Re: Debian Font Guide for Newbies and the Confused

2003-10-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Rob Weir--
> Yes, defoma aka "Debian Font Manager".  When you install a new font, it
> handles setting up symlinks and such so that you can just point X at
> /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType, and leave it alone.
> Without defoma, you'd have to point X at wherever fonts installed
> themselves, and update the various fonts.* files that live next to the
> fonts.
> The only really neccessary step seems to be adding that one line to
> XF86Config-4.  fontconfig seems to come setup correctly out of the box,
> X will put Type1 done the bottom all by itself, and the unscaled thing
> doesn't seem to have any effect anymore.

So, for the sake of clarification as some conflicting statements have
been made, as long as the FontPath to
/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType is given in
XF86Config-4, the order of the FontPaths doesn't matter, ie. even if
the path to Type1 fonts is given first, X will put it last it?

Also, Rob's guide assumes that fontconfig is installed.  As I use only
the stable distribution at the moment, defoma is installed but not
fontconfig.  The debconf message for defoma told me to put
/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType as a FontPath in
XF86Config-4 but my /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfon t-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/
directory contains nothing but the file, fonts.dir, at the moment.
This doesn't seem correct.  Is this bunk until fontconfig is installed?

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: apt: exporting and importing list of installed packages

2003-10-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
> It is not quite clear to me from the man-page what would happen to
> already installed packages.  I suppose that set-selections only
> affects those packages that are actually in the list.

Yes, I believe it only changes the packages listed in the
file.  All others are unaffected.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: downgrading libc6

2003-10-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
Well, for the record, with not getting anyone else's opinion on this, I
finally gave things a try and ran

dpkg -i libc6_2.2.5-11.5_i386.deb libc6-dev_2.2.5-11.5_i386.deb

and the only warning (other than the obvious fact that I was
downgrading packages) was that such a downgrade would require
overwriting another package's files, libdb1-compat.  This package is
required by libc6 >= 2.2.5-13 which applied to the higher version of
libc6 I was coming from but not going to.  So, with a fair amount of
looking over manual pages for dpkg and such, I came up with:

dpkg -i -B --force-overwrite libc6*2.2.5*.deb

which I tried with a bit of concern.  The -B is supposed to
"deconfigure" any packages which depend on a package(s) you are
removing.  The --force-overwrite tells dpkg to go ahead and write over
another package's files.  This worked great!  Once libc6 and libc6-dev
where downgraded, I was able to remove libdb1-compat without trouble
(again, worried a bit that removal of the package might remove
files required by libc6-2.2.5-11.5 but it thankfully did not).


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Paul Yeatman--
> Hi, I've inherited a Debian system that primarily uses the stable
> distribution and yet on which the previous manager must have upgraded
> libc6, libc6-dev and locales to, likely, the testing distribution as
> they are higher versions than available from stable.  Now that it is in
> my hands, I'd prefer it use the versions current with the stable dist.
> From doing some research, I feel fairly confident that only the
> packages above where upgraded (using 'dpkg -l', going through
> 'dselect', looking through /var/lib/dpkg/available, etc) yet realize
> these are less than perfect checks and that I could easily be missing
> something.
> I'm tempted to downgrade with a:
>   dpkg -i libc6_2.2.5-11.5_i386 libc6-dev_2.2.5-11.5_i386 locales_2.2.5-11.5_i386
> I'm I asking for a lot of trouble  Is there a safer more sure way
> to do this?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> -- 
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Promise Fasttrak 100 PDC20267 on Debian

2003-10-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Ron Johnson--
> On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 00:27, Greg Vickers wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Just wondering if there is a person or group working on supporting the 
> > mirror features of the Promise Fasttrak 100 PDC20267 on Debian?
> Have you tried moving to a newer kernel?
> According to 'grep -r PDC20267 /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.19', that
> chip is supported by Debian-packaged kernels.  You will probably
> have to grab the deb directly from the web page, though.

Hi, similarly, I have an onboard Promise RAID chip but with chipset
PDC20276 which, however so close, doesn't seem to be offered the same
support by the 2.4.18(-19) kernel (at least it doesn't explicitely say
it supports it as it does the PDC202067 chipset).  The device is called
MBFastTrak133 and I'm having no luck having the system acknowledge the
mirrored hard drive array.

I've used FastTrak 100 on a Red Hat machine before.  I was instructed
by Promise to use the following kernel options at boot:

ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0 ide5=0
ide6=0 i de7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0

with installing the Promise FastTrak 100 driver, a kernel module
appropriately named FastTrak which gets put in with the other kernel
modules for specifically kernel 2.4.18-14 and which gets inserted with
the following alias in /etc/module.conf

alias scsi_hostadapter FastTrak  ft

This works great, causing the mirrored RAID array to show up as a scsi
device, for me, /dev/sda.

I can't tell that these same kernel options have any effect on my
Debian system and I can't use the same FastTrak, Red Hat driver as
Debian doesn't offer exactly kernel 2.4.18-14 (although with trouble I
suppose I could build this kernel version if this is the only way to

Verifying that the Block Device for PDC202XX is indeed built into the
Debian 2.4.18-ll kernel, I was hoping things might just work.  Using
the same kernel boot options, I was hoping the mirrored devices might
magically show up as /dev/sda or at least individually or
otherwise under some ide device name.  No such success.

Any ideas, tips, thoughts out there?



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: Promise Fasttrak 100 PDC20267 on Debian

2003-10-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
Thanks for the reply!

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Roberto Sanchez--
> I had to get a 2.4.21 kernel to get support for the 20276 chipset.

I suppose you are using the testing distribution?

Do you know that previous kernels such as 2.4.18 didn't support this
specific chip or just that at least 2.4.21 one does?

> With the kernel driver mine shows up as /dev/ataraid/d0

Hmmm, I don't even have this directory under my /dev/ (with the stable
distribution).  Does this get added with the testing distribution or
some other way?

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: Promise Fasttrak 100 PDC20267 on Debian

2003-10-16 Thread Paul Yeatman
> > Hmmm, I don't even have this directory under my /dev/ (with the stable
> > distribution).  Does this get added with the testing distribution or
> > some other way?
> ...
> you can get a script to create the device files from there:
> by the way: the device nodes are included if you install from a more
> recent bf2.4 boot floppy with woody do (the first few did or did only
> partly support the promise raid chips and so i had to make the floppy
> myself but as i remember at least the device nodes are included now
> since i was able to install directly on the pdc20265r array last time,
> though i dropped the board with the onbpard raid a while back, but i
> dont think they removed it?) [I reformatted it for you, Albert :)]

Very cool!  Thanks so much.  The script for creating the /dev/ataraid
device files is very appreciated.

This makes me think I should clarify something here, however: I'm
wanting to do hardware RAID, not software RAID.  I'm assuming because
we are talking about RAID cards (vs. IDE cards) that this is assumed
but possibly it is not.  On the Red Hat machine that I set up to do
hardware RAID'ing with a Promise card (using Promise's instructions and
driver), the system isn't RAID'ing at all.  It simply sees the RAID
array as a scsi device.

I wanting to do the same on a Debian system if possible.


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Re: Debian Font Guide for Newbies and the Confused

2003-10-16 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Rob Weir--
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 12:05:21PM -0700, Paul Yeatman said
> > So, for the sake of clarification as some conflicting statements have
> > been made, as long as the FontPath to
> > /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType is given in
> > XF86Config-4, the order of the FontPaths doesn't matter, ie. even if
> > the path to Type1 fonts is given first, X will put it last it?
> Er, I more meant that the default config that *new* installs of X
> creates puts the Type1 line at the bottom.  As far as I know, it will
> still cause problems if it's not at the bottom.

Got it, thanks!

> > The debconf message for defoma told me to put
> > /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType as a FontPath in
> > XF86Config-4 but my /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfon t-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/
> > directory contains nothing but the file, fonts.dir, at the moment.
> > This doesn't seem correct.  
> Have you installed any truetype font packages from Debian?

Apparently not :)  I wasn't even aware I needed to (this is the level
of font understanding I'm coming from :).  If defoma uses true type
fonts, why doesn't it suggest/recommend any true type font packages to
install?  Determining which true type font package to install myself
isn't so obvious.  Looks like any package starting with ttf- are true
type font packages.  The only three that don't seem to be for another
language are the non-free larabie packages.  Looking at the "list of
files", these seem to unpack into /usr/X11R6/X11/fonts/TrueType/ and
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ instead of into

Thanks of all your other comments.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Promise Fasttrak 100 PDC20267 on Debian

2003-10-16 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Albert Dengg--
> ...
> if you want to use the promise scsi emulation drivers in debian you find
> instrutions/drivers here:
>  (goto the preload floppy)
> But i never tried it (i gave up using the promise raid controller after
> the MB tied (it was an onboard controller), but I would recommend to
> stick to the opensource driver. One warning though: it is _not_ included
> in the 2.5/2.6 kernel

Thanks again!  I followed the links from above to the Promise web site

grabbed the "Partial Linux Source Code", compiled it as instructed,
loaded the new module and can now see the mirrored RAID array as
/dev/sda just like on the Red Hat machine.  Thanks so much!  The new
"scsi" disk is now formatted and mounted under Debian!


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: downgrading libc6

2003-10-16 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Travis Crump--
> How much of an idiot do you think the former admin was?  It seems insane 
> that anyone would upgrade libc6 for no good reason.  I have a feeling 
> that downgrading libc6 is going to break something in /usr/local/...

I realized after the fact: he wanted gcc|g77|g++3.2.

So far, nothing seems broken (well, actually I've been trying to figure
out why AMANDA isn't work currently so maybe that isn't completely


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Re: Debian Font Guide for Newbies and the Confused

2003-10-17 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Rob Weir--
> > Determining which true type font package to install myself
> > isn't so obvious.  Looks like any package starting with ttf- are true
> > type font packages.  The only three that don't seem to be for another
> > language are the non-free larabie packages.  
> ttf-bitstream-vera is in sarge and sid and is quite Free.  I even gave
> the full URL to the .deb :) As well as msttcorefonts, which is an
> installer package which downloads the MS corefonts and sets them up for
> you.

Yes, I appreciated and downloaded the ttf-bitstream-vera for my stable
distribution while reading your guide.  I held off on installing it
until I was sure that that is what I wanted to do.  I did check the
contents of the package and was thrown off by the issue mentioned
below, that the fonts didn't install into
/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/ which, at the time,
didn't seem to get me anywhere.

> > Looking at the "list of
> > files", these seem to unpack into /usr/X11R6/X11/fonts/TrueType/ and
> > /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ instead of into
> > /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/.
> Yes, x-ttcidfont symlinks the fonts into
> /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/, they still get
> installed somewhere else.

Ok, I'll go ahead and install the ttf-bitstream-vera mentioned above
and see where that gets me.


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

downgrading libc6

2003-10-13 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I've inherited a Debian system that primarily uses the stable
distribution and yet on which the previous manager must have upgraded
libc6, libc6-dev and locales to, likely, the testing distribution as
they are higher versions than available from stable.  Now that it is in
my hands, I'd prefer it use the versions current with the stable dist.
>From doing some research, I feel fairly confident that only the
packages above where upgraded (using 'dpkg -l', going through
'dselect', looking through /var/lib/dpkg/available, etc) yet realize
these are less than perfect checks and that I could easily be missing

I'm tempted to downgrade with a:

dpkg -i libc6_2.2.5-11.5_i386 libc6-dev_2.2.5-11.5_i386 locales_2.2.5-11.5_i386

I'm I asking for a lot of trouble  Is there a safer more sure way
to do this?



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Font Guide for Newbies and the Confused

2003-10-14 Thread Paul Yeatman
 to that in a
> minute.
> Edit /etc/X11/XftConfig and add a line like
> dir "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"
> before the other dir lines.  I don't have any xft1 stuff on my machine
> anymore, so I'm not sure if you need to restart X or not before this
> change will take effect.  I seem to remember that "xftcache" would
> update the Xft1 cache, but it'd be good if someone could confirm that
> for me.
> Now, for fontconfig.  You shouldn't need to install anything extra for
> this, since all the packages using fontconfig will Depend on it
> (indirectly) already.  First, look in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf.  There
> should be a line like the one below.  If not, open up
> /etc/fonts/local.conf and add this
> /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType
> just after the  line.
> Fontconfig should pick these up immediately, and "fc-list" should list
> your new fonts.  Another neat feature of fontconfig is that you can just
> drop fonts in ~/.fonts/ and all your fontconfigified programs will have
> access to them immediately.
> -- 
> Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Do I look like I want a CC?
> Words of the day: Ft. Knox arrangements beanpole UOP Legion of Doom Echelon
> Hi, VeriSign!  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: apt

2003-10-14 Thread Paul Yeatman
What kind of error messages are you getting?


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Davi Leal--
> dselect has forced me to remove a lot of packages and I can not install them 
> now.
> I can not install apache, perl, ...
> This Debian GNU/Linux host has been executing (sid, unstable) since more than 
> two years ago, being updated each week.
> # apt-cache policy apache   
> apache:
>   Installed: (none)
>   Candidate: (none)
>   Package Pin: (not found)
>   Version Table:
>  1.3.28-3 1000
> 500 sid/main Packages
> #
> # apt-cache policy perl-modules
> perl-modules:
>   Installed: (none)
>   Candidate: (none)
>   Package Pin: (not found)
>   Version Table:
>  5.8.1-2 1000
> 500 sid/main Packages
> #
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: apt: exporting and importing list of installed packages

2003-10-14 Thread Paul Yeatman
> > Is there a way to dump my current selection to a file and read it back
> > later?  I didn't find such an option in aptitude or any of the other
> > tools.
> > 
> I use this:
> grep -E "^Package|Status:.+$" /var/lib/dpkg/status | \
>   sed "s/Package:/\tPackage:/" | tr \\n \\t | sed "s/\t\t/\n/g" | \
>   grep "install ok installed" | \
>   sed "s/Package: \(.*\)\tStatus: install ok installed/\1/" | sort

Even easier, run

dpkg --get-selections > 


dpkg --set-selections < 

to get it back.


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2003-08-14 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, there's been a strange and sudden decline in the capability of 'gv'
in correctly displaying postscript files for the Debian computers I
maintain here at my work.  One of the Debian users here first
complained of this to me a couple weeks ago.  He claimed that a
postscript file he had viewed many times previously with 'gv' would now
not suddenly view correctly (it showed only a very small portion of the
postscript).  Being somewhat suspicious of his machine, I first tried
viewing the problematic postscript file on my machine running the same
stable version of Debian and in my shell environment.  I got the same
strange result.  I have to admit that I was still skeptical of there
being a problem with 'gv' thinking something must be wrong with his
file although he claimed the same thing for several other postscript
files he has.  Knowing that 'gv' is just an interface for 'gs', I tried
running 'gs' alone and it works fine.  Well, today, I ran across a
postscript file in my home dir that I have used across many different
platforms and versions of 'gv' anytime I need a postscript file to test
an application (it's a simple postscript level 1 file).  Sure enough,
'gv' comes up blank even though 'gs' will show it normally.

