Re: Using VIA C3 and Woody?

2003-02-03 Thread R Ransbottom

> Bill Moseley wrote:
> >I want to build a very quiet and stable machine.  Anyone using a VIA C3
> >based system with Woody?  If so, what motherboard are you using?  Any
> >hardware issues?

I'm using Shuttle FV25 Spacewalker boards w/o problems.
I've never really gotten into the Microsoft world so I
have been slow to get into newer interfaces.


All the old AT era stuff works: parallel, serial, thru video.

Sound, ethernet, USB work.

TV-encoder and firewire are untried.

Incidently:  Shuttle seems to have fixed the noisy 
powersupply fan problems they had early last year.

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Re: Any users of mondoarchive on debian boxes?

2003-09-29 Thread R Ransbottom
I tried mondoarchive.  I ran into a snag were root
could not be found.  I bailed out because it seems
that intermediate iso images are required.  Given
that I plan to use dvd+rw's for backup this did not

So instead:  find, cpio, growisofs, and a tomsrtbt.

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Re: Any users of mondoarchive on debian boxes?

2003-09-30 Thread R Ransbottom
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 07:23:13AM +0200, Tobias Reckhard wrote:
> R Ransbottom wrote:

> >I tried mondoarchive.  I ran into a snag were root
> >could not be found.  I bailed out because it seems

> Hugo appears to be working heavily on DVD support at the moment. I'd 
> prefer for LVM support to become complete first, personally, but that's 
> due to the fact that I don't have a DVD burner (but use LVM). You may 
> want to check out mondo again in a short while.

Nothing like self-interest! :-)

I was favorably impressed.  On the system I'm currently setting
up keeping 4 gig of space free for iso images was the show stopper.
I need something to stream straight to the DVD.

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Re: Paranoid Admin: Keystroke Logger for Debian

2003-10-03 Thread R Ransbottom
On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 04:20:33PM -0700, ListDude1 wrote:
> Hey all, I was just wondering if there is a keystroke logger avaialble for
> Debian.very secure 
>do not trust 
> chrooting
> MUST know

Given the nature of your concerns I question the use of user level
programs for this.  

I'd prefer to modify some debugging mode of my tty-like devices to
log if the user is listed in some admin file.

Log analysis sounds like real fun.

I don't pretend to _any_ qualifications or experience that you 
should count my opinion as particuliarly worthy.

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Exim configuration

2002-10-23 Thread R Ransbottom

I receive mail with fetchmail which works fine.
My system receives mail as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Local mail works fine.

I send mail with exim which works except in my ISP's domain.

When I send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it is
seen as local mail to an unknown user.

How should I make this work?

Preferably I'd like to be able to
directly send mail to a few hosts.on.localnet.

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Re: Exim configuration

2002-10-23 Thread R Ransbottom
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 09:11:24PM -0500, Shyamal Prasad wrote:
> R> I send mail with exim which works except in my ISP's domain.
> R> When I send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it is seen as local
> R> mail to an unknown user.
> R> How should I make this work?
> My guess is you have listed in local_domains in exim.conf.

Yes, it is. 

> What does 'exim -bt [EMAIL PROTECTED]' say? 

It says:

user "nonesuch" for file existence test not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is undeliverable:
  unknown local-part "nonesuch" in domain ""

> R> Preferably I'd like to be able to directly send mail to a few
> R> hosts.on.localnet.
> Sorrywould you explain that some more? 

I'd like to use the ISP's smtp server as my smarthost except for
a few specific hosts or a private/bogus domain referring to my localnet.

Thank you.

rob Live the dream.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

running rsh and ssh?

2002-10-31 Thread R Ransbottom

At work we've been running a linux network for the past six years.
This is a isolated network.  
Everything is linux except for three machines.  

   One dual boots win98se to run a payroll program.
   One mostly runs in win98se to run a credit card processing program.
   One runs SCO to handle a CAD/CNC program.

It is not very important to keep the SCO machine connected, but would
be convenient for backups.

