 package.

FWIW here's what I had to add to /etc/modules to get my mouse to work.


You may need to substitute uhci-hcd or ehci-hcd instead of ohci-hcd, depending on your 
hardware.  I saw Bluetooth loading *HCI devices, but not plain USB in your output.  I 
could have missed something.

Hope that helps,

  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: USB Mouse does not load under Debian Sarge with Kernel 2.6.0 package

2004-02-18 Thread Steve Cooper
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 19:30:21 -0800
Steve Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 23:08:47 +0100
> "Falziah Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My problem is that my USB mouse does not get recognized when I boot
> > with the kernel-image-2.6.0-2 package.
> FWIW here's what I had to add to /etc/modules to get my mouse to work.
> ohci-hcd
> mousedev
> psmouse
> You may need to substitute uhci-hcd or ehci-hcd instead of ohci-hcd,
> depending on your hardware.  I saw Bluetooth loading *HCI devices, but
> not plain USB in your output.  I could have missed something.

Sorry for the double post.  But after playing around with my
configuration it seems that the only thing I had to add to /etc/modules
for my mouse to work was ohci-hcd.  I'm not sure whether or not a new
version of discover fixed some things or if I didn't actually need the
other two devices preloaded in the first place.

  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compatible DVD Burner with Linux

2004-05-11 Thread Steve Cooper
On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 14:01, Pedro M. (Morphix User) wrote:
> Yes, I want to know it to buy a similar DVD burner, Linux compatible ( 
> or Linux Perfectworking ;)

FWIW I've had no problem with my Plextor PX-708A DVD burner, but I've
only used it twice. :-)

Good luck,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alas, libtrash makes mutt crash

2002-03-25 Thread Steve Cooper
FYI - Mutt just started crashing on me when synchronizing a mailbox.
Turns out that it doesn't like libtrash, the library that can save
deleted files for later recovery.  Not enabling libtrash fixed mutt's

I run Unstable with the latest mutt.  I tried older versions of mutt
with the same (bad) result.

Libtrash sounds like a good idea.  But apparently it's not quite



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Galeon problems (unstable)?

2002-03-31 Thread Steve Cooper
>From "Karsten M. Self" , on Sun, Mar 31, 2002 at 
>03:02:14AM -0800:
> on Thu, Mar 28, 2002, Paul Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I've been using the galeon/mozilla-browser/mozilla-psm combo for about 6
> > months now and love it.  I'm always using the stuff out of unstable
> > although most of my system is Woody (I do it with apt-get -t unstable).
> > 
> > However, on one of the three Debian boxes I use regularly I have this
> > very odd problem where text input boxes lose focus all by themselves
> > after about 30-40 seconds; I'll be typing away in a text box for example
> > and all of a sudden none of my characters are getting printed; I have to
> > click again with the mouse then it works for a while then loses focus
> > again.  This happens in any text entry box: URL, on a web page, even in
> > a basic authentication dialogue.
> Check for any open pages with a Meta-Refresh pragma.  This will grab
> focus from the current text dialog even if you don't loose window focus
> itself.  I've had to tune back a few of our network monitoring tools (or
> access them in a different browser) because of aggressive refresh
> frequencies.
> Peace.
> -- 
> Karsten M. Self
---end quoted text---

It's strange.  For me I only have the focus problems in Mozilla, not
Galeon.  I'm pretty up to date in Unstable.

The symptom in Mozilla is that I lose the blinking text cursor in an
text box.  Switch to another window and back restores the text box's

I hadn't seen this until recently.  But I also recently switched to
fluxbox from WindowMaker.  So I was wondering if fluxbox was
triggering the glitch.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Local mail delivery gone

2002-04-21 Thread Steve Cooper

I have a working stand-alone Debian Unstable system with a DSL
internet connection.  It happily receives email from my ISP's POP
server using getmail.  I have no problem sending mail with postfix,
configured for a smarthost.  What doesn't work, and hasn't for a while
is local mail delivery.

Mail I send to myself, or that gets automatically sent by installation
scripts, goes into the "bit bucket".  Nothing ever gets appended to
/var/spool/mail/.  Note that I have getmail dumping emails right
into my user directory hierarchy.  So it doesn't touch

I have studied the postix FAQ.  I assume postfix can be configured for
both local and smarthost delivery, or am I mistaken?

I'd appreciate any hints.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Local mail delivery gone

2002-04-22 Thread Steve Cooper
>From craigw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 10:04:51PM -0700:
> On Sun Apr 21, 2002 at 09:23:25PM -0700, Steve Cooper wrote:
> > I have a working stand-alone Debian Unstable system with a DSL
> > internet connection.  It happily receives email from my ISP's POP
> > server using getmail.  I have no problem sending mail with postfix,
> > configured for a smarthost.  What doesn't work, and hasn't for a while
> > is local mail delivery.
> It works for me but I'm no expert.
> Do you have /usr/bin/mail? maybe scripts are trying to use that.
> On my box /usr/bin/mail is a link to /usr/sbin/sendmail (postfix's), but
> I suspect I may possibly have made that link myself. Not sure.
---end quoted text---

/usr/bin/mail is fine.  Must  be part of the standard install for



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone else with konqueror/Opera scrolling problems?

2002-05-04 Thread Steve Cooper

I'm pretty up to date on Unstable, and believe I have the latest qt
library stuff.  Interestingly both Konqueror and Opera exhibit the
same problem.  Even more interestingly Opera exhibits the problem with
both the statically linked and dynamically linked qt versions.  This
makes it real confusing to me.

Both browsers will run fine for a while.  At some point they get into
a mode where scrolling exposes black regions rather than the
newly-exposed rendered content.  I've found no way to get out of that
mode, other than rebooting the sick browser.  Selecting with the mouse
and auto-scrolling will force the black-out regions to render.  But
that's more of an interesting fact than a useful solution.  It's
easier to use a different browser.

Google web and group searches found a few other people experiencing
this.  The only fix mentioned was to change QT versions.  I don't
believe that the statically-linked Opera uses the same QT version as
Debian Unstable.  Also I would expect other Debian Unstable users to
be experiencing this.  Are they?

I'd like to make Opera usable, since I actually paid for it.  I
reported a defect to Opera, but they don't seem responsive.

TIA for any hints.



  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]