Changing date format in /usr/bin/last

2004-11-15 Thread Ralph Aichinger

I had the problem today that I wanted to get some information out
of my wtmp file about system usage, and I needed logins 
categorized by year. In Debian, "last" gives output like

ralphpts/1monk Mon Nov 15 14:32   still logged
ralphpts/0monk Mon Nov 15 12:40   still logged
ab   client48:0   client48 Mon Nov 15 12:26 - 13:22  (00:56)

i.e. it does not show the year of the login.

Of course you can always hack something together with Perl and
Sys::Utmp, but ist there some way of doing this with last or
some other common utility?

/ralph -- solved it in Perl for now, but I can't imagine this is
  the most elegant way to do it.

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Suggested way to ssh into obsolete devices (with old ssh crypto)?

2021-07-06 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hi, everybody, as a bullseye user I am seeing messages like 

| Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching 
| key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

with increasing frequency, especially when trying to ssh into
proprietary, obsolete stuff. Above comes from a Cisco 7941 IP
phone I toy around with at home, with no expectation of security
whatsoever, I might as well use telnet.

Some algorithms can be activated by using e.g. 
but I suppose it is only a question of time before some of this
really old and insecure stuff is compiled out or removed from
sources. It is also a bit difficult to find working combinations
of keyexchange algorithms and ciphers for unknown older servers
(a lot of trial and error?).

What is the suggested way to work around that problem? Download
ssh sources from 15 years ago, and build a "ssh-insecure" binary?

What I do not want to do is change my "normal" configuration, e.g.
add these algorithms to my normal .ssh/config.

I suppose I am not the only one or first to have this problem, 
is there an elegant solution, that does not compromise security
in the dominating normal case (ssh into modern servers)?

Thanks in advance,

The state of IPSec in Debian

2019-10-24 Thread Ralph Aichinger

I am not a completely unexperienced user of Debian, but sometimes
certain subsystems and choices still puzzle me. Right now this
is IPSec.

There used to be several implementations, but am I right that
the only sensible one right now is Strongswan?

goes on about the "experimental" Linux 2.5 series and "now that Sarge
is released", i.e. is woefully out of date, so much that I would call
it confusing.

Is there some more recent documentation on setting up an ipsec
tunnel on Debian in 2019 (and not in 2009 ;) or should I just go
by the StrongSwan docs, e.g.


Strongswan seems to have two configuration systems, the 
"deprecated" stroke plugin with ipsec.conf and the
"preferred" vici plugin with "swanctl.conf". Should I 
use the "deprecated" stuff with Debian nevertheless?

Or am I completely wrong and should I use some other implementation?

   ausserirdische sind gesund

Re: The state of IPSec in Debian

2019-10-24 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 05:32:51PM +0200, wrote:
> El jue, 24-10-2019 a las 16:27 +0200, Ralph Aichinger escribió:
> > Or am I completely wrong and should I use some other implementation?
> from

> | Users are encouraged to migrate to libreswan, which has broader
> | protocol compatibility and is being actively maintained upstream.


This could be interpreted as: Who uses these obsoleted packages
is best served with libreswan, but does this also hold for new 
installations starting from scratch with buster?

I have e.g. looked at popcon stats and unless I am missing something
StrongSwan is much more popular than LibreSwan. Or did I overlook

LibreSwan has some RedHat backing(?), is there some kind of pull
towards LibreSwan from StrongSwan?

   ausserirdische sind gesund

Re: The state of IPSec in Debian

2019-10-24 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 02:01:25PM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
> StrongSwan used to be the best supported, but LibreSwan is now.
> Things change.


This is the kind of information I was hoping for.

> If you need solid VPN support and control all the endpoints,
> Wireguard may be an even better choice -- if for no other reason
> than debugging is much, much simpler. IPsec would be great if
> it weren't for the need to debug connections...

Yes, very much so, but unfortunately I do not have control of 
the opposite endpoint. I absolutely love Wireguard, it is
by magnitudes simpler, without missing anything important to


   ausserirdische sind gesund

Doubt about the release-fitness of a package (gfax)

2014-11-09 Thread Ralph Aichinger
I just tried to install gfax (in sid), and it crashed on me just as described
in bug 651160.

This has been reported in 2011, is tagged "help", and seems to go

What is the right way to suggest that this package is not ready
for release (I do think if I am not the only one experiencing 
the same crash it is probably a general thing, not something 
to do with my install), even though there is currently no RC bug

Add my findigns bug 651160,  and set it to RC (is that considered
rude if a non-developer does it)? Is it even possible (setting to RC)?

Mail the maintainer?

File another bug?

I want to straddle the fine line between "me me me"-type severity inflation
and a genuine feeling that this package should not end up in stable 
jessie in its current state. And I do not only want to ask about that
one package, but what is the right thing to do as a user if one finds
bugs like these.


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Bareos, dbconfig-common, PostgreSQL and PAM: no module specific data

2015-01-03 Thread Ralph Aichinger
(Sorry if this is a duplicate message, I tried to post this
an hour or so ago, but saw nothing on the list.)

I want to install bareos, the bacula derived backup software
with a PostgreSQL/dbconfig setup on a sid/amd64 system. I am
stuck at the following error:

An error occurred while installing the database: 
  │ Password for user bareos: psql: FATAL: password authentication failed 
  │ for user "bareos" FATAL: password authentication failed for user  
  │ "bareos" su: No module specific data is present  

I assume the "No module specific data is present" refers to PAM modules?

Any hints on how to resolve that problem or diagnose it further?


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Status of ISC Stork (monitoring daemon to ISC Kea) in Debian

2024-01-06 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hi everybody!

Normally I am quite good at finding out if and why not something is
packaged in Debian, but I have not found any information about ISC
Stork, basically an optional accessory to ISC Kea. 

While migrating to Kea from ISC dhcpd, I noticed that this component is
not packaged Or have I overlooked it? Now I am not sure it is useful at
all to me, but out of curiosity, is it a licensing thing? Is it not
that useful in practice?
License seems to be a rather standard MPL.

