
2003-02-20 Thread Richard Beri
My /var/log/messages and messages.0 are getting very large. messages alone is almost 
500 meg.  Is is safe to delete these files (I don't need to read any back error 
messages).  My syslog is also reaching 500 meg ais that safe to be deleted. Will they 
be auto-created again?


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Re: /var/log/messages

2003-02-22 Thread Richard Beri

> I wouldn't delete logs.  Sometimes you need them.  Go install
> logrotate if it's not alredy installed, if it is, play with the
> settings until you get something a bit more desirable.  It'll keep
> your logs pruned.

Well the cause of this seems to be a constant stream of messages form my cable modem 
that I can't silence. Something like "SPOOFED Packet IN=eth0 and then my MAC address 
and other network stuff including the IP address of the spoofed packet.  This is all 
coming from my cable company, I have talked to them about it but they don't really 
have any idea.  Ever since they upgraded my modem to a DOCSIS one, I get a constant 
stream d/l of ~2k.  I have a firewall installed, but even if I block these ports I 
still get the messages in a virtual terminal.

So this is how my messages file gets so big.  I've set the logs to rotate at 10M as 
per someones instructions above.

If you guys have any ideas how I can silence these messages from my modem, it would be 
greatly appreciated. 

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Re: /var/log/messages

2003-02-22 Thread Richard Beri
Feb 21 22:18:24 stormix kernel: SPOOFED Packet IN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:d0:59:2d:4b:e4:08:00 SRC= DST= 
LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=8420 PROTO=UDP SPT=2301 DPT=2301 LEN=20

I get this error messages in my /var/log/messages every 2 or so seconds.

Any ideas how I can silence it? Or tell me whats going on, because I don't really 
understand it.

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Re: /var/log/messages

2003-02-22 Thread Richard Beri
> Don't know what firewall you're running; nor how to make it stop logging
> that stuff.

> I'm not familiar with this port; but, you gotta wonder why aci.on.ca is
> broadcasting http?

aci.on.ca is my ISP.  Its a small local cable co.

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GTK, GTK2 Fonts

2003-02-07 Thread Richard Beri
I am not having fun with fonts in GTK and GTK2.  I installed gdm to 
replace kdm, so now ~/.gtkrc-kde has no control over the gtk1 fonts 
(which it did a nice job of).  For some reason gdm wants to always use 
the ugly default font and I cannot change it, gnome-control-center run 
as root has no effect on this font, and this ugly font buggers up all 
the gtk-apps (including mozilla and the like).

Thats problem one, problem 2 is that now GTK2 apps like rox now default 
to some tiny unreadable anti-aliased font, and again I use 
gnome-control-center to try and set the font, but again gtk2 apps 
ignore the settings.

I know that ~/.gtkrc controls the fonts in gtk1 apps (except for root 
user for some reason), what config file is controlling the gtk2 apps?

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Re: GTK, GTK2 Fonts

2003-02-08 Thread Richard Beri
> Yeah i have been getting this too... i think there is a config server
> type thing in gnome2

I just figured it out, I don't actually run gnome, I use fluxbox, so in my xsession I 
put, gnome-settings-daemon &, and it will load the settings that you change in 
gnome-control-panel.  So now all GTK2 apps have the fonts I specify.

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Docsis Cable Modem

2002-11-02 Thread Richard Beri
I just got my Cable modem upgraded from the cable company.  It is a 
Terayon TJ615 Docsis modem.  My configuration hasn't changed from my 
older Terayon cable modem.  The problem is this, the modem seems to be 
constantly receiving something, showing up as about a ~2k download in 
my network monitor.  The installer said that its "normal" for the modem 
to be contantly receiving (unlike the old one).  But the real problem 
is when I go to a shell (control-alt-f1) I am getting  a constant 
stream of messages something starting with "IN eth0 O"T=MAC ff:ff 
etc..." making it impossible to use the tty console.  

No big deal right now, but if an emergency arises where X is fried, I 
cannot even login to the shell becuase the contant stream of messages 
disrupting what I type in.  How do I stop these messages from 
interupting my shell?

Oh, and this problem did happen with the old modem, it was just only 
every few minutes a message would appear so it wasn't fatal.

Using Debian Unstable.

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Re: Easy firewall advice

2003-06-21 Thread Richard Beri
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 18:06:47 -0500
Joel Konkle-Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a stock Woody system with Gnome 1.4 running, connected to the 
> 'net via a 802.11b connection. I want to put a simple firewall on there, 
> just to keep things locked down a little more than they are now.
> Is there anything real simple, user-friendly, configure-and-forget 
> available for Woody? I'm used to ZoneAlarm for Windows, so that gives 
> somewhat of an idea of how much I know about firewalls.

You probably want something with a nice GUI, so I would try firestarter.

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2002-12-22 Thread Richard Beri
When I install a program via apt-get, and it installs other support 
packages along with it, and then I choose to remove this program AND 
the packages that came with it.  Is there anyway to automate the 
removal of this program and its packages instead of removing the 
packages by hand typing them in one by one?  Or if I choose to remove 
this program at a later date and close my xterm, I forget what came 
with it.

