Re: Printing w/Epson SC800
> > 1. DOS: Do you have DOS Installed as well ? [Y / N] >(An old DOS boot diskette will also do ...) > >IF Yes THEN > >Do a TYPE TxtFile > PRN >IF Output Ok THEN > NO Hardware problem > Exit DOS and go to Linux >ELSE > Hardware problem (?) > Check cables/ connectors etc. > Reboot & pray > > 2. LINUX: > >a) Do a dmesg. Check which device your printer is polled > IF polled THEN > No kernel problems > Move to b) > ELSE > lp support in kernel (!) > Exit ... recompile kernel ... I'm using kernel 2.2.17, could you please explain me what you mean by lp support in kernel?? I have the same problem (so it seems), linux explains: jobs queued, but cannot start daemon Stephan
Re: Printing--what am I missing?
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 10:23:11PM +0200, Vee-Eye wrote: > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test$ lpr > > > lpr: connect: No such file or directory > > > jobs queued, but cannot start daemon. > >^^^ > > Oddly, according to "ps ax | grep lpd" I already had lpd running. > > I can at least use the verbose option now though. The relevant output I > receive is this: > > sending job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1 > connected to 'localhost' > requesting printer [EMAIL PROTECTED] > sending control file 'cfA234hurricane' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > completed sending 'cfA234hurricane' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > sending data file 'dfA234hurricane' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > completed sending 'dfA234hurricane' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > done job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > That would seem to imply that everything worked fine, but my actual > printer did nothing > > -- Hello I have the same problem, as you describe it. AFAIK the printer works just fine under Win. Stephan
X-Window Configuration
I had some difficulties starting the X-server, but now I just do not know where to start with installing windowmanager. I am interested in using GNOME. Could any one of you point out where I can start reading. BTW: Where can I get information about the Linux-filesystem? Stephan
Problem with the keyboard
Sometimes I have the problem that some keys like the cursor do not work any more. The strange thing about ist that they work before for some time and then stop suddenly. In nano they write OB or OA for different cursor positions. I use a german keyboard layout which works properly normally. Stephan
I understand that UUCP is a form of a network system or protocol. Is it still in use or it is totally replaced by TCP/IP? Is there any good documenation about networking in general which is uptodate?? TIA Stephan
Printer Problem
When I try to print out a file , I get the following message: >[EMAIL PROTECTED] - cannot open connection Connection refused >Make sure LPD server is running on the system. I am quite confused, because the lpd daemon is started at startup (I even rebooted to be sure). What is this LPD?? My network is working, I never changed the configuration files for the network,so the local network should be ok as well. Any help appreciated Stephan
printer problem, sending problem
My printer is only printing numbers, always the same. I did a strace lpr file and I don't understand the messages, but I think that there is a problem with printing. My other problem is that I am writing this mail from my computer at the university and I don't manage to transfer the file with the strace output from my local computer to this computer. I did put foo, but I got the message that foo doesn't exist (but I am sure about that). Is there a possibility to use ssh for this file transfer?? TIA Stephan
How to read pdf-files
Which program should I use to view a pdf.? AFAIK there is no acrobat reader for linux. Is there a possibility to read them at the command line? Stephan
How to learn fortran?
What is the best possibillty to learn fortran? Which compiler should I use and where can I start reading (books and online). Thanks Stephan
strange error mail
I am getting the same mail every day at the same time. touch: var/spool/news/control/.overwiew: Permission denied The mail goes on for another page with similar sentences. The error itself is no problem, but the mail sucks a little bit. I installed slrn and used it for some days, but the problem with this mail started lateron. Thanks Stephan
After installing ssh I generated my keys with ssh-keygen. I copied the public on my remote account. It is an account at my local university. When I made ssh hostname ssh told me: The authenticity of the host can't be established, it prints out the key fingerprint and asks me whether I want to continue to connect. Whether I type yes or no, doesn't matter, the described procedure starts again. Only Control-C stops the whole problem. What's wrong? Did I misunderstand the man-page? Thanks Stephan
Re: Getting gnome helix running on potato
Is there a mirror of helixcode in Europe with the possibility to downlaod the stuff with apt? Very often the speed is very slow and besides it is a waste of bandwidth downloading from Austria. Stephan
> > > > Also, could anyone tell me how to activate the locatedb so I can use locate? > > Thanx. > > XsX > > don't turn your computer off at night. > > (the locatedb is rebuilt in a daily cron job run at 06:25) I am getting am mail every night at this time and I never knew what it was for. What is locatedb or locate? Where should I start reading? TIA Stephan
Re: Re: netscape?!!