Summary: 'gv' is suddenly not viewing postscript files correctly on my
Debian machines although it used to.  I make regular security updates
on all machines.  Can the recent changes in kernel have anything to do
with this or can anyone come up with a better guess?

Thanks to anyone and all who read!


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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Re: gv

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from JG--
> Hi,
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Summary: 'gv' is suddenly not viewing postscript files correctly on my
> > Debian machines although it used to.  I make regular security updates
> > on all machines.  Can the recent changes in kernel have anything to do
> > with this or can anyone come up with a better guess?
> > 
> Don't know if this is a recent change, but I find that certain files
> can not be seen using "antialising" mode. Turning off antialiasing (press
> "a", or uncheck the option "State->Antialias") shows the file correctly.

Very cool.  No idea what is going on here but your suggestion works
like a charm.  It appears you can unselect aliasing with a commandline
argument or in (on my system) the system wide startup file,
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/GV.  Thanks so much for the tip,


> Hope this helps,
> Jaume
> -- 
> Please answer to the group/list. Don't CC me.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

verifying a Debian package

2003-09-02 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, just curious if anyone knows how to "verify" a package with
Debian.  This has proved to be useful with some Red Hat machines I
administer ("rpm {-V|--verify} ").  Such a command will
check that all the files and their attributes are as expected for that
package.  I've check the manual page for dpkg a few times but have
not come up with an equivalent command for Debian yet.



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Keyboard detection failure during installation of debian unstable.

2003-09-02 Thread Paul Yeatman
It's been awhile since I've done a Debian install so I'm not sure what
you mean by "trying to detect the keyboard layout" but I'd certainly
give a generic keyboard choice, ie. 104 key keyboard, a try.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Harley Peters--
> I am new to debian and have been trying to install the unstable version.
> But everytime i try i get the following error when trying to detect the 
> keyboard layout.
> Segmentation fault kbd-chooser's postinst exited with the status 35584.
> There is nothing special about my keyboard and i also tried another 
> keyboard (both PS2) with the same results.
> This doesn't happen with Woody but i would rather try the unstable Sid 
> version.
> Motherboard = MSI k7t266 pro2 (Via kt266a chipset)
> Tried both a Microsoft and Acer keyboards.
> Harley
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: verifying a Debian package

2003-09-03 Thread Paul Yeatman
Ah, thanks so much!  I wasn't aware of 'debsums'.  Not having checked
it out yet, it sounds like what I am inquiring about.  I'm installing
it now.  I'm more interested in the corruption case than the hacker one
so I believe debsums is the answer.  Thanks to both of you for imputs.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Karsten M. Self--
> on Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 04:20:40PM -0700, Paul Yeatman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Hi, just curious if anyone knows how to "verify" a package with
> > Debian.  This has proved to be useful with some Red Hat machines I
> > administer ("rpm {-V|--verify} ").  Such a command will
> > check that all the files and their attributes are as expected for that
> > package.  I've check the manual page for dpkg a few times but have
> > not come up with an equivalent command for Debian yet.
> Debian packages aren't signed.  There are authentication requirements
> for uplaoding packages to distribution servers.
> There are various reasons for this.  Joey Hess is probably closest to
> the authoritative source.
> Many files within many debian packages _do_ have MD5 sums.  The debsums
> package allows you to validate installed files against an md5sum
> database.  Think through what it is you're trusting when you do this.
> There's some interestign online discussion of this issue.  See:
> FROM: Anthony Towns
> DATE: 04/04/2000 01:59:57
> SUBJECT:  Packages and Signatures, a summary
> Subject: Re: ITP: mini-dinstall -- daemon for updating Debian
> packages in a repository
> From: Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 20:37:11 -0400
> Subject: Checking Signatures and Checksums
> From: Aurelio Turco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2002 07:18:08 +
> There's also a debsig-verify package, which I just learned about
> researching this question ;-)
> This is a FAQ, but I'm not coming up with a definitive answer at the
> Debian FAQ:
> Peace.
> -- 
> Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
> Defeat EU Software Patents!

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

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cannot clean filesystem

2003-06-11 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I've run into a completely unusual situation.  I have
a system on which I started getting complaints during nightly
backups regarding the / partition.  There is also a /usr partition
and I've now noticed that both report "not clean" for "filesystem
state:" with a 'tune2fs -l '.  Also using 'tune2fs' to
set each partition to its maximum mount count, I have rebooted the
system and forced fsck to be run on both partitions (actually I've
repeated this at least once on the / partition alone).  The fsck
runs fine with no fixes or complaints for both partitions.  Yet
they continue to report "not clean" with a tune2fs listing and I
still get backup errors complaining of a "dirty" file system
in my backups.  What might be going on here?  Thanks!

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel penguin logo?

2003-06-11 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I believe this is not established by the kernel but by the
boot loader.  I quickly looked over documentation for both lilo
and grub and couldn't find info regarding this for either (this is
made particularly difficult by the fact that each hit for a word search
on "image" always referred to a kernel image, not a graphical
image) . . . so I'm completely unable to substantiate my claim but
I'm still fairly certain this is the case.  That's my two cents,
anyway.  Best wishes seeing the lucky penguin each wonderful


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Joel Konkle-Parker--
> How do I get a nice little penguin logo during kernel boot? Is that a 
> kernel option that must be set at compile time? I noticed 
> kernel-image-2.4.18-bf2.4 has it, while kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686 doesn't.
> -- 
> Joel Konkle-Parker
> Webmaster []
> Phone [662-518-1636]
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-09-19 Thread Paul Yeatman

Hi, very recently, I started getting system messages such as
"kernel: set_rtc_mmss: can't update from 50 to 4".  Where would
one look to find the meaning of such a kernel error message (and,
of course, if anyone knows the meaning of this right off, I'd love to
hear it).  Thanks, Paul.

Paul Yeatman  (858) 534-9896   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

root ext3 filesystem being mounted as ext2

2003-11-25 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I have a problem I've never run into before with a system: the root
partition is undesirably and inexplicably being mounted as ext2 during
bootup.  I'm using kernel 2.4.20-20.8 (sorry this happens to be a Red
Hat machine although I wish it weren't--it's outside of my control) and
all other partitions get normally mounted as ext3 as expected.  The
fstab for "/" reads, as so typical,

LABEL=/ /   ext3defaults1 1

and the filesystem appears to be attempted to be mounted as ext3 but
then defers to ext2 with the following message:

EXT2-fs warning (device ide0(3,1)): ext2_read_super: mounting
ext3 filesystem as ext2

I've looked into this quite a bit both with trying different things
with the computer and doing searches for the above message in Google.
Neither have paid off.  I'm getting desperate.  Any help?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: root ext3 filesystem being mounted as ext2

2003-11-25 Thread Paul Yeatman

Thanks for this.  I am familiar with initrd images but never understood
their purpose.  Now I do :)  This indeed was the problem: apparently
the kernel did not have ext3 compiled into it nor did this particular
system have an initrd to load the ext3 module before mounting the root
file system.  A

mkinitrd initrd-2.4.20-20.8 2.4.20-20.8

solved the problem.  Thanks alot!


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Alexander Rink--
> I remember that i had the same problem when using ext3fs as a module and no 
> initrd. This is because the kernel can only load the ext3 module AFTER  the 
> root partition is mounted and the only way to mount it is using ext2 
> (compatibility). Without the compabilitiy you wouldnt be able to mount your 
> root partition in this case. Just compile ext3fs into your kernel (doesnt 
> make sense to make a initrd just containing a module u need for your root 
> partition). Hope this helps...
> Greetings
> Alex
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: hplip and its "toolbox"

2005-06-16 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Henrique de Moraes Holschuh--
> On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, anyone have much HPLIP experience?
> I do.

Hi.  Wow, I got the dude, didn't I!?  Thanks!

> > 3845 printer I have attached to the system via USB.  I'm running Sarge
> > by the way.
> Get the packages in unstable.  The stuff in sarge is old, buggy, and my
> personal grievance with the arm buildd brokenness.
> > I am using CUPS and have hpijs, hplip, foomatic, etc., etc. all that
> > stuff.  The printer is currently configured and working with cups.
> > I restart CUPS.  But I run /usr/lib/hplip/toolbox and the software
> > starts with a pop-up box complaining that no HP printers are found.
> Really weird. Please test with the unstable packages, and file a bug if you
> still have issues with them.

I tried installing the then unstable version of hplip (the now testing
version).  Still no go so may have to just file a bug report as
suggested.  Maybe you meant installing the unstable versions of other
related packages such as hpijs, foomatic, etc, which I haven't

This is what shows up in the log when I unsuccessfully probe
(hp-probe) for the printer

Jun 16 14:51:39 localhost python: hpssd [WARN] Inrecognized URI: 
Jun 16 14:51:39 localhost python: hpssd [WARN] Inrecognized URI: 
Jun 16 14:51:39 localhost python: hpssd [WARN] Inrecognized URI: 
Jun 16 14:51:39 localhost python: hpssd [WARN] Inrecognized URI: 
Jun 16 14:51:39 localhost python:  [WARN] No devices found. If this 
isn't the result you are expecting,
Jun 16 14:51:39 localhost python:  [WARN] check to make sure your 
devices are properly connected.

I don't care about the remote printers (socket:,ipp:) but I don't
see why it can't find the locally attached usb printer,

Here it is as clearly recognized in /proc/bus/usb/devices

T:  Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=01 Dev#=  3 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs= 1
P:  Vendor=03f0 ProdID=7504 Rev= 1.00
S:  Manufacturer=HP
S:  Product=Deskjet 3840
S:  SerialNumber=TH46T120QG040R
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=  2mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=07(print) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=usblp
E:  Ad=01(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=82(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

In /usr/share/doc/hplip/README.Debian, it says for step three of
the "Quick Install"

3. Setup your printer through CUPS, using the proper PPD
(installed by foomatic-filters-ppds), and the hp: CUPS backend
(installed by hplip).

Although I've already configured the printer with CUPS and the
printer works fine, I'm not sure what "...and the hp: CUPS backend
(installed by hplip)" means.  I would guess that when I pick the
correct model of HP from the list within the CUPS web installation that
the "proper PPD" will be used.  Not sure about how to make sure the
"hp: CUPS backend [is] installed by hplip".



> -- 
>   "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
>   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
>   where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
>   Henrique Holschuh
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SOLVED] hplip and its "toolbox"

2005-06-17 Thread Paul Yeatman
Ahhh!  I feel certain I had done this before (deleted the printer
and re-added it with CUPS after installing hplip) but I now believe I
was locked in to the old mind frame of knowing the printer is usb and
always choosing the first usb printer--"USB Printer #1"--never looking
up further in the list to notice the "hp:/usb/Deskjet_3840?..." entry.
Thanks for giving me the encouragement to run through that one more
time and for pointing out where to focus my attention.  I had completely
missed the "hp:/usb/Deskjet_3840?..." entry before and now see what the
README means by the "CUPS backend installed by hplip".  This was not
making any sense previously.

'toolbox' finds my printer now and I may have a much better idea
of what is wrong with it when it is blinking and clearly unhappy
with something.  I can monitor ink levels and run maintenance
operations on it to boot!



->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Maurits van Rees--
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 03:32:46PM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Although I've already configured the printer with CUPS and the
> > printer works fine, I'm not sure what "...and the hp: CUPS backend
> > (installed by hplip)" means.  I would guess that when I pick the
> > correct model of HP from the list within the CUPS web installation that
> > the "proper PPD" will be used.  Not sure about how to make sure the
> > "hp: CUPS backend [is] installed by hplip".
> Just last week I installed an new HP printer with hplip.  In CUPS go
> to Printers. Then add a printer. Enter a name. You should now see a
> small list of possible devices, like parallel port. In my case at
> least: if my printer is off I see a device "hp no_device_found". When
> my printer is on and I try this again... O dear, I see exactly the
> same. :( Well, that might be because the real device is already
> occupied by my printer so CUPS doesn't show it as available. On the
> Printers page I see "hp:/usb/psc_1310_series..." as the device URI. If
> you take the same route I guess you will see something similar.
> HTH,
> -- 
> Maurits van Rees | [Dutch/Nederlands] 
> Public GnuPG key: ID 0x1735C5C2
> "Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
>  - Winston Churchill

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

emacs 20.3 registered but not installed

2001-12-11 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I get the following daily message:

   "From root  Tue Dec 11 07:41:11 2001
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 07:41:11 -0800
From: root (Anacron)
To: root
Subject: Anacron job 'cron.daily'

suidregister: /usr/lib/emacs/20.3/i386-debian-linux-gnu/movemail
registered but not installed"

Can anyone please inform me what to do about this (especially given
that the current emacs version is 20.7 and installed).



2004-10-13 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I'm running GNOME with Sarge.  It seems GNOME is configured to use
the esd sound driver by default yet some (GNOME?) sound
applications--Music Player (a.k.a rhythmbox), Sound Recorder (a.k.a
gnome-sound-recorder)--seem to be configured to use OSS (with no
preference option to change it to esd).  When trying to run some of
these apps, I get a message complaining that the OSS device, /dev/dsp,
is already in use by another program.  Esd, for instance!?

I've tried going to Desktop Preferences-->Advanced-->Multimedia Systems
Selector to change the default audio output pipeline from "osssink"
(for which the test fails) to "esdsink" (for which the test fails).
This doesn't seem to work much less resolve the problem.  As I'm
just using default stuff, seems this would be a common problem
unless others don't try making use of such audio apps.  Not a big
deal.  Just curious what others may know/have to say concerning this.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MultiMedia keyboards and SID

2004-10-13 Thread Paul Yeatman
Well, I'm running Sarge (gnome 2.6) but if I go to
Applications-->Desktop Preferences-->Keyboard Shortcuts alot of
this can be set up.  Simply select the function you want, hit the
key want to perform that function and whala!


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Chad Davis--
> Greetings,
> I recently have started using a "multimedia" HP KB-0228 keyboard. It
> has the moon, camera, music note, etc keys on top.  What is the best
> way to map these keys to programs or tasks such as closing apps, or
> window shading, etc.  I am currently running Gnome 2.8 on Sid.
> Regards
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FAM causing "device or resource busy" errors when trying to smbumount

2004-10-04 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I've been having the same problem in Sarge.  In my case it
doesn't involve Samba but when a CD or even floppy is mounted by
nautilus/fam (or whatever is going on when you click a CD device
from the "Computer" icon), occasionally it will not unmount the
filesystem on the device with an error that the device is busy.  Once
I've convinced myself there are no processes running involving the
device and I'm not in any of its mounted directories, I'll try an 'lsof
/dev/cdrom' and will get something like

famd 1135me 26r  DIR  2,07168 1/media/cdrom

As Rich said, until I kill famd, I am unable to umount the
FS on the device.

I wasn't aware I could stop and restart fam with a supplied init script
as Rich mentioned although last time the problem occurred I tried stopping
and restarting famd this way but things still were somewhat screwed up
until I completely logged out or rebooted.