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Re: Disable Anti-aliased fonts

2003-01-13 Thread Richard Beri
On January 12, 2003 09:57 am, Ross Burton wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 12:40, Rob Weir wrote:
> > You want to edit /etx/X11/XftConfig and change the minimum AA font
> > size, or disable it completely.
> Not always true -- some programs are now using Xft2, which uses
> /etc/fonts/fonts.conf.
> (some include all GTK+ 2 programs and mozilla)

I noticed this use of AA fonts in gtk2 programs after my last upgrade.  
Is there any way to disable these AA fonts?  I'm not a fan of them, 
they make me feel my eyesight is blurred.  I took a look at the 
/etc/fonts/fonts.conf file but its not an easy read and couldn't figure 
it out.

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Re: Big difference in antialiasing

2003-01-13 Thread Richard Beri
> You're right, gtk 2.2 brings in Xft2. It's very pretty.

Does anyone else find AA fonts annoying?  I hate them, sure they "look" 
smoother, but I find that it just seems blurred and they are hard to 
read.  Makes me feel something is wrong with my eyes.  It hurts.

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2002-01-23 Thread Richard Beri
I am using woody and the Kmail that comes with woody, and I notice that I 
cannot change the font size in the body of an email (the message body) it is 
stuck on 10points which is straining my eyesight.  Every other font is 
adjustable exept this one.  Is there any way to change this?  Default woody 

IP Masquerade

2002-04-26 Thread Richard Beri
I would like to set up simple IP Masquerading on my machine for another 
machine on my network to connect to the internet via cable modem.  In the 
past I used a nifty firewall/masquerade setup utility called PM Firewall, but 
it only works on 2.2 kernels.  Is there any simple setup program for 
firewall/masquerade for the kernel 2.4.17?

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Mozilla 1.0

2002-06-10 Thread Richard Beri
Am I the only person getting Mozilla 1.0 to crash all the time in Sid?  
So many different pages it just locks up.  I was having this problem 
with RC1-3 and thought that 1.0final would clear it up but it hasn't.   
Try http://www.radiocontrolledclock.com and thats just the tip of the 
iceberg.  I've tried deleting ~/.mozilla and starting fresh but this 
doesn't help.  The worst part is that I can't just restart mozilla, and 
have to do a "killall mozilla-bin"   Anybody else getting stability 
issues with Mozilla 1.0?

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Re: Mozilla 1.0

2002-06-11 Thread Richard Beri
Interesting, you are right.  If I kill the artsd sound server mozilla 
clears itself up and that page will load without a problem when I 
reload mozilla, if I disable the artsd (kde sound server).  So the dpkg 
-reconfigure doesn't help?

On June 11, 2002 03:30 pm, gerhard wrote:
> Hi Dave, Hi folks,
> Am Dienstag, 11. Juni 2002 06:09 schrieb Dave Thayer:
> > This page has a flash plugin in it. There are several mentions of
> > problems with flash problems in the moz release notes. In
> > particular, the flash plugin doesn't seem to share the audio
> > device nicely.
> You're right, My mozilla and mozilla-snapshot crashes too on that
> site.
> I'm shure it's due to the flashplugin.
> But I'm still wondering why several people doesn't got problems
> with it, even if they use es1371 and alsa with flashplugin 5.0 r48
> together, like me.
> I did a dpkg -reconfigure mozilla and choose artsdsp wrapper to
> avoid such crashes. But mozilla crashes nevertheless.
> Any clues?
> gerhard

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Re: Mozilla 1.0

2002-06-11 Thread Richard Beri
Thanks, this seems to work!

>   You can try to dpkg-reconfigure mozilla-browser to stop Mozilla
> from grabbing esd.
> Simon

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Re: Mozilla 1.0

2002-06-12 Thread Richard Beri
I tried the "dpkg-reconfigure mozilla-browser" and set the audio to 
"none" but mozilla was still crashing.  Right now I have just disabled 
the kde artsd server altogether and mozilla is stable.  Granted I have 
no sound in kde, but I can still play mp3's with xmms, and hear sound 
in movies in xine.  So I go without the few beeps and whistles in kde, 
which I never use much anyway.  What are the differences between esd 
and the artsd wrapper anyway?

> I'm looking really for long time for a solution on that issue,
> without helpful results. You can search in several german mozilla
> and debian groups. I never received a fully satisfied answer.
> My last chance is to purge anything that has to do with mozilla,
> because I have at least 4 versions shoulder at shoulder (like the
> germans use to say :). After deleting all traces of them I'll
> gonna reinstall one mozilla 1.0 version with apt-get from unstable.
> There is a chance that the earlier installed tarballs desturb the
> method to avoid mozilla to grab for the esd or dsp (don't know
> exactly), provided by the deb scripts.
> Do you agree that this deals with the bug
> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58339 ?
> I'll gonna purge my mozilla's at the end of the week.
> So, hopefully we'll got an answer than.
> cu
> gerhard

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