Anybody using Kea DHCP with opinion on Stork? Is it worth the bother to
install the version from upstream manually?

Liebe Grüße,
Ralph Aichinger

nftables firewall question: matching udp in ipv6

2024-01-12 Thread Ralph Aichinger

I am currently fighting with the following problem: I've got a system
that has 3 relevant interfaces: ppp0, en0 and en2, for external,
internal and dmz respectively. 

The dmz is IPv6 only, a homelab testbed more or less.

I've got the follwing rules in /etc/nftables.conf for ipv6 (i am
abreviating the chain input, because i am only fighting with

table ip6 filter {
chain input {

chain forward {
  type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

  iifname ppp0 oifname en0 ct state established,related accept
  iifname en0 oifname ppp0 accept

  iifname en2 oifname ppp0 accept
  iifname ppp0 oifname en2 accept

  iifname en0 oifname en2 accept
  iifname en2 oifname en0 ct state established,related accept

  meta l4proto ipv6-icmp accept


This "almost" works: I can do everything I want from my internal
network (connected to en0) towards the outside, and tcp connections
from and to the dmz also work. Ping works everywhere.

What does not work, and this puzzles me, is that UDP does not work. 
E.g. if I lookup a DNS name in my dmz (connected to en2), I see no
udp packets if i start tcpdump on the external interface ppp0. I see
them entering on en2. 

Why does UDP bevave differently from TCP here? Is this an nftables or
ipv6 specific gotcha?

If I insert the following rule at the bottom, everything starts to

meta l4proto  udp  accept

but I don't know how to limit this over broad rule (so it does not
forward UDP to the internal network on en0, which I do not want). 
trying e.g. 

iifname en2 oifname ppp0 meta l4proto  udp  accept
iifname ppp0 oifname en0 meta l4proto  udp  accept

did not work either, ad behaved like my initial setup described on top.

Any hints for me?

Re: nftables firewall question: matching udp in ipv6

2024-01-12 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 03:52:46PM +, Tom Furie wrote:
> Where is the DNS server the dmz host is resolving against? In your dmz,
> your internal network, on the firewall machine, outside? You may have
> other input/output rules that are interfering, but since you've abridged
> your ruleset we have no way of knowing.

I've tried this with the public Gooogle DNS 2001:4860:4860::. The
behaviour seems consistent: If I try to resolve names over UDP with the
first ruleset I posted, it fails. If I try DNS over TCP (by using 
nslookup with the "-vc" option, it works.


Re: nftables firewall question: matching udp in ipv6

2024-01-12 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 03:52:46PM +, Tom Furie wrote:
> other input/output rules that are interfering, but since you've abridged
> your ruleset we have no way of knowing.

Sorry, wanted to include the full rulest an forgot. I've still have left
off the "table ip nat" and "table ip filter" chains, I hope this is OK.

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

flush ruleset

table ip nat {

table ip filter {

table ip6 filter {
chain input {
type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
ct state invalid counter drop comment "early drop of invalid 
ct state {established, related} counter accept comment "accept 
all connections related to connections made by us"
iif lo accept comment "accept loopback"
iif != lo ip6 daddr ::1/128 counter drop comment "drop 
connections to loopback not coming from loopback"
meta l4proto ipv6-icmp counter accept comment "accept all ICMP 
tcp dport 22 counter accept comment "accept SSH"
tcp dport 25 counter accept comment "accept SMTP"
tcp dport 53 counter accept comment "accept DNS"
udp dport 53 counter accept comment "accept DNS"
tcp dport 80 counter accept comment "accept HTTP"
tcp dport 443 counter accept comment "accept HTTPS"
counter comment "count dropped packets"

chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

iifname ppp0 oifname en0 ct state established,related accept
iifname en0 oifname ppp0 accept

iifname en2 oifname ppp0 accept
iifname ppp0 oifname en2 accept

iifname en0 oifname en2 accept
iifname en2 oifname en0 ct state established,related accept

meta l4proto ipv6-icmp accept


Re: nftables firewall question: matching udp in ipv6

2024-01-12 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 05:26:57PM +, Michael Kjörling wrote:
> My suggestion would be to insert a "udp log" rule. (Pretty sure you
> only need "udp", not "meta l4proto udp".)
Thanks,  I will try that. Yes "meta l4proto udp" might be cargo 
cult configuration ;)

> That will give you a firehose of information which will include ports,
> interfaces and other relevant information. You can then narrow it down
> until it logs the traffic you want to accept, at which point you can
> change the "log" action into an "accept" action.
> Note that forwarding and filtering can interact in non-intuitive ways.
> You may need to add corresponding log rules to each relevant chain,
> maybe with a prefix to tell them apart.
Thanks a lot!


Re: nftables firewall question: matching udp in ipv6

2024-01-12 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 07:35:14PM +0100, Michel Verdier wrote:
>   meta l4proto udp log level info prefix "udp" accept

Thanks for that, and thanks to Michael Kjörling, your replies really

I found log lines similar to:

2024-01-12T19:51:32.999346+01:00 pi kernel: [3401524.305759] 
ralphfilterudpIN=en2 OUT=en2 MAC=08:00:1e:02:00:02:6c:cf:39:00:42:f4:86:dd 
SRC=2a02:0ab8:redacted DST=2a00:63c1:redacted LEN=96 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=63 
FLOWLBL=279176 PROTO=UDP SPT=40840 DPT=123 LEN=56 

with interestingly IN and OUT interfaces the same en2 (=dmz). And to my 
surprise, I
found a double IPv6 default route:

default via fe80::e25f:b9ff:fe1e:a100 dev ppp0 proto ra metric 1024 expires 
1791sec hoplimit 64 pref medium
default via fe80::a00:1eff:fe01:0 dev en2 proto ra metric 1024 expires 1588sec 
hoplimit 64 pref medium

Now I don't understand why pings/ICMP and tcp traffic seem to decide for
the correct route via ppp0 and only udp sems to prefer the one via en2,
but when I delete it, everything works. So while nftables might still 
contain some problematic stuff, at the core of my problem seems to be

I "only" have to find out what mechanism adds the lower, en2 default
route within a few minutes, once I delete it. I ran "radvdump", but
that only dumped the correct announcement my provider sends for the
net over the PPPoE connection. Hm.

