OT: netscape 4/libc6/128-bit encryption

1998-09-01 Thread Nick Cabatoff
I know this question belongs properly in the netscape forums, but they
seem pretty MS-Windows oriented.  I'm guessing many of you have had a
similar problem already (though I haven't seen anything recently on the

Netscape 4.06 with 128-bit encryption is only available from the
netscape web site after filling out forms giving your address, etc.
Unfortunately it's linked with libc5; for various reasons I won't go
into here this is unsatisfactory for us.

It is possible to get 4.06 linked with libc6 from the ftp site; however,
this is the export version which only has 40-bit encryption, and which
we'd prefer not to be stuck with.

Has anyone succeeded in downloading a 4.x/non-export release linked with

pvm package strangeness

1999-09-10 Thread Nick Cabatoff
This one's really got me stumped.  Here's the scenario:

Under slink/i386:

- user runs binaries linked to libpvm3
- suddently (as of this week), any calls made to that library result in a 
  segfault - even the example program provided with pvm do this
- this occurs on several different machines, none of which have
  undergone changes that I'm aware of
- reinstalling the package doesn't change anything

The wrinkle is that downloading building the package myself using

  apt-get source -b pvm

results in a package that, when installed, *does* work.  

It's the fact that things were working before which really confuses me...

Re: IMAP Interface

1999-09-14 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Sep 14, Stephen Kelly wrote:
> Does anyone know of an imap interface written in c or perl that can be
> incorporated into another application. eg opensource. I am working on a web
> based email client, but I want to use imap instead of pop3. This will
> initially run on a one of my debian servers, and will be concurrently
> developed for my Solaris 2.6 machines.

UW's c-client library is used by a great many clients already... plus
you can get it as a package (c-client-dev.)

> Any ideas? Anyone working on similar projects?

Lots of them out there, you just gotta look.  Horde's IMP is pretty
mature from what I hear, but it's php based...

Re: imap

1999-09-24 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Sep 24, Peter Palfrader aka Weasel wrote:
> The problem I have is performance. Sine we get not many but large
> mails (around 3 megabyte each), a single file mailbox seems not to be
> a good idea.
> I managed to setup procmail to deliver to mail directories (the ones
> with cur/ new/ and tmp/) but the imapd does not support this mailbox
> format.
> Is there a way to configure imapd so that it does support this format
> or can anyone name me an alternate imapd?

Try CMU's cyrus; there's no debian package yet, but it's a superb
server, and actually the basis for many excellent commercial servers.
It stores mail messages in individual files, but not in a
mailreader-supported format, so it won't allow you to keep a normal mail
spool; clients must use POP or IMAP. 

See http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/cyrus/index.html, which is
unfortunately very out of date.  Use the latest version (1.6.13), not
the one listed on the page.  Available at

closed bugs

1999-05-28 Thread Nick Cabatoff
Is there any way of getting complete bug reports (including those that
have been closed) for a particular packages?  I think I've found a bug
in librx1g/regexec(), and was hoping to verify that.

Re: Who is using up my root partition?

1999-10-26 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Oct 26, Pedro Sanchez wrote:
> Hello,
> My root partition is reported as full but I fail to identify the files
> that are taking up all the space. /tmp and /var are symlinks to
> /usr/local/{tmp,var} which are in a different file system just 1% used.
> I use the command du -x to get a report on only the root partition and
> it says that it is using less than 8 MB out of about 50 MB. So, why is
> that df says something different from du?
> I'd appreciate any hint. The machine is running slink with kernel
> 2.0.36.

Maybe there's a process with an open filehandle somewhere?  Try 

  fuser -m /

to get a list of pids that are using root... perhaps one of them has a
big open file that you've removed, but whose space won't be reclaimed
until the process closes the filehandle.

Re: One for you Fetchmail experts out there

1999-11-17 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Nov 16, Kent West wrote:
> Configuration #2
> --
> I can further configure Eudora to delete read mail off the server
> after X days. After X days has transpired, the next time Eudora
> check the mail it deletes any messages older than X days off of
> the server (I assume this is based on the server's marking of the
> messages as having been "seen" or "read").
> I don't know of any way to get fetchmail to do this.

Nor I... the only solution that comes to mind which doesn't involve
programming something yourself is to switch to Mutt and drop fetchmail.
Mutt doesn't support the options you seek directly, but it would allow
you to set up macros that would do it for you.  The action of opening
the folder in question can be hooked to trigger the macro, so it would
happen automatically.  If you're willing to contemplate changing
mailreaders I'll show you how to do it.

> Configuration #3
> --
> I can further configure Eudora to delete read mail if I have
> deleted that mail from the local trash box.
> I don't know of any way to get fetchmail to do this either.

This would be trickier I think.  Can you describe the mechanism in more
detail (that is, the sequence of events leading up to mail being deleted
on the server)?