Anyone know what it going on with this.  Just a bug?


rich wrote on 28 Jul 2004:
> when I have an smb share mounted on a directory in my home
> directory, it 
> refuses to unmount.
> This is new, it used to work without a problem. Perhaps something
> changed in 
> the later releases of Sarge? (I apt-get dist-upgrade all the time)
> I used lsof and found the process that was holding the mount-point
> directory 
> up, which was 
> /usr/sbin/famd -T 0
> I shut down fam with #/etc/init.d/fam stop and I could then umount
> the share 
> cleanly.
> Can anyone shed any light on this?
> thanks,
> rich
Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Software RAID 0 and linux

2004-10-04 Thread Paul Yeatman
"software controller": isn't the point of having a RAID card to use
hardware RAID?

I am doing virtually what you are asking about.  I have a FastTrak TX2
card and am mirror two disks on which I have my Debian build.  The
biggest part I would question of your proposal is that it--hardware
RAID'ing using Promise FastTrak--can be done on kernel 2.6 (I
refer to this later).

Alvin who also responded to this thread questioned your use/definition
of RAID 0 but I am fairly certain this is good ol' fashion mirroring as
it appears you are thinking of it as and as I know I am using.

The differences between my setup and what you are asking is I don't
have dual boot, I'm positively using hardware not software RAID and I
have a small, non-raided drive (hda1) that is my boot disk, ie.
what holds my boot loader and /boot partition.  Although there is
good possibility this small, unraided disk is not necessary, it does
make things ALOT easier and safer.  It has saved me a bunch.

When a reboot fails because of a kernel change or whatever, I can
always fall back to the IDE, unraided disk which has the same build of
Debian (a minimal build of the same Debian version).  I can always
count on this to boot and from this, I can mount the other disks until
I can correct the problem with the RAIDed build.

Also, as your BIOS likely doesn't recognize the RAIDed drives, you
need something your BIOS can read to hold your boot loader.  As I
said, this could likely be avoided but I personally don't know

One more comment, the kernel module I compile for the FastTrak
card is at

Look for "Partial Linux Source Code".  The latest version I have found
there is which as I understand only supports kernel 2.4.  For
this reason, I am not using kernel 2.6 which is another difference I
didn't mention earlier.

Hope this helps,


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Niels--
> Hi,
> I want to buy a Promise Fasttrack TX2 plus RAID 0 controller with two 
> SATA hard disks. The controller is a software controller. I want no 
> other hard disks than these two in my PC. Can I boot of this setup with 
> the 2.6 kernel? Is it possible to put Windows XP and Debian Linux on the 
> same RAID 0 array? Is it difficult to install?
> Greets,
> Niels
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Software RAID 0 and linux

2004-10-05 Thread Paul Yeatman
Well, definitely sounds like you know what you want :)

Seems like my confusion between you saying "software" and "hardware"
controller is, as Paolo was saying, the Promise FastTrak isn't a "true"
hardware controller apparently.  It still requires some software, ie.
kernel module, on the software side to operate.  This is, however,
coNSIDerably faster than using strictly software RAID where no card is
needed at all.  From the description of your system, however, this
wouldn't appear to be a problem.

I'll opt out of the conversation at this point because your
proposed setup is different enough from mine that I can't really
helpfully comment on it.  As I mentioned (and I believe even
tried), the "partial source code" from Promise for the FastTrak
doesn't compile (or at least isn't written to compile) for the 2.6
kernel.  If the drivers you know of are slow, maybe Paolo is right and
you should go with either strictly a hardware RAID controller or
strictly software RAID given that you have a slick system.

As for the boot loader issue, I'm not sure how a large BIOS is a
solution unless you can get your boot loader to use your BIOS which
I've never heard of.  Unless you are using a true hardware controller,
I'm not sure where/how your boot loader will be read with no other
disks other than the RAID 0'ed disks.

Best wishes,


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Niels--
> I shall explain my choises. I really want to buy a RAID 0 (striping) 
> controller, because my current harddisk is the bottleneck in my current 
> system. I have a dual XP-M 2800+ with 1Gbit NIC and 1GB memory. I have 
> read enough about RAID 0. I really want it! I know that it is not safe, 
> but I can backup my data.
> I choose for a software RAID controller because it is cheap. An hardware 
> controller would cost me six times more, but would be at most 10% 
> faster. That's not worth it. Installing this RAID card is easy under Win 
> XP, because I can just put a disk in my pc with the drivers at setup 
> time and it will work.
> I know this will be another story for debian. I've read stories of 
> people who got the Promise drivers working under 2.6.8, but those 
> drivers are not fast. I use 2.6.8 because I have a SMP setup. I want no 
> other drives than the two of my RAID setup in my pc because I hate noise.
> I buy a software RAID controller because the price difference between a 
> software RAID SATA controller and a SATA controller is < €10,-
> What are the troubles I will run into? I can load things in my BIOS, 
> because I have 2MB BIOS memory (MPX2).
> The adress you gave me was wrong, 
> this one is correct.
> Alvin Oga wrote:
> >On Mon, 4 Oct 2004, Niels wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> >>I want to buy a Promise Fasttrack TX2 plus RAID 0 controller with two 
> >>SATA hard disks. The controller is a software controller. I want no 
> >>other hard disks than these two in my PC. Can I boot of this setup with 
> >>the 2.6 kernel?
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >yes...
> >
> > 
> >
> >>Is it possible to put Windows XP and Debian Linux on the 
> >>same RAID 0 array?
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >yes
> >
> > 
> >
> >>Is it difficult to install?
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >no
> >
> >-- trick is to install windoze on the 1st partition so it thinks its C:
> >
> >--- bigger problem ...
> >
> >- why use 2 disks in raid0 ( aks stripping ) which might allow you to read
> > faster but also makes 2 disks look like 1 bigger disk
> > - if one disk dies... both disk are useless
> >
> >- i think you want to use (sw or hw ) raid1 ( mirror )
> > - if one disk dies ... all your data is still intact on the other
> > disk
> >
> >- gazillion raid howtos urls
> >
> >
> >
> >c ya
> >alvin
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: raid barfs at startup with 2.6 kernel

2004-10-05 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Justin Guerin--
> On Tuesday 14 September 2004 07:21, Blake Swadling wrote:
> > OK, firstly i will say i know bugger all about the way raid works.
> > however i have managed to set up, both running software raid (raid0).
> > one uses 2 SATA drives and the other has 2 ATA drives
> >
> > When I upgrade to kernel 2.6.* the raid barfs on both machines with the
> > following errors
> >
> > [snip error messages]
> >
> > If i manually start run mdadm and raid2 and then do mount -a on both
> > machines the scripts after logging in then all is fine.  mdadm-raid
> > always fails hence the use of raidtools. All packages are up to date.
> >
> > It appears to me that the raid as trying to start before the modules are
> > present. Has anyone seen this?   how do i get it to load correctly now.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Blake
> You don't indicate how you are upgrading the kernel, but if you're using the 
> precompiled Debian kernels, you will need to make sure the raid drivers are 
> included in the initial ram disk.  "man mkinitrd" will help you here.

I agree.  Chances are you are using the Debian kernel-image
packages.  A simple

mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-

with telling your boot loader to use this init image during boot should
get you back up and running if indeed it is a problem with modules not
getting loaded soon enough.

> If you have compiled your kernel yourself, did you either A) compile in all 
> raid / filesystem support you need or B) add the modules you need to the 
> initial ram disk?
> If you've done the above and are still seeing problems, check out the list 
> archives for threads on moving the raid start back in the boot sequence.  
> I'm sorry I don't have the link available.
> If none of this helps, please be more specific with your configuration, 
> differences between what works and what doesn't, and what you've tried so 
> far.
> Justin Guerin


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-06-30 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, so it appears that I cannot successfully play flash with my web
browser anymore.  This has begun since I upgraded to sarge.  Mozilla
(and firefox) using flashplugin-nonfree freezes when I go to common
flash sites.  The entire browser is then hosed until the processes are
killed from another window.  I bet I'm explaining something all too
familiar for some (many?) of you, I'm guessing.  Used to work fine
with Mozilla before upgrading.  I've experienced the same thing on
a completely different computer running Red Hat 8.  I'm not seeing much
discussion about it, however.  So, maybe I'm either wrong, need to
accept it just doesn't work or am really behind in the
discussion/solution :)

Epiphany plays flash just fine.  But just doesn't play the soundtrack.
My flash life is really in the junk yard right now.  Please save
me from jumping to Windows just to see

Any help?  Thanks.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-07-07 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, for anyone running Sarge, the "acme" package was a cool new feature
to me that allowed you to set up "multimedia keys" on whatever keyboard
one has.  Starting with updates a couple weeks ago, "acme" now
conflicts with "gnome" and other foundational gnome packages.
Eventhough initially gnome and acme were installed together, apparently
now they can't be.  Just curious if anyone knows anything about this?


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: acme

2004-07-07 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hmmm, interesting.  Well, now I don't know.  This is what I'm
basing my message on

# apt-get -u install acme
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  capplets gnome gnome-applets gnome-control-center gnome-core
  gnome-desktop-environment gnome-office gnome-panel
  gnome-panel-data gnome-terminal
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 10 to remove and 2
not upgraded.
Need to get 217kB of archives.
After unpacking 18.4MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

I assumed given this that acme conflicted with "gnome" et al.  A
'dpkg -p acme' yeilds

Conflicts: pbbuttonsd

however.  Your tip seems to show the problem.  'apt-get install
acme gnome' yeilds

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
capplets: Conflicts: acme but 2.4.3-2 is to be installed

Apparently "capplets" is what gives you tools to configure Gnome2
so I guess you can have one or the other.  Too bad but I guess
that's the deal.



->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Chris Metzler--
> On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 11:29:50 -0700
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, for anyone running Sarge, the "acme" package was a cool new feature
> > to me that allowed you to set up "multimedia keys" on whatever keyboard
> > one has.  Starting with updates a couple weeks ago, "acme" now
> > conflicts with "gnome" and other foundational gnome packages.
> > Eventhough initially gnome and acme were installed together, apparently
> > now they can't be.  Just curious if anyone knows anything about this?
> You can usually figure this out yourself with a little iterative use
> of apt-get.  e.g. if you try "apt-get install foo" and it tries to remove
> bar, following that up with "apt-get install foo bar" will tell you
> where the conflict is.  Sometimes you have to go a few times in, e.g.
> "apt-get foo bar" responds by trying to remove baz, so you have to do
> a "apt-get foo bar baz".  But eventually you can see what the complaint
> is.
> You failed to include a transcript of your attempt at installation, but
> a qucick look at acme on shows that it appears to
> depend on GNOME-ish libraries that are all present in current-enough
> versions on sarge.  Are you sure it's conflicting with GNOME?  Or is it
> simply trying to remove meta-packages that don't have any actual
> contents, like the packages "gnome" and "gnome-desktop-environment"?
> -c
> -- 
> Chris Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   (remove "snip-me." to email)
> "As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
> have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: acme

2004-07-07 Thread Paul Yeatman
Ah, thanks.  I'll give "hotkeys" a look.

Ok, so I'm not the only one who was surprised to find out my
"gnome" and other gnome-essential packages were removed after an
update one day?


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Jacob S.--
> On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 11:29:50 -0700
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, for anyone running Sarge, the "acme" package was a cool new
> > feature to me that allowed you to set up "multimedia keys" on whatever
> > keyboard one has.  Starting with updates a couple weeks ago, "acme"
> > now conflicts with "gnome" and other foundational gnome packages.
> > Eventhough initially gnome and acme were installed together,
> > apparently now they can't be.  Just curious if anyone knows anything
> > about this?
> I've never used acme, but it sounds similar to hotkeys. Unlike acme,
> however, hotkeys can be installed and run simultaneously with gnome. 
> Unfortunately I'm not sure why apt wants to remove gnome when installing
> acme.
> HTH,
> Jacob
> -- 
> GnuPG Key: 1024D/16377135
> Random .signature #21:
> In a world without fences, who needs Gates?

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lost "disks" option in nautilus menu

2004-07-07 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I'm running Gnome in Sarge (thus Gnome2) which I believe also
implies nautilus.  I believe it is nautilus that provides a desktop
menu when one uses a right, mouse click on the desktop.  There used to
be an opion in this menu that read 'disks' with an arrow implying a
sub-menu (maybe it said 'devices', not sure now).  I believe using
/etc/fstab it would show which removable disks were available and if
you selected one, such as a cdrom, it would attempt to mount it and
display the contents.  This menu option disappeared from the menu a
couple weeks ago (about the same time "gnome" et al were automatically
removed during an update).  Can anyone explain this and suggest how to
get it back?


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: acme (solved, more of less)

2004-07-07 Thread Paul Yeatman
Travis points out that "Applications" -> "Desktop Preferences" ->
"Keyboard Shortcuts" essentially provides what acme does.
I can find the "shortcuts" I want here and am happy with this.  Thanks
much for everyone's input.

I agree that something is not quite right in the package inter-relations
between acme and gnome, Jacob.


On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 13:13, Travis Crump wrote:
> Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, for anyone running Sarge, the "acme" package was a cool new feature
> > to me that allowed you to set up "multimedia keys" on whatever keyboard
> > one has.  Starting with updates a couple weeks ago, "acme" now
> > conflicts with "gnome" and other foundational gnome packages.
> > Eventhough initially gnome and acme were installed together, apparently
> > now they can't be.  Just curious if anyone knows anything about this?
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> the changelog entries suggested that acme was incorporated into 
> gnome-control-center, and indeed there is something which resembles acme 
> in the new control center though it is missing a couple commands.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-20 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi again.  I'm responding to my own post.  It wasn't until today, weeks
after my original post, that I got more clues as to is going on
concerning flash causing Mozilla to freeze on my Debian Sarge system.
The problem appears to be with esd.  Esd (appears to be ) used by
default by gnome and is started--esd -nobeeps--when you log in.  This
works fine with everything: xmms, xine, etc.  The only case in which it
doesn't work is when the flash plugin is invoked from a web browser.
The animation will soon stop and the browser is toast.  I feel
fortunate today to discover that if esd is first killed before
going to a website running flash, the flash runs fine albeit without
sound.  If "auto_spawn=0" is changed to "1" in /etc/esound/esd.conf and
any esd processes are first killed, going to a flash website will
automatically start an esd process and flash will play normally (with
sound!) but then nothing else, such as xmms, will work until the flash
completes and the esd processes automatically completes (after 5
seconds in my case).  This kinda defeats the point of esd, doesn't it?
Can anyone help me out with what is going on here?  As all other
audio/video applications I run simultaneously use the inital esd
process started by gnome, why can't flash?  Should I force gnome to use
something other than esd?



->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Paul Yeatman--
> Hi, so it appears that I cannot successfully play flash with my web
> browser anymore.  This has begun since I upgraded to sarge.  Mozilla
> (and firefox) using flashplugin-nonfree freezes when I go to common
> flash sites.  The entire browser is then hosed until the processes are
> killed from another window.  I bet I'm explaining something all too
> familiar for some (many?) of you, I'm guessing.  Used to work fine
> with Mozilla before upgrading.  I've experienced the same thing on
> a completely different computer running Red Hat 8.  I'm not seeing much
> discussion about it, however.  So, maybe I'm either wrong, need to
> accept it just doesn't work or am really behind in the
> discussion/solution :)
> Epiphany plays flash just fine.  But just doesn't play the soundtrack.
> My flash life is really in the junk yard right now.  Please save
> me from jumping to Windows just to see
> Any help?  Thanks.
> -- 
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-20 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi and thanks so much for the reply.