netscape is in the package navigator-base-475, but only if you point to the security server of debian in your sources.list. You can search in dselect pressing / and typing the name of the package you are looking for. It is a good idea to take some time to learn how to use dselect and apt. There are a lot of functions, read the man pages like apt as well. Stephan > my netscape seems did not install correctly,i have no the path that u give me, > and my menu has netscape options,but click it no response. > i use dselect,which package contains netscape? > //bow a again > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > i installed debian potato in my box,all run good,but i cannot find a > > > way > > > to start my netscape,i installed all the netscape package,and there is > > > only > > > a netscape-remote command can run,who pls help me to start my netscape > >
Re: Re: netscape?!!
>>netscape is in the package navigator-base-475, but only if you point to >> the security server of debian in your sources.list. > >I tried installing netscape using ap-gte install ntscape and it defaults to >loading Netscape3. If I type netscape4 it only allowed, what I thought, was >netscape-base. That is in fact Netscape 4.75? That is what I load to get it? > >And the command line is not netscape, but netscape-smotif...? > >Thanks, > >Jonathan > > I don't know about the command line, I am starting netscape always from my window manager. AFAIK there are both packages in debian, but if you are using dselect everything is explained to you in the lower part of the screen. If you search something and dselect does not find it at once, you have to type the same again. For your second question, netscape4 is either 4.73 or 4.75, that depends on your source, but you shoul install 4.75 for security reasons. Stephan
Re: ftp
> I am new. I cannot seem to get ftp working at the console. It works > fine from Netscape. Where do I configure ftp et al for the console? > > I have slink. It would be good to include the error messages in your mail, so can we help you better. For me it seems that you dont have ftp installes, could you please confirm that. Read man dpkg, if you are unsure about that.
Which editor for programming?
I started programming in C and I would like to know whether there is an editor which is especially good for writing and editing source code. At the moment I am using vi at the command line. Besides I would like to know where to start reading about using the shellvariables, e.g. PATH . TIA Stephan
Re: Newbie question
> I am a newbie to debian, and not familiar with dselect, dpkg and apt. Is > there any available document or URL that compares rpm with the above > tools (like the equivalent commands etc.)? Any help is much appreciated. > There are for all these tools man-pages. Besides there is an online help in dselect, which is quite good. hope it helps Stephan
I have a problem with netscape, which annoys me. Every time I start netscape the browser points to http:/// although I would like to point it to Only when I open a new window this happens. Is this an known bug or can I change this behaviour?? How can I configure netscape?? I know that I have to add lines to my ~/.Xresources, but I don't which. Is there somewhere a documentation?? TIA Stephan
Re: OT:Netscape
> i found this was a problem on a friend's helix gnome system, the script > that helix gnome used to load netscape was broken. > > try to load netscape directly, i think it is in /usr/lib/netscape > Ok, I will try this, because I am running helix gnome. At the moment I have no access to my debian box. With the earlier postings I am quite optimistic to fix my problems (which were only annoying). Using Linux also means that one can bother about fixing small problems. Thanks Stephan
strange error message
Yesterday I got this message: VM: can't open kpswap or something like that. I must admit that I am not quite sure about the exact message, because I switched off the computer ( I hope that was a good idea) and at the moment I have no access to this machine. It happened, when I started ssh, but persisted, even after quitting the connection. ssh is working fine normally, so I don't really believe it is a ssh issue. What is going on?? Any ideas? TIA Stephan
Re: Who is 'nobody'?
> > Who is this "nobody"? > > 'nobody' is a 'system' user. User 'nobody' should never ever have ANY files > in the filesystem (if it does, that's probably a security hole), and should > be used by daemons and the like that need only read access to files that are > readable by all users. Is it therefore necessary that 'nobody' has an enty in the passwd file?? Stephan
Re: What's Helixcode?