Re: Libré Software universities? (USA or Canada)

2000-06-06 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Jun 05, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
>  Are there any good inexpensive community or state colleges out there
>  that will allow us to use our freed toolset for the coursework?

McGill's pretty cheap compared to American universities, and its CS
department is very open to free software.  In fact, we've currently
got something on the order of 100 Debian machines and only about 25 NT
machines (the latter are strictly for the introductory courses and for
faculty use.)  Our larger servers run Solaris, most of the others are
Debian, and FreeBSD is making inroads.

intermittent mountd problems

2000-02-15 Thread Nick Cabatoff
I'm going crazy here.  There are two 2.0.38 slink machines serving NFS
at our site, and every few weeks they stop allowing new mounts.  I've
searched exhaustively on the net without finding anything, and I was
hoping maybe someone here had encountered a similar problem.

Incidently, we had the same problem with a 2.0.36 kernel, and it
always coincided with syslog messages flagging possible syn attacks.
We thought that maybe it was a kernel bug, so upgraded and disabled
the syn cookie option, which seemed to fix the problem at the time,
but apparently hasn't.

We can go for weeks without a single blip, and then spend days with
NFS more down than up.  Our users are understandably upset, and so are
we.  I'm having trouble keeping the FreeBSD bigots at bay.

Problem description:

- the NFS daemons (nfsd and mountd) don't die or freeze, but don't 
  service requests; thus in debug mode mountd gives
Feb 15 15:36:05 square mountd[432]: mnt [1 100/2/15 15:36:05 yoda.cnd.mcgill.ca 
Feb 15 15:36:05 square mountd[432]: ^I/exports/u0 
Feb 15 15:36:05 square mountd[432]: NFS mount of /exports/u0 attempted from

  and sometimes even prints a line claiming success, but on the client
  the mount always returns "RPC: Timed out" while the problem is ongoing
- usually it'll be just mountd that screws up, and already mounted
  filesystems are fine; it's unclear to me whether nfsd also gets
  hosed by itself, or if it happens as a result of trying to get mountd
  running again; I suspect the latter
- sometimes restarting nfs-server helps; often we actually have to
  reboot to get a quick fix, but even that doesn't last long on some
  days, and sometimes it doesn't even seem to help at all; sometimes
  multiple kill/restart sequences seem to work, though why that should
  be I don't know

I've tried leaving long straces running on mountd, I've tried sniffing
the network to see if we're being hurt by something else on the
network, and can't see anything noteworthy.  The only oddity I've
noticed recently is that an rpcinfo -p of the server lists two unnamed
services I can't track down (any theories are welcome - I'm pretty
ignorant of rpc stuff generally):

  6001000691   udp773
  6001000691   tcp775

Also, this may be incidental, but the behaviour occurs much less
commonly on the server we have named gloom, which is on a different
network and subject to different traffic.  Fixing it on gloom is
usually more pressing and more lasting, so I haven't had a chance to
investigate as thoroughly there.


p.s. We wanted to try running nfsd/mountd from inetd to see if that
helped matters in the short term, but inetd seemed to only be willing
to register the udp or the tcp servers, not both.  Is this a known
problem?  Lines used were from the manpages, i.e. 

mount/1-2 dgram  rpc/udp wait  root  /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd rpc.mountd
mount/1-2 stream rpc/tcp wait  root  /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd rpc.mountd

nfs/2 dgram  rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd rpc.nfsd
nfs/2 stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd rpc.nfsd

/etc/adjtime does what?

2000-02-17 Thread Nick Cabatoff
I can't find a reference to it anywhere, and since it comes with
base-files it's unclear what program uses it.  I'm just curious.

reading an random block from a floppy

2000-02-18 Thread Nick Cabatoff
I'd like to do the equivalent of

 dd if=/dev/fd0 bs=1k skip=1439 

without having to read through the 1439 blocks in question; that is,
to not treat the floppy as a sequential device.  This is running out
of a floppy boot image (not Debian's, my own) so I don't have perl
available, though I do have awk.  I'd prefer not to have to write a C
hack for it, as that's my last resort; I know it would be easy, I just
don't want to re-invent the wheel.

Any suggestions of tools I could use?  

Re: reading an random block from a floppy

2000-02-18 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Feb 18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 05:21:25PM -0500, Nick Cabatoff generated a
> stream of 1s and 0s:
> > I'd like to do the equivalent of
> > 
> >  dd if=/dev/fd0 bs=1k skip=1439 
> > 
> Maybe you can compile a perl code snippet into a static executable.
> Hopefully execautable will be small, though I doubt it.

Me too.  Never mind folks, I bit the bullet and wrote the code -
figured it would be good practice for my rusty C, even if it is just
50 lines worth of practice.  I guess I just didn't like the idea of
wasting a few K of my bootdisk on such a special-purpose tool, but so
be it. 