Thanks everybody, of course hints on how to find out what's adding
default routes would also be appreciated ;)


nftables: Clamping mss size to lower mtu (on PPPoE connection does not work)

2024-01-18 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hello everybody, related question to what I asked a few days ago:

Since I touched my /etc/nftables.conf rules a few days ago to enable
IPv6 I've got IPv6 working completely (thanks again for your help with
suggesting logging packets), but I seemingly broke mss clamping for
IPv4 in doing so (or maybe this is an unrelated breakage? Unlikely). 

Symptoms: There are two websites ( and a the
profile subpage of the online paper (not accessible
without logging in) that just hang indefinitely on clients with
interface MTU set to the default 1500. If I lower the MTU to e.g. 
1400 on the interface of the client, these pages load normally. These
two web pages seem to be IPv4 only (no  record), I could be
overlooking something though, network dumps are very noisy, lots of
tracking cookies loaded etc. The one seems to do QUIC.

This happens on all clients (e.g. also on Android phones in my WiFi
behind this PPPoE gateway, unless I get the client to reduce the MTU.

So it seems clamping the mss on the NAT/PPPoE-Machine running Debian no
longer works. For this I use/used the follwing rules:

iifname "ppp0" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu;
oifname "ppp0" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu;

setting a specific mtu as a constant instead of "rt mtu" does not help

ppp0 is my PPPoE interface:

14: ppp0:  mtu 1460 qdisc
fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 3
inet peer scope global ppp0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2a02:ab8:201:5b0::1/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::1 peer fe80::e25f:b9ff:fe1e:a100/128 scope link 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Now I read the nftables wiki, which is where I got my maxseg rule from,
and under the heading "Interactions with conntrack" it says 

 "Keep in mind the interactions with conntrack, flows with mangled
traffic must be untracked. You can do this in a single rule:
nft add rule ip6 raw prerouting ip6 daddr fd00::1 ip6 daddr set fd00::2

and I do not understand what is meant here. Do I need a rule like the
one mentioned in the nftables wiki, but for IPv4 instead of IPv6? Will 
"untracking" break the stateful firewall and be a security problem?
Sadly there is not a lot of documentation and configuration examples to
google for this with respect to nftables (and not e.g.older iptables).

Is there a better explanation what is meant by "flows with mangled 
traffic must be untracked"? Is this relevant to my situation at all?

Any help on how to debug this would be appreciated. There are lots of
tutorials on how to find the MTU of a connection by using "ping -M do -
s  1500" or similar, but very little dignosing more complex MTU
problems e.g. with web pages.

Also: Do I need the MSS clamp rule for IPv6, or is it unnecessary with
the different path MTU discovery included into the protocol on IPv6?
For now I have included these lines there too, it probably makes no

I've included the full nftables rules below. The Interfaces en2 and en3
are IPv6 DMZs seemingly unrelated to this problem here, my problematic
connections are all coming from the internal network behind en0.

Thanks in advance,

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

flush ruleset

table ip natfilter {
chain prerouting { 
type nat hook prerouting priority -100; 
policy accept;
chain postrouting { 
 type nat hook postrouting priority 100; 
 policy accept; 
 oifname "ppp0" counter snat to;

chain input {
type filter hook input priority 0;
policy drop;
ct state invalid  counter drop;
ct state related,established  counter accept;
iifname "lo" counter accept;
ip protocol icmp counter accept;
tcp dport 22 counter accept;
tcp dport 25 counter accept;
tcp dport 53 counter accept;
udp dport 53 counter accept;
tcp dport 80 counter accept;
tcp dport 143 counter accept;
tcp dport 443 counter accept;
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority 0;
policy drop;
ct state related,established  counter accept;
iifname "en0" counter accept;
iifname "ppp0" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set
rt mtu;
oifname "ppp0" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set
rt mtu;

table ip6 filter {
chain input {
type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
ct state invalid counter drop 
ct state {establish

Re: rsync --delete vs rsync --delete-after

2024-01-18 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hello fellow Debian users,

On Thu, 2024-01-18 at 12:18 +0100, hw wrote:

> Always use an UPS.

Here I have a somewhat contrarian view, I hope not to offend too much:

For countries with stable electricity supplies (like Austria where I
live) having a small UPS might actually lead to more problems instead
of less, unless you are putting a lot of effort into it. Very often
have I had problems with UPSes, e.g. batteries dying, the UPS going
into some self test mode and inadvertedly shutting down, etc.

I've had no external power outage in the last 5 or 10 years, but a UPS
often needs at least one battery replacement during that time.

Unless you have some sort of professional server rack and redundant 2
phase supply, in my opinion UPS make very little sense to the home or 
small office user. Also modern Linux systems with journalling
filesystems will survive the occasional hard shutdown. Yes, I have
pulled the plug out of running Linux boxes occasionally because I was
too lazy to shut it down correctly and never had one break beyond the
usual fsck on boot.

> Always use redundancy to store data for a running system, like some
> form of RAID.  It won't hurt to use RAID for backups as well, though
> I don't think that's required when you use it for the data you're
> backing up.

Here I also doubt if this is a wise suggestion for the typical home
or small office user. RAID leads to lots and lots of complexity, that
is often not needed in a home setup. I'd rather have a working backup
setup with many independent copies before I even start thinking about
RAID. Yes, disks can fail, but data loss often is due to user
error and malware. RAID helps very little with the latter two causes
of data loss. And all too often have I seen people mess up their
complicated RAID setups, because they pulled the wrong disk when
another one broke, or because they misinterpreted complicated error
messages, creating unnecessary data loss out of user error by

As a home/SOHO user, I'd rather have a working backup every few hours
or every day than some RAID10 wonder that makes me lose more time on
reading RAID documentation, and ordering spare drives (you've got
one of those spares for each array, do you?) than is actually lost by
not being able to restore to the exact last minute before a hard disk

/ralph -- no UPS at home, using RAID1 md mirroring though

Re: nftables: Clamping mss size to lower mtu (on PPPoE connection does not work)

2024-01-18 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, 2024-01-18 at 12:51 +, Tixy wrote:
> I have the same options in the forward chain except that I haven't
> qualified them with an interface name. Didn't occur to me that I
> would
> need to do that as there are only two networks my LAN and 'the
> internet'.