My first concern is what to run on win98se that will handle
ssl and provide good terminal emulation, and samba.  (I don't
know much about windows or its culture.)  What to run?

The default installation of ssh seems to want to replace rlogin
outright.  I want to run ssh/ssl beside rlogin and then phase rlogin out.
How to?

I've been using rlogin with a TERM hack on several machines. That is
if TERM contains a semi-colon, execute it as a program.  
How do I duplicate this effect with ssh?

Any tips appreciated.

rir Live the dream.

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Re: running rsh and ssh?

2002-11-01 Thread R Ransbottom
On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 01:38:38PM -0800, Craig Dickson wrote:
> R Ransbottom wrote:

> > My first concern is what to run on win98se that will handle
> > ssl and provide good terminal emulation, and samba.  (I don't
> > know much about windows or its culture.)  What to run?

> Do a Google search for "PuTTY SSH Windows". PuTTY is a nice, free terminal
> emulator for Windows with SSH support. It also comes with command line
> equivalents for scp and, IIRC, ssh-keygen.

Thanks, I'll check out PuTTY.

> Windows has Samba compatibility built in -- they call it "file sharing".

Yes.  Naturally Samba won't be affected by ssh, I don't know what I
was thinking.

rir Live the dream.

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VIA tv out encoder

2002-11-25 Thread R Ransbottom
I am setting up some Shuttle SV25, which are
shoebox size socket-370 PC systems w/ everything
on the motherboard, and taking standard components.

They have a "VIA TV out encoder" on board.
The chip is actually labeled:

RUC 0206

I only have a tiny clue what a video encoder does,
but I would like to know if it can do anything
under Woody with a 2.4 kernel.


rir Live the dream.

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Re: Hard Drive Going - Need a good backup utility

2003-08-12 Thread R Ransbottom
On Sun, Aug 10, 2003 at 09:47:32PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:

> if the disk is dying ... doing a full disk backup will probably
> kill it completely just as easily as it could keep going a few more
> reads/write 

> mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt/hdc1
> tar cvf - /dev/hda1 | ( cd /mnt/hdc1 ; tar xvfp - )
> sync ; umount /mnt/hdc1

If stressing the disk during the backup is a concern it would be
better to: umount the drives partitions, swapoff any swap space on
the disk, dd the disk (or its partitions one by one) onto other media. 
By ignoring the filesystems on the failing drive you excerise the drive

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Re: LILO ! framebuffer

2003-08-25 Thread R Ransbottom
> > Paul M Foster (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> > > On boot, I'm getting the framebuffer, with the little colored Tux in
> > > the upper lefthand corner of the screen. I don't want that, I want

Had the same problem and the same difficulty finding the answer:

In lilo.conf

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Re: Any project for turning linux into a hd video recorder?

2003-08-30 Thread R Ransbottom

In installing xserver-common (4.2.1-10) on unstable I get a
Note: not updating /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config; file does not exist.

This is followed by xserver-xfree86 (4.2.1-10) noting:
Note: not updating /etc/X11/X; file does not exist.
Note: not updating /etc/X11/XF86Config-4; file does not exist.

What should I read/do to get X going?


rir Live the dream.

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X problems with unstable

2003-08-31 Thread R Ransbottom
In installing xserver-common (4.2.1-10) on unstable I get a
Note: not updating /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config; file does not exist.

This is followed by xserver-xfree86 (4.2.1-10) noting:
Note: not updating /etc/X11/X; file does not exist.
Note: not updating /etc/X11/XF86Config-4; file does not exist.

What should I read/do to get X going?


rir Live the dream.

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Re: How to make DNS and DHCP server play nice?

2003-05-30 Thread R Ransbottom

> This is great!  I put in a wishlist to have dnsmasq read the dhcp
> lease file out of the box.  Then dnsmasq will really be plug and
> play.

Since only one dhcp server should exist on a segment it is a bad
idea to have such a package work without, at least, forcing the user to
set it up.

