Using Japanese (and Chinese) on an prodominantly english system

2003-09-15 Thread Rebecca Dridan
Hi all,

I speak a little Japanese and am now learning Mandarin. I would like to
be able to read and write both languages on my computers, but leave my
systems basically in English.

I'm looking mostly to be reading and writing Japanese with a text
editor. I use vim and do not want to learn emacs. My desktop runs gnome
on sid, and the server that I ssh into to read my mail is running woody.
I'd like to use Japanese on both.

I've googled looking for anyone running the set-up that I want, but most
of the docs are out of date, or for changing a system permanently to
Japanese, or for fluent Japanese speakers (which I am not).

I've installed canna, kinput2-canna, and jvim, but I don't understand
how to use them. I've installed japanese fonts and generated all the
japanese locales I could find, although my normal LANG et al are set to
C. Which locale settings do I need to change? All of them? Is there a
setting that would allow english and japanese, or do I have to keep
switching. (I don't understand locales very well)

Is anyone able to point me to docs that explain how to go from romaji
(normal english characters) to kana and kanji? Tutorial style docs for
canna and kinput2 would be very welcome. Does anyone else have a set-up
like this and would be willing to share their expertise? Any tips for
vimrc or muttrc to allow quick switching between english and japanese?
Something extendible would be nice, so I could continue with my
Mandarin. I'd be willing to write up my own howto document once I manage
to figure it all out for myself.



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Re: Using Japanese (and Chinese) on an prodominantly english system

2003-09-15 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 11:55:40PM +0200, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 05:19:49PM -0400, Travis Crump wrote:
> vim 6.1 should handle UTF-8 or EUC for Japanese.

Doh! bilingual should have been the obvious search term - why didn't I
think of that!

> > Probably not the best way, but how I do it:
> > 
> > At a terminal:
> > $export LANG=ja_JP.eucJP
> > $export LC_MESSAGES=ja_JP.eucJP
> He want English here for sure :)
> $export LC_MESSAGES=en_US.ISO-8859-1
> > $export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.eucJP
> > $export [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > $kinput2 -xim -kinput -canna &
> > $kterm -xim  &
> > 

Thanks to all (particularly Travis and Osamu) I have part of the
solution. I am using kinput2+canna in vim. Tried kterm and uxterm, but
actually preferred mlterm and it is working well. I'd love to get it
working with Eterm, but no luck so far.

Next stage is mutt. At the moment I can write japanese emails, since I
use vim as my editor, but I don't know if I am sending them correctly,
and I can't read the japanese in the emails I send. It comes up as
escape sequences thus: \272\243\306\374\244\317. I assume I need to work
with the settings charset, send_charset and maybe allow_8bit? Setting
charset to eucJP didn't seem to help.  I believe I can have a list of
charsets in send_charset. What do people recommend?  

I installed a backported mutt version 1.5.4 on my woody mail server as I
read somewhere that multilingual support is only in version 1.4 and
higher.  Is that correct? Or do I need to install the backported
mutt-utf8 as someone else told me, and change to a different encoding?

For those who read Japanese (if it works):

Thanks for the help so far. I will be documenting myy set-up once it's
there for anyone interested. I'll let you know the URL when it's done.


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[OT] SSL certificates and daylight savings

2002-10-28 Thread Rebecca Dridan
Hi all,

This is not particularly related to debian but I hoped some SSL experts
out there could satisfy my curiousity.

Over the weekend I was trying to connect to my online banking (National
Australia Bank) and get a certificate error about not recognising the
issuer of the certificate for the page. This happened on all browsers
(galeon, netscape 4.7, 7) except IE 6. The certificate had been valid
since May and I had connected to the site the week before with no
problems. I realise I could have accepted the certificate and continued,
but I was a little hesitant to do so (being my bank account and all).

Anyway, I called the bank's technical support line to see if they knew
about the problem and they told me it was related to daylight savings
and would be fixed when their technical experts came in on Monday, but
he assured me there was no security problem with the site.

Now Melbourne did switch to daylight savings time in the early hours of
Sunday morning, and they did manage to fix the problem by Monday
afternoon, but I'm still curious as to what would cause that problem.

Does anybody know if a switch to daylight savings could cause a problem
with a site's certificate at all, let alone one with that error?

BTW - the working certificate today appears to have the same issuer as
the problematic one yesterday.