> Keep hearing peolpe talk about helix or helixcode or something. > I've never heard of this, what on earth is it?? > > > bekj the ignorant It is Helixcode, it is an organisation ( so I understand) which develops a lot of programs. One of them is an own packaging of Gnome, in .deb format. There was a lot of discussion about the pros and the cons of Helixcode Gnome, please read in the archive. If you are interested put this line in your sources.list deb unstable main Stephan
Re: WinModem
> Is there any possibility to configure Debian to work with "WinModem" (any > drivers?) > Koz?o AFAIK "WinModems" are cripled, i.e. they only understand a part of the hayes standard command. I admit that I never had this problem and only read about that, but it is a known problem and can only be solved by buying a new modem, I think. If someone on the list knows more, then go ahead. Stephan
Re: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd.
> hi, > I get the above message on a tty > (VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd) > when there is much load on a debian 2.2 system. > > What exactly does it mean ? (not enough swap-space ?) > Is there a way to avoid this ? > > thanks, > > -- > Felix Natter > I had the same problem (in fact I still have it sometimes) and I found out that it is a known bug in debian (there is a bug filed). I did not understand all the discussion about the issue, but it does not seem to be that bad. Stephan
Re: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd.
> > Colin Watson scripsit: > > >More accurately, it's a known bug in the Linux kernel (specifically, > > >version 2.2.17, I think, and possibly certain 2.4.0-test versions as > > >well). I'm told 2.2.18 will fix it. > > > > Well, It doesn't :) I have installed the 2.2.18 kernel on potato and > > still have this problem... And it does not seems so unharmfull to me. > > Sometime the box freeze, just as if I got a BSoD on a M$ machine! This > > happens a lot when I use memory-greedy applications, of course. > > > strange. on this box i'm writing this email i never experience this VM > problem (128MB ram, 6GB hd all for Linux, plus running helixcode and > mozilla and xchat) although on the other machine i installed 2.2 (96MB > ram, 4GB hd, running on console only) i get that VM error message for > "kupdate" and such. in short, it's not only because one uses greedy > apps but it could be hardware related. > > welp, that's my observation from here. > I can only second that. I have two boxes runninh with kernel 2.2.17 and on the first one I never had any problems of this kind. On the other it started some days ago (after running about 3 weeks) and appears now and then. I can find no regularities of any kind. Stephan
Re: Navigating your drive in text mode
On Sun, 24 Dec 2000, Xucaen wrote: > > --- Chuan-kai Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > Instead of using lynx, I would suggest using > > w3m, which does really > > amazing things for a text-based browser. I > > personally never believed > > somebody could pull it off until I saw it in > > action. Install w3m, > > and point it to slashdot... and you will see :) > > > > i've never heard of w3m. what is the package name > for apt-get? is this a text-based file manager? > > xucaen > To find new packages you don't know about look at the Debian homepage and use the search function. I like it very much and you also can search for words which are no package names. In doing so I found w3m as a .deb package ( as I knew before). w3m actually is a very light text browser which supports some functions lynx doesn't, like tables. HTH Stephan
That's quite a newbie question, but I don't know what to do. Yesterday I made a new directory for programming, I added this directory with export to my PATH. Yesterday everything went fine, but today I always get the error command not found. I checked my PATH, it i so.k. and the compiled programs work when I type ./foo What's wrong?? TIA Stephan
Re: bash-question
> On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 10:21:52AM +0100, Stephan Kulka wrote: > > That's quite a newbie question, but I don't know what to do. > > Yesterday I made a new directory for programming, I added this directory > > with export to my PATH. Yesterday everything went fine, but today I always > > get the error command not found. I checked my PATH, it i so.k. and the > > compiled programs work when I type ./foo > > What's wrong?? > > Today you logged on afresh, and so the path has to be set again. The strange thing is that I just checked with echo $PATH and I still found my path I exported yesterday. But when I loooked closer I found out that, I used a semicolon to separate my directories instead of a colon. Is there away to change that. > To free you from the burden to ajust your path (and other prefs.) > each time you logon, most shells alow you to set those prefs. in a > *rc (run-command) file. Bash (probably the shell you are using) > has ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc. The first gets run for each > 'login' shell, the latter only for non-login shells. (man bash > for more info; ~/ gets translated to the full path to your home > directory) [snip] Thanks for the good advice, I will edit my startup files as proposed. Stephan
[OT] Hardware recommendation
Hi all I should buy a new SCSI harddisk. In the box where it should be used, there is an ultrawide Adaptec controller. Are there any disk which are recommendend, the size should be around 15 -20 gigabyte, the price doesn't play such a role. Sorry for being off topic. Stephan