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Re: Anti Open Source Psyops / "Mind Tweakers"? (they'll never believe we're really aliens dept)

2003-06-02 Thread R Ransbottom
Hush, Karl, hush.  Please!  We are in hiding.  If you keep
making noise you will be the one we use for a suicide-diversion
"mission" when they get close enough.

Quietly now:  Are you prepared to make that sacrifice?

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Help! Exim &

2002-12-12 Thread R Ransbottom

I am trying to set up a debian mail server that
sees the world through and

Fetchmail is set up and recieving mail fine.

I have muddled through a few small setups of
sendmail, smail and exim over the years. 

Verizon has "authenticated SMTP" which is one
snag.  I don't know how I'm supposed to set
this up on my end.  I don't even know which
protocols are equivalent from smtp EHLO output
and exim terminology.

There are six mail accounts that map like so:

Local user account:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verizon Email ID:vze0xx0x
Verizon Email Alias: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am not sure how to set up my email-addresses file or
the email passwd file that I think I need.

An EHLO request to gives

SIZE 8388608

The exim log looks like:

2002-12-12 13:32:21 18MY8D-GB-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=rir P=local S=298
2002-12-12 13:32:22 18MY8D-GB-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost T=remote_smtp: SMTP 
error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=1331: host []: 553 Authentication is required to send mail as 
2002-12-12 13:32:22 18MY8E-GG-00 <= <> R=18MY8D-GB-00 U=mail P=local S=1248
2002-12-12 13:32:22 18MY8D-GB-00 Error message sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-12-12 13:32:22 18MY8D-GB-00 Completed
2002-12-12 13:32:23 18MY8E-GG-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost 
T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data: host []: 553 Authentication is required to send mail as 
2002-12-12 13:32:23 18MY8E-GG-00 Frozen (delivery error message)

rir Live the dream.

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Virtual packages

2002-12-15 Thread R Ransbottom
Lately I've been using apt.  Using dselect to pull stuff
off the net.  How might I browse for virtual packages and
their real counterparts?

The thought of installing javascruft ^H^H^H^Hipt and such for
browsers lead to this query.

rir Live the dream.

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Re: smtp of ISP needs passwd,how to setup exim?

2002-12-17 Thread R Ransbottom
On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 06:55:28PM +, Pigeon wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 09:24:36PM +0800, Dai Yuwen wrote:

> > I want to setup exim use my ISP's smtp server as a smart host.  But this 
> > smtp server needs user name and password.  How do I use exim this way? 
> >  Thank you in advance.

I missed Dai's post.

Telnet your smtp host, issue the EHLO command and note the response.

$ telnet 25

What you are interested in is

In /etc/exim/exim.conf in the transports section under
smtp_remote you want to set authenticate_hosts to your.smarthost.
I missed this.

In the last section of exim.conf you want to uncomment the _client_
options for smtp auth email. 

LOGIN PLAIN equates to exim's plain.
LOGIN=PLAIN equates to exim's login.

You only need the option you are using.  /var/log/exim/main.log
will show each type of authorization that fails.

Replace the username and password with your [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
clear_text_password.  Verizon assigns "email ids" which are what are
you use to login.  The "aliases" that you may make up, are not for
login or authorization.

rir Live the dream.

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framebuffer sizing again

2003-01-15 Thread R Ransbottom
I am trying to set the console screen size to 25 x 80
on Debian 3.0.  I really don't care whether I am using
the framebuffer device or not.

I would like an easy generic solution.  One that will work
on various machines.  Preferably without kernel compiles
and without knowledge of what video card is installed.

I have dug through the debian.user archives, /etc/init.d 
and friends, /usr/src/linux/Doc*, the video drivers, and
the boot prompt howto.


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Re: Easiest Nameserver

2003-01-16 Thread R Ransbottom
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 11:08:52PM -0800, Curtis Spencer wrote:
> I want to set up DNS on my system so I can have my domain names point to
> it.  
> What is a good way to do this?  Is there an easy way?  I am running the
> current unstable distribution.  Is there something I can apt-get easily?

dnsmasq is in the Debian distribution.  It is a snap for 
home networks.  Aim it at your ISP's dns server, tell it 
whether to use /etc/hosts and/or dhcp server data files.  Simple.