You probably don't need to, I just copied the example from the nftables
wiki. For my setup it might in theory make a difference because maybe
it could interfere with the use of jumbo frames on my lan, but as the
machine in question is a lowly Rasbperry Pi 4, it is a rather
theoretical aspect.

Thanks for your reply, and confirming that the maxseg line is in
principle looked sane. In looking at all the configuration again, I 
noticed something else: In testing I seemingly had set the mtu of the
internal LAN interface en0 lower, to 1400. When I set that back to the 
ethernet default of 1500, my setup started working suddenly, with or
without interface qualification in the maxseg (line/lines).

It never occured that I broke the MTU on the LAN side. Oh well. 

Ralph -- I'll read the stackexchange links

Re: rsync --delete vs rsync --delete-after

2024-01-18 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, 2024-01-18 at 13:09 +, Michael Kjörling wrote:
> Definitely agree that a solid backup regimen (including regular
> automated backups; at least one off-site copy _at least_ of critical,
> hot data; and planning for the contingency that you need to restore
> that backup onto a brand new system without access to anything on
> your
> current system -- think "home burns down at night" or "burglar"
> scenario) is the _first_ step, and one that a great deal of people
> still fail at.

Absolutely. I use a Raspberry Pi with an external
USB drive for my off-site backups with Resitic. Seems to
work fine for now, draws very little power, and the 4TB of a small
2.5" disk is plenty for my personal backups, when deduplicated. Still
this setup probably is too complicated for many home users, where a 
cloud backup or similar makes more sense.

> RAID is for uptime. If a week-long outage (to get replacement
> hardware
> and restore the most recent backup) and a day's worth of data loss is
> largely inconsequential, as quite frankly it likely is for most home
> users save for the cost of replacement hardware,

For me the calculation is more or less "next workday to go to the local
shop for a replacement hard drive" and a few hours to restore backups.
Yes, if you depend on mail order, one week might be more realistic.
Then I probably would keep a spare drive around even as a home user.

>  that's a very
> different scenario from if that same outage costs $$€€¥¥ and could
> destroy your livelihood; and consequently the choices made _should_
> likely be different.

Of course. As soon as you have to pay several people's salaries 
needlessly while they sit around for access to their data, RAID
makes more sense quickly. Still, it makes sense to think about what
you can do yourself vs. what needs external work done, also because
somebody external to repair a RAID might not show up all that quickly
unless you've got some pre-negotiated contract.

> _Mirrored backups_ makes very little sense to me. If a storage device
> used for storage of backups fails prematurely, just toss it and get a
> new one and make a new backup.

Absolutely! Just make more backups, or more backups with different,
independent strategies. As much as possible I try to do two independent
systems (e.g. Restic doing time-based offsite backups, and a cron job
doing a simple tar.gz file into some local drive or storage).


Re: rsync --delete vs rsync --delete-after

2024-01-27 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-01-26 at 16:11 +0100, hw wrote:
> I've never had issues with any UPS due to self tests.  The batteries
> need to be replaced when they are worn out.  How often that is
> required depends on the UPS and the conditions it is working in,
> usually every 3--5 years.

It was with some small to mid APC model, I think. We had about 1 to 2kW
worth of servers on it, so it was not that small, definitely no
consumer type. When I took over maintenance somebody had configured
some sort of weekly or biweekly self-test, that switched over to 
battery, was supposed to run the battery down to 25% or similar, and
then return to mains power/charging.

Except once what the UPS considered 25% charge seemingly was not, and
everything shut down instantly.

> I rather spend the money on new batteries (EUR 40 last time after 5
> years) every couple years rather than spending thousands on replacing
> the hardware when a power surge damages it which could have been
> prevented by the UPS, and it's better to have the machines shut down
> properly rather taking risks with potential data loss, regardless of
> file systems and RAID setups in use.

I think having hardware for "thousands" and having a UPS with that
cheap batteries is not that common. In above company we certainly had 
hardware for thousands, but changing batteries cost hundreds of Euros,
even with off-brand aftermarket parts. It also was complicated to order
the right parts etc.

> RAID isn't as complicated as you think.  Hardware RAID is most
> simple,
> followed by btrfs, followed by mdadm.

I have to disagree with that too. Some hardware RAIDs might be simple,
but others are not. Tracking down the rebrandings of Adaptec,
aquisitions and mergers, is a science by itself. As is finding and
installing their Firmware and utilites. Are they still calles Avago, 
or something new again?

Or all that BBU stuff: Tracking the state of battery backup units
on the controller, and ordering and replacing the correct battery
is also not really easy. Clearly enterprise IT type of stuff, keeping
even knowledgeable people busy for hours, if you don't do it at scale 
and regularily.

Also often Linux support is problematic. Yes, it will work, but
sometimes certain utilities are not available or work as good as
with Windows.

On the other hand mdadm software RAID is well documented and painless.

> With hardware RAID I can instruct someone who has no idea what
> they're
> doing to replace a failed disk remotely.  Same goes for btrfs and
> mdadm, though it better be someone who isn't entirely clueless

In fact this was my job for some time: Administering hardware RAID 
equipped servers, and instructing "remote hands" or customers to 
swap harddisks. It was not always easy, not always were the correct
disks pulled, even though it was correctly labelled. Sometimes 
clueless people tried swapping by themselves, mixing stuff up. We
also had one server with wrong labelling, for whatever reason. That 
was no fun ;) 

Now I won't dispute that RAID has its place in data centers and many
other applications. I just doubt that it is the correct choice for many
home users.

> More importantly, the hassle involved in trying to recover from a
> failed disk is ridiculously enormous without RAID and can get
> expensive when hours of work were lost.  With RAID, you don't even
> notice unless you keep an eye on it, and when a disk has failed, you
> simply order a replacement and plug it in.