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Jacob S.--

> That's odd. I'm using esd on my system (previously with OSS drivers, now
> with Alsa) and I can hear sound from flash just fine; as well as play
> xmms at the same time, etc.

I'm fairly sure the system is using esd with OSS drivers so this
could be the difference.  Well, actually, how do I confirm OSS
drivers?  The correct sound module, cmpci, is getting loaded.  That's
typically what I think of as the driver.  Where/how does OSS come in.
I for sure don't have ALSA installed.  I didn't do any sound
configuration myself.  The build correctly identified the sound card and
loads the correct module with no configuration/help needed on my part
(a nice difference from previous builds of Debian :)

> What happens if you kill any existing esd instances, run "esd &" from a
> terminal in X (assuming you're logged in as a user, not root) and then
> run "esdctl unlock"? Are you able to play both xmms and flash sounds?
> Also, you are using the esd output plugin in xmms, aren't you?

I have no idea what 'esdctl unlock' does but I did as you said (got
a series of increasing pitch tones when I ran 'esd &') but
got the same result: xmms et al. work fine, while the browser,
trying to employ the flash plugin, incurably freezes.

Maybe I should try esd employing ALSA drivers?


> On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 11:04:27 -0700
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi again.  I'm responding to my own post.  It wasn't until today,
> > weeks after my original post, that I got more clues as to is going on
> > concerning flash causing Mozilla to freeze on my Debian Sarge system.
> > The problem appears to be with esd.  Esd (appears to be ) used by
> > default by gnome and is started--esd -nobeeps--when you log in.  This
> > works fine with everything: xmms, xine, etc.  The only case in which
> > it doesn't work is when the flash plugin is invoked from a web
> > browser. The animation will soon stop and the browser is toast.  I
> > feel fortunate today to discover that if esd is first killed before
> > going to a website running flash, the flash runs fine albeit without
> > sound.  If "auto_spawn=0" is changed to "1" in /etc/esound/esd.conf
> > and any esd processes are first killed, going to a flash website will
> > automatically start an esd process and flash will play normally (with
> > sound!) but then nothing else, such as xmms, will work until the flash
> > completes and the esd processes automatically completes (after 5
> > seconds in my case).  This kinda defeats the point of esd, doesn't it?
> > Can anyone help me out with what is going on here?  As all other
> > audio/video applications I run simultaneously use the initial esd
> > process started by gnome, why can't flash?  Should I force gnome to
> > use something other than esd?
> That's odd. I'm using esd on my system (previously with OSS drivers, now
> with Alsa) and I can hear sound from flash just fine; as well as play
> xmms at the same time, etc.
> What happens if you kill any existing esd instances, run "esd &" from a
> terminal in X (assuming you're logged in as a user, not root) and then
> run "esdctl unlock"? Are you able to play both xmms and flash sounds?
> Also, you are using the esd output plugin in xmms, aren't you?
> HTH,
> Jacob
> -- 
> GnuPG Key: 1024D/16377135
> Random .signature #43:
> Q: How many Microsoft Programmers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
> A: It cannot be done. You will need to upgrade your house.
> Q: How many Linux users does it take to change a lightbulb?
> A: Two. One to write the HOWTO-LIGHTBULB-CRONJOB, and another to read
> it. 

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Ralph Katz--

> >I'm fairly sure the system is using esd with OSS drivers so this
> >could be the difference.  Well, actually, how do I confirm OSS
> >drivers? 
> While I'm no expert, I can see mine here on this stock kernel:
> ~$ grep -i oss /boot/config-2.4.25-1-686

Ah, ok, and these are also marked as modules in my kernel and with some
quick research the OSS module is sound.o.  But "sound" is not a
module currently loaded by my system which means I must not be using an
OSS driver for my card.  The modules I have loaded and which are
related to sound are "soundcore" and "cmpci".

> Just substitute your kernel image config filename.
> >I have no idea what 'esdctl unlock' does but I did as you said (got
> >a series of increasing pitch tones when I ran 'esd &') but
> >got the same result: xmms et al. work fine, while the browser,
> >trying to employ the flash plugin, incurably freezes.
> My flashplayer finally works w/ sound if I killall esd before visiting a
> flash-animated web page.  The freezes are more rare.  But I do not hear 
> any sounds from other sources (gaim, for ex.) while the flash animation 
> is playing, even with 'esdctl unlock'.

Ah, this is exactly what I've discovered only recently!  I'm sorry to
know about the problem but its nice to finally hear someone else
acknowledge the situation.  I was using debian package mozilla/firefox
with debian package flashplugin-nonfree and things didn't work. 
During a few days of off and on research, it didn't seem like anyone
else was having the same problem which was really perplexing me.

> See the thread and my post of July 13  Subject: Re: Still no sound in 
> Flash  for more info.

I did a fair amount of googling myself and searching/joining mail
lists on macromedia, mozilla, and of course here.  I never found
the bugs as you did on bugzilla.  This would have helped.  As I
said, from all my searching, it wasn't clear that this was a
common problem.  I obviously don't have a good technique for
searching out known bugs yet.

> Bottom line, it doesn't look like an issue of oss vs. alsa.

Than, what is the issue (I guess I need to go read the bug reports
more carefully)?  From the short summary, the one bug mentions
that it is hard-to-fix code in Mozilla.

It's strange that the problem seems to be with esd (when an esd
process(es) is already running).  I still can't help but wonder if
some other sound setup would resolve the problem although I have
no idea even what that could be :)

> Oh, esd -nobeeps  will be easier on your ears!

Ah, so that's what the "-nobeeps" is about :)

> Here's my config file if it's any help:
> $ cat /etc/esound/esd.conf
> [esd]
> auto_spawn=1
> spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 5
> spawn_wait_ms=100
> Regards,
> Ralph

Thanks, alot.  I really appreciate the feedback and input.  Having
an understanding of the problem is already much better.  I can
play my favorite flash sites once again.  I suppose if anyone comes up
with a more slick solution, it will be shared with all those having
trouble getting to their favorite flash sites.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Jacob S.--
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 20:20:20 -0400
> Ralph Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 07/20/04 18:40, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm fairly sure the system is using esd with OSS drivers so this
> > > could be the difference.  Well, actually, how do I confirm OSS
> > > drivers? 
> > 
> > While I'm no expert, I can see mine here on this stock kernel:
> > 
> > ~$ grep -i oss /boot/config-2.4.25-1-686
> > 
> > Just substitute your kernel image config filename.
> If you didn't install/compile alsa, and you're not using a 2.6 kernel,
> you can pretty much guarantee you're using OSS drivers.
> > > I have no idea what 'esdctl unlock' does but I did as you said (got
> > > a series of increasing pitch tones when I ran 'esd &') but
> > > got the same result: xmms et al. work fine, while the browser,
> > > trying to employ the flash plugin, incurably freezes.
> esdctl unlock allows foreign clients to use esd, according to
> /usr/share/doc/esound/html/x119.html.
> > My flashplayer finally works w/ sound if I killall esd before visiting
> > a flash-animated web page.  The freezes are more rare.  But I do not
> > hear any sounds from other sources (gaim, for ex.) while the flash
> > animation is playing, even with 'esdctl unlock'.
> These symptoms are why I thought esdctl unlock might help. Evideintly I
> was wrong though.
> > See the thread and my post of July 13  Subject: Re: Still no sound in 
> > Flash  for more info.
> > 
> > Bottom line, it doesn't look like an issue of oss vs. alsa.
> Right. I tried to avoid saying it was an issue of the drivers, but must
> not have done a good enough job. I was running Woody with OSS drivers,
> then upgraded to Sarge with OSS drivers and am now using Sarge with
> Alsa drivers. In all 3 configurations, I have been able to hear sounds
> from xmms, gaim & flash animations at the same time using esd.

That's really amazing.  It's good to know though so I don't waste
a bunch of time trying different sound configs and kernel versions
to only get the same result.  Could the difference be the sound card

> > Oh, esd -nobeeps  will be easier on your ears!
> True. I prefer hearing that esd did really start and can talk to the
> sound card properly, rather than just thinking it started properly and
> seeing that there's some kind of esd thing running when I do ps ax. So,
> I usually leave off the -nobeeps. Just my preference.
> I'm afraid I'm running out of ideas. I don't know of any way to
> configure where flash outputs sound, or I would think that would be it.

No kidding.  Really strange.  Yes, looking for some kind of output
driver selection from within Flash was my first thought in solving
things.  No such configuration option found, however.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fwd: Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Wim De Smet--
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 11:04:27 -0700, Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi again.  I'm responding to my own post.  It wasn't until today, weeks
> > after my original post, that I got more clues as to is going on
> > concerning flash causing Mozilla to freeze on my Debian Sarge system.
> > The problem appears to be with esd.  Esd (appears to be ) used by
> > default by gnome and is started--esd -nobeeps--when you log in.  This
> > works fine with everything: xmms, xine, etc.  The only case in which it
> > doesn't work is when the flash plugin is invoked from a web browser.
> > The animation will soon stop and the browser is toast.  I feel
> > fortunate today to discover that if esd is first killed before
> > going to a website running flash, the flash runs fine albeit without
> > sound.  If "auto_spawn=0" is changed to "1" in /etc/esound/esd.conf and
> > any esd processes are first killed, going to a flash website will
> > automatically start an esd process and flash will play normally (with
> > sound!) but then nothing else, such as xmms, will work until the flash
> > completes and the esd processes automatically completes (after 5
> > seconds in my case).  This kinda defeats the point of esd, doesn't it?
> > Can anyone help me out with what is going on here?  As all other
> > audio/video applications I run simultaneously use the inital esd
> > process started by gnome, why can't flash?  Should I force gnome to use
> > something other than esd?
> This is, actually, a known problem. Do dpk-reconfigure -plow
> mozilla-browser and you will get an option asking you to choose a
> wrapper for esd. It is explained there that the plugin locks /dev/dsp
> which causes esd to hang. So choose a wrapper here and the problem
> *should* be resolved.

H.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I did as you said and changed
my initial selection "esddsp" to "auto".  Start esd, 'esd &'.
Start mozilla.  Go to a flash site;  Freezes.  I then set it back
to esddsp just to test it again.  Same thing.  I also tried
"artdsp" and flash runs and without killing my browser but no sound.
Same thing with "none" as would be expected.  So . . . not sure what to
say :)

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Still no sound in Flash

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Yeatman
Are you running esd?  I'm guessing no.  If not, I wonder if using
esd with ALSA would help (package libesd-alsa0?).

I'm dealing with a similar problem but where accessing a flash
kills my browser if esd is already running.  If esd is not running
(and isn't automatically started by the flash plugin), flash plays
normally but without sound.  As this is your case, I'm wondering
if you set things up so that esd is started by flash, you might
get sound!

Don't know if this will help you at all.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Marc Shapiro--
> None of the suggestions are working for me:
> `fuser -v /dev/dsp` returns nothing.
> `killall esd` says no process killed.
> I have tried restarting the browser (both opera and firefox) with no  
> success
> I have tried restarting fvwm2 with no success
> I have tried restarting X with no success
> Does anyone have any other ideas?
> -- 
> Marc Shapiro
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fwd: Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Jacob S.--
> On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:58:50 -0700
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > H.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I did as you said and changed
> > my initial selection "esddsp" to "auto".  Start esd, 'esd &'.
> > Start mozilla.  Go to a flash site;  Freezes.  I then set it back
> > to esddsp just to test it again.  Same thing.  I also tried
> > "artdsp" and flash runs and without killing my browser but no sound.
> > Same thing with "none" as would be expected.  So . . . not sure what
> > to say :)
> hmm... I would think it shouldn't work at all if this were the case,
> but - what happens if you do a "whereis esddsp"? Do you have the package
> esound-clients installed?

What more specifically is the case in your "case" above :)

whereis esddsp gives

~$ whereis esddsp
esddsp: /usr/bin/esddsp /usr/share/man/man1/esddsp.1.gz

Yes, esound-clients is installed.

> For grins you might also try setting it back to artdsp and then go to
> the KDE Control Center and tell it to have artsd use esd for sound
> output. (Probably need to do this part as root.)

Hmmm, I'm currently running gnome and don't have kde installed to
any degree at this point.  Would possibly running kde over gnome
offer a solution?

> HTH,
> Jacob

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Wim De Smet--
> On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:58:50 -0700, Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ->>In response to your message<<-
> >   --received from Wim De Smet--
> > >
> > > On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 11:04:27 -0700, Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi again.  I'm responding to my own post.  It wasn't until today, weeks
> > > > after my original post, that I got more clues as to is going on
> > > > concerning flash causing Mozilla to freeze on my Debian Sarge system.
> > > > The problem appears to be with esd.  Esd (appears to be ) used by
> > > > default by gnome and is started--esd -nobeeps--when you log in.  This
> > > > works fine with everything: xmms, xine, etc.  The only case in which it
> > > > doesn't work is when the flash plugin is invoked from a web browser.
> > > > The animation will soon stop and the browser is toast.  I feel
> > > > fortunate today to discover that if esd is first killed before
> > > > going to a website running flash, the flash runs fine albeit without
> > > > sound.  If "auto_spawn=0" is changed to "1" in /etc/esound/esd.conf and
> > > > any esd processes are first killed, going to a flash website will
> > > > automatically start an esd process and flash will play normally (with
> > > > sound!) but then nothing else, such as xmms, will work until the flash
> > > > completes and the esd processes automatically completes (after 5
> > > > seconds in my case).  This kinda defeats the point of esd, doesn't it?
> > > > Can anyone help me out with what is going on here?  As all other
> > > > audio/video applications I run simultaneously use the inital esd
> > > > process started by gnome, why can't flash?  Should I force gnome to use
> > > > something other than esd?
> > >
> > > This is, actually, a known problem. Do dpk-reconfigure -plow
> > > mozilla-browser and you will get an option asking you to choose a
> > > wrapper for esd. It is explained there that the plugin locks /dev/dsp
> > > which causes esd to hang. So choose a wrapper here and the problem
> > > *should* be resolved.
> > 
> > H.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I did as you said and changed
> > my initial selection "esddsp" to "auto".  Start esd, 'esd &'.
> > Start mozilla.  Go to a flash site;  Freezes.  I then set it back
> > to esddsp just to test it again.  Same thing.  I also tried
> > "artdsp" and flash runs and without killing my browser but no sound.
> > Same thing with "none" as would be expected.  So . . . not sure what to
> > say :)
> > 
> Strange thing. There might be a bug there. I haven't got this problem
> for a long time now though, but I'm currently not running esd
> apparently (did this go away in 2.6? I don't remember disabling it)
> and I use alsa with OSS emulation.