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Help with move to CUPS

2003-12-03 Thread R Ransbottom
I starting to do an upgrade on a small network of
debian systems.  Moving from 1.3 to 3.0.

It seems like time to replace lpr with CUPS.

I am having a problem getting a handle on CUPS.
Oh, I have set up single systems with attached printers
without problems.  I have never seen any setup
of networked printers except via lpr.

I have a couple of LaserJet 6L's and LJ 4000's that
I'd like to connect to the LAN via NetGear PS101 Mini
Printer Servers.  I am starting with one LJ 6L.  6L's
don't do postscript, LJ4000's do.

Specific questions:

What "Device" to use for a free standing printer,
http, ipp, lpd/lpr?

If lpd/lpr, how do you construct a URI for such
a printer?

Do I want 10 desktop machines to directly talk to
a LJ4000 or have an intermediary host be their

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Help keeping a news spool

2000-09-08 Thread R. Ransbottom

I like to run a local news spool, but I only have
newsreader access with my provider.

I like to use trn or strn to read from the local

What is the best way to do this with Debian?

Since Debian 2.0 or earlier I have been using 
leafnode and trn/strn with a customized Pnews

Each Debian release breaks my Pnews.
The latest is checking & resetting perms in $NEWSSPOOL.

Long ago I ran bnews and cnews but with real 
upstream newsfeeds.  

I have used suck in the past with a script which
dumped the news into the spool directories, with
trn in non-NNTP mode.  This approach is just
too archaic to resurrect.


Resetting user's gnome to initial state

2001-02-13 Thread R. Ransbottom
How do I initialize a gnome user to the state of
a new user?

Is there a skel directory for gnome and for enlightenment?

If I delete the ~/.gnome directory will it get rebuilt?

Set up another user and copy everything over?

Some other approach?


Changing to MD5 shadow passwords?

2001-03-19 Thread R. Ransbottom
I would like to convert all of my 
Debian 2.0 and 2.2 systems to MD5 
shadow passwords.  If I understand
the docs correctly all that needs doing
is to add md5 to the apropriate lines
in /etc/pam.d/passwd and /etc/pam.d/login.

Is this correct?

rob Live the dream.

Bug in new ext2 ??

2000-05-15 Thread R. Ransbottom

I normally use ext2 filesystems on floppies.

After creating a filesystem with mke2fs from e2fsprogs 1.18-3
the program mount from e2fsprogs 1.12-4 fails to mount it
with the message:

EXT2-FS: 02:00: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features.

Fsck from 1.12-4 would find no fault with the filesystem.

Is it just me? (I hope.)

Re: [slightly OT] book recomendations?

2001-01-04 Thread R. Ransbottom
On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, Xucaen wrote:

> Hi all,, there have been some mentions of books
> on the list, but nothing definitive...
> can anyone recomend a good system
> administration/network administration book?

An addition to the other good recommendations
you've received.

_Unix_Backup_&_Recovery_ by W. Curtis Preston
from O'Reilly is a good treatment of a core
SA duty.  

Re: how to grep without changing timestamps?

2001-01-10 Thread R. Ransbottom
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 wrote:

> on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 02:04:57PM -0500, Maciej Kalisiak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> wrote:

> > Is it possible to grep a ton of files without modifying their
> > date/timestamps?  Currently if I use grep, it changes the access time
> > of all files touched, which causes mutt to lose track of the folders
> > which have new mail (I guess it looks at the timestamp last modified
> > and last accessed to figure this out).  Occasionally I do want to

> Several hacks come to mind:
>   - Copy the files and grep the copies (does this change the
> timestamps?)
>   - Remount the partition read-only.
>   - Build a tool to check timestamps, save them, grep the files, then
> reapply the timestamps with 'touch'.