TIA for satisfying my curiousity


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Re: [OT] SSL certificates and daylight savings

2002-10-28 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 10:31:23AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Rebecca Dridan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.10.28.1004 +0100]:
> > Does anybody know if a switch to daylight savings could cause a problem
> > with a site's certificate at all, let alone one with that error?
> I would assume this to be the bank's fault. SSL and certificates are
> not affected by daylight savings time as they operate with UTC time
> inside. UTC knows none of that daylight savings crap.
The bank's fault, yes, but what circumstances on the banks server
(related to daylight savings) would give a "I don't recognise this
issuer" error?


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onboard Ac'97 chipset was: Re: problem with sound card from a newbie

2002-10-01 Thread Rebecca Dridan

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 02:13:46AM -0500, Kent West wrote:

> Run "modconf" and see if there's a module available for the 82440MX. 
> You'll either need such a module loaded (lsmod shows only the ethernet 
> nic module loaded), or you'll need support for that chipset compiled 
> directly into the kernel (which would probably only be the case if 
> you've compiled your own kernel and included that support, which you 
> seem to indicate that you've done). If the kernel sources or modules 
> don't work properly, you may need to use an "outside" driver, such as 
> the alsa drivers. I had to do this for my onboard AC'97 chipset (via8233).
> Kent

Kent (or anyone else who knows),

How did you get your onboard AC'97 chipset (via8233) working?  I've just
bought a Gigabyte GA-7VRX motherboard with this chip and can't get sound
working. I'm running woody, with kernel 2.4.19 (from
kernel-source-2.4.19-1) and I tries installing the alsa packages, but
every time I got the via8233 module (and it's dependancies) loaded, my
whole system froze - network, keyboard - hard reset necessary. I can't
find any relevant messages in the logs.

If it is of any relevance, I'm running the NVIDIA kernel and GLX modules
for my GeForce 4MX.

If you've got step-by-step instructions, or some hints for where to
look, I'd appreciate it.



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Re: evolution usability (somewhat OT)

2003-11-25 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 12:27:54AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 22:50, David Palmer. wrote:
> > On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 14:58:24 -0800
> > Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >(unstable debian, evolution)
> > > 
> > >I find evolution to be fairly nice MUA but:
> > > 
> > >- is there a way for it to move deleted mails to trash?
> > > 
> > >- is there a way for it not to show deleted emails (it shows them 
> > > striked out)
> > > 
> > Hello Erik,
> > 
> > Go to the 'view' menu, and click 'hide deleted messages.'
> > That will solve your first two points.
>   they don't seem to go to trash (I would like the emails from IMAP
> server go to trash on the same server, just like it can be set in
> mozilla)
Shift-delete seems to do this for me.



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papd(netatalk) help!

2000-02-23 Thread Rebecca Dridan
Hi all,

I recently upgraded from slink to potato. This seems to have broken papd
(among other things), the Appletalk printer interface.

Initially papd complained about the lack of a file called lock.  After
'creating' this file in the printer spool directory it now is now producing
the message: lp_conn_unix connect /dev/printer: Connection refused

Which makes sense as /dev/printer does not exist.  Should it?  I'm using lprng
and have heard this could be causing the problem.  Has anyone else had
problems printing from Macs after an upgrade?  Any suggestions would be

If you need any more info please ask.



Re: "man" command made easy?

2001-07-16 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 10:59:23AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote:
> All that Will said about the man pages is true, and I completely agree
> about the need for examples; I to have wasted hours fighting syntax
> errors, all the while with an ugly feeling that I might not even be
> trying the right command or option.
> General advice based on things I've done:
> 1. Use less as you man pager, learn the search tools.
> 2. Start by searching manpages for 'example'.
> 3. Use info -- it will run man-pages for programs that don't have info
> pages, and programs that do have info pages usually have good 
> documentation.

And for those who, like me, don't like the key bindings in info, check out
pinfo, apt-get install pinfo.


