Pinning question

2003-09-15 Thread Ryan Walters
Hi, I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now, and can't
seem to get it to work.   I want to pin not based on [stable, testing,
unstable], but based on distribution release, in my case, [woody,

I want to have a mainly potato system, with select packages from
woody.  I have the main, contrib, and non-free sections for both in
sources.list.  This is an exerpt from the man page I thought was

"If the first character of the specification is a digit then it is
considered to be a release version match, otherwise a release label
match. Specifications which contain equals are full release data
matches and are a comma seperated list of one letter keys followed by
an equals then by the string."

I thought this was telling me I could do something like this:


Package: *
Pin: release potato
Pin-Priority: 800

Package: *
Pin: release woody
Pin-Priority: 200

This however didn't change anything, it still wanted to take all the
woody versions of packages, the same as before the preferences file

I also tried pinning this way, as also described in the man page:

Package: *
Pin: release v=2.2*
Pin-Priority: 800

Package: *
Pin: release v=3.0*
Pin-Priority: 200

This also didn't work, as described above.  I also tried other ways,
but these two I though would be correct.

I assume this sort of thing is possible, what am I doing wrong?


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Re: Pinning question

2003-09-15 Thread Ryan Walters
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 22:23:46 -0400, you wrote:

>> Package: *
>> Pin: release potato
>> Pin-Priority: 800
>> Package: *
>> Pin: release woody
>> Pin-Priority: 200
>When I read the man pages for apt_preferences, the format is Pin: 
>release a=stable, not pin: release woody. Maybe this will help.
> ^^ note
>potato is still in the 'dists' list of '' so I 
>would guess using "Pin: release a=potato" would work?

I indeed tried this at first after seeing hundreds of web pages
explaining how, before reading the man page fully; according to the
man page:

Selection  by  release  is  more  complicated  and has three forms.
The primary purpose of release selections is to identify a set of
packages  that  match  a  specific  vendor,  or release (ie Debian

The first two forms are shortcuts intended for quick command line use.

"""If the first character of the specification is a digit then it is
considered to be  a release  version  match,  otherwise  a  release
label match."""

"""Specifications which contain equals are full release data matches
and are a comma seperated list  of  one  letter  keys followed by an
equals then by the string."""


"""The  data  for these matches are taken from the Release files that
APT downloads during an update."""

Here is a the release file for the 'main' section of 'woody' on my

$ cat
 Archive: stable
 Version: 3.0r1a
 Component: main
 Origin: Debian
 Label: Debian
 Architecture: i386

Here is the release file for the 'main' section of 'potato' on my

$ cat

 Archive: stable
 Version: 2.2r7
 Component: main
 Origin: Debian
 Label: Debian
 Architecture: i386

The man page says the data for these matches are taken from the
release file.  I commonly see 'release a=stable', release a=unstable',
used with pinning, so I assume 'a=' refers to the 'Archive:' field in
the release file.

That explains why I couldn't match on 'a=woody' for example.   Since
both woody and potato are considered 'stable', I can't use 'a=' to
differentiate between them, as 'a=stable' would match both dists.

However, I should be able to match based on the 'Version:' field,
which is still different between releases.  Indeed, at the end of
there is an example including version numbers:

Package: *
Pin: release v=2.2*,a=stable,c=main,o=Debian,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 1001

I'm still not sure why my setup doesn't work:

>> Package: *
>> Pin: release v=2.2*
>> Pin-Priority: 800
>> Package: *
>> Pin: release v=3.0*
>> Pin-Priority: 200

I must be something extremely simple that I'm missing, anybody else???

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Re: Pinning question

2003-09-16 Thread Ryan Walters
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 11:29:49 +0100, you wrote:

>On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 14:24:54 -0600 Ryan Walters wrote:
>> Hi, I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now, and can't
>> seem to get it to work.   I want to pin not based on [stable, testing,
>> unstable], but based on distribution release, in my case, [woody,
>> potato].
>> ...
>> /etc/apt/preferences:
>> Package: *
>> Pin: release potato
>> Pin-Priority: 800
>> Package: *
>> Pin: release woody
>> Pin-Priority: 200
>> This however didn't change anything, it still wanted to take all the
>> woody versions of packages, the same as before the preferences file
>> existed.
>Try pinning woody below 100.

I had tried that too, but since the apt/preferences file doesn't seem
to have any effect, changing the pinning number doesn't do anything
either.  I think the above example is wrong anyway, would end up
matching on 'l=', which in this case is always "Debian".  However,
using 'v=' should work ok, but again, doesn't seem to do anything at
all, regardless of pin numbers.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pinning question

2003-09-16 Thread Ryan Walters
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 22:21:29 +0100, you wrote:

>On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:00:11 -0600 Ryan Walters wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 11:29:49 +0100, you wrote:
>> >On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 14:24:54 -0600 Ryan Walters wrote:
>> >> Hi, I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now, and can't
>> >> seem to get it to work.   I want to pin not based on [stable, testing,
>> >> unstable], but based on distribution release, in my case, [woody,
>> >> potato].
>> >> ...
>> >> This however didn't change anything, it still wanted to take all the
>> >> woody versions of packages, the same as before the preferences file
>> >> existed.
>> >
>> >Try pinning woody below 100.
>> I had tried that too, but since the apt/preferences file doesn't seem
>> to have any effect, changing the pinning number doesn't do anything
>> ...
>Just remembered that potato's apt may not yet be aware of apt pinning.
>Is that the version you have?

No, I installed woody's apt, and apt-utils first, as I did read that
potato's apt didn't do pinning.

You're right though, I'm don't think I'll bother with a mixed system,
too much hassle.  One thing I know will work fine, is using the
machine purely as an X terminal, using another faster machine with
more ram to run the actual applications.  Kind of defeats the purpose
of a laptop though I guess, as in that case it would be tied to the
lan to run X.

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Re: Potato apt sources.list

2003-09-17 Thread Ryan Walters
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:04:17 +0200, you wrote:

>Hi group,
>I know potato is obsolete, but today I wanted to update a machine the 
>last time, before I do a distribution-update to woody.
>But it seems, some apt sources are broken now, I get errors like the 
>following when doing "apt-get update": should answer your questions..

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