- File a bug report on mutt.  This is a matter of mutt not playing 
  well with others.  

Official CDs to NFS tree???

2001-01-23 Thread R. Ransbottom
I have Official Debian 2.2r2 Intel Binary CDs.
The 4 CDs.

I'd like to install from my nfs server.

What is the approach to take?


DBD Pg problem

2001-07-06 Thread R Ransbottom
Using woody with unstable DB stuff I get the following error.  What file 
or link am I missing?

Thanks for any help.

install_driver(Pg) failed: Can't load 
'/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/auto/DBD/Pg/' for module DBD::Pg: 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/auto/DBD/Pg/ undefined symbol: 
Perl_no_modify at /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1/ line 202.
 at (eval 1) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 1) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
 at /home/rir/Rbks/Lib/ line 16

rob Live the dream.

Re: Linux in the company

2001-03-26 Thread R. Ransbottom
On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Gregor Kaleta wrote:

> Does somebody use Linux professional in the company? If yes, which
> Distribution? Does Debian be used also in the professional area or is
> the first election RedHat Linux?

I have Debian running on every thing and have since 1.1, I think.
Occasionally I run Red Hat on one of our servers because that is
the blessed distribution of a software vendor and I check if
the application's bugs might be resolved by having the "right" libraries.

Red Hat is much more appropriate for a PC that is outside of IT's
domain.  It is easy to set up with RH's defaults.

Debian is marginally more difficult to install.  The difficulty is
knowing what services/packages you want installed.  Debian is
much more attuned to the Unix geek, redhat adds many bits of
indirection which will trip up a unix geek.  (Such as overwriting
/etc/hostname on reboot, etc., double layers of compression on
drivers on boot floppy set.)

If saving money by using older machines appeals, Debian is a better

rob Live the dream.

dselect apt-get coordination

2003-07-31 Thread R Ransbottom
How do you coordinate apt-get and dselect
so that they "want" the same packages?

If I understand the apt-get man page
running "apt-get dselect-upgrade" will
set up the system per the setting last
made using dselect.  Correct?

How do you the inverse?  That is how
do you alter the dselect database to
reflect packages installed with apt-get
or, put another way, to reflect the
current state of the system?
(So that a casual use of dselect does
not materially alter the system.)


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Re: VIA C3 or Eden ESP 5000

2004-05-17 Thread R Ransbottom
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 08:44:58AM -0700, tjm3 wrote:

> Has anyone installed and run Debian on a system with either one of these VIA
> processors, the C3 or the Eden ESP 5000?  And did you have any problems?

Success on Via C3 Shuttle FV25 mini-ITX boxes.  I did have a
problem with the BIOS and burning sound CDs; resolved by some obscure
flag to the burning program.

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neovim and less

2019-11-02 Thread R Ransbottom
Hi all,

Neovim and/or less are not performing as I would like in one regard:
when invoked from nvim ex prompt the pager goes directly to the end of
input.  Thanks for any help.


Issuing a ex command like

:! perldoc -f close


:! cat some_file | less

brings me directly to the end of the file output, leaving me with
the nvim message:

Press ENTER or type command to continue

requiring me to navigate to the start of the output.  Less does not
do this when invoked from bash.

Script started on 2019-11-02 13:50:29-04:00 [TERM="xterm-256color" 
TTY="/dev/pts/3" COLUMNS="80" LINES="25"]
$ echo $PAGER
$ cat /etc/deb*v*
$ nvim -v
NVIM v0.3.4
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compilation: /usr/bin/cc -g -O2 
-fdebug-prefix-map=/build/neovim-RiUqEm/neovim-0.3.4=. -fstack-protector-strong 
-Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -DDISABLE_LOG 
-Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -Wconversion -O2 -DNDEBUG -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 
-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 
-Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wvla -fstack-protector-strong -fdiagnostics-color=auto 
-I/build/neovim-RiUqEm/neovim-0.3.4/src -I/usr/include 
Compiled by

Features: +acl +iconv -jemalloc +tui 
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info
$ less -V
less 487 (GNU regular expressions)
Copyright (C) 1984-2016  Mark Nudelman


Script done on 2019-11-02 13:52:52-04:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="0"]


Re: neovim and less

2019-11-04 Thread R Ransbottom
Hi Jonathan,

I was more on the path of confirming a bug.  I got the same behavior on
vim and vim-nox on gnome terminal and the console tty.  Updating
everything updateable and finally rebooting fixed it.