Maybe I should be doing the same thing.  Do you think this would
solve anything?

If you are not running esd, can you use more than one audio/video
application at the same time and, if so, what enables this?  Are
ALSA drives more sophisticated than OSS ones?

Oh yeah, and why alsa with OSS emulation.  What's the point/advantage
of the emulation.

Since Jacob S. has had the same configuration at one time that I do now
and without a problem, could the difference be the sound card itself?
The only difference between my config and one of the configs Jacob has
mentioned is using esd with a non-OSS driver.  From what I can tell,
the module for my card, cmpci, is not part of the OSS "suite".

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Yeatman
I just noticed something I didn't notice before.  Since I have learned
I need to kill esd before going to a flash-enabled web site to see the
flash correctly (and not have my browser die), I assumed the flash was
spawning its own esd process.  Actually, I just noticed that, while
flash is playing correctly--without freezing and with sound--no esd
process is running.  So flash must be accessing /dev/dsp directly which
thus must be the problem when an esd process is already running.

Thus, the solution would seem to be (as Wim pointed out) the sound
driver wrapper used by Mozilla.  Unless I'm using it wrongly (again,
I'm using Sarge), it doesn't appear to solve the problem.  I'm assuming
if I'm using esd that I want the value of "esddsp" for MOZILLA_DSP.
Yet neither this nor the value "auto" seems to allow flash to play from
a web browser while esd is running.  In both cases, the flash
animation and the browser itself hangs.  Part of the strangeness
is that this wasn't a problem in Woody.  This has only been the
case since I've upgraded to Sarge (which possibly is due to a
later version of Mozilla?).


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Paul Yeatman--
> Hi, so it appears that I cannot successfully play flash with my web
> browser anymore.  This has begun since I upgraded to sarge.  Mozilla
> (and firefox) using flashplugin-nonfree freezes when I go to common
> flash sites.  The entire browser is then hosed until the processes are
> killed from another window.  I bet I'm explaining something all too
> familiar for some (many?) of you, I'm guessing.  Used to work fine
> with Mozilla before upgrading.  I've experienced the same thing on
> a completely different computer running Red Hat 8.  I'm not seeing much
> discussion about it, however.  So, maybe I'm either wrong, need to
> accept it just doesn't work or am really behind in the
> discussion/solution :)
> Epiphany plays flash just fine.  But just doesn't play the soundtrack.
> My flash life is really in the junk yard right now.  Please save
> me from jumping to Windows just to see
> Any help?  Thanks.
> -- 
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
>    ==
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-22 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Wim De Smet--
> On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 14:14:03 -0700, Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just noticed something I didn't notice before.  Since I have learned
> > I need to kill esd before going to a flash-enabled web site to see the
> > flash correctly (and not have my browser die), I assumed the flash was
> > spawning its own esd process.  Actually, I just noticed that, while
> > flash is playing correctly--without freezing and with sound--no esd
> > process is running.  So flash must be accessing /dev/dsp directly which
> > thus must be the problem when an esd process is already running.
> Sounds logical.
> > 
> > Thus, the solution would seem to be (as Wim pointed out) the sound
> > driver wrapper used by Mozilla.  Unless I'm using it wrongly (again,
> > I'm using Sarge), it doesn't appear to solve the problem.  I'm assuming
> > if I'm using esd that I want the value of "esddsp" for MOZILLA_DSP.
> > Yet neither this nor the value "auto" seems to allow flash to play from
> > a web browser while esd is running.  In both cases, the flash
> > animation and the browser itself hangs.  Part of the strangeness
> > is that this wasn't a problem in Woody.  This has only been the
> > case since I've upgraded to Sarge (which possibly is due to a
> > later version of Mozilla?).
> It seems strange that it doesn't just work out of the box. Are you
> using the latest version of the flashplugin btw (installed with the
> deb package I presume?). You may want to file a bug report on this. I
> think it should just work...

At the moment, I have Flash installed from a download from Macromedia
itself.  This is only because I could never get things to work with the
Debian flashplugin-nonfree package nor a flash plugin package provided
from another apt source site (both using version 7, I'm fairly
confident).  Now the value I was using for MOZILLA_DSP was "espdsp" the
whole time (I never thought to try different values for this back
then).  I don't know if that has anything to do with why things were
not working but seems to me to be the best setting given that I'm using
esd.  Due to the overall problem, I spent some time in the Macromedia
Flash mailing list where I read someone commenting about how many
problems would be avoided if people only read the instructions and
followed advice/instructions given via the mailing list.  This is when
I downloaded the plugin, version 7.0 r25, directly from Macromedia and
followed the instructions to the "t" (which, interestingly enough,
places one of the two files in a different location).  I hoped this may
solve things but no dice.  This is what I still have installed at the

I now am convinced that the problem resides with the appearance that
Flash accesses /dev/dsp directly creating a conflict anytime another
application has already locked the dsp device first, such as esd.  The
Mozilla wrapper that seems to offer a way around this doesn't appear to
work for me.

My current solution is to change the default behavior of esd from
"auto_spawn" being set to off to being on and, as I'm using gnome,
either disabling sound in gnome altogether or killing the esd process
that is started once I log in.  This solution is satisfactory for
the moment but took quite awhile to figure out.  Likewise, I find
it strange that things didn't work right out of the box (and if
I've had such a problem with it, why not many others?).  Where do you
suggest filing a bug report: with Debian, Mozilla, Macromedia, . .
. ?

Thanks to you and everyone else for the replies with insights and


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-23 Thread Paul Yeatman
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I now am convinced that the problem resides with the appearance that
> > Flash accesses /dev/dsp directly creating a conflict anytime another
> > application has already locked the dsp device first, such as esd.  The
> > Mozilla wrapper that seems to offer a way around this doesn't appear to
> > work for me.
> > 
> > My current solution is to change the default behavior of esd from
> > "auto_spawn" being set to off to being on and, as I'm using gnome,
> > either disabling sound in gnome altogether or killing the esd process
> > that is started once I log in.  This solution is satisfactory for
> > the moment but took quite awhile to figure out.
> Have you tried the '-as' option of esd?  I use 'esd -as 2' to require
> esd to release /dev/dsp 2 seconds after it finishes, so other devices
> can use it.  That allows me to use programs with both esd and /dev/dsp
> output, but not at the same time.

Yes, this is what makes things work for me now and is essentially how
I'm running things although I'm currently using the default of 5
seconds (if I have any problem with this, I might try a shorter time as
you are using).  Thanks for offering the suggestion.

The only bummer with this setup is that not all audio calls (that don't
use /dev/dsp directly) starts the esd process automatically.  I don't
hear the general Gnome event sounds anymore, for instance, and I'm
assuming that this is because esd is no longer running in the
background and, apparently, they don't start the esd process on their
own.  Some people would likely say "good" to this.  I kinda miss 'em.
A very minor complaint.  I'm happier to have Flash working :)

> -- 
> Carl Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-23 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Carl Johnson--
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Have you tried the '-as' option of esd?  I use 'esd -as 2' to require
> > > esd to release /dev/dsp 2 seconds after it finishes, so other devices
> > > can use it.  That allows me to use programs with both esd and /dev/dsp
> > > output, but not at the same time.
> > 
> > Yes, this is what makes things work for me now and is essentially how
> > I'm running things although I'm currently using the default of 5
> > seconds (if I have any problem with this, I might try a shorter time as
> > you are using).  Thanks for offering the suggestion.
> > 
> > The only bummer with this setup is that not all audio calls (that don't
> > use /dev/dsp directly) starts the esd process automatically.  I don't
> > hear the general Gnome event sounds anymore, for instance, and I'm
> > assuming that this is because esd is no longer running in the
> > background and, apparently, they don't start the esd process on their
> > own.  Some people would likely say "good" to this.  I kinda miss 'em.
> > A very minor complaint.  I'm happier to have Flash working :)
> Something seems to be different about your system, since my esd
> process doesn't exit, but simply closes its connection to /dev/dsp.
> It sounds like you might be using the '-terminate' option.  If you
> are, try it without it, but still with the '-as' option.  Of course,
> just because it satisfies my needs doesn't mean that it will satify
> yours.
> -- 
> Carl Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, yes I am.  Here's what a ps gives

/usr/bin/esd -terminate -nobeeps -as 5 -spawnfd 40

Great, I'll take '-terminate' out, give that a try and see if that
makes any difference.  Thanks for the suggestion!

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Firefox and Flash issues?

2004-07-26 Thread Paul Yeatman
Does it end up freezing up your browser?


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Chad Davis--
> I am having an issue with firefox and flash player.  When I go to
> sites with flash the spot where the flash movie is is grey and it does
> not appear. I can right click on it to get the flash menu and it says
> play,etc.  I can not confirm if sound does not work either as I have
> no sound card on this machine.  Anyone experienced this?
> --
> cd.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Asking more about RSH on Linux

2004-07-26 Thread Paul Yeatman
forgive me for asking but you do have an rsh server package


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Hai Nguyen--
> Dear [EMAIL PROTECTED] I asked about "RSH on Linux" but it still has not OK yet.> 
> Some messages occur when I type as following:> #ps -ax| grep portmap > 355 ?  S 0:00 
> portmap> 766 tty1 S 0:00 grep portmap> I have inserted 2 lines into /etc/hosts.allow 
> file:> portmap : : allow> portmap : ALL : deny> But "rsh" 
> still doesn't run ok:> #rsh node5> node5: conection refused> Trying krb4 rlogin...> 
> node5: conection refused> trying normal rlogin (/usr/bin/rlogin)You noted me that:
> "are you sure rsh is enabled in /etc/inetd.conf?"I am very sorry, but I don't known 
> how to make rsh is enabled in /etc/inetd.conf? 
> What must I do to make rsh is enabled in /etc/inetd.conf?
> In /etc/inetd.conf file, I see 2 lines below:
> ftp  stream  tcp  nowait  root /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
> telnet  stream  tcp  nowait  root /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnet
> I added a line as follows:
> rsh stream  tcp  nowait  root /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rshd
> But RSH is not run OK. 
> I hope you help me once again. Thank you very much.
>  I look forward to hearing your answers.Nguyen Thanh HaiLe Qui Don University, 
> Hanoi, Vietnam
> -
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!
Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-08-03 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Carl Johnson--
> Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Have you tried the '-as' option of esd?  I use 'esd -as 2' to require
> > > esd to release /dev/dsp 2 seconds after it finishes, so other devices
> > > can use it.  That allows me to use programs with both esd and /dev/dsp
> > > output, but not at the same time.
> > 
> > Yes, this is what makes things work for me now and is essentially how
> > I'm running things although I'm currently using the default of 5
> > seconds (if I have any problem with this, I might try a shorter time as
> > you are using).  Thanks for offering the suggestion.
> > 
> > The only bummer with this setup is that not all audio calls (that don't
> > use /dev/dsp directly) starts the esd process automatically.  I don't
> > hear the general Gnome event sounds anymore, for instance, and I'm
> > assuming that this is because esd is no longer running in the
> > background and, apparently, they don't start the esd process on their
> > own.  Some people would likely say "good" to this.  I kinda miss 'em.
> > A very minor complaint.  I'm happier to have Flash working :)
> Something seems to be different about your system, since my esd
> process doesn't exit, but simply closes its connection to /dev/dsp.
> It sounds like you might be using the '-terminate' option.  If you
> are, try it without it, but still with the '-as' option.  Of course,
> just because it satisfies my needs doesn't mean that it will satify
> yours.
> -- 
> Carl Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I tried taking "-terminate" out of my esd.conf.  I logged out and
back in.  Indeed esd was started by Gnome (as I have sound for Gnome
enabled) and without the "-terminate" argument but Flash would not play
correctly in a browser until I killed the esd process.  Once I killed
the process, I could play Flash and applications like xmms would start
their own esd process for sound but system/event sounds (from Gnome
and such) could no longer be heard.


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-08-05 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Karl E. Jorgensen--
> On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 02:49:24PM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, I tried taking "-terminate" out of my esd.conf.  I logged out and
> > back in.  Indeed esd was started by Gnome (as I have sound for Gnome
> > enabled) and without the "-terminate" argument but Flash would not play
> > correctly in a browser until I killed the esd process.  
> Have you tried
> $ esdctl off
> ?  That should have the effect of making esd "shut up", and free up
> /dev/dsp (might still need -as on esdctl though
> $ esdctl on
> should "unmute" esd again...
> > Once I killed
> > the process, I could play Flash and applications like xmms would start
> > their own esd process for sound but system/event sounds (from Gnome
> > and such) could no longer be heard.
> Because you killed the original esd, which the gnome panel (and others)
> were connected to...

You are completely right.  The real point I meant to make, rather, is
that running esd without the "-terminate" commandline option did not
allow non-esd applications to access /dev/dsp while esd was running and
when esd apps where not being run (at least not in my case which
admittedly seems to be a bit odd compared to others).  My message was a
response to Carl Johnson's message in this thread on July 23rd.  If I
understood him correctly, he was suggesting that removing the
"-terminate" commandline option for esd would allow esd to continue
running while unlocking the /dev/dsp when not being directly used by
esd (by an esd app, I suppose).  Yet, I didn't find this to be true in
my case.  Even when I removed the -terminate option when running esd
(thus esd continued to run) I could not use a non-esd audio
application, such as Flash appears to be.  Apparently, such non-esd
apps were still not allowed to access /dev/dsp while an esd process
(without the "-terminate" commandline option) was running.  The hope
was that the esd process started by Gnome (without the -terminate
option) would continue running (play event sounds) while releasing
/dev/dsp when not being directly used by an esd app so that non-esd
apps (like Flash) could also access /dev/dsp.  Yet in my case, I
couldn't successfully play Flash from a web browser until the esd
process was entirely killed (and, thus, no more event sounds).


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

installing new kernel packages

2004-01-07 Thread Paul Yeatman
I'm curious what are other peoples' practices when installing a new
kernel package for a kernel version already installed (and the one you
are likely already booted to).  The new package may be for the same
kernel version but for a different release(?) of that version as with
the newly released package(s) for kernel-image-2.4.18-1-*.  When one
attempts this, s/he is confronted with an alarming message that is not
very clear.  Because of this, I play it very safe and usually boot to a
different kernel version, 'rm -rf' the /lib/modules of the kernel I'm
replacing and then install the new package before booting back into the
kernel of the new package.  I'm questioning whether this is really
necessary.  I know that with Red Hat, new kernel packages are simply
installed, no questions asked (if they are not on the "packages to
skip" list).

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gnome 2.6 and keybindings

2004-06-15 Thread Paul Yeatman

sorry for such a basic question but can't seem to find (what seems
should be) a quick answer.

How do I switch key bindings in Gnome 2.6 (for Sarge)?  I like to
switch Caps Lock and Control and have done this for the console
but it gets unswitched when Gnome (gdm) is started.  How do I
switch it within Gnome, too?


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome 2.6 and keybindings

2004-06-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
I've checked this 10 or so times.  I must be missing something.  How do
I remap the keys?  When I go to Applications/Desktop Preferences/Keyboard,
a window labeled "Keyboard Preferences" emerges.  There are two tabs,
"Keyboard" and "Typing Break".  Neither seem to offer key remapping.
Clicking "Accessibility" didn't do much for me either.