Oh well, if anyone else is ever looking for such a tool on debian-user
they'll know who to email. :)

logged boot sequence a la HP-UX

2000-03-08 Thread Nick Cabatoff
I'm wondering if anyone knows of work being done to make sysvinit
capable of logging the output of the rc scripts?  HP-UX does this very
nicely, such that instead of seeing what the script writes on stdout
you get a curses-style table of scripts and their results, e.g.

  Starting NIS server  OK
  Starting NFS server  *FAIL*

I don't really think it's worth having as fancy a display as HP-UX
does, since I wouldn't want my boot sequence to fail just because
curses or slang or whatever broke, but you could get almost as nice a
readout without.  And you could still have the script output written
to rc.log, which is what I'm really looking for.

Re: Debian on the i-opener?

2000-03-17 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Mar 16, Wayne Topa wrote:
>   Has anyone got Debian running on the $99 i-opener yet?  I will be
> trying to as soon as the 2.5" HD gets here.  Should make a nice system
> when USB is stable.

Check out linux-hacker.net/i-opener.  It's i386-based and Linux runs
on it, so there shouldn't be any reason why Debian wouldn't.

Re: USB Mouse under debian Linux

2000-03-29 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Mar 29, Emilio Tejedor wrote:
> Try the 2.3 or 2.4-pre kernel which has USB support.
> I guess that the mouse will work but haven't tried it.

I'm pretty sure 2.2.14 supports it, and I think some earlier ones.  I
haven't tried it myself, but my colleague discovered it by accident,
and I know he hasn't built any development kernels.

dpkg --set-selections failing silently

2000-03-30 Thread Nick Cabatoff
This is with slink's dpkg.  For reasons I don't understand, some
packages don't get set by --set-selections and no explanation is
given.  Currently I've only noticed this with libpng2-dev, librx1g-dev
and zlib1g-dev.  Example:

flanders:/usr/local# dpkg --get-selections |grep png
libpng2 install
flanders:/usr/local# echo libpng2-dev install |dpkg --set-selections
flanders:/usr/local# dpkg --get-selections |grep png
libpng2 install

I've had similar problems when missing dependancies were at issue, but
that doesn't seem to be the case here:

flanders:/usr/local# apt-get install -d libpng2-dev 
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libpng2-dev zlib1g-dev 
0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 21 not
2 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B/264kB of archives. After unpacking 829kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

Re: dpkg --set-selections failing silently

2000-03-30 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Mar 30, Nick Cabatoff wrote:
> This is with slink's dpkg.  For reasons I don't understand, some
> packages don't get set by --set-selections and no explanation is
> given.  Currently I've only noticed this with libpng2-dev, librx1g-dev
> and zlib1g-dev.  

I seem to have resolved this, but see below for a further question.

> I've had similar problems when missing dependancies were at issue, but
> that doesn't seem to be the case here:
> flanders:/usr/local# apt-get install -d libpng2-dev 
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> The following extra packages will be installed:
>   zlib1g-dev 
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   libpng2-dev zlib1g-dev 
> 0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 21 not
> upgraded.
> 2 packages not fully installed or removed.
> Need to get 0B/264kB of archives. After unpacking 829kB will be used.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

It turns out it *was* the case - once I made libc6-dev installable,
everything fell into place.  But then why wasn't apt-get trying to
install libc6-dev?

NIS issues

2000-04-02 Thread Nick Cabatoff
I keep getting mail on some slink machines from cron jobs, e.g. the
"test -f /proc/modules && /sbin/rmmod -a" one.  They contain the
single line:

  yp_all: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by

Anyone know what this signifies, how NIS gets involved in such a
simple cronjob, and what I can do about it?

Re: NIS issues

2000-04-05 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Apr 04, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Nick Cabatoff  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >and what I can do about it?
> Usually it is a very good idea to list the NIS servers directly
> in /etc/yp.conf instead of relying on broadcasts (the default if
> /etc/yp.conf is empty), it makes the NIS client stuff a bit more
> reliable. /etc/init.d/nis stop and start after that.

I gave that a try, but it doesn't seem to have helped.  It looks like
it's a question of our network being saturated during the execution of
certain cronjobs.  Time to buy that new switch, I guess.

Thanks very much for your informative reply.

Re: How can I change a password from a script?

1999-12-03 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Dec 03, Enrico Zini wrote:
> I'm root, I'm on a Debian Slink or on a Debian Potato, and I would
> like to present my intranet users a web page to change their
> passwords.  It would be easy to do, if I just had to work with the
> good old /etc/passwd database: read the old password, verify it,
> encrypt the new one and change it in passwd.

How do you prevent people from cracking passwords via your web page?
I'm still looking for a secure way to accept passwords via HTML - even
with SSL, from what I understand the available authentication stuff
isn't suitable for use with /etc/passwd.  It's too easy for someone
to write a brute-force password scanner that won't leave traces.