So I suspect some kernel issue, but I don't know.  For all my efforts,
I am no wiser just happier--if I'm happier maybe I am--no that's just
stupid. Ha!

Thanks for the suggestions.


On Mon, Nov 04, 2019 at 02:01:01PM +, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 02, 2019 at 02:27:19PM -0400, R Ransbottom wrote:
> > Issuing a ex command like
> > 
> >:! perldoc -f close
> > 
> > or
> > 
> >:! cat some_file | less
> > 
> > brings me directly to the end of the file output, leaving me with
> > the nvim message:
> > 
> >Press ENTER or type command to continue
> > 
> > requiring me to navigate to the start of the output.  Less does not
> > do this when invoked from bash.
> Side-stepping the issue a little, but you could consider opening a new
> scratch buffer and then reading the output of your shell command into
> it, then just navigating that buffer in nvim directly, rather than using
> an external pager. E.g.
>:r! perldoc -f close
> Or more simply for your cat|less example, simply open the file in nvim
> directly, in a new pane if you wish
>:e some_file

exim4 using remote_smtp not smarthost

2005-12-09 Thread R Ransbottom
I run configure-debian to set up my little mailserver
and everything looks fine; but still may mail does not
go to my smarthost.  Since I am on a dynamic IP this is
a problem with some remote hosts.  Otherwise mail works

In my /var/log/exim4/mainlog I am getting things like
"T=remote_smtp" and "".  I believe
I want "T=remote_smtp_smarthost" and "H=outgoing.smtp.myisp".

How do I fix this?

Be well,

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Sarge install 82801 ICH5 SATA and ide-cdrom?

2005-07-10 Thread R Ransbottom

I am trying to get Sarge linux26 installed but seem to
have driver problems with SATA versus PATA.  In completely
naive mode there are no drivers found for the cdrom.

I found a tip on-line suggesting that I manually
load these drivers: piix, ide-generic, and ide-cd before
ata-piix gets loaded by the install.  This lets the
install finish but the cdrom/dvd is not found.

Dvd is my backup so I am concerned.  I would like to
move to 2.6.  I would like to develop to something
current and udev seems like it would allow the mounting
of devices at mount points by labels or serial numbers.

Specifics follow.  Thanks.

Be well,

vaph:~# uname -a
Linux vaph 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Thu May 19 17:40:50 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

vaph:~# cat /etc/debian*ver*

vaph:~# lspci
:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/Host-Hub 
Interface (rev 02)
:00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82865G/PE/P PCI to AGP Controller (rev 02)
:00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI #1 
(rev 02)
:00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI #2 
(rev 02)
:00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI #3 
(rev 02)
:00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI #4 
(rev 02)
:00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB2 EHCI 
Controller (rev 02)
:00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82801 PCI Bridge (rev c2)
:00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) LPC Bridge (rev 02)
:00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82801EB (ICH5) Serial ATA 150 Storage 
Controller (rev 02)
:00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) SMBus Controller (rev 
:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) 
AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW 
[Radeon 7500]
:02:06.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
:02:08.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. IEEE 1394 Host 
Controller (rev 80)
vaph:~# exit

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cfengine2 Beginner problems.

2005-08-01 Thread R Ransbottom
Hi.  I'm trying to set up two Debian Sarge machines as my playground
for cfengine.

My initial goal is to have a simple edit of my /etc/motd files.  I have
gotten this working only on one host--the policy server (PS) serves

I feel uncertain about the location of files on my PS.
There are references to /masterfiles, /var/cfengine/inputs,
/var/lib/cfengine2/inputs, /etc/cfengine and the cf_install_dir.