Re: Adding a user to a group

2001-07-16 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 08:17:40PM -0400, Nathan Weston wrote:
> How do I add a user to a group?
> I want to give my user account access to cdrom, audio, etc without doing 
> chmod a+rw on the relevant files.


ie adduser blah audio


Re: Adding a user to a group

2001-07-16 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 08:33:50PM -0400, Nathan Weston wrote:
> Done, thanks.
> But, in order to access /dev/dsp for audio, I still have to 'newgrp audio'  
> or 'sg audio -c [command]', and enter a password. The problem here is that I 
> want, for example, artsd, which is started automatically by kde, to have 
> access to /dev/dsp.
> Is there a way to do this without entering a password (and preferably wi/o 
> having to wrap commands in sg)?
> Thanks,
> Nathan

(It's always better to post back to the list, as you have more people who can
answer your questions - they may have more idea than me too)

You can be part of more than one group at a time.  Just make sure you have
logged out and back in again to effect the changes of the adduser command. You
shouldn't need to explicitly log in to a new group to have audio access. If
that doesn't do what you needed, it's time to hand off to someone on the list
more knowledgable than me :)


> On Monday 16 July 2001 08:26 pm, Rebecca Dridan wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 08:17:40PM -0400, Nathan Weston wrote:
> > > How do I add a user to a group?
> > > I want to give my user account access to cdrom, audio, etc without doing
> > > chmod a+rw on the relevant files.
> >
> > adduser  
> >
> > ie adduser blah audio
> >
> > HTH
> > Bec

Re: Adding a user to a group

2001-07-17 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 07:50:19AM -0400, Nathan Weston wrote:
> Oops, I meant to post back to the list... is there a reason that the list 
> address isn't in the reply-to by default, like it is on most lists?
> Anyway, now that I've logged out and back in, everything works fine.
> Thanks.
> Nathan

Check the recent thread Re: the format (or lack thereof) of the list
Also see


Re: Folders in Mutt

2001-07-18 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 04:37:57PM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
> I am a newbie to mutt - after flirting with a
> dozen or more GUI mail programs.
> I have managed to configure most of what I want in
> mutt but the setting up of folders just beats me.
> I'd like to have a few folders into which I can
> move mail after reading but if the mail supposed to
> go there does so automatically I wouldn't mind either.

I have a fairly basic Mutt setup. If I want to save a message to a folder I
just press s, then the name of the folder.  Folders are all under ~/mail/
If the folder doesn't exist, it asks whether it should create it.

I've included the relevant bits of my .muttrc below, the mailboxes line sets
which mailboxes/folders will be checked for new mail.

There are lots of web sites around with good examples of .muttrc files.  I'm
sure someone will chime in with URLs.

To automatically sort the mail when it is received, I use procmail, but there
are better people on the list to explain procmail setup.



--- .muttrc ---

set tmpdir="~/tmp" # directory for temporary files 
set folder=~/mail  # directory with all mail folders
set postponed=~/mail/postponed-msgs

set alias_file=~/.mutt.aliases
source ~/.mutt.aliases

folder-hook . set sort=mailbox-order

folder-hook debian- set sort=threads
folder-hook systers set sort=threads

mailboxes ! =rootmail =debian-announce =debian-news =flite =systers-students 
=systers =debian-devel =debian-user =auscert 


set confirmcreate  # set: prompt for confirmation on creation of folders


Re: Mutt Question

2001-07-19 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 07:17:11AM -0400, Todd V . Rovito wrote:
> I have procmail set up to filter my mail into folders for the list
> servers I belong to.  Some days I just don't have the time to read
> the mail in that particular folder (or list server), I would like to
> be able to perform a mass delete in that folder. What keys can I use
> in mutt to delete all the messages out of a folder?

In the folder type T and it will ask you to tag messages matching what
pattern. Type . (thats a period) to match everything.  Then ; and d, to
delete all tagged messages.

If you meant doing it automatically, you'll have to ask someone else, though
it has come up before.



Re: viewer

2001-07-22 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 12:14:32AM +0200, Markus Hansen wrote:
> hi guys
> does anyone know which program i can use to
> view
> pdf, ghostscript and postscropt files?
> thank you for helping
> markus

Try xpdf, acroread, xv, gv.  See which you like.


Re: Bash/Perl weirdness

2001-08-14 Thread Rebecca Dridan
As a rough guess, was that a dos/MS file?  I've had very confusing scripts
like that before that couldn't find /usr/bin/perl^M, because of that control
character.  If this was the case, putting -w after the invocation would fix it
as you said.



Personal reply as per your Reply-To

On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 04:05:21PM +0200, Eugene van Zyl wrote:
> Hi,
> Question:
> I've got a perl script with the following permissions:
> -rwxr-xr-x1 root root23980 Aug 13 15:55
> the first line in the script is:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> which is where perl lives on Debian potato -> perl -V gives the correct 
> reponse ...
> but # ./ gives me:
> bash: ./ No such file or directory
> What gives? What obvious thing am I missing here cause other scripts run fine.
> TAI,
> Eugene van Zyl
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Finding missing packages

2001-11-27 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 05:00:45PM -0600, DvB wrote:
> "jennyw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've recenlty posted some upgrade woes (Potato to Woody) ... I've noticed
> > that I have quite a few packages missing that I expected to be present. I
> > seem to have limited fonts in X for one thing (no sans serif, for example).

> > Also, I'm a bit unfamiliar with all the packages ... there might be more
> > missing than just X related stuff. I know the Debian installer installs a
> > lot of stuff without mentioning specific package names (it might in the
> > advanced mode which I haven't used) ... is there a way to get a list of
> > packages the installer installs by default?  And also the packages that
> > correlate with the general names it uses?
> > 
> if you run apt-get with the -u option, it should give you a list of
> packages that it's about to upgrade and prompts you whether or not to
> proceed. I don't know how to do this automatically, I usually just add
> the -u by hand... I suppose you could set up an alias in your shell
> profile. Read the man pages for dpkg, apt-get and apt-cache for more
> useful ways to see package info (you might also want to visit

To automatically get the output that apt-get -u displays, you need a line like 

Apt::Get::Show-Upgraded "true";

in either /etc/apt/apt.conf, or in a file under /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ (I'm not
totally sure on the conventional structure for this directory).



ipchains log

2001-12-05 Thread Rebecca Dridan

I'm just setting up a masquerading firewall and I'm getting some log messages
I don't completely understand like the follwing:

pluto kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 xx.xx.xx.xx:3

I've found out that that's an ICMP packet, with type Desination Unreadable and
code Port Unreachable, but I'm not sure what this means.  Is it important, and
is there any way of stopping it?



Re: ipchains log

2001-12-05 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 08:47:11PM -0500, Stephen Gran wrote:
> Thus spake Rebecca Dridan:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm just setting up a masquerading firewall and I'm getting some log 
> > messages
> > I don't completely understand like the follwing:
> > 
> > pluto kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=1 
> > xx.xx.xx.xx:3
> > .
> > 
> > I've found out that that's an ICMP packet, with type Desination Unreadable 
> > and
> > code Port Unreachable, but I'm not sure what this means.  Is it important, 
> > and
> > is there any way of stopping it?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Bec
> Try this site:
> You can just plug in the log line and it will analyze it for you.
Unfortunately it doesn't tell me what the analysis means.  That's where I got
the type and code information from but I still don't know the packets purpose,
or whether I can just keep DENYing them.

> Neat!
> Steve
> -- 
> Old timer, n.:
>   One who remembers when charity was a virtue and not an organization.

Re: network card detected but module fails

2001-10-23 Thread Rebecca Dridan
> | > On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 03:31:05PM -0700, sucks the bag wrote:
> | > | 
> | > | i'm trying to install debian onto a friend's amd-k7 from the potato
> | > | cdroms.  his network card says it's a "d-link dfe-530tx", and sure
> | > | enough, running "lspci -v" gives:
> | > | 
> | > | [snip non-relevant devices]
> | > | 
> | > | 00:0e.0 Ethernet controller: VIA technologies, Inc. : Unknown device 
> 3065 (rev 43)

I've just had the same problem.  Apparently this revision of the card needs
the via-rhine driver from Donald Becker's site.  The one with the kernel is
too old.  You will need to go and download the driver (sorry I forget the
site, ?), making sure you have one version 1.07 or
later, and compile it yourself.  I heard rumours that there was a driver in
the 2.4 kernels that would work but I haven't tried this myself.

The self compiled one at least installs.



nameserver problems

2001-11-04 Thread Rebecca Dridan
Hi all,

I'm having some problems with the nameserver on a webserver I am setting up at
a company I work for. I'm running bind from potato, and the machines on the
internal network can use my server as a name server, no problems, but when I
try and set my machine up at home to query this server to test it, I get
connection timed out, no servers found.

I can connect using ssh to the machine from outside, when I nmap it, it says
port 53 is open and there is nothing in my firewall logs to say anything is
getting blocked.  My ISP assure me that they are not blocking port 53.

I'd like to be sure the nameserver is working before I get all our domains
redelegated.  Can anyone tell me if a nameserver won't work if it is not being
pointed to by something outside?  It has it's own static IP, but I'm not sure
is a nameserver needs to be "declared" or registered it some way.

Other than that, can anyone tell me how to track down the problem?  I can't
use traceroute as I normally would because there is no problem seeing and
connecting to the machine normally and I can't find any helpful options to dig
or nslookup.



Re: nameserver problems

2001-11-04 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 12:25:15AM +0100, j wrote:
> On Sunday 04 November 2001 23:33, Rebecca Dridan wrote:
> > I can connect using ssh to the machine from outside, when I nmap it, it
> > says port 53 is open
> did you run the portscan from the Internet ?
> try ... nmap -p 53 -sU -P0

I get 

Port   State   Service
53/udp opendomain  

> Are there any errors in /var/log/daemon.log when starting bind ?
Nothing unusual

Is it possible that bind is only listening on one interface?  All internal
machines connect through eth1 which has an internal IP,  External
machines that try to use the external IP are failing.

Thanks for your help


> > not sure is a nameserver needs to be "declared" or registered it some way.
> It will work without, but every decent registrar offers automatic 
> registration of DNS servers with internic. atleast dotster does.
> -- 
> BOFH excuse #419:
> Repeated reboots of the system failed to solve problem
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nameserver problems SOLVED

2001-11-05 Thread Rebecca Dridan
Thanks for all your help people.  I eventually managed to get it working.  I
found I didn't have the reverse in-addr-arpa set up properly for the external

Thanks again


On Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 03:41:20PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> * Rebecca Dridan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.11.05 09:33:28+1100]:
> > I can connect using ssh to the machine from outside, when I nmap it, it says
> > port 53 is open and there is nothing in my firewall logs to say anything is
> > getting blocked.  My ISP assure me that they are not blocking port 53.
> it's quite conceivable that your bind only allows queries from the
> internal net. would you send me your named.conf privately, possibly
> with the official IP of the server?
> -- 
> martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
>   \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> stay the patient course.
> of little worth is your ire.
> the network is down.

Re: Galeon/Mozilla Woody Debs

2001-09-13 Thread Rebecca Dridan

On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 01:51:35AM -0500, Nate Custer wrote:
> Hey all,
> I just switched to debian from redhat and am looking for a source of
> Galeon/Mozilla .debs for woody.
I just upgraded to Woody and in the process had to find a non-ximian version
of galeon.  After some searching for compatible galeon/mozilla packages, I
ended up using the patched debs from

No problems so far.


Re: xterm double-click to select words like "cups-bsd", "/var/log"

2004-03-19 Thread Rebecca Dridan
On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 11:51:13PM -0500, Jameson C. Burt wrote:

> SPACES; eg, all of "cupsys-bsd" or all of "/var/log/messages"?
> After either double-clicking or a more awkward highlighting,
> I click the middle mouse button to drop (ie, copy) my words "cupsys" and
> "cupsys-bsd", forming a command-line like
>dpkg -L  cupsys  cupsys-bsd  |xargs zgrep -i lpadmin
> This is a quick way to form command-lines
> that would be quicker if double-clicked words were delimited
> not by any "-" or "/", but by spaces only.

I believe word boundaries in xterms are set by the charClass attribute.
Search 'man xterm' for charClass and see if you can get something from
that that can help you.



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Re: debian and women? from DWN #10

2004-03-24 Thread Rebecca Dridan
(sorry about the direct reply Monique)

On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 06:10:56PM -0700, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
> I just saw this in Debian Weekly News issue ten:
> I guess I just wonder.
> I've never found any sort of hostility or difficulty in dealing with
> any technically-oriented online forum; if anything, I've found that
> some people seem to go out of their way to respond to women.
> Okay, I lie.  I've had hostility from a couple of individuals, but
> I've *never* attributed it to my female-ness, and in most cases there
> was evidence to suggest that they were equal-opportunity flamethrowers
> =)
> Any women out there?  Have you found debian and/or other OSS or
> technical groups to be difficult, possibly because you're female?

I've never found any problems on this list when I've posted. No comments
about gender and no condescension. I will say that I notice when another
female posts, but as someone else said, just to say "hey cool" because
it is rare.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if anyone caught the issue on Full
Disclosure. Check this link [0] to see how some females do get treated
on tech lists.



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