Am I being an idiot and missing something here :)


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Patrick Lane--
> Menu/Applications/Desktop Preferences/Keyboard
> On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 14:02, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > sorry for such a basic question but can't seem to find (what seems
> > should be) a quick answer.
> > 
> > How do I switch key bindings in Gnome 2.6 (for Sarge)?  I like to
> > switch Caps Lock and Control and have done this for the console
> > but it gets unswitched when Gnome (gdm) is started.  How do I
> > switch it within Gnome, too?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > -- 
> > Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  ==
> >  ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
> >  ======
> > 
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome 2.6 and keybindings

2004-06-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
Thanks!  I'm using Sarge and I only have two tabs in the "keyboard
preferences" window.  Thus still not sure how to remap my keys.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Nicholas Lativy--
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 02:38:42PM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > I've checked this 10 or so times.  I must be missing something.  How do
> > I remap the keys?  When I go to Applications/Desktop Preferences/Keyboard,
> > a window labeled "Keyboard Preferences" emerges.  There are two tabs,
> > "Keyboard" and "Typing Break".  Neither seem to offer key remapping.
> Very strange I have 4 tabs in the "Keyboard Prefernces" window, one of
> which is "Layout Options" and under this several keys can be swapped
> around etc. I'm running Sid BTW.
> -- 
> Nicholas Lativy

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome 2.6 and keybindings

2004-06-15 Thread Paul Yeatman
Those are great, thank! I may try the first and I completely
forgot about the second.  You reminded me that this is how
I used to do this in the past.  Thanks!


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corsetti Dutra--
> Em Tue, 15 Jun 2004 23:10:22 +0200, Paul Yeatman escreveu:
> > I like to switch Caps Lock and Control and have done this for the
> > console but it gets unswitched when Gnome (gdm) is started.
>   You have at least four options:
>   You can disable the XKB extension of X so that it uses the
> same keyboard map as the console does.
>   You can use Option  "XkbOptions""ctrl:swapcaps" in
> /etc/X11/XF86Config or something the like.
>   You can use an ~/.xmodmap file, probably created with
> xkeycaps.
>   You can use the Gnome 2.6 Control Panel.
>   I would prefer the first, but as I never got around
> configuring my console as I wish I ended up with the second.  I think
> the fourth sucks, and I use the third too for both user-specific – as
> opposed to system-wide – configurations and for fancy AltGr
> characters.
> -- 
> Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra   +55 (11) 5685 2219
> Av Sgto Geraldo Santana, 1100 6/71[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 04.674-000  São Paulo, SPBRASIL
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany) (SOLVED!)

2004-08-11 Thread Paul Yeatman
SOLUTION: On my system to get Flash to play, the esd process needs to
be running with the "-as" argument (set to 5 in my case) and the dsp
wrapper value for Mozilla (or Firefox) needs to be "none" (as can
be set by 'dpkg-reconfigure mozilla').

I finally found a config that I'm really happy with and want to share
it should it help anyone else.

Thanks for everyone's replies and help in this thread.

The first problem was that Flash would not play and would even crash my
browser.  I eventually found out that killing any esd processes would
allow Flash to play.  Cool!  I was fairly happy with this solution
being only disappointed in that, when killing the esd process(es), I
would no long get any Gnome/system event sounds.  The solution I'm
currently using gives me it all, baby! :)

Again, I'm running Sarge and using Gnome with esd for sound.  So here's
the deal.  Before I login with gdm, I have to start esd myself with the
"-as" argument (with a value of 5 in my case) and with no "-terminate"
argument (thanks Carl!).  If I let Gnome start esd for me upon
login, it won't use the "-as" argument (anyone know how to change
this?).  Now I can log in to Gnome with gdm.  The Gnome "sound server"
will use the existing esd process so I get event sounds (and with no
esd "-terminate" argument nor needing to kill esd to play Flash, I
continue to get them).  Audio apps work as expected and as long as I
have the dsp wrapper value for Mozilla and Firefox set to "none"
(instead of "auto" or "esddsp"), Flash works!  This seems to be how it
should have been all along.  I think the real problem is that the whole
dsp wrapper thing (asked by debconf with Mozilla or Firefox
installation) doesn't work.  If this worked as I believe it is supposed
to, I don't think this ever would have been an issue.  As I believe it
doesn't work, I have to use "-as" with esd and no dsp wrapper with
Mozilla as a work around.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Paul Yeatman--
> Hi, so it appears that I cannot successfully play flash with my web
> browser anymore.  This has begun since I upgraded to sarge.  Mozilla
> (and firefox) using flashplugin-nonfree freezes when I go to common
> flash sites.  The entire browser is then hosed until the processes are
> killed from another window.  I bet I'm explaining something all too
> familiar for some (many?) of you, I'm guessing.  Used to work fine
> with Mozilla before upgrading.  I've experienced the same thing on
> a completely different computer running Red Hat 8.  I'm not seeing much
> discussion about it, however.  So, maybe I'm either wrong, need to
> accept it just doesn't work or am really behind in the
> discussion/solution :)
> Epiphany plays flash just fine.  But just doesn't play the soundtrack.
> My flash life is really in the junk yard right now.  Please save
> me from jumping to Windows just to see
> Any help?  Thanks.
> -- 
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    ==
>==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCL only printer

2004-02-25 Thread Paul Yeatman

> Do you have the hpijs package installed?

Yes.  I was [mindlessly?] following the documentation for 'gs' first
telling me where to get the source code for hpijs.  I retrieved it,
built it, installed it, tried it but no dice.  When you asked this
question, I realized there is likely a Debian package for hpijs . . .
which there is! :)  So I uninstalled the one I built in /usr/local and
installed the Debian package instead.  Still no dice, however.  I call
hpijs using the following line in the printcap (using lprng and ifhp):


Hpijs clearly seems to provide a driver for an HP deskjet 932C but I
still can't get it to work as a postscript printer yet.  By the way,
when I try the 'gs -sDEVICE=hpijs' command with Debian's
packaging of hpijs, I get the same error message given in my initial

> > of that "another job has [/dev/lpi] open".  First off, what is
> > /dev/lpi?  This didn't exist for me so I made it a link to /dev/lp0 to
> > try to cover my bases.  Still no success.
> I think the "i" must refer to a subscript as in lp[i], i={0,1,2..}


> BTW I usually struggle through the printing stuff too (no guru here).

Well, thanks so much for the response.  I appreciate any ideas/help I
can get.


> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCL only printer

2004-02-25 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Vineet Kumar--
> * Jack Carroll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040219 19:02]:
> > As far as I could tell, the only file that needed to be configured
> > after installing lpd was /etc/printcap.  Unfortunately, there's some stuff
> > in there that isn't well-documented, so I had to let printtool do the job. 
> > You could probably download it from Red Hat, or there might even be a .deb
> > for all I know.
> Yup; it's called lprngtool.

Thanks.  I gave this a shot to configure the local HP deskjet 932C.  It
doesn't seem to do anything particular concerning a PCL only printer
and, with no real surprise, fails just the same as the printcap I've
come up with on my own.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCL only printer

2004-02-25 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Ralph Katz--
> As an end user, I found much confusion in setting up my printer.  This 
> page will reassure you that your printer is good for linux, but you may 
> only need to do apt-get install hpijs cups  to get it running.
> >HP DeskJet 932C
> >Color inkjet printer, max. 2400x1200 dpi, works Perfectly
> >Recommended driver: hpijs 
> >Setup instructions for: CUPS, LPD, LPRng, GNUlpr, PPR, PDQ, no spooler
> The page also has debian specific suggestions.  Good luck!

Great.  Thanks for the hope!  I could try to convert to CUPS although
I've never used it.  I'm currently using LPRng.  I'll take a look at
the page and see if I can get it to work with my current software which
appears to be supported.  If I can't get anywhere with that, I'll see
what CUPS can do for me.

Thanks so much for the suggested web site,


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCL only printer

2004-02-25 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from CW Harris--
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 03:03:24PM -0800, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > installed the Debian package instead.  Still no dice, however.  I call
> > hpijs using the following line in the printcap (using lprng and ifhp):
> > 
> > :ifhp=pcl_ps,hpijs
> > 
> > Hpijs clearly seems to provide a driver for an HP deskjet 932C but I
> > still can't get it to work as a postscript printer yet.  By the way,
> > when I try the 'gs -sDEVICE=hpijs' command with Debian's
> > packaging of hpijs, I get the same error message given in my initial
> > message.
> Take another look at the /usr/share/doc/hpijs/hpijs_readme.html
> Specifically,
> 4. Now run the gs -h command, you should see the ijs device name.
> I haven't used ifhp, but perhaps all you need is to use the "ijs" driver
> (it is /not/ called hpijs).

Actually on mine it is.  And my hpijs doc is only in /usr/doc.  Sounds
like you might be using a version of Debian other than stable.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PCL only printer

2004-02-27 Thread Paul Yeatman
You rock the linux/DeskJet 932C world!  I don't care what you say
about your scripting skills!  :)

That's mostly initial excitement over the fact that this is the first
time I sent a print job to my 932C and got what I hoped instead of
"%!PS-Adobe-1.0 . . . ".

This doesn't mean I'm completely in the clear, however, but oh so much
closer than 30 minutes ago when I was downloading foomatic-bin and
libwww- perl and etc. and then running 'foomatic-configure' only to
find out it doesn't support 932C's (at least not with the stable

The main problem now is that almost everything prints in red or shades
of red.  When postscripts were not printing correctly before, what was
being printed was in black.  Now what should be black prints as red.
Not sure if this is due to earlier versions of software than
you are using.  I am using the (stable) versions of the following

hpijs  1.0.4-1
gs 6.53-3

Along that line, I haven't been able to figure out from the HP page yet
how to print a test page from the printer itself so that I can see what
colors are correctly printing.  One doc I read said to hold the power
button while hitting cancel twice to clean the heads.  It said after
the cleaning it would print one page to give the results.  The cleaning
appears to happen but no page is ever printed.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Marc Wilson--
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 02:20:28PM -0800, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, I recently inherited an HP Deskjet 932C printer.  Apparently this
> > only uses the PCL printer language.  As I need to be able to print
> > postscript for this to be of much use to me, I've been struggling to
> > make this happen.
> I love my 932C.  Works great.  Cartridges are a little expensive, like all
> HP inkjets, but it prints well.
> Well, ifhp is smart enough to use ghostscript in order to get from
> PostScript to PCL when it has to, but I don't think it can do what you want
> directly.  It has to be aware that it should be producing the color
> superset of PCL 3 that the 932C speaks, and I'm not sure it can.  I beat on
> it for a while, then gave up and wrote a shell script to support the 932C.
> I reproduce it below.
> *
> /etc/printcap:
> *
> # /etc/printcap
> #   for rei
> # the simplest solutions are the best... no apsfilter, no magicfilter,
> # just ifhp and one, count 'em, ONE shell script for talking to the
> # deskjets.
> # whyinhell do people mess with all the other crap?
> lp|laser|pro630|LaserWriter:
> :ifhp=model=apple,letter,status@
> :filter=/usr/lib/ifhp/ifhp
> :lp=jetdirect2%9100
> :mx#0
> :sh
> :rg=printers
> dj932c|DeskJet_932C_Color:
> :lp=/dev/usb/lp0
> :if=/usr/local/bin/deskjetfilter 932
> :mx#0
> :sh
> :rg=printers
> dj1120c|DeskJet_1120C_Color:
> :lp=jetdirect1%9100
> :if=/usr/local/bin/deskjetfilter 1120
> :mx#0
> :sh
> :rg=printers
> # below here are special-purpose printers
> pdf|pdfwriter|PDF_Writer
> :lp=/dev/null
> :if=/usr/local/bin/pdffilter
> :mx#0
> :sh
> :rg=printers
> # end of /etc/printcap
> # $Id: printcap,v 1.8 2004/02/24 06:34:18 root Exp root $
> *
> /usr/local/bin/deskjetfilter
> *
> #!/bin/bash
> # deskjetfilter - take in postscript, output PCL via GhostScript/HPIJS
> # Marc Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> # uncomment the following line to enable entirely too much output...
> #DEBUG=yes
> GS='/usr/bin/gs'
> HPIJS='/usr/bin/hpijs'
> # I'd like to run them both at 600 dpi, but the 1120C weirds out
> # so set it for the 932C specifically down below...
> # GSOPTS='-q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sBATCH -r600x600'
> IJSOPTS1='-sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dIjsUseOutputFD 
> -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD"'
> IJSOPTS2='-sDeviceModel="DESKJET 1120"'
> LOGGER='/usr/bin/logger'
> ENSCRIPT='/usr/bin/enscript'
> ENSCRIPTOPTS='-Bh -M letter -p -'
> FACILITY="lpr.debug"
> TEMPORARY=`mktemp /tmp/deskjet_`
> if [ ! -x "$GS" ] || [ ! -x "$HPIJS" ]; then exit 1 ; fi
> case "$1" in
> 932)
> if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then $LOGGER -p $FACILITY "deskjetfilter: Specified printer 
> is 932C" ; fi
> # 932C is a PITA, you get crap unless you push it into Photo mode
> IJSOPTS2='-sDeviceModel="DESK

Re: PCL only printer

2004-03-01 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Marc Wilson--
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 12:39:23PM -0800, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > The main problem now is that almost everything prints in red or shades
> > of red.  When postscripts were not printing correctly before, what was
> > being printed was in black.  Now what should be black prints as red.
> Yes, I've seen that before.  For me, that's what happens if I ask the 932C
> to print in less than Photo mode... darks come out very red while lighter
> colors seem to be fine.  That's why the script explicitly sets the quality
> when printing to the 932C vs the 1120C.

Well, in waiting for a reply about this, I decided to work more with
the stable packages which I had already downloaded:  foomatic-bin,
hpijs and packages on which they depend/recommend.  Foomatic-bin didn't
support my exact printer exactly so I decided to try to use as close a
DeskJet ###C xml file as possible (not knowing if it really works this
way but seems reasonable).  Using the xml file from foomatic-bin for an
HP DeskJet 920C seems to work fine, normal colors and all.  If there is
any consequence of not using the exact printer file from foomatic-bin
for my printer, I don't know what it would be yet.

My printcap entry for the HP 932C (or HP 920C, however you look at it),
once the appropriate stable packages are installed and using
foomatic-configure to make the entry, ended up looking like this:

# Entry edited Fri Feb 27 13:04:23 2004 by foomatic-configure.
# Additional configuration atop /etc/foomatic/lpd/jelly.lom
:cm=desktop printer -- HP DeskJet 920C
:filter_options= --lprng $J $Z /etc/foomatic/lpd/jelly.lom:\

> > Not sure if this is due to earlier versions of software than
> > you are using.  I am using the (stable) versions of the following
> > 
> > hpijs  1.0.4-1
> > gs 6.53-3
> ii  hpijs  1.5-1  HP Inkjet Server - Ghostscript driver for HP
> ii  gs 7.07-1 The Ghostscript Postscript interpreter
> I don't know what the capabilities of hpijs 1.0.4 are, but it's VERY dated.
> The 1.5 version should be easy enough to build, if you feel the need.  You
> can probably build both of them from source on a Woody box... hpijs only
> deps on debhelper, and gs itself isn't much more extensive.  *Other* things
> dep on gs, though, so make sure you know what you're doing if you're going
> to build that.

I looked into building things myself but thought I'd try the above
first and since this seems to work I am happy with that for now.  The
first thing I ran into from trying to build Debian packages using
the testing source code was that things depended on "po-debconf" which
doesn't exist at all in Woody.  Not that this couldn't be built too but
it was enough to make me consider whether it was worth it and if I was
going to end up being knee deep in building packages just to get newer
versions of hpijs, foomatic-bin and/or gs.

> > Along that line, I haven't been able to figure out from the HP page yet
> > how to print a test page from the printer itself so that I can see what
> > colors are correctly printing.
> Press and hold the Page Eject while the printer is turned on.  Let go after
> it loads a page.

Great to know.

Thanks and thanks for all the help in general, particularly,
encouragement that things could work using Debian and the new printer.


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PPD files

2004-03-16 Thread Paul Yeatman

I'm trying to figure out exactly what the PPD file thing is about.
This is new to me.  I remember way back when, either when
upgrading to Woody or sometime thereafter, some software (my best
guess is the defoma package) got installed that had a debconf
window that explicitely encouraged something about getting the PPD
files for any printers used.  I had no idea what these were at the
time and, as printing seemed to work fine, I left things alone.
Now I'm getting more exposed to printing and PPD files and am
again wondering what all this is about.  If I remember correctly, the
debconf message added that a program/command was to run once the
correct PPD file(s) were acquired.  I tried running 'dpkg-reconfigure
defoma' but apparently there is no debconf interaction with this
package.  Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PPD files

2004-03-16 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > I'm trying to figure out exactly what the PPD file thing is about.
> Hi Paul,
> These files define the capabilities of a printer. You can download the
> appropriate ppd file from or (sometimes) from the
> vendor's site. They are just plain text files, so if you want to know
> what's in them just fire up vim and take a look. One of the packages
> using ppd files is cups, might that be the one you're thinking about?
> Grx HdV

Yes, I've definitely noticed the correlation between CUPS and PPD
files but I don't have CUPS installed on any of my machines.

Thanks for the explanation of PPD files yet I should have been more
explicit.  I realize a PPD file provides information regarding
Postscript commands/capabilities? of a particular printer but, I
guess, my question is more . . . how, when and why would one use it?
And what package could it have been that encouraged me to provide PPD
files (knowing I don't have CUPS installed I'm assuming it is a common
Debian package)?

I currently use lprng with the ifhp package (hp print filters) for
printing.  I noticed recently when trying to get a PCL only
printer working that the foomatic config script put a line
":ppdfile=" in the printcap.  Is there any advantage with using
this with my "ordinary" entries (or is this essentially what the
ifhp filter is doing through another means)?

Yesterday, I found a package called "hp-ppd".  I installed this (not
knowing exactly what it was getting me) and apparently it provides PPD
files for HP printers.  But then what . . .  unless you use the
"ppdfile=" entry in printcap but . . . what does that get you?  I also
noticed a package called "lpr-ppd".  How does this compare with lprng
and when/why would one choose to use this for his print spooler?  This
is more along the line of my inquiry(ies).


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PPD files

2004-03-19 Thread Paul Yeatman
In cleaning up my desk, I ran across a sheet of old notes that
somewhat answers my own question.  'defoma-psfont-installer' is
the command I was trying to recall that requested PPD files.
Still not sure what this is all about, however.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Paul Yeatman--
> ->>In response to your message<<-
>   --received from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm trying to figure out exactly what the PPD file thing is about.
> > 
> > Hi Paul,
> > 
> > These files define the capabilities of a printer. You can download the
> > appropriate ppd file from or (sometimes) from the
> > vendor's site. They are just plain text files, so if you want to know
> > what's in them just fire up vim and take a look. One of the packages
> > using ppd files is cups, might that be the one you're thinking about?
> > 
> > Grx HdV
> Yes, I've definitely noticed the correlation between CUPS and PPD
> files but I don't have CUPS installed on any of my machines.
> Thanks for the explanation of PPD files yet I should have been more
> explicit.  I realize a PPD file provides information regarding
> Postscript commands/capabilities? of a particular printer but, I
> guess, my question is more . . . how, when and why would one use it?
> And what package could it have been that encouraged me to provide PPD
> files (knowing I don't have CUPS installed I'm assuming it is a common
> Debian package)?
> I currently use lprng with the ifhp package (hp print filters) for
> printing.  I noticed recently when trying to get a PCL only
> printer working that the foomatic config script put a line
> ":ppdfile=" in the printcap.  Is there any advantage with using
> this with my "ordinary" entries (or is this essentially what the
> ifhp filter is doing through another means)?
> Yesterday, I found a package called "hp-ppd".  I installed this (not
> knowing exactly what it was getting me) and apparently it provides PPD
> files for HP printers.  But then what . . .  unless you use the
> "ppdfile=" entry in printcap but . . . what does that get you?  I also
> noticed a package called "lpr-ppd".  How does this compare with lprng
> and when/why would one choose to use this for his print spooler?  This
> is more along the line of my inquiry(ies).
> Paul
> -- 
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

package search

2004-03-22 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, is it possible to search for more than one word with the
online Debian package search (for searching package descriptions)?
If so, I wasn't able to figure out how.

Bonus question (and the reason I'm trying to search for more than
one word in Debian package descriptions): is there any tool that
someone knows of to convert a PDF to an image.  According to one of
the users here, the Windows version of acroreader has this option
but it doesn't appear that the linux version does.



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PCL only printer

2004-02-19 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I recently inherited an HP Deskjet 932C printer.  Apparently this
only uses the PCL printer language.  As I need to be able to print
postscript for this to be of much use to me, I've been struggling to
make this happen.

I'm running stable Debian using lprng and ifhp as printer software.
According to ifhp documentation, I need to us ghostscript to convert a
postscript to (I suppose) PCL so that it can be printed on a printer
like mine.  Ultimately, this can be setup in the ifhp config file but
I'm trying to successfully show that I can do this with ghostscript,
'gs', alone first.

This is where I am stopped (I can't get it to work with ifhp right off
the bat so I'm going one step at a time: get it to work with 'gs'
first).  According to 'man gs', I should be able to run something like
'gs -sDEVICE=hpijs' to have print directly to the
printer for which "hpijs" is a driver.  Having experimented with many
drivers, one of which should definitely work with my printer, I
continue to get:

GNU Ghostscript 6.53 (2002-02-13)
Copyright (C) 2002 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA. All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file COPYING for details.
Error: /invalidfileaccess in --.outputpage--

If I look up this error in the gs documentation, it seems to address
it perfectly:

"Since /dev/lpi can be opened only for exclusive use, if
another job has it open (engine_ctl_sparc or another
Ghostscript are the most likely candidates), Ghostscript stops
with "Error: /invalidfileaccess in --.outputpage--"

In case of common printer problems like being out of paper, a
warning describing the reason is printed to stdout. The driver
tries access again each five seconds. Due to a problem with the
device driver (in the kernel) the reason for printer failure
isn't always reported correctly to the program. This is the
case, for instance, if you open the top cover (error E5 on the
printer's display). Look at the display on the printer itself
if a "Printer problem with unknown reason" is reported. Fatal
errors cause the print job to be terminated."

The only problem is that my printer is sitting there ready (it has no
problem printing a simple text file) and there is no reason I can think
of that "another job has [/dev/lpi] open".  First off, what is
/dev/lpi?  This didn't exist for me so I made it a link to /dev/lp0 to
try to cover my bases.  Still no success.

I get the same result with any reasonable driver name I try with 'gs'.
Any help?


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

apache2 memory footprint

2006-12-05 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I've recently noticed that two of the four apache2 processes I have
running are consuming about 240Mb of memory each.  I'm not doing
anything fancy.  A very basic, default web server.  I'm running Etch
which is using apache 2.2.3-3.1.  I remember that new apache2 packages
were recently released and I don't remember apache2 using this much
memory previously.  I tried stopping the apache service and restarting
it should something have been awry.  I am seeing tthe same memory usage,
however, since restarting.  Is anyone else getting this?


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apache2 memory footprint

2006-12-06 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Roberto C. Sanchez--
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 10:42:35AM -0800, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, I've recently noticed that two of the four apache2 processes I have
> > running are consuming about 240Mb of memory each.  I'm not doing
> > anything fancy.  A very basic, default web server.  I'm running Etch
> > which is using apache 2.2.3-3.1.  I remember that new apache2 packages
> > were recently released and I don't remember apache2 using this much
> > memory previously.  I tried stopping the apache service and restarting
> > it should something have been awry.  I am seeing tthe same memory usage,
> > however, since restarting.  Is anyone else getting this?
> > 
> What modules are loaded?  Are you using mod_rewrite?  If so, are your
> rules correct?  It is very easy to get mod_rewrite rules mixed up to the
> point of having the server process chew up lots of memory.

Thanks Robert!  I've virtually performed no customizations other than
commenting out "RedirectMatch ^/$ /apache2-default/" in
/etc/apache2/sites-available/default.  It says that it "still [has] /
go to the right place" but this doesn't always seem to be the case for
me.  Other than that, it is pretty much right out of the box.  I assume
the modules loaded are the ones in

# ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
alias.loadauthz_user.load  mime.load status.load
auth_basic.load   autoindex.load   mod_python.load   userdir.conf
authn_file.load   cgid.confnegotiation.load  userdir.load
    authz_groupfile.load  dir.load perl.load
authz_host.load   env.load setenvif.load

Thanks again,


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dist-upgrade removing current kernel

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I did some searching on this in the archive and found some stuff
but nothing that fully satisfies me.  When a new minor 2.6 kernel
revision, 2.6.17, was available for Etch, an "aptitude dist-upgrade"
wanted to install this new kernel AND remove my 2.6.16 kernel revision
(which understandably was my most recent kernel version and the one I
was currently booted to).  I tried a few things to get aptitude to just
leave my 2.6.16 kernel alone such as

aptitude hold linux-image-2.6.16-2-k7

but a "dist-upgrade" seemed to ignore/override this.  When I couldn't
come up with a quick way to have it leave my 2.6.16 kernel alone, I
eventually booted to a different kernel revision and let 'aptitude
dist-upgrade' do as it wanted, ie. uninstall my 2.6.16 kernel revision.
Now, I'm experiencing the identical situation with the recently
released 2.6.18 kernel revision for Etch.  I'm perfectly happy with the
package manager leaving my currently installed kernels alone while
simultaneously adding newer kernel versions and releases.  If I want to
remove old kernels at some point, I'll do so explicitely.  Anyone have
any ideas for me?



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dist-upgrade removing current kernel

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Andrew Sackville-West--
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 11:24:44AM -0800, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> >  I'm perfectly happy with the
> > package manager leaving my currently installed kernels alone while
> > simultaneously adding newer kernel versions and releases.  If I want to
> > remove old kernels at some point, I'll do so explicitely.  Anyone have
> > any ideas for me?
> there are many ways to do this, but the most intuitive to me is to use
> aptitude in the interactive mode and go to each of the currently
> installed kernels. you will see them tagged with an 'A' indicating
> that is was automatically installed to satisfy some dependency (in the
> case of kernels, you have probably installed a kernel meta-package
> which depends on the latest kernel image. as a new kernel image is
> released, of course, that dependency shifts to the new image and the
> 'A' kernels are marked for deletion.) So us 'm' to mark them as
> manually installed instead of automatically installed. Aptitude will
> then keep the package for you. this will come up with each new kernel
> image. 
> Others will likely show you some slick, automatic way to do this, but
> that's how I do it.

Yes, that is perfect and makes total sense.  Thanks!

I knew this shouldn't be hard but just couldn't come up with a solution.  I
was also trying to figure out why it was removing the latest kernel but
leaving ones I had previously installed (manually) alone.  I understand



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

test for package dependencies without installing

2009-02-13 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I'm wondering if there is a command I can run on a debian package that 
would test for whether all dependencies of that package are already installed 
on the system without actually installing the package if so.  This mailing list 
thread is on the 
exact topic and many suggestions are thrown out but none of which I can prove 

So, let's say I want to install texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb.

$ dpkg -I texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb | grep Depend
 Depends: texlive-doc-base (>= 2007), texlive-base-bin (>= 2007-13), 
texlive-common (>= 2007)

I don't have any of these dependency packages installed

$ sudo dpkg -i texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb 
(Reading database ... 138033 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace texlive-base 2007.dfsg.1-2 (using 
texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement texlive-base ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of texlive-base:
 texlive-base depends on texlive-doc-base (>= 2007); however:
  Package texlive-doc-base is not installed.
 texlive-base depends on texlive-base-bin (>= 2007-13); however:
  Package texlive-base-bin is not installed.
 texlive-base depends on texlive-common (>= 2007); however:
  Package texlive-common is not installed.
dpkg: error processing texlive-base (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Is there a script-friendly way to determine this before attempting to install?  
dpkg man page suggests that "--no-act, --dry-run, --simulate" should do this 

$ sudo dpkg -i --no-act texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb (Reading database 
... 138033 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace texlive-base 2007.dfsg.1-2 (using 
texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb) ...
$ echo $?

tells me nothing about lacking dependencies.  The point of this is for the 
purpose of an install script that includes such a package.  If there are 
dependency issues, I want to point that out right at the beginning of the 
install.  If there are not, I want to proceed but want to perform the package 
install later in the game.


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Re: test for package dependencies without installing

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Jimmy Johnson--
> Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, I'm wondering if there is a command I can run on a debian package 
> that would test for whether all dependencies of that package are already 
> installed on the system without actually installing the package if so. 
> This mailing list thread 
> is on the 
> exact topic and many suggestions are thrown out but none of which I can 
> prove true.
> >
> >
> > Is there a script-friendly way to determine this before attempting to 
> install?  dpkg man page suggests that "--no-act, --dry-run, --simulate" 
> should do this yet
> > $ sudo dpkg -i --no-act texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb (Reading 
> database ... 138033 files and directories currently installed.)
> > Preparing to replace texlive-base 2007.dfsg.1-2 (using 
> texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb) ...
> > $ echo $?
> > 0
> >
> > tells me nothing about lacking dependencies.  The point of this is 
> for the purpose of an install script that includes such a package.  If 
> there are dependency issues, I want to point that out right at the 
> beginning of the install.  If there are not, I want to proceed but want 
> to perform the package install later in the game.
> >
> > Thanks!
> Sounds like you may want to use # apt-get -u install, here's an example:
> # apt-get -u install lilo
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> The following extra packages will be installed:
> cron debconf exim libident libopenldap-runtime libopenldap1 libpcre2 
> logrotate mailx
> The following packages will be REMOVED:
> debconf-tiny
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
> cron debconf exim libident libopenldap-runtime libopenldap1 libpcre2 
> logrotate mailx
> The following packages will be upgraded
> lilo
> 1 packages upgraded, 9 newly installed, 1 to remove and 31 not upgraded.
> Need to get 225kB/1179kB of archives. After unpacking 2659kB will be used.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

Thanks for the suggestion.  It's not as script-friendly as I'd like but
the real problem is that this is using the package manager.  I want to
perform the test on an arbitrary debian package file that may or may
not be found on the mirrors.


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Re: test for package dependencies without installing

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Chris Burkhardt--
> Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, I'm wondering if there is a command I can run on a debian package that 
> > would test for whether all dependencies of that package are already 
> > installed on the system without actually installing the package if so.  
> > This mailing list thread 
> > is on the exact 
> > topic and many suggestions are thrown out but none of which I can prove 
> > true.
> > 
> > 
> > Is there a script-friendly way to determine this before attempting to 
> > install?  dpkg man page suggests that "--no-act, --dry-run, --simulate" 
> > should do this yet 
> > 
> > $ sudo dpkg -i --no-act texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb (Reading 
> > database ... 138033 files and directories currently installed.)
> > Preparing to replace texlive-base 2007.dfsg.1-2 (using 
> > texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb) ...
> > $ echo $?
> > 0
> > 
> > tells me nothing about lacking dependencies.
> There is a note in the man page about putting the --no-act flag before the 
> action:
> $ sudo dpkg --no-act -i texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb
> Does that make it behave as expected?

I wish but sadly no:

$ sudo dpkg --no-act -i texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb
Selecting previously deselected package texlive-base.
(Reading database ... 150341 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking texlive-base (from texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb) ...

...but I didn't catch that so thanks for pointing out!


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Re: test for package dependencies without installing

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Michael M. Moore--
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Paul Yeatman  wrote:
> > Hi, I'm wondering if there is a command I can run on a debian
> > package that would test for whether all dependencies of that package
> > are already installed on the system without actually installing the
> > package if so.  This mailing list thread
> > is on the
> > exact topic and many suggestions are thrown out but none of which I can
> > prove true.

> You can simply look at the package detail in aptitude's ncurses
> interface and see at a glance which dependencies you already have
> installed (also, which recommends and suggests).
> Michael M.

Thanks for the suggestion.  If you are speaking of the interface when
aptitude is run with no arguments, it's unfortunately not
script-friendly yet the real problem is that this is using the package
manager.  I want to perform the test on an arbitrary debian package
file that may or may not be found on the mirrors.


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Re: test for package dependencies without installing

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Yeatman

Paul Yeatman writes:
> > $ sudo dpkg -i --no-act texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb (Reading 
> > database ... 138033 files and directories currently installed.)
> > Preparing to replace texlive-base 2007.dfsg.1-2 (using 
> > texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb) ...
> > $ echo $?
> > 0
> > 
> > tells me nothing about lacking dependencies.

Apparently, this has been observed and noted for a long time (at least
since 2002) as these 3 merged bugs show.


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Re: test for package dependencies without installing

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Chris Burkhardt--
> Paul Yeatman wrote:
> [...]
> >> There is a note in the man page about putting the --no-act flag before the 
> >> action:
> >>
> >> $ sudo dpkg --no-act -i texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb
> >>
> >> Does that make it behave as expected?
> > 
> > I wish but sadly no:
> > 
> > $ sudo dpkg --no-act -i texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb
> > Selecting previously deselected package texlive-base.
> > (Reading database ... 150341 files and directories currently installed.)
> > Unpacking texlive-base (from texlive-base_2007.dfsg.1-2_all.deb) ...
> > pyeat...@pyeatman:~$ 
> > 
> > ...but I didn't catch that so thanks for pointing out!
> Hmm. Take a look at this bug (especially message #19):
> <>
> I guess a workaround for your script is to parse the 'Depends:' line from
> dpkg -I and test if each of those packages are installed.
> - Chris B

Yes, I had considered this idea myself but, given that apt-get,
aptitude, dpkg, etc. already perform this action, I wanted to tap into
this and not reinvent the wheel.  This doesn't seem possible at the
time, however.

Thanks again for the feedback and for pointing out the bug!

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Re: test for package dependencies without installing

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Yeatman

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Ink Bottle--
> I've found this little script around something
> I've heared about recently; it's a command dedicated
> to check dependencies.
> I don't know it it can be of some use.
> It's been hard to make it work (that's the bad part :)  ).
> $ export LANG=C; 2>/dev/null apt-cache show $(dpkg-query -l "*"|grep "ii"|cut 
> -d' ' -f3) $(dpkg-query -l "tetex-bin"|cut -d' ' -f3)|2>/dev/null 
> edos-debcheck -failures tetex-bin; 2>/dev/null apt-cache show $(dpkg-query -l 
> "*"|grep "ii"|cut -d' ' -f3) $(dpkg-query -l "tetex-bin"|cut -d' ' 
> -f3)|2>/dev/null edos-debcheck -explain tetex-bin
> tetex-bin (= 2007.dfsg.1-5): FAILED
> tetex-bin (= 2007.dfsg.1-5): FAILED
> The following constraints cannot be satisfied:
>   tetex-bin (= 2007.dfsg.1-5) depends on texlive (>= 2007-11) {NOT AVAILABLE}
> It is supposed to be fast at it (and probably other good properties).
> $ apt-cache show $(dpkg-query -l "*"|grep "ii"|cut -d' ' -f3) $(dpkg-query -l 
> "tetex-bin"|cut -d' ' -f3)
> The already installed packages, plus, the packages I want to install.
> If ever could be of some use.
> (man edos-debcheck)
> Ink Bottle

Thanks Ink Bottle.

Very interesting.  Never knew about edos-debcheck.

I see what you mean.  It is an unusual command and thus a bit of
challenge for me to understand and use.  Also, I'm not convinced that I
can run this on a debian package file, such as a debian package I
create and is not known by the package manager.

I think Chris' suggestion of dpkg -I is still my best option but I
appreciate all the ideas and will continue to look into them.

Thanks for the idea!


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mounting a RAID array

2002-04-10 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I recently installed a RAID controller on a pc and set up within
the controller's BIOS an array out of two disks using RAID level 1.
This all went well.  Then I booted the system.  The system sees the
two drives I RAID'd as individual IDE drives.  I'm completely new to
RAID and am having problems find documentation to answer my questions.
How do I mount the array (vs. either of the individual drives)?  Sorry,
this is a general linux question more than a Debian question but if
anyone has a quick answer for me, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.

Paul Yeatman  (858) 534-9896   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-05-23 Thread Paul Yeatman

I'm trying to compile some source code using 'apt-get' and it nearly
finishes before trying to execute "dh_help" which apparently I don't have
installed on my system and can't seem to locate which Debian package
supplies it.  Any help with this?  I couldn't find any help from the
list archives going back a year.

In general, is there a straightforward way to ever check which package
supplies a single command?

Paul Yeatman  (858) 534-9896   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dh_help

2002-05-23 Thread Paul Yeatman

excuse me, everyone.  I read it too quickly.  "dh_dhelp" is what 
is attempting to be executed and it is found in package "dhelp".

My question about the easiest way to find which package supplies
a certain command still stands if anyone has input on this.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dh_help

2002-05-24 Thread Paul Yeatman
Thanks for the help.  I like the 'auto-apt' solution although it
appears to be only available for Woody.  I can do a source build with
apt-get, however, for my Potato builds.  The problem with trying to
find a particular command using the Debian web site package search is
that the commands are not exhaustively listed in the package's
description (naturally).

Thanks, again,


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Colin Watson--
> On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 03:51:58PM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > excuse me, everyone.  I read it too quickly.  "dh_dhelp" is what 
> > is attempting to be executed and it is found in package "dhelp".
> > 
> > My question about the easiest way to find which package supplies
> > a certain command still stands if anyone has input on this.
> Install auto-apt, then 'sudo auto-apt update' and 'auto-apt search
> '. (Alternatively, s/auto-apt/apt-file/g.)
> -- 
> Colin Watson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Andy Saxena--
> On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 03:51:58PM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > excuse me, everyone.  I read it too quickly.  "dh_dhelp" is what 
> > is attempting to be executed and it is found in package "dhelp".
> > 
> > My question about the easiest way to find which package supplies
> > a certain command still stands if anyone has input on this.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  ==
> >  ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==
> >  ==
> > 
> If you have the package, which contains the command/file, installed, try
> $dpkg -S searchthisfile
> Otherwise, the debian website has a search facility to search through
> the contents of all packages.
> -Andy
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message is frozin

2002-06-18 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, a want to quickly check the list here to see if anyone knows anything
about the following.  I came in today and had 4 or 5 messages with subject
line "Message frozen" and contents as such:

Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Message frozen
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 04:02:05 -0700

Message 17KGkP-0001AK-01 has been frozen. The sender is <>.

The following address(es) have yet to be delivered:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: unknown local-part "deliver.pyeatman" in
+domain ""

When I check /var/log/exim/maillog, there are lots of "Message is frozen"
messages from multiple message ID's.  Each half hour, it complains about the
same set of messages.  For instance, if I grep for the message ID
of the above message in the maillog, a new "Message is frozen" message is
repeated each half hour:

2002-06-18 06:38:02 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 07:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 07:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 08:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 08:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 09:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 09:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 10:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
2002-06-18 10:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen

Anyone have any idea what is going on, what to do about it or how to
stop it?  Is it an attack?


Paul Yeatman  (858) 534-9896   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Message is frozin

2002-06-18 Thread Paul Yeatman
A, thanks so much for the help.  I had no idea what was going on.
The commands as offered helped me get one of the messages delivered
so that I could begin determining what was going on.  I crossed-mounted my
home directory from a Debian linux box to a Red Hat box.  This home
directory has a .forward which is an Exim filter file (used by Debian) but
completely not understood by sendmail on the Red Hat box.  Thus the

Thanks for the help!


On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 02:21:21PM -0400, Erik Mathisen wrote:
> I had this happen to me not too long ago.  What was happening to me
> someone was sending email to my system to an alias that was not
> properly configured.  What I did, a tail on the /var/log/exim/mainlog
> and found the message ID's that were frozen.  I then ran a :
> exim -M   .
> That causeed exim to try to deliver the messages again (in my case I
> fixed the alias, and it delivered a few messages then).  I then waited
> for exim to run through its queue again (I think it set a 15 minutes
> on my system.  Once it ran thru the queue again (you can use tail -f
> /var/log/exim/mainlog to watch it), I issued a :
> exim -Mrm 
> for all of the messages left frozen in the queue.  This cleared
> everything up, and I have not had any frozen messages since.  I
> believe there is an option to mail the frozen files to a user, but I
> can not remember the command.  Do a man exim if you are interested.
> I hope this helps,
> Erik
> -- 
> Erik Mathisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was walking down the street and all of a sudden the prescription for
> my eye-glasses ran out 
> --Steven Wright
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 11:07:13AM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi, a want to quickly check the list here to see if anyone knows anything
> > about the following.  I came in today and had 4 or 5 messages with subject
> > line "Message frozen" and contents as such:
> > 
> > Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > From: Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Message frozen
> > Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 04:02:05 -0700
> > 
> > Message 17KGkP-0001AK-01 has been frozen. The sender is <>.
> > 
> > The following address(es) have yet to be delivered:
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED]: unknown local-part "deliver.pyeatman" in
> > +domain ""
> > 
> > When I check /var/log/exim/maillog, there are lots of "Message is frozen"
> > messages from multiple message ID's.  Each half hour, it complains about the
> > same set of messages.  For instance, if I grep for the message ID
> > of the above message in the maillog, a new "Message is frozen" message is
> > repeated each half hour:
> > 
> > 2002-06-18 06:38:02 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 07:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 07:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 08:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 08:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 09:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 09:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 10:08:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 2002-06-18 10:38:01 17KGkP-0001AK-01 Message is frozen
> > 
> > Anyone have any idea what is going on, what to do about it or how to
> > stop it?  Is it an attack?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 

Paul Yeatman  (858) 534-9896   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

creating .deb from .dsc and .tar.gz

2002-06-24 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, due to the recent ssh security message, I'm in a new position
as far as compiling and creating a debian package out of source
code.  Given the location of the source code on the security
server, I don't see how I can list it as a deb-src in my sources.list
file.  I can however download the source code for ssh from the
security server and the accompanying .dsc file.  But then how do
I use these to create the debian package?


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: creating .deb from .dsc and .tar.gz

2002-06-24 Thread Paul Yeatman

How do I create a debian package out of the following?

openssh_3.3p1-0.0woody1.diff.gz  openssh_3.3p1.orig.tar.gz

Or where is this described?

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: creating .deb from .dsc and .tar.gz

2002-06-24 Thread Paul Yeatman
->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Colin Watson--
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 04:12:43PM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > How do I create a debian package out of the following?
> > 
> > openssh_3.3p1-0.0woody1.diff.gz  openssh_3.3p1.orig.tar.gz
> > 
> > Or where is this described?
> It's in the Debian FAQ:

Ah, an FAQ no doubt.  I thought I'd done more research than that.

Much thanks.

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

apt-get vs. dselect

2005-11-02 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi all.  I should maybe spend more time in the archives but just
looking for quick responses.

I assume others running Etch noticed the large amount of updates

When I run

apt-get update;apt-get -u dist-upgrade

I get a similar but different set of changes than if I use 'dselect'.

Just curious about this.  For instance, apt-get shows me

245 upgraded, 36 newly installed, 36 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

whereas dselect yields

231 upgraded, 26 newly installed, 49 to remove and 3 not upgraded.

I'm sure there may be as many opinions as colors in the rainbow but
can't help to wonder which is "better".



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apt-get vs. dselect

2005-11-02 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi and thanks for everyone's feedback and the suggestions/encouragement
to use aptitude.

I first learned dselect when starting with Debian several years ago.
Due to discussions like this, people tipped me off to apt-get and I
started making good use of that over the past couple years.  I've been
aware of aptitude for awhile and tried opening it a few times to see
what it is about but was never grabbed by it.  Due to this discussion
and Fred's link below, I went ahead and gave it a try (the commandline
version) to manage this large update.  The link clearly points out
advantages to aptitude so I'll have to give it more consideration.

Thanks everyone!


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Fred--
> On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 11:44 -0800, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> > Hi all.  I should maybe spend more time in the archives but just
> > looking for quick responses.
> > 
> > I assume others running Etch noticed the large amount of updates
> > today.
> > 
> > When I run
> > 
> > apt-get update;apt-get -u dist-upgrade
> > 
> > I get a similar but different set of changes than if I use 'dselect'.
> > 
> > Just curious about this.  For instance, apt-get shows me
> > 
> > 245 upgraded, 36 newly installed, 36 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
> > 
> > whereas dselect yields
> > 
> > 231 upgraded, 26 newly installed, 49 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
> > 
> > I'm sure there may be as many opinions as colors in the rainbow but
> > can't help to wonder which is "better".
> You can start making your own opinion by reading this message:
> Fred.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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