Yes, that can happen. But more often than not the scenario is like it 
is with most notebooks today. You send your notebook in for repair, and
have to reinstall anyway. Happened to me. I backed up my Debian system,
sent the device in for hardware repair, got it back with Windows 10 ;)
And no, it was not the disk that was broken, but the touchpad.

> It's not like you could go to a hardware store around the corner and
> get a new disk same or next day.  Even if you have a store around,
> they will need to order the disk, and that can, these days, take
> weeks
> or months or longer if it's a small store. 

For consumer hard disks? I just go to my favourite shop if I need
a replacement, and they've got maybe 20 or 30 types of hard disk 
in stock, to be bought right away. Even more with SSDs. And I am
in a smallish city, pop. 250.000.

> That is simply wrong.  RAID doesn't protect you from malware, and
> nothing protects you from user error.  If you have data losses from
> malware and/or user error more often than from failed disks, you're
> doing something majorly wrong.

In my experience user error is the main source of data loss. By far.

> This shows that you have no experience with RAID and is not an
> argument.

I've got years of experience with RAID, both in my personal use and
with employers doing stuff on RAID for customers and internal services.
In my experience RAID is a nice solution for data center type setups.
RAID often is problematic for home users or even small offices.

> Making backups 

IPv6, ip token, NetworkManager and accept_ra

2024-02-02 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hi fellow Debian users!

In my quest to advance the IPv6 preparedness of my home LAN I want to
find a solution to use IP tokens on all my clients. IP tokens (keeping
the host part of the IPv6 address static while getting the subnet part
by SLAAC) seem very elegant to me, because it avoids DHCPv6 completely,
and still makes mostly working DNS records possible.

Opinions on SLAAC+IP tokens are welcome ;)

One of my clients is a surface laptop running Debian sid, Gnome, 
NetworkManager and getting connection via WiFi. The first hickup with
this is, that seemingly ra is disabled on my NetworkManager configured
device wl0:

root@surface:~# ip token set ::5fac dev wl0
Error: ipv6: Router advertisement is disabled on device.

This can easily corrected with 

echo 1 >  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wl0/accept_ra

But: Is this a misconfiguration on my machine, or to be expected, when
using NetworkManager? I am using the following settings in the GUI:
IPv5: "Disable", IPv6 "Automatic". Do I risk messing up other stuff by
manually setting this eg. with the help of /etc/sysctl.conf? 

After that

ip token set ::5fac dev wl0

works just fine and I get a nice ip with the token part in it:

2: wl0:  mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state
UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:00:0f:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff permaddr
    inet6 2a02:ab8:201:5b8::5fac/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr
proto kernel_ra 
   valid_lft 86394sec preferred_lft 14394sec
    inet6 2a02:ab8:201:5b8:526a:2061:5984:24a/64 scope global dynamic
   valid_lft 86395sec preferred_lft 14395sec
    inet6 fe80::6e20:1d4b:4fa:e41f/64 scope link noprefixroute 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

But what is the correct way to do this "ip token set" with
NetworkManager (or in spite of NetworkManager ;)?

Should I use nmcli or something else? Is there maybe even a hidden
Gnome GUI option?

Any other comments on this maybe quixotic endavour are welcome ;)

Thanks in advance, 

Re: IPv6, ip token, NetworkManager and accept_ra

2024-02-02 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-02-02 at 14:28 +0100, Marco Moock wrote:
> In the past the default was to use EUI-64 and have the MAC address in
> the address. If that is suitable for you (privacy!), use that.

I basically don't care about the privacy aspect for now (it is more of
a lab setup, and my IPv4 address is static, and its PTR resolves to
something with my surname in it ;). At least at the moment I would
prefer shorter IPv6 addresses than can be constructed from the MAC, 
even considering the possibility to "fake" the MAC to something
with many zeroes, using historic/obsolete MAC vendor ids with zeroes in
them etc., because identifying IPs at one glance seems very attractive
to me. Right now I want as short/as memorable IPv6 addresses as

> Use the NetworkManager to configure that.
> Automatic means using SLAAC (if available in the RA) and DHCPv6 (if
> available in the RA).


> > But what is the correct way to do this "ip token set" with
> > NetworkManager (or in spite of NetworkManager ;)?
> # nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.addr-gen-mode eui64
> # nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.token ::deca:fbad:c0:ffee

This is not permanent, is it? What is the suggested way to make this
survive a reboot in Debian? 

Thanks for your comprehensive reply!


Re: IPv6, ip token, NetworkManager and accept_ra

2024-02-02 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-02-02 at 15:31 +0100, Marco Moock wrote:
> It should be if you enter "save" in the nmcli.

Thanks, I did not realize this was possible. I probably
will use nmcli more often in the future.


Re: what keyboard do you use?

2024-02-02 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-02-02 at 20:25 -0500, Lee wrote:
> I figure there's a high percentage of keyboard jockeys here so ..
> which keyboard do you like and why?

I like the flat style similar to what is in many notebooks. Current
favourites are the Apple keyboards (expensive though, for what they
are), the Microsoft Designer Compact Keyboard (stupid generic model 
name), that seems to have a problem for some that the electronics die
prematurely, it might not be able to connect any longer after some
time. Great if it works though, can often be gotten relatively cheaply
for about half the normal price. Very minimal design, you can't take 
away much more from a keyboard:

And a new fascination of mine, the Logitech MX series, also kind
of expensive, and with rather ugly design, but typing feels just

Of the cheaper ones, I like the Logitech k280e. Feels quite OK for the
price, not on the level of the obove three though. Also large, clunky
and heavy.

I used to be a full layout (with keypad) person, but recently I began
to like the smaller layouts. Takes up less space on the desk, only
thing I miss are the full cursor keys. Easier to move around on the
desk, which I do a lot.

Keyboards are a product where preferences diverge a lot and are very 
personal. Fortunately there is lots of choice in the market currently.


Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-05 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Mon, 2024-02-05 at 17:40 +0700, Dmitry wrote:
> But secure boot is usually turned off. It is a standard advice during
> Linux 
> installation.
Will probably be increasingly common though, I've got a Microsoft
Surface Laptop that works fine with Debian, but if you switch off
secure boot, it displays some big red scary warning screen before the


Re: How can we change the keyboard layout? (was: what keyboard do you use?)

2024-02-05 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Mon, 2024-02-05 at 21:06 +0100, hw wrote:
> And what the hell is 'Strg' supposed to mean?

"Strg" is short for "Steuerung", just the literal translation of 


Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

2024-02-06 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Mon, 2024-02-05 at 15:14 -0800, David Christensen wrote:
> I am unable to determine if the problem is Firefox, Vim, or something
> else.
> Comments or suggestions?

As others have written, vim has changed copy+paste defaults some time
ago. Some even call this changing defaults "they broke copy+paste" ;).
One easy thing you might want to check is if this also happens in
neovim. Neovim did not make this copy+paste change, and it might 
behave subtly different. It's quick to install and check.


Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

2024-02-06 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Tue, 2024-02-06 at 21:31 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> is active in terminal, it is possible to hold [Shift] to get mouse 
> events handled by terminal instead of Vim or another application
> running in terminal.

I think pressing shift does not work here in e.g. gnome-terminal,
because there paste is Shift-Ctrl-V and interpreted by gnome-terminal.
Have not tried it though, vim taking care of the mouse is just nuts
in my opinion ;)


Re: Things I don't touch with a 3.048m barge pole: USB storage (Was Re: Unidentified subject!)

2024-02-08 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, 2024-02-08 at 15:36 +, Andy Smith wrote:
> USB storage is for phones and cameras etc, not for serious
> computing. Many people will disagree with that statement and say
> they use it all the time and it is fine. 

I am clearly in the latter camp. This mail is delivered via a Raspberry
Pi 4 that has a 500G USB SSD. Before the Pi4 I used a Pi3 and a Pi2 (I
think) with USB disks (first rotating, then SSD). Probably for 5 years
or so. Never had a problem (unlike with the SD cards I used before, SD
cards always died on me from to many writes after a few months).

> They will keep saying that
> until it isn't fine, and then they'll be in a world of hurt.

This is the same with any hard disk or SSD. If you buy the most
expensive "enterprise" disk, with SAS or whatever, it still can 
break on the next day, taking all your data with you. 

Actually with USB disks, sometimes you can remove the USB 
controller, replace it in case of breakage, giving you more
or less the same reliability as any "normal" disk.
I've never had USB controllers break, though, so I do not
care. I just take backups as with any other disk.

> I learned not to go there a long time ago and have seen plenty of
> reminders along the way from others' misfortunes to not ever go
> there again myself.

How does a breaking USB disk differ from a breaking SATA disk?


Using a Python script as a login shell

2024-02-16 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hello fellow Debianites!

I want do do a custom CLI for a project, and I am quite happy with the
Python cmd module. Aside from having a practically un-googleable name
it is very nice, and does a lot with very little code. So far, so good.

If I write a Python script with this module, and expose it to the
internet via SSH, will hell break loose? So far I've done the

1. Put my script in /usr/local/bin/turtle (the canonical example in the
docs is something with turtle), you can see the sourcecode of my script

This script does absolutely nothing sensible, you can try it out 
by doing a

ssh -l admin 

from a IPv6 capable host (sorry, no IPv4). The password is "admin".

Any and all suggestions on stuff that is stupid and crazy from a
security standpoint in this script are very much appreciated!

2. Then I put /usr/local/bin/turtle in /etc/shells 

3. I added a user "admin" that has /usr/local/bin/turtle as shell

4. I added following stanza to /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Match User admin
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand /usr/local/bin/turtle

5. In the script I tried to catch the Ctrl-C signal, so the interpreter
does not give out too obvious error messages (that show what is going
on behind the scenes).

Is this enough to harden this setup against escaping into a shell 
or the full python interpreter, to do something nasty? Or is it
completely crazy, because theere is some way to abuse a setup like
this, that I have not found yet?


Re: Package Identification Assistance

2024-02-16 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, 2024-02-15 at 20:33 -0500, Neal Heinecke wrote:
> I need to identify the package responsible for creating the software
> sources window. There is a minor bug/typo where the first tab reads
> "Ubuntu Software"

This could be synaptic?

Does the program have an "About" menu entry?


Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-22 Thread Ralph Aichinger

I know this is a loaded topic. I really don't want to discuss the
political aspects of the "why", but just want to know the facts, i.e.
how far this has been progressed in Debian.

Is there anything planned to get "master/slave" terminology out of
network bonding/LACP in Debian (or Linux kernel or whoever decides
this terminology)? I know these things are slow to change, just


Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-02-23 at 11:07 +0100, Marco Moock wrote:
> Debian is mostly a collection of many packages that are packed in the
> repo.Such changes are normally done upstream.

I found e.g. this on upstream work on that topic:

but I must confess I have not dug into upstream kernel sources to find
out if this has been accepted in the kernel, and if so from what

> I don't think that spending time on that is a valuable thing, there
> are more important tasks like testing or adding functionality.

I really don't want to argue any political arguments on the merits of 
removing master/slave, blacklist/whitelist, black hat/white hat here,
but I think "it is some effort" or "it concerns only few people" is not
the strongest argument. *If* one considers it the right thing to do,
then some minor effort in comparable with other minor changes is not
out of line. 


Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-02-23 at 18:13 +0100, Mariusz Gronczewski wrote:
> "Do what I say, discussion is not allowed because I don't want to
> make a sensible arguments!" 

This certainly is not my position. I have no problem arguing this 
question, and I've got an opinion on it. I just think this mailing 
list probably is not the right place to argue this question. 

> "Damn those people using reason and questioning what I want, just do
> what I say!"
For me it is more: "I know it is controversial, but I do not want to
flood the list with the controversial part, that contains lots of 
personal opinions, political positioning, subjective aspects, but want
to ask about the non-controversial, factual, part, that contains no
political aspects and can be answered without opinion, purely with

I just want to know the current situation, I don't want to convince
anybody here.


Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-02-23 at 20:10 +, Andy Smith wrote:
> One more time: a successor to the Ethernet bonding driver already
> exists and has for more than 10 years.

That is the other thing I wanted to ask here, I have configured a
LACP link aggregating interface more or less similar to what is
described in the wiki, in my /etc/interfaces there is now:

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
bond-slaves en0 en1
bond-mode 4
bond-miimon 100
bond-downdelay 200
bond-updelay 200
bond-lacp-rate 1
bond-xmit-hash-policy layer3+4

which seems to work (I could not test throughput yet, because
I am waiting for cables).

If I do this, does "ifupdown" use "ifenslave" or does it
use "ip link set" as described here:

behind the scenes? Is the wiki/documentation lagging the actual
implementation? Is there a way to find out (other than removing
ifenslave and seeing if it still works)?

Should documentation in the wiki be updated?

Also, above still(?) contains "bond-slaves en0 en1" so if this is
a new implementation, is there still some terminology change to be
expected? Or can I replace bond-slaves with something else in the
current Debian bookworm?


Commandline client to lookup MAC vendor

2024-03-07 Thread Ralph Aichinger

Several packages in Debian can somehow (either by embedding it or
querying it from some common database) display the MAC Vendor
information of network adapters (derived from hardware addresses). 

One example is nmap, that displays the device vendor when scanning.

Is there some commandline tool doing this directly in Debian? I know
that there are websites that offer this as a service, but sometimes a
CLI is more convenient.

Alternatively, and if this information is stored in some shared
databases, can this be queried e.g. from a Pyhton script? If so, how?


Re: Commandline client to lookup MAC vendor

2024-03-07 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, 2024-03-07 at 09:52 +, Thomas Pircher wrote:
> On 2024-03-07 09:37, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> >     $ grep -i ^9009df /usr/share/nmap/nmap-mac-prefixes
> >     9009DF Intel Corporate
> Alternatively, the ieee-data package also contains the OUI database:
>  $ grep -i ^9009df /usr/share/ieee-data/oui.txt
>  9009DF (base 16)    Intel Corporate

Thanks to the both of you. Any idea if one or the other is preferable
or newer?


Re: very poor nfs performance

2024-03-07 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, 2024-03-07 at 10:13 +0100, Stefan K wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I hope someone can help me with my problem.
> Our NFS performance ist very bad, like ~20MB/s, mountoption looks
> like that:

Are both sides agreeing on MTU (using Jumbo frames or not)?

Have you tested the network with iperf (or simiar), does this happen
only with NFS or also with other network traffic?


Re: very poor nfs performance

2024-03-09 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Sat, 2024-03-09 at 13:54 +0100, hw wrote:
> NFS can be hard on network card drivers
> IPv6 may be faster than IPv4
> the network cable might suck
> the switch might suck or block stuff

As iperf and other network protocols were confirmed to be fast by the
OP it is very unlikely that it is a straight network problem. Yes,
these effects do exist occasionally (weird interactions of higher level
protocols and the low level stuff), but it is very rare. The cable that
is so specifically broken to slow down NFS but not scp might exist, but
it is very unlikely.


Re: finger causing kernel seg fault

2024-03-15 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, 2024-03-15 at 09:12 +, Michael Grant wrote:
> I use tmux on my server.  tmux creates multiple pttys.  When I run
> finger, I see an error like this:
> $ finger
> finger: /dev//pts/6: No such file or directory
> and in the log, I see:
> /var/log/syslog:Mar 15 05:06:18 strange kernel: [2740248.159942]
> finger[1987858]: segfault at 1c ip 55b1c20baad5 sp

I had similar problems in my Raspberry Pi running native Debian arm64,
I have filed this bug about it:


Re: making Debian secure by default

2024-03-29 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Thu, 2024-03-28 at 14:12 -0400, Lee wrote:

> Yes, it does.  I was hoping for something simple but it's becoming
> clear to me that there's no simple "make Debian secure for dummies"
> checklist to follow.

Making "Debian secure for dummies" and having a multi-user system at
the same time does not sense, IMO. If you want to secure your Debian
system, one of the easiest and most important steps is: Don't give
anyone access who you do not trust. 

Having a true multi-user system that shields users from each other is
much much harder, and certainly nothing "dummies" or beginners should
even try.


Re: CUPS vulnerability (CVE2024-47176 and related ones)

2024-09-27 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 01:16:07PM +, Andy Smith wrote:
> I put "CVE-2024-47176" in to that and the first result was:

Thanks, Andy. Not quite the information i had hoped for (that stuff
not being relevant for Debian ;), but oh well, the sensationalism around
this is probably overdone nevertheless.


CUPS vulnerability (CVE2024-47176 and related ones)

2024-09-27 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hi, everybody.

Is there some place tracking CVE 2024-47176 and related ones in Debian?


Preseed install, Selection of Language/Country/Keyboard and Desktop Environment

2024-12-04 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hi fellow Debian Users

I am currently trying to build an USB stick that does a scripted install
of Debian. This works very well, and much much easier with UEFI, where
you can just edit the preseed.cfg file instead of rebuilding an ISO
every time you make a change.

But: I am stuck with getting rid of two groups of prompts:

The first three prompts in any install are language, country and keymap
(German, Austria, German) in my case. I have googled around a bit and 
included the following for now (some of it probably redundant, useless
or cargo cultish):

d-i debian-installer/locale string de_AT
d-i debconf/language string de

d-i console-setup/ask_detect boolean false 
d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select de
d-i keyboard-configuration/layoutcode string de
d-i keyboard-configuration/variantcode string
d-i console-keymaps-usb/keymap select German
d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select German

Some of this I grabbed from
but this is a lot of information in these files.

The above is not enough to get my three selections without 
being prompted.

Similar with the menu where the desktop environment is selected.
I want LXDE and "SSH Server". I always drop back into the menu.
I have tried:

d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server
d-i tasksel/desktop multiselect lxde

I am using the most recent netinstall image 12.8.0, and
using this recipe for UEFI configurations:

All other configurations (e.g. partitioning, mirror etc.) are picked up
just fine.