Does "cf_install_dir" only refer to the location of the cfagent binary
on the client (host running cfagent)?

What is the difference between /var/lib/cfengine2/inputs and
/var/cfengine/inputs?  Is this just a Debian packaging artifact?

Which versions of update.conf and cfagent.conf should go where on
the PS and other clients?

I know I have a problem with authorizations.  My PS has a fixed localdomain
IP:, this localdomain is nameserved without any authority by
dnsmasq.  My other client is in the same localdomain but is a dhcp
client.  Running "cfservd --debug" on the client I see that the PS host
is recognized but the user, root or me,  is not authorized.

I have been doing too many voodoo incantations.  Help.  Thanks.

Be well,

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grub and swapping out drive

2005-08-02 Thread R Ransbottom
I want to install grub to (hd1) so that it is ready to be used as (hd0).

I have Debian 3.1r0a up.  On /dev/hda2 (hd0,1) is my root.  On /dev/sda2
(hd1,1) is a cloned root.  I want to remove the IDE disk at /dev/hda and
boot from /dev/sda2 which will then be (hd0,1).  I have no floppy drive.

By cloned I mean (modulo typos):  
fdisk /dev/sda;  
mke2fs -j /dev/sda2; 
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt;  
cd /; 
cp -ax . /mnt;  
grub-install \(hd1\);

grub gives me "Hard Disk Error".

What is the grub invocation I need?



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Re: backup plan bare metal

2005-10-06 Thread R Ransbottom
On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 12:28:15AM -0500, Rodney Richison wrote:
> Would be interested in seeing what some of you use for a backup plan. 
> Mainly for servers.
> Tar?
> Easy/quick way to restore bare metal?

Some of the replies you have gotten seem to miss the point of
"bare metal recovery"; which is to come back to your basic system
without out having to think about configuration.  It presumes 
that your "metal" is the same hardware configuation, more or 
less per the particular recovery program.  Accordingly the 
satisfying ones derive the recovery system from the live 
system; this puts the sysadmin in a comfortable environment.

I will recommend the Debian package "bootcd" to your attention,
this is rather like Yard but for cds or dvds, and more modern.
Summarily:  bootcd lets you copy a bootable cd from your system,
it lets you exclude directories from the copy.

I have the practice of keeping a spare "rescue" root partition
on most machines.  This is occasionally a great convenience.
For me this is just a Debian base install with a few extra

Grub is also to be recommended over lilo for recovery.  Grub
allows a wider range of command decisions to be made at boot time.

rdev is slick but it doesn't offer redundant redundancy, so it
is more convenience than real data safety.

I use cpio to write all my backups.  After you dig around to
find a 5.25 floppy drive, or some other old hardware, you do not
want to be trying to determine how to decipher some odd backup
format or look for a 8 year old version of an OS that will run
on current hardware and may run the appropriate restore program,
if you can find a copy of it.

Lastly, Preston's _Unix_Backup_&_Recovery_ seems to be the only
good treatment of the subject.

Be well,

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Where is CPU/Mem Usage Applet in sarge

2005-11-10 Thread R Ransbottom
In debian 3.0 there was a nice compact "CPU/Mem Usage Applet"
that took very little screen space.  Is it, or something much like,
available in Sarge?


Be well,

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Re: Where is CPU/Mem Usage Applet in sarge

2005-11-10 Thread R Ransbottom
On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 04:49:32PM -0300, Bruno Buys wrote:
> R Ransbottom wrote:
> >In debian 3.0 there was a nice compact "CPU/Mem Usage Applet"
> >that took very little screen space.  Is it, or something much like,
> >available in Sarge?

> What desktoip environment are we talking about? For kde, you can install 
> karamba or superkaramba.

This was a gnomish thing.  Three horizontal bar graphs giving an
instantaneous view of cpu, memory, and swap usage.  About 70 pixels
wide in the panel.

Be well,

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