using different mailfolders in mutt
Hello all I would like to filter my incoming mail in different folders in mutt. What should I do? (rtfm with an url or document are welcome as well). TIA Stephan
Printer problems
Hi When I do lpr foo only numbers are printed. I know that the lpd is running and lprng is started at bootup. I use magicfilterconfig and as far as I can see it should be o.k. I did a strace lpr and tried to send it to the list, but it seems not to have arrived. Are there any limitations concerning the size of attachments?? I am no expert in reading strace output, but I have the feeling that something is going wrong. TIA Stephan
[OT] graphics card recommandation
I searched the archives and some hardware pages, but I couldn't find anything useful. So I ask the question: I am looking for a graphics card for using it mainly for office programs, but also sometimes for a good game. It is not necessary for drawing CAD or the like. I thought about a Matrox, because they should be a good average and also not that expensive. Any other ideas?? TIA Stephan
Re: upgrading kernel 2.1
> I have had Debian 2.1 installed and running in text mode for about a year > now. I have not played with it much as I prefer to have a working X > server, hence I have used and maintained several Mandrake systems, which I > am sick of. > > I am stuck in text mode in Debian with a dial up connection as I live > way out in the woods where this is all that there is available and so all > I have to work with. Is there any hope for me upgrading my Debian system? > > Mandrake is so proprietary that it reminds me of Microsoft, if a package > does not say "-mdk.rpm" it will most often not install on my systems and > that is only the beginning of the problems that I have with their systems. > > from, is there a way that I can get it to compile under > Debian kernel 2.1, as I have not bothered to even try after my Mandrake > experiences? > Of course you can compile kernel 2.4 on your Debian system. The only question is whether you really need the new features provided in kernel 2.4. Compiling a kernel is distro-independent. There is a Debian way to do it, please refer to the manuals, but you can also make it via make clean dep install.. HTH Stephan
root fs not mounted
Hi I just compiled a new kernel (2.2.19) using make-kpkg. I am using lilo as bootloader and so lilo.conf was modified by make-kpkg as well. But when I tried to boot with the new kernel I got the above (and known) error message. I then run /sbin/lilo to be sure, the problem remains. The strange thing is, that booting with my old kernel (2.2.17) works perfectly. In the lilo.conf 2 images are defined, the new and the old kernel, but only the old ones works. TIA Stephan
Re: root fs not mounted
Thanks, that did the trick. I didn't know that. Seems I should read the changelog the next time more careful. Stephan On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote: > i'm not sure of your configuration, but i had the same problem until i > answered 'y' to IDE/ATA-2 DISK support. > > On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Stephan Kulka wrote: > > > Hi > > > > I just compiled a new kernel (2.2.19) using make-kpkg. I am using lilo as > > bootloader and so lilo.conf was modified by make-kpkg as well. But when I > > tried > > to boot with the new kernel I got the above (and known) error message. > > I then run /sbin/lilo to be sure, the problem remains. > > The strange thing is, that booting with my old kernel (2.2.17) works > > perfectly. In the lilo.conf 2 images are defined, the new and the old > > kernel, but only the old ones works.
locale working at commandline, not under X
Hi all If I am in X I get the following outout for locale: locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory [EMAIL PROTECTED] LC_CTYPE="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_TIME="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_COLLATE="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_MESSAGES="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_PAPER="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_NAME="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_ADDRESS="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_TELEPHONE="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_MEASUREMENT="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_IDENTIFICATION="de_DE.UTF-8" LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 However at the commandline : [EMAIL PROTECTED] fÃor all types of locales Which means all the special signs including the Euro sign are working properly X is started via à xdm and my .xsessio looks liek that: # language-env DON'T MODIFY THIS LINE! # set LANG [EMAIL PROTECTED] export LANG # language-env end DON'T MODIFY THIS LINE! /usr/bin/xfce-mcs-manager /usr/bin/xfwm4 --daemon /usr/bin/xftaskbar4 & /usr/bin/xfdesktop & exec /usr/bin/xfce4-panel Here my /etc/environment: export [EMAIL PROTECTED] export [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ### BEGIN DEBCONF SECTION FOR localeconf # Do not edit within this region if you want your changes to be preserved # by debconf. Instead, make changes before the "### BEGIN DEBCONF SECTION # FOR localeconf" line, and/or after the "### END DEBCONF SECTION FOR # localeconf" line. ### END DEBCONF SECTION FOR localeconf [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where is the error TIA Stephan -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]