Any hints for me?


Re: Preseed install, Selection of Language/Country/Keyboard and Desktop Environment

2024-12-04 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 04:03:38PM +0100, john doe wrote:
> > d-i debian-installer/locale string de_AT
> The "local" is less "flexible".
> Look at [1], the first few lines
> > Similar with the menu where the desktop environment is selected.
> > I want LXDE and "SSH Server". I always drop back into the menu.
> > I have tried:
> > 
> Also look at [1] for "tasksel".
> [1]

Thanks, John! Actually I have tried out the settings in example-preseed
too, but it is not easy to find out (with so much stuff commented out, 
in what combination these entries have to be commented in in what
scenario). At least the combinations I tried did not work.

Actually I do not need any flexibility, just having what is the Default
for German (or Germany or Austria, I basically do not care) would be
enough for me. But neither the blanket "locale" value, nor the more
detailed ones seemed to work for me.

I think I made progress by configuring stuff in "Auto mode" which worked
for most of the stuff I wanted to change, even if it seems a bit more
clumsy, described in B.2.3 here:

but see my reply to the other mail in this thread.


Re: Preseed install, Selection of Language/Country/Keyboard and Desktop Environment

2024-12-04 Thread Ralph Aichinger
Hello Michael, thanks for your reply

On Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 02:38:29PM +, Michael Kjörling wrote:
> Compare under
> the B.4.1 heading about half way down the page.

Actually right after my mail to this list I found your site by googling, 
and tried out those very same lines for B.4.1 by pasting them into my 
preseed file (not that I have a Swedish, keyboard but I thought it would be
easy to change to de afterwards. Those lines did not work for me though.

I must try out what happens in a qemu, maybe something is weird in my
UEFI boot? 

> tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, ssh-server
> d-i pkgsel/upgrade select full-upgrade

I don't quite get the distinction between "tasksel/first" and
"tasksel/desktop". When I do a "tasksel --list-tasks" in the shell, it
is just one list of all tasks (with various desktops mixed in).

What eventually did work for me was putting stuff in "auto mode" like
described in B.2.3, in grub.cfg. 

Putting language=en country=AT locale=de_AT.UTF-8 keymap=de 
there seemed to work (I am not currently at the machine and had to stop
in the middle of trying stuff out).

Is it possible, that some of this stuff is broken/behaves differently on
a real, physical, UEFI machine?

> By all means feel free to use mine as a starting point if you want.

I really tried. I was hoping to get some weird Swedish keyboard, but to
no avail, the configuration dialogs just appeared anyway ;)


Re: Preseed install, Selection of Language/Country/Keyboard and Desktop Environment

2024-12-04 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 03:00:17PM +0100, wrote:
> I do an install to a hard drive and when I get it configured to what I 
> want i copy to an USB drive.
> Then any time I need to do a install I simply partition a drive, 
> create the filesystems mount the drive and the USB drive and rsync 
> from the USB drive.   Then I tickle the new drives innards unmount 
> and place it into the machine. All the "installs" then start from 
> the same "format/place"

This is of course a very legitimate strategy to do a larger number of
installs. But while it has benefits, it also has drawbacks: There are
parts of the system that have to be created individually per
installation (e.g. host keys for ssh), and storing the install in its
installed state might lead to other problems (version drift compared to
other new installs, having problems to really reproduce the manual steps of
the first install a few months later, etc., having to store a disk image
vs. just having a preeseed file (and a few similar config files, maybe a
small script).

And a fresh install is a fresh install. No manual interventions, less
mistakes that can happen.

> I can do many "installs" in less time it takes shake a stick.

I don't doubt that, I am not sure it is the right thing for my scenario
though. I really want to have the preseed install if possible.


Re: Best terminology to distiguish groups such as "debian-user" from webmail whatevers

2025-02-26 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 09:59:01AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I'm communicating with a state level peer-to-peer support group.
> The national organization has a peer-to-peer "mailing list" built around
> webmail as a complement/alternative to their sponsored social media groups.
> I find the web based system unusable.

I'd suggest "discussion mailing list" as a description of lists like
debian-user, because "mailing list" nowadays often just means some 
sort of tool to blast customers with advertising.


Re: laptop options

2025-03-24 Thread Ralph Aichinger
On Sun, Mar 23, 2025 at 08:37:58AM +0100, lina wrote:
> Which laptop option is friendly with Debian,
> The purpose is related to work, not game.
> Mainly for computation, R and some bioinformatic analysis,
> Ideally at least > 16 cores, decent memory.

At work we use both Tuxedo laptops, as well as HP ZBooks. I got a 
ZBook and it more or less is supported flawlessly in Debian. My
model reports as:
Product Name: HP ZBook Fury 16 G10 Mobile Workstation PC
but older and newer machines work just as well. The newest ones need a
backport kernel from bookworm-backports for working WiFi and BT.
Support is so good, that when I go into "Software" in the Gnome
applications menu, It will show me if a new firmware for the Thunderbolt
dock is available, and suggest to install it. It is a much more pleasant
process than doing the same task in Windows.

I can say nothing bad about this machine except that it is *really* large
and heavy, and for that reason alone I would not buy it with my own
money. And (hardware problem, same thing under Windows) there is no
hardware reset button, if power management becomes stuck I have seen
people disconnect the built in battery to get the machine to reset, not me
luckily yet.

This probably is a good "desktop replacement" choice, that stays on the
desk 95% of the time.

The Tuxedo laptops also work fine, I've got less experience with them

My private machine is a Microsoft Surface Laptop 3, which is also 
supported very well, everything except for the touchscreen works out of
the box with Debian unstable (have not tried stable on this device), and
even the touchscreen can be made working with a custom kernel. As I
found out I do not use a touchscreen with Gnome, I just use stock
Debian. This is a much lighter, slicker machine, that works better for
me for actually carrying around. It is strange having this machine
boot Debian with the Windows Logo hardcoded in UEFI on boot ;)

All in all I have had very little problems in the last decade to get
Laptops working in Debian, and I have tried it on many cheap devices
or old thrown out